Evminov's board - making a simulator with your own hands: a list of necessary materials and options for drawings with dimensions, step-by-step instructions and assembly rules

Making Evminov boards with your own hands

Today, home craftsmen are able to do literally everything with their own hands. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The need for invention is cunning.” But this saying is actually outdated. Today's aspirations of men to avoid expensive purchases for the household are not dictated by poverty or greed, but by slightly different motives:

  • Reluctance to please the manufacturer to pay exorbitant prices for something that should not cost that much
  • The desire to prove to themselves and their family that they, men, are worth something
  • And finally, it's just interesting

Naturally, Evminov’s dispensary could not avoid this “hacker” attack from home craftsmen. Today there are already dozens of options for the DIY Evminov board project.”

Why? Yes, because its design, like everything ingenious, is very simple: it is essentially just a board with crossbars. The price... well, you can’t say that it’s expensive, in comparison with its more expensive fellow exercise machines, but you can’t call it that cheap either:

In Ukraine, Evminov’s prophylactic costs about 2,000 hryvnia.

Well, as usual, the Russian consumer is being conscientiously stripped of two skins: in Moscow this thing costs as much as 8,000 rubles.


It is recommended to use the simulator from 8 years of age. In the first month, training is recommended to be carried out in a physiotherapist’s office, under the supervision of a doctor. It is worth remembering that in old age, due to the resulting disorders and destruction of bone tissue, it will not be possible to fully recover.

It is prohibited to use the device if:

  • There is an inflammatory process in the body, and a high temperature has appeared.
  • Existing hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The presence of advanced diseases of the spine.
  • Injuries of the spine.

Making a device to correct spinal problems is not so difficult and does not require large financial influences. Its use can cope with problems such as intervertebral hernia, curvature of the spine, poor posture and osteochondrosis.

Evminov’s technique is not the only one for diseases of the back area. But with an integrated approach to treatment, in combination with medical procedures, massage, and medical supervision, it gives a lasting, effective result, improving a person’s life. After starting treatment, do not retreat, show restraint and character and the pain of the spine will leave you.


How to make an Evminov simulator with your own hands

Let's look at some original designs made by ourselves.

First, let us remind the reader why this simulator aroused such interest.

First of all, because of its exhaust properties, due to which

  1. The spine is unloaded due to a decrease in the pressure on each other of neighboring vertebrae
  2. The intervertebral distance increases, which eliminates pain during exacerbations of protrusion and hernia
  3. Muscle balance is restored

For more information about the therapeutic and preventive capabilities of the board, watch this video:

Video: Preventor Evminova

The first version of the Evminov board with your own hands

A low-budget and relatively similar version of the Evminov simulator was provided by a Ukrainian craftsman with his own hands. The costs he spent on building materials and fastenings amounted to only 200 hryvnia, which is 10 times less than the cost of the purchased product.

The figure below is a design drawing.

We carefully study the drawing in order to measure what we need to purchase, and go for building materials :

  • The main load-bearing part of the product is a 16 mm thick chipboard frame mounted on a pine beam measuring 50×150. The length of the chipboard and timber is selected from special tables that relate the length of the Evminov board to a person’s height. In the drawing it is about 2400 mm. Chipboard width - 260 mm
  • In order not to overpay for a large and expensive sheet, buy either leftover chipboard or use old cabinet doors
  • To make a carriage, you will need a 270 mm long beam, which will serve as its base, and a piece of stronger wood (for example, maple) for the ends
  • We mark and cut pieces of timber 2400 mm and 270 mm long directly in the warehouse
  • To fix the carriage you need two meters of 2×40 mounting rail
  • A 4 mm chain 3 m long is used to secure the board.
  • The lower base 0.6 m long is cut from the shovel handle
  • For the crossbars of the carriage 0.55 m long, a rake handle was used
  • Necessary fastening "trifle"

    These details are small, but you can’t do without them. During assembly, there is always a shortage of fasteners, so take care of this in advance by calculating from the drawing how many screws, screws, and nuts are needed. Buy fasteners with a reserve, especially screws .

    • Screws Ø 5 mm (for fastening beams and slats) - the more, the better
    • Two metal threaded rods 330 mm long, Ø 8 mm (or one 660 mm, which is cut in half)
    • Washers and nuts Ø 8 mm - 6 pieces
    • Two screws with washers with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 100 mm (for connecting the bottom crossbar and chipboard)
    • One bolt Ø 8, L 70 - for fastening the chain
    • Carbine
    • Wall dowel
    • Hook
    • Small and medium nails


    • A drill with a set of drills and special cutter attachments for drilling large holes
    • Saw
    • Hacksaw for metal
    • A set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver
    • And, of course, with a hammer

    Now you can get started!

    Simulator manufacturing technology

    1. To attach the base, a recess is milled at the bottom of the board, into which the base is subsequently recessed
    2. On the other side, a through inclined hole is drilled through the thickness of the chipboard for the chain to exit, and a semicircular hole is made at the end for the chain
    3. Recesses are drilled into the base for the heads of the mounting screws so that they do not scratch the floor
    4. The edges of the lower base are covered with rubber, which can be cut from an old camera. This is done so that the board does not slide on the floor.
    5. Two through holes with a diameter of 9 mm are drilled at the base of the carriage for attaching the ends
    6. The two ends of the carriage measuring 200x320 are cut from maple board, which has great strength, which is very important: they must withstand our weight
    7. At the ends, using a special cutter, two large holes are drilled for the crossbars
    8. Since the surface of the beam is not treated, in order to give the product a decent appearance, both supporting beams are sheathed with fabric (you can use an overcoat or an old cashmere coat). The fabric is secured along the entire perimeter of the beam using a stapler, on the side of the beam that will be adjacent to the chipboard.

    Disadvantages of this design:

    • The board has lost one of its important properties, which is used in dynamic exercises - flexibility
    • Making it is quite time-consuming and painstaking due to the need for upholstery with fabric.
    • Not everyone likes this design

    Second version of Evminov's board

    The next version of Evminov’s prophylactic, presented below, looks much more attractive.

    Video: Do-it-yourself Evminov board

    As you can see from the video:

    • Dimensions and design principle remain the same
    • For the base and crossbars, cuttings of garden tools are also used, only the edges of the supporting base are wrapped with nylon cord, not rubber
    • Main material: pine board, 250 mm wide, 25 mm thick

    This increases the functionality of the preventer, giving it elasticity and strength.

    The same material is used in the original itself.

    • There is no need to use timber and fabric upholstery
    • This option is more aesthetically pleasing

    The simulator will be more expensive due to the cost of the pine board.

    Assembling a homemade exercise machine

    The carriages are pre-assembled:

    1. The ends are glued to the base and connected through a through hole in the base with long rods. The connection is tightened with nuts.
    2. The top crossbar is rigidly fastened with nails to the ends
    3. The lower one is inserted freely: it will adjust the position of the carriage on the board

    Then the simulator itself is assembled:

    • In the first option: We drag the chain through the beam
    • We attach the timber to the chipboard with screws
  • In the second option: The chain is simply attached to the top of the board
  • Further, the assembly in both versions is identical:

    • We attach the lower base with screws
    • On the back side of the board, step by step screw the slats to limit the carriage

    How the slats are fixed can be seen from the figure.

    • A dowel is driven into the wall or ceiling, into which a hook is screwed for attaching the chain.
    • The angle of the board can be changed by moving the carabiner along the chain links.

      Below is a drawing of the assembled simulator, with wall mounting:

      The drawing also explains how the negative inclination angle is set.

      Cheap and cheerful

      There are also craftsmen whose goal is to make the simplest possible design with their own hands, without investing almost a penny. There are no questions about appearance, functionality, or comfort.

      The video below shows this version of Evminov’s board:

    • The material is an ordinary board found in a vacant lot, construction site, landfill, balcony, etc.
    • Fasteners - nails
    • There is no fastening to the wall (they leaned it against the wall and that’s it)

    Video: Do-it-yourself Evminov board quickly and cheaply

    It is difficult to judge how reliable and safe such a structure is, but I think that both with a very large and too sharp angle, a certain risk arises.

    Well, a negative angle here only happens when the board falls.

    As you can see, there are different versions of the Evminov board that you can make with your own hands.

    How to use a self-made Evminov board - this is the final video:

    Principles of classes

    Today, an excellent simulator, the Evminov board, helps heal the spine. Reviews from many customers prove its effectiveness. Two main principles of treating diseases associated with the spine are implemented during classes. The first helps to control the extension of the spine, which is necessary in order to unload it. The degree of exhaustion can be different. It depends on the angle at which the simulator is installed. During the procedure, the pressure in the intervertebral discs decreases, and the nerve roots of the spinal cord stop compressing. As a result, pain syndromes disappear.

    Another principle is training and strengthening the muscles that support the spine in a position that is considered anatomically correct. This is achieved through certain exercises performed with a low range of motion. During exercise, the short back muscles, which form the muscle corset, are strengthened, which is important for the spine.

    Nutrition of the intervertebral disc

    Intervertebral discs are tissues that do not have a blood supply; their nutrition is diffuse, according to the laws of osmosis. The core has the ability to absorb liquid, which is greatly facilitated by human motor activity.

    How does this happen? When compression forces prevail over suction forces, intradiscal pressure increases and the disc (mainly its nucleus pulposus) loses some amount of fluid. As soon as the compression forces decrease, the intradiscal pressure decreases, suction processes prevail, and the fluid again passes (diffuses) into the disc.

    There is a direct relationship between the degree of mobility of the spinal motion segment and the volume of nutrients supplied to the spinal disc.

    To confirm this, scientists conducted an experiment. The contrast agent introduced into the thickness of the disc disappeared from it, with the spine motionless, after 20 minutes. When performing active movements, and especially special exercises for the deep layer of back muscles, the contrast agent disappeared 5-10 times faster!

    This experience clearly shows that regular use of special exercises for the spine will lead to active nutrition of the intervertebral disc, which in turn will contribute to its restoration.

    Elementary simulator

    A board that stretches the spine is an ideal solution for those who have back problems. You don't have to buy it. Even an ordinary school student can do it with his own hands. It is simply attached to the wall at an angle of 30 degrees from the floor. The projectile must be polished, about 2 meters in length, and two handles must be attached to it in order to be able to grip it. Most men face the problem of low intervertebral disc height. This can be avoided if, after coming home, you lie on the board for 15 minutes, stretch your back, raise your legs several times, bend them at the knees, spread them apart, and then just lie on your stomach. Such simple exercises will perfectly stretch the spine.


    If back pain occurs, it is recommended to monitor your posture, avoid lifting heavy objects, and the place to sleep should be as comfortable as possible.

    Other preventive measures:

    • Avoid sitting on soft surfaces, feet firmly on the floor, spine straight;
    • Avoid bending; when sitting for long periods, a warm-up is provided;
    • Refusal to overload the spine; heavy lifting is allowed only from a sitting position;
    • The weight of bags and other heavy objects should be distributed evenly while carrying, this helps avoid curvature of the spine;
    • The sleeping surface should be semi-rigid, the mattress should be thin, and muscle relaxation can be achieved by sleeping less than nine hours.

    Features of training on the simulator

    Many may argue that hanging from the bar is enough and no board is needed. Yes, this exercise really stretches the spine well. But if a person weighs more than 100 kg, then this is absolutely forbidden. Apart from stretching the muscles, nothing else will work. In order to hang on the bar, you must first warm up your muscles well in the gym. But if a person is over 45 years old, then it is better not to risk his health. This is where Evminov’s board will come to the rescue.

    Spinal stretching with the Sacrus apparatus

    The Sacrus spinal traction machine is the only alternative to mechanical traction available for regular home use. Unlike traditional analogues, Sacrus stretches ligaments due to deep autogravitational effects. This allows you to correct any changes, including scoliosis, osteochondrosis and untreated sports injuries.

    Incorrect position of the spine is almost impossible to correct by independent efforts. The reason for crooked posture is the inability to comfortably maintain a healthy body position. The displaced sacrum does not allow you to keep your back straight, causing a return to the only comfortable position that allows you to consume less energy. Sacrus solves this problem by directly affecting deformed areas of the spine and sacral area. Just one session is enough for the patient to feel relief, get rid of pain and be able to “unbend” - straighten his back. To consolidate the effect, you must use the Sacrus spinal stretching machine on a regular basis.

    Regular spinal traction procedures release blockages in individual vertebrae, launching the body's self-regulatory processes. When used consistently, the Sacrus spinal traction machine gives the following effect:

    • Chronic fatigue recedes, sleep patterns normalize;
    • The pain syndrome goes away completely;
    • The back straightens: maintaining correct posture becomes easy and pleasant;
    • Normal energy balance is restored;
    • Areas subject to chronic tension relax.

    Osteopaths recommend using the Sacrus spinal traction device both for routine procedures and for neutralizing overstrain at the end of a hard day. By stretching your back, you maintain health and prevent the development of degenerative deformities.


    The Evminov board, made with your own hands, is a fairly cheap exercise machine. This product is two meters long and 25-30 cm wide. It must be polished, without splinters and slide very well so that the spine is stretched. The person lies down, begins to slide down it, tries to hold on to the handles and at the same time works with his legs.

    All materials needed for manufacturing are sold in a hardware store. Many of them can be found in households. If the exercise machine is made with your own hands, then a person will exercise on it with great desire, and for an excellent result this is an important condition. To practice, you need to wear something on your feet. If you pay attention to the photo from Dr. Evminov’s center, all the people are doing exercises on the board in sneakers. In order not to put them on at home, you can simply make soft attachments that will prevent your feet from slipping.

    Efficiency controversy

    There is quite a lot of controversy about the effectiveness of this treatment method. It is clear that, on the one hand, they are determined by purely commercial interests - each has the largest possible piece of the market for itself, and for this, any methods are good. On the other hand, this technique is quite new, so there are not yet enough reviews to judge its effectiveness. Let's try to imagine what to expect from using such a preventative.

    The first thing you should pay attention to is that the course of physical rehabilitation should be carried out on an outpatient basis, under the guidance of a knowledgeable doctor. In this case, classes are held daily after massage and physiotherapeutic procedures. In this way, the maximum effectiveness of the treatment methods used is achieved and, in theory, recovery occurs faster.

    In principle, it is clear that everything proposed is components of a standard course of rehabilitation after an acute period of the disease. But how much the prophylactic itself speeds up recovery is a big question. Distraction under the influence of one's own weight is usually not dangerous, but it is not beneficial as such. Thanks to this “stretching” of the spine, the compression of compressed nerve roots is reduced, which helps reduce pain. But then

    Preparing for work

    Do-it-yourself Evminov board (dimensions - 25 cm wide and about 2 meters long) can be made of chipboard. Often such slabs are already available on the farm. Doors from a cabinet that has not been used for a long time are also perfect for this purpose. If nothing suitable is found, then you can purchase leftover chipboard at a hardware store. No need to purchase a whole board. You can take individual pieces and cover them with a special plastic edge. The product will look quite attractive. The main thing is that the surface glides well and does not absorb moisture.

    Next you will need cuttings from a shovel. One of them is about a meter long and 4 cm in diameter, and the other is about 1.5 m long and 3 cm in diameter. The steps for the stairs can be used to make carriage ribs. You will also need bolts, a threaded metal rod, nuts, washers, long-link chain, screws, carabiners, screws and dowels. Rubber will be needed to cover the crossbar. An old cashmere coat can be used to upholster the base of the carriage and the supporting beam.

    Let's get to work

    In order to make a Evminov board with your own hands, you need a saw, drill, hammer, hacksaw and drills. For the base, you need to saw off a 6 cm long piece from the shovel shaft. Next, cover the ends of the crossbar with rubber. Prepare the timber well to place the crossbar there. You need to attach a chain to the bottom. In order for it to move easily, cut a recess on top of the chipboard. Then wrap the supporting beam with fabric using a stapler. Attach the spiral hook to the wall or ceiling. Using a carabiner, secure the board so that you can adjust the angle of inclination.

    Making the carriage

    We already know how the Evminov board is made. The drawing for the product will help in the manufacture of the carriage. First you need to cut the maple board in half. Drill holes 32 mm in diameter at the ends. To do this you will need a drill and a special set of drills. For the base of the carriage, take a beam 270 mm long. Drill two holes with a diameter of 9 mm in it to insert 8 mm metal rods there. Make a groove to thread the rods through the hole. The ends must be placed on glue. You can use the usual “Moment”. Then connect everything and tighten the nuts. The work must be carried out very carefully. It is necessary to carefully maintain right angles, glue everything very firmly and tighten it securely. This area will be subject to quite serious loads, so it must be done with the highest possible quality.

    DIY Evminov board (details)

    Many people have back problems and in conversations with them the topic of Evminov’s board often comes up. This is some kind of miraculous board, exercises on which solve almost any back problem. It’s just that it’s very expensive. Many people dreamed of making it with their own hands. I found and am posting a description for them and detailed manufacturing technology with photographs.

    General view of the board. The board can be easily adjusted for inclination to the wall. The position of the carriage on the board is also easily adjusted with one hand without additional tools. All characteristics of the original board are present.

    Close-up of the carriage. Strength has been tested in practice: it can be used as a horizontal bar for a person weighing 80 kg, pulling up without jerking.

    What you need to buy: We go to the construction supermarket and buy: Rough pine timber 50x150x3000. For those unfamiliar with the topic, it is a long, strong plank of wood, relatively cheap, used for rough construction work. She's not polished. In order to put it in order, you will need upholstery fabric, but more on that later. The photo shows a cut of this timber.

    We order the cutting of this timber so that it is done to you with high quality and strictly perpendicular on a circular saw. We make 2 pieces: the first piece is the length that corresponds to your height (see the attached table from the manufacturer in the photo). The second piece is 270 mm.

    Next step: make a work surface. Dimensions: 260mm wide and as long as you chose from the table for your height. I made it from pieces of furniture cabinet chipboard (glued sawdust board) white, 16 mm thick, which I already had on the farm. Usually chipboard is sold in large slabs of 2.5 x 3 meters and in our case there is no point in buying a whole slab. You can use doors from an old cabinet or something from the farm, or buy leftover chipboard in the same building supermarket in the woodworking department. Pieces from large orders often remain there. The surface does not have to be solid because the supporting part will be made of wooden beams. You can take several pieces of the desired size and order a 2mm plastic edge around the perimeter. It turns out very good and cute. Remember: the main task of the working surface is to be slippery, smooth and not absorb moisture. Then we buy cuttings for shovels and hoes. One shovel handle 1 meter long, about 40mm in diameter, will serve as a crossbar at the base. It can be made of soft wood. The second handle is 30 mm in diameter, 1.5 m long, tapered at one end, hard wood, Beech. Then we buy a board from the category of steps for stairs. The ribs of the carriage will be made from it. It must be strong and made of hard wood to support the weight of a person. I used glued maple boards 200x900 mm, the remains are in the photo.

    We also choose one spliced ​​mounting rail 2x40x2000 (the rest is in the photo)

    Now we go to the metal products department and buy: 1. Bolt 8x70mm 2. Long metal rod with thread, diameter 8 mm, length at least 660 mm (cut into two pieces of 330 mm each) 3. Washers, nuts 8 mm, 5 - 6 pcs 4. Long-link chain 4 mm, length 3 m (the board will be suspended on a chain. The factory board is suspended on a nylon cable, which you can also buy in a hardware store, but the chain is much more convenient for adjusting the height - using a carabiner attached to the base of the board you can switch to the desired link and easily change the angle of inclination) 5. Screws 50 mm, larger 6. 2 screws for wood 6x100 with washers (for fastening the crossbar at the base) 7. Galvanized fire snap hook 8. Twisted expansion dowel (screw into the wall or ceiling)

    We also need rubber to beat the crossbar at the base of the board. Rubber in pieces is not sold in construction supermarkets. You can use a rubber hose, or buy it at a flea market.

    Now a very important material that is not sold at Epicenter is fabric for upholstering the supporting beam and the base of the carriage. In our case, the fabric from a military overcoat is ideal. It is dense enough not to bunch up under loads and shock-absorbing to save us from unnecessary squeaks and also act as a seal in the process of locking the carriage on the board. Cashmere from an old coat is a good alternative.

    We've finished with the materials, now let's start manufacturing. To work with basic tools, it is enough to have a drill, a wood saw, a hacksaw, a hammer and a set of drills.

    Let's make the base. We saw off a piece of the shovel shaft 600mm long. We cut out pieces of rubber, wrap them around the ends of the crossbar, and nail them in place. At the fastening point we make holes and recesses for the heads of our wood screws in order to recess them and not scratch the parquet.

    Now we prepare the beam: we need to cut out part of the beam from one end (blue dotted line) in order to then drown our crossbar into it.

    To do this, take a wood cutter and drill through the beam from the ends, and then cut out the jumpers on both sides

    Now we are preparing to fasten the chain from the opposite end of the beam. The chain is attached at the bottom and goes up through an inclined through hole. Overall plan.

    View from above. It is necessary to cut a semicircular recess at one end on the chipboard working surface so that the chain can pass freely

    Now we cut out a piece of fabric, wrap it around the supporting beam so that the edges fall on the upper part, which will hide under the supporting surface, and pin it with a stapler like in the photo. If you don’t have a mounting stapler, a stationery stapler is also suitable because the timber is made of soft wood

    Now we cut out a piece of fabric, wrap it around the supporting beam so that the edges fall on the upper part, which will hide under the supporting surface, and pin it with a stapler like in the photo. If you don’t have a mounting stapler, a stationery stapler is also suitable because the timber is made of soft wood

    Now assembly: we thread the chain, screw the crossbar into the base, and screw the supporting surface from above to the beam with screws.

    A spiral hook is attached to the ceiling or wall.

    The finished board can be hung and the angle of inclination can be adjusted using a carabiner by hooking onto the desired link

    Adjust the height according to the table (see above) Now we make the carriage. We cut the maple laminated board into two identical pieces 200x320mm. These will be the ends. At the ends we drill holes for crossbars with a diameter of 32 mm. All dimensions are accurate except where. It depends on the thickness of the fabric (red) with which you will cover the base of the carriage and the supporting beam (blue). With the fabric from the overcoat it turned out to be 105 mm, but here it is important to measure on the spot so that the carriage is attached tightly without looseness.

    We use a special tool to drill holes for the crossbars.

    Preparing the base of the carriage. We take a short piece of timber (270mm) and drill two 9mm through holes for 8mm metal rods. If there is no such a long drill, we drill from both sides as long as the drill is long enough, and then from the ends we drill a groove (shown in red) in order to connect the two channels together and thread the rods through.

    Be sure to place the ends with glue. The moment will do. We connect everything together and tighten the nuts. Cover the base with fabric and let the glue dry. It must be done carefully and carefully, observing all right angles and securely tightening and gluing. This area will withstand the heaviest loads. Complete carriage assembly

    The top crossbar, 550 mm long, is rigidly attached to nails driven into the ends

    The lower crossbar has free movement

    To prevent the carriage from rolling down, we cut our mounting rail into slices and screw it in equal increments along the entire length of the supporting beam from below under the board

    All materials, except upholstery fabric and pieces of rubber, are sold in a construction supermarket. As a result, about 200 UAH + some materials from the household were spent on materials, cutting and gluing the edges. I was pleased with a job well done, and something made with my own hands makes me want to exercise on this simulator more often, which is a prerequisite for a good result!

    Take care of your health! (you only have one!)

    How to make an Evminov board at home?

    For back problems, patients are advised to do certain exercises on a special machine. Do-it-yourself Evminov board can be made at home simply and quickly. To do this, you need a drawing and detailed manufacturing instructions. A detailed master class will tell you how to make a training board.

    The exercise machine looks simple: it usually consists of a long board that rests against the wall at an angle (it can be adjusted). At the top there is a special carriage, which allows you to change the position with the movement of your hand. There are handles on the sides.


    Exercise machines are prescribed in the following cases: displacement due to fractures and dislocations; with the help of exercise machines, the vertebrae are secured in a certain position, they do not move. For scoliosis, a long course of spinal traction is not recommended; this avoids complications.

    If this condition is not met, there is a risk of injury; scoliosis therapy requires an integrated approach, it is necessary to undergo a massage course and do special exercises. In some cases, doctors do not recommend doing such exercises for osteochondrosis in order to avoid injury to the affected vertebrae and discs.

    Traction for a hernia is an excellent alternative to surgery; traction forces have their limits, otherwise there is a high probability of worsening the patient’s condition.

    Effect of traction:

    • Increasing the distance between the vertebrae;
    • Creation of low pressure inside the fibrous capsule, as a result, the vertebral disc moves during a herniation into the space between the vertebrae;
    • Strengthening tendons and back muscles;
    • Activation of blood circulation in blood vessels.

    Required materials and tools

    In order for the exercise machine at home to bring benefits and not harm the patient, you should know that the board is ideally made of 8 types of wood. This is done for safety, strength and rigidity. But at home you can take an ordinary board. The main thing is that it must support the patient’s weight and not slip.

    The manufacture of such a back exercise machine begins with the correct selection of material. It is best to use pine timber, but unhewn. Dimensions - 50 by 50 and 3000 mm. It needs to be cut into 2 pieces with a circular saw: the first should be the height of the person who will train on the board, and the second should be 270 mm long.

    Wooden material will also be needed to make the carriage. To do this, you need to take a hardwood board, for example, maple. Dimensions - 200 by 900 mm. For convenience, the crossbars can be made from shovel handles, because they are durable and reliable. The length of the first should reach 1 m, the second - 1.5 m, and their diameter should not be more than 40 mm.

    You can’t do without chipboard (furniture). This will be the surface on which the patient will lie, so its length is equal to the person’s height and its width is 260 mm.

    This board should not absorb moisture, but its smoothness and non-slip quality will be a priority when choosing the best material.

    Among other structural elements you will need to purchase the following:

    • mounting rail (joined) measuring 2000 by 40 by 2 mm;
    • fire rifle (galvanized);
    • rubber material for upholstery of crossbars;
    • chain with long links (3 m);
    • bolt 70 mm by 8 mm;
    • nuts and washers are needed for fastening;
    • metal rod (8 mm thread, length 600 mm);
    • screws from 50 mm (set);
    • twisted dowel (spacer);
    • shock-absorbing and dense fabric (for example, cashmere).

    To work you will need the following tools:

    • hacksaw for working with metal;
    • saw;
    • hammer;
    • screwdriver set;
    • drill with cutter attachments.
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