Exercises according to Bubnovsky: a set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Increasingly, with back pain, people - both young and old - are looking not for pills and patches, but for exercises for the spine. For acute back pain, this set of exercises from Bubnovsky will help you straighten up and return to activity. What can be done to treat osteochondrosis? For this case, Dr. Bubnovsky has a separate gymnastics that can also be done at home.

There is a whole mountain of letters on my desk, and many of the authors of these letters are complaining about the same problem. We are talking about back pain, and the name of this problem is osteochondrosis. The only difference is that some have osteochondrosis in the lumbar region, others have osteochondrosis in the cervicothoracic region, and others... Is it possible to get rid of back pain without taking medications?

To begin with, I want to say that osteochondrosis is not a disease, but a payment for misunderstanding and ignorance of one’s own body. This is my deep conviction.

Surprisingly, many people who come to see me consider themselves healthy, and pain is an accident. They explain that they lifted something heavy, leaned over unsuccessfully, turned sharply... And they ask: “Do something so that everything goes away right away.”

Who is Bubnovsky?

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, the founder of modern kinesitherapy . Looking at this strong and tall man, it is impossible to imagine that there was a period in his life when doctors practically gave up on him.

Bubnovsky S. M. is the founder of modern kinesitherapy

At the age of 24, Sergei had an accident, received multiple injuries, was in a coma for several days and, to the surprise of everyone, survived. His prospects at that moment were not very bright - constant pain, crutches and disability.

Despite the disappointing forecasts of the doctors, Bubnovsky decided to fight for his health. As a result, he got back on his feet, developed a method for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system and a system of rehabilitation after injuries, and opened many medical centers throughout Russia.

Preference in these centers is given not to drug therapy, but to exercise therapy and massage . That is why Bubnovsky’s method was called kinesitherapy or “movement treatment,” which is essentially the same thing. The effectiveness of the method has been proven by the doctor himself and thousands of patients who were able to get rid of pain from osteochondrosis, arthrosis of the joints, and atritis (and all this without surgery or medications).

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics: methods and principles of their action

Doctor Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is much more than simple physical therapy . It is based on kinesitherapy, which uses the internal reserves of the body .

A distinctive feature of the technique is the creation of individual programs for each patient. The doctor conducts a special myofascial examination (allows you to accurately determine the location of the pathological focus) and develops a treatment regimen - a method for restoring joints or the spine. First, the patient performs exercises under the supervision of doctors at Bubnovsky centers, and then continues to exercise independently at home.

Indications for the use of the Bubnovsky complex are the following diseases and symptoms:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • headache and neck pain;
  • drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night;
  • vegetative-vascular syndrome;
  • high blood pressure;
  • disturbances of attention and memory due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Gymnastics according to Bubnovsky is prescribed mainly for osteochondrosis and its consequences

In particular, Bubnovsky’s gymnastics are prescribed to people working at a computer. Exercise improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on brain function and human performance.

Some equate Bubnovsky’s gymnastics with classical physical therapy, but this cannot be done.

Charging according to Bubnovsky is distinguished by:

  • individual selection of physical activity depending on the diagnosed disease and the reserve capabilities of the patient’s body;
  • a combination of physical activity with cryotherapy (therapeutic effects of cold), special massage and breathing exercises;
  • strengthening the muscle corset (even those muscles that are not involved in classical exercise therapy work).

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics allows you to stop the destruction of the spine in patients with cervical osteochondrosis , as well as avoid surgery and long-term treatment. To increase the effectiveness of exercises, Bubnovsky developed a simulator, classes on which are designed to quickly relieve pain and restore mobility.

The advantages of Bubnovsky gymnastics in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine include:

  • Safety. Gymnastics eliminates not only negative symptoms, but also the disease itself without the use of chemicals and drugs.
  • Versatility. Exercises are prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis, as well as during the recovery period after injury or surgery. You can also exercise for preventive purposes.
  • No contraindications based on gender and age.
  • Prevention of relapse of the disease, long-term therapeutic effect.
  • Positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Exercises help strengthen muscles, increase the body's protective functions, and correct weight.

The Bubnovsky method is patented, recognized by official medicine, and has all the necessary permits.

Video: “How to relieve neck pain without pills: Dr. Bubnovsky tells”

Several other gymnastics developed by doctors to treat back problems:

  • How is gymnastics performed for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine according to Shishonin?
  • How to correctly perform Dikul exercises for a hernia is described on the page
  • Would you like to learn about Katharina Schroth's therapeutic exercises for spinal scoliosis? Go here

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

They are considered effective for osteochondrosis of the spine of any location. They are best performed under the supervision of an instructor, but the most basic ones can be done at home:

  1. Take a table pose - bend forward so that your torso forms a right angle with your hips, place the stick on the floor and rest your palms on it. Now slowly, as far as your condition allows, bend in your chest, and then in your lower back. Repeat a comfortable number of times. Breathe deeply and measuredly.
  2. Hold the stick with your arms spread wide. Now extend them in front of you and begin to make twisting movements, as if turning a steering wheel. Repeat a comfortable number of times.
  3. Grab the stick behind your back with your arms bent at the elbows (your hands on your sides parallel to the floor, with your palms facing the ceiling). Tighten your shoulder blades, trying to touch them one against the other (as in similar exercises by Bubnovsky and Bonina). Then relax. Repeat as many times as is comfortable.

On a note. Exercises with a stick are an independent complex, and quite complex. Doing them on your own can lead to an aggravation of the condition, so do not experiment - seek advice from an experienced doctor-instructor.

Gymnastics plays an important role in the treatment of osteochondrosis. At the first unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor. He will select therapy and recommend what exercises you need to do to live without pain and keep your spine flexible.

Technique for performing Bubnovsky gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

Did you know that...

Next fact

Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics does not require specific training.

To increase the effectiveness of exercises, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Pay attention to the recommendations for performing gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis. Before each lesson, you should warm up the muscles and joints of the cervical spine.

    (you can stretch your neck with your hands or make gentle tilts of your head back and forth, left and right).
  • Before a set of exercises you should take a shower . This will relax the neck muscles, improve blood flow, and speed up tissue regeneration processes. Please note: for intervertebral hernias, the water should not be too hot.
  • You need to end the session with light stretching , which will help avoid pain the next day. It is good if the patient has the opportunity to visit the pool after doing the exercises: this can be very useful, especially if there are intervertebral hernias.
  • For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to walk in the fresh air . Walking enriches inflamed tissues with oxygen, which speeds up the healing process.

Below is a set of seven exercises that can be performed for cervical osteochondrosis . You can exercise anywhere, incl. at home: the exercises are quite simple to perform and do not require special equipment.

Exercise nameInitial positionExecution technique
1. SpringStand straight facing the mirror, look straight ahead, lower your arms along your bodyLower your head down and hold it in this position for several seconds. Lift your chin up and slightly extend it forward. Maintain this position for several seconds, return to IP.
2. MetronomeSame as in the previous exerciseTilt your head towards your left shoulder and maintain the position for 30 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise from the beginning, tilting your head towards your right shoulder. Do at least 6 inclines.
3. ReviewSame as in previous exercisesTurn your head to the right (as far as you can), fix the position for a few seconds. Return to IP. Do the same steps, but for the other side. Make at least 3 turns in each direction.
4. GooseStand up straight, look straight ahead, place your hands on your beltStretch your neck so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Pull your head forward without changing the position of your chin. Turn your torso to the left, reaching your chin to your shoulder. Stand like this for 30 seconds and return to IP. Do the same steps, turning to the right. Perform at least 6 turns in each direction.
5. HeronSit on a chair, keep your head straight, put your hands on your kneesStraighten your arms and move them back, while throwing your head back. Return to starting position.
6. Review (complicated version)Similar to the previous exercisePlace the palm of your left hand on your right shoulder and at the same time turn your head to the right. Keep your other hand motionless on your knee. Perform the same steps, turning to the left. Please note: while performing this exercise, you need to watch your elbow (it should be parallel to the floor).
7. FakirSit on a chair, raise your arms above your head, bend them slightly at the elbows.Turn your head to the left all the way. Return to original position. Turn your head to the right all the way. Fix the position of the head at the extreme left and right points for several seconds.

In order for Bubnovsky’s gymnastics to be as effective as possible, the following rules must be followed::

  • For the first two weeks, practice every day. Then you need to consult a doctor to draw up a training plan. Typically, exercises are performed 8 times a month (2 times a week).
  • It is recommended to do gymnastics in front of a mirror. This allows you to control the accuracy of your movements.
  • While performing the exercises, you need to constantly monitor your posture. The back should be perfectly straight.
  • The duration of the course of treatment using the Bubnovsky method is determined by a specialist in exercise therapy. Usually the course is about 3 months or more.
  • If the patient suffers from chronic osteochondrosis and experiences an exacerbation of the disease, the treatment complex can be continued, but with extreme caution. Exercises should be performed smoothly, slowly, with less amplitude. If acute pain occurs, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor for examination and treatment adjustment.

Video: “Three exercises to strengthen your neck”

Yoga asanas

This teaching is convenient because it does not force a person to perform poses perfectly. It is enough to try, and this will be quite enough at the initial stage.

For thoracic osteochondrosis, 3 asanas will be useful:

  • tadasana;
  • virabhadrasana;
  • bhujanasana.


The simplest pose. You need to take the most vertical position possible, imagining that a rope is tied to the top of your head and it is pulling your body up. If your condition allows, raise your arms vertically, pointing your fingertips at the ceiling.


It starts with Tadasana, only you need to join the palms of your arms extended upward. Inhale deeply and jump your legs (one forward, one back) about 1.2 m wide, with your right foot pointing outward at 90° and your left foot slightly inward.

Bend your right leg at the knee so that an angle of 90° is formed between the thigh and ankle. The chest and face “look” towards the toes of the right foot. Slowly and smoothly move your head back, feel how your spine stretches - look at your fingertips.

Change the position to symmetrical and repeat. Delay in the pose 30 – 90 seconds. Return to Tadasana with a jump, then relax. If your physical fitness is weak, skip the jump and take a wide step.

The asana promotes full opening of the chest, relieves spasm from the pectoral, neck, and shoulder muscles. A different execution of Virabhadrasana is possible.


This is a rather difficult pose (cobra pose) if performed perfectly, so start with the simplest:

  1. Take a sphinx pose (lying, raising yourself up and focusing on your elbows), while stretching your legs strongly, feeling the lower part of the spine stretching behind them.
  2. As soon as the sphinx pose becomes familiar, make it more difficult - the head and shoulders remain at the same level, but now the emphasis is on the palms, the elbows are pressed to the sides.
  3. Retract your shoulder blades, feel the thoracic spine.
  4. Now slowly straighten your arms, expanding your chest.
  5. If your physical fitness allows, with your arms outstretched, bend your back well in the area of ​​the thoracic vertebrae and slowly tilt your head back. Stay for a comfortable time.
  6. Return to the lying position, slowly bending your arms.

Study the picture below carefully. It shows step by step how to do the cobra pose to avoid mistakes.

On a note. It has been noticed that yoga has a beneficial effect on both the body and the emotional state. In addition to the asanas described, introduce other simple poses into gymnastics and learn to concentrate, completely forgetting about the world around you. This will help over time to get rid of such consequences of osteochondrosis as VSD and panic attacks.

Contraindications for use

It is forbidden to do gymnastics according to Bubnovsky in the presence of acute diseases of the spine and back muscles. There are several contraindications to performing exercises according to Bubnovsky:

  • postoperative period;
  • oncological diseases;
  • risk of stroke or heart attack;
  • tendon or ligament ruptures.

Performing the complex in the cases described above is dangerous, because in certain situations, such activity can harm the body . Thus, in the postoperative period, tilting the head can lead to damage to previously injured tissues. Exercises for ligament ruptures are contraindicated because the patient may confuse the pain from the rupture with the discomfort that appears due to diseases of the spine, and not pay attention to it.

Before starting exercises, the patient should consult a specialist. Ideally, classes should be preceded by a consultation with a vertebrologist, as well as a comprehensive diagnosis : radiography of the cervical spine, Dopplerography of the neck vessels and, if necessary, computed tomography. This will prevent the problem from worsening if there are contraindications.

Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis using kinesitherapy

The treatment is directly aimed at the spasmodic deep muscles of the spine, using individually selected exercises on special simulators.
During the treatment process, the spasm of the deep muscles of the spine is quickly relieved, and microcirculation within the affected area is restored (hemodynamics). Herbert Shelton, the leading American expert in this field, called this phenomenon “contraction-relaxation.” In other words, when performing physical exercises that restore the “pumping” function of the muscles, the latter restore their properties. The vessels and capillaries that transport blood (and therefore nutrition) are restored, inflammation is relieved, atrophy is eliminated, and problems associated with osteochondrosis are eliminated. The choice is yours: restore your health through kinesitherapy or be treated until complete self-destruction by taking pill after pill.

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