The relationship between the spine and the gastrointestinal tract

The functioning of not only the musculoskeletal system, but also almost all systems of the human body depends on the health of the spine. Diseases such as scoliosis, for example, can lead not only to problems with gait and posture, but also to serious deformation, displacement and dysfunction of the chest and abdominal organs. The work of the digestive system is closely connected with almost all parts of the spine. Pathologies observed in any of them will have a detrimental effect on the condition of its corresponding organs.

The most serious diseases of the spine, which directly affect the condition and functioning of many other organs and systems, are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia.

Prevention, timely detection of pathologies and effective treatment of the spine can prevent the occurrence of many serious diseases and ensure the full functioning of the entire body.

Digestive problems arising from osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia

When any part of the spinal column is damaged, the innervation and blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract organs that depend on it are disrupted. With osteochondrosis, inflammatory and destructive processes develop in the vertebrae, leading to pinching and even paralysis of the nerve endings in the corresponding area of ​​the spinal cord, spasm of the vessels supplying blood to one or another organ associated with this section.

The effect of pinched nerves in the spine on disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract has been fairly well studied. The nerve fibers connecting the spinal cord with the digestive organs emerge from the vertebrae of the thoracic region. Moreover, doctors know what consequences a pinched nerve leads to when each specific vertebra is destroyed. For example:

  • If the nerve is pinched in the area between the 5th and 8th thoracic vertebrae, the patient experiences pain and general heaviness throughout the entire abdominal cavity. Symptoms may be similar to acute poisoning.
  • In the segment between the 7th and 9th thoracic vertebrae, pinched nerve endings will cause pain in the right hypochondrium - this is how the liver can hurt.
  • When the nerve endings in the 8-9 thoracic vertebrae are damaged, pain appears in the duodenum.
  • In the case of right-sided pinched nerves in the area of ​​the 9th thoracic vertebra, the patient will complain of severe pain in the stomach.

Since destruction of intervertebral discs and hernia most often occur as a result of injuries and diseases such as osteochondrosis and scoliosis, similar mechanisms of influence of this pathology on the digestive system begin to work here - nerve endings are pinched and the blood supply to the corresponding areas is disrupted, which leads to pain, and then and real malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the symptoms of diseases of the digestive system look very similar at first glance, and this can lead to an incorrect diagnosis. It is completely logical that a patient with acute pain in the stomach turns to a gastroenterologist for help, usually without suspecting that problems with the spine are to blame, and he needs a consultation with a neurologist. Fortunately, an experienced doctor can quickly determine the source of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment. Moreover, advanced diseases of the spine due to paralysis of nerve endings and poor blood supply to the area associated with the diseased vertebra over time actually lead to pathology of the abdominal organs, and both have to be treated.

Nevertheless, you can distinguish the consequences of osteochondrosis from organic disorders of the digestive system if you know some rules:

  • Pain and discomfort in cases of damage to the gastrointestinal tract in the vast majority of cases are associated with food intake. As a rule, they occur after eating or on an empty stomach. Most often they are accompanied by disruption of the digestive process as a whole - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. They can be removed after taking medications for gastrointestinal diseases.
  • If the cause is in the spine, the pain syndrome develops regardless of food intake, as a rule, is not accompanied by indigestion and is not relieved by appropriate medications. At the same time, its occurrence is obviously connected with movement. Usually, painful sensations appear when turning, stretching, sudden movements, or when staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time, for example, when sitting at a computer for many hours.

However, if measures are not taken, abdominal pain and osteochondrosis will begin to be accompanied by nausea and indigestion. This will indicate the development of complications in the form of irritable bowel syndrome, colitis or gastritis.

Manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis and their consequences

  • Constant fatigue, loss of strength, muscle tension, irritability
  • Muscle tension and back pain interfere with restful sleep, making it difficult for the patient to relax and recuperate.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Intervertebral hernias in the late stages of lumbar osteochondrosis can cause inflammation of the colon
  • Disorders of the genitourinary system
  • Pinching of the spinal roots causes urination problems. Instability of the vertebrae with lumbar osteochondrosis provokes diseases of the pelvic organs. In women, the uterus and appendages suffer; men often have problems with potency
  • Loss of sensation in the legs
  • Increased or decreased sensitivity, tingling in the legs. In the most severe cases, even paralysis of the legs may occur.
  • Dry skin - manifests itself in painful areas. Peeling of the skin and the appearance of goose bumps are also possible.
  • Sweating disorder that occurs during painful attacks

Features of disruption of the digestive system in scoliosis

Similar problems arise with scoliosis. This disease is characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine, which over time leads to many unpleasant consequences. First of all, displacement of the vertebra leads to compression of the spinal cord and the vessels running along the spinal column. In case of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract associated with pinched nerve endings, the sensations may resemble the symptoms that occur with osteochondrosis. However, in this case, in addition to compression of nerve endings and disruption of the normal blood supply to internal organs, their gradual displacement during the development of the disease poses a particular danger.

Since scoliosis most often occurs in childhood, a person grows up with a curved spine, within which intervertebral discs gradually deform and atrophy in the affected area, and all parts of the body form unevenly around them. During the growth process, improper formation of the chest occurs, asymmetric development of the ribs and pelvic bones, which put pressure on the organs located inside.

Despite the fact that scoliosis poses the greatest danger to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems located in the deformed chest, it also affects the digestive organs. In particular, scoliosis of the thoracic and lumbar region can affect the functioning of the esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, and gall bladder. With it, displacement of the abdominal and pelvic organs is observed, the abdominal press weakens, congestion develops, and the digestion process and metabolism are disrupted. The degree of displacement of internal organs depends on the stage of scoliosis. It may be minor and does not necessarily lead to their illness. However, the risk of such occurrence with this spinal pathology increases significantly.

The relationship between the spine and the gastrointestinal tract

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Today we will talk about the relationship between the spine and the gastrointestinal tract. Deformation of the spine inevitably leads to compression of the spinal roots and, consequently, to disruption of the innervation and nutrition of internal organs segmentally associated with the affected part of the spine. The digestive tract is no exception.

The logic of the development of the pathological process is as follows:

Pain syndrome => functional impairment of the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract => development of somatic diseases.


Signs of compression of the nerve plexuses (in addition to back pain typical of spinal diseases) are pain in the abdominal organs. The localization of pain depends on the level of damage to the spine:

  • Damage to the mesothoracic roots is characterized by pain in the stomach;
  • when the lower thoracic plexuses are compressed, the pain syndrome is projected onto the small and large intestines.

The pain can be sharp, aching, shooting and tends to intensify with load on the affected segment.

Often the pain can be so severe that it leads to an erroneous diagnosis - “acute abdomen”, and, accordingly, to solving the problem through surgery. There are cases of thorough imitation of the “classical symptoms” of acute appendicitis with acute pain in the right iliac region, positive symptoms of “Voskresensky” and “Shchetkin-Blumberg”... and, not surprisingly, a “blood picture” characteristic of acute appendicitis! And already on the operating table, after access to the abdominal cavity has been opened, the fact becomes obvious - the absence of an inflammatory process in the appendix.

Functional disorders of motor and secretory functions:

  • violation of the integrity of the spinal column in the cervicothoracic region can cause a reflex spasm of the esophagus, difficulty swallowing and moving food;
  • Damage to the mid-thoracic segments, in addition to pain, may be accompanied by painful heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation and loose stools.

Development of somatic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vertebrogenic disorders sooner or later pass into the stage of pathological changes in internal organs:

  • to peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. One of the reasons for the formation of ulcerative defects is hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid due to impaired control by the central nervous system. Outgoing nerve impulses that regulate acid secretion are partially or completely blocked at the level of the affected segment;
  • to inflammatory diseases of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas;
  • to pathology of the gallbladder associated with prolonged spasm of the sphincters and impaired bile flow. Stagnation of bile and its natural “thickening” over time contributes to the sedimentation and gluing of “solid particles” - the formation of stones.

For your information:

The internal organs do not have strict innervation, limited to a specific part of the spinal cord according to the “segment-organ” type. For example, the stomach, liver, kidneys, and pancreas receive innervation from the same nerve plexus. Therefore, damage to the spinal roots and nodes of the sympathetic trunk in this department naturally leads to the development of multiple pathologies - pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, liver and kidney diseases.

Mineral balance is the basis for spinal health.

In our publications, we pay a lot of attention to the importance of mineral metabolism for the body. Of course, all organs and systems of our body need sufficient, complete mineralization, but bones are a special topic.

Bone tissue is the most mineralized tissue in our body! For example, the total calcium content varies from 1 to 1.5 kg (depending on gender, age and weight). 99% of calcium is found in bones.

The silicon content in the body is relatively small - from 2 to 7 grams, but a significant part of it is concentrated in cartilage and bone tissue, ligaments and muscles.

And if calcium is an element of bone tissue strength, then silicon is an element of elasticity, plasticity, the ability to stretch and return tissue to its original state. When applied to the spine, silicon determines the elasticity of cartilage and bone tissue itself, the ability to undergo reversible deformation without the appearance of defects in the form of flattening of the intervertebral discs - the main cause of compression of the spinal roots. Without silicon, our body completely loses the ability to absorb calcium and at least 75 more vital macro- and microelements.

The body is completely dependent on the intake of calcium and silicon from food. In modern products the content of these elements is catastrophically low!


Even 20–25 years ago, milk and cottage cheese were recommended as a complete source of calcium, and this certainly brought results. Today the benefits of these products are devalued. The culprit is the pasteurization technology, which makes natural calcium insoluble. Insoluble calcium, by definition, cannot be absorbed by the body.


Silicon is absolutely absent from refined and canned foods that predominate in the modern human diet. Silicon interacts very poorly with carbohydrates; it is practically not absorbed with sugar, confectionery, soda and other products containing carbohydrates. Meat food also interferes with the full absorption of silicon.

The absorption of calcium and silicon is greatly influenced by synergistic elements - potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and fluorine, the content of which in modern food also “leaves much to be desired.” Without these elements, the integration of calcium and silicon into mineral metabolism is impossible. You can take kilograms of calcium and silicon preparations, completely abandon meat and carbohydrate foods, but still remain in conditions of deficiency if the body does not simultaneously receive a certain amount of synergistic elements.

Any person needs additional sources of calcium and silicon, regardless of age and health status. Calcium and silicon become especially important in old age.

There is an exit!

The Nov enterprise has developed specialized dietary supplements and functional nutrition products for complex (mineral and organic) nutrient support of the musculoskeletal system.

Dietary supplement "Optisorb" (a combination of zeolite with diatomite), as well as zeolite-containing dietary supplements: "Litovit-M" (100% zeolite), "Litovit-Ch" (with chaga) and "Litovit-O" (with oat bran) are primarily In total, they are effective donors of calcium and silicon in mineral metabolism, as well as a source of synergistic elements - potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and fluorine. Course use of dietary supplements maintains mineral balance in an optimal mode, supplying the body with missing macro- and microelements and removing those contained in excess.

“Litovit-O” with oat bran and “Litovit-Ch” with chaga have a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The main pharmacological effects of dietary supplements are:

  • stimulation of intestinal motility;
  • improving the quality of parietal digestion;
  • reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes in gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, proctosigmoiditis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • regulation of the process of bile formation and bile excretion, including with gallbladder dyskinesias and cholecystitis;
  • hepatoprotective effect, including in acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • regeneration of erosions and ulcerative defects of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • decreased blood sugar levels, including in diabetes mellitus, regardless of type;
  • and also, reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol;
  • prevention of the development of cancer.

In combination with zeolite-containing entero- and donor sorbents in schemes for improving the spine and rehabilitation of developed diseases, it is recommended to use “NovoProtein” - a specialized food product that has a high vital value in terms of the content of proteins and essential amino acids in a ratio that allows for complete protein metabolism in cartilage tissue, muscle and ligamentous apparatus.

Recommended regimen for spinal health (preventive):


  • 15 days 2.5 g - 2 times a day (morning and evening, before or after meals)
  • 5 days break
  • 15 days 2.5 g - 2 times a day.

Take with the instant drink “Litovit Cowberry” in the indicated dosage (1 teaspoon of granulate per 100-150 ml of filtered water at room temperature).

NovoProtein 30 g (2 tablespoons) of dry product mixed with 200 ml of warm water or low-fat milk, kefir or juice. Drink the prepared cocktail once a day with meals.

Recommended treatment regimen for spinal diseases:

  • during the period of remission - “Litovit-O” (morning and evening, before or after meals),
  • during an exacerbation - “Litovit-Ch” (morning and evening, before or after meals),
  • 15 days 1 g in the morning and 1.5 g in the evening, 5 days break,
  • 15 days 2.5 g - 2 times a day.

Take with the instant drink “Litovit Cowberry” in the indicated dosage (1 teaspoon of granulate per 100-150 ml of filtered water at room temperature).

NovoProtein 30 g (2 tablespoons) of dry product mixed with 200 ml of warm water or low-fat milk, kefir or juice. Drink the prepared cocktail 2 times a day with meals.

If your intestines are bothering you, check your spine!

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