Formation of swelling under the kneecap behind or in front

Is your knee swollen? Does the skin in the projection of edema acquire a bright red color? Is the condition accompanied by pain or burning? This is an acute symptom of bursitis or synovitis, which always manifests itself as swelling of the knee joint. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable - it is important to urgently contact a specialist and treat the problem.

Medical specialists will help determine the exact causes of swelling of the knee joint. Do not tolerate pain and discomfort, which will only intensify in the absence of qualified help.

Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial or periarticular bursa, which secretes the so-called synovial fluid. If work is disrupted in this area, there is a deficiency of fluid, and therefore the articular surfaces begin to actively rub against each other, the process of nutrition of the cartilage is disrupted, pressure on the joint increases during movement, and a so-called effusion is formed (accumulation of fluid from blood vessels due to inflammation). In the chronic course of bursitis, the pathology develops into arthrosis of the knee joint.

Synovitis is characterized by inflammation in the synovium of the joint, where effusion forms.

Symptoms of education

The main symptom that unites all causes of swelling under the knee is external swelling. Its localization and severity vary. Sometimes it appears after severe stress on the limb.

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The manifestation of symptoms depends on the underlying disease, type of injury, and severity of injury. Swelling is accompanied by pain of varying strength, constant or periodic, occurring at different times. It can appear at rest, during sleep or movement. There is limited motor function in the joint. Each case has its own distinctive features.

A Baker's cyst appears in the popliteal fossa and limits the flexion of the limb. Pain appears with the growth of the tumor, which causes stiffness of movement and becomes constant. Intensifies with load on the legs. Large tumors put pressure on blood vessels, lymph nodes, and nerve endings, causing extensive swelling of the extremities.

The first stage of development of a meniscus cyst is characterized by slight limitation of movement, slight pain during exercise, and its absence at rest. In the second stage, limited swelling and persistent pain appear. On the third, a dense protruding neoplasm has formed, acute pain, and movement in the joint is very limited.

Symptoms of Hoffa's disease are similar to meniscal cysts. The swelling is denser to the touch than swelling of other origins and is located under the cup. Feeling of persistent nagging pain. Damage to soft tissues manifests itself with similar symptoms. The shape of the tumor resembles a lump.

Inflammation of the tibial nerve is expressed by severe pain, which gradually descends. Swelling develops from behind. The patient cannot lean on his toes.

A popliteal artery aneurysm is characterized by throbbing pain. The protrusion is confused with a Baker's cyst, but when palpated, a pulsation is felt in the back of the knee. Ulceration of the toes appears.

Popliteal vein thrombosis is characterized by swelling under the knee and a cold limb. The pain appears over time and is immediately severe. It is impossible to bend the leg.

Baker's cyst

The growth of the tumor causes an increase in symptoms. A large tumor can cause swelling under the knee, not only in front, but around the entire joint. Pressure on the nerve endings leads to numbness in the toes.

Baker's cyst responds quite well to treatment if it is not advanced. Using puncture, exudate is sucked out from the tumor. The procedure is performed by a doctor. After the puncture, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

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Fluid may build up again. If the tumor continues to grow and is not treated, it may rupture.

Meniscus cyst

When the cause of a tumor under the knee is identified, a meniscus cyst is often diagnosed. This is a hollow neoplasm in the thickness of the cartilaginous tissue of the meniscus, filled with mucous fluid. Professional athletes who constantly overload the organ of movement often suffer from such ailments.

Tumor of the lateral meniscus is more common. It is large and located on the outside of the joint. Often a tumor causes a meniscus tear. It is easily palpable, denser than Baker's cyst, and does not hide when the leg is bent. A meniscus cyst develops in three stages with increasing manifestations.

Hoff's disease

Chronic inflammatory damage to the fatty bodies in the joint, which perform a shock-absorbing function, is called Hoffa's disease. It is difficult to diagnose and lasts a long time. Swelling under the knee and pain manifests itself in the front of the cup.

Gradually, adipose tissue grows into connective tissue and is replaced by it. Symptoms similar to a meniscus tumor appear. Additional pain and swelling behind the knee is a sign of damage to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The tumor may be insignificant at the beginning of the development of pathology. An undetected disease can easily develop into arthritis and arthrosis.

Soft tissue injuries

The ethological factor in the occurrence of swelling and pain behind the knee can be damage to soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles. They strengthen the joint and provide movement in it. It is fixed from the side and behind and protected from dislocation of the semimembranosus, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus tendons.

Often an injury to the knee joint leads to a sprain and, less often, to a ligament rupture. In addition to pain and swelling, this causes restriction of movement, sometimes redness, and increased temperature at the site of the lesion.

If the muscles are damaged, their spasm, numbness of the knee and adjacent areas of the limb appear. Inflammatory diseases also reduce the strength of the tendon's connective tissue and promote stretching and pinching.

  • How to treat Baker's cyst under the knee, diagnosis of pathology and symptoms

Diseases of nerve fibers and blood vessels

The symptom of swelling of the joint behind the knee appears with pathologies of blood vessels and nerves. Inflammation of the tibial nerve under the knee is characterized by acute pain radiating to the foot.

This disease can occur only with pronounced signs of weakening of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, decreased sensitivity of the lower leg, sole and toes. In this case, movement is difficult; the patient only stands on his heel.

Atherosclerotic vascular lesions or trauma cause the formation of a popliteal artery aneurysm. This leads to anemia of the tissue below the knee, gradual death and gangrene.

Popliteal vein thrombosis is also a vascular disorder that causes swelling under the knee. Rarely seen. A formed blood clot can break off, enter the pulmonary artery and block it. This is the danger of the disease.

Clinical symptoms of knee swelling

Bursitis and synovitis have similar symptoms at the initial stage of development. The main manifestation is swelling of the soft tissues in the knee area. The knee increases in volume, the skin turns red. On palpation, an oval formation can be felt. As for the patient’s sensations, he feels pain, especially after maintaining a sitting position for a long time. The temperature may rise, the patient limps his leg, it becomes difficult to bend and straighten the knee, and increased fatigue is noted. There is stiffness when walking.

Treatment methods

In all cases of pathologies that cause a tumor under the knee, the symptoms, its severity and treatment differ. Conservative and surgical methods are used.

Drug treatment is supplemented with physiotherapy and traditional medicine recipes. To eliminate a tumor under the kneecap in front, caused by Hoffa's disease, exercise therapy is used.

Traditional treatment

In complex conservative treatment, general and local drugs are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic properties (Ibuprofen, Nimid, Advins, Diclofenac, Naklofen);
  • anti-inflammatory ointments and gels for external use (Finalgon, Apizartron, Fastum gel);
  • ointments that relieve swelling (Troxevasin, Allantoin, Lyogel, Benitan).

To treat a cyst (tumor behind the knee), corticosteroid hormonal drugs (Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, Methylprednisolone) are prescribed. They are injected into the synovial bursa to suppress inflammation and reduce fluid production.

Helps cope with swelling and inflammation UHF, magnetic therapy, massage. To restore motor function after drug treatment, exercise therapy is prescribed.

Aneurysm and inflammation of the tibial nerve are treated only with surgery. A thrombus from the popliteal vein is removed using a special method of endovascular balloon thromboextraction. Tumors that cannot be treated conservatively are excised surgically.

First aid for injury

After a limb injury, the area behind the knee swells. It is necessary to prevent swelling from increasing. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Create rest conditions for the injured leg.
  2. Secure the knee with an elastic bandage or improvised means, without tightening the bandage.
  3. Apply ice or something frozen above the injury for no more than 15 minutes. After 20 minutes, repeat again.
  4. Severe pain is relieved by taking painkiller tablets.
  5. Call an ambulance or a doctor. You can deliver the patient to a medical facility yourself, carefully transporting.

Further treatment of the tumor is carried out as prescribed by the doctor. According to his recommendations, it is possible to use traditional recipes.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine with an anti-inflammatory effect in the form of compresses is successfully used to treat tumors under the knee. Apply crushed potatoes, cut aloe leaf or its juice, a clean leaf of fresh cabbage, burdock, lemon juice, warm sunflower oil, and a decoction of celandine.

For swelling under the knee at the back, take an infusion of golden mustache herb, apple cider vinegar with an equal part of honey, dissolved in warm water.

Causes of swelling under the knee

A tumor behind the knee appears due to various factors. Most often the symptom occurs due to the following pathologies:

  • injuries;
  • acute inflammatory process in a joint or muscle;
  • destructive changes in the elements of the articular joint;
  • impaired blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • peripheral nerve diseases.

The amount of intervention depends on the nature of the process. Patients who seek medical help on time are most successfully treated.

Pathologies of joint capsules

Inflammation in the joint lining leads to excess production of synovial fluid. The pathological process is called “Baker's cyst”. The tumor behind the knee is palpated as a soft mass.

The disease manifests itself as a violation of motor function: flexion and extension of the knee is difficult. The pain spreads from the knee to the calf muscle and down the foot, often accompanied by numbness. The painless form becomes the reason for seeking medical help in the later stages.

Swelling may appear due to inflammation of the lymph nodes, which increase in size due to exposure to the infectious agent.

Meniscal cysts

The meniscus is a formation of cartilage tissue that ensures optimal mobility of the knee. Injury or degenerative processes cause the formation of a cyst (a cavity inside the cartilage that is filled with fluid

The formation provokes pain while walking. The tumor first appears in the lateral part of the joint (external or internal), and then spreads to the posterior or anterior surface. The growth of the cyst can cause swelling to spread beyond the joint.

Young people who engage in intense sports are at increased risk. In these cases, the disease does not receive due attention, and the process progresses.

A neglected cyst can cause arthrosis with deformation.

Hoff's disease

The knee is surrounded not only by the joint membrane, but also by muscles, ligaments and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Hormonal and dystrophic changes provoke the destruction of adipose tissue. The disease is steadily progressing, the patient complains of a formation under the knee, which is swollen and painful.

The swelling at the back of the knee has a dense consistency, the pain is characterized as nagging. The pain syndrome is localized mainly on the inner surface of the articular joint. Movements are difficult, activity increases discomfort.

Pathologies of blood vessels and nerve fibers

Changes in the vessels located in the popliteal fossa can cause swelling behind the knee.

Most often, vascular pathology is manifested by problems such as thrombosis and aneurysm.

Vein disease is often accompanied by blood clots. Soft tissues suffer from hypoxia, which is associated with blanching or cyanosis of the skin of the affected limb. Patients note heaviness in the leg and pain. The thrombus blocks the lumen of the vessel, ischemic phenomena are observed. The problem requires urgent emergency measures. If it is not possible to conservatively restore patency, surgery is resorted to.


Swelling behind the knee can be prevented by following these rules:

  1. Eat the right foods containing essential vitamins and minerals. Consume fresh vegetables, fruits, natural juices, nuts, cereals, lean meat.
  2. Avoid overloading the limbs.
  3. Perform daily physical exercises appropriate to your age and health status, and play sports.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Take vitamin complexes in consultation with your doctor.

It is necessary to take care of your feet and maintain healthy joints. Because movement is life that must be preserved. Swelling under the knee can be managed, but it is better to prevent it from occurring.

I write articles in various areas that, to one degree or another, affect such a disease as edema.

Every person has encountered leg tumors in their life. However, chronic edema is a malaise that is noticeably uncomfortable. Such a nuisance is no longer associated with simply being in the wrong position, causing blockage of blood vessels and a feeling of wobbly legs. If the swelling rises higher - from the toes to the foot, then to the knee, problems with blood circulation are considered serious and can become symptoms of diseases.

What causes the swelling

The main reason for the occurrence of a tumor behind the knee (or in front) is the nature of a person’s movements. We are talking about the load that falls on the knee joints every day. In the indicated place, four large bones are connected simultaneously, providing support to the person. The joint is regularly subjected to severe stress.

Swelling behind the knee

Among the common pathologies are:

  1. Injuries to the knee joint, sprained ligaments and muscles, meniscal rupture (or accumulation of fluid in it), an abundance of synovial fluid in the joint. Synovial fluid helps joints and cartilage not rub against each other. Increased friction worsens the quality of joints, spoils them, and makes them unhealthy. Synovial fluid accumulates, creating a small mass in the front or back. The pathology is called Baker's cyst.
  2. Muscle damage associated with simple physical activity. For example, with a sharp increase in the load on the legs, the knees can rebel. It is necessary to gradually prepare the joint when developing physical training complexes.
  3. Damage to the fat folds of the leg becomes a consequence of the development of arthrosis or a simple hormonal imbalance. If tendons, joint capsules and muscles are damaged, quite typical syndromes develop - stiffness in movement, swelling and tumors. The pathology can be diagnosed exclusively in the acute stage. In other cases it is easy to confuse with a cyst. Bone fracture at the knee
  4. Bone fractures.
  5. Difficulties with nerve endings or fibers, including those related to the spine. There are three types of neurological pathologies: aneurysm of the popliteal artery, thrombosis itself, or an inflamed nerve of the tibia. In these cases, treatment and symptoms vary. For example, popliteal thrombosis may not appear for a long time; if it worsens, it will cause severe pain. Drawing and throbbing pain is a signal of dissection of the artery under the knee. As for the nerves of the tibia, the pain first occurs under the kneecap, then reaches the foot. The average patient is quite capable of confusing these pains with other phenomena.
  6. Damage to blood vessels, in particular lymph nodes. For example, varicose veins are characterized by the formation of blood clots, the development of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. The skin at the site of the tumor has an elevated temperature, and sometimes redness is clearly noticeable at the site of blood accumulation.

In some cases, knees become swollen not due to leg disease. The source is hidden higher - in the spine. For example, spinal nerve endings can become pinched or osteochondrosis develop. The main pain sensations arise lower due to the fact that the human skeleton is a single large system; difficulties in a certain place can cause pain in the opposite part of the body.

Consultation with a doctor

Possible complications

Failure to provide assistance in a timely manner is the cause of complications. An unfavorable outcome of the disease may be the addition of:

  • arthrosis with deformation;
  • rupture of Baker's cyst with fluid penetration into the calf muscles;
  • stiffness;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • infection of the knee joint and surrounding tissues.

Adverse consequences can be avoided if you seek qualified help in time and undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation.

Swelling in the knee area without pain requires mandatory intervention from specialists. Ignoring the symptom leads to destruction of the articular surface - it will be impossible to restore function in the future.

A tumor under the knee, both in front and behind, can be a sign of various diseases. To find out why the knee hurts and swells, you will need to carry out diagnostic measures in full. Therapy in the early stages of the process avoids complications.


Often people spoil the development of the disease with their own interference, causing harm to themselves. It's better to wait to see a doctor. Before visiting the clinic, you should not take drastic measures to eliminate the tumor behind the knee.

At the appointment, the doctor will ask the patient questions regarding lifestyle and heredity. It happens. selected nervous, muscle and bone diseases are transmitted from parents to children. Genetics does not guarantee the inevitable incidence of disease, but the doctor must take into account the hereditary factor during the examination.

The doctor will examine the leg from the front, from the back - at the knee and below. By listing an exhaustive list of symptoms, the diagnosis is made quite quickly, and the clinical picture will emerge clearly and distinctly. In opposite cases, treatment will take on a gentle nature with a preliminary diagnosis, often becoming ineffective.

X-ray of the knee

When determining the cause of pain in the knee and swelling in the back, radiation is used as diagnostic measures: a common method is x-rays. In equipped medical clinics there are devices for computer and magnetic resonance imaging. Any radiation has sufficient permeability, demonstrating what is happening under the skin, including processes in the bones.

Remember, the best examination is comprehensive; a lot of procedures and tests mean that doctors are trying to find the optimal treatment for the patient.


Getting rid of a tumor from behind takes on a different character. A common feature of a number of treatment systems is early diagnosis associated with successful early treatment. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with a Baker's cyst, it is enough to perform a puncture to pump out excess synovial fluid from the joint. Then a medicinal drug is injected, and an elastic bandage tied below is applied to the knee.

The best treatment is considered to be complex: various procedures (including physiological) are combined with taking medications and using folk remedies (if desired). If the patient has knee pain or a small tumor has formed, anti-inflammatory drugs should be prescribed.

Treatment necessarily includes physical exercises, which are regulated by the attending physician. The leg never stops moving, but therapeutic exercises are aimed at warming up the leg, trying to return the limbs to full motor functionality.

Surgical intervention is performed when the disease is severely advanced and begins to spread throughout the limb. It is better not to delay contacting a doctor.

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