Osteoarthritis of the knee joint - is it possible to play sports?

The main cause of acute pain in the knee joint in middle-aged people is arthrosis.
The disease progresses rapidly and can lead to disability. Timely detection of signs of the disease and its treatment are considered the main tasks in a complete medical examination of patients who are at risk for defects of the musculoskeletal system. The Kuntsevo Treatment and Rehabilitation Center has the latest equipment, with which you can carry out any diagnosis and rehabilitation process.

For physical therapy, the center is equipped with a large, bright hall. All physical education activities are carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists - rehabilitation specialists: neurologists, physiotherapists, exercise therapists.

You can check the results using ultrasound and MRI, which you can do here.

In addition, the center has rehabilitation areas: manual therapy and acupuncture.

To consolidate treatment, patients can use various treatment programs and take advantage of subscriptions.

Combination of arthrosis and sports

It is known that physical activity is beneficial for the human body. Sports for arthrosis of the knee joint (gonarthrosis) are necessary. However, any forceful exercise should be avoided. In addition, if exercises cause pain, they should be abandoned.

So, according to doctors, the most suitable sports for gonarthrosis are:

  • calm walking;
  • bike;
  • skis;
  • swimming.

Walking at a calm pace for short distances has a positive effect. During walks, muscles are strengthened and joints are developed. Walking is useful, since in the process there is no additional stress, the functioning of all the main systems of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolism) is normalized.

The duration of walks should be determined by a doctor. Patients need to remember the basic rules:

  • a walk should please, not tire;
  • to get results you need to walk every day;
  • shoes should be as comfortable as possible;
  • you can gradually increase the walking time, but only with the doctor’s permission;
  • if pain occurs, you need to take a break.

If gonarthrosis is not too advanced, you can opt for an exercise bike. If it is not possible to exercise on a simulator, you can resort to a regular bicycle. But, according to doctors, it is the exercise bike that provides the movements of equal amplitude that the patient needs. This type of riding does not injure cartilage tissue; on the contrary, it promotes joint mobility and normalization of blood circulation in the lower extremities.

When riding a regular bicycle, you need to choose the road carefully. You should not drive on hilly or country terrain. This can lead to microtrauma of the joints, which will worsen the patient's condition.

Swimming for arthrosis of the knee joint is the optimal sport. It is used for the prevention and treatment of any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can swim even with the most severe forms of pathology. During swimming, muscles relax and pain in the affected joints subsides. There is no load on the musculoskeletal system, while at the same time muscles and ligaments are strengthened.

Water makes it easier to perform exercises in severe pain. If physical therapy in the gym is accompanied by pain, classes should be moved to the pool.

Swimming helps to get rid of excess weight, which is often observed in patients with joint pathologies, as it is one of the causes of the disorder. You can swim in a river, lake, sea or pool.

  • Is it possible to play sports with arthrosis?

Swimming is a unique sport because it has no contraindications. Only in case of an infectious disease should classes be stopped until complete recovery.

Winter activity options

In winter you can enjoy skiing. Not many people know, but skiing with arthrosis of the lower extremities is much more beneficial than walking, since the load on the joints is minimal.

Skiing is indicated only for those patients who skied before illness. You should not start learning this sport if you have gonarthrosis. During the learning process, falls and injuries are inevitable; this is too much of a risk.

Skiing is not the optimal activity; you should consult a doctor before skiing. In addition, it is not recommended to ride with severe arthrosis and during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Do not confuse skiing and alpine skiing. Steep descents are contraindicated for patients with gonarthrosis.

Stages of ankle arthrosis

Over the course of several years, arthrosis of the ankle joint goes through several stages. At first, the damage to the cartilage is minor, but over time it leads to limited functionality of the joint. The surface of the cartilage becomes lumpy and wears out faster, the color changes from white to yellow.

  • Healthy cartilage is smooth and slippery.
  • At the first stage, it softens and the structure is disrupted.
  • In the second stage, moderate connective tissue disorders appear.
  • On the third - cracks and bumps (friction increases, shock-absorbing function decreases).
  • On the fourth stage, the cartilage becomes so thin that it almost completely disappears, and the cartilage begins to disintegrate.

In the initial stages, the problem can only be noticed after intense physical activity, for example after playing tennis, football or other contact sports. As the disease progresses, normal daily activities are enough to cause discomfort in the ankle.

If your ankle hurts without a serious reason, it's bad.

Running with arthrosis of the knee joint

Is it possible to run if you have joint diseases? This is not a clear-cut question that only a doctor can answer. A light jog can only be done if the disease is in its early stages. Running with arthrosis of the knee joints of the second degree is prohibited in any form.

The fact is that while running, the load on the joints increases 5 times. Thus, with a weight of 80 kg during a run, the damaged tissue will receive a pressure of 400 kg. This leads to even greater destruction of cartilage tissue. The benefits of running do not outweigh its harmful effects on patients with gonarthrosis.

At the beginning of the disease, the doctor may allow leisurely running for short distances. But there should be no sudden movements (jumps, jolts) in the process. You need to choose an absolutely flat road.

Fitness has become very popular lately. But with arthrosis of the joints, such activities are contraindicated. You will also have to give up aerobics of any kind (dance, step). The following sports are prohibited:

  • football;
  • tennis;
  • badminton;
  • hockey;
  • volleyball;
  • rugby.

An interesting method of physical therapy is Nordic walking. Nordic walking for arthrosis strengthens the spine, thereby reducing the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The classes have no contraindications. You can walk at any age, even with highly developed arthrosis of the knee joints.

Important elements of general therapy for knee arthrosis:

  • Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to perform it correctly, types, contraindications
  • smoothness of movements;
  • soft carpet so as not to injure your knees.

To perform the exercises, you need to get down on all fours and move along the carpet. The back should be straight.

Why do athletes develop arthrosis?

It is no coincidence that arthrosis is called the disease of athletes. There are a lot of provoking factors in this category:

  • trauma and microtrauma;
  • metabolic disorders due to regular non-physiological stress;
  • excessive stress on joints;
  • hormonal imbalances due to taking special medications;
  • lifting excessive weights on a constant basis;
  • performing repetitive exercises when playing hockey, football, tennis, running;
  • desire to lose weight quickly, etc.

Athletes most often experience gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis

Sports activities for coxarthrosis

Arthrosis of the hip joint is called coxarthrosis. Sports for coxarthrosis of the hip joint help slow down the development of the disease. However, you need to know what exercises are allowed.

Cycling and exercise on an exercise bike, recommended for patients with arthrosis of the knee joint, are contraindicated if the cartilage tissue in the hip area is damaged. Running is not recommended for patients. Of course, the load is not as significant as on the knees, but sudden movements can cause a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

As a rule, an individual set of exercises is selected for each patient, depending on his condition. You need to do them at home, but the first classes are best done with a physiotherapist who will teach you the correct technique.

With arthrosis of the hip joint, as with gonarthrosis, the optimal physical activity is swimming. And in case of pain, the patient is recommended to take a warm bath. If you add sea salt to it, the therapeutic effect will increase several times.

Nordic walking is not contraindicated for coxarthrosis. But you need to remember not to make sudden movements. The slower the exercise is performed, the less the hip joint suffers. After completing the exercises, a massage is recommended.

02/28/2014 09:30203831AiF. Health #9. Walking in the fresh air reduces blood pressure 02/27/2014Story Sports in the city

Eduard Kudryavitsky / AiF

Conservative treatment includes the following measures:

  • Short-term use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  • Taking chondroprotectors to preserve articular cartilage and restore its tissues.
  • Wearing orthopedic shoes (additionally - orthopedic insoles, half-insoles, correctors for the feet and toes).
  • Unloading of damaged joints (with hallux valgus or varus deformity of the foot) using a special orthosis.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • A set of exercises for muscle recovery.

At the initial stage of arthrosis, an ankle orthosis (derotational boot) helps

As part of the conservative treatment of ankle arthrosis, a set of exercises is always prescribed to support the periarticular muscles. For example, you can do the following:

To the ski track!

Skiing is one of the most favorite winter activities in our country. It may seem strange, but the load on the knee and hip joints during a ski walk is even less than during normal walking. It is reduced by sliding: we take fewer steps, so the impact of body weight on the legs is reduced. Therefore, doctors recommend that people suffering from arthrosis regularly ski, alternating such walks with walking in winter.

Keep in mind!

  • You can ski only in good weather, on a prepared ski track and only in a classic way. Skating (when the leg slides forward and to the side) has an adverse effect on the joints. While riding, keep a pace that is comfortable for you, avoiding sudden accelerations, maneuvers, and potentially dangerous descents. Article on the topic Arthrosis: how approaches to the treatment of diseased joints have changed
  • You need to start classes with 20–30-minute walks, gradually their duration can be increased to 1–2 hours.
  • With arthrosis of the leg joints of the 1st or 2nd degree, you can continue skiing. But whether it’s worth starting them if you’ve never skated before is a difficult question. If the desire is strong, you need to contact an instructor who can teach you skating techniques. It is imperative to follow it, because falls that are possible during a ski trip can injure an already sore joint.
  • The recommendations apply only to cross-country skiing. Alpine skiing, which is now fashionable, is dangerous for the joints of the legs, because the descent involves constant twisting in the knees and hips. You will have to refuse such activities, even if you have a lot of experience.

Pedal off!

If you have arthrosis of the knee or hip joint, doctors prohibit jogging and aerobics and ask you to avoid activities associated with lifting weights.

Article on the topic Arthrosis: truth and myths about joint problems But training on an exercise bike is even recommended. When we pedal, movements in the joint occur smoothly, progressively, and the cartilage tissue is not injured.

At the same time, the muscles of the thigh and lower leg work, blood circulation improves, and therefore nutrition of the joint, and its mobility increases.

During the warm season, you can also ride a real bicycle. In addition to a good load, it also gives a positive emotional charge.

Keep in mind!

  • Modern exercise bikes allow you to set the pedal resistance. If you have arthrosis, it should be such that you have to make an effort, but you are not forced to make sharp pushing movements, “beat” the pedals. Otherwise, this will lead to microtraumas of the joint, which contribute to the progression of the disease.
  • It is recommended to start cycling training with 15–20 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 35–40 minutes.
  • Do not ride a bicycle on uneven surfaces. This is accompanied by shaking, which again leads to microtrauma.
  • You can’t exercise “through pain.” There is an opinion that this helps develop the joint, but in reality such training only leads to accelerated destruction of cartilage tissue.

Indications and effects achieved

Moderate physical activity is the key to rapid rehabilitation of knee arthrosis.

Exercise activates circulation, increasing the flow of blood and nutrients to damaged cartilage. Moderate physical activity normalizes lymph circulation, develops joint flexibility and prevents complications of arthrosis. Proper training eliminates joint pain and increases range of motion, prevents contracture and muscle spasms, and strengthens muscles and ligaments.

Do you have arthrosis of the hip joint? In this article, read about gymnastics and exercises to restore articulation.

Classes should begin 2-3 days after diagnosis. The effectiveness of training is enhanced significantly if medications, massage and physiotherapy methods are used together with physical therapy.

One of the main conditions for complete recovery is lifestyle correction. You need to move more, do morning exercises and eat right.

To train to restore the joint, adhere to the following principles:

  1. Regularity. You need to train every day, from the first days after diagnosis to the last day of rehabilitation. If you can't train every day, commit to training at least 4 days a week.
  2. Moderation. Training for arthrosis of the knee joint should not be exhausting. If you feel pain during exercise, stop exercising and rest.
  3. Every workout begins with a warm-up. Walk for 10–15 minutes, stretching your neck, shoulders, torso and back.
  4. Ask your doctor if you can take pain medications while exercising. Painkillers eliminate discomfort, you will exercise without pain, but at this time the cartilage tissue will be damaged.
  5. Exercise 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after meals. On a full stomach, classes will be uncomfortable.

Doesn't steam break your bones?

Visiting a sauna or bathhouse is useful for many problems with the musculoskeletal system, and arthrosis is no exception. Thermal procedures lead to increased blood circulation and improved nutrition of the joints.

Heat helps relieve muscle spasms, which often occur in the affected area, and strengthens and makes the ligaments more elastic. And profuse sweating allows you to remove decay products from the body and activates regeneration processes.

Keep in mind!

  • The question of visiting the bathhouse should be discussed with your doctor in advance. Thermal procedures are prohibited if there is inflammation in the joint. Arthrosis is a disease primarily caused by metabolic disorders rather than inflammation. But at certain stages inflammation may occur, at which time you should avoid visiting the steam room.
  • Hypothermia of the joints is extremely undesirable, so you should not dive into the font when leaving the steam room. Take a warm or cool (not cold!) shower. Article on the topic: How to treat a joint? The most common methods of getting rid of arthrosis


It is possible and necessary to maintain physical activity and enjoy it with arthrosis. But in reality this is only outside the acute period of the disease, when the joint is not too bothered. With severe pain syndrome, this is simply impossible, because in such situations a person not only cannot ski or visit the steam room, but is forced to move around his own apartment with a cane.

Therefore, after diagnosis, it is important to get the disease under control as quickly as possible. This is not only about pain relief, but also about maintaining metabolism in cartilage tissue. The main goal of treating arthrosis is to stop further destruction of intra-articular cartilage. For this purpose, drugs from the group of chondroprotectors are used, which increase the moisture content in cartilage, increase its elasticity and strength, and stimulate regeneration processes in it.

Such products can be made on the basis of chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, or a combination of both. These are substances that are normally found in the human body and support the functioning of cartilage tissue. However, with arthrosis, there is a deficiency of them that needs to be replenished.

Chondroprotectors are taken in courses that last at least three months and then repeated regularly. You should not stop taking medications ahead of time, even if you feel much better. Only this approach can ensure the joy of movement.


  1. Leg training for arthrosis restores the knee joint, stimulates the regeneration of cartilage tissue, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system, eliminates knee pain and increases range of motion.
  2. Training begins 2–3 days after diagnosis. To enhance the effect of the exercise, you need to take medications, go for a massage and undergo physiotherapy courses.
  3. Principles of effective training: regularity, moderation. You need to start with a warm-up, do it on an empty stomach.
  4. Physical therapy is carried out at home, in the gym and in the water.
  5. Prohibited exercises: do not apply axial loads, do not do lunges and full squats, do not perform exercises that are unnatural for the knee.
  6. Training is contraindicated in case of heart failure, hernias, fever, severe knee pain, recent surgery and exacerbation of infectious diseases.


  • https://nogivnorme.ru/bolezni/artroz/ob-artroze/artroz-i-sport.html
  • https://www.medicinform.net/fitness/fit/fit20.htm
  • https://nogostop.ru/koleno/sport-i-artroz-kolennogo-sustava.html
  • https://sustav.med-ru.net/profilaktika-zabolevanij-sustavov/uprazhneniya-dlya-sustavov/3-klassicheskie-metodiki-ud-trenirovki-kolennyh-s-pri-atroze.html

Is it possible to play sports with arthrosis of the knee joint?

In this situation, the only right choice will be moderate physical activity, since many exercises are not only not dangerous for arthrosis, but will also bring significant benefits in the treatment of the disease. Do not forget that one of the important components in the treatment of joint pathology is physical therapy.

Such exercises help get rid of pain, stiffness, expand range of motion, including helping to restore cartilage tissue.

Participation in certain sports is also not contraindicated for knee osteoarthritis. You can go skiing, swimming, rowing, play golf, table tennis. There is no increased stress on the joint and no danger of disease progression. Therefore, it cannot be said that sports and deforming arthrosis are incompatible concepts!

Recommendations that need to be followed simultaneously with classes in the gym

To consolidate the effect obtained by correctly performing exercise therapy, patients with arthrosis should adhere to some recommendations:

  1. Wear shoes with low, stable heels to maintain the center of gravity and to reduce pain. Additionally, use insoles and knee pads.
  2. Sleep on flat surfaces and without a pillow. This will help relieve muscle tension and reduce joint discomfort. It is advisable to use an orthopedic mattress for sleeping.
  3. A short warm-up for half an hour prevents a long stay in one position. It is recommended not to perform sudden physical movements.
  4. When sitting at a computer or driving a car, keep your back straight, with maximum extension in the lower back.

Do not forget that the benefits of medical exercise will be more effective if it is reinforced by physiotherapeutic methods. But the joint must be in a period of remission. Also, do not rub the affected area.

What physical exercises can you do at home?

For joint health and restoration of their function, it is recommended to engage in physical therapy. Such activities do not require much effort and time, and they are also not financially expensive. Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor will recommend certain exercises.

Walking with arthrosis

Most orthopedists are almost unanimous: walking is beneficial for osteoarthritis of the knee joints. It not only has a preventive effect, preventing the onset of the disease, but is also a good remedy. While walking, a number of positive changes occur in the body:

  • Is it possible to do Nordic walking with arthrosis of the knee joint, the correct walking technique
  • Improved blood circulation due to the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems - and, therefore, an increase in the delivery of nutrients to cartilage and bone tissue.
  • Increased tone of working muscles.
  • Strengthening the ligaments of the joint.
  • Disappearance of stiffness.
  • Expanding range of motion.

But even such a common activity as walking has its limitations. It should be noted that with grade 2-3 osteoarthritis of the knee, long treks, tourism, even a regular trip with bags from the store can become difficult. Although the load on the knee joint is significantly less than when running, you should not neglect safety measures by overloading the sore joint. Short walks are the best option for osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Running and arthrosis of the knee joint

It is known that when running, the load on the knee increases more than five times compared to the normal state. Therefore, even against the backdrop of positive aspects (increased blood circulation, acceleration of general and local metabolic processes), overload of the articular apparatus has a significantly more negative effect. This can lead to accelerated cartilage destruction and disease progression.

You should not engage in the following active sports, which include running:

  • Football.
  • Tennis.
  • Hockey.
  • Basketball.
  • Volleyball.
  • Badminton.
  • Skiing.

Doctors unequivocally state that running is contraindicated in the second degree of arthrosis of the knee joint. Even with initial changes in the joints, the benefits of running are not supported by everyone. Only light short runs can be recommended. But in any case, you should definitely consult with your doctor to assess the benefit-risk ratio. Whether to run or not with arthrosis of the knee joint will be decided only by a qualified specialist, having considered the pros and cons of each specific case.

Is it possible to squat with arthrosis of the knee joint?

You should also be careful with squats. Many doctors do not recommend performing them at all for osteoarthritis of the knee, while others recommend limiting them as much as possible, trying to ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Perform squats in such a way that you do not bend your knees completely. In this case, the load on the joint is less.
  • If squatting is not yet recommended, then you can perform the following exercise: lying on your back and without lifting it from the floor, bend your knee, trying to pull your heel towards your buttock.
  • It is good to perform squats for knee arthrosis in water, as this reduces the load on the joint.

It must be remembered that improper squats, even in healthy people, can lead to further development of arthrosis of the knee joint. Therefore, you should perform exercises according to medical recommendations.

The benefits of working out in our gym

As a result of classes, the following occurs:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • reducing the likelihood of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • strengthening the muscular frame of the body and spine;
  • improved posture;
  • normalization of pressure.

Arthrosis of the knee joint is a severe pathology of the musculoskeletal system, prone to the rapid development of the disease. The treatment regimen must be selected by the attending physician after a complete diagnosis and identification of the degree of degenerative, dystrophic processes and deformation of cartilage and joints.

Swimming for knee arthrosis

Swimming is an excellent universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. While in water, the body experiences significantly less stress on the joints due to a decrease in body weight. Swimming is useful at any age and for any joint pathology, including arthrosis of the knee joint. In this case, the affected joints are unloaded, the muscles relax, and movements become smooth and unsharp.

The range of exercise in water increases because the limbs experience less resistance. It becomes possible to strengthen those structures that are responsible for stabilizing the knee. These include:

  • Quadriceps femoris muscle and its tendon.
  • Calf muscle and its tendon.
  • Medial and lateral collateral ligaments.
  • Posterior cruciate ligament.

The style and method of swimming varies depending on the affected joints. If you have osteoarthritis of the knee, you can swim in the breaststroke style, as well as freestyle on the front or back. If swimming technique suffers, then first practice of movements in the water at the side is indicated.

You can swim not only in the pool, but also in open water.

It is especially useful for arthrosis to be in sea water, since in this case the body weight becomes even less, and mineral salts have an additional positive effect.

The joint tissues absorb the necessary natural components, their trophism and blood circulation improve. In addition, in the context of sanatorium treatment, mud baths will also be useful, as they also help unload the joint and supply cartilage and bone tissue with useful substances.

Swimming will not only provide a faster recovery, but will also help prevent knee arthrosis in people at increased risk. This is an excellent preventive measure and a good opportunity to always be in shape.

Exercise bike for knee arthrosis

Physical therapy for osteoarthritis includes a wide range of gymnastic exercises. Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is strictly individual: those gymnastic procedures that are indicated for one patient may not be suitable for another. Therefore, all movements using exercise equipment are performed under the strict supervision of a doctor and in accordance with his recommendations.

As is already known, joints must experience stress in order to function properly.

With the help of adequate exercises, the destruction of cartilage slows down and mobility in the knee increases.

However, by incorrectly using such methods, you can achieve the exact opposite effect - accelerating cartilage destruction.

When using an exercise bike, you should be careful, remembering the following:

  • The tension experienced by the knee joint during exercise often does not meet the necessary requirements.
  • You can only exercise with minimal load.
  • You can replace the simulator using the “bicycle” exercise: lying on your back, perform the same movements as when riding this type of transport.

According to many orthopedic traumatologists, it is necessary to treat knee arthrosis using a treadmill and exercise bike selectively so as not to harm the patient.


To make a diagnosis of arthrosis, an examination is not enough. The patient is prescribed x-rays under weight-bearing of the leg, since images without weight-bearing will not accurately convey the picture. An x-ray will show the position of the axes relative to each other, the distribution of cartilage damage in the ankle.

The image shows a narrowing of the joint space, compaction of the adjacent bones and osteophytes - bone growths. Another sign is deformation of the articular surfaces due to changes in the load line. Sometimes a CT scan is needed to clarify the diagnosis.

Orthopedists often advise patients to walk with a cane during treatment.

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