Exercises for the buttocks without putting stress on the knees: description of the exercises and step-by-step instructions for implementation. Works the muscles of the buttocks and is gentle on the knees

  • July 25, 2018
  • Workouts in the gym
  • Zhanna Chuvashova

A beautiful, slender body starts with toned buttocks. Yes, yes, exactly from them. A saggy butt does not please anyone: neither the female nor the male. It is jokingly compared to the human brain, drawing a parallel between its role in consciousness and the place of the fifth point in the formation of an elegant figure. And even confidence arises in this area. After all, it is the symbolic source of life and the ability to survive, the ability to stand firmly on one’s feet: both physically and on a more subtle level. But that’s not about that now.

In the article we will only talk about how to find the ideal muscle shape and give exercises for the buttocks without putting stress on the knees. So, let's go!

A little about the role of muscles

The gluteal muscles in both women and men are made up of three separate ones: small, medium and large.

  • The larger one, the most massive of this group, is diamond-shaped. As a rule, it completely covers the other two muscles and acts as the main one for working out, since this area of ​​the body receives its volume precisely thanks to it.
  • The middle one has a trigonal appearance and is located under the large one, but can be traced from behind and from the side. It plays a key role in the formation of volume in the upper buttocks and gives the butt “completeness”. And it is this part of the body that is responsible for the so-called dimples.
  • The small one is the deepest of all. The shape is similar to the previous one, only thinner, and it is completely covered by other gluteal muscles.

Solving problems by type of buttocks

Each person is an individual. The structure of the buttocks will differ between athletes. There are four main forms of this muscle:

  1. A-shaped buttocks (the upper part is much smaller than the lower part, “heart”).
  2. Round shape (convex).
  3. V-shaped (taper towards the bottom).
  4. Square-shaped (flat) buttocks.

Don't relax if nature has blessed you with beautiful shapes. Even the most toned buttocks can suffer over time and lose their former appearance. By regularly performing exercises for this muscle group, you can solve the most common problems in this part of the body:

  • tighten a saggy butt;
  • add volume to flat buttocks;
  • remove the “breeches” on the hips (subject to the correct diet, which will get rid of the fat layer).

It is unrealistic to change the muscle structure itself, but it is quite possible to correct the shape and improve the general condition of the gluteal area. Within a few months of starting, you will have eliminated some common problems. It is necessary to take into account that the more advanced the condition at the first training session, the more time will need to be spent pumping the target muscle group. Exercise and diet will help remove excess fat deposits, improve the shape of a saggy butt, and also increase its muscle volume.

Where to begin

Before you start a set of exercises for the buttocks and thighs, you need to configure the muscular system for the main load. Stretching is perfect, which is important both at the beginning and at the end of the complex.

It is ideal to perform several bends to the knees from a standing position, feel how the back muscles are stretched and the hamstrings “turn on”. You can also stretch in a lying position: arms above your head, with a little effort we pull your body up, and at the same time your legs stretch with your toes in the opposite direction. As soon as the body has reached the required tone, you can begin the main load.

Below is a set of exercises for the buttocks without putting stress on the knees. They can be performed in the sequence in which they are described, or in accordance with the characteristics of a particular organism, you can modify their order yourself.


This exercise is also universal in solving many problems, including how to pump up your butt if you have bad knees.


Take a lying position, as if doing push-ups. Lock in this position for half a minute without arching your back. Over time, you can increase the duration of the plank. If this position causes difficulty or discomfort, you can lower yourself onto your forearms.

It has been proven that during the implementation of this element, almost all muscle groups are strengthened, including the target ones.

Swing back, forward and sideways from a standing position

These exercises are good as the beginning of a complex for pumping the gluteal muscles. For problem kneecaps, this type of load must be performed while standing; the option of resting on your knees is not suitable.

  • The main areas that are involved when performing back swings are the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings.

Execution: stand up straight, resting your hands on a surface, such as a wall. You need to pull the toe of your foot towards you and move your leg back without bending the knee. The abduction angle is maximum in accordance with physical capabilities at the initial stage. Then the leg returns to its original position.

10-15 repetitions for each leg.

An important point: you should avoid excessive arching in the lower back. This will lighten the load, since the work is being done on the buttocks and thighs.

The next element of the complex is also a very good exercise for the legs without putting stress on the knees.

  • Swing forward. They warm up the front of the thigh.

Execution: the starting position is similar, i.e. stand straight with support on your hands. The toe is still on you. Raise your leg forward as high as your physical fitness allows. The back remains straight. Then the leg drops.

10-15 repetitions for each leg.

  • Swing to the side. The gluteus medius muscle, which is responsible for the rounded shape of the butt, receives a significant load.

Execution: stand up straight, straighten your back and stretch your arms forward (to establish balance). Inhale, pull your toe towards you and move your straight leg to the side with maximum amplitude. As you exhale, the leg lowers to its original position.

10-15 repetitions for each leg.

Dumbbell Row

This is one of the most effective exercises for the buttocks for beginners to improve this area. It is aimed primarily at the biceps of the thigh and buttocks, and differs from the classics in that it is “those” muscles that are maximally involved here.

Execution: stand straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart, place dumbbells on the floor on the sides of your feet. This is followed by bending: the body is directed downwards, in the hands of a dumbbell, while the knees are slightly bent, and the back is straight, taut, like a well-tuned guitar string. Next, the body is raised along with the dumbbells to a level just above “parallel to the floor.” Then, as you inhale, it lowers again, holding the lower position for a couple of seconds, and as you exhale, it rises again.

At least 10 times, 2 approaches.

Important details:

  • when performing, dumbbells seem to slide down the body; they must be kept extremely close to the surface of the thigh;
  • the knees remain practically motionless to avoid unnecessary stress on them, only the back extensors work;
  • The legs should not be straightened completely to avoid excessive stress on the hamstrings;
  • Your arms should remain extended, holding the weight close to your hips.

How to do cardio activity

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio Aerobic Exercise Definition, Types, List, and Benefits, is exercise in which your body uses oxygen to produce energy. Breathing and heart rate increase, but at the same time there is enough oxygen for the muscles to maintain the given intensity for a long time.

What exercises to do

For people with bad knees, cardio without impact on the joints is suitable: fast walking, exercise on an exercise bike, swimming, water aerobics, climbing stairs. Avoid running and cardio exercises that involve jumping, which are high-impact activities that can aggravate joint problems.

How often can you exercise?

Try to Exercise Can Ease Osteoarthritis Pain to get 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week. For example, you can study for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, and rest on the weekends. Or exercise every day for 20–25 minutes.

If you are desperately short on time, try breaking your workouts into several parts. The main thing is that one segment lasts at least 10 minutes. As your endurance builds, increase your session time to 30-45 minutes at a time.


This exercise for the buttocks without putting stress on the knees is familiar to absolutely everyone from school called “Bridge”. But it is not a fact that everyone performed it correctly at the time. When performed properly, it maximally utilizes all the muscles in question, as well as the biceps and quadriceps of the thigh.

Execution: lie with your back on the floor, arms at your sides, place your knees so that both feet, placed shoulder-width apart, fit well to the floor. From this position, lift your pelvis, placing support on your heels and pulling your buttocks into you as much as possible. Once at the top, hold on for at least a couple of seconds. Then smoothly lower the body, without allowing the muscles to relax; they should remain toned and not touch the floor surface.

Number of executions: 10 times, 2-3 approaches.

Important details:

  • shoulders should be pressed to the floor;
  • starting from the point of the knees to the shoulder joint, a relatively straight line should be formed: this can be considered an ideal bridge.

Also, for more effective performance of this exercise for the muscles of the buttocks, it is possible to use additional equipment, which should be placed directly in the abdominal area. Due to the fact that there is no flexion of the knee joint, the weight will be directed directly to the gluteal region.

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You can also use an expander for lunges and other exercises. Also, always make sure that when doing exercises like lunges, your knees do not fall inward . [4]

Remember the supporting and stabilizing function

The knee joint has a supporting and stabilizing function , and for some people it is better to train the legs separately. If you have knee problems, the best thing you can do is choose exercises that work each leg separately .[5]

Many people believe that single leg exercises should be avoided because they will put a lot of pressure on the knee. However, the human body is symmetrical in appearance and strength. Exercising each leg separately allows you to improve your technique and perform the exercises correctly. [5]

Another positive feature is that all muscles are dynamically involved in this way. These exercises target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. We warn you, you may feel discomfort , but the results are worth it. [5]


This exercise is also a safe option for pumping the buttocks for the knee area, since when performed they are fixed, only the desired area is tensed. The middle muscle of the fifth point is mainly involved here. And the press also works very well. So, it is also a very effective exercise without stress on the knees for weight loss, since it activates the digestive processes in the body.

Execution: lie on your back, place your hands (palms facing the floor) under your butt or strictly on the sides of the body, raise your straight, tense legs up, forming an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the body. While inhaling, spread your straight legs as far apart as possible, as far as stretching allows, hold for a second and, as you exhale, bring them to the starting point. The movement resembles the opening and closing of scissors.

15 repetitions, 2 sets.

Swing on the floor

Another exercise for the buttocks without stress on the knees looks very good as a finishing maneuver. It is mainly aimed at giving shape to the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles.

Execution: lie on a flat surface on your left/right side and stretch your legs, one hand is at chest level on the floor, and the other elbow serves as a support. The straightened leg is abducted with maximum upward swing, as far as the physical compliance of the hip joint allows. The lower leg can be slightly bent to avoid swaying back and forth. Next, the leg returns to its original position.

10-15 repetitions, 2 sets.

Important details:

  • by lowering the working leg, you can move it forward slightly, which will provide better stretching of the buttocks; and when lifting, slightly back, which will give a better contraction of the muscle.

Useful tips

To make your training as comfortable as possible, you need to pay attention to three aspects: well-being, clothing and space.

  • The first includes normal blood pressure, absence of viral diseases and fatigue due to lack of sleep or a hard day at work.
  • As for clothing, it should not restrict movement. If training takes place in the gym, then it is advisable to use sneakers as shoes. They provide stability.
  • The space must also be free. Use a mat to perform exercises on the floor. If training takes place at home, ventilate the training room well.

It is very important to remember to breathe while exercising. This will prevent the rapid increase in fatigue and will also increase the effectiveness of the exercises. Breathing should be rhythmic. Inhalation occurs when the muscles relax, and exhalation occurs when the muscles tense.

Professionals call the optimal number of repetitions of exercises - 25 times. However, if such a number causes difficulty, then you can start with 15, gradually raising the bar.

The workout should begin on an empty stomach. Exercising after meals can cause disruption in the digestive system and discomfort in the form of nausea. Before starting training, it is recommended to consult with your doctor for contraindications.

Additional exercise with fitball

If you also have a special exercise ball at home, you can master another simple exercise to pump up the buttocks with a gentle load on the knee joint.

Execution: stand up straight, place a fitball in front of you (by the way, it can be replaced with another large object), and try to step over the ball, going around it first with your right and then with your left legs alternately.

This exercise without stress on the knees can be performed in isolation, when you have 10 minutes of free time and you cannot allocate an extra minute during the day to work on the area in question.

10-15 repetitions for each leg.

When not to start training

First of all, you should not start training if your doctor categorically prohibits you from doing so. If you are not sure of his qualifications, get advice from several specialists: their opinions may differ.

Before you start training, assess your condition. You should not do Knee Arthritis: Be Cautious During These 5 Exercises if:

  • the knee is swollen;
  • you feel pain even at rest;
  • pain makes you limp;
  • the joint feels warm, the skin over it is red;
  • the pain lasts more than two hours after exercise and worsens at night.

If such symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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