Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis: an effective set of exercises

Neck pain is one of the most common problems. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 adults experience discomfort in this area of ​​the spine at least once a year. The reasons why neck pain can develop are endless: poor posture, sprains, sedentary lifestyle, sleeping in an awkward position, etc.

The cervical region is considered the most mobile, and since it is less surrounded by tissue and muscle corset, it is more susceptible to injury. That is why it is important to follow simple rules and perform exercises that will help you maintain health and comfort for as long as possible.

Obviously, the main job of the neck is to support the head. But few people think about the fact that on average it weighs from 4.5 to 5.5 kg. Quite a lot, right? Moreover, when we tilt it at least 15 degrees forward (the usual position when using a phone), the load increases to 12 kg. The weight is best distributed along the spine when the head is slightly tilted back or in a level position. Controlling this is quite difficult and unusual, but it is worth reviewing your daily routine so as not to encounter osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion or myelopathy over time.

Preventing neck and shoulder pain

Pain in the neck can be different - pulling, throbbing, shooting, tingling. To minimize the occurrence of such symptoms, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • As mentioned, raising your laptop, book, tablet or cell phone to eye level can relieve pressure on your spine. Buy a reading stand or adjustable table. If you use a computer at an office or desk, adjust your chair and monitor to suit your height.
  • Set a timer to remind you to get up, walk around, and straighten your back at least once every hour.
  • Stretch regularly. Stretching exercises help improve posture and reduce musculoskeletal pain.
  • Don't sleep on a high pillow. Firstly, it is impossible to maintain an anatomically correct position with it, and secondly, because of it, the vertebral arteries that feed the brain and allow it to function normally can be compressed.
  • When talking on the phone, do not hold your smartphone between your head and shoulder. If you use this method frequently, switch to a headset or speakerphone.
  • Avoid carrying bags and backpacks on one shoulder, be sure to change their order, and also remember that the weight of the bag should not exceed 10% of your body weight. If it is heavier, and especially if you wear it constantly on the same side, it can cause curvature of the spine, and, as a result, pain.
  • Get a massage. It helps relieve muscle spasms, improves blood circulation, and also increases range of motion by removing accumulated lactic acid.

Don’t bypass sets of exercises for the neck and whole body. It is very important to maintain a toned core, which consists of the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks. If they are in good shape, then this allows you to stabilize the spine, preventing it from sagging and deforming. And healthy posture plays a key role in neck health.

It is also important to take measures to prevent osteoporosis. Loss of bone mass in the spine can lead to injury, slouching, and increased pain.

How can exercise help relieve neck pain?

The neck is made up of many muscles, tendons and ligaments that help support the cervical spine and head. This soft tissue also moves the head for a full range of motion, allowing you to perform many everyday tasks. One of the main ways to take care of this muscle tissue is through exercise.

Exercising and stretching the soft tissues of the neck helps improve neck strength and flexibility. This is beneficial for several reasons:

  • 1.Reducing pain. Stronger and more flexible muscles, tendons and ligaments provide better support for the cervical spine and head. This helps relieve pressure on the spine that can cause neck pain. Stronger, more flexible muscles are also less likely to develop trigger points that contribute to neck pain and stiffness;
  • 2.Improved range of motion. Increasing the strength and flexibility of your muscles helps improve your range of motion. This is useful if you suffer from frequent muscle strain or are limited by conditions such as a herniated disc or arthritis;
  • 3.Reduced risk of injury. Because stronger, more flexible muscles help improve neck support, they help reduce the likelihood of conditions and injuries such as sprains, strains, or herniated discs;
  • 4. Relief of headaches. Headaches are often associated with neck pain because tension in the neck puts pressure on the nerves that run through the neck to the head. Reducing pressure on these nerves can help treat and prevent frequent headaches;

If you have questions about exercising for neck pain or would like to talk to a physical therapist about other treatment options, schedule a consultation with a specialist. All information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulders

A combination of stretching and strengthening is the best way to achieve long-term benefits for neck health. Exercises to include:

  • Static stretching, which will help relieve muscle spasm and improve blood circulation in the cervical region.
  • Isometric exercises. For example, bending your neck and head forward and to the sides and holding this position for 5-10 seconds. They will help strengthen your muscles.

Neck stretching exercises

1. Neck rotation

Start with the simplest things. Slowly turn your head to the left, keeping your chin level. Hold for ten seconds, then slowly turn your head the other way. Complete 10 reps.

2. Head tilts to the sides, up and down

It is important here not to make sudden and springy movements. Starting position – standing. Lower one hand along your leg with a slight effort, as if reaching for something, while moving your head in the opposite direction. For example, right hand down and head to the left. Repeat the same in the other direction, a total of 5-7 times. You should clearly feel the tension in your neck muscles.

In order to stretch the front surface of the neck, you should adhere to the same principle, only instead of one hand, pull both hands down at once, while they should be located along the body, and the head should be thrown back. Do 5-7 reps.

To effectively work the back of your neck, use your palms clasped together. Place them on the back of your head, lower your head down and slowly lift it, applying slight resistance with your hands.

3. Side stretches

Another simple option. While standing, slowly stretch your neck to the left, trying to touch your shoulder with your ear. Repeat on the right side. It is very important to ensure that the shoulder to which the ear is drawn does not rise towards it. You can use your arm for a deeper stretch.

4. Shrugs and Circles

Look straight ahead. Slowly lift both shoulders up. Hold for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

While standing, lift your shoulders straight up, then move them in a circle, down and up again in both directions.

5. Stretching the neck using rollers, rollers or improvised means (towels, yoga mat)

This is one of the effective exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis.

Starting position: lie on your back, legs can be bent at the knees. Place a bolster or rolled up towel or yoga mat under your neck so that it is perpendicular to your spine. Then begin to make nodding movements with your head, gradually increasing the amplitude. Perform the exercise for at least 30 seconds. Perform 2-3 more approaches at short intervals.

6. Vertical stretch

You can do another exercise with the same equipment. Lie on the bolster so that it is parallel to your spine, with your head, neck and shoulders resting on it. Bend your elbows and place them behind your head, pressing your elbows to the floor. You should feel a stretch in your pectoral muscles. Hold for about 10 seconds, then bring your elbows together in front of you and repeat.

Strengthening exercises for neck muscles

7. Resistance exercises

Place your right hand on your head above your ear and apply gentle pressure while resisting the movement of your neck. Do the same with your left hand on the other side.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise and lower your head, keeping your shoulders on the floor. Then lie on your side and raise your head as high as possible. Repeat this movement on the other side. Lie on your stomach. Lift your chin, lift your forehead and nose by 1 cm. Hold the position for at least 3 seconds.

8. Shrugs with dumbbells

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Place your arms along your body, hold a kettlebell in each hand. Raise your shoulders up by contracting your upper trapezius, hold for one count, and then lower. Repeat eight to 12 times per set. The optimal weight of dumbbells for women is 5 kg.

Causes of pain in the cervical region

There are several causes of pain in the cervical spine. The main ones include:

  • 1. Impaired functioning of the joints. The joints in the neck are called cervical facet joints. The facet joints can become inflamed and swollen (arthropathy), which can cause stiffness and pain;
  • 2. Pain in the neck muscles. The muscles around the neck are complex and can be a source of pain. These muscles may become weak or spasmodic;
  • 3. Myofascial pain. Trigger points are irritating points in the covering (fascia) of surrounding muscles that can be very painful. When a trigger point is touched, severe pain may occur in and around the area;
  • 4. Whiplash syndrome. This condition develops when there is a sudden and vigorous movement of the head forward, backward or to the side. This problem usually occurs after a car accident or fall;
  • 5.Cervical spondylosis (cervical osteoarthritis). Cervical arthritis is an age-related disease that affects the joints, discs and ligaments of the neck;
  • 6. Spondylolisthesis. Spinal bone misalignment occurs when one vertebra slides over the vertebra underneath it. This condition can be caused by problems with the bone, discs (degeneration) or ligaments;

In addition, degenerative disc disease is often accompanied by the development of severe pain. To determine the exact cause of pain, a full medical examination is necessary.

Be careful!

If you are concerned about cervical osteochondrosis, then when engaging in physical therapy, you must follow the following rules.

1. In the acute phase of the disease, exercise therapy is not prescribed. Doing exercises “through pain” should not be allowed.

2. Movements should be slow and unsharp.

3. Remember - with cervical osteochondrosis, circular movements of the head are unacceptable. You should also not throw your head back.

4. Do not use devices for traction of the cervical vertebrae without consulting a specialist - carelessness can cause serious injury.

5. If you have intervertebral hernias, be sure to consult your doctor!

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine according to Butrimov’s method

A feature of exercise therapy according to the Butrimov system for osteochondrosis is the absence of monotonous movements.

All exercises of the complex can be considered the art of maintaining tone and training the muscles located in the cervical spine:

  1. Pull your chin forward as far as possible and pull it back into your neck. You need to perform movements that stretch the muscles very carefully and slowly, the effect should be achieved without pain.
  2. Alternate turns of the head to the right and left. Each movement is accompanied by stretching of the neck towards the shoulder joint.
  3. Turn the head alternately left and right with the chin stretched towards the shoulders.
  4. Lowering the head down: try to press the chin to the chest, stretching the cervicothoracic region, pull the top of the head up slightly. Smooth return to the starting position with the head pulled back, the chin raised up.
  5. Turn your head back (in different directions) with maximum amplitude - you need to try to look behind your back and see the whole picture from behind.
  6. Tilt the head down and smoothly turn the head from this position alternately to the left and right sides. The movements are accompanied by stretching the crown of the head upward at an angle of approximately 45°. The gaze should also be directed upward.
  7. Tilt the head alternately to the right and left towards the shoulder joint while simultaneously stretching the crown.
  8. Retracting the head into the neck with circular rotations from this position to the shoulders: after reaching one shoulder, the head is retracted again and is directed in a circular path to the other. Shoulders should be relaxed and straight.
  9. Slight tilts to the left and right with the gaze directed downwards.

It is permissible to combine several exercises according to the Butrimov system into one. It is assumed that exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine should be given at least 12–15 minutes. If you do this type of gymnastics regularly, you will notice the effect within 4-5 months. There are many factors that determine how quickly positive dynamics will appear: the individual characteristics of the body, the patient’s lifestyle, the specific manifestations of osteochondrosis, additional therapy, the correct selection of exercises and the accuracy of their implementation.

What is cervical osteochondrosis?

Cervical osteochondrosis is the most common form of osteochondrosis. The disease occurs not only in people of the older age group (over 40 years old), but also in young people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, often remain in one body position (sedentary work, playing on the computer) and do not monitor their diet. Among the causes of damage to the cervical vertebrae, experts also name excessive consumption of salt and fatty foods, endocrine disorders, back injuries, smoking, and alcohol addiction. This part of the spine is the most mobile, so the release of nerve endings from the spinal column occurs more actively compared to other vertebrae, which increases the risk of pinching them.

Beware of osteochondrosis if you work at a computer

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis most often do not have pronounced clinical manifestations and can “masquerade” as heart disease and pathologies of other internal organs. Patients with this diagnosis often complain of headaches, pain in the neck and upper back, nausea, and dizziness. If the initial diagnosis does not reveal cardiac diseases, the patient is sent to a neurologist, who prescribes a comprehensive examination and further treatment.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

The effect of gymnastics for the neck

  • Will relieve the pain
  • Relaxes tense neck muscles and eliminates spasms,
  • Strengthens weak neck muscles and gives them tone,
  • Will restore mobility to the neck muscles,
  • Stabilizes blood circulation, including the work of the jugular veins, which are responsible for the blood supply to the head,
  • Improves lymphatic drainage, eliminates lymphostasis,
  • Stretches his neck
  • Transforms the face (fights sagging, sagging facial skin, wrinkles, swelling).

Prevention of osteochondrosis

To slow the progression of the disease or avoid its occurrence, doctors recommend:

  • Take care of regular moderate physical activity - you need at least three hours of training per week. Any activity is suitable - walking, cycling, other sports.
  • Watch your posture - keep your back straight and arrange your workplace so that you don’t have to tilt your head (for example, raise the monitor to eye level).
  • Periodically take a break from work to do exercises to relax the neck muscles with osteochondrosis and self-massage.
  • Take vitamin complexes and make sure your diet is complete.

At the first symptoms of osteochondrosis, you should contact specialists at a medical clinic. By starting to treat the disease at an early stage, you can slow down the process for years and lead an active life without the restrictions that osteochondrosis can impose.

You can undergo examinations, consult with doctors and receive personal recommendations every day at the Kuntsevo Treatment and Rehabilitation Center. We work at the address: st. Partizanskaya, 41.

Rotate your head with your hands on your knees

Sit on a chair, straighten your back. Place your hands on your knees. Lower your head down and then turn to the left. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then lower your chin again, and then turn your head to the right. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then return your head to its usual position through the bottom. Repeat the exercise five times. It is important that when turning the neck, the gaze follows the direction of the head.

Photo: istockphoto.com


These exercises are part of a complex of therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics, which is carried out in medical institutions, sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers. They can be performed at any level of physical fitness, but if a person has not exercised before, all exercises should be done at a slow pace, starting with a minimum number of repetitions.

Therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

First exercise

This exercise is included in the warm-up complex for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis and allows you to strengthen several muscle groups at once without additional load on the axial skeleton. It must be performed in a standing position.

  1. Place your arms behind your back and connect them at the level of your hands.
  2. Raise your straightened arms 5 cm and pull them back as much as possible, straightening your shoulder body.
  3. During execution, the neck must be pulled up at the same time (the chin is raised).

To achieve a therapeutic result in a short time, you need to start with 5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10-12 times.

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