What exercises can you do for arthrosis of the knee joint?

Gonarthrosis is not a reason to give up physical activity. Quite the opposite: lack of movement will quickly lead to stagnation in the joint, which means the situation will only worsen. There are simple sets of exercises that are allowed for people undergoing treatment for osteoarthritis. You can start doing them only after taking painkillers. If pain makes itself felt, training should be postponed.

Exercise strengthens the tissue around the knee joint

How exercise therapy can help with arthrosis

Exercise therapy for arthrosis performs different tasks:

  1. Elimination of pain symptoms and stress on cartilage tissue.
  2. Improving blood supply to the joint and restoring the integrity of cartilage.
  3. Relieving muscle spasm.
  4. Strengthening ligaments and muscles.
  5. Improving the well-being of a sick patient, joint mobility, range of motion, providing the opportunity to return to normal life and self-care.
  6. Reducing the frequency and severity of exacerbations.
  7. Improving the trophism of cartilage tissue and stopping the process of cartilage destruction.

When do you need to strengthen your knee joints and ligaments?

The knees experience enormous stress, so they are often injured and worn out, and deformations appear in the bone tissue. Strengthening tissue is necessary not only when diagnosing damage due to a fracture or dislocation, but also as a preventive measure for many diseases. First of all, these are bursitis, a tendency to the appearance of arthritis, arthrosis, joint instability, the period after sprain or rupture of ligaments and tendons.

With the development of these diseases, the likelihood of problems with joints and ligaments increases. Physical therapy is indicated in cases where:

  • movements are accompanied by crunching of joints;
  • playing sports causes burning in the knees;
  • the temperature around the kneecap increases;
  • there is swelling and redness in this area;
  • blood circulation is impaired;
  • there are problems with metabolism;
  • Synovial fluid accumulates inside.

Strengthening the knee joint is also required in cases where a person has suffered injuries due to which the limb had to be immobilized. Lack of movement in ligaments and tendons can lead to atrophic processes.

Excess weight is also an indication for strengthening ligaments, since excess body weight greatly overloads the knees. For the same reason, preventive exercises are also recommended for athletes who strain their knee joints due to constant physical activity.

Experts advise those suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as other diseases that are associated with metabolic problems, to engage in special exercises.

Features of exercise therapy for arthrosis

The goal of exercise therapy for arthrosis is to partially relieve the load from the joint and distribute it evenly in the musculoskeletal system to restore cartilage tissue. To obtain lasting results, therapeutic exercises must be performed regularly and daily. The duration of classes at the initial stage is at least 20 minutes, later they can be increased to 40 minutes. The best time for gymnastics is morning and evening. Each complex begins with a light warm-up, warming up the tissues, without tension. Movements when performing exercises should be smooth, without jerking or pain, with little muscle tension.

Severe pain is a signal to stop the exercise. Exercises with direct impact on the joint are excluded from the complex.

During training, blood supply to articular and periarticular tissues improves, trophism increases, which stops degenerative processes in the joint, muscles and ligaments are strengthened.

The loads are increased gradually, increasing the number of exercises. Weights are not used during classes. During exercise therapy, you should pay attention to your breathing: it should be smooth and rhythmic.

Any localization and form of arthrosis has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easily the disease can be cured in 10-12 sessions.

What rules to follow

  • When performing gymnastics for arthrosis, all movements should be smooth and energetic.
  • Before starting training, it is better to consult with a rehabilitation specialist or exercise therapy doctor. Ideally, attend several group classes, and only then move on to home workouts.
  • The recommended training schedule is 6-7 times a day for 3-5 minutes.
  • The number of repetitions of each exercise is 5 times.
  • Never exercise if there is pain. If, after completing the movement, pain makes itself felt even after 15-20 minutes, reduce the number of movements to 5, and then gradually increase to 15, avoiding pain.

Exercises for the knee will only be beneficial if they are not performed through pain.

Classic set of exercises for arthrosis

Before you start doing gymnastics, you should consult your doctor. He will choose a complex taking into account the particular course of the disease, the severity of the condition, and the stage of the disease.

Gymnastics for knee joints with arthrosis

A set of exercises for gonarthrosis is performed for the purpose of prevention and during remission of the disease. Classes begin with a light warm-up and simple exercises. One of the main components of exercise should be stretching with a small amplitude.

Exercises for knee joints with arthrosis

At the beginning of the course, perform a minimum of exercises, gradually increasing their number. It is imperative to monitor your well-being: an increase in heart rate, dizziness, and acute pain may indicate excessive stress and the need to stop exercising.

Best exercises

  1. Lying on your back, one leg is bent at the knee joint and pulled up to the thigh without lifting the foot. Then she bends at the hip joint, wraps her arm around her and pulls herself towards her stomach. Hold this position for 10 seconds. After this, the foot is lowered to the floor, the leg is slowly straightened. The movement is repeated 10 to 20 times. In the starting position, the legs are bent at the knees and raised. Movements are performed that simulate riding a bicycle.
  2. Lying on your stomach, bend your leg at the knee joint, without lifting your thigh off the floor. We touch the buttock with the heel. Repeat from 20 to 40 times.
  3. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs slightly apart. Try to reach your feet with your hands without bending your knees. Stay in the bent position for 5-10 seconds. The movement is repeated 5 to 10 times.

Prohibited exercises

With gonarthrosis, playing and strength sports are prohibited. When performing exercises, jerking and sudden lunges are not allowed, and deep squats cannot be performed. For patients with degenerative processes in the knee joint, it is unacceptable to sharply increase the load and duration of exercise, or perform gymnastics, overcoming pain.

Gymnastics for the hip joint with arthrosis

In case of coxarthrosis of I or II degree, preference is given to exercises in a lying position or sitting on the floor, in case of III degree - sitting on a chair or lying down. At the beginning of the complex, light warm-up exercises are performed, at the end of the exercises, the arms are raised, a deep breath is taken, and the arms are lowered and exhaled. In this way, smooth breathing is restored.

Exercises for the hip joint with arthrosis

Best exercises

  • Lie on your stomach, place your arms along your body. Raise your straightened legs smoothly and slowly and hold them in this position for 10 seconds. Perform 5 repetitions. In the future, the number of movements and duration of the fixed position can be increased to 20 seconds.
  • Lying on your side, bend your lower leg at the knee, straighten your upper leg and lift it up. Hold for 10 seconds. Turn over to the other side and repeat the movements.
  • Sitting on the floor, try to reach your toes with your hands, smoothly tilting your back, without jerking or sudden movements.
  • Sitting on a chair, spread your legs slightly, lean forward slightly and sway from side to side 15 times.

Each exercise is performed 5 times. Over time, the number increases to 10.

Gymnastics in the “on the stomach” position is performed once in a complex; other exercises for arthrosis are recommended to be alternated and performed in 4 approaches. The duration of exercise therapy is 20 minutes at the initial stage, which can gradually be increased to 40 minutes.

Prohibited exercises

  • squat;
  • circular movements of the legs;
  • active flexion and extension of the back and legs.

Crunching in joints - when to worry

Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid

If you have coxarthrosis, long walks are not recommended.

Gymnastics for shoulder and elbow joints with arthrosis

Exercises should be done carefully, smoothly and slowly, avoiding sudden movements and pain.

Exercises for shoulder and elbow joints with arthrosis

Best exercises

  1. Slowly raise your right arm up and bend it at the elbow joint. Place your palm on your healthy shoulder and support your elbow with your left hand. The palm should slide over the shoulder. Count to eight and move your hand further without pain. Relax your hand and repeat the exercise 4 times.
  2. Carefully place your right hand behind your left shoulder, and your left hand behind your right. Try to reach your spine with your fingers. Keep your elbows as high as possible. After 8 seconds, return to the original position. Repeat the exercise eight times during class.
  3. Turn the back of the chair towards you, maintaining a distance of 40 cm. Bend over so that your arms remain straight (tilt angle 90º). For 8 seconds, stretch your shoulder joints down. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise eight times.
  4. Place your sore hand on the table, place the palm of the opposite hand on the shoulder joint. Raise your shoulder up and create resistance with your hand. Relax your shoulders and use your palm to perform gentle pressing and rocking movements for 8 seconds; after 5 seconds of relaxation and rest, repeat the movements four times.
  5. Place the palms of your left and right hands together in a handshake behind your back. Stretch your elbows, trying to connect them. After 8 seconds, return to the original position. Repeat the movement eight times during the session.

Prohibited exercises

Exercises with any arthrosis with sudden raising and swinging of the arms, vigorous bending and straightening of the elbows are prohibited. Gymnastics is prohibited for fractures and other injuries of the shoulder, including dislocations and sprains, arthritis, colds of viral and microbial etiology, for three months after surgery on the breast, neck, shoulder. After such operations, you should definitely consult a surgeon.

Half squats with resistance

Stand facing the door. Fasten one end of the expander under the knee of the leg being worked out, and the other end to a door or other stationary object at the level of the knee joint. Raise your free leg off the floor; you can hold on to a chair or armchair for balance. Bend the knee you are working on slightly (do a half squat on one leg), then slowly straighten your leg. Repeat 15 times. You can simplify the exercise by not lifting your free leg.

Exercises on a balancing platform

Stand on the balancing platform. Optimal position: feet shoulder-width apart.

Other sets of exercises

There are other effective sets of exercises.

Any set of exercises can be performed at home if there are appropriate medical indications

Gymnastics for arthrosis using the Bubnovsky method

Exercises using the Bubnovsky method are suitable for patients with the initial stage of arthrosis of the knee joint. The complex is not performed in the acute stage. The peculiarity of this method is that the main load when performing exercise therapy falls not on the joint, but on the muscles. The blood supply to the joint improves, the muscles of the lower leg and thighs are strengthened. Each exercise is performed 10 times.

The basic complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back with your legs spread apart. Bend each leg in turn at the knee slowly, without tension. Pull your heel towards your buttocks without lifting your foot off the floor. If you feel an obstacle in the joint while performing the exercise, you can help pull the heel with your hands and fix this position for 10 seconds. If severe pain occurs, the exercise should be stopped.
  2. You need to get on all fours and crawl, trying to stretch your arms and legs forward as much as possible. At first, you can use a chair as a support. Gradually the exercise becomes more difficult.
  3. You need to lie on your stomach and stretch your arms forward. Raise your straight legs one at a time, scissor-style. At the initial stage, swings should not be large, they should be increased gradually.
  4. The last exercise in the complex is performed in a sitting position. The foot must be tensed and pulled towards you. The same is done with the other foot.

Technique of Pavel Evdokimenko

The Evdokimenko complex includes many exercises, which should be selected and prescribed by the attending physician. The duration of classes should not exceed half an hour, but exercise therapy must be performed daily to achieve results. Exercises using this method strengthen the periarticular muscles and ligaments and improve the trophism of cartilage. They cannot be performed during exacerbation of arthrosis, hypertension and increased intracranial pressure.

The best exercises are:

  • Lie on your stomach and extend your arms along your body. Bend your leg at the knee and lift it 15 cm above the floor, hold it in this position for 30 seconds. The same must be done with the other leg.
  • Lie on your side with your lower leg bent at the knee. Raise your upper leg at an angle of 45º and hold it for 30 seconds. Do the same on the other side. Further, the exercise can be complicated: do not fix it, but rotate it. In this case, care should be taken not to aggravate arthrosis.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees. Raise your pelvis with support on your feet and shoulders, fixing the position for 10 seconds. Rest and repeat this variation more dynamically.

Chondroprotectors: what are they, how to choose, how effective are they?

Joint pain at rest

Shiatsu for arthrosis

The method combines physical exercises with a href=»/methods/tochechnyj-massazh/»>massage in the affected area of ​​the joint or the area associated with this joint. By pressing on the acupuncture point, certain movements are performed. Typically, this technique is used for severe arthrosis, when joint mobility is severely limited. During the period of exacerbation, gymnastics is not performed.

Shiatsu for arthrosis

The technique uses two types of exercises - in a relaxed and tense joint. The first type is used immediately, the second - when the joint is developed and can be bent. The peculiarity of the technique is to perform movements with a small amplitude so that the joint does not experience stress. The occurrence of pain during Shiatsu gymnastics can be a signal that the exercise is being performed incorrectly.

Performing Shiatsu exercises requires patience. Gymnastics begins with light swaying, the range of movements should not exceed 1 cm while simultaneously pressing on the active points. This small amplitude is compensated by the duration of the exercises for 1 hour. Only by working the joint well can you increase the amplitude of the swing.

Shiatsu gymnastics begins with light swaying to warm up, and only after that they move on to the next stage. When the joint is well developed, it is recommended to combine swings with stretching. After each such exercise, rocking is performed to calm the joint.

Gymnastics for arthrosis in water

The density of water is greater than air, so it is easier to perform exercises in it, and the load on the musculoskeletal system, including joints, is reduced. At the same time, the muscles and ligaments relax, and the pain in the joint subsides. Water allows you to perform complex exercises that, with arthrosis, cannot be done at home or in the fitness room. Water aerobics helps in the first stage of the disease to stop the processes of degeneration in cartilage tissue. It effectively burns calories, promoting weight loss, thereby reducing the load on the joints. During periods of exacerbation of arthrosis, swimming is contraindicated.

Set of exercises:

  1. Walking. The exercise is performed at medium depth. In the future, you can move to a deeper part of the pool, increasing the load.
  2. Swing your legs. To do this, you need to sit on the side and immerse your legs, raise and lower them, slightly bending the knee joint.
  3. Breaststroke swimming. Useful for gonarthrosis. This type of swimming strengthens muscles and relieves stress on the knee joint.
  4. Doing circles. The exercise is performed while standing waist-deep in water on one leg. The second leg describes circles with a small swing amplitude. After 10 laps the leg changes.
  5. Squats. Regular squats are performed. If you have difficulty doing this, you can lean your back against the wall of the pool. You need to start with 5 exercises, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  6. Backstroke. This type of exercise completes the set of exercises. It improves blood circulation and relaxes muscles. Ligaments and joints.

Before you start doing water aerobics, you need to develop a program to gradually increase the load and alternate a set of exercises to increase the effectiveness of your classes.

Yoga and Pilates for arthrosis

If you have arthrosis, you can do yoga and Pilates. Gymnastics at a slow pace strengthens muscles and ligaments and relieves pain in the joints. At the same time, deep muscles are worked out, blood supply to the joint capsule is improved, which contributes to the restoration of cartilage tissue. During the acute period of arthrosis, accompanied by severe pain, yoga and Pilates are contraindicated.

The exercises are performed mainly on a gymnastic mat in a sitting position:

  1. Straighten your back and legs. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on your side. Carefully pull the sock towards the inner thigh. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. In the future, the time can be increased to 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
  2. In a sitting position, straighten your legs and spread them to the sides. Using your hands, slowly try to reach your feet. Perform all actions smoothly. If pain occurs, stop the exercise!

Gitta exercises for arthrosis

For people with coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis, Gitta gymnastics has been developed, which includes exercises with small amplitude movements. The advantage of this technique is that such exercises can be performed even with stage 3 arthrosis.

Gymnastics is performed while sitting on a chair or armchair so that the knee joint is bent 90 degrees or more, that is, the seat should be quite high:

  • Spread your legs slightly and perform spreading movements with an amplitude of 1.0-1.5 cm. The result will be if such movements are performed for a long time, at least half an hour and every day.
  • In the same position, raise your heel. Amplitude and duration as in the previous case. At the same time, you can do any sedentary work: reading, knitting, watching movies, so that the process is not too tiring.

If sitting is difficult, you can do the exercises while lying on the mat:

  1. The arms lie along the body, the legs are slightly apart. Gymnastics for knee and hip joints with arthrosis consists of bringing the feet together with a small amplitude for 30 minutes. The sock does not move outward, only inward!
  2. Lie on your stomach. Place a folded blanket or towel in the lower abdomen to elevate your pelvis. Rock your pelvis in this position for 20 minutes.

We combine proven techniques of the East and innovative methods of Western medicine.
Read more about our unique method of treating arthrosis

Master Go - Living Knees

A wonderful exercise from Master Go has given millions of people hope for restoring their knees and relieving pain. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the series of 4 videos.

The first film "Living Knees" on the method of natural healing of legs and knees shows simple general exercises. This is the basis of the knee healing method. Knee exercises can be done either independently or in a group.

When performed regularly every day, spending no more than five minutes a day, these exercises relieve pain in the knee joints without medication for all categories of performers.

An additional advantage of this method of knee restoration is that the person who has completed the exercises begins to perceive himself as the creator of his own health. He begins to understand that he got rid of the pain in his knee himself, through his own work. A large percentage of rehabilitated people become active practitioners of the Living Knees method.

The first level is indicated for older people because it not only relieves knee pain when walking and resting, but also supports the desire to share their achievements with others and helps them become socially active.

The second film in the series “Living Knees” on the method of natural healing of legs and knees “Wonderful Exercise” shows and explains in detail an EXERCISE for the LEGS, which is so effective that, as experience has shown, this one exercise can restore normal function of the legs - from the ankle to the hip .

The third film in the “Living Knees” series based on the method of natural healing of legs and knees “Restorative Walking” shows and explains in detail the principles of correct gait and therapeutic walking.

Proper walking can not only restore normal leg function - from the ankle to the thigh, but also become an elixir of longevity, extending a person’s active life by 10-15 years. This is the second stage of the knee healing method. Exercises (steps) of therapeutic and restorative walking can be done both independently and in a group.

Principles of healing knees from Master Go

Basic techniques in 6 theses:

  1. A diagnosis is like a death sentence. But even the verdict can be appealed.
  2. It is not exercise that heals a joint. The joint heals the body.
  3. Exercise starts the body's recovery program.
  4. The body does not care about the diagnosis. If the recovery program starts, everything will be cured.
  5. It will be difficult for the body to heal us even through its recovery programs if we continue to injure our feet.
  6. To stop hurting our legs, we need to figure out how we walk and sit, and change it all.

In addition to exercises from Master Go and therapeutic exercises for knees using specialist methods, there are also a number of simple exercises for knees that you can easily perform at home.


Is it possible to play sports, run or ride a bike if you have arthrosis?

With arthrosis, there are many restrictions on playing sports. Any type of physical activity is strictly contraindicated, especially team sports and other disciplines with a high probability of joint injury. Light running, walking, and fitness with limited stress on sore joints are allowed. An exercise bike is useful.

Is it possible to combine exercise therapy with other methods of treating arthrosis?

It is not only possible, but also necessary to support joints with drug treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Is it possible to combine different exercise therapy techniques?

It is possible and necessary to combine different techniques, especially gym classes and swimming. In any case, the final decision on the exercise therapy technique remains with the attending physician.

Read about other methods of treating arthrosis in this article.


  • Ulashchik, V. S. Therapeutic physical culture // Physiotherapy: Universal medical encyclopedia. - Mn.: Book House, 2008. - P. 308-315. - 640 p.
  • Therapeutic physical culture / Ed. S. N. Popova. Physical education and sport, 1988, 271 p.
  • Dubrovsky V.I. Therapeutic physical culture: textbook. for students universities - M.: VLADOS, 1998-608s.
  • Epifanov, V. A. Therapeutic physical culture. - M.: Medicine, 1987. - 528 p.

Arthrosis, Joints, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 05/25/2021 Date of update: 08/25/2021

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Chips for happy hamstrings

Myofascial release releases muscle tension to improve mobility. Use a foam roller or foam roller to gently roll out the hamstrings, applying tension but not so much that it hurts. Take comfort from working on any overly difficult or sensitive areas. It should be beneficial, not painful. If you have hamstring issues, Haas recommends a massage stick over a foam roller because you can use it in a bent-knee position, which takes tension off the hamstring, whereas a foam roller requires a straighter leg. In an ideal world, you'd roll on a foam roller daily before a workout to relieve tension in the hamstrings, says Haas, and again after a workout to relieve the same tension from exercise.

Avoid harmful movements

Avoid movements that put too much stress on the hamstrings. Steep inclines cause you to lift your legs and bend over when you run, hike, or walk—this is quite normal when your hamstrings are strong and can handle the load, but if they are weak or already overextended, you are at risk for serious injury or recurrence. If you activate your hamstrings and start to experience pain in them, reduce the load or avoid that particular movement altogether. If hamstring injuries begin to plague you frequently, consult a qualified trainer or physician for a biomechanical analysis.

How to train properly

If you are already undergoing treatment for osteoarthritis, avoid any sudden movements during exercise. Listen to your body and perform the loads that you can handle. Be sure to devote some of the exercises to the leg muscles, since if they are trained, the load on the knee, ankle and hip joints is reduced. The final stage is stretching, which will speed up recovery after training.

Don't forget to drink during exercise - joints need moisture

What is important to know

To avoid complications and improve charging efficiency, you need to know:

  • hypertension, hyperthermia, hernias are contraindications to exercise therapy, and confirmed ankylosis is also the basis for surgical intervention;
  • Exercises for knee joints with arthrosis are carried out daily, without skipping, as prescribed by the doctor. The purpose of morning exercises is to prepare the joints for functioning throughout the day, since the pathology is characterized by severe pain and morning stiffness in the legs;
  • always warm up the knee area, do not perform spontaneous, sudden loads;
  • the number of approaches and repetitions is determined by the degree of complexity of the movements performed and depends on the level of physical fitness of the patient;
  • the pain that occurs during physical exercise is eliminated on its own in 90% of cases, immediately after the end of the warm-up. At the very beginning of the exercise therapy course, patients need pain relief in order to improve their well-being during the day and not lose motivation for further training;
  • In addition, you should wear comfortable, shock-absorbing shoes that do not cause slipping.

When planning the volume of training and the duration of the exercise therapy course, the specialist takes into account the degree of arthrosis, since at stage 3 of the pathology, exercise for the knee joints is an unjustified approach. Treatment of advanced disease is possible only with the help of surgery.

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