Elena Malysheva about arthrosis of the knee joint: video program Live healthy || Live healthy leg joints

How to forget about joint pain

  • Joint pain limits your movements and full life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain...
  • You may have tried a bunch of medications, creams and ointments...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much...

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that a truly effective remedy for joint pain exists! Read more >>>

Source sustavlive.ru

Mark Galperin conducts an appointment at the Elena Malysheva Medical CenterCenter phone number

First step: if you have shoulder pain, then you should get an MRI of the shoulder joint

It is important to do an MRI, since such pain may be a manifestation of a malignant tumor. In addition, an MRI can help you see what is causing your shoulder pain.

For example, if shoulder pain is due to a muscle or tendon tear, then the problem must be treated surgically. Second step: if the examination shows that you do not have a dangerous pathology, then you can get rid of shoulder pain with the help of special exercises:

  • Lean forward a little and then begin to swing your arms back and forth.
  • Bend over, place your healthy hand on your knee, and with the other hand make circular movements in one direction and the other.

Third step: you need to seek help from a doctor to find out the cause of the pain. Often shoulder pain occurs due to the development of arthrosis or inflammation in the shoulder joint.

Fourth step: you can relieve pain from inflammation of the shoulder joint using a special injection.

Fifth step: After the injection, the doctor can move the patient's arm to improve shoulder mobility.


Good afternoon! After watching the program on October 26. I, too, have had pain in my shoulder for more than a year. I’ve been doing exercises, taking a course with Bubnovsky, doing blockades, acupuncture, shock wave therapy, MRI twice, I received naphthalan in the sanatorium, I apply ointments in the morning and evening, but nothing helps. I’m tired of the aching pain. I want to make an appointment with D.N. Shubin or Galperen, this will be the last step. So much money has been given, but there is no result. Please help….

Good afternoon, Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin and Mark Yakovlevich Galperin are hosting a reception at the Elena Malysheva MC. Center phone number: 8 (495) 268-12-12.

Hello. Please tell me what drugs were used in the syringe when injected into the shoulder, issue 10/26/2017 about shoulder pain.

Source www.zdorovieinfo.ru

Indications for radiofrequency denervation of facet joints

  • Backache;
  • Pain in the cervical spine;
  • Pain in the thoracic spine;
  • Neuralgia of the occipital nerve (occipital neuralgia);
  • Headache;
  • Ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • Good result of trial selective joint blockade.

Radiofrequency ablation of facet joints is considered a safe and effective treatment for spinal pain. The spinal neurosurgeon performs all manipulations under the control of an X-ray machine, so the needle and electrode are inserted into the required area of ​​the nerve with maximum precision. RFD takes about 1 hour, after the operation the patient is transferred to the hospital. Patients leave positive reviews of radiofrequency denervation of the facet joints, since the quality of life after RFD improves immediately, and the treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon, a leading specialist in minimally invasive interventional methods of pain treatment in St. Petersburg.

If conservative therapy (physical therapy, medications, hardware treatment) does not produce positive results, and spinal surgery can be waited or you are not ready for it, then the most favorable treatment tactic may be radiofrequency denervation of the facet joints. Reviews about the spinal neurosurgery center of the clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov can be viewed here.

A consultation with a neurosurgeon will help determine whether radiofrequency denervation is appropriate for your problem. You will first need to perform a trial block of the facet joint.


Signs of joint problems

At the beginning of the “Live Healthy” program, according to tradition, Elena Malysheva conducted a test with Anatoly Orletsky for the audience present. Guests were asked to sit down several times. Those people who heard the crunching in their knees pressed the red button on the remote control.

For most, the problem was discovered. As Professor Orletsky noted, arthrosis and arthritis have become significantly “younger” in Russia. If previously creaking and crunching in the knees was found only in older people, now the problem with the knees is familiar to many young people.

The video below shows an excerpt from the TV show “Live Healthy,” where Elena Malysheva and Orletsky talk about what arthrosis of the knee joint is.


A slight crunching sound when walking or squatting may indicate damage to the knee. Not to mention pain - if it is detected, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Live healthy with Elena Malysheva pain and arthrosis of the knee joint

Elena Malysheva, in her TV show “Live Healthy” on Channel One, touches on many health problems. A lot of airtime is devoted to such a disease as arthrosis of the knee joint. There are many causes of ailments in the kneecap, and before finding a treatment method, you need to make a correct diagnosis - a specialist says this.

Elena Malysheva talks about knee joints quite often in her program.

In addition, Malysheva examines every cause of leg problems, including arthrosis of the knee joint, and why pain occurs in the knee joint.

The expert and assistant presenter in the program about joints was Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Orletsky. Anatoly Korneevich is the head of the Center for Sports Trauma and Rehabilitation. His recommendations are simply invaluable.

Strengthening your knees

If you are overweight, it is important to strengthen your knees. To do this, Elena Malysheva, speaking about strengthening the joints of the knees, suggests performing special exercises: lying on the floor, turning to one side

We bring our feet together and spread our legs at the knees.

Thanks to this exercise, the buttocks are strengthened, and they are directly responsible for the condition of the knees. Next, we place the jump rope under the thigh. The arm bends at the elbow and serves as a support for the body. Let's start skipping rope.

Exercise increases blood flow. Therefore, little by little, but you need to start practicing. A massage will be very useful. You can do a vacuum massage using a can. You can buy a jar at any pharmacy. It costs up to 100 rubles.


Instead of a jar, you can use a regular plunger, which is found in every home. Before the massage, the plunger should be washed well and then applied to the knee. Keep the suction plunger on the cup for no more than two minutes. But in case of knee swelling, massage is contraindicated!

Older people can wear a knee pad or an elastic bandage on the sore knee. The bandage will strengthen the joint and limit unnecessary movements.

To summarize, we can say that you need to take care of your health. In order not to trigger the disease, you need to listen to your body and contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner.

This will prevent the extreme method of solving a knee problem - surgery.

In order to familiarize yourself in detail with the recommendations of Professor Orletsky, you can watch the recording of the “Live Healthy” program about knee joints.


Treatment at home for arthrosis of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a common disease that can be treated at home, but only with the methods chosen by a rheumatologist. We should not forget that for successful therapy, these methods must be combined with medication, and their prescription will depend on the severity of inflammation and its causes.


You need to select exercises wisely and correctly. Otherwise, they will bring no benefit, but only harm. During exercise, no pain should be felt under any circumstances. Before starting classes, you need to prepare your knees - pat them, rub them clockwise and counterclockwise, relax the muscles. After this, you can start training.

  1. Sit on a high chair so that your feet do not touch the floor. Swing first one leg, then the other, and then both together. Perform for each leg for 7 minutes, every day 3 or 4 times.
  2. Sit on a chair, place your feet on the floor. Place your sore foot on the floor and raise your heel, the higher the better. Then lower your heel to the floor and repeat the exercise again. Be sure to do this for each leg. A total of 10 lifts, repeat up to 4 times a day.
  3. The starting position is the same. Place the affected leg on the heel and slap the foot on the floor. Make all movements carefully and carefully.

The therapeutic effect will increase significantly if you start exercising in the pool, but only under the supervision of a trainer.


Simple and accessible massage movements will allow you to restore the functioning of nerve endings, improve blood flow to affected tissues, and restore elasticity to ligaments and tendons.

Before the massage, the knee should be warmed up with light circular movements. It is advisable to do this under a warm shower. The main techniques should be considered:

  1. Circular strokes clockwise and counterclockwise.
  2. Tapping your fingers on your knee.
  3. Tapping with the edge of the palm.
  4. Circular stroking with pressure.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. If massage is carried out for preventive purposes, then it is advisable to do it no more than once a week, for therapeutic purposes - every day.

After consultation with a doctor, knee arthritis can be treated at home using various compresses and tinctures. When preparing, you must follow the dosage and do not forget that such treatment has its own contraindications.

For the first option you will need burdocks. You need to pick a few pieces, steam them in a water bath, but do not put them in water. After steaming, apply to the knee, which must first be lubricated with any cream. Wrap the compress with a bandage and leave overnight.

For the second option you will need cabbage leaves. You don't have to prepare them in advance. Place the torn leaves on the joint, wrap in plastic, wrap with a warm cloth, and also leave overnight.

For the third option, you need to prepare celandine. You can also take dry grass. Brew no more than one tablespoon. Pour boiling water and wait until it cools to 40 degrees. Drink the infusion before meals, and make a compress from the steamed herbs.


After a massage, as well as before bedtime, the affected joint can be rubbed with healing tinctures. You can prepare them yourself.

Most often it is recommended to use chamomile infusion, sunflower oil or tincture of dandelions, or rather, from their heads.

All rubbing used should only be at room temperature. Rub in for 5 – 10 minutes, then wrap the knee with a warm cloth. The procedure is especially useful at night.

Infusions or decoctions are recommended for use. Preparing them is very simple - just pour boiling water over the required amount of herb and put it under a warm scarf to infuse.

For arthrosis of the knees, herbs such as nettle, but only young ones that have not given seeds or begun to bloom, juniper, young birch leaves, and also horsetail, help well.


If you have inflammation of the joints, your diet must include foods such as cottage cheese, almonds, sprouted wheat, and wholemeal bread. These products contain large amounts of calcium, as well as vitamins B and E.

But there are also foods that are not recommended for people with arthrosis. This includes alcohol, all citrus fruits, factory-produced semi-finished meat products, fatty meats, baked goods, and confectionery products.

With proper and comprehensive treatment, arthritis can be eliminated in the shortest period of time.

Clinical picture of arthrosis

Considering the symptoms of osteoarthritis, it is worth noting that patients suffering from this disease do not immediately consult a doctor and thereby aggravate their condition and cause even greater harm to the musculoskeletal system of the knee.

The disease progresses and along with it the patient’s condition worsens. It is also scary because if this disease is not treated, it progresses and causes changes in the knee joint.

And such a medical picture can only be corrected through surgery. Let's look at the main symptoms of this disease:

  • Increasing pain when going up or down stairs, standing in one place for a long time or walking.
  • Pain in the knee that spreads to the lower leg.
  • Frequent crunching in the knee when bending.
  • A small tumor at the knee joint, the swelling may increase over time.
  • The pain prevents you from fully straightening or bending your leg.
  • Feeling of skin tightness at the knee joint.
  • During a calm state, unexpected pain in the knee.
  • After sitting or sleeping for a long time, the leg walks for a long time, causing pain to its owner.

general information

The knee joint regularly experiences enormous stress. Walking, running, jumping, climbing stairs and simply standing - all this has an impact on the condition of cartilage. The processes of destruction and restoration are in constant balance, but if, under the influence of certain reasons, this balance is disturbed, the gradual development of arthrosis begins.

Initially, microcracks appear in the thickness of the cartilage, which help reduce its thickness in some areas. As a result, the load is redistributed on the contacting surfaces of the bones, which accelerates the pathological process. Gradually, a whole complex of changes occurs in the knee:

  • thinning of cartilage until complete disappearance;
  • changes in the composition and reduction in the amount of synovial fluid;
  • damage to bones due to friction against each other;
  • the appearance of bone protrusions (osteophytes) first along the edges of the joint, and then throughout its entire area;
  • compaction of the joint capsule as a result of a chronic inflammatory process, which leads to joint stiffness;
  • compensatory spasm of surrounding muscles.

Ultimately, the knee becomes significantly deformed and mobility is limited, leading to disability.

Depending on the location of the process, arthrosis of the knee joint can be unilateral and affect the right or left knee, or bilateral. In this case, both legs are affected.

Make an appointment


Basic principles of the diet:

  1. Reduce the size of portions, but increase the number of meals (eat in small portions, but often).
  2. Increase the amount of dairy dishes in your diet, which are sources of calcium, as well as seafood and fish (a source of collagen and phosphorus).
  3. Limiting sweet, starchy, fatty and salty foods.
  4. Reduce salt intake to a minimum.
  5. Replace the consumption of animal fats with dairy and vegetable fats.
  6. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

If you have arthrosis, you should never go hungry - the menu should be designed in such a way as to increase the supply of nutrients without harm to the body and reduce the amount of harmful foods.


Physiotherapeutic treatment, in the absence of contraindications, is widely used for the treatment of arthrosis in combination with other measures. They help enhance the effect of medications, reduce their dosage, and avoid side effects. It can be prescribed from the first days of illness and combined with drug therapy.

The main physiotherapeutic methods used in the treatment of arthrosis are as follows:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • phototherapy.

Under their influence, inflammatory reactions are reduced, regeneration processes are improved, vascular tone, blood flow and lymph flow are normalized. As a result, metabolic processes improve and more nutrients enter the joint, making it more resilient.

Oral preparations

In the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint, infusions of medicinal plants are especially in demand. They have a mild anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Many herbal teas have diuretic properties, which allows them to be used to remove tissue breakdown products and harmful mineral salts from joints.

Lemon juice

To speed up metabolism and restore tissues affected by arthrosis, traditional healers recommend taking a teaspoon of lemon juice after meals 1-2 times a day. It can be mixed with an equal amount of honey. This method of treatment is contraindicated for diseases of the stomach with high acidity, for example, hyperacid gastritis.

Anti-inflammatory fees

When preparing anti-inflammatory mixtures, St. John's wort, elecampane, chamomile, birch buds, calendula, lemon balm, and corn silk are used in equal parts. To prepare the infusion, brew a teaspoon of herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Cool, filter, drink throughout the day.

Thyme flowers

Flowers appear at the ends of branches in early summer. They are collected, dried and used to prepare fragrant tea, which has a calming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Pour a tablespoon of dried flowers into a ceramic teapot and pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for an hour, filter, drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day after meals.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the shoulder joint video

Specially selected exercise therapy exercises can be performed at home, starting with 5 minutes a day and gradually increasing the duration of classes to 20 minutes. This is a mandatory element of the treatment of this disease.

The simplest and most effective exercises are the following:

  • Hand swing. To do this, sit on a chair with your arm hanging down and relaxed. Without bending your elbow, move it back and forth. Repeat 10 times with each hand.
  • Raising and lowering the shoulder. Sit on a chair, then at the same time, then alternately lower and raise your shoulders. Repeat 10 times.
  • Shoulder rotation. Alternately or simultaneously rotate your shoulders back and forth. Repeat 10 times.

Video: gymnastics for the shoulder joint.


Causes of joint diseases

One of the program's heroines came into the hall complaining that her knee hurt - Malysheva and her team tried to help. The woman was clearly overweight; she walked with difficulty. The knee is the largest joint in the human skeleton, but this mechanism also performs a lot of “work”. The knee joint moves the entire weight of the body from place to place. Therefore, people who are overweight most often have problems with their knees. The joint simply cannot withstand the heavy load.

Even if the joint is replaced, and the problem of excess weight remains unresolved, the knees will still hurt. When worn, the cartilage breaks. Unable to withstand much weight, the meniscus also tears. And this leads to inflammation in the joint.

You can determine the degree of the disease by ear - when going down the steps or squatting, you need to pay attention to the creaking in your knees. If a pronounced sound predominates, which is accompanied by painful sensations, then perhaps this already indicates the development of arthrosis

Since pain when bending the knee joint is characteristic of meniscus damage.

Symptoms of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is characterized by a long development, sometimes in the initial stages the symptoms do not manifest themselves at all.

Shoulder arthrosis is usually indicated by:

  1. The first, and often the only symptom of shoulder arthrosis is pain. In the first period of the disease, it appears rarely, in the form of faint echoes when turning the hand awkwardly or during physical exertion. Gradually, the pain intensifies, annoying at night, with an uncomfortable position of the hand, with sudden movement. The more arthrosis progresses, the more severe the pain becomes.
  2. Swelling, increased general temperature and redness at the site of the affected joint. These signs confirm the presence of inflammation in the diseased joint.
  3. Painful crunch, creaking in the joint. It usually occurs due to salts deposited in the diseased joint (osteophytes). Initially, a weak, creaking rustle appears in the diseased joint; as the disease progresses, it turns into distinct crunchy clicks, audible even at some distance from the patient.
  4. Hardening of the joint. This symptom appears when the disease is advanced due to bone growths that cover the joint.
  5. Motor dysfunction. Because of the pain, it becomes difficult for the patient to cope with seemingly simple tasks on his own, for example, combing his hair. By the way, this action is one of the test movements for diagnosing arthrosis. Rotational movements and attempts to move the arm back are also difficult. If treatment is not started on time, then gradually the shoulder joint and, accordingly, the arm stop moving altogether, and contracture develops.

You should not put off going to the clinic if you suddenly begin to experience pain in your shoulder, especially after a bruise or dislocation. Indeed, in the later stages, arthrosis is practically untreatable. Please note that some patients may have no signs of the disease at all.

Why pain occurs and how to treat it

Pain in the knee joint was discussed many times in the program “Live Healthy.”

If for some reason the cartilage tissue is damaged, then it is no longer possible to restore it. You should not trust advertising of drugs that promise to completely restore cartilage. This is impossible. After all, a new one will not grow - that’s a fact.

Over the years, or with constant physical activity, the cartilage tissue of the knee joint becomes thinner. Small cracks appear first - this is the first stage, and if this moment is missed and timely treatment is not started, then the cracks will stop becoming serious breaks. If you wait until the fourth stage of the disease, the person will not be able to walk, because the bones are already severely deformed. Joint replacement is performed only at the third stage of the disease.

There are two methods of treating knees - conservative and surgical. So injections are a conservative method. It is able to replenish the lubrication balance in the joint. The missing amount of lubricant is injected into the knee through a needle, and thus the problem of crunching is solved.

Professor Orletsky suggests doing “lubricating” injections twice a year for those who are predisposed to problems with the knee joints. These include older people, overweight people and athletes. And also those who, due to their lifestyle, often encounter hardships. Injections are made in order to avoid the moment of lack of lubrication. For Russia this is an absolutely normal experience. It is best to give injections in spring and autumn.

In addition to injections, you can also take pills to relieve inflammation from a damaged joint. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help. They will relieve swelling and reduce pain. But only a doctor should determine the dose, otherwise the knee may not be cured, but may harm the entire body.

All these drugs need to be taken only for the first five days, that is, in short courses. From the very beginning of the onset of pain, non-steroids can relieve pain. But if you take the pills for a long time, it will be difficult for doctors to determine the cause of the discomfort in the knee, and not just relieve the pain.

Therefore, if you are treated only with pills that relieve pain and inflammation, the damaged tissue will continue to deteriorate.

Treatment of arthrosis in the Live Healthy program

Elena Malysheva: Good morning, dear friends! This is the “Live Healthy” program! Today the topic of our program is joint pain. An expert in the treatment of joints will help me - this is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Korneevich Orletsky, who heads an excellent center for sports injury and rehabilitation. This is a new state center that opened on Taganka. And it was he who suggested the topic of our program.

Elena Malysheva: As always, we start our program with a test. Before us is our experimental nine, Dmitry Nikolaevich, what test will we give them today?

Dmitry Shubin: Yes, we will start, as always, with the test. Everyone please stand up. And please do 3-4 squats, not full ones, but half squats will be enough. You can also easily do this test at home to check your joints.

Elena Malysheva: Yes, the crunching sounds throughout our entire studio.

Dmitry Shubin: So, those who have pain or crunching in the knee joints press the red button, and those who do not, press the green one.

Elena Malysheva: Four people did not feel pain or crunching, and five felt discomfort, pain or crunching. Anatoly Korneevich, what are the statistics on arthrosis and arthritis, are they very common?

Anatoly Orletsky: These diseases are very common in our country; moreover, these diseases have become much younger. We currently receive a lot of patients with arthrosis or arthritis, of various stages, at a very young age - this is approximately 17-18-19 years. The specificity of the load, excess weight, hormonal levels - there are a lot of options that contribute to the rejuvenation of joint diseases.

Elena Malysheva: Now I want to turn to our experimental nine, well, friends, since you were watched today by a very representative group of doctors under the leadership of Professor Orletsky, a diagnosis will now light up on your screens. So we have seven people with a red screen. Andrey Petrovich, who should we call?

Dmitry Shubin: We’ll call Tatyana. Tatyana come to us.

Elena Malysheva: Tatyana, good afternoon! Have you lit the color red on your monitor yourself?

Tatyana: Good afternoon! Did I light up the color red?

Elena Malysheva: Do you feel pain when squatting?

Tatyana: The fact is that I had a leg injury and had surgery, and after that I feel pain with minor exertion.

Elena Malysheva: Let's go to our mannequins and see what's happening in our joints.

Elena Malysheva: Anatoly Korneevich, let's look at the stages of development of joint disease, and explain what happens to people and why, step by step.

Anatoly Orletsky: The main point is related to the cartilage covering of the bones, that is, by analogy with the road, small cracks appear first - this is the first stage. Depending on the lack of treatment or aggravating factors, these cracks turn into small holes and craters.

Hence the feeling of crunching in the joints, when there is no smooth sliding surface, the problem begins, and subsequently there is a significant increase in pain, crunching, and a decrease in the supportability of the joints. The main joints under load are the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Elena Malysheva: Look, we have a healthy joint, here everything is blue and everything is wonderful here. But this is the final stage, when the entire joint is already mutilated, there are continuous growths and craters.

Anatoly Orletsky: Yes, this is already the fourth stage, during which the person no longer walks, this person is completely ripe for joint replacement. Moreover, this will be a difficult replacement option; it is preferable to do the replacement at the third stage, when there are no such severe bone deformations.

Elena Malysheva: I wonder what stage our guest is at? What do you think, Anatoly Korneevich?

Anatoly Orletsky: I think that most likely this is a transitional option between the second and third degrees. The fact is that Tatyana had a fractured leg injury, so any injury is an aggravating moment in the progression of the phenomenon of arthrosis or arthritis. The disease progresses faster.

Elena Malysheva: Arthrosis or arthritis is a situation where there is a symptom - pain. Tatyana, tell us what symptoms you have, what worries you now, and then Professor Anatoly Korneevich will add.

Tatyana: First of all, I feel a crunching sensation, I only experience pain when I walk down the stairs, there is no pain when climbing or walking on a flat surface.

Elena Malysheva: Anatoly Korneevich, in general, crunching, it seems to me that everyone has it, or is it still a symptom of joint diseases?

Anatoly Orletsky: No, after all, this crunching sensation is the predominant factor in terms of the clinical picture, it all depends on the intensity of the crunch, and as Tatyana said, for her, going down the stairs is the most painful. This indicates not only the arthrosis component of the disease, but also damage to the meniscus.

Elena Malysheva: Dmitry Nikolaevich is bringing me scissors with the inscription age. What does age do to menisci?

Anatoly Orletsky: With age, the so-called degenerative change in the meniscus occurs. The meniscus becomes thinner, less elastic, and it gradually collapses along the periphery.

Elena Malysheva: Of course, I want you to tell everyone who hears and sees us now, what to do? Anatoly Korneevich, the question is: how to treat? After all, before going to the doctor, patients take two groups of drugs: painkillers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Is this right or wrong?

Anatoly Orletsky: If these drugs are used in short courses, that is, 3-5 days from the moment the pain symptom occurs, then there is nothing wrong with that. But in any case, not a long course, since we must find the cause of the pain and eliminate it, and not just fight with painkillers. With long-term treatment with such drugs, the joints are not treated, but their further destruction occurs.

Elena Malysheva: So how to treat joints? The second most popular method is injections into the joints.

Anatoly Orletsky: It should be said that joints are treated using conservative and surgical methods. Conservative methods involve increasing the amount of lubrication in the joints. The simplest and most effective way is to inject a special gel directly into the joint. At the same time, we remove crunching and pain.

Elena Malysheva: When is the milestone? When can our guest count on conservative treatment, and when can she not do without surgery?

Anatoly Orletsky: We recommend doing injections in the joints twice a year, focusing on Russian realities, November and March - changes in weather, change in ground cover and change of shoes, at this time there is always an exacerbation. That is, this is the standard option for Russia.

If a double course of injections does not help, that is, there is no reduction in pain and the crisis continues, then we recommend surgical treatment.

Elena Malysheva: Unfortunately, treating joints with injections is very expensive and quite painful. What other methods of conservative treatment can you recommend to patients?

Anatoly Orletsky: I agree, we begin to advise patients to give injections already at the third stage, in rare cases at the second, it depends on many factors. And in the initial stages, we recommend that patients of our center take the drug Artrotok. Thanks to its composition, it allows you to restore damaged cartilage, increases the elasticity of joints, and increases the amount of lubricant.

Artrotok is one of the most effective remedies for joints.

Elena Malysheva: As far as I know, this drug has passed clinical trials in Russia.

Anatoly Orletsky: Absolutely right, this drug underwent large-scale clinical trials in 2013 with the support of the Russian Ministry of Health and has all the necessary quality certificates.

Anatoly Orletsky: Unfortunately, due to the small volumes of production of this gel, it can only be purchased via the Internet. As the Ministry of Health told us, this drug will appear on the shelves of retail pharmacies in Russia approximately by the end of 2021.

Elena Malysheva: But anyone can order it online. Due to the many counterfeits of this drug, our program with the management of Channel One decided to publish a link to the official website of the supplier of this drug in Russia, which, together with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, sells it at a discount.

The “Live Healthy” program reminds you that the original ARTROTOK gel can only be ordered on the official website, which is published below. This gel has all the necessary certificates and is tested for effectiveness. There are a lot of fakes in Russia, ordering which you will not get the effect.

Elena Malysheva: As you can see, you can cure joints without surgery and without expensive injections, the main thing is not to delay treatment, because at first you can get rid of joint pain in just a couple of days. Therefore, do not delay treatment and stay healthy with ARTROTOK gel. And I remind you that you can only order it on the official website.

Traditional methods

The following techniques are available for use at home:

  • A heaping tablespoon of oatmeal is poured into two glasses of water and put on fire to boil for 10 minutes. The resulting mass is cooled to a temperature that is tolerable for the skin and applied to a piece of gauze. This compress is applied to the sore joint for one hour. This method will help relieve pain symptoms.
  • A salt compress is also good for inflammation. A salt solution is prepared by dissolving 50 grams of salt in 500 grams of water. Gauze is dipped into the resulting solution for three hours, after soaking it is wrung out, the fabric is heated and applied to the affected joint.
  • A tincture of elecampane is well suited for rubbing. When preparing 100 grams of dry roots of the plant, infuse it with a glass of strong vodka and apply it to the affected area up to 5 times a day every day. This tincture stimulates blood circulation and relieves pain.
  • Healing decoction. In a metal bowl, mix half a celery root, 3 parsley roots, and a little black pepper. The plant mixture is poured into three glasses of water and boiled under the lid for 10 minutes. The resulting decoction is used orally before each meal for up to two weeks.

Traditional methods cannot completely replace drug treatment, but are an additional means of combating pathology.

Source medsimptom.org

At home, treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint is carried out with the help of drugs, physiotherapy and massage procedures. Patients are recommended to do daily physical education and gymnastics to prevent relapses. Products made according to traditional medicine recipes are also used - ointments, alcohol rubs, compresses, herbal teas, infusions and decoctions.

What should I do?

Of course, you should not completely give up physical activity, because this is no less dangerous due to the prospect of stagnation. It is necessary to choose the right gymnastics for arthrosis, aimed at reducing pain. Exercises will help train the periarticular muscles and increase range of motion.

When performing exercises, it is necessary to minimize the load on the sore joint. The optimal position is lying, sitting or in the pool. During your workout, alternate periods of activity with rest. Add smooth dancing or Nordic walking to your gymnastics. Moderate physical activity will strengthen various muscle groups and slow down degenerative changes in cartilage.

Any gymnastics for arthrosis is good only when it is approved by a specialist

3. Inattention to nutrition.

In the early stages of osteoarthritis treatment, it is more important than ever to improve nutrition. Animal products contain arachidonic acid, which in our body, when broken down, forms eicosanoids. It is these biologically active substances that cause inflammation of the joints, so the amount of meat in the diet should be reduced.

Black pepper, tomatoes, egg whites and white potatoes have the same effect. After consuming them, many people experience increased joint pain.

How to treat arthrosis of the shoulder joint

The treatment regimen for shoulder arthrosis is step-by-step - each stage of the disease, depending on its severity, is correlated with certain methods of therapy. For example, at the initial stage of the disease, physical therapy gives very good results, but at a later stage, only surgical transplantation of the shoulder joint can help.

The following groups of medications are used:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve inflammatory processes (Ibuprofen).
  2. Chondroprotectors help restore cartilage tissue, reduce pain, relieve symptoms and prevent the disease from progressing (Dona).
  3. The disease requires the use of various anesthetics and analgesics to reduce pain.
  4. Muscle relaxants are no less important. They help get rid of muscle spasms and normalize the condition of joint tissues. Most often, doctors use medications such as Sirdalud or Mydocalm.
  5. A variety of drugs to improve microcirculation in the joints.
  6. Excipients: usually vitamin complexes, collagen.

Any treatment becomes even more effective if it includes physiotherapeutic procedures: cryotherapy, various types of massage, acupuncture, medicinal baths, mud baths or lotions, laser and magnetic therapy. If nothing helps or the disease is diagnosed too late, you have to resort to surgery and replace the joint destroyed by arthrosis with an artificial prosthesis.

What should I do?

It is better to select a complex of drugs together with your doctor. It will probably include chondroprotectors with chondroitin and glucosamine. They are a building material for cartilage tissue, and also relieve inflammation, stabilize the condition of the joint and help reduce the amount of pain medication.

In the initial stages of arthrosis, intra-articular injections of a synovial fluid prosthesis, for example Noltrex, are indicated. While the cartilage is not sufficiently destroyed, this process can be stopped by restoring the fluid deficit. The gel is distributed inside and performs a shock-absorbing function. The joint stops hurting during movements, and most importantly, its degeneration stops.

After one or two Noltrex injections, painkillers will no longer be needed for a very long time.

2. Exercise through pain.

If the joint hurts, it means that the disease is in an acute stage. What it is - arthrosis or arthritis - the diagnosis will show. In any case, until the pain subsides, you should not load the joint. For such diseases, running, jumping, squats, intensive walking on uneven terrain, climbing hills and stairs, especially with heavy objects in your hands, are contraindicated.


The disease develops gradually, and its onset can be triggered by:

  • long-term insufficient blood supply to the joint as a result of vascular disorders (vascular diseases in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, varicose veins);
  • shoulder injury, as a result of which the shoulder joint is deformed and inflamed;
  • regular high loads on the joint - occur in the professional activities of loaders and builders;
  • congenital or acquired joint defect (including congenital pathologies associated with a lack of collagen).

Risk factors for the development of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint are:

  • acute and chronic joint diseases (arthritis, synovitis);
  • physical inactivity and excess weight;
  • osteoporosis;
  • chronic endocrine or autoimmune diseases (gout, lupus erythematosus);
  • unfavorable heredity - the risk of developing arthrosis is higher in those people whose parents suffered from this disease;
  • old age (age-related joint deformation develops in approximately 80% of 70-year-old people).


Surgical treatment of knee arthrosis is prescribed when other methods are ineffective. Doctors perform several types of operations:

  • endoprosthetics: complete replacement of a damaged joint with a prosthesis;
  • arthrodesis: fastening bones together to eliminate mobility (reduces pain and allows a person to lean on the leg);
  • osteotomy: cutting one of the bones and placing it at the optimal angle to reduce the load on the joint.

Arthrodesis and osteotomy are used when it is impossible to perform endoprosthetics or it is necessary to postpone this operation for some time.

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