How to quickly relieve neck tension? A simple set of exercises

Discomfort in the neck area not only causes inconvenience, but also negatively affects performance. Muscle tension makes a person more irritable, worsens mood and significantly reduces stress resistance.

The ideal prevention of such problems is regular physical activity and mental balance. However, with the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to comply with these conditions. However, you can resist neck and shoulder pain even with sedentary work and high levels of stress.

We'll tell you about five easy exercises that will help you forget about the discomfort in your muscles.

Three simple exercises for lower back pain that will make life easier

Head tilt to the side

The exercise is performed in a standing or sitting position.

Place the palm of your right hand on the top of your head and slowly pull your head to the right. At the same time, the back remains straight, and there is no tension in the shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then carefully return to the starting position. Repeat the same movements, but with a tilt to the left. Perform the exercise five times left and right.


Thanks to head tilts, the long muscles of the neck are stretched, and stiffness and discomfort on the sides disappear.

Relaxing massage

It has been used since ancient times to relieve tension. However, even in our time it is a relevant and best way to combat back discomfort. In order for the massage to be performed correctly, several rules must be followed:

  • Choose a comfortable environment in which you can relax your whole body.
  • Use various oils, mixtures, creams. Massage is performed only on the naked part of the body.
  • It is not recommended to take breaks; changing techniques should occur smoothly.
  • The duration of the massage should not exceed 25 minutes.
  • It is necessary to start and end a relaxing massage with elements of stroking;
  • Before the procedure, do not eat for at least 60 minutes.

The master's hands should always be warm. The first session lasts no more than 10 minutes

The main techniques are stroking, rubbing, kneading, patting and vibration. You should not use a lot of force, movements should be smooth and slow.

Putting your hands behind your head

The exercise is performed in a standing or sitting position.

Raise your right arm, bend it at the elbow and reach the top edge of your right shoulder blade. Place your left hand on the top of your head and slowly tilt your head to the left. Hold this position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Then do the same to the right. Repeat five times in each direction.


This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles that lift the scapulae. If they are tense, pain occurs in the lower neck and shoulder blades.

Straighten your back: 5 minutes a day for beautiful posture


Used only when the pain becomes unbearable. Medicines such as muscle relaxants perfectly relieve spasms of skeletal muscles, eliminating the cause of pain. The most famous and best remedy that does not have a sedative effect is Mydocalm. It is allowed even for children from 3 years of age.

If the above methods do not relax the muscles, then you need to contact a specialist for help as soon as possible. There may be serious abnormalities that require medical intervention.

Stretching with a roller

The exercise is performed in a lying position.

Roll up the towel and place it under the base of your skull. Tilt your head back and relax your neck, shoulders and back. Stay in this position for 10 minutes or until discomfort occurs. It is advisable to practice on a hard surface.


This exercise gently but effectively stretches all the neck muscles and helps relieve stiffness.


A treatment method based in ancient China. The essence of the procedure is that specialists apply needles to acupuncture points. What happens in the body during acupuncture?

What is being produced and happeningWhat effect is achieved
Endorphins and enkephalins (hormones of joy)General analgesic effect
CortisolStrong anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect
Serotonin synthesis is activatedThe mood improves, there is an improvement in well-being and a surge of vitality. Enhances the effect of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs

In addition, venous and arterial circulation, microcirculation of organs and tissues significantly improves. Swelling is significantly reduced, and the regeneration process begins. Muscle tone is normalized and spasms of the paravertebral muscles disappear.

Head tilt with raised arm

The exercise is performed in a standing or sitting position.

Place your right hand behind your back. Grasp your right wrist with your left hand and gently pull it down and to the left. Tilt your head towards your left shoulder and hold this position for 30 seconds. Then repeat the exercise on the other side. Do five times each.

Don't crunch your vertebrae: 3 simple exercises for neck pain

This exercise is designed to stretch the upper trapezius muscles and effectively relieve tension in both the shoulders and neck.

Myofascial syndrome - symptoms and treatment

An integrated approach is used in the treatment of myofascial pain. It involves eliminating pathological muscle tension and trigger points.

In case of primary syndrome, a local effect is applied to the affected structures:

  • rest and moist hot wrap of the affected muscle;
  • application of anti-inflammatory gels and ointments to the area of ​​trigger points;
  • ischemic compression (squeezing) of trigger points;
  • post-isometric relaxation - relaxation of muscles after volitional tension;
  • stretching muscles through exercises, gentle muscle relaxation techniques and relaxing massage;
  • using lidocaine patches (local anesthesia);
  • trigger point injections.

In case of secondary syndrome, treatment of the underlying disease comes to the fore.

Drug treatments for myofascial pain include:

  • NSAIDs—nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • tricyclic antidepressants.

NSAIDs relieve pain, inflammation and lower body temperature. The mechanism of their action is based on suppressing the activity of substances that participate in the cascade of inflammatory reactions.

For severe pain, low doses of tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed. They reduce muscle pain and have a sedative effect.

Ischemic compression of trigger points is aimed at stopping or significantly reducing muscle tension and reducing pain. The trigger point is compressed with your fingertips and held for 60-90 seconds with a gradual increase in pressure.

Simultaneously with squeezing the trigger point, the affected muscle is stretched. This allows you to reduce the time of the procedure: the more the muscle is stretched, the more it relaxes, hypertonicity is relieved, and pain relief occurs faster.

Trigger point injections are sometimes performed with bupivacaine, etidocaine, lidocaine, saline, or water for injection combined with passive muscle stretching and/or coolant spray over the trigger point and area of ​​referred pain [13][14][15][16][ 17]. All this is done for local anesthesia. In some cases, a “dry” puncture is performed - an injection into the trigger point without the introduction of any substance [16][17].

Botulinum toxin type A, injected into trigger points, reduces muscle spasm for 3-6 months [18][19][20][21][22][23]. It inhibits the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which mediates neuromuscular transmission.

The effectiveness of injection therapy with botulinum toxin type A in combination with physiotherapy was confirmed by a retrospective study by Spanish scientists. During the experiment, medical records of 301 patients with persistent myofascial pain syndrome were studied. Scientists found that after 6 months, as a result of this combined treatment, pain decreased in 58.1% of patients, including 82.9% of patients with primary myofascial pain syndrome and 54.9% of patients with secondary syndrome [23].

Complications associated with trigger point injections are rare and depend on the area of ​​injection. They include pain at the injection site, bleeding, bruising, intramuscular hematoma formation, infection, damage to nerve or vascular trunks.

Local therapy in the form of an anesthetic patch relieves myofascial pain and does not cause discomfort, unlike injection techniques. This conclusion was made by scientists from Italy during a randomized controlled trial [24].

The patients who took part in the experiment were divided into three groups of 20 people: the first group was treated for 4 days with a lidocaine patch glued to the trigger point; the second group received a placebo patch; and the third group received injections of 0.5% bupivacaine hydrochloride.

The researchers found that in the first and third groups, subjective symptoms decreased significantly and the pain threshold increased. Moreover, the effectiveness of therapy was higher in patients of the third group, who received anesthetic injections, but they experienced more discomfort from the treatment than patients from the first group.

The patch is used only once a day. It is glued to dry, intact skin in the area of ​​pain for no more than half a day, after which a break is taken for at least 12 hours. Before gluing the patch, the hair on the skin should be cut with scissors, not shaved.

No more than three patches can be used at a time. If necessary, the patch can be cut into pieces, but only before removing the protective film. The removed patch should not be reused.

It is important to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of such local therapy. This will determine the optimal number of patches that can be used at once to cover the area of ​​pain or to increase the time between applications.

After 2-4 weeks from the start of treatment, the effectiveness of the applications should be re-evaluated. If during this time the response to therapy was insufficient or the therapeutic effect is determined only by the protective properties of the patch, treatment should be discontinued.

Other effective procedures that reduce pain , according to research, include phonophoresis [25][26], massage and exercise [34], stretching (work with an instructor), ultrasound [30], electroacupuncture, electrical nerve stimulation [28][29 ], a combination of the above methods [25] and EMG-BFB - biofeedback based on the electromyogram [32].

A systematic review by Canadian scientists suggested that electroacupuncture is more effective than transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation [33]. In electroacupuncture, a needle is inserted into a trigger point and an electrical current is applied. With transcutaneous electrical stimulation, electrodes through which current is supplied are applied to the skin without damaging it.

Acupuncture and manual therapy may also be effective [31][35][36]. But, like any other non-drug treatment, they work differently for each patient.

A study conducted by scientists from Taiwan showed that a self-massage and regular exercise therapy at home improved the results of treatment of myofascial pain and significantly increased the threshold of pain sensitivity when pressure was applied to trigger points [34].

The treatment complex should include exercises for restructuring the non-optimal motor stereotype. They correct postures and movements performed in everyday life and during work.

At the University of Michigan, a study of various massage and manual therapy techniques was conducted, as a result of which a special method of influencing myofascial structures was developed - “ myofascial release ”. This technique involves performing exercises independently, without the help of a doctor or massage therapist, which makes it possible to regulate the degree of pressure on the muscles and their stretching, guided by your own sensations.

Myofascial release can be performed using a variety of tools: foam rollers, hand rollers, latex balls, or other assistive devices. They allow you to relieve excess tension in trigger points, relax muscles and ligaments by influencing the fascia. The result is complete relaxation of one or a group of muscles.

The mechanisms underlying myofascial release are not well understood. Studies attempting to illustrate the effectiveness of this technique are often poorly designed and do not answer questions about how long the procedure should be performed, how much pressure should be applied to the affected muscle, and what type of exercise device is best.

The rehabilitation program involves the use of orthoses: corsets, bandages, special shoes, insoles, etc. Orthopedic insoles, special orthopedic shoes and heel supports, for example, can be useful for correcting leg length.


Basic methods for diagnosing pathologies of the cervical spine:

  • MRI
  • X-ray examination;
  • CT

Most often we use magnetic resonance imaging - this is one of the most modern and effective methods for diagnosing spinal pathologies. MRI allows you to evaluate the condition of the soft tissues of the vertebral discs, spinal cord, vertebrae and their processes, nerves, etc.

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Contact your doctor immediately if:

  • An acute headache occurred suddenly.
  • If the pain is accompanied by dizziness and unsteadiness of gait.
  • If, in addition to pain, you have a fever and a rash.
  • If you have a headache during pregnancy.

It will cure headaches and correct posture. Myths and truths about physical therapy Read more


If office workers and other professionals who primarily work while sitting feel as if their muscles are overstrained or spasming, then you should pay attention to the state of your health. In such cases, it is recommended to take preventive measures:

  • avoid places where the air conditioner is running;
  • avoid drafts;
  • Avoid hypothermia and wear comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the season;
  • treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases in a timely manner;
  • during work, do small warm-ups of the neck muscles;
  • engage in physical education or exercise therapy;
  • undergo regular medical examinations.

Preventive measures must be observed regularly, otherwise their effectiveness is reduced. It is better to accustom the child to water procedures and exercises in advance. This will help boost their body's defense mechanisms.

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