“Seragem” (bed): reviews from doctors and buyers, contraindications

South Korean) is known all over the world. It produces exclusive health products, created on the basis of the knowledge of ancient healers, but manufactured using modern technologies. Its product range includes heated and non-heated massagers, anatomical pillows, mats, rugs, and underwear with silver ions. One of the latest know-how from developers is a bed. Reviews from doctors and patients about this device, which supposedly eliminates all diseases, are very cautious. In fact, there are approximately equal numbers of positive reviews where the Seragem bed helped, and negative reviews where it did not help. What's the matter? In cleverly staged but false advertising by sellers, in the machinations of competitors or in the features of the product? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do you need a spinal massage?

Some people believe that spinal diseases include kyphosis, scoliosis and lower back pain. If there is nothing of this, then there is no need to do a massage. In fact, the spine is connected to every organ in our body through the spinal cord. It often happens that people have been treating their stomach, heart, lungs, kidneys for years to no avail, taking pills for headaches and insomnia, struggling with constipation, not suspecting that they need to take care of their spine. Its condition affects immunity, vitality, metabolism, vision, hearing and much more. In order to improve the condition of all body systems by influencing the spine, the “Seragem” (bed) was designed. Reviews from doctors who consider it useful note multiple cases of positive dynamics in patients after sessions with it. This medical equipment has already been installed in the physiotherapy departments of some hospitals and sanatoriums, and in private clinics. In addition, in large cities there are places where you are allowed to use a massage bed for free for a long time, until complete recovery.

Useful properties and contraindications

By using one of 12 possible operating modes, you can achieve one or another effect. A correctly selected technique has a positive effect on the condition of the spinal column, circulatory and nervous systems, and energy circulation in the body. It could be:

  • 37 min. automatic mode: 30 min. on the back, 7 – on the stomach;
  • semi-automatic - repeated movements of the internal spotlight, stimulating the painful area;
  • manual mode – local impact on problem areas.

The developers have laid down the following programs:

  • Standard is a universal technique that eliminates congestion, activates protein and mineral metabolism, and accelerates the removal of toxins and waste from the body. Effective prevention of age-related and senile diseases.
  • Basic – visceral practice, which has a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs, respiratory system, and deep-lying tissues. Combats involuntary urination, pain in the lumbar region.
  • Relaxing massage – eliminates muscle pain, relieves emotional tension, stress, fatigue, apathy, sleep disturbances.
  • Sedative or calming – improves the functioning of the digestive organs, eliminates the effects of organic intoxication by alcohol breakdown products.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation and energy - activates local and general blood circulation, lymph movement, metabolism and trophic processes (cellular nutrition).
  • General health – classic massage, increases vitality, improves well-being, relieves chronic fatigue. The technique is indicated for maintaining vigor, boosting immunity, and protecting against viruses.
  • Technique of energy influence - removing blocks, filling the organs of the reproductive and urinary system with energy.
  • Activation of brain activity is a technique that promotes the development of memory, attention, mental activity, and normalization of cerebral circulation. Helps with overwork, lack of sleep, and absent-mindedness.
  • Relaxed deep sleep - provides calm, rest for the brain, complete muscle relaxation, and has a stabilizing effect on the psyche.
  • Sculpting is a method of correcting and modeling clear body lines, based on the impact on the deep layers of muscles, subcutaneous fat, and skin tone. It has a good effect on the functioning of the heart, blood and lymphatic vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

The healing properties are due to 5 mechanisms of action:

  • Acupressure is a type of acupuncture (acupuncture), one of the areas of traditional Chinese medicine, based on pressing on special points on the body. These are biologically active points, also called vital points, energetically connected to various internal organs and systems. Proper acupressure helps reduce pain and improve health.
  • Moxibustion therapy is a method used in Tibetan medicine. Involves zonal cauterization or the application of heat to active points on the surface of the skin. According to the developers, moxibustion is the basis of a therapeutic device. This is the most effective treatment method that has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.
  • Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine based on the principle that all structures and functions are interconnected and the body is capable of healing itself. By influencing the muscles and ligaments of the back with specially designed jade rollers, straightening the vertebrae, joints, eliminating pinched nerve roots of the spinal cord, the massage bed not only restores the function of the spine, but also cures diseases of the internal organs.
  • The massage effect is a mechanical effect of varying intensity that is exerted by automatically rotating massage rollers on the soft tissues of the back.
  • Infrared heat is a method related to thermotherapy. This is a field of physical therapy that uses heat emitted from a long-wave infrared source. Perceived by the skin as a feeling of warmth. Infrared rays irritate the receptors of the skin, which leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and improved blood circulation. IR radiation stimulates cellular metabolism and can be used for cosmetic purposes - solving dermatological problems, speedy healing of scars, restoring skin elasticity, getting rid of cellulite.

What do doctors’ reviews say about the Seragem bed? According to most doctors, the product has useful properties, but they are not strong enough. An electrotherapeutic drug is effective only for the treatment of spinal ailments, as part of complex therapy. For other diseases and pathological conditions declared by the manufacturer, the effect is not so pronounced and it is recommended to use the device only for preventive purposes or to eliminate mild symptoms. Do not forget about a number of restrictions on the use of the Seragem bed - contraindications can be absolute and relative (temporary). It is strictly forbidden to undergo a treatment procedure if:

  • a discectomy was performed - surgical intervention on the spinal column;
  • a pacemaker or metal prostheses are installed;
  • Fever of unknown origin is a persistent increase in body temperature as the only or main symptom.

Conditions in which it is unfavorable to use the Seragem massage bed or perhaps with extreme caution, with the permission or under the supervision of a doctor:

  • skin lesions, acute pain that does not allow lying on your back, a cold accompanied by low-grade fever;
  • pregnancy, postoperative period – less than 6 months;
  • intoxication with drugs, alcohol, heatstroke - overheating of the body;
  • inflammatory process in the arachnoid membrane of the brain - brain or spinal cord;
  • intolerance to the methods of therapy used, lack of psychological attitude;
  • malignant tumors, hypertension, ischemic disease, angina pectoris.

External characteristics

On sale you can find therapeutic beds with a wide variety of designs - from impressive with a variety of devices and sensors of massive structures to those similar to an ordinary couch. The designs of medical beds are also very different, depending on the purpose of their use. It was the functionality and usefulness of their new development that they focused on. The bed, the reviews of which are so different from doctors and buyers, looks like an ordinary hospital couch; the main equipment is located inside. There are two models on sale: CGM-M3500 and the more modern Master V3. Its width is 70 cm, height is 45 cm, length is 2.02 m (in working condition). To make the bed fit better into the interior of even a small room, this model has the ability to fold when not in use. Then its length becomes only 1.25 m. At the same time, the weight of the bed is just over 50 kg. There are also models equipped with music that plays during the procedure and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Design features

The name of the latest know-how from the Seragem developers is a massage bed, that is, the main function of the product is to massage the back and spine. For this purpose, the design contains special jade rollers that move along the canvas on which the patient lies. The massage is programmed in 6 intensity levels. Patients themselves can choose the most appropriate one for themselves. The level changes depending on the position of the carriage (higher-lower), which is regulated by a special button on the remote control. The higher the carriage, the stronger the impact of the rollers on the patient’s back.

But the Seragem developers provided their creation with more than just a carriage with rollers. The massage bed in question is equipped with heating devices, so-called spotlights with infrared radiation (mobile, can freely change position) and carbon panels (stationary, located under the sheet on which the patient lies). The heating temperature can also be adjusted. At problem points of the spine, a “smart” mechanism performs cauterization. That, in principle, is all the therapeutic functions of the Seragem bed.


People differ from each other not only in height, but also in the condition of the spine. Seragem developers always take into account the characteristics of the human body; it is not for nothing that their health products are so popular. In the case of the bed, they tried to make it suitable for everyone, even children. The main thing is that the patient’s height is at least 1.2 meters. How can the same bed suit different people? A special automatic scanner integrated into the design is responsible for this. Before starting treatment procedures, he scans the spine, determining its length, natural bends, and deformations. Based on this data, the equipment is adjusted for a specific client. At least that's what the instructions say. Printouts of scans are not given to patients.

What is a Ceragem bed

According to the manufacturer, the South Korean corporation CERAGEM, founded in 1997, this is a multifunctional mechanotherapeutic device. Designed in the form of a bed that looks like a regular examination couch - an indispensable attribute of any medical office. They released the first model of a massage unit back in 1998. They have been on the Russian market since 2005. They have already opened 60 salons located in different parts of the country.

The Ceragem massage bed is approved for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation and approved for use by the Ministry of Health. The registration certificate issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare indicates that, according to the degree of potential risk of use, the device is classified as class 2a. This is a medical device with an average degree of risk (2nd of 4 possible classes). A serogen bed is an assembly structure equipped with a short-wave infrared emitter. Its components and accessories:

  • body - the main frame with the main mat located on it. It features built-in, evenly spaced carbon heating panels and a rolling cart with 4 rotating massage rollers. At the top of the mat there is a small recess for the head, marked with a graphic indicator; on the side of the frame there is a power button;
  • an additional stand that supports the lower mat, the surface of which is also heated, which makes the product comfortable and, with its small dimensions, when disassembled, allows you to get a full-fledged warm single bed-sofa;
  • pillow under the head;
  • a stand for adjusting external spotlights with jade spheres, which are a powerful source of thermal radiation, and a cover for them;
  • outer cover;
  • speakers built into the body, allowing you to listen to melodies through them or headphones connected to the headset jack. These can be healing sounds specially selected by the developers that promote comprehensive health, or any other musical compositions added by the user. For this purpose, a slot is provided on the side frame of the case - a 4 GB SD memory card holder;
  • A remote control mounted on the panel is capable of combining all kinds of system configuration options, in accordance with the client’s wishes. For user convenience, on the back of the remote control there is a description of the graphic icons and the functional purpose of the buttons.

The main advantage of the Seragem device is an individual approach, recognition and orientation to the parameters of each specific person: an adult and a child. The only condition for admission is height, it must be at least 1.2 m. The massage unit has a unique development that allows you to scan the spine, recording its length and natural curves. Based on the obtained parameters, the program sets the internal spotlights the optimal trajectory of movement, which is necessary to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic manipulations.

The process of the device

In addition to several levels of massage intensity and heating temperature, the Seragem bed has different modes used, of which 12 are programmed. Each of them provides for the treatment of certain organs and diseases. The modes are as follows:

  • No. 0 (standard) is intended for general improvement of the body’s functioning, relieves fatigue, saturates with energy;
  • No. 1 (basic) treats internal organs (lungs, gastrointestinal tract, nerves);
  • No. 2 (relaxing) restores the nervous system after stress, relieves anxiety, helps to fall asleep, relieves muscle pain;
  • No. 3 (soothing) helps with many gastrointestinal diseases, including diarrhea, as well as hangover syndrome;
  • No. 4 (circulating) is designed to treat the heart and blood vessels, lungs, and strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to take into account that this massage bed is not suitable for all core patients. Contraindications apply to persons using a pacemaker;
  • No. 5 (general indications) helps with low immunity, helps cure herpes, colds and viral diseases;
  • No. 6 (energy) was created to improve the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • No. 7 (brain activity) improves academic performance, relieves drowsiness, inattention, and activates the cerebral cortex;
  • No. 8 (sleep) helps good healthy sleep, improves memory, fights migraines;
  • No. 9 (body lines) corrects weight, removes toxins from the body;
  • No. 10 (semi-automatic) enhances the effect of the equipment in the most problematic areas;
  • No. 11 (manual) allows you to carry out the greatest impact in the desired area.

Hardware massage on a therapeutic couch-massager CERAGEM

One of the most interesting and unusual types of massage that is offered at the Sosnovy Bor treatment boarding house is a massage on a special CERAGEM massage couch with jade balls. On this page we will talk about the features of this procedure, indications and contraindications for its implementation.

What is a CERAGEM massage couch?

The CERAGEM massage bed is a medical device designed for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, primarily diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The massage couch includes carbon panels, jade balls, spotlights with jade spheres, and a heat block. Massage on the CERAGEM bed combines several different therapeutic techniques: massage itself, hardware correction of the spine, acupuncture, moxibustion (moxibustion therapy), thermotherapy and treatment with infrared rays. The development and creation of the CERAGEM massage couch was carried out in the Korean company CERAGEM (operating since 1998), specializing in the production of medical equipment.

The main effect of the procedure is a complex effect on the back muscles, releasing the blockage of energy channels located in the spine area, improving blood circulation and, as a result, tissue nutrition. During the session, the muscles and tendons in the spinal area relax, the correct position of the vertebrae is restored, and pinched nerve endings are released. The spine is stretched, pressure on the intervertebral discs is reduced, which relieves back pain.

The duration of one massage session on the CERAGEM couch is about 40 minutes.

In what cases is massage on the CERAGEM massage couch indicated?

We list the main medical indications for using the CERAGEM massage bed.

  • Treatment of spinal curvature and other postural disorders.
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis.
  • Treatment of herniated intervertebral discs.
  • Treatment of arthritis.
  • Treatment of arthrosis.
  • Treatment of neuroses.
  • Treatment of triangular neuralgia.
  • Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Treatment of diseases of the nervous system, both central and peripheral.
  • Stimulating general circulation and improving the quality characteristics of the patient’s blood.
  • Relieving emotional and nervous tension, mental fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, depressive and stressful conditions.
  • Treatment of sleep disorders.
  • Strengthening the immune system (especially during the transition period - autumn and spring) and increasing the overall tone of the body.
  • Treatment of tension pain in the back, neck and legs.
  • Treatment of acute respiratory infections, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, rhinitis, laryngitis.
  • Treatment of psoriasis and herpes.

Contraindications to the use of the CERAGEM massage bed

Absolute contraindications to the use of the CERAGEM massage couch are:

  • The presence of metal implants in the spine.
  • Conditions after spinal surgery.
  • Feverish conditions of unknown origin.
  • The presence of a pacemaker in the patient's body.

Relative contraindications to this type of hardware massage are:

  • Acute pain syndrome in the massage area.
  • State of pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance to the procedure.
  • State of alcoholic intoxication.
  • State of drug intoxication.
  • Heatstroke.
  • The presence of malignant tumors or the postoperative period after their removal.

© 2021 Official website of the Sosnovy Bor eco-health resort. Copying of any information is prohibited. All rights reserved.

terms of Use

All the company’s centers operate on the same principle: first, clients are offered a free massage course and only after that, if they want to have the device at home, buy a “Seragem” (bed). Instructions on how to use it are always included with the product, but people, as a rule, learn in detail about the principles of operation of the device during free treatment sessions. The massage procedure takes no more than 40 minutes and can be performed in supine, prone positions, plus patients can receive additional warming in a sitting position.

Using the remote control, you can set the desired mode, intensity, and temperature. If necessary, the bed can be used by two people at the same time: one can receive massage and warming with thermal panels, the other can receive warming with mobile spotlights.

When purchasing a product, the relevant documents must be drawn up and the date of purchase must be entered. The warranty period during which repairs to the Seragem bed are free is 2 years. In some centers you can buy a used bed, for which you must also provide documents with a date stamp on the transaction. The warranty period for a used product is 1 year.

Contraindications - who can and cannot use a massage bed

1. Oncology

Cancer is an absolute contraindication to heating. Oncothermia, as a scientific method of treating cancer, has nothing to do with procedures on thermal beds. There is no “magic heat that cures cancer.” This is just dishonest advertising.

So, do not listen to any “consultants” supposedly from medicine, be prudent! Modern medicine has much more effective means for treating oncology. Don't waste your money and time on a massage bed. Look for other ways.

2. Pregnancy

A relative contraindication for massage beds. There are many scientific studies that prove the benefits of massage during pregnancy. However, the theory also has many opponents. And they can be understood: modern pregnancy is often a fragile process that is easy to disrupt.

Be extremely careful. Start with a short 10-minute session, lower the temperature or turn it off altogether. And pay close attention to your feelings.

3. Increased temperature (fever)

A bed is not a way to treat colds or other infectious diseases. The massage course is interrupted for the duration of the infectious disease and resumed two to three days after all symptoms disappear.

4. Epilepsy

Massage and heat are contraindicated for epilepsy, as they can cause an epileptic aura and the attack itself. A person can use the bed at his own risk during the interictal period, only in full mental and physical health.

5. Children under 14 years old

Massage bed - massager for adults. Massive rollers can harm children whose skeletal bones have not formed. Do not try to treat scoliosis in schoolchildren using massage beds. They are not created for this.

6. Patients with chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation, acute crises

Late-stage heart failure, hypertensive crisis, strokes and heart attacks, renal colic, etc.. Usually, such people simply have no time for massage. First you need to get out of a more serious illness and then move on to treating simpler ones.

7. Pacemakers and other implants

The pacemaker in the heart muscle can respond to electronics built into the massager. Remember that if you lie down on a bed with any kind of foreign body in your body, you do so at your own peril and risk. The exception is breast implants.

8. Open wounds, purulent diseases

Of course, massages are not shown.

“Seragem” (bed): positive reviews from doctors and patients

The main advantage of the product is a noticeable therapeutic effect after massage sessions. People write that thanks to the Seragem bed, pain in their back, neck, and muscles went away, their general condition improved, walking became easier, stomach and intestinal problems disappeared, and their blood pressure normalized. Positive reviews about the effectiveness of this device were signed by Yu. A. Rudin, head of the physiotherapy department of the Central Military Hospital named after. Semashko, A. A. Ushakov, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, V. M. Klyuzhev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, S. P. Svistunov, Head of the Central Military Hospital No. 5, V. S. Marshenin, Head of Neurology in the same hospital, and other doctors with extensive work experience.

I have high blood pressure - will an electric massager help?

If problems with blood pressure are caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the neck vessels, then a manual massage or a kneading electric massager for the neck, including a bed, can greatly alleviate the course of the disease, permanently relieving attacks of hypertension.

However, if hypertension is caused by hormonal imbalances related to the adrenal glands or thyroid gland, then the bed will not help. It is unlikely that it will do any harm, but it is still better not to place much hope in such diseases.

If you really want to, is it possible?

Many people note that a massage bed helps them even if there are certain contraindications. We are all different, but we have one life and everyone lives it as they want. If you feel that you have the strength and desire, try, but remember that prudence comes first!

Negative reviews

They are written by those for whom the Seragem bed did not help improve their health. There are also patients whose condition has significantly worsened after massage and warming sessions. The developers warn that in the initial stages of treatment, short-term exacerbations and deteriorations are quite possible, as the body begins to fight illnesses. Unfortunately, for some people, the deterioration after sessions on the Seragem bed is so serious that they have to consult a doctor and even undergo surgery. The main reason for the negative result is the lack of examination of patients before the sessions. That is, the formula “be your own doctor” is not suitable here, because not everyone who wants to use the South Korean new product for free knows for sure that he has no contraindications.

By the way, whether for this reason or for some other, the sale of Seragem massage beds in America has been temporarily suspended.


The Seragem bed has contraindications for use:

  • partial or complete removal of the intervertebral disc;
  • a pacemaker on the heart or metal parts of prostheses;
  • a febrile state, which is accompanied only by high temperature;
  • skin diseases;
  • acute attack of pain;
  • pregnancy;
  • if less than six months have passed since surgery;
  • drug or alcohol influence, sunstroke;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • malignant type formations;
  • high pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

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