Wandering arthritis: symptoms, causes of development and treatment methods

Wandering arthritis.
Wandering arthritis is an inflammatory, infectious-allergic systemic pathology that affects connective tissue structures. The cause of the development of the disease is a combination of these factors: infection with β-hemolytic streptococci, hereditary predisposition, disruption of the immune system. Wandering arthritis is diagnosed upon re-infection in approximately 3% of people who have had a common sore throat. The leading symptoms of the pathology are migrating joint pain, increased body temperature, swelling and stiffness of movement.

To identify wandering arthritis, radiography, MRI, ultrasound are performed, and, if necessary, arthroscopy. The most informative laboratory criteria are positive C-reactive protein and elevated levels of streptococcal antibodies. Treatment is conservative: bed rest, a course of pharmacological drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures.

What is wandering arthritis?

Wandering arthritis is difficult to recognize

The specificity of the disease lies in its name. Wandering arthritis is characterized by temporary pain in different joints, which sometimes worsens and sometimes subsides. The pain has no precise localization, which makes diagnosis difficult. First of all, migratory arthritis is dangerous because the patient does not understand the causes of periodic discomfort and simply postpones a visit to a specialist. At this time, the disease progresses, acquiring more and more pronounced symptoms.

Specifics of the pathology:

  • “walking” pain throughout the body;
  • periodic impairment of joint mobility;
  • rapid progression;
  • damage to one or more joints at the same time;
  • deterioration in the patient's quality of life;
  • risk of complications.

Treatment of wandering arthritis requires a long period of time, so it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner. The earlier therapy is started, the more favorable the prognosis.

Symptoms and types of arthritis

There are several bases for classifying arthritis, which are used in making a diagnosis, clarifying the causes and symptoms of arthritis of the joints, and selecting treatment.

Due to origin

Based on their origin, arthritis is caused by:

  1. Infectious or parasitic infection of the body
    . Reactive inflammation of the joints and periarticular tissues, as well as other symptoms of arthritis, can occur 4-6 weeks after the disease, as the body’s response to the vital activity of the pathogens themselves or a massive amount of antigens produced to combat them. Infectious arthritis also includes generalized pathologies that affect more than 3 joints and are associated with chronic infections (tuberculosis, syphilis, viral hepatitis, HIV and others). Infectious arthritis can also be triggered by the unwanted growth of microflora in the cecum in the postoperative period, as well as infection by worms or protozoa. In rare cases, inflammatory pathology occurs as a response to vaccination (usually occurs in children). With penetrating wounds and injuries, which are accompanied by ruptures of blood vessels, as well as with bites of blood-sucking insects in the periarticular area, direct infection of the joint capsule is possible.
  2. Non-infectious reasons
    . Symptoms and causes of arthritis of the joints may depend on the presence in the body of such pathologies as: - neoplasms (arthritis develops due to metastasis to articular or periarticular tissues or due to the body’s immune response to a tumor); - diseases of the blood and blood vessels (anemia, hemorrhages); - pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer (due to the influence of enzymes on the synovium of the joint); — decompression sickness due to non-compliance with safety precautions when diving; - metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, gout); - hormonal changes in the body (hormonal imbalances, menopause in men and women, age-related changes); - allergies to food, drugs, vaccines or chemicals, rejection of prostheses by the body; — bruises, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, muscles, tendons, fractures, as well as other injuries (including repeated microtraumas, for example, when working with vibration equipment); - wear of the joint due to instability of chondrocytes and other pathologies of cartilage tissue; - monotonous loads and the unfavorable influence of climatic and sanitary conditions in the workplace (in this case we can talk about the so-called benign arthritis, which goes away by itself when conditions change).
  3. Unspecified reasons
    . As a rule, these include secondary arthritis, which occurs against the background of autoimmune diseases (including hepatitis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, amyloidosis, systemic vasculitis, and others). Since the causes of these diseases are still not clear, the accompanying symptoms and types of arthritis also have an unspecified etiology.

According to clinical manifestations

Arthritis can affect both small and large joints, being limited to one joint or affecting several at once. Therefore, rheumatologists divide the disease into the following types:

  • monoarthritis
    (affects only one joint);
  • oligoarthritis
    (observed in 2-3 joints);
  • polyarthritis
    (occurs in 4 or more joints at the same time).

According to symptoms

According to the severity of arthritis symptoms:

  • acute arthritis
    (characterized by sudden onset, severe pain and rapid progression);
  • arthritis with a chronic course
    (develops slowly, periods of remission alternate with periods of exacerbation, pain is less pronounced than with acute arthritis).

There are many symptoms of arthritis

Causes of the disease

Hormonal and metabolic disorders can trigger wandering arthritis

The main reasons for the development of walking arthritis are age-related changes in connective tissue. According to statistics, this form of the disease is most often encountered by people over 50 years of age.

The reasons for the development of this pathology also include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • history of joint inflammation;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • infectious factors;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal and metabolic disorders;
  • chronic diseases.

Decreased immunity often causes the development of inflammatory joint damage. This occurs against the background of previous infectious and viral diseases. HIV-infected people and people with autoimmune disorders are prone to arthritis.

Systemic diseases such as lupus erythematosus and scleroderma play an important role in the development of the disease. Arthritis can develop against the background of diabetes. In this case, infectious forms of pathology are most often diagnosed, associated with the spread of bacteria or fungi throughout the body through the bloodstream.

The risk of developing arthritis increases in the presence of congenital anomalies of the structure and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Thus, people with severe kyphosis, scoliosis, and flat feet face various arthritis, including vagus arthritis. This is due to improper distribution of body weight on the spine and lower limbs when walking.

Pathology may have an age-related nature. In people over 50 years of age, there is a deterioration in the nutrition of cartilage tissue, as a result of which the cartilage loses its elasticity, becomes thinner and becomes covered with microcracks. Particles of this tissue can penetrate the synovium of the joint and cause inflammation due to irritation of the capsule when walking.

Separately, the presence of excess weight and metabolic disorders are identified as probable causes of the development of arthritis. This is due to the increased load on the joints, as a result of which the nutrition of the cartilage tissue deteriorates and the friction between the joints increases.

Despite the large number of provoking factors, wandering arthritis is often associated with infectious causes rather than lifestyle. Pathology often develops in the presence of a chronic source of infection, which can be caries, tonsillitis, diseases of the genitourinary system and respiratory tract.

Wandering arthritis may be associated with infection with syphilis, gonorrhea or tuberculosis, if pathogenic agents spread to the joints.

Causes of Arthritis

An unbalanced diet, disrupted sleep and wakefulness, stress and overwork not only reduce the body’s resistance to infections, but also disrupt metabolic processes, as a result of which normal nutrition of the joint is disrupted

. With general exhaustion of the body, various symptoms and types of arthritis can develop - both a sluggish chronic disease and a sharp, unexpected exacerbation. Symptoms and causes of arthritis of the joints depend on the following factors: - excessive physical activity (domestic, professional or sports); - hypothermia or severe overheating in the sun; - metabolic and autoimmune diseases (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus, psoriasis, gout); - injuries; — uncomfortable working position or bed for sleeping; - presence of allergies; - hormonal reasons; - overweight; - unbalanced diet, poor in vitamins and minerals; — constant stress and psycho-emotional stress; — past infectious diseases (respiratory, intestinal, urogenital, including parasitic), as well as foci of chronic infection in the body (chronic tonsillitis, caries and others); - genetic predisposition (presence of arthritis in relatives); — bad habits (frequent drinking of alcohol, smoking, taking illegal substances).

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of wandering arthritis is migrating pain in different joints

The symptoms of arthritic inflammation in wandering arthritis are not specific enough, so the symptoms of the disease are often ignored in the early stages of the development of the pathology.

The pain characteristic of arthritis migrates in the wandering form of the disease; there are practically no specific manifestations, signs and symptoms of the pathology, which significantly complicates treatment at an early stage.

Symptoms can be divided into general and articular. Joint symptoms of wandering arthritis include:

  • migrating pain in one or more joints;
  • sudden loss of mobility;
  • swelling of the joint.

The peculiarity is that these symptoms arise spontaneously, last from several hours to several days, and then also suddenly disappear.

Vagal arthritis can manifest itself as pain in one joint or several at once. In this case, the localization of pain changes from attack to attack.

Common symptoms of the disease include:

  • general malaise;
  • morning sickness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden increase in temperature.

These symptoms are caused by an inflammatory reaction, in which specific substances are released that cause signs of intoxication.

Clinical picture

The signs of wandering arthritis are polymorphic, that is, the disease manifests itself with numerous articular and extra-articular symptoms. Its intensity depends on the activity of the inflammatory process, the stage of its course, and the involvement of other organs. Wandering arthritis develops approximately 10 days after a sore throat, scarlet fever or pharyngitis. The man took antibiotics, followed all medical recommendations and recovered. But, despite the fact that he was able to completely get rid of the respiratory pathology, he could not avoid damage to the joints. Its characteristic clinical manifestations are:

  • body temperature rises to subfebrile values ​​(37.1-38.0 °C), and sometimes overcomes them;
  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness occur;
  • periodic headaches appear;
  • sweating increases.

Headache is one of the symptoms of wandering arthritis.

But the main symptom of wandering arthritis is multiple symmetrical arthralgias, or joint pain. Its exacerbations occur after hypothermia and excessive physical exertion, with influenza and ARVI.

Articular signs

Initially, pain occurs in the large hip joints, knee, and shoulder joints. They are then felt in the ankles and elbows. And last of all, the radiocarpal and metatarsophalangeal joints are involved in the pathological process.

The form of the course of wandering arthritisCharacteristic features of the flow
AcuteSharp severity of symptoms, polysyndromic lesions, high activity of the inflammatory process
SubacuteModerate clinical manifestations, joint wandering pain is felt for several months, inflammatory activity is less pronounced
ProtractedArthralgia has been observed for more than 6 months, the activity of the inflammatory process is low, the dynamics are sluggish, only one of the syndromes is clinically manifested
LatentThe heart defect has already formed, which makes it possible to make a diagnosis in the absence of any biochemical, serological, or instrumental data
RecurrentAn undulating course with acute painful relapses followed by short-term remissions, polysyndromic manifestations, rapid damage not only to joints, but also to internal organs

With wandering arthritis, the pain is fleeting. At first they are felt in some joints, and then gradually subside in order to arise with new intensity in others. Since they are provoked by acute or low-grade inflammation, patients experience swelling of the joints regardless of the time of day. The skin turns red, becomes hot to the touch and seems to smooth out.

Joint swelling, pain, redness are signs of inflammation in the joint.

Movement in the joints is severely limited for several reasons. Firstly, their flexion and extension is made difficult by the formed inflammatory edema. Secondly, the person himself deliberately avoids making movements that cause him severe pain. Severe joint symptoms usually disappear after a few days, but moderate pain persists for quite some time.

If the nervous system was involved in the pathological process, then minor chorea develops, manifested by hyperkinesis. Individual muscle groups begin to twitch involuntarily and muscle weakness occurs.

Extra-articular symptoms

Approximately 10-20 days after the onset of migrating joint pain, rheumatic carditis begins to clinically manifest. It is precisely this complex symptomatology that distinguishes wandering arthritis from infectious or gouty pathology. Its development is indicated by the combination of volatile arthralgia with the following extra-articular signs:

  • asthenic syndrome, or chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • increased heart rate;
  • heart rhythm disorder.

Heart pain is one of the symptoms of rheumatic carditis.

The reason for such symptoms is damage by β-hemolytic streptococci not only to connective tissue joint structures, but also to individual membranes of the heart. Most often, the inflammatory process develops in the endocardium, myocardium, and pericardium. In most cases, patients experience cough, shortness of breath, and a feeling of lack of air after intense physical activity. But sometimes the pathology provokes circulatory disorders, cardiac asthma, even pulmonary edema.

Clinical manifestations of the epidermis are diagnosed even less frequently. Ring-shaped erythema develops - the skin is affected by ring-shaped pale pink rashes.

This is what ring-shaped erythema looks like.

Specific rheumatic nodules also form. They are dense, round, single or mobile. When pressed, they move slightly, and no discomfort occurs. The nodules are usually localized on the skin over medium or large joints.

Sometimes (very rarely) wandering arthritis is accompanied by damage to internal organs. Dry or exudative pleurisy and pneumonia develop in the lungs. Damage to the kidney structures is indicated by the appearance of proteins and red blood cells in the urine, and symptoms of nephritis also occur.

When the abdominal organs are involved in the pathological process, abdominal syndrome develops - abdominal pain, vomiting, increased tone of the abdominal muscles.

Abdominal pain and increased tone of the abdominal muscles indicate the development of abdominal syndrome.

Diagnosis of the disease

A biochemical blood test is done first

With wandering arthritis, symptoms and treatment depend on the stage of the disease. At the same time, it is important to make a correct and timely diagnosis, which is often complicated by the vague symptoms of the disease.

Necessary examinations:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • X-ray of diseased joints;
  • MRI;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and heart;
  • liver examination and respiratory tract examination.

The first thing you should do is take a blood test. This allows us to establish the very fact of a hidden inflammatory process. Rheumatoid factor, a special antigen that is released only during rheumatoid arthritis, can also be detected in the blood.

X-rays help identify the exact location of inflammation and assess the condition of bone tissue. An MRI must be done to visualize the cartilage tissue, the destruction of which is characteristic of wandering arthritis.

Additional examinations of the internal organs help to exclude disturbances in their functioning, which could presumably be the cause of migrating pain in the joints. It is also recommended to be tested for hidden infections and undergo a comprehensive examination by a therapist.

OSTEO-VIT. Vitamins for bone health

Over the years, the musculoskeletal system wears out, which is why joint diseases

are increasingly persecuting older people, and given the significant decrease in physical activity, one of which is sedentary work, it is increasingly common for young people to seek medical help.
The cause of joint weakening is inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic processes in cartilage tissue. A frequent treatment among cases of joint diseases is arthritis, one of the acute forms of which is wandering arthritis
The main symptom of wandering arthritis
is inflammation and
pain in the joints
, which does not have a specific area of ​​localization, the cause of which can be either a genetic predisposition or joint injuries, excessive stress on the joints, past infections (fungal, viral, bacterial), hypothermia, poor diet, hormonal age-related changes, as well as excess weight.

Treatment of wandering arthritis

takes a long period and has a favorable outcome, provided that treatment for the disease is started promptly and preventive measures are followed, otherwise the severity of this form of
joint disease increases, which can further lead to disability and the only solution to the health problem will be surgical intervention.

Symptoms of wandering arthritis.

Symptoms of wandering arthritis

, are not much different from the manifestations of reactive arthritis, when inflammation can cover several joints, with characteristic
joint pain
, which is accompanied by swelling, redness, and a local increase in temperature.
The peculiarity of wandering arthritis
is that the clinical picture of arthritis is persistent, does not have a permanent localization, manifests itself for no longer than three days in one or more areas, changing its localization.

Moreover, against the background of the main manifestations, other symptoms of wandering arthritis may be observed: fatigue, stiffness in the joints, limiting motor ability, sleep disturbances due to night pain in the joints, muscle weakness and weight loss.

symptoms of wandering arthritis are detected

there is no need to delay visiting a specialist, because with a correctly carried out diagnosis, including laboratory (blood tests) and instrumental examination, it is possible to identify
joint disease
in the initial stages, when
the treatment of wandering arthritis
can have a favorable prognosis.

Treatment of wandering arthritis.

An integrated approach to the treatment of wandering arthritis

includes drug therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy and nutrition control and gives a favorable prognosis for recovery, provided that treatment is started in a timely manner.

In the presence of pain, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors and drugs that restore blood microcirculation are prescribed; in the event of symptoms of wandering arthritis of infectious etiology, antibacterial therapy (antibiotics) is prescribed.

With severe arthralgia of the joints, which is with wandering arthritis

does not have an unambiguous localization, drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are prescribed.
Currently, along with drug therapy, specialists prescribe vitamin D, since its significant role in eliminating foci of inflammation has been proven. In addition, its immunosuppressive activity makes it an indispensable tool in the treatment of diseases of autoimmune origin (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, etc.). joint diseases often associated with vitamin D deficiency, which often affects older people and fairly young people during periods of reduced solar activity, which causes articular meteopathy and the development of acute forms of arthritis, one of which is vagus arthritis
It is quite difficult to obtain the daily requirement of vitamin D from food, so on gloomy autumn days and frosty winters, with a lack of sunlight and short daylight hours - the main supplier of valuable vitamin for the health of bones and joints, the required amount for normal body function can be obtained using a vitamin supplement. complexes containing it. Osteo-Vit vitamins contain the necessary dose of vitamin D, represented by its active form - D3 (cholecalcifelor), the combined action of which with vitamin B6, which takes part together with vitamin D in mineral metabolism in the body, which has an analgesic property that helps reduce joint pain .
An important component of the Osteo-Vit vitamin complex is drone brood (a donor of entomological prohormones), which influences hormonal levels, the decrease of which during menopause and postmenopause in women provokes joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis), spinal dorsopathy, bone diseases (osteoporosis, osteomalacia, osteopenia). Get rid of symptoms of wandering arthritis

is impossible without taking chondroprotectors, the action of which is aimed at stopping the degenerative process of cartilage and controlling the regeneration of cartilage tissue, but also having a restorative effect on cartilage tissue.
A natural remedy for chondroprotective action is dandelion root, on the basis of which, for ease of use, the herbal preparation Dandelion P is produced, the action of biologically active substances in which is enhanced by vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of microelements, recommended in the prevention of diseases of joints
, ligaments and bones.
In the treatment of wandering arthritis,
dandelion root is also used as a natural venotonic, normalizing the outflow of venous blood and preventing the formation of stagnation that provokes disturbances in blood microcirculation in the joint structures.

Restoration of capillary blood supply in joint tissues is ensured by antioxidants, therefore in the treatment of wandering arthritis

Antioxidant vitamin complexes are indicated.
Positive dynamics in joint diseases
is shown by taking dihydroquercetin - a natural antioxidant, recognized as a reference, which is part of the Dihydroquercetin Plus vitamin complex, acting together with vitamin C and vitamin E, which are also powerful antioxidants.

To reduce night pain in the joints, it is recommended to take muscle relaxants, which have a relaxing effect on spasmodic muscles located in the periarticular area. Valerian officinalis is a natural muscle relaxant that helps relieve muscle spasms, on the basis of which the drug Valerian P is produced.

Physiotherapy (laser, shock wave, magnetotherapy), mud treatment, acupuncture, which can only be done after passing the acute period, physical therapy for joints, specific yoga exercises for joints, swimming, massage will help you get rid of joint stiffness.

wandering arthritis requires special attention

, requiring the refusal of different groups of products, and the introduction of a significant amount of products containing calcium and vitamin D. It is also recommended to use dietary supplements containing calcium.
The biologically active complex Osteomed will help you protect the body from calcium deficiency and normalize its metabolism, disturbances of which often cause wandering arthritis
and other
joint diseases , frequent bone fractures due to falls or minor injuries (osteoporosis).
Do not forget about preventive measures, including not only physical exercise and proper nutrition, but also timely prevention and treatment of infectious diseases that cause wandering arthritis

. Avoid excess body weight, which puts additional stress on your joints. Eliminate bad habits.

Treatment of wandering arthritis

must be timely, in the initial stages when the first signs appear, otherwise this advanced joint disease can lead to disability and the only solution to the problem can be surgery.

We recommend reading:

What is arthrosis-arthritis? Causes, symptoms, treatment.

How and why do your hands go numb at night while sleeping? Treatment for hand numbness at night.

Arthritis of the toes: causes, symptoms, treatment.

Arthritis of the ankle joint. Causes, symptoms, treatment.

Elbow pain is one of the symptoms of elbow arthritis. Causes and treatment of elbow arthritis.

What is joint arthropathy? Symptoms and treatment of arthropathy.

← Vitamin D for strong bones. How to protect yourself from fractures in winter?

What are the grades of knee arthritis? Causes, symptoms and treatment methods for arthritis of the knee joint. →

Drug treatment

In the treatment of wandering arthritis, medicinal and non-medicinal agents are used. Drug therapy is aimed at normalizing nutrition and restoring cartilage tissue. For this purpose, medications from the group of chondroprotectors and vasodilators are prescribed.

Chondroprotectors improve the elasticity of cartilage, protect it from loss of elasticity and destruction. Vasodilator medications are indicated to improve metabolic processes in the affected joint, as they improve blood microcirculation.

To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets and ointments are prescribed. They reduce the inflammatory response and relieve pain. They should be used when the symptoms of the disease worsen.

Vasodilator ointments containing Ibuprofen or Diclofenac are often prescribed. Such drugs simultaneously relieve pain, reduce swelling and improve local blood circulation.

Additionally, taking medications to strengthen the immune system, vitamins and dietary supplements for joints may be indicated. For arthritis, it is useful to take B vitamins and Omega-3 capsules.

Genesis of transient arthritis

Inflammation occurs due to infection of the synovial cavities by pathogenic microbes. The spread of infection by toxic bacteria occurs rapidly, causing a strong immune reaction in the body and the release of a large volume of antibodies (immunoglobulins) into the blood. However, being under continuous attack from harmful agents, biological defense quickly loses its position, opening the way for the development of inflammatory processes in all parts of the articular cartilage.

The constant effect of toxins on healthy cells of the synovial membrane contributes to its active destruction and gradual fusion (ankylosis) of bone fragments into a single “alloy”.

The joint loses its natural functionality, becomes deformed and inactive. In most cases, arthralgia is provoked by a hemolytic streptococcal infection of group A. Infection manifests itself through sore throat, tonsillitis or pharyngitis.

Transient arthritis begins in large joints, such as the hip joints or knees. As the inflammation progresses, it migrates throughout the body, affecting new smaller cartilaginous and muscular elements - the hands, phalanges of the fingers, ankles, etc. Unlike other arthritis, with its wandering form, several synovial capsules are affected at once. The disease occurs in acute and chronic forms.

Transient arthritis, like any pathology, has its own classification. Thus, the inflammatory process in articular cartilage, taking into account the cause of its appearance, is divided into:

  • Rheumatoid - a consequence of staphylococcal infection;
  • Gouty is a consequence of metabolic disorders;
  • Infectious - a consequence of gastrointestinal infections;
  • Traumatic - a consequence of mechanical damage to the bones;
  • Allergy is a consequence of prolonged exposure to a specific allergen on the body.

A feature of wandering arthritis is its symmetry. In this case, under the upper layer of the epidermis in the muscle mass, the formation of characteristic rheumatoid nodes is observed, visualized as small knob-shaped compactions.


Physiotherapy is good for getting rid of wandering arthritis

Physiotherapeutic methods are widely used in the treatment of wandering arthritis. Most often prescribed:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • mud therapy;
  • warm compresses;
  • massage.

All these methods are aimed at improving metabolic processes and nourishing cartilage tissue. The purpose of such therapy in the treatment of wandering arthritis is due to the need to restore normal mobility in the joints.

It is advisable to prescribe electrophoresis in conjunction with vasodilating drugs, for example, nicotinic acid. This is an old, time-tested method of improving local blood circulation and normalizing the motor function of inflamed joints.

Manual therapy or massage can quickly improve joint movement and relieve swelling. This method of treatment is indicated for all types of arthritis, except infectious.

After rehabilitation recommendations

To prevent the appearance of transient arthritis or its relapses, the following is indicated:

  1. A balanced diet and the introduction of foods containing sufficient amounts of proteins, amino acids and microelements into the diet;
  2. Quitting bad habits;
  3. Body weight control;
  4. Regular physical exercise or therapeutic exercises without overloading the joints;
  5. Timely treatment of infectious and bacterial diseases;
  6. Maintaining an active lifestyle - brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc.;
  7. Changing body position and resting joints during prolonged monotonous work.

Following these simple but effective rules will help maintain overall health and functionality of the musculoskeletal system.


Treating wandering arthritis with surgery is a last resort

Surgical methods for the treatment of wandering arthritis are practiced only in cases of severe wear and tear of the joint, which threatens disability. The method involves replacing the affected joint with an artificial prosthesis.

The operation allows you to quickly normalize the functioning of the joint and restore the former ease of movement, but is associated with a number of risks. After the operation, the patient requires a year-long course of rehabilitation.

Reasons for appearance

  1. Genetic predisposition of the body;
  2. Bacterial, fungal or viral infection - streptococci, gonococci, chlamydia;
  3. Diseases of the central nervous system;
  4. Imbalance of the hormonal system;
  5. Excessive mechanical stress on the joints;
  6. Having excess body weight;
  7. Professional sports with regular skeletal overload;
  8. Staying in a static position for a long time;
  9. Traumatization of bones and consequences of surgical intervention;
  10. Metabolic disease;
  11. An unbalanced diet with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements important for joints;
  12. Hypothermia of the extremities;
  13. Changes in skeletal structure due to age;
  14. Chronic joint diseases, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, AIDS and gonorrhea;
  15. Unhealthy lifestyle and abuse of cigarettes and alcohol;
  16. Environmentally unfavorable living environment.

Genetic predisposition Central nervous system diseases Excess body weight Metabolic disorders

Unbalanced diet Traumatization of bones Hypothermia of the extremities Diabetes mellitus

Exercise therapy and diet

Diet and exercise will help strengthen joints

Physical therapy helps prevent joint destruction and stop the progression of the disease. Classes are held in the doctor's office. The set of exercises is selected individually for each patient and depends on the exact localization of the inflammatory process.

Exercises should be performed regularly. After a course of exercises in a physical therapy room, it is recommended to continue training at home.

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of wandering arthritis. You should avoid consuming large amounts of salt, fatty foods, fatty meats and sweets. It is recommended to eat fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and dairy products. To protect cartilage tissue, it is useful to eat jelly with gelatin and jellied chicken feet.


The selection of treatment tactics is made on the basis of diagnostic data, the nature and form of the disease. Due to the fact that wandering arthritis is a very specific pathology, therapy for inflammation lasts a long time. To eliminate a migratory infection, an integrated approach is used, consisting of different treatment methods:

Drug therapy

  • Nonsteroidal antiphlogistic drugs (NSAIDs);
  • Corticosteroid (hormonal) drugs;
  • Muscle relaxants;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Chondroprotectors that restore the cartilage membrane;
  • Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics);
  • Gastroprotectors that prevent gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • Vitamins D, B (1, 6, 3, 12), E and A, which help eliminate infectious foci of an autoimmune nature.


  1. Magnetic, laser and electric pulse effects on synovial cartilage in order to restore the supply of nutrients to joint tissues. It is not recommended during exacerbation of arthritis.
  2. Therapeutic physical education (physical therapy), consisting of special gymnastics, swimming, breathing exercises. It is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.
  3. Mud therapy, which involves the use of mud compresses, baths and applications in areas of inflammation. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. Acupuncture that helps slow down joint degeneration and allows you to quickly relieve pain in any form of arthritis.

Dietary food

Adjustments to the diet and reduction in the consumption of salt, caffeine and various additives that worsen natural metabolism, retain fluid in cells and have a negative impact on the condition of the joints.

Surgical treatment

  • Arthroscopy - a small puncture of soft tissue in the area of ​​​​inflammation. Allows you to eliminate erosive destruction of cartilage, stop its changes at the structural level and restore the impaired functionality of the joint.
  • Synovectomy - complete or partial excision of the inflamed synovial membrane of the joint capsule.
  • Endoprosthetics - replacement of a diseased joint with an implant. It is carried out only in extreme cases, when the destruction process is irreversible and drug treatment is ineffective.

In general, the course of treatment for wandering arthritis takes up to 2 months. In its uncomplicated form, the pathology is completely curable and has a long-term positive prognosis.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment can only be an addition to the main therapy

In case of exacerbation of pain, it is recommended to use alcohol rubbing. For this purpose, you can use alcohol tinctures of calendula, propolis, and garlic. These agents have a local irritant effect, reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

For non-infectious arthritis, you can make compresses with salt and snow, dry heating with hot salt, decongestant lotions with cabbage leaves.

It is important to understand that folk remedies only complement the complex treatment of arthritis, but cannot cope with the pathology on their own.

Treatment of ARF

Eradication of GABHS infection is necessary regardless of whether there are signs of pharyngitis. Antibacterial therapy is carried out similarly to therapy for acute tonsillopharyngitis.

Symptomatic therapy:

  • arthritis - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and prevent the involvement of new joints;
  • carditis - treatment is carried out only if heart failure develops;
  • chorea - usually does not require treatment, but sometimes it may be necessary to prescribe antipsychotics and anticonvulsants;
  • erythema and subcutaneous nodules - no treatment.

How is ARF treated at the Rassvet Clinic?

We provide timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of GABHS pharyngitis, which reduces the incidence of ARF by almost 70%. When choosing antibacterial therapy, we always give preference to penicillin antibiotics - as the most effective drugs that have been proven to reduce the incidence of ARF. We never reduce the course of antibiotic therapy when there is clinical improvement. If GABHS pharyngitis is detected, we do not prescribe local treatment (rinses, sprays) to the detriment of systemic antibacterial therapy.

We provide adequate eradication therapy for GABHS in ARF in order to prevent relapses and progression of rheumatic heart disease. We offer a full examination for diagnosed ARF - ECG, ECHO-CG, consultation with a cardiologist and neurologist with the selection of the necessary therapy.

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