Aikune gymnastics for the spine step by step instructions

What should a woman do who clearly feels her former sexuality is slowly fading away? Where to look for help if sexual arousal occurs more and more slowly, and orgasm during sexual intercourse becomes more and more difficult to achieve?

In search of answers to these questions, women often come across a recommendation to engage in wumbling. This immediately gives rise to several other questions - what is wumbling, does it really help with the problems listed above, and can every woman do it?

The effectiveness of Aikune gymnastics

In principle, training according to this scheme is better than nothing, but worse than exercise therapy selected by a normal doctor, or even training in Pilates exercise machines.
Why is that? Any muscle training improves blood circulation, reduces degenerative changes, and improves tone. But promises like unrealistic improvements in the functioning of the immune system and relief from stress are somewhat from a different area. Plus, gymnastics almost does not affect the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles. By nature they are large and strong, and static deflections are not enough to work them out - dynamic contractions are also needed. Gymnastics can help at some very basic level of training. But progressing within it is quite difficult.

The main effect of training in the aikune system is stretching the spinal column and increasing the distance between the vertebrae. In parallel with this, the deep back muscles actively work, which helps reduce their spasm and restore blood supply to the structures of the musculoskeletal system.

The consequence of the above achievements is the restoration of the shock-absorbing function of the spine, an increase in the range of motion in the affected joints, normalization of tissue trophism, and a decrease or complete cessation of compression of the nerve trunks. According to Abai Baimagambetov, the man who united ancient Kazakh exercises into a single complex, aikune gymnastics for small hernias of the spine allows you to completely get rid of them.

Aikune instructors claim that gymnastics in principle has no contraindications. However, this does not agree with the classical ideas about physical exercises for spinal pathology. According to most experts, it is recommended to refuse classes in the following conditions:

  • vertebral instability;
  • severe pain when performing stretches;
  • spinal hernias with a high risk of sequestration;
  • acute inflammatory pathology;
  • early postoperative period after interventions on the spine, anterior abdominal wall, and lower back.

The Kazakh system of exercises (some believe that aikune is Japanese gymnastics for the spine, but this is incorrect) is an effective and highly effective way of influencing the spine. However, in certain situations it can be harmful. To avoid the negative effects of exercise, it is recommended to consult an orthopedic doctor or neurologist before starting exercise.

Aikune gymnastics is a set of exercises for the treatment and prevention of lesions of the musculoskeletal system, developed by the Kazakh healer Abai Emshi.

Reference. In Russia, the technique gained wide popularity in 1998.

The benefits of Aikune gymnastics for the neck and spine include the following therapeutic effects on the body (if performed regularly and correctly):

  • improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • reduction of tissue swelling;
  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • improved mobility;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • restoration of spinal shock absorption;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional state;
  • improved posture;
  • strengthening the muscle frame.

Despite the complex effect on the body, Aikune gymnastics is still inferior in effectiveness to full-fledged exercise therapy selected by a doctor. Static deflections are not enough; dynamic work is necessary to properly work out all muscle groups.

The set of exercises can be performed by people of any age (from 6 years old) and with any level of physical fitness. Indications for practicing such gymnastics include diseases such as:

  • osteochondrosis (at any stage);
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • dysplasia;
  • flat feet;
  • recovery from traumatic injuries.

Gymnastics is also recommended if you have excess weight, depression, stress, bronchial asthma, or stooped posture.

The main contraindications are the following circumstances:

  • malignant neoplasms, especially in the area of ​​the spinal column;
  • mental illness;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute course of infectious and viral diseases.

Despite the fact that the technique has few contraindications, you should still first consult with a specialist about the feasibility and safety of such treatment.

Gymnastics has existed for many years, but became popular in Russia only in 1998. It was developed by a Kazakh healer (and not a Japanese one, as many people mistakenly think).

Among the contraindications, it is worth noting only severe diseases: malignant tumors in the final stages (especially in the spine), acute diseases accompanied by high fever and other unpleasant symptoms, severe mental disorders. In addition to the above pathologies, aikune gymnastics for the spine has no restrictions.

Studies have confirmed that physical inactivity causes most diseases of the spine and joints. People who have not changed their sedentary lifestyle for 3–4 decades suffer from pathologies such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernias, etc.

It no longer makes sense to carry out preventive measures, because the cause of diseases is difficult to eliminate even for qualified specialists. It is these patients who are recommended to exercise to strengthen the skeletal muscles and create a so-called vertebral bandage.

At the same time, aikune exercises cannot completely replace physical therapy, but they can have a noticeable effect on the body.

There are many beneficial effects from doing gymnastics, these are:

  • improving blood flow in the spinal column by increasing the distance between the vertebrae;
  • reduction of tissue swelling;
  • functioning of more muscles that do not work in everyday life;
  • improving the connection of organs and tissues with the central nervous system;
  • increasing the body's defenses against various infections;
  • release of intervertebral nerve roots.

“Aikune” is translated as “to speak the truth,” “to open the soul.” Combining all this, we can give the following definition: this is gymnastics, which allows you to reveal certain capabilities of the human body.

The birthplace of the technique is Kazakhstan, its parent is Abai Baimagambetov. The complex is aimed at the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases. Exercises stretch the spine, strengthen the back muscles, improve blood circulation, and fight scoliosis and osteochondrosis. Currently, the system includes more than ten thousand exercises.

So what is the aikune system? Gymnastics for the spine, which consists of static and isometric motor actions. Both children and elderly people can do it. By performing the complex, a person forces even the deepest muscles to work. The spine is stretched, compressed nerve endings are released, and the discs take their correct position.

Aikune is a gymnastics that shows good results in getting rid of diseases of the spine and joints. Thanks to this system, the development of the disease stops and pain disappears.

  • a person’s psycho-emotional state and mood;
  • blood circulation in the joints;
  • organ performance.

In addition to the above, aikune, Japanese gymnastics for the spine, will help:

  • increase the distance between the vertebrae;
  • restore the shock-absorbing properties of the spine.
  • increase the range of motion of joints;
  • change your lifestyle.

The system is indicated for those who suffer from:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • any stage of osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet;
  • connective tissue dysplasia.

There are no restrictions for classes using this system. It can be done at any age, with any level of physical fitness.

Some of the advantages of this system were discussed above, but not all. So, let's continue the conversation further. The proposed physical activity affects not only the body, but also the psyche. Thanks to this system, you can get rid of chronic diseases. Even the tips of your toes and hands are used when performing the exercises. A positive result can only be obtained if the whole body, every cell of it, works.

The complex is suitable for anyone. It does not cause problems even for beginners.

First, the exercises are performed while sitting on a chair. In this way, the body is prepared for more serious stress. After several sessions the condition improves.

All unpleasant and painful sensations will gradually go away. It all depends on perception.

A few lessons are enough for you to learn how to control your body. The muscles will become more resilient and stronger thanks to aikune gymnastics. Reviews from fans of this system confirm this fact. You can hear the opinion that a week after doing the exercises, strength appears from somewhere and a desire to dare appears.

Gymnastics has existed for many years, but became popular in Russia only in 1998. It was developed by a Kazakh healer (and not a Japanese one, as many people mistakenly think).

Goals of gymnasticsIndications for aikune
Improving blood circulation in joints and other tissues, which promotes better functioning of organsDiseases of the musculoskeletal system
Strengthens the muscular system of the external and deep back musclesArthrosis and arthritis
Helps restore normal muscle toneOsteochondrosis at any stage
Improves mood and psycho-emotional stateScoliosis
Increases the distance between vertebraeFoot deformity
Dysplasia of various tissues and organs Encephalopathy
Changes a person's lifestyleObesity, bronchial asthma, depression, stress, etc.

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

Goals and effects

Aikune is gymnastics for the spine, the goal of which is a comprehensive study of all its departments within one lesson. Other techniques aimed at strengthening the back work separately on the thoracic, cervical and lumbar spine, which significantly increases the length of time required to achieve results.

Aikune gymnastics for the spine

The key to success in performing exercises is a person’s psychological focus on the goal of the training. Aikune involves alternating multidirectional loads (static and dynamic), while eliminating the need to perform exercises in an aerobic mode (sudden movements within the framework of the treatment complex under consideration are strictly prohibited.

Otherwise, aikune will not only be ineffective for strengthening the back muscles, but can also aggravate the person’s condition if there is an exacerbation of spinal disease).

The secondary goals of classes according to the system of Kazakh healers are:

  • normalization of a person’s mental and emotional state;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the joints and bone joints;
  • normalization of the performance of all internal organs;
  • increasing the distance between the vertebral discs;
  • restoration of shock-absorbing properties of the spinal column;
  • increased joint mobility;
  • increasing physical activity in a person’s life;
  • minimizing the risk of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue dysplasia.

The effect of training according to the methods of Kazakh healers is noticeable after the first 2-3 workouts, but for sustainable changes in the state of back health, at least 10-15 sessions, lasting 45-60 minutes, are needed.

In addition to normalizing the functioning of internal systems and organs, aikune gymnastics also promotes positive transformations in a person’s appearance - improving posture, eliminating a bulging belly, giving relief to the muscles of the upper body.

Aikune can be passive or active. Active type is a classic version of gymnastics, performed by a person at least 3 times a week in accordance with generally accepted exercise techniques.

Passive aikune is the work of chiropractors who restore the condition of the spinal column independently, without the participation of the patient (in the absence of serious spinal diseases, back alignment occurs in 1-2 sessions, lasting no more than 20 minutes).

The concept of aikun gymnastics

Gymnastics is a set of specially selected physical exercises aimed at improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and regulating its functions. In addition, the doctor performs some psychotherapeutic work, which allows the patient to achieve an improved quality of life, overcome depression, and gain self-confidence.

The aikune complex is indicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis of any severity;
  • scoliosis;
  • connective tissue dysplasia;
  • flat feet.

In addition to the above, exercises are indicated for people who, due to their profession, are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. This avoids many problems associated with congestion.


Any workout strengthens the muscles and helps create a corset that supports the vertebrae. You can strengthen your muscles using weight machines, on a mat, or while sitting on a chair, as is the case with Aikune. Gymnastics cannot be considered a complete replacement for exercise therapy, but it has a fairly noticeable effect on the body.

Impact on the body

  • Improving blood circulation in the spine by increasing the distance between the vertebrae;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • engaging muscles that do not work in normal life;
  • release of intervertebral nerve roots;
  • improvement of innervation of internal organs;
  • the emergence of immunity to stress and infections;
  • improvement of posture.

The main advantage of gymnastics is the absence of additional equipment for performing exercises that can be done at home.

Causes and symptoms of thoracic spondylosis

Causes of spondylosis of the thoracic spine

Age is the main cause of thoracic spondylosis. Most cases of spondylosis of the thoracic spine develop in people over 45 years of age. Due to the natural involutional process of aging, the discs in the spine begin to wear out and lose their strength and function. This can lead to rupture of the annulus fibrosus and the formation of disc herniations or protrusions. These degrading discs do not perform their shock-absorbing functions, which leads to excessive stress on joints, muscles, ligaments and back pain.

Aikune exercise set and its safety

In sports medicine, exercise therapy complexes are known against scoliosis, to support the corset of people with protrusions and hernias, and against osteochondrosis. These are different complexes, with completely different load distribution:

  • Everyone who has a hernia and protrusion should not so much “pump up their back” with reverse extensions without weights on the floor, but rather strengthen the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. The stability of the spinal column depends on the skill of retracting the anterior abdominal wall in such people. Therefore, the first in the complexes will be abdominal retractions from a lying position, and only then extensions are given;
  • Complexes against osteochondrosis resemble Pilates and joint gymnastics at the same time. They serve to increase mobility, and therefore contain soft twisting, rotation in the joints and bending of the legs;
  • But there are several types of scoliosis. As well as approaches to exercise therapy. If it is S-shaped scoliosis, the complex is written individually, no matter how much you would like to find something on the Internet to pump up your back. Lordosis requires classic crunches and abdominal pumping, but in a soft version - with a fitball. And curvature in the thoracic region is corrected by stretching overstrained muscles and shortening stretched ones.

What do Aikune's classes give? A certain generalized complex, excuse me, for a sample of an approximate spine. In the groups of this gymnastics there is no division by disease. The basic complex is the same for everyone, and with some injuries and conditions it can be more harmful to health than the notorious exercises in the gym.

1. Sit on a chair, feet hip-width apart, straighten up, bend in the lumbar region. Sit like this for 3 minutes, overcoming the pain. Such things should not be done with strong lordosis, they only cause overstretching of the already stretched “deep” back muscles, and if you persist very much without general warming up of the body, you can achieve persistent pain in this way. Deflections are also not recommended for hernias and protrusions in the lumbar region.

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2. The same thing, but deflection in both the thoracic and lumbar regions. Some sources recommend fixing for up to 10 minutes. But rehabilitation experts do not agree that it is necessary to keep the static tension in this particular plane. If you really need to do a backbend to relieve the long back muscle (and it serves no other purpose), it’s better to do it on the floor, like the yoga pose of Pisces, leaning on the back of your head and pelvis, and making a backbend;

3. And again, deflection in the lumbar and chest, but you just need to further pull in the stomach. Oddly enough, compensating with the abdominal muscles is the safest choice in this case. When compared with yoga and Pilates, in these disciplines no backbends are performed without abdominal tension. And the block row in a seated exercise machine, criticized by all spinal specialists, begins precisely with retracting the abdomen and securing it in a static position.

4. Again, deflection, but with the shoulder blades pulled together and the stomach relaxed. It may or may not be useful, depending on the location of the disease. In general, as a preventative measure, this complex is not so bad. A healthy person is unlikely to be able to strain statically in such a way as to displace the vertebrae or cause pain. But with regards to people with diseases, it is, of course, better to refuse independent experiments.

  1. While sitting on a chair, you need to place your feet at the width of your pelvic bones, straighten up, and bend in the lumbar region.
    You need to sit in this position for 3 minutes, overcoming pain (if any).

    Exercises are not recommended for severe lordosis; they can provoke overstretching of already stretched spinal muscles. Lack of general warming up of the body can lead to persistent pain; the exercise is not recommended if there are protrusions and hernias in the spinal region.

    In the process of stretching the spine, the abdominal muscles are maximally loaded, due to compression, self-massage of the internal organs is carried out, and preparation for further exercises is ensured. Closing your eyes allows you to concentrate on your sensations.

  2. Sitting in the same position, it is necessary to simultaneously bend the spine in the lumbar and thoracic regions; some sources recommend staying in this position for 10 minutes, the optimal duration is 3 minutes. In this case, compression and self-massage of internal organs occurs between the spine and abdominal muscles.
    Correct execution ensures an increase in height by 1–2 cm; as a result of strong tension of the spinal column, blood circulation in the lower extremities is increased, blood vessels, veins and arteries are loaded. If you have problems with the spine, you may experience pain and swelling in the sore spot. As a result of increased blood circulation, toxins are removed from the body and metabolism improves.

    The exercise prepares the abs for other exercises, the legs and arms become freer, you may experience a feeling of numbness in the arms as a result of stretching the neck, the brain is saturated with oxygen.

  3. In a sitting position, the lumbar and thoracic regions are maximally stretched, and the abdomen is drawn in.
    In the process of self-massage of internal organs, a load may appear on the lateral muscles. Correct execution of the exercise helps to reduce the waist, affects intestinal motility, and improves the functioning of the urinary system. Despite external immobility, every part of the body works to the maximum.
  4. The exercise is carried out in the same position, with the lumbar and thoracic regions bent, it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together, the abdominal muscles are relaxed. In this case, the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the chest are worked out, the impact is on the trachea and esophagus, and as a result of compression, difficulty breathing may occur.
  5. Sitting on a chair in the same position, you need to slowly lower your shoulder blades with a straight back.
    Externally, the exercise looks the same as the previous one, but the internal sensations are very different. The stomach automatically retracts, and as a result of the production of joint fluid in the shoulder girdle, a feeling may appear that the arms are “unfastened” from the body. The average duration of the exercise is 3–5 minutes. After 4-5 sessions, the muscles of the neck and face are tightened, the skin becomes smooth, and a sparkle appears in the eyes.

And now let’s walk a little: about the technique of Nordic walking with poles.

Doing yoga at home - a set of exercises for beginners.

Even beginners are allowed to perform special exercises. First, they are performed while sitting on a chair. This is necessary to prepare the body for more difficult workouts. After several sessions, you can observe an improvement in your condition, the muscles become stronger and healthier. There are a large number of exercises to help cope with back and joint pain. But which ones are the most effective?

Exercise boat for the back

Exercise 1

Feet at shoulder level, hands on knees, eyes closed. The lumbar area must be bent forward as much as possible and try to hold in this position for at least 5–7 minutes, overcoming pain and discomfort. It is not recommended to carry out the exercise due to overstretching of the back muscles with severe lordosis or swelling. If you perform this exercise on unwarmed muscles, there is a risk of constant muscle pain.

The basic complex consists of several exercises, where the starting position is all sitting on a chair

Exercise 2

Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on knees. The thoracic region should be arched as much as possible until slight pain appears. The duration of the exercise is at least 5–7 minutes. When the exercise is performed correctly, growth increases by 1–2 cm, metabolic processes in the body improve and toxins are removed. In addition, self-massage of the internal organs occurs between the abdominal muscles and the spinal column.

Exercise 3

It is necessary to perform a deflection in the thoracic and lumbar region, while drawing in the stomach. The exercise is quite difficult and may not work at first. But constant training will help deal with the problem. This activity helps strengthen not only the back muscles, but also the abdominal muscles, and improves intestinal motility and the functioning of the genitourinary system. Each area is worked, despite immobility during the exercise.

The basic complex for the spine includes several exercises during which a person should completely relax and concentrate on his sensations. In this case, all movements are performed smoothly and slowly.

Reference. There are no specific conditions for training; all you need is a regular chair with a backrest.

Step-by-step instructions for performing basic complex exercises for the spinal column are presented.

Even beginners are allowed to perform special exercises. First, they are performed while sitting on a chair. This is necessary to prepare the body for more difficult workouts. After several sessions, you can observe an improvement in your condition, the muscles become stronger and healthier. There are a large number of exercises to help cope with back and joint pain. But which ones are the most effective?

Aikune gymnastics video, which you can watch further on our website, is a very popular way to get rid of back pain.

  • Aikune gymnastics for the spine - exercise 1
  • Aikune gymnastics for the spine - exercise 2
  • Aikune gymnastics for the spine - exercise 3
  • Aikune gymnastics for the spine - exercise 4
  • Aikune gymnastics for the spine - exercise 5
  • Aikune gymnastics for the spine - exercise 6
  • Aikune gymnastics for the spine - exercise 7

More and more often, people are beginning to complain about problems with the spine and joints. Some people endure the discomfort as long as possible, while others swallow pill after pill to alleviate their condition a little. But few people know that aikune gymnastics appeared many years ago. It allows you to restore the body at any stage of the disease.

Exercise 1

The basic complex consists of several exercises, where the starting position is all sitting on a chair

Exercise 2

For scoliosis

Aikune (gymnastics for the spine) if a person is diagnosed with scoliosis, must necessarily include exercises aimed at minimizing the risk of aggravating the back condition and pinching the nerve endings:

Exercise from the aikune complexExecution algorithm
Alternate leg raises1. Lie on your back. Stretch your legs, placing them in their usual position. Place your hands slightly away from your body, with the backs of your palms facing down.
2. Exhale, raise your straight right leg until an angle of 90 degrees is formed between the limb and the floor.

3. Without changing the position of your right leg, pull your left leg straight towards it.

4. Slowly lower your left leg to the floor.

5. Return the right leg to the starting position.

The number of repetitions of the exercise should be at least 15.

Crossing arms1. Lie on the floor, on your back. Extend your legs in a natural direction.
2. Extend your arms to the sides until a right angle is formed in the armpits.

3. Slightly rounding your arms at the elbows, cross them in the chest area, as if hugging the torso. Take a deep breath.

4. Having felt the stretching of the thoracic spine, return the limbs to their original position, avoiding sudden movements, accompanying the movement of the hands with a slow exhalation.

5. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

"Raznozhka"1. Lie on your back; bend your legs at the knees; place your hands behind your head.
2. Using the abdominal muscles and lumbar spine, move your feet away from each other as far as possible.

3. Without pausing, return your legs to the starting position.

4. Repeat the exercise 30-35 times.

"Scissors"1. Lie on your back; stretch your legs in a natural position; put your hands under your head.

2. Without bending, lift the lower limbs off the floor and bring them to a perpendicular position in relation to the supporting surface.

3. At an average or fast pace (depending on the person’s physical fitness), alternately move the right and left legs over the opposite one, as if imitating the movements of scissors.

It is recommended to perform the exercise for 60 seconds.

Reverse leg raises1. Lie on the floor, stomach down. Place crossed arms under your forehead, bent at the elbows. Bend your legs, pointing your feet towards the ceiling.
2. Tightening the muscles of the lower back, lift your right leg and bring it to the highest possible point.

3. Take a pause, 5-10 seconds long.

4. Put the leg in place, and then do a similar action with the left limb.

The recommended number of repetitions is 20 times for each limb.

Aikune gymnastics for the spine

Is aikune gymnastics good for the spine? The spine is the support of our entire body. It supports muscles, ligaments, and the skeleton, forming a kind of protective container for the internal organs. The spine is a canal containing cerebrospinal fluid, from which arise nerve endings that carry out communications between the central nervous system and organs.

Aikune gymnastics

In modern society, it is not difficult to find a person who has back problems. Many of them do not pay attention to the occurrence of the first symptoms of various diseases and, using painkillers, live on. But few people know that there is aikune gymnastics for the spine, after which patients forget about the pain. It can be carried out at home, because it does not require special simulators or equipment.

It is typical for a person to want to stay healthy for as long as possible and not lose the taste for life. If there are external defects or health problems, a person will make great efforts to correct it. Aikune gymnastics is intended precisely for those for whom such a desire is especially pronounced, who are ready to constantly work on their physiological and mental health.

Its author was Abai Baimagambetov, a man who does not have a professional medical education, but has a strong desire to live a full and vibrant life, despite the injuries received during his service in Afghanistan. The author of the method collected the secrets and techniques of ancient Kazakh chiropractors into a coherent system and, using his own example, proved the effectiveness of their use.

Aikune gymnastics

Indications and contraindications

Gymnastics using the aikune method, designed to strengthen the muscles that hold the spine, like other types of physical activity, has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy (for some exercises that involve intense twisting and arching of the back);
  • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms (due to stimulation of blood circulation, regular exercise according to the method in question can lead to an increase in tumor growth);
  • chronic diseases that are in the acute stage (especially important for pathologies of the respiratory system, for example, bronchial asthma);
  • the presence of acute inflammatory or infectious diseases, accompanied by elevated body temperature, cough or mucus discharge from the nasal sinuses (after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection, it is allowed to perform exercises using the aikune method no earlier than 5 days after complete recovery);

  • severe forms of central nervous system disorder;
  • children under 6-7 years of age (this contraindication is due to the fact that children at this age are not able to strictly follow the instructions in performing the exercise, and also do not know how to fully concentrate on the lesson, distracted from the external factors surrounding them. Such exercise can lead to injuries of a fragile children's skeletal system).

Gymnastics for Shishonin’s neck - video

The fundamental difference between aikune is the entire coverage of the spine, and not part of it, as in other methods, such as: gymnastics for the neck by Dr. Shishonin and others. Aikune is based on alternating static and dynamic exercises with full psychological concentration. Does not require active sudden movements or aerobic exercise.

This is its similarity to Shishonin’s neck gymnastics. But even despite the absence of active movements, aikune forces all the muscles of the body to work hard, especially the internal muscles. This approach provides gentle stretching of the spine, releasing compressed nerve endings and relaxing stiff muscles.

Popularity of aikune. The author began the practical application of aikune in Russia at the beginning of this century. Using the example of children with cerebral palsy, Abai Baimagambetov proved the consistency and effectiveness of the technique, which ensured its popularity. Medical centers in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine have adopted aikune and successfully began to use it in the process of rehabilitation of patients with diseases of varying severity.

In large cities, centers have been opened in which classes are taught by certified teachers. Often, in order to spread gymnastics, training centers conduct free presentation classes where they explain the need for gymnastics, its effect on the spine, and the basic rules for performing the exercises.

Videos on aikun gymnastics are popular on the Internet and on disks, since they allow you to gain skills and recommendations for performing exercises without leaving your home. This is very convenient, since you can calmly and consistently understand the intricacies of gymnastics. Just as Shishonin’s neck gymnastics videos are easy to find on the Internet, so for aikune this is not difficult.

The fundamental difference between aikune is the entire coverage of the spine, and not part of it, as in other methods, such as: gymnastics for the neck by Dr. Shishonin and others. Aikune is based on alternating static and dynamic exercises with full psychological concentration. Does not require active sudden movements or aerobic exercise.

This is its similarity to Shishonin’s neck gymnastics. But even despite the absence of active movements, aikune forces all the muscles of the body to work hard, especially the internal muscles. This approach provides gentle stretching of the spine, releasing compressed nerve endings and relaxing stiff muscles.

Gymnastics for the neck by Dr. Shishonin

Mechanism of action

By exercising regularly, a person improves his condition. Muscle blocks are removed. Blood circulation is restored and enhanced. The functioning of the vessels of the spinal column and nerve roots returns to normal. Aikune gymnastics exercises help improve metabolic processes occurring in the body and get rid of diseases such as:

  • scoliosis;
  • protrusion;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.

Thanks to natural self-massage of internal organs while performing aikune, you can avoid the development of diseases of all organs and systems of the body and improve the condition of the joints.

Physical therapy cannot give such an effect. Its entire complex is aimed at the natural movement of the spine. It does not work the deep muscles.

The peculiarities of aikune gymnastics include the fact that it helps to rebuild the old muscle stereotype to a new one - to independently deal with your problems. A natural disease-fighting mechanism begins to develop.

Physical therapy cannot give such an effect. Its entire complex is aimed at the natural movement of the spine. It does not work the deep muscles.

Forward bend

The patient is seated on a chair, recommended to place his feet shoulder-width apart and, if possible, straighten his back. After this, he should bend forward in the lower back and thoracic region, giving his back an arched appearance. This position should be maintained for 2-3 minutes, however, if the pain is severe, exercise with a shorter working interval is acceptable.

It is interesting to know that regular implementation of the described training allows you to achieve a temporary increase in height by 1-2 cm. This occurs due to the active filling of the nucleus pulposus with fluid. The effect lasts for several hours. Similar processes occur in the body during prolonged horizontal position. For example, during sleep.

The effectiveness of backbends is due to the active stretching of the back muscles and self-massage of the internal organs between the anterior abdominal wall and the back of the body. People with severe pathological lordosis should avoid using such exercises. It will not have the best effect on the already overstretched muscle layers.

The patient is seated on a chair in the starting position and asked to sit upright. After this, the patient should cross his fingers on the back of his neck and point his elbows forward. This step precedes the arch in the lower back. Working position – the back is arched at the waist and chest, hands behind the head, elbows pointing forward. The work should be done within 2-3 minutes. The full cycle reaches 3-4 approaches per workout.

The described method is aimed primarily at the upper part of the spine, the muscles located between the shoulder blades, and the collarbones. The exercise helps to stretch tissues and improve their trophism, which, when performed regularly, allows for increased mobility of the upper shoulder girdle. In addition, exercise prevents significant muscle loss as you age.

From the starting position, the patient bends his lower back forward, and then slowly draws in his stomach, maintaining the achieved position. As a result, two multidirectional forces are created, which should be held for a standard time of 3-5 minutes. Mild discomfort is acceptable, but there should not be any serious pain.

The described exercise is aimed at stimulating internal organs and almost the entire muscle frame. It allows you to stretch the muscles and spine, increase blood supply to almost all areas of the body. This action provokes the activity of regenerative systems, prevents stagnation, and relieves muscle spasms.

Note: regularly performing backbends with abdominal retraction allows you to reduce your waist circumference, which allows you to use this training method in fitness regimens.

For herniated spine

Exercises from aikune gymnastics, the most effective in eliminating back discomfort with small intervertebral hernias, are:

Exercise from the aikune complexExecution algorithm
Horizontal deflection1. Lie on the floor, back down. Bend your arms at the elbows, place them on the floor, and then transfer the weight of your upper body to them. The elbows should be located under the thoracic spine.
2. Inhale and arch your back, pulling your chest up.

3. Fix the position for 30-50 s. Breathing while the body is in a bent position should be deep and even.

4. Slowly relax your back muscles, returning your body to its original position.

5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 8 – 10 times.

Lifting the buttocks off the floor1. Lie on your back, positioned on the floor or other solid supporting surface. Bend your legs at the knees and rest your feet on the support. Stretch your arms along the body.
2. Lift your buttocks off the floor by maximizing muscle compression, without changing the angle of bend in the knee joints.

3. Having reached the highest point, fix the position for 10-15 seconds.

4. Slowly lower your buttocks to the floor, avoiding sudden changes in body position.

5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 10 – 12 times.

Pulling your legs towards you1. Lie on the floor; extend the upper and lower limbs in their natural direction.
2. Bend your right leg at the knee, then pull it as close to your stomach as possible. Press the limb with your hand to the body, increasing the stretch of the lumbar and thoracic spine.

3. Fix the position for 10 s.

4. Slowly return the right leg to the starting position.

5. Repeat steps 2 – 4, using your left leg.

The optimal number of repetitions of the exercise is 15 times.

Simultaneous Limb Raises1. Take a horizontal position, leaving the limbs in their natural position.
2. With an exhalation, raise your right arm and right leg to a perpendicular position in relation to the supporting surface.

3. Slowly lower your arm and leg to the floor.

4. Repeat steps 2 – 3, using the limbs of the opposite side of the body.

The optimal number of repetitions is 12 times for each side.

Reverse boat1. Lie on your stomach, positioned on a supporting surface. Bend your elbows and press them to your ears.
2. With an exhalation, lift your torso off the floor, while straining only the spinal muscles in the thoracic spine.

3. Fix the stand for 25 s.

4. Slowly lower your upper body.

5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 10 – 15 times.

Dropping the shoulders

Step-by-step instructions for aikune gymnastics for the spine also include exercises that, at first glance, do not affect the supporting structures. Such training methods include lowering the shoulders. The work should be performed from the starting position described above. The instructor asks the patient to slowly lower his shoulders down, keeping his back straight. The person remains in the achieved position for 3-5 minutes. If physical capabilities do not allow you to withstand this period, the time is reduced to 1-2 minutes.

The exercise helps to work out most of the structures of the upper half of the body. It affects the spine, spinal muscle layers, shoulder joints, improves the tone of the skin of the face and neck, and increases blood flow. Despite its apparent simplicity, this method of training is one of the most complex in the arsenal of aikune instructors.


Starting position: standing, heels brought together, toes apart, arms extended down at the seams. The hands should be turned so that the little fingers point forward and the thumbs point back. After this, you need to slowly raise your hands and connect the little fingers of your outstretched arms above your head. In this position, the patient stretches, the number of which should reach 5-6 times. Finish the work by slowly lowering your arms down, while maintaining muscle tension.

The exercise is highly targeted and is used mainly for scoliosis. It allows you to relatively quickly and safely reduce the level of pathological bending, improve the functioning of internal organs, and reduce the intensity of clinical manifestations, if they occur. In some conditions, such work can be dangerous, so it is recommended to consult a specialist before starting training.

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