Evminov's board - what kind of simulator is this, basic exercises for the spine

Back problems can be solved, there are many ways, however, they require experience, knowledge and practice. For example, to practice Pilates you will need a trainer who will help and set the technique for numerous exercises. Another thing is that this is a special simulator – Evminov’s Profilaktor. Thanks to the board, a person does not need to study the features and nuances of, albeit effective, but complex techniques. This is achieved through excellent knowledge of anatomy and engineering.

What is Evminov's board

Evminov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich is the creator of a unique method of treatment and prevention of diseases of the spinal column. This man invented a special simulator, thanks to which you can engage in rehabilitation not only in special treatment centers, but also at home. Also, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich is the president of the Kyiv Vertebral Health Center and the Yuka sports club. He is also the first president of the Ukrainian Rowing Federation and an honored coach of Ukraine in rowing. Evminov was prompted to develop the technique and simulator by a serious spinal injury and the prospect of an operation with a questionable outcome.

The Evminov prophylactic device is a special orthopedic simulator consisting of an inclined surface, which is equipped with movable handles that can be installed at several levels. The device has a rope fastening and an elastic surface, which provide the necessary shock absorption for the spinal column during exercise.


First, you will need pine timber, which is easy to purchase on the construction market. Dimensions – 50x50x3000. It is often sold rough, intended for rough construction work. Next, it must be cut using a circular saw into 2 different pieces: the first should be equal to or slightly exceed the height of a person, the second should be about 270 mm. Secondly, you can get a comfortable working surface by purchasing a chipboard (chipboard) with a width of 260 mm and a length corresponding to your height. However, you will have to be smart so as not to overpay for a whole sheet in the form of a slab. They are often on sale. You can use pieces, firmly gluing them together, or doors from an old cabinet made of chipboard. This surface does not absorb moisture, slips slightly, is smooth and safe. The edge can be covered with decorative tape.

Thirdly, for the crossbars you will need cuttings for shovels (or hoes). One should be made of soft wood 1 m long with a diameter of no more than 40 mm, the second - 1.5 m, but with a diameter of 30 mm, made of oak or beech (harder wood). Then you need to prepare the board for the steps, as well as the ribs of the carriage and stairs. A 200x900 mm maple board is perfect.

The benefits and harms of training on the Evminov simulator


  • The simulator allows you to train without axial load.
  • Exercises on the Evminov prophylactic trigger the recovery processes.
  • Helps treat most back diseases at any age.
  • Can be used both in medical institutions, in gyms, and at home.
  • Exercises on the Evminov simulator are aimed at stretching the spinal column, as well as working the deep muscles of the back.
  • Helps increase the amount of intercellular fluid.
  • Creates a powerful muscle frame.
  • Improves diffuse nutrition of the intervertebral disc.
  • Promotes the rapid release of pinched nerve endings.

Among the disadvantages, the existing contraindications should be highlighted.

Using a neck trainer

Included with the original Evminov simulators is a highly specialized device for traction of the cervical spine - a Glisson loop, made of soft but durable fabric. This is a kind of “mask”; the loop needs to be put under the chin, secured to the neck and back of the head, securely, but not squeezing.

Using a system of blocks and belts, you need to attach a load of weight determined by a specialist to a suitable support, for example, to a door, and very carefully take a half-hanging position. Then you can add simple exercises - bending, turning the head, circular movements. Thanks to this moderate but regular traction, pain and spasms in the neck go away, compressed vessels dilate, and blood supply to the brain improves.

Improper use of the Gleason loop can result in serious injury. Therefore, it is even more important to get advice from a qualified specialist and follow his instructions verbatim regarding the training program, duration of classes, and intervals between them.

Among the devices designed for the prevention of problems with the musculoskeletal system, their treatment, and recovery from injuries, the Evminov simulator stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. The board is made individually for each patient; there are different sets of exercises on it. If you follow the technique, your back condition will improve significantly. But harm to health is also possible, so prior consultation with a doctor is required.

Gleason loop


The simulator cannot be used when:

  • Paralysis.
  • Deep paresis.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Strokes.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Infectious diseases (including tuberculosis).
  • Chronic calculous cholecystitis.
  • Coral stones in the kidneys.
  • During the postoperative period.
  • Aneurysm of the aorta, heart, lungs, accompanied by pulmonary failure.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Recent spinal fractures.
  • Closed or open craniocerebral injuries.
  • Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

For what back diseases is it used?

The simulator is used for the following ailments:

  • Intervertebral hernia – protrusion of intervertebral discs. Occurs when the integrity of the shell is violated.
  • Curvatures of the spine, namely scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis. May occur due to weakness of the back muscles.
  • Poor posture is not considered a disease, but is a harbinger of serious problems with the spine.
  • Intercostal neuralgia is an inflammation of the nerves accompanied by acute pain.
  • Osteochondrosis (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) – leads to the development of changes in the cartilage of the intervertebral discs.
  • Protrusion - in this pathological condition, intervertebral discs “fall out” into the canal of the spinal column without rupture of the capsules.
  • Radiculitis is a disease of the spine in which the nerve endings of the spinal cord become inflamed.
  • Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine.
  • Slipped discs are a serious injury in which a subsequent vertebra moves to the side. Usually accompanied by acute pain and a risk of serious damage to the health of the spine.
  • Spinal injuries can occur at any age.
  • Pinched nerve endings are various compression of nerve endings by vertebrae.

Mechanism of action in treatment

The effect of treatment with the Evminov board is due to the creation of conditions for unloading the spinal column and strengthening the back muscles through exercise. The functioning of the spine is facilitated due to the horizontal position of the body. Under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor, sets of tasks are performed in body positions that ensure the maximum permissible relaxation of the back muscles. Most tasks must be done in semi-hanging, lying or head down positions.

With regular daily performance of tasks, nutrients and water begin to be delivered again into the connective tissue of the disc through the bloodstream. This causes a gradual increase in the dimensions of the spine, which is manifested externally by an increase in body height after exercise.

Against the background of slow and smooth exercises, a gradual stretching of the skeletal muscles occurs and the regenerative functions of the body improve.

A set of exercises on the Evminov board

Rotation of feet

The handles should be fixed at the desired height for the user, and the board should be set at an angle of 45 degrees. Holding the body on outstretched arms, holding the handles, the person begins to turn his feet from left to right.

Afterwards, the feet move up and down, pulling the toes toward and away from you. Then the cervical spine is involved in the movement. Movement of the neck is added, pulling it forward.

Knee flexion

The person, without changing position, begins to pull the foot towards the buttock, moving the foot along the plane of the board, without lifting it from the surface. The exercise is first performed with alternating legs, and ends with bending the legs at the same time.

Knee abduction to the side

To do this, in the same position, bend your leg at the knee and, without lifting your foot from the board, move your knee to the side, and then return to the starting position, straightening your leg. Again, the exercise is first performed with alternating legs and then with simultaneous abduction of the legs.

Leg abduction

You don't need to change position to do this. The movement is performed with a straight leg to the side. First, with alternating abduction of the legs, and then the movement is performed with both legs simultaneously.

Front leg swings

They are performed similarly to the previous movements.

Bringing the knees of both legs to the sides

In this exercise, the person must bend their knees and place their feet on the board. Then move both knees to one side, and then to the other, and then return your legs to their original position, lowering them down. Then the movement is repeated.

Pelvic lift

To perform this movement, you need to place your feet as close to your pelvis as possible and, pushing off with your feet, raise your pelvis as high as possible, bending your spine, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Raising your knees to your chest

The movement is performed by contracting the abdominal muscles. During movement, you should pull your legs and head towards your chest.

Cross leg extensions to the sides

This exercise is performed on weight, lifting your feet off the board.

Exercise bike

Surely everyone understands and knows the exercise. Performed by weight.

These exercises are performed lying on your stomach.

Leg bends at the knees

Alternate and simultaneous bending of the knee joint is performed. When performing the movement, it is important to pull your toes and move your head up.

Leg extensions to the sides

Performed by weight.

Abductions of opposite limbs

At the same time, the leg and the opposite arm are abducted to the sides.

The next block of exercises is performed upside down. To do this, you need to fix your feet in the handles. You need to take a position face down.

Reverse crunches or hyperextensions

Having gathered your hands into a lock, you should lift your torso up. This exercise can be done as a complex at once: holding your hands behind your head, behind your back at the lower back and spreading them to the sides.


In a face-down position lying on your stomach, you need to rest your hands on the bench and stretch up.

Hardware and fastenings

Next, we will need for fastening: a mounting rail, spliced ​​(2000x40x2 mm), and hardware - a 70 by 8 mm bolt, a 600 by 8 mm rod, washers, nuts. In the original simulator, the working board is suspended on a super-strong cable. The already made Evminov board with your own hands (see drawing below) is attached to a long-link three-meter chain. It will firmly fix the device, making it possible to adjust the height. The base of the board is the best place to attach retention hooks.

We will also need a fireman's carabiner (galvanized), a twisted expansion dowel, 50 mm screws, and thick rubber for the crossbar, which should be located next to the base of the board. This crossbar must be covered with it, and the carriage and supporting beam must be covered with dense fabric that does not form folds. Felt and overcoat material will not creak under the weight of the body.

Recommendations for training at the Evminov dispensary

  • Alternate exercises with each other for maximum effect.
  • Choose an average pace for performing movements; when performing static exercises, the pace can be accelerated.
  • It is not recommended to conduct a workout lasting more than one hour.
  • The number of workouts per week should be in the range from 2 to 4.
  • The exercises should be performed in 4-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions each.
  • You can use weights, their weight should not exceed 16 kilograms.
  • Course duration: 2-3 months.

Stop deceiving yourself

Before reading further, I will ask you one question: are you still looking for a magic device that can restore your joints the first time, or are you hoping for the Russian “maybe it will blow through”?

Some people soothe the pain with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving tablets, ointments from advertising, and put blockades, but this does not cure the joints.

The only remedy that will somehow help is Arthropant.

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