Saving ourselves from dysplasia: a technique for wide swaddling a newborn and step-by-step instructions in pictures

Most parents today are increasingly resorting to using diapers and nappies instead of swaddling their baby. Pediatricians advise wrapping the baby in cotton cloth.

This is considered more beneficial for the health and development of the newborn. There are different ways to swaddle a baby: open, closed, tight, wide.

Each of these methods has its own indications, features, advantages and disadvantages. Wide swaddling of a newborn performs preventive and therapeutic functions.

Types of swaddling

Tight swaddling.

This method was used by our great-grandmothers, it is considered classic, this method was also called “soldier swaddling”. The thing is that in this case the diaper fits very tightly to the baby’s body, fixes the arms and legs in a motionless state, and the baby is deprived of any movement.

Nowadays, this method has begun to fade into the background, as it has come to be considered non-physiological.

The technique for this swaddling is as follows:

  • the child is placed in the center of the diaper, so that the head remains above it;
  • the right end is tucked under the back on the left, the right arm is straightened under the diaper;
  • The left hand is placed on the right edge of the diaper, the left edge is brought behind the right side of the back;
  • The free leg end is leveled and folded over the chest.

Tight swaddling occurs only in exceptional cases, when the baby is too restless; it is better not to use it in everyday life.

Free swaddling.

This method has two options: loose swaddling with arms and legs, loose swaddling without arms.

In the first case, a kind of “envelope” is formed in which the child can move.

The second option is the formation of a “bag”, when the arms remain completely free and the legs are in a diaper.

The first method is considered more acceptable for swaddling a newborn; it is recommended not to extend the arms along the body, but to cross them over the chest. This option differs from tight swaddling only in that the swaddle gives the baby the opportunity to move.

In the case of free arms, swaddling eliminates the first two actions with the arms, the rest of the technique remains the same.

Wide swaddling.

This type of swaddling is most often recommended by specialists for pathologies of the hip joints. This swaddling allows you to fix the baby’s legs in the “frog” position.

In order to swaddle a baby in a wide manner, it is necessary to place a small pillow or a pad of diapers between the legs; the arms do not need to be fixed.

Swaddling with your head.

This type of swaddling is used quite rarely; it is not relevant in home practice and is suitable for walking.

The technique is somewhat different from the previous ones:

  • the diaper is unfolded so that the top edge is above the child’s head;
  • the free edge is placed on the surface of the forehead, then you need to form a scarf;
  • then the right and left edges are wrapped in the same way as with classic swaddling;
  • the free lower edge is placed on the chest and folded into a fold.

This swaddling is perfect for going outside, especially in cold weather, as the ears will be protected from external influences of the weather. But many children are capricious when the diaper is on their head, so not every child can be swaddled in this way.

Video on the topic

About the technique of wide swaddling a newborn in the video:

Thus, wide swaddling is used to prevent or treat hip dysplasia. It is performed using certain equipment. It is important to know the technique of wide wrapping. The swaddling algorithm may vary. It all depends on the devices used.

The optimal wrapping method should be selected by a specialist. According to parents, all wide swaddling options are effective. Most mothers prefer special covers and pillows due to their ease of use.

How to swaddle correctly

In order to properly swaddle a newborn and not harm him, it is necessary to follow general rules that will be relevant for any type of swaddling:

  • the material from which the diaper is made must be natural (for example, calico or flannel diapers);
  • the diaper must be clean, well ironed and steamed (germs may remain on a diaper that is not ironed properly);
  • the size of the diaper must correspond to the height and weight of the baby;
  • You need to swaddle your baby on a flat, preferably hard, surface, as this prevents the formation of folds and creases in the diaper;
  • To ensure that the changing process does not drag on for a long time, keep all the necessary equipment next to the changing table: creams, powders, diapers, etc.
  • do not leave your baby unattended on the changing table, even for a second;
  • if you want to wear a vest under the diaper, it should not have tight ties or traumatic parts.

Necessary equipment

To properly wrap the baby, the mother will need thin flannel diapers, which are used to wrap the baby’s legs in the hips and lower back. For children over 1 month old, it is recommended to use a Frejka pillow for wide swaddling: the device is located between the thighs and allows you to maintain the correct position of the legs.

For fixation, you can sew a special cover with side ties, shoulder straps and a thick insert.

Cloth diapers

For wide swaddling, several diapers made of soft natural fabric are used. Cotton, chintz, flannel, flannel, cambric are suitable. Before wrapping your baby, you can put on disposable diapers or make reusable cloth ones.

Panties are sewn from the cut; Velcro or fabric ties are needed to secure them. The necessary devices can be purchased in children's specialized stores, pharmacies, and ready-made products are also sold there.


It can be made from flannel fabric folded in several layers. The design has an elongated rectangular shape with sewn ribbons, with the help of which the product is secured at the waist. The wide swaddling product itself is placed between the baby's legs.

Freyka's pillow

This is a soft orthopedic device that holds the legs in an abducted position. It is recommended to use the bandage in the first 1–3 months; less often, treatment is continued for up to a year. Pillows are sold in different sizes, which allows you to choose the right option for each child. When purchasing the product, you should take into account the distance between the popliteal fossae, which is formed when the limbs are fixed in the correct position. The device must be worn constantly; it is removed only during changing clothes, water procedures, and massage.

Optimal age

There is no generally accepted age up to which it is recommended to swaddle a child; this figure is always individual. In some cases, you can swaddle your baby for up to seven or eight months, and sometimes longer.

In the first months, it is better to swaddle a baby with arms so that he sleeps more peacefully, and babies older than three months can already be swaddled without fixing the arms.

At what age to swaddle a child, you will be told by a pediatrician who regularly examines the baby and can give an opinion on its development.

Types of diapers

In order for your child to be comfortable in diapers, you should carefully consider the choice of fabric.

It should be of high quality, preferably monochromatic, without bright prints or designs. Optimally - undyed, made from natural fabrics, dense and soft.

When stretched, the fabric should not crawl or tear.

It should have high absorbent properties, remove moisture well and allow air to pass through.

The edge of the diaper must be overlocked to avoid the appearance of rough and dense edges that can injure the delicate skin of the newborn.

It is better to choose diapers made of square fabric with a side of at least 1.2 m. This is enough to swaddle even the largest baby.

It is recommended to choose diapers made of cotton, flannel, or knitwear. These simple rules will ensure maximum comfort for your child.

Do not forget that you should wash diapers exclusively with baby detergents and rinse well. To make the diaper fabric softer after washing, it can be ironed on both sides.

Swaddling and proper nutrition = healthy sleep

Of course, swaddling makes it possible for both baby and mother to sleep peacefully, but other factors must be taken into account. Nutrition is an important point in a child’s life, since the wrong amount or the wrong mixture can cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, which will cause anxiety in the baby.

Babies who are breastfed have practically no problems with digestion, but “artificially fed” babies have a more difficult time. It is very important to choose food that suits your child and meets his needs. Your pediatrician will help you when choosing a formula for newborns.

The issue of nutrition is relevant not only for children in the first months of life, but also for older children. An excellent formula option for children over one year old is Kabrita 3 goat milk formula, for children over 18 months - Kabrita 4.

The mixtures have a balanced composition, are adapted to the child’s age, meet the baby’s needs and meet all the necessary requirements. If you follow the diet, your child will have sound sleep and a great mood during the day.

Now you know how to swaddle a newborn baby so that the process does not bring him discomfort, but, on the contrary, is beneficial.
But it should be borne in mind that all children are different, and you need to monitor the baby’s reaction, his general condition and health, since in some cases, swaddling can become a trigger for the child’s anxiety. Share on social media networks

How does a hip joint with dysplasia differ from a healthy one?

Having imagined the structure of a healthy hip joint, it is easy to understand what it looks like with dysplasia:

  • the shape of the acetabulum changes (becomes flatter);
  • the process of ossification of the femoral head is slow and delayed over time;
  • the joint capsule may lose its elasticity and strength;
  • The ligaments of the joint lose their elasticity.

Such changes no longer allow the head of the femur to be supported during movements. During movement, it slides off the flat surface of the socket and rests on the articular capsule. The capsule is not able to withstand such a load.

Treatment methods for hip dysplasia in children

The confusing-sounding diagnosis of “hip dysplasia”, unfortunately, is familiar firsthand to many young parents. Out of every thousand newborn children, 25 are found to have such abnormalities.

Medical scientists cite many reasons for this: heredity, acquired genetic anomalies, weakness of the capsule of the hip joints, improper tone of the thigh muscles... In each specific case, there is, rather, a whole complex of factors that determine the presence of this problem.

Strange word "dysplasia"

"Dysplasia" translated from Latin means "improper formation." That is, hip dysplasia in humans is any deviation in their development. At this joint, the ball-shaped head of the femur connects to the acetabulum. The shape of this depression resembles a hemisphere. In adults, it covers two-thirds of the surface of the femoral head.

What mommies say on forums

Since the problem of dysplasia in young children is quite relevant, it is actively discussed by mothers on various forums. Most actively, mothers discuss the benefits of tight swaddling. However, this applies to healthy children. Those less fortunate are strong advocates of swaddling. Mothers confirm that covers and wide diapers, sewn with their own hands, are in no way inferior to designs from orthopedic stores. In their favor, mothers give the following argument - the diaper can be changed, making it wider, every time the child grows up.

On the positive side, young mothers are considering the possibility of using special kangaroo backpacks for children with dysplasia. They agree that it is quite convenient for both the woman and her baby.

Free option

Swaddling this way can be done in different ways.

Basic principle: the baby’s arms and legs are given some freedom. You can wrap the baby, leaving the arms open, or you can use the so-called Australian method. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Lay out a large diaper.
  2. Fold the top edge inward about 10 centimeters. Place your child in the center with his shoulders on the folded edge of the material.
  3. Place the baby's hand in the resulting space formed by the edge of the diaper. Pass the end of the fabric under the armpit of the opposite arm and place it behind the back.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

If you did everything correctly, the baby’s fists will be located at the level of the mouth, and the baby’s hands can move in the resulting pocket. The baby will not be able to pull out his hands and will not frighten himself with an awkward movement.

You can fold a large diaper diagonally and spread it with the blunt end down. The baby is placed so that his head is slightly above the edge of the diaper. Wrap the ends of the resulting triangle diagonally around the baby, securing the lower end under the chin.

Home gadgets

If orthopedic products are not available, it is possible to use devices made with your own hands from available household materials. Simple devices will help make life easier for mothers and save time on swaddling and changing the baby. The principle of home devices is to mount them not on the baby’s waist or hips, but on the shoulders. This method of fixation will prevent the diapers from slipping and will not allow the child to contract his hips.

You can take a flannel diaper and fold it to form a rectangle measuring 20 by 40 cm. The rectangle must be quilted frequently. On the longitudinal side two buttons or Velcro are sewn, on the other two loops or other parts of Velcro. As the child grows, you will need to gradually alter the fasteners or cut out additional loops on the fasteners.

You can sew a regular cover from a light-colored diaper. The cover will secure the child's legs with buttons and ties.

We study step-by-step instructions

There are several general rules that must be followed:

  • Before you start swaddling, you should make sure that the baby is laid on a flat surface and that nothing under his back causes discomfort. Most often, a changing table or mattress is used. If they are not there, the procedure can be carried out on a regular bed.
  • Choose diapers that are made from natural fabrics. This way the toddler’s skin will breathe. Before changing the diaper, iron the diaper.

  • During swaddling, it is important to maintain temperature conditions. To prevent the baby from overheating, you can wear socks and rompers under the diaper - what will be correct in this situation: if the baby is put to bed, then light ones, if he is taken out for a walk, then warm ones. You should also pay attention to whether the mother will carry the toddler in her arms. Its warmth will certainly be transferred to the baby, he may become hot, he will begin to worry.

Having checked all this, you can proceed to one of the swaddling methods.

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