Foil treatment. Indications and contraindications, reviews

Indications for treatment with foil

Foil can be used as a separate means of treating diseases, or in conjunction with various medications. For simple conditions, the remedy can eliminate existing disorders within a short period of time.

Indications for use:

  • lung diseases;
  • joint diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • migraines, headaches;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • dizziness;
  • injuries - bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures, wound surfaces;
  • presence of scars or stitches;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • otitis;
  • neoplasms (except for malignant forms).

For severe diseases, complex therapy is recommended, including physical therapy and medication.


Foil can be used only in the absence of certain restrictions that may worsen the condition or lead to various complications.

Contraindications for use:

  • oncological diseases;
  • It is forbidden to use foil in the thyroid gland area;
  • presence of implants in the body;
  • pregnancy period;
  • diabetes;
  • aluminum intolerance;
  • severe forms of skin diseases, including psoriasis;
  • the presence of fresh injuries and damage.

It is also not recommended to use this method of treatment for various diseases of internal organs that occur in the acute phase.

Risks of bleaching

  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • Changes in the structural state of the enamel;
  • Possibility of premature wear of teeth;
  • Changes in enamel strength, increased fragility and brittleness;
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes located in close proximity to the procedure site.

It is in connection with the above factors that many people are interested in the question of which teeth whitening is the safest and most effective . There are two main whitening options:

  • Dental;
  • Homemade.

In both cases there are nuances that must be taken into account.

Pros and cons

Treatment with foil (indications and contraindications for the procedure can be checked with a specialist) should be carried out only in the absence of any restrictions and at your own request. However, it must be taken into account that the procedures do not help in all cases and may not give the expected effect.

Reviews about the use of foil vary, however, most are positive. According to patient observations, this remedy really helps reduce inflammation, eliminates pain, and also restores local blood flow.

Extensive list of indicationsThere are contraindications
Has a therapeutic effectThe properties of foil have not been fully studied
Has no age restrictionsHelps with an integrated approach
Positive feedback about the treatmentClinically unproven effectiveness
No side effects

However, this method can be used only if the procedure is well tolerated. If therapy does not cause unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations, it can be carried out as an auxiliary action.


Anastasia, 34 years old I didn’t particularly believe that foil would help me cope with joint pain. But it did reduce the pain. A foil bridge, which I wore on the problem area for 3 days, helped to achieve a positive result. I was very pleased with the result. Now I believe in the effectiveness of foil treatment.

Georgiy, 54 years old On the advice of a neighbor, I started wrapping foil around my sore knee, which I had not been able to cure. At first I didn't notice any effect. Although I didn’t even expect it, because I didn’t believe in the effectiveness of treatment with this remedy. However, on the 4th day I woke up without pain in the joint, given that I did not take painkillers at night.

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What kind of foil can be used for treatment?

For treatment, ordinary food foil intended for cooking and storing food can be used.

It is used in 3 different ways:

  • Wrap.
  • Applications.
  • “Silver Bridge” method.

The principle of treatment is based on applying (wrapping) foil to the diseased area for a certain time. Systematic use of the product allows you to achieve positive changes in the human body.


  • elimination of pain;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • restoration of joints;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • increased motor ability in joints;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • nutrition of cells and tissues;
  • improvement of local and systemic blood flow;
  • restoration of lymph flow;
  • increasing the protective functions of the body;
  • replenishment of energy reserves and strength.

Foil can also be used as a means of enhancing the effect of medications. When using drugs locally, foil applied to the treated area allows for increased penetration of the drug components.

How foil works

Treatment with foil (indications and contraindications for the use of metallized paper are recommended to be discussed in advance with a specialist in alternative treatment methods) is based on its properties and functions, which were studied by ancient Chinese healers.

For the first time, Chinese healers started talking about the properties of foil. Then the theory and its application were described by one of Freud's students, the famous psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich.

His theory was based on the fact that the human body emits biocurrents, which are reflected and then return back to the points from which they came, which had a positive effect on the body.

Also, the action of foil is associated with the matrix field of the planet, which constantly interacts with human matrix cells. When the field is distorted, the matrix cells in the human body change and their nutrition is disrupted.

The surface of the foil allows you to interact with the matrix field of the Earth and strengthen it several times, thus restoring energy exchange. At the same time, the foil reflects negative radiation, which can affect the general condition of a person and his health.

According to observations, foil retains heat well because it reflects infrared and thermal radiation. Therefore, it has found its application not only in everyday life, but is also often used for various joint diseases.

Positive properties

Foil is a natural material that has many healing properties. With its help, traditional healers recommend treating diseased joints, since it can restore damaged cells, promote their proper nutrition, and proper metabolism.

Among the main positive qualities of foil is its tendency to reflect infrared radiation and heat, biocurrents emanating from the internal organs of the body.

Thanks to the ability of the metal to return bioenergetic impulses in the opposite direction, the following occurs:

  • regeneration of damaged joints;
  • pain relief;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • relaxation of tense muscle fibers;
  • improvement of motor functions of joints;
  • activation of blood and lymph flow, tissue nutrition;
  • normalization of metabolic processes.

Foil is credited with:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of capacity (replenishment of lost vitality and energy).

Among the positive qualities of metallized paper, the following are also noted:

  • safety;
  • availability;
  • ease of use.

The method is also used if the patient has mental disorders, a tendency to depression has been identified, and a sharp change in mood is characteristic. After treatment, the patient’s condition stabilizes, vitality appears, and overall well-being improves.

The result of applying aluminum compresses becomes noticeable after the first sessions.

Methods of application

Foil is used in various ways depending on the disease. In this case, you can use any food foil, for example, chocolate. Technical foil can also be used, which is recommended for use for wraps or for extensive lesions.

Silver bridges

This technique is an analogue of copper plates, which are used by Chinese healers to treat various diseases. The action of the technique is based on the “transfer” of information from a healthy area to a sick one, due to which a therapeutic effect is achieved.

To make silver bridges you will need an adhesive plaster and the foil itself. Instead of adhesive tape, you can also use wide tape.


  • It is necessary to cut several strips of foil 1 cm wide. In this case, their length should be slightly larger than the area on which they will be applied.
  • Then take a wide tape or adhesive plaster and cut off a small part. It is important that the length of the segment is 1-2 cm longer than the length of the foil.
  • Then take strips of foil and glue them with the shiny side to the patch. 2 strips are glued to each piece of patch. The distance between them should be about 5-6 mm.

After the bridges are prepared, they can be glued to the affected area. The duration of wearing and time of use depends on the specific form of the disease.

Foil compress

Treatment with compresses is one of the most effective techniques for using foil. However, compression lotions can be used only in the absence of certain contraindications - violations of the integrity of the skin. In this case, indications are also taken into account, since the compress may not be used for all diseases and disorders.

To use foil as a compress, it must first be folded in several layers (5-6 times). The foil is then applied to the problem area.

In most cases, compresses are used for diseases of the spine or gout. After applying the product, it must be wrapped in a warm scarf or bandage so that the foil does not fall off. For heel spurs, apply foil to the affected area and put a sock on top. The duration of the session depends on the disease. Treatment begins with a few minutes, after which the duration is gradually increased to 1 hour.

Foil belt

The belt is used for radiculitis. To make it, you need to take a roll of foil and unwind it to a length that is enough for several layers. You can purchase a roll of food foil at any retail store src=»» class=»aligncenter» width=»500″ height=» 446″[/img]

Then they apply paper of the same length to the piece, and then wrap it around the back. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a day. The duration of each session should not exceed 1-2 hours.

Foil blanket

Foil can also be used as a blanket. To do this, take a large piece of foil and cover it with it. There is no need to wrap the entire body.

This method of treatment is used for general relaxation of the whole body, in case of fatigue or stress. With daily use of the blanket, there is an increase in general immunity and increased resistance to the influence of external negative factors.

The duration of one procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. Metallized paper of this size is produced only in technical production workshops or factories.

How to treat with foil

The treatment regimen and method of application of foil depend on the disease. Treatment is carried out by applying metallized paper to the problem area, due to which a therapeutic effect is achieved. It is recommended to conduct sessions in accordance with established rules and application techniques.

For a cold

The product has proven itself well against colds. In addition to its main functions, foil in this case acts as a mustard plaster. For treatment, foil can be used in various ways. However, for colds accompanied by pain in the throat, it is recommended to use it as a compress.

To do this, take a small piece of wrapper and fold it into several layers. Then they apply it to the foot and secure it with a bandage. Put a sock on top. The duration of wearing the compress is 1 hour. After this, make an interval of at least 2 hours and repeat the procedure. The duration of the course is until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

The product is used in the form of bridges for 3 days. If necessary, after 3 days they are replaced with new ones.

For joints

Foil can be used for various pathologies of the articular system - damage to the limbs, myositis, osteochondrosis, including cervical.

To carry out the procedure, you need to take a wide strip of tape and glue several strips of foil to it. Then you should wrap the problem area and secure it with an adhesive tape.

In the first days of therapy, the duration of procedures should not exceed 2-3 minutes. Then the session time is gradually increased to 1 hour. The total duration of treatment is from 10 to 12 days. The “blanket” technique can also be used to treat joint diseases.

For cervical osteochondrosis, foil is used as follows: fold a small piece into several layers (approximately 6-7), apply it to the problem area and secure it with a gauze bandage.

The duration of the session in this case is about half an hour. Duration of therapy is from 10 to 12 days.

For gout, foil is used as follows: wrap your fingers and secure everything with a bandage. The duration of one session is 40 minutes. Then after 2 hours the procedure is repeated.

Spine treatment

Treatment with foil (indications and contraindications for use in childhood and adolescence should be checked with a specialist) should be carried out according to established rules, since otherwise the therapeutic effect may not be achieved.

Wraps are used to treat the spine. To do this, take a wide and long piece of foil and wrap it around the abdomen and back in several layers. In this case, alternate between foil and paper. It is recommended to use this method 3 times a day. Lie in your belt for 40 minutes. in a day. For back pain, it is recommended to use a belt with glued strips of metallic wrap.

For pain caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve, compresses should be used. To do this, take a small piece of metallized paper, fold it into several layers and apply it to the problem area. Then everything is fixed with a bandage or gauze bandage and left for 20-40 minutes. Apply in this way 1-2 times a day or until pain is completely eliminated.

Treatment of varicose veins with aluminum foil

Foil has proven itself in the treatment of varicose veins. To do this, it is recommended to use the wrapping technique.

Take a 25 cm wrapper and wrap it around the diseased area. Then fix it with a compression stocking or elastic bandage.

The session must be carried out lying down. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks. There are no strict time limits, however, it is not recommended to violate the established schedule.

You can also use the “silver bridge” technique. To do this, you need to take a small patch (about 9 cm) and stick pre-prepared strips of foil (1 cm wide) onto it. After this, the bridges must be fixed on the affected areas. You can wear them all day long. It is not recommended to continue therapy for more than 2 weeks.

Aluminum foil and weight loss

Treatment with foil (indications and contraindications for sessions should be previously studied before starting therapy) is best carried out under the supervision of a specialist who, if necessary, will help adjust the treatment regimen and select alternative options.

Foil can be used as a weight loss aid. This method creates a sauna effect and allows you to remove excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body. Usually such treatment is carried out in beauty salons, but wraps can also be carried out at home. Before use, it is recommended to first cleanse the body with gels or scrub.

To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare a large piece of foil in advance. They wrap the body in one or several layers and wear it for several hours. The first changes can be noticed after just a few sessions.

Some people advise walking around in foil all day or wrapping it at night. However, experts do not recommend using the product in this way, as various complications may arise.

New silver bridges

The method of treatment with aluminum and bronze foil has been known for a long time. But the improvement of this method and the invention of a new method of using foil, namely “Silver Bridges,” belongs to I.A. Vasilyeva.

Vasilyeva I.A - scientific director of the Ecological Institute, Doctor of Science, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), academician of the International Academy for the Integration of Science and Business (IAINB).

Apply this method as it is described in the lectures of Irina Vasilyeva, in her books “Healer and Norm”, “Your Own Healer”.

  • Sore throat, decreased immunity, thyroid and throat problems (1).
  • Fatigue, headache, dizziness, with impaired cerebral circulation in an upright position (2).
  • Heart failure (4).
  • Diseases of the lungs, bronchi, trachea or mammary glands, with swelling of the arm (3).
  • Pathologies of the esophagus and anemia (5).
  • Erosion and ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. With pancreatitis, hepatic-renal failure, with adrenal weakness and high renal renin (and narrowing of the capillary bed), with enteritis and dropsy (6).
  • For enteritis, colitis, stagnation of blood in the venous reservoirs of the pelvis, inflammation of the bladder, ureters, ovaries in women (prostate gland in men), tumors of the pelvic organs, pain in the lower abdomen (7).
  • Swelling of the legs, with narrowing of the femoral artery, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, pain in the knees, inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, obliterating endarteritis, pain in the lower abdomen, osteoporosis, tumors of the pelvic organs (8).
  • Cervicothoracic scoliosis, insufficient blood supply to the occipital area of ​​the head, impaired venous outflow (especially in the supine position), weakness of the branches of the vagus nerve, heart failure, otitis media, cough, sweating (9, 10).
  • For scoliosis in the 6–8 degree zone. vertebrae, pathologies of the lungs and mammary glands, esophagus and stomach, aches in the arms, back, weakness of the central nervous system and autonomic system (11).
  • Scoliosis in the zone of 10–12 degrees. vertebrae, diseases of 12 PCs, liver, pancreas (12).
  • With scoliosis in the area of ​​the 1st–4th lumbar vertebrae, problems of the small intestine, kidneys (this leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the capillaries and ischemia of the tissues of the brain, heart, endocrine glands), weakness of the adrenal glands (this causes hypertension/hypotension), problems of the pelvic organs ( 13).
  • Scoliosis in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx, diseases of the pelvic organs and legs (14, 15).

Possible consequences

If the rules of use are violated, this method of treatment can lead to the development of various disorders.

If worn for a long time, the condition of the skin may deteriorate. In some situations, the development of allergic reactions was noted - redness, rash, dermatitis.

Also, with prolonged use of metallized paper, existing diseases can become acute.

Before using foil in the treatment of various disorders, it is recommended to first consult a doctor and become familiar with the indications and contraindications for use. You should also study the reviews of those who have already undergone similar therapy.

A cheap miracle for increasing female beauty

Using foil you can preserve the beauty and freshness of your face. It also has a stronger effect on the skin than masks and operations.

Wrapping with film unimaginably copes with swelling, wrinkles, and sagging of the face. The skin on your face will tighten and become more elastic if you periodically apply aluminum foil to your face.

For swelling, apply cooled foil to your face and hold for only 1 minute to five. For deep wrinkles, you can keep it on for 30 minutes. Use this cheap miracle to preserve the youth and beauty of your face.

Dear friends, aluminum foil treatment is truly fantastic and can be tested. If you manage to get rid of your problems, then tell your friends about this incredible therapy method. Don't forget to visit my blog. There are many more amazing discoveries ahead of us!

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