Trigeminal neuralgia (facial or trigeminal neuralgia, painful tic, Fothergill's disease, tic douloureux)

Pinched nerve roots are rarely without consequences if the problem is not corrected in a timely manner. This is especially true of the cervical spine, where the nerve endings responsible for the functions of the brain and the blood vessels that feed it are located. This condition is not always accompanied by acute pain, but this does not make it any less dangerous. How to identify a pinched nerve in the cervical spine, and what symptoms should you pay attention to?

Pinched nerve in the cervical spine

Characteristics of the disease

The cervical region is characterized by greater mobility of the spinal column and relative weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, which determines its increased vulnerability. It is here that the nerve fibers are most often affected, and the manifestations of the disease are more intense than in other departments.

Nerve plexus in the cervical spine

Depending on the location of the lesion, pinching is divided into two types - occipital neuralgia and radiculopathy, and in addition to general symptoms, each type has its own specific signs.

Occipital neuralgia is diagnosed when the greater and lesser occipital nerves are compressed by the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and even muscle fibers. It most often appears on one side and affects not only the back of the head, but also the upper part of the neck. According to the nature of the course, neuralgia can be acute and chronic, and, depending on the cause of the pinching, it is divided into primary and secondary. If the cause of the lesion is not eliminated in a timely manner, a change in the structure of the nerve sheath occurs, as a result of which neuralgia turns into neuropathy - a condition accompanied by almost incessant severe pain. In this case, the only treatment option is surgery.

The most important symptom of occipital neuralgia is paroxysmal pain.

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Pinching of other cervical nerves is called radiculopathy . In addition to pain, this condition is characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes and muscle spasms, but can be treated with conservative methods even at an advanced stage. There are three types of radiculopathy: primary (discogenic), secondary (vertebrogenic) and mixed. The intensity of the manifestations directly depends on the severity of the damage to the roots, which also affects the duration of the treatment process.

Radiculopathy occurs when the spinal cord root is pinched

Pinching in the cervical spine poses a serious health hazard: prolonged compression of the roots disrupts the passage of nerve impulses, causes loss of sensitivity of soft tissues, and the effect on blood vessels provokes oxygen starvation of the brain. In the future, this affects the general condition of the body, the functioning of internal organs and systems, not to mention a significant deterioration in the quality of life due to severe pain and limited motor functions.

Cervical pinching poses a serious health hazard

Professor Zhulev Center for Neurology - accurate diagnosis and treatment by the country's leading neurologists

In 2012 A neurological medical center was opened in St. Petersburg, which provides a unique opportunity to be examined and treated directly by two professors of neurology: MD. Zhulev Nikolai Mikhailovich and Doctor of Medical Sciences Zhulev Sergei Nikolaevich. Outstanding scientists, authors of hundreds of scientific papers, articles and monographs, international experts in such fields as neurology, pathophysiology, functional diagnostics, manual therapy, physiotherapy and reflexology. Surprisingly, prices are close to average in medical centers!

Father and son Zhulev personally conduct:

  • initial examination of all patients of the clinic (the cost of an initial consultation is 2 thousand rubles, a second consultation within the next 30 days is 1 thousand rubles);
  • carry out a complex of diagnostic studies using the most modern imported equipment: stimulation electroneuromyography (cost - 2.5 thousand rubles), needle electroneuromyography together with stimulation (cost - 4 thousand rubles), ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck and head (cost - 2 thousand . rub.), electroencephalography (cost - 2 thousand rub.);
  • draw up an individual treatment plan that combines classical and original treatment methods;
  • They treat the patient depending on the established diagnosis and the individual characteristics of his body (age, gender, nature of work, cause and stage of the disease).

A course of treatment at the Center may include one or several of the following procedures:

  • massage and manual therapy (1.5 thousand rubles per session);
  • laser therapy or magnetic therapy (500 rubles per session);
  • acupuncture (1 thousand rubles per session);
  • electroanalgesia (1 thousand rubles per session);
  • drug blockade (5 thousand rubles - the price includes the Center’s medications).

Causes of pinching

There are many reasons why nerve endings are compressed, but the main group includes changes in the spinal column of a degenerative-dystrophic nature. First of all, these are osteochondrosis, spondylosis, intervertebral hernias and related complications. Pinching of nerve fibers also contributes to:

  • congenital pathologies of the spinal column;
  • instability of the cervical vertebrae;

    Cervical spine instability

  • cervical injuries;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • muscle spasms;
  • excessive stress on the neck muscles;

    Excessive stress on the neck muscles

  • general or local hypothermia;
  • endocrine diseases.

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Exercises prescribed for pinched nerve roots

Before you begin performing special gymnastics, you should visit a doctor . The doctor will help you choose the most effective exercise regimen for a particular patient, taking into account the diagnosis, characteristics of the course of the disease, physical fitness and health of the patient.

The specialist will also give recommendations on the duration and intensity of training, and explain the technique of performing exercises. Exercise therapy can be carried out both in a treatment room under the supervision of an experienced professional, and independently at home.

Approximate physical education scheme:

Starting position:Technique:Frequency of execution:
Lying on your backTake 20 short breaths, hold your breath for 12 seconds, then exhale.Repeat 5-7 times
Lying on your stomachRaise your chest and head as high as possible, then smoothly return to the starting position.Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.
Lying on your back, legs bent at the kneesRaise your body and alternately tilt it to the left and right.Perform 2-3 approaches of 15-20 times.
Standing with a straight backSlowly tilt your head forward and back, pressing your chin to your chest, then rest for 20-40 seconds.Complete 5 repetitions.
Standing with straight postureSlowly and smoothly tilt your head to the left and right, take a break for 20-40 seconds.Repeat 5 times.
Standing, hands on the back of the headPress your head onto your hands, while straining your neck muscles.Do 5-7 times.
Standing or sittingRaise your shoulders up, holding them in this position for 5-7 seconds, then lower your shoulders and relax.Do it 5 times.
Standing or sitting, hands fixed on foreheadTry to lower your head down and overcome the resistance of your hands.Repeat several times.
Standing or sitting, hands to templesTilt your head to the sides, trying to overcome the pressure of your hands.Do several repetitions.
Standing or sittingStraighten your back, relax your muscles, gently lower your head and touch your chin to the center of your chest. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly tilt your head back. Perform 5 times, rest, do one more approach.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

Pinched nerve roots have a whole list of symptoms, which can be divided into general and local, depending on the type of nerve, localization of compression and other factors.

General symptoms

Nerves are divided into three groups - sensory (skin), autonomic and motor (muscular). When the nerve roots of the first group are compressed, the most characteristic symptom is pain. Pain occurs at the point of compression and spreads along the nerve; it can affect not only the neck, but also the parietal region of the head, temple, shoulder, and radiate to the arm and under the shoulder blade. Usually the pain is very pronounced and intensifies with movements of the neck and head. The nature of the pain depends on the degree of damage: a person may experience a burning, shooting pain, paroxysmal, stabbing pain, or aching and constant pain.

But pain is not the only sign of pinching. General symptoms include:

Neck pain: what is it like?

Neck pain is a common symptom. According to medical statistics, every third adult has ever experienced neck pain. Right now, one in ten people have neck pain.

As a rule, pain in the neck is constant and aching. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and tinnitus. In some cases, the pain radiates (spreads) to the arms. Along with pain in the neck, pain in the heart area may also be felt, especially with an uncomfortable position. Even with neck pain, there may be complaints of limited neck mobility or a crunch in the neck when turning the head.


A neurologist deals with the problem of pinched nerves. You need to contact a specialist as soon as the first symptoms appear, even if they are quite mild. Hoping that everything will go away on its own, or self-medicating in such cases is very dangerous, because vital structures can be affected. Due to the characteristic symptoms, the neurologist diagnoses pinching already during the initial examination of the patient, but in order to determine the specific area of ​​compression and the degree of nerve damage, the doctor must prescribe additional studies.

The simplest diagnostic method is radiography.

X-ray of the cervical spine

The image clearly shows any pathology of the spine, which makes it possible to establish not only the location of the problem, but also the cause of the pinching.

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging provide more accurate results, but at the same time they have a number of contraindications, so they are not prescribed to all patients.

MRI of the cervical spine and neck vessels

To analyze the work of nerve roots and muscles, electromyography is used - a study using electrodes, a safe and very effective method.

The study can be carried out both in a hospital setting and on an outpatient basis. During it, the patient is in a comfortable position sitting, half-sitting or lying down

If your neck hurts, which doctor should you consult?

Our neck experiences enormous stress every day. If you feel discomfort in your neck, you should definitely consult a doctor. Initially, they usually go to a therapist, who gives referrals to doctors of a more specialized profile. If symptoms such as dizziness, pain radiating to the back of the head, darkening in the eyes appear, then most likely you have a pinched nerve and you can immediately contact a neurologist.

Just a few years ago, a doctor who dealt with neck and spine problems was called a neurologist; neurologist is his modern name. The higher the qualifications of such a specialist, the more accurately the cause of neck discomfort will be determined and the more effective the prescribed treatment will be. Of course, it is best to consult a neurologist with extensive experience, who has a scientific medical degree in this field and an excellent reputation.

How to treat a pinched nerve

The basis of the treatment process is to eliminate the cause of the pinching. Without this, it is impossible to fully restore the functions of the nerve roots, and in the future the condition will only worsen. But first it is necessary to relieve pain and inflammation, and for this the patient is prescribed drug therapy. In the acute phase, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, and drugs to improve blood circulation should be taken. If the pain is very severe, the doctor uses a novocaine blockade to alleviate the patient’s condition. The type and dosage of medications is determined by a specialist; you cannot do this yourself.

Novocaine blockade

When the acute phase has passed, therapeutic exercises for the neck, massage, and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

Under the influence of electrical impulses, blood circulation is normalized, and along with it, restoration processes are launched.

If the cause of pinching is a displacement of the vertebrae, manual therapy has a good effect, but you should contact only a highly qualified specialist. Often, to restore function, it is necessary to ensure complete immobility of the neck, and in these cases the patient is prescribed to wear a special fixing collar.

If you want to learn in more detail how the treatment of cervical vertebral displacement is carried out, and also consider restoration methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Neck brace

Neck brace

Recovery usually takes about three months, provided all medical instructions are followed. After completing the treatment course, it is recommended to take chondroprotectors - drugs that restore cartilage tissue. The most effective of them are “Arthra”, “Glucosamine”, “Teraflex”.

Treatment at home

If you have a pinched nerve in your neck, you can use home treatment to relieve symptoms. But before using any means, it is better to consult a doctor. Although doctors are dismissive of this method, they do not prohibit the use of funds if they do not have a negative effect.

Yet traditional medicine remains popular to this day; there are many recipes for compresses, ointments, and decoctions of medicinal plants. In combination with traditional treatment, folk recipes can have an effect.

Folk remedies

If a nerve is pinched in the neck, the following folk remedies can help relieve symptoms:

  • compresses of horseradish leaves to the site of inflammation and wrap with a cloth, leave until the morning. Several techniques will help get rid of pain and eliminate spasms of muscle tissue.
  • Take fir oil and valerian in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting ointment to the localized inflammation.
  • the mountain wax in a water bath, pour into a container with a flat bottom, wait until it hardens, then apply to the sore area of ​​the neck overnight, wrap with a cloth. High blood pressure is a contraindication.
  • Bath with healing plants . Prepare a decoction of chamomile, nettle, oak bark, and spruce. Add 1 liter of decoction for every 15 liters of water.

It is important not to rely entirely on such therapy; it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations, take pills, use ointments, and undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

In addition to physical activity and diet, the following tips are valuable for preventing symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • equip your workplace in accordance with ergonomic standards (for example, use chairs with neck support and armrests);
  • during the working day, do a warm-up every hour;
  • try to sleep on low pillows and orthopedic or moderately hard mattresses without sagging;
  • walk more, do yoga;
  • monitor your body weight;
  • carefully dose the loads, avoid traumatic activities;
  • from time to time take preventive courses of massage of the cervical-collar area;
  • try not to hold your head in an unnatural position for a long time (for example, pressing the phone to your ear);
  • use comfortable backpacks and bags without distortion;
  • correct your posture;
  • give up bad habits;
  • treat infectious diseases and injuries in a timely manner;
  • annually take a 2-4 month course of the chondroprotector Artracam.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in men

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in men usually appear at the age of 40-45 years. Patients often notice them during physical activity (for example, working out in the gym or lifting weights). Delayed self-diagnosis of symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in men is associated not only with a reluctance to go to the doctor, but also with physiological prerequisites. Men have stronger and thicker vertebrae than women, and the vessels are stronger. Therefore, they may notice discomfort only when changes have already affected the intervertebral discs. Characteristic symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in men include:

  • decreased overall strength and endurance;
  • deterioration of libido and erectile dysfunction;
  • irritability, sometimes neuroses;
  • deterioration of motor skills (“awkward fingers”);
  • headaches that do not go away after taking analgesics.

Vertebral hernias with symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are more common in men than in women.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women

As a rule, symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women appear 5-10 years later than in men. First of all, this is due to the later onset of menopause and anatomical features (including a lighter bone structure).

Before the mass distribution of computers and the demand for “sedentary” professions, the average age of onset of symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women ranged from 50 to 55 years. But now the disease has “rejuvenated” to 40-45 years.

Unlike a similar problem in men, symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women often include:

  • sudden surges in pressure, especially due to the weather;
  • pallor of the face, blue discoloration of the lips and skin;
  • decreased sensitivity, up to numbness, of the skin of the face and cervical-collar area, which is accompanied by tingling or goosebumps;
  • a feeling of nausea, which is especially intensified in stressful situations.

It should be remembered that cervical osteochondrosis is a disease of the whole body, so it can negatively affect conception and the course of pregnancy. Also, symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women can cause ovarian dysfunction and disruption of the monthly cycle.

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