Is sleeping on the floor good for back pain?

Some believe that sleeping on a hard surface, for example, putting a board instead of a mattress or arranging a sleeping place on the floor, is very beneficial for the spine and helps with back pain. But doctors are ready to argue with this. An absolutely flat and too hard surface is just as uncomfortable for the spine as an overly soft feather bed. Sleeping on a hard surface is also harmful because in this position the body muscles cannot relax.

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Is sleeping on the floor really beneficial?

“Sleeping on the floor” is literally sleeping on the floor without a mattress or other support. Does anyone sleep like that? Yes, the Japanese and Koreans, for example, practice sleeping on the floor. Another question is whether it is useful. There is little research on this topic, so science does not give an exact answer. Tibetan and Kenyan nomads, for example, generally use a hand instead of a pillow - and they do not have any health problems, on the contrary. Physiotherapist Michael Tetley studied natural sleep positions and noticed that these nomadic tribes rarely suffered from musculoskeletal problems. But all people are different - what benefits one person may harm another. Primitive people also slept on the ground, but even they placed a pile of branches and leaves under themselves. Therefore, sleeping on the floor now and hundreds of thousands of years ago are not the same thing.

How to stand correctly

You also need to know how to stand correctly in order to prevent osteochondrosis or slow down its development. When a person stands for a long time, the spine experiences significant stress, especially the lumbar region. Change your position every 10-15 minutes, leaning on one leg or the other - this will reduce the load. If possible, walk in place, move. From time to time, bend back, stretching your arms up, take a deep breath. This can somewhat relieve fatigue from the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, back of the head, and back. If you are washing dishes or ironing clothes, alternately place one or the other foot on a small bench. For those suffering from osteochondrosis, it is better to iron while sitting or placing the ironing board higher. When cleaning the apartment, when working with a vacuum cleaner, also try not to bend low, and extend the vacuum cleaner hose. When cleaning under the bed, under the table, get down on one knee.

How to prepare a sleeping place? Should I sleep on the bare floor or is it better to put something under it?

  1. Choose a convenient location - it is better not to place a sleeping place near the balcony and windows - it will be cold and noisy. There should be no heating appliances, furniture or other unnecessary parts nearby.
  2. Wash the floor - the place to sleep should be comfortable, clean and dry - in addition to the dust accumulated during the day, microorganisms may appear in a humid environment (especially on a wooden floor).
  3. Prepare your sleeping place - it is not necessary to sleep on the bare floor at first, and it is unlikely that you will be able to do it right away. A tatami, futon, yoga mat, sleeping bag, wicker mat, like the Japanese, will do - most importantly, cover it with a sheet (it will be clean and not so hard). You can start with a thin mattress, because if you literally sleep on the floor, the entire load will go to the stabilizer muscles - the body will be constantly under tension.
  4. Change the pillow - your neck and spine should be in line, so a bulky pillow will not work. A flat pillow or small cushion will help you maintain the head-neck-spine position evenly. If you sleep on your stomach, you can place a flat cushion pillow under your knees or a blanket, and if you sleep on your side, then between your knees, the load on the knee joint will be less.

How to sit correctly with osteochondrosis

When it comes to osteochondrosis, the question arises of how to sit correctly. Avoid furniture that is too soft - it is not for you. To prevent body weight from putting excessive pressure on the spine, the body must be supported by the ischial tuberosities, and this is only possible on hard seats.

What should a chair or armchair be like?

The furniture on which you sit for a long time should be as follows:

The height of the chair, chairs must correspond to the length of the lower leg, the leg must rest on the floor. For small people, it is recommended to place a stool under their feet. The maximum seat depth should be approximately 2/3 of the thigh length. There should be enough space for your legs under the table so that you don't have to bend them too much. If you have to sit for a long time, try about every 15-20 minutes. Warm up a little, change the position of your legs. Make sure your back is tightly against the back of the chair. Sit straight, without bending your head or bending your torso too much, so as not to strain your body muscles.

How to sit at the table

If your line of work requires you to read a lot, make a device on the table (lectern) that supports the book at a sufficient height and inclined towards the table so that you do not have to tilt your upper body forward.

How to sit behind the wheel

Try to sit without tension while driving a car. It is important that your back has good support. To do this, place a thin cushion between your lower back and the back of the chair, which will help maintain the lumbar curve. Keep your head straight. After several hours of driving, get out of the car and do basic gymnastic exercises: turns, bends, squats - 8-10 times.

Front of the TV

Do not sit or lie in one position in front of the TV screen. Change it periodically, get up, warm up. After sitting for 1–1.5 hours, sit back, relax your muscles, and take a few deep breaths.

Pros, cons and contraindications for sleeping on hard surfaces

Sleeping on the floor is useful (if there are no contraindications) - and here's why:

  • posture is corrected - on a hard surface the line of the spine remains straight - this happens under the weight of your own body;
  • sleep quality improves – an unsuitable mattress and an uncomfortable pillow are common causes of poor sleep. Of course, a hard surface does not guarantee that insomnia will go away, but it’s worth a try. You sleep much better in a cool place - cold air “walks” along the floor, and warm air is forced upward. It will be especially comfortable for those who sweat at night - the mattress absorbs some of the heat, heats up and often “wakes you up” in the middle of the night;
  • the sleeping area remains clean - many microbes live in the mattress, and dust and dirt also accumulate. There will be no such problems with a rug or tatami - at least they are easier to clean than a bed;
  • muscles are worked out - on too hard a surface the muscles serve as support for the body - rolling from one sleep position to another can be compared to the technique of self-massage using a special roller;
  • blood circulation improves - orthopedic memory foam mattresses limit movements and “lock” the body in one position all night - hence muscle stiffness, pain and tightness. On the floor, the body weight is distributed evenly - the blood circulates fully.

Giving up the usual bed in favor of a hard surface is not suitable for everyone - there are some disadvantages:

  • at first it will be uncomfortable - if you’re not used to it, you’ll hardly be able to fall asleep quickly, especially if you sleep on your side;
  • there is no guarantee that your posture will straighten - the spinal column has curves, it is not perfectly straight, but an overly hard mattress, like an overly soft one, does not support its natural position. It is important to rest at night - long-term physical overexertion can lead to muscle weakness (a condition when muscles stop working);
  • back pain may intensify - orthopedic mattresses adapt well to the curves of the body, but a hard floor does not - there is space between the surface and the body. Without a bed with zonal support (spring block), the entire load goes on the hips, tailbone, arms, shoulder blades and pelvic bones;
  • pressure on joints and soft tissues can affect those who have musculoskeletal diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis). And dust on the floor can provoke reactions in allergy sufferers;
  • there is a risk of catching a cold - people with anemia, diabetes and weakened immune systems should not overcool - a cold floor (if it does not have a heating function) can further weaken the immune system, and then it will be easier for infections to enter the body;

Pillow selection criteria

For pathologies associated with dysfunction of the spinal column, it is very important to choose the right pillow. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. The optimal height of the pillow is 5-10 cm. This height ensures anatomically correct body position.
  2. For regular sleep, it is better to choose a rectangular or square pillow.
  3. The width of the pillow should match the width of your shoulders.


Before choosing a mattress and pillow, patients diagnosed with osteochondrosis should consult their doctor. Remember that a pillow cannot solve all problems associated with the spinal column. Its main purpose is to provide adequate rest and prevent the development of diseases associated with spinal dysfunction.

In these cases, you should not sleep on the floor

Pregnancy - the load on the spine during this period is already large, and even greater stress can lead to displacement of the intervertebral discs. It will be uncomfortable to sleep in this position, and even more so to get up and lie down.

Obesity - the more weight, the greater the load on the spine, muscles, joints and soft tissues. Overweight people can sleep on hard floors with a doctor's permission, but still not on a bare floor.

Elderly people - with age, joints are more easily injured, bones break, and the skin becomes thinner - bruises and bedsores may appear from prolonged contact with a hard surface.

Health problems - osteochondrosis, scoliosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, arthritis, diabetes, anemia, obesity, postoperative period - all this is also a reason to postpone experiments with sleeping on a hard surface (or consult a doctor).

Overall, sleeping on the floor is a personal choice. The quality of sleep depends not only on a comfortable mattress or lack thereof, but also on body type, age, health and lifestyle in general. Whether this will benefit you or, on the contrary, harm you, is impossible to predict - the best way to make sure of this is to check.

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Photo: Kobruseva, Andrea Piacquadio, Karolina Grabowska

How to lift and move weights correctly

If you lift weights incorrectly or move them, you can not only get osteochondrosis, but even a hernia or injury. To pick something up off the floor, squat or bend over with your knees bent.

and leaning your hand on a chair or table, this way you do not overload the spine.

One of the main reasons for the exacerbation of osteochondrosis and the formation of intervertebral disc herniations, especially in the lumbosacral region, is lifting and carrying heavy loads. Acute, unexpected pain in the lower back appears in cases when the weight rises sharply,

jerk, and then move the heavy object to the side, while turning the body.

a heavy load in one hand

, especially over long distances, so as not to overload the spine, divide the load and carry it in both hands.
It is unacceptable to hold the weight by sharply unbending or bending
(leaning forward).
In general, it is undesirable for a patient with osteochondrosis to lift and carry weights of more than 15 kg
. We recommend purchasing a cart or bag on wheels. A backpack with wide straps is very convenient for carrying heavy objects over long distances. The weight of a full backpack is distributed over the entire spine, and your hands remain free.

If you have to carry something heavy, follow these rules:

– put on, if you have one, a weightlifter’s belt or any wide, hard belt; – squat down, with your back straight and neck straight; – grab the weight with both hands and lift it without bending your back.

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Pain after sleep

If you began to regularly experience pain in the morning with cervical osteochondrosis, the reason for this is incorrect localization of the cervical vertebrae and muscles. It turns out that during sleep they do not calm down, and the tension remains. As a result, the patient feels fatigue, discomfort and inconvenience, accompanied by severe pain symptoms. Sometimes this is due to a change in sleeping position on the recommendation of a specialist. So, if pain after sleep appeared during the first days after you started sleeping in a different position, then simply use creams and gels to eliminate pain. After a while you will get used to it and the unpleasant symptoms will go away. Otherwise, seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible.

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