A set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with a stick

Back problems cause inconvenience and sometimes unbearable pain not only for older people, but also for young people. It is not for nothing that osteochondrosis is considered one of the most common diseases in the world. It affects up to 85% of the population. Special gymnastics using simple sports equipment will help you get rid of painful sensations. For example, exercises with a gymnastic stick for osteochondrosis are considered one of the most effective and safest.

Gymnastics with a stick and its benefits for osteochondrosis

Exercises for osteochondrosis using a gymnastic stick are selected by a vertebrologist using a special technique based on the patient’s capabilities, taking into account the stage of the disease, the extent and area of ​​the lesion. Gymnastics with a stick allows you to strengthen the muscle corset, relax the muscles, improve blood circulation in the joints, the state of the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, increase the intervertebral space, and improve immunity.

Therapeutic exercise with a stick is an excellent alternative to get rid of an illness with minimal investment. Exercising with this gymnastic apparatus progressively increases the load on the muscle tissues of the abdomen and lower back, complementing the full range of therapy for the back with more complex, varied exercises.

Rules and features of exercise therapy

Proper breathing will increase the effectiveness of exercises.
The length of the gymnastic stick must be chosen correctly. The recommended length of the projectile is 10 centimeters less than the distance from the floor to the xiphoid process (lower end of the sternum). A set of exercises with a gymnastic stick differs in the method of execution, the level of load when performing the complex, which depends on the location of the problem, purpose, and stage of the disease. But there are training principles that are common to all, adherence to which will preserve the results obtained for a long time:

  • Carry out only medical prescriptions after diagnosis and follow the instructions for their implementation.
  • The first stage is carried out under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor.
  • Perform gymnastics in the morning in a well-ventilated area.
  • Regularity of execution: 4-5 times a week.
  • Clothing should be comfortable and moisture-wicking.
  • Start each movement with an inhalation and end with an exhalation.
  • Increase the load gradually.
  • Do not exercise if you have acute pain.
  • Work through the movements smoothly, measuredly, without haste.
  • Avoid forward lumbar deflection when performing a complex for lumbosacral chondrosis.
  • Reduce the distance between the hands on the stick in order to increase the load during the period of remission.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Physical exercise will improve blood supply to the brain.
Perform pole training, which improves memory, blood circulation in the brain and overall performance. Such exercises are the main component of therapy for glenohumeral periarthritis (osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint). You need to start with a minimum load of 5-7 repetitions. Gradually increase the number of movements up to 10 times, execution time - up to 20 minutes. Exercises to stretch and relax the neck muscles will relieve swelling and inflammation in the intervertebral discs and tissues. Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are done while standing, and the exercises are as follows:

  • Elbows bent at the elbows. Extend and bend at chest level.
  • Extend your arms with the stick in front of you. Perform rotations along the axis.
  • Lower the stick from above your head to your shoulders.
  • Slowly lean to the sides. In this case, the hands with the stick are raised above the head.
  • Raising your arms above your head, bend down, trying to reach the floor.
  • Holding the projectile with your elbows behind your back, turn your upper body in different directions without stopping.

Complex for the thoracic region

Monitor your posture while performing the exercise.

  • Pressing the projectile against your back with your elbows, roll it up and then lower it down as much as possible. Maintain proper posture.
  • From the hand-down position, raise the stick to the chest, place it behind the head and lower it to the lumbar region. In this position, bend forward, while stretching your arms up as much as possible. The smaller the distance between the upper limbs, the greater the load on all muscle groups.
  • Crossing your arms straight at the elbows, rotate the stick left and right.
  • Sitting on a chair and holding the upper end of the stick with your hands, bend forward as you inhale, trying to lower your head between your hands. At the same time, the knees are widely spaced, the feet hold its lower end.

Exercises for the lumbosacral area

The complex is used during the period of remission.

  • Feet shoulder width apart. Perform body turns in different directions with straight arms raised at chest level.
  • Perform squats, raising your outstretched arms.
  • Lie on your stomach, legs together. With arms extended forward, ride back and forth, like in a boat.
  • Position: lying down. Holding the stick behind your back with straight arms, bend back while inhaling and raise your shoulders. Hold for 5 seconds. Perform 10 times.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

Depending on the lesion, it is recommended to perform different sets of exercises with a gymnastic stick.

Cervical region

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to perform the following complex:

  • Standing on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms with a gymnastic stick extended forward. Perform rotations alternately in one direction and the other (11 times).
  • The starting position is the same, just make the grip of the stick wider. The exercise is called “Propeller”: by rotating, alternately place the stick vertically and horizontally. Do 11 repetitions.
  • Standing in the same position, perform stick lifts: while inhaling – lift up, while exhaling – down. Repeat 9 times.
  • Standing on the floor, hold a stick with your arms extended upward. Perform back bends. Number of repetitions – 6-8.

Or an example of exercises for the cervicothoracic region:

Thoracic region

Lesions in the thoracic region are often confused with the cervical or lumbar regions. The presented set of exercises was created specifically for such cases. It will not cause harm in case of cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis.

  • Take a standing position, tighten your abdominal muscles, straighten your lower back. Then raise your arms up and move them as far behind your back as possible. During the exercise, you must ensure that the abdominal muscles do not relax.
  • Place your hands behind your head, clasp your elbows, then lift them and lower them to your sides.
  • Raise your hands up. Lower them, placing them as far behind your back as possible.

Each exercise is performed up to 10 times. Then they pick up a gymnastic stick and continue with it:

  • Take the stick with a wide grip, raise your arms up and lower them in front of you. Next, bring them behind your head, trying to lower them to your lower back.
  • Raise the stick behind your back, arms away from your body. Bend forward without reducing the tension in your abdominal muscles.
  • Cross your arms and rotate the stick, feeling the tension in the area of ​​your shoulder blades.

Each exercise is performed up to 12-14 times.

A few more exercise options for the thoracic spine:


If the lumbar region is affected, you can also alternate gymnastics with and without a special stick.

Start gymnastics without a stick:

  • Lie on the floor, raise your legs straight 45 degrees from the floor. Perform the “scissors” exercise, alternately crossing your legs, for at least 20-30 seconds.
  • Next, move on to the “bicycle” exercise. Do it for at least 60 seconds.

Then they move on to exercises with a gymnastic stick:

  • Standing position on the floor, feet slightly wider than shoulders. Holding the stick in your hands, rotate in different directions.
  • Stick overhead, bend back and forth, left and right alternately.
  • Lie on your stomach, stick behind your back. Extend your arms and legs, imitating the movement of a boat.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

Exercises with a stick for cervical osteochondrosis and other localizations of pathology are preferably carried out in the morning. This is a good alternative to morning exercises.

For the cervical region

The complex is performed standing, sitting with a straight back. Hold the stick with an open grip, the approximate distance between the hands on the stick is equal to the width of your chest. Perform the complex:

  1. Raise the stick to shoulder level. Then straighten your arms, moving it above your head, lower the projectile to the level of the middle of your chest, lower your arms. Repeat 7 times. Perform slowly, gradually, with static muscle tension;
  2. With your elbows apart, move the stick behind the back of your head. Try to lower the projectile behind your back as low as possible. If the exercise is easy, intercept the projectile so that your hands are closer to it - the closer they are, the higher the load;
  3. Place your hands with the projectile behind your back, raise the stick as high as possible behind your back. Slowly lean forward, pulling in your stomach. At the point of maximum load, fixate for 3 seconds and straighten up. Repeat 7 times;
  4. Hold the projectile in front of you, cross your arms without releasing the stick - first the right one over the left, then the left over the right. Repeat 7 times.

Possible option for a neck complex

While performing the complex, monitor your well-being; there should be no pain, dizziness, or excessive muscle tension. Exercises with a stick for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis are performed without sudden movements.


For thoracic osteochondrosis

The exercises are performed in a standing position, with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold the stick with an open grip at the ends.

  1. Extend your arms forward. Turn your body left and right, not so much from the lumbar region as from the thoracic region. Tighten your shoulder girdle. Repeat 30 times (15 in each direction);
  2. Extend your arms with the projectile in them in front of you. At the initial moment of the exercise, the apparatus is in a horizontal position. It is necessary to turn it vertically, applying equal force with both hands, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Repeat at least 20 times in each direction;
  3. The initial position is the same as in the first exercise. Stretch your arms in front of you. As you inhale, raise your arms straight up, and as you exhale, lower them. Repeat 7 times.

Regular exercises with a stick for thoracic osteochondrosis will relieve pain even when sitting at a computer.


Complex for the thoracic region

For lumbar osteochondrosis

Exercises with a stick are very effective for lumbar radiculitis - they relieve swelling of soft tissues, muscle hypertonicity, pinching, and eliminate pain. The following exercise is especially popular. Starting position – feet slightly wider than shoulder width, stick in straight arms in front of you, then raise your straight arms with the stick above your head. As you inhale, bend forward, trying to reach the floor with the stick, but without bending your knees. As you exhale, return to the starting position, without fixing at the bottom point (repeat 10 times).

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

These exercises will help both with existing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and as a preventive measure. For preventive purposes, exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can be performed in the evenings at home, but it is better to use short breaks from work for this (this is a recommendation for those who have a sedentary job). Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis does not take much time, but gives a positive result, and quite quickly. Exercise 1. Sit up straight, throw your head back and try to reach your right ear with your right shoulder, then return to the starting position. The exercise is performed slowly and smoothly, the muscles are not tense. Do five repetitions for each side. Exercise 2. Sit up straight, face looking forward, chin slightly raised. Slowly and smoothly turn your head to the right - as much as possible. Return to the starting position and make the same turn to the left. Repeat 5 times in each direction. Exercise 3. Place your palm on your forehead and press your head on it, while the palm should remain in the same place, that is, resist the pressure. When pressing with your head, you need to tense your neck muscles. Slowly count to yourself to 5 and relax. Repeat 3 times. Exercise 4. The exercise is similar to exercise 3, only the palm (or two palms) needs to be placed on the back of the head and it is with it that you need to press on the palm. The tension must be maintained, counting to yourself to 5. Repeat 3 times. Exercise 5. The exercise is similar to exercise 3, but in this case the right palm should be placed on the right temple and the head should be pressed against the palm. The tension must be maintained, counting to yourself to 5. Repeat 3 times. Then do the same, placing your left palm on your left temple - repeat 3 times. Exercise 6. Sit up straight, tilt your head back slightly and then slowly, with tension, as if overcoming resistance, lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Repeat 5 times. Exercise 7. Sitting straight, lower your head down and slowly turn your head to the right and left - 5 times in each direction. At the same time, the head remains lowered. Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis should not include rotation of the head without support from the hands, especially in those moments when the neck is tense and painful. In severe cases, it is necessary to consult an orthopedic doctor. You may need to prescribe medication, massage therapy, and physical therapy.

The best exercises with a gymnastic stick

The main advantage of training with a stick is that it is almost impossible to get injured. To do this you need to try very hard. We can say that when working with body steam, you perform warm-up exercises of increased complexity. Accordingly, there is no need to warm up before such a workout.

Moreover, such training is available to people of any gender and age. So your problems with the spine and excess weight are completely solvable.

The most effective exercises with a gymnastic stick:

  1. Body twists are the simplest but most beneficial movement for the spine. Place the body pair on your shoulders and grab it with your hands. Straighten your back and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your body as much as possible. Don't forget to breathe properly.
  2. Bringing a stick behind your back is an exercise that gymnasts often perform. You need to take the body pair with a wide grip, lift it above your head and begin to lower it back. At the lowest point, your hands with the stick should be behind your back at the level of your buttocks. This movement is excellent for developing the elasticity of your shoulder joint.
  3. Ab crunches are performed in the same way as usual. Only here you must put the stick on your shoulders and grab it with your hands. This allows you to exclude all muscles from work except the abdominals. This exercise is not recommended for beginners. However, for people with a high level of physical fitness, it is very effective.
  4. Squats and lunges with the body pair raised up. When your arms are raised and you are holding a body pair in them, your back automatically becomes straight. This means that the technique of doing squats and lunges becomes ideal, and most importantly, does not harm your spine.
  5. Bend forward, hands with a stick below. In the starting position, your hands should be behind your back and hold the body pair. Your task is to lean forward and stretch your arms up as much as possible. This allows you to develop flexibility in your back and lumbar joint.
  6. Press up - here we need a rubber band, which can be purchased complete with a body steamer. You tie it to a body pair. After which, you stand on it and take the stick in your hands. In the starting position, you hold it at chest level. Your task is to squeeze it up like a barbell. This exercise will increase your muscle strength and reduce the risk of shoulder injury if you are involved in bodybuilding.
  7. Raising the stick forward is also performed with a rubber band. The difference from the previous exercise here is that at the bottom point you hold the body pair at hip level. And at the top point you should lift them so that they are parallel to the floor. An excellent exercise for the muscles of the arms and shoulders.
  8. Side bends are a very simple, but at the same time effective exercise. It perfectly accelerates blood in the lumbar and pelvic areas. Your task is to hold the body pair at the top with straight arms, and bend to the sides as low as possible. Mentally, you should strive to reach the end of the stick to the floor. This is almost impossible, but you should think about it to maximize the flexibility of your lower back and obliques.
  9. Hyperextensions - here you will need the help of another person. Your task is to lie on a bed or other support so that your body is under load and your legs are supported. Your companion should hold your feet. And you must bend forward and then rise. This exercise perfectly develops the lower back muscles. Doctors recommend performing it for people who have problems with the spine. When performing this exercise with a stick on the shoulders, all muscles will be isolated, and the movement will be carried out only due to the efforts of the lumbar muscles.
  10. Shoulder rotations - take the body pair in your hands. At the lowest point, it should be at the level of your stomach, and your arms should be bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 90 degrees. Your task is to raise your hands. At the top, your forearms should be parallel to the floor. This exercise develops the rotator cuff, the most traumatic part of the shoulder joint. The average weight of a body pair is 1 kilogram, which is enough to perform this exercise.

Naturally, these are not all the exercises that can be performed with a stick. But they are the most effective. If these are not enough for you, watch a video on the Internet, where a professional will tell you about other exercises and the nuances of performing them.


When the patient is sitting, his upper limb can rest on the table, on the hips, or lie on the hand of the person performing passive gymnastics.

7. I. p. - sitting on a chair (hands on the table or knees). Rotate your hands clockwise and counterclockwise.

8. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Bend your elbows. Rotation of the elbow joints clockwise and counterclockwise.

9. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Arms along the body, raising and lowering the shoulders (hiding the head in the shoulders).

10. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Hands “locked” on your knees, raising your hands forward - up (the healthy hand helps the sick one).

11. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Hands “locked” on the chest, extend your arms with your palms outward, forward - down, forward - up.

12. I. p. - sitting or standing. Lean forward at an angle of 60–80°. When bending, hang your arms freely, then alternately make swinging movements with straight arms forward and backward. As pain in the shoulder joint subsides, exercises with external, and somewhat later with internal rotation of the shoulder are added to restore abduction function,

13. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Hands on knees, circular movements of shoulder blades forward and backward.

14. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Careful swinging movements in a horizontal plane with the arm bent at the elbow joint and a slight tilt of the torso towards the affected arm.

15. I. p. - sitting on a chair. “Putting your arm behind your back” (training internal rotation of the shoulder). The patient should touch the back as high as possible (infraspinatus muscle strain).

16. I. p. - sitting on a chair. “Reaching your mouth with your hand behind your head” (training to abduct the shoulder and rotate it outward). Holding the arm in this position is accompanied by significant contraction of the shoulder abductor and rotator cuff muscles.

17. I. p. - sitting on a chair, the affected arm is straightened. The patient abducts this arm 90°, then externally rotates the arm and moves it backward.

Exercises with gymnastic apparatus (gymnastic sticks, lungs) are gradually included in classes.

18. Holding the stick by the ends with an overhand grip, lift it to your chest and then lower it to your hips.

19. The same, holding the stick with a downward grip.

20. The stick is installed vertically, between the knees. Wrapping your arms alternately upward, reach the end of the stick.

21. Holding the stick by the ends with your hands, move it over your head to the left and right.

22. Stick behind your head and onto your shoulders, straighten your arms left and right alternately, thus “sawing” your neck.

23. Holding the stick with one hand extended forward, turn it inward and outward.

After achieving painless shoulder flexion of 90–100° and abduction of 30–40°, the exercises should be performed in i. p. - standing at the gymnastics wall.

24. I. p. - standing facing the wall. Intercepting the slats, raise your arms up to the limit and lower them down to chest level.

25. I. p. - standing sideways to the wall, squat, holding the bar with a straight hand at different heights.

26. I. p. - standing with your back to the wall, squat, holding the rail at the level of your lower back.

A little about the gymnastic stick

A gymnastic stick is the simplest sports equipment that allows you to correct a crooked spine, strengthen your lower back and perform complex gymnastic elements. It should be used in training during classes:

  1. Pilates.
  2. Gymnastics.

Pilates is a system of exercises that allows you to get muscular joy.
It should not be confused with ordinary muscle tension in bodybuilding. Have you ever felt a pleasant sensation throughout your body after doing physical exercise? This is exactly the effect Pilates gives. To perform some exercises in Pilates, you need a gymnastic stick. Some elements in gymnastics require increased flexibility and mobility of your shoulder joint. This can be achieved using a gymnastic stick. Therefore, if you decide to take up gymnastics, you first need to purchase it.

Its cost usually does not exceed 300 rubles. If you buy a complete set, which includes a rubber band and a massage surface, then its price will not exceed 1 thousand rubles. You can buy it at any sports store. The material of the product will not affect the quality of your training in any way, so you can save money on it.

The length of such sticks varies from 70 to 120 centimeters. You can buy a stick of any length to suit your taste. However, it is better to purchase a projectile with the maximum length. Because thanks to this, you will have access to many more exercises.

What are the benefits of exercise therapy with a stick?

Physical therapy for diseases of the back and spine has positive effects:

Strengthens the muscular frame, which acquires the ability to cope with loads, hold displaced vertebrae in place, as a result of which the load on the intervertebral discs is reduced, they are not so actively destroyed; Keeping the vertebrae in normal physiological places prevents them from pinching nervous tissue, that is, the appearance of pain; Painful spasms and muscle hypertonicity are relieved thanks to their layer-by-layer development; The spine is stretched and aligned, thereby reducing compression of the nervous tissue; Compression of nerve tissue (and, consequently, pain) decreases when muscle spasm is relieved, since muscles are also capable of pinching nerves; Blood circulation improves, as the hypertonicity of the muscular frame, which compresses the blood vessels, disappears, the vertebrae fall into place (this is especially important for cervical localization of the pathology, since normal blood supply to the brain is restored); The nutrition of the intervertebral discs improves, due to which the development of the pathological process is slowed down/stopped.

Together, these effects lead to a slowdown in the progression of the pathological process, an increase in the length of remissions, a shortening of exacerbations, their lower intensity, and the disappearance of pain. Exercises with a gymnastic apparatus are indicated because the stick increases the static load on the vertebrae during exercise, stimulates stretching, and has an additional massage effect.

Description of the problem

  1. The disease begins with dehydration of the nuclei of the intervertebral discs; as a result, the nuclei become flattened, the vertebrae move closer together, and the spinal column itself “settles.”
  2. At the next stage of the disease, spondylolisthesis occurs - displacement of the cervical vertebrae, ligaments and muscles change their position. Neck mobility is limited and pain appears.
  3. The third stage of cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by the appearance of intervertebral protrusions (hernias) and the occurrence of arthrosis.
  4. At the fourth stage of cervical osteochondrosis, osteophytes appear - bone growths, with the help of which the body tries to compensate for the lost support function. The spine is practically immobilized.

What is osteochondrosis?


The spine is made up of vertebrae, 24 of which are involved in almost all movements of the body. It is divided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. There is a hole inside the vertebra. The openings of all the vertebrae on top of each other form a canal that contains the spinal cord. Between the individual vertebrae there are small openings through which nerves from the spinal cord reach the body.

The stability of the spine is maintained by ligaments, tendons and many muscles along the vertebral bodies.

To buffer shock and vibration, intervertebral discs are located between the vertebrae. They consist of a gelatinous core and a continuous fibrous ring. Like all organs, intervertebral discs are subject to degenerative changes or, more simply put, signs of wear. They begin as early as age 30. The jelly-like core loses liquid, this leads to loss of strength of the MD. As a result, the distance between specific vertebrae decreases, and the spine as a whole becomes more unstable. To restore stability, the vertebral bodies form small bony edges (ostephytes) on the side.

Degenerative changes in the spine are among the most common symptoms in the musculoskeletal system worldwide.

Health activities with a gymnastic stick

It's also best to train in the morning. You can do it during the day, only on an empty stomach or after two hours from eating. If there is no time for sports during the day, then you can do it in the evening, but at least 2 hours before bedtime.

In the absence of special training equipment, you can use a mop handle as a stick.

Before each workout, you need to warm up and get yourself in ready shape. As a warm-up, you can perform jumping ropes or without additional equipment. Running in place can also provide an intense warm-up.

Joints and muscles also need to be warmed up by stretching, squatting and bending. Breathing exercises will help improve your breathing.

Let us immediately note that exercises with equipment must be regular, only in this case the desired effect can be achieved. Most fitness trainers recommend training in the morning, before breakfast. During the session, the body will receive a positive charge of energy, and the muscles will become toned.

If you don’t have time to study in the morning, then choose any other time. But then you need to adhere to the rules. Classes can be carried out 2 hours before meals or 1 hour after meals.

Before starting a class, be sure to do a warm-up so that your body warms up a little. This is necessary in order to avoid injury during exercise.

It’s not for nothing that exercises with a gymnastic stick are included in the recovery complexes of rehabilitation centers. After all, this is an effective simulator that helps:

  • Correct your posture;
  • Tighten the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks;
  • Increase joint mobility;
  • Develop flexibility;
  • Work out muscles that are not used during normal training;
  • Vary your workouts.

Although there are some peculiarities:

  • Smoothness of movement: since movement is limited by the stick, sudden jerks can stretch the muscles;
  • The correct grip of the stick is when the outer side of the hand is located on top of the projectile. Although a reverse grip is also used, which allows you to use additional muscles.

The gymnastic stick is often present in children's activities. General strengthening exercises that work joints and muscles from the arms and shoulder girdle to the feet are suitable for children.

It is important that the movements are smooth and the back is straight


The exercise begins with the correct position: feet firmly pressed to the floor, hands on the stick and feet shoulder-width apart. We raise our hands with a stick, while standing on our tiptoes. We stretch and then lower ourselves down. This should be done at least 10 times.

Stick up

In this exercise, you need to take the stick slightly wider than your shoulders. We raise our hands up, then lower the stick on our head, and raise it again. And so 15 times.

Circular movements

Maintaining the position of your legs, hold the stick in front of you with straight arms. Now we draw circular movements towards the chest with a stick 15 times. Next - 15 times from the chest.



The exercises are performed standing, with the stick held in outstretched arms in front of the chest. First we turn left, then right. Hands with a stick follow the movement of the body until maximum resistance is achieved. 10 times.


We complicate classic squats: we pull straight arms with a gymnastic stick forward while moving the whole body down. The back should be straight.


We alternate walking on tiptoes with arms raised up with walking on heels with a stick on the shoulder blades. We focus on a straight back.


This exercise does not completely repeat the previous bends, because the stick must be held behind your back.

It is important to keep your back straight while bending over.

Up and back

Starting position: standing shoulder-width apart. We alternately raise our hands with a gymnastic stick up and lower them back to the maximum, towards the back.

A gymnastic apparatus, like a real magic wand, helps restore former joint mobility and muscle tone.

And when the source of pain is located in the cervical region, exercises help remove inflammation, which prevents the flow of blood to the brain, and, consequently, nutrition and oxygen.

Swing your arms

Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in lowered hands. Raise the stick slowly up and lower it back as low as possible. We return our hands to the starting position over the top. We perform such swings 10 times. We gradually increase the load, grasping the stick as narrowly as possible.


We hold the stick in front of us with our arms crossed. First we turn it in one direction, then in the other. Arms straight, tense. Rotate this 20 times.

Exercise complex for the spine with a gymnastic stick.

Properly selected training will help achieve a positive effect. Sets of exercises should be performed systematically for the best effect. However, it is also worth studying all contraindications before starting training.

Uniqueness and advantages of exercises

The item is perfect for home use. To complete the exercises you will need only 30-40 minutes of free time. Typically the length of the sticks is from 1 to 2 meters. If you don’t have the device, you can replace it with other household products.

Experts believe that exercise therapy using this item can effectively treat scoliosis. Exercises strengthen different muscle groups. Gymnastics guarantees a slim body, prevention from osteochondrosis and will help you lose a couple of extra pounds.

Exercise using a gymnastic stick is very important for the treatment of ODS diseases. First of all, posture is corrected and problems with back flexibility go away.

If you comply with all the conditions of the exercises, then such training will only bring benefits to the body.

The main advantages of classes:

  • putting the organs in order;
  • streamlining blood circulation;
  • reduce back pain;
  • strengthening of the spine;
  • improved stretching;
  • load on body parts.

Basic rules of use that will help protect yourself from various injuries:

  • If the stick is in front of you, then you need to clench your elbows a little. Do not lift equipment above your shoulders.
  • When placing the projectile above your head, your arms should be parallel to each other.
  • If the stick is located on the shoulders, you can use a wide grip. You also need to clench your hands.

When and how to train?

To get the best results, you should exercise regularly, preferably in the morning, 3-4 times a week for half an hour.

Between exercises you need to take short breaks in the form of breathing exercises. You also need to take breaks between workouts, for example, every other day. This way the muscles will have time to rest and will not become overstrained.

For beginners in sports, it is worth gradually moving to maximum load. Taking into account the well-being and strength of the performer, you can gradually increase the difficulty. To make it more difficult, you can attach rubber bands to the ends of the stick, which will increase the severity. Classes should be carried out strictly after 2 hours after eating.

If a person’s condition does not allow him to perform gymnastics fully due to fatigue, or for other reasons, then he can, first, do the training without a stick so that the joints can get used to it, and then add an apparatus.

Back exercises

Exercise includes several tasks that are performed lying down, sitting and standing. To begin with, you should do 1-2 sets of 15 repetitions.

Tilts. Standing position. The stick is located on the shoulder joint, arms are bent. The body leans to the right. Then comes the return to the starting position. Next, tilt to the left and return to the starting position.

Lunges. Standing position. The projectile is in front of you, at chest level, grip with straight arms. Take a step forward with your left foot so that your knee touches the floor and return to the starting position. Alternate legs.

Bends while sitting. Stretch your legs in front of you. The stick should be held in the same way as when bending over while standing. Tilt your body forward, reaching for your toes.

Changeling. Lie on your stomach and put the stick in front of you, press your feet to the floor and carry it over your shoulders on bent arms.

Exercises to improve flexibility:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Place the gymnastic apparatus behind your back, holding it with your hands (leave them straight). Use a close grip in the middle of the stick. Arch your back, tense your muscles and hold this for a few seconds. Relax and repeat again.
  • The position remains as in the previous exercise. Change the grip to a wider one. Slowly raise your arms up, while keeping your back straight, and smoothly lower your arms.
  • The gymnastic stick is in front of the chest, simultaneously raise one end of it and lower the other. As a result, the hands are crossed. Athletes, due to their flexibility, can hold their arms above their heads during this exercise.
  • Raise the attribute from the stance with straight arms. Swipe over your head and bring it back as far as your body allows you to do so. Put your hands back. The exercise must be performed smoothly, without sudden movements.
  • Do everything that is indicated in the previous task. The only difference is that when the projectile is behind you, you need to raise one leg and reach the edge of the stick with it. Then reach with your other leg. Return to starting position.

Complex for children

The following exercises are suitable:

  • Climber. The stick must be fixed in a vertical position. The child lies on his stomach and climbs up. Having reached the maximum, he lowers himself, intercepting with his hands.
  • Tilts. The child holds a stick behind his back. The body goes down, the arms go up.
  • Stand up and raise the attribute in front of your face. Take one leg back and lift the stick up, without taking your eyes off it. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Sit down and straighten your legs in front of you. Raise your arms and “draw” circles above your head.
  • Stand on one leg, holding the apparatus in a vertical position. Place one side on the floor and hold the other end with your hand. Leaning on a stick, perform jumps on one leg, jumping around it.


Before performing exercises using a gymnastic stick, it is worth doing a short warm-up.

  • Squats. (15-20 times);
  • Run in place. (5-10 minutes);
  • Stretching.

Recommendations for use

Conditions for conducting exercises:

  • If possible, it is better to do physical therapy outside or in a well-ventilated area. The air temperature should not be too high.
  • You should wear comfortable clothes suitable for sports.
  • Coordinate exercise therapy exercises with your doctor if you have any illnesses.
  • Monitor your breathing during the process.

Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

A simple gymnastic complex for osteochondrosis

Exercises from the complex:

  1. The lower back and shoulder blades are on the floor. The legs are bent at a right angle, the arms are pressed to the floor. You need to stretch your arms up, slightly spreading them to the side.
  2. Scissors. The lower back and shoulder blades are pressed to the floor, the legs are crossed 10-15 times.
  3. Raise your legs and bend your knees, pressing your lower back to the floor. Stretch your shoulders towards your raised legs, while tensing your abs.
  4. From a lying position, pressing your shoulders and lower back to the floor, lift your chest and slightly move your shoulder blades towards each other.
  5. Deflection The pelvis must be raised without lifting the shoulders and legs from the floor.
  6. Bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and raise your torso by tensing your abs.

It is recommended to perform gymnastics in comfortable cotton clothes. It should not restrict movement. A gymnastic mat is also necessary, since classes are carried out in a lying position.

Exercise technique

Body rotations

When performing rotations of the body, it is necessary to fix the pelvis, hips and feet in a certain position, without movement.

When performing the exercise, the following muscles are involved:

  • press;
  • back;
  • shoulder joints.

Performing body turns:

  1. The gymnastic apparatus lies on the shoulders.
  2. Arms are bent.
  3. The body turns smoothly in each direction one by one.

With good preparation and endurance, the number of turns in each approach should be increased.

Body tilts to the sides

You should lean to the side using one of two methods.

One way is as follows:

  1. Gymnastic equipment is placed on the shoulders.
  2. Your arms should be bent.
  3. The body tilts to the left, then to the right.

It is forbidden to strain the neck muscles, as tension in this area interferes with the work of other muscle groups.

Body bends with a different grip on the gymnastic apparatus:

The gymnastic stick is grabbed with both hands using a wide grip. The action is performed together with the object, one hand is lowered down, the other is raised up

The body tilts down, it is important that the stick is positioned vertically. The exercise is repeated in the same way, bending in the opposite direction.

Body bends forward

When performing, a body position is used in which the gymnastic stick is on the shoulders.

Performing forward bends:

  1. The initial position of the body is accepted.
  2. The body leans forward as much as possible.
  3. The chin looks exclusively straight, and the body muscles should be tense.
  4. Next, the body is tilted back, the back should be without deflection.

Lunges and squats

Exercises with lunges and squats are performed with a rear grip, holding the object in front of you.

Performing lunges and squats:

  1. Any leg of your choice is fixed in place, the other leg is extended forward as far as possible.
  2. The stick is held in one of the suggested ways.
  3. In this body position, a slow squat is performed.
  4. Next, the forward leg is moved back in the same way - again a slow squat.
  5. The exercise is performed with the other leg in a similar way.

Exercises while lying on your stomach

Exercises from a prone position are included in the complex of exercises with a gymnastic stick.

Step-by-step exercise:

  1. Pull the stick forward.
  2. The arms are raised as high as possible in the upward direction.
  3. The head rises.
  4. The gymnastic apparatus is brought to the shoulders.
  5. The chest rises, this position of the body is maintained for as long as possible.

There is an exercise performed in the same position called the boat. When performing this exercise, the projectile is held with your hands along the edges of your feet. It is necessary to simultaneously stretch upward, making a maximum deflection of the body.

Exercises while lying on your back

“Birch” is the most popular exercise from the supine position.

The “birch tree” is performed like this:

The arms are straight, the stick is held with a wide grip. The legs must be pulled to the chest, bending them at the knees, and pass the apparatus under the buttocks

The hands with the apparatus are lowered to the floor, the legs are straightened, and it is important to pull the toes up. Legs are slowly falling

Next, you need to repeat the exercise in reverse order.

Flexibility and stretching exercises

A set of flexibility and stretching exercises includes training with a gymnastic stick.

This training includes a list of tasks using various positions:

  1. Sitting. To perform the exercise, the arms with the apparatus should be straightened. The legs are straight, resting on the feet.
  2. Bends while standing. Place your legs wide, the stick should be grabbed from behind and parallel to your shoulder blades. It is necessary to bend in each direction while simultaneously swinging your torso with an average amplitude.
  3. Turns. In a standing position, the gymnastic apparatus is placed in front of the body, arms should be straight. It is necessary to turn the stick so that the arms are crossed alternately in different directions.
  4. Bringing your arms back. In a standing position, the projectile must be held from below. Hands should be raised and placed back behind the head. Then take the initial position of the body.


  1. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, palms down, fig. 1. Rotate the palms up and down, with each rotation the palm and back of the hand fall onto the bed.
  2. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body with palms parallel to the body. Spread your arms to the sides, place the sore hand on the bed, palm down - inhale; return to i. p. - exhale.
  3. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your left arm up, your right arm along your body, then change the position of your arms.
  4. I. p. - lying on the healthy side, arms along the body. Raise the sore arm up, bend it at the elbow and, if possible, place it behind your head - inhale, return to i. p. - exhale. You can place both hands behind your head, helping the sick one with your healthy hand.
  5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your sore arm at the elbow, supporting it with your healthy arm, move your shoulder away - inhale, return to i. p. - exhale.
  6. I. p. - lying on your stomach. Arm lowered from the couch, arm swaying with relaxation.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick for certain diseases


There is a set of tasks with a projectile for osteochondrosis

When choosing a set of such exercises, it is important to take into account age and physical fitness. Exercises for the purpose of therapeutic therapy should not be performed with overexertion, otherwise the therapeutic effect will be reduced. It is important to control your condition and sensations during training.

Standard set of exercises for osteochondrosis:

  1. The object rises above itself, then moves to a position in front of itself and falls down.
  2. The stick in your hands is placed behind your head, your hands must be lowered as low as possible to the lower back. The projectile should be raised as high as possible behind your back, moving your arms further away from the body. Next, bend forward, while retracting the abdominal muscles.
  3. Crossing your arms with a projectile in your hands. Tension should appear between the shoulder blades. Slowly straightens the right arm to the side. The exercise is repeated with the left hand.

Recommendations for performing the complex for osteochondrosis:

It is recommended to exercise daily. The execution time is any, the only requirement is to complete it no later than a few hours before bedtime

It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise. If your health is favorable, it is recommended to gradually increase the load

If there is discomfort and pain when performing a certain task, it should be excluded from the complex or replaced with another similar one. During exercise, it is recommended to regularly measure your pulse, avoiding its excessive increase.

Exercises using a gymnastic stick help in the treatment of flat feet.


A set of exercises for treating flat feet:

  1. Rolling an object with your feet. The exercise is performed standing or sitting, the stick rolls over the surface. Next, the exercise is repeated with both legs simultaneously. The duration of the task is 10 minutes.
  2. Walking across. The object is placed across the foot, in its middle. This is how the steps are completed. This exercise is most effective in treating transverse flat feet.
  3. Walking along a stick. The stick is positioned parallel to the feet, lengthwise. Steps are taken forward with your toes, then starting with your heels. This exercise is most effective in the treatment of longitudinal flat feet.

General recommendations for implementation

Despite the relative simplicity of the proposed sets of exercises, gymnastics is simple, safe and very effective. However, do not forget about some simple recommendations when performing it:

  • In the phase of exacerbation of the disease, you should first relieve the pain syndrome (most often with the help of medications) and only then begin gymnastics.
  • The exercises should be performed daily for a few minutes. If there are problems in several parts of the spine, then you should perform several gymnastic complexes, distributing them throughout the day.
  • The time for classes can be absolutely any. The main thing is no later than 2 hours before going to bed. You should not exercise on an empty stomach.
  • Breathing exercises are a great addition to any gymnastics routine. They will make the complex more effective and healthy.
  • Don't stop there. If a set of exercises is easy, you should gradually increase the load. You just need to avoid overtraining, because it is extremely harmful for the spine.
  • Some exercises can be excluded from the complex if they cause discomfort or pain. They can be easily replaced with similar ones.
  • Watch your breathing. If it starts to go astray, it’s better to take a little break.
  • Many people prefer to practice while listening to light rhythmic music, which helps to cheer up, improves mood, and puts you in a positive mood.
  • Good thoughts and proper motivation are the key to success in the fight against osteochondrosis.

In some cases, when age takes its toll or the disease is already very advanced, it is better to train under the supervision of a doctor. At least the first few times. He will show you the technique, help you practice the tempo, and determine the intensity. In rare cases, patients require surgery to address the underlying cause of the disease. After this, we are no longer talking about light exercises, but about a specially designed set of exercises for the recovery period. Gymnastics is often combined with massage. The latter should be performed by a professional who can tone the muscles and also relax them. It is good to combine massage with physiotherapy.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick are quite simple, effective and safe. However, do not forget about execution technique and proper preparation. First of all, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, and only then proceed with the complex itself. The specialist will give the necessary recommendations taking into account the stage, nature, and specifics of the disease.

What is osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease that affects the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs. It can be cervical, thoracic and lumbar, depending on location. Lumbar osteochondrosis is the most common. But the most difficult is the complex lesion, which is difficult to treat.

The disease has four stages:

First stageinvolves mild symptoms, the patient feels a general malaise, often attributing it to other diseases.
Second stageaccompanied by severe pain, the cartilage tissue in the spine begins to deteriorate. Symptoms bring discomfort, and the person consults a doctor.
Third stagesuggests more serious changes in the spine, a hump or curvature occurs.
Fourth and final stagethese are irreversible changes. A person can feel severe pain even with minimal movements.

The sooner you identify and begin to treat osteochondrosis, the easier it will be to do this. Therapy must be comprehensive. It usually includes special therapeutic exercises.

Starting your workout

Experienced athletes know that it is impossible to jump up and immediately begin performing any exercise, since this can lead to serious consequences. In such cases, a clear sequence is required. The optimal time for gymnastics is early in the morning, since during morning workouts it is easier to tone the back muscles. In addition, the body will be able to receive a greater charge of energy, which is necessary to carry out normal activities. It is strictly not recommended to exercise on a full stomach, so training should begin approximately 40-60 minutes before meals.


All types of training should begin with a warm-up, as the body needs to warm up well before further physical activity. The warm-up complex includes:

  • jumping rope – 5-7 minutes;
  • squats – 15 times;
  • running in place (no more than 7 minutes);
  • gentle stretching of all muscle groups, starting with the legs and ending with the neck muscles;
  • light warm-up of the lower and upper limbs.

As noted earlier, all elements of exercise therapy should be accompanied by a gradual increase in the load on the body. That is, the number of approaches and repetitions should increase at a slow pace so that the muscle tissue can get used to a certain load. Also, to achieve a greater effect from training when performing different exercises, you need to independently strain and control the work of the muscle group being worked.

Set of exercises

When performing the exercises given below, you must be guided by the following rules: from a standing position, your feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, all movements should be performed while exhaling, and the number of repetitions in each exercise should be at least 6 times.

Table. Gymnastics for the back with a gymnastic stick.

Standing position, place your feet wider than your shoulders and lift the stick above your head. The grip should be wide. Slowly rotate your arms in a horizontal plane without releasing the gymnastic stick. After crossing completely, return your arms to the starting position. Keeping your legs straight, tilt your body forward and rest your hands on the stick, which should be perpendicular to the floor. Your arms should also be straight. Gently rock up and down.

Place the stick vertically in front of you.
Hold it with your hand and swing your foot over the stick, first one way and then the other. After 6-7 repetitions, change legs. Lie on your back and, leaning on a stick in a scapular stance, lift your legs up. Then tilt your torso back and forth without lifting the gymnastic stick from the floor surface. Take the stick with a wide grip and lift it above your head. Do alternating lunges, moving the stick back as far as possible, thereby bending your body. Raise the stick up above your head using a medium grip. Keeping your back straight, gently bend at the waist and return to the starting position.


27. I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, arms extended in front of the chest: 1 - turn to the left, inhale; 2 - bend over to your left leg, touching it with the middle of the stick, exhale; 3 - 4 - straighten up, return to standing position, inhale. The same, to the right. Repeat several times in each direction.

28. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, the stick is vertically along the spine from behind, the left hand holds it by the upper end, the right hand by the lower end: 1 - 2 - move the right hand to the side; 3 - 4 - return to i. n. The pace of movements is slow, breathing is arbitrary. Repeat several times in each direction. The same, changing hands: left - below, right - above.

29. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down and holding the stick with a grip from above by the ends: 1 - 2 - stick forward - up; 3 - 4 - back - down (towards the buttocks), as if twisting your hands, smoothly, without jerking; 1 - 4 return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat several times.

30. I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, stick on the elbows behind the back (at the level of the lower corner of the shoulder blades), head raised: 1 - straighten the shoulders, inhale; 2 - turn the torso to the left, exhale; 3 - 4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat several times.

31. Exercises with rubber bands. The rubber is tied to the gymnastic wall - flexion, extension, abduction and adduction, circular movements in the shoulder joint, standing with your face and side to the wall.

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