Alternative treatment of umbilical hernia in adults. How to get rid of an umbilical hernia in adults without surgery

Symptoms of hernia in adults

In older people, a hernia appears slowly, starting from a small ball that protrudes only when coughing or lifting heavy objects, and is virtually invisible at rest.

Over time, such a ball increases in size and becomes noticeable to others, causing a person to feel complex. Moreover, during physical activity or heavy lifting, the hernia protrudes outward quite strongly, causing nagging pain in the patient. The patient experiences similar sensations during bowel movements, especially if he suffers from constipation. In this case, the area of ​​protrusion can still be easily pushed into place.

At a certain point, the hernia becomes so large that, bulging out, it ceases to be reduced into the peritoneal area. At the same time, the symptoms of the disease worsen. Pain occurs even with light exertion, the patient experiences constipation and difficulty urinating.

How not to be mistaken that your child has an umbilical hernia

The following signs are sufficient to accurately identify the disease:

  • a protrusion in the navel area that decreases in size or disappears when lying down.
  • abdominal pain that occurs with exercise and coughing.
  • umbilical ring expansion

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic methods for children are not numerous and are limited to the following list:

  1. examination by a pediatric surgeon;
  2. hernial protrusion;

Diseases with similar symptoms

There are not many diseases with similar symptoms; their list can be limited to the following:

  1. Hernia of the white line of the abdomen;
  2. Endometriosis of the navel;
  3. Oncological diseases and metastases of tumors of the stomach and duodenum (mainly in adults);

Causes of hernia in adults

In adulthood, the development of a hernia is also possible. Predisposing factors here are abdominal injuries, operations in the navel area, obesity, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, physically difficult work, as well as improper exercise in the gym with overstrain of the abdominal muscles. Even a smoker’s annoying cough can trigger a hernia.

If we talk about women, then the period of pregnancy is especially dangerous for them, when the umbilical ring of the expectant mother stretches due to the growth of the fetus, and the tissues surrounding it atrophy. The walls of the peritoneum weaken before the onslaught of intra-abdominal pressure, and therefore any physical activity during this period can provoke protrusion of the internal organs. The process of childbirth is also a critical moment, when a woman is forced to strongly strain her abdominal muscles.

How do hernias form?

Hernias occur in the area of ​​“weak spots” of the anterior abdominal wall, under the influence of intra-abdominal pressure. Factors that cause its increase are called producing factors and include: physical activity, cough, childbirth and all those cases when the abdominal press tenses.

“Weak spot” is the area of ​​the abdominal wall where the muscular aponeurotic part is most thinned. This may be the place of muscle attachment to the aponeurosis or physiological openings (inguinal rings, umbilical ring).

An increased risk of hernias is observed in people with predisposing factors: connective tissue weakness syndrome, damage to the nerves innervating the abdominal wall, as well as the presence of postoperative scars.

Conservative methods of therapy

Treatment is selected depending on the severity of the disease. You need to contact the clinic as early as possible, then the problem will be easier to solve. In addition, this way you can avoid surgery. And for some, surgery is contraindicated.


This is an excellent assistant for the treatment of various diseases, because it helps accelerate blood circulation. Massage has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body, helps improve immunity and restore damaged tissues. If an umbilical hernia appears, it is useful to perform self-massage at home. You can consult with a specialist about technology.

The principles of massaging in this case include: stroking movements are carried out exclusively clockwise, pinching in the area around the navel, rubbing the muscular system of the abdominal cavity.


Gymnastics is suitable for treating an umbilical hernia at home. A set of special exercises helps strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, improve blood circulation and relieve muscle spasms. The complex should be selected individually. But the contraindications are the same for everyone. Movements should not be sudden, twisting is prohibited, jumping and lifting weights are prohibited.

Exercises can be done only if the protrusion is not severe. To fix the hernia you will need an elastic corset. On average, one exercise can take up to ten minutes. You can simply raise your pelvis by bending your knees in a lying position. Turning the body in different directions while standing also helps. Breathing exercises are another helper for fighting the disease; it helps saturate the body with oxygen.

Umbilical bandage

Another conservative method of treating an umbilical hernia at home is a bandage. This is a special support belt that helps reduce the load on the abdomen and abs, which allows them to be in a calm state during the therapy period. It is useful to wear a bandage after surgery to prevent relapse. If there are any complications, especially intestinal obstruction, wearing a belt is contraindicated.

The bandage can be rigid, elastic and universal. The corset should be used in conjunction with other treatment methods. This will help you recover faster. The belt should be comfortable, and it should be worn from morning to evening.

Using the patch

This option is suitable for treating umbilical hernia at home in newborns. It is applied in a special way, so parents should learn the technique of use from a pediatrician. The patch allows the navel to be in the correct position. It also helps the hole in the umbilical ring heal faster. Today they produce very comfortable patches, consisting of two parts. Therefore, their fixation is easy to adjust.

Disease prevention

Prevention measures for Scheuermann-Mau disease are the same as for other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The main emphasis is on physical activity: moderate regular exercise is useful for strengthening the muscle frame and ligaments and normalizing metabolic processes in the body. Constant control of posture is very important, and a lot depends on the parents. If a child is taught correct posture from the very beginning, the risk of spinal problems during adolescence is minimal.

You should teach your child to maintain posture as early as possible - this will help avoid many problems with the spine.

Additionally, it matters in what conditions the child studies and spends his leisure time. It is recommended to purchase orthopedic chairs for children, designed taking into account anatomical factors. The study table should have the correct height and be as comfortable as possible. The same applies to the organization of a sleeping place: a bed or sofa must be selected taking into account the child’s height; it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillow.

The child’s study area must be organized correctly


Massage for an umbilical hernia is performed by a specialist, and you can also learn from him about light movements that can be performed independently at home. With the help of massage, as with exercise therapy, you can relieve swelling and increase muscle tone. Approximate treatment regimen at home:

  1. Begin the massage by stroking around the navel in a clockwise direction. The movements are made with the edge of the palm, alternating hands.
  2. Then they switch to transverse movements: the fingers of the left hand are placed to the left of the hernia, and the fingers of the right hand are placed to the right. Mirror parallel movements up and down begin.
  3. Proceed to stroking movements: from the sides to the middle of the abdomen, applying light pressure, apply with fingers or palm.
  4. Complete the massage with light pinching of the skin in the navel area.

All movements should be careful, without intense pressure. If pain occurs, the massage should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Traditional treatments using herbs and products

An infusion of plakun herbs is used as a folk remedy for umbilical hernias.
The use of decoctions, compresses, infusions and tinctures internally and externally supports the treatment of umbilical hernia at home in adult patients. Among the methods of herbal medicine, the most effective are those taken orally:

  • Infusion of weeping herb. The leaves of the plant are crushed and poured with 1 tbsp. l. a glass of boiling water. When the product has cooled, take 50 ml 3-4 times a day. If you have constipation, hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases, plakun-grass should not be taken.
  • Cornflower decoction. Take 3 tsp. dried flowers and 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. Strain after cooling and take 400 ml throughout the day. Cornflower decoctions are prohibited for gynecological disorders.
  • Plantain seeds. Grind a few tablespoons of seeds in a coffee grinder and take ¼ tsp 10 times a day. If you have blood diseases or blood clots, you should not take this herb. The same applies to people with stomach ulcers and high acidity.
  • Rhubarb decoction. Take several stems of fresh root and boil for 6 hours, take 1 glass of decoction per day.
  • Tincture of shepherd's purse. Take a 3 liter jar and fill it with fresh grass, fill it with vodka and leave for 10 days. Strain and take 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day.

Another effective recipe is a decoction of aspen bark. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed product and boil in 1 liter of water. Take 2 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.

Compresses for umbilical hernia

The course of treatment with onion compresses is 2 months.
Compresses are one of the most effective ways to treat a hernia at home in adults. The following products are used for this:

  • red clay - prepared according to the recipe, applied to the sore spot until completely dry;
  • oatmeal - the flakes are crushed and a thick jelly is prepared, then applied to the hernia for several hours;
  • honey and nettle - fresh herbs are crushed and mixed with bee product;
  • baked onion - 1 head is heated in the oven and applied to the hernia for 1 hour until it cools;
  • resin - melt pine raw materials and apply to the navel;
  • water with vinegar - dilute 1 tsp. 6% vinegar in a glass of water, moisten a napkin and apply to the affected area.

You can also use decoctions of hernial hernia, larch bark, and cherry branches for compresses.

Camphor oil for pathology

You can wipe the sore area with camphor oil: heat it, cool it, form a small ball and lubricate the umbilical area. Apply the ball and secure with adhesive tape. Perform over several weeks.

Metal therapy for hernia

The coin is fixed with a plaster and left for a day.
For this method, a copper coin is used. It is washed, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and applied to the sore spot. Fix with adhesive tape and leave for a day. Then remove, wash the skin and coin with soapy water. Repeat the procedure once every 3 days.

You can use another method with copper utensils: take spoons, glasses, coasters and other metal products, soak them in a soapy solution, and boil them. When they have cooled, transfer them to cold water and leave for 1-2 days. Use water to wipe the hernia.

Treating an umbilical hernia at home is less effective than surgery. But due to contraindications, not all people can use the services of a surgeon. An integrated approach, following doctor’s recommendations and regular use of home methods can help people avoid complications and the development of a hernia.


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Hernias are:

- inguinal

- umbilical

— postoperative

- hernia of the white line of the abdomen

- hernias after injuries and ruptures of the abdominal muscles

Of all types of hernias, inguinal hernias are the most common type of hernia, accounting for up to 70-80%. This type of hernia is 10 times more common in men than women.

Inguinal hernia.

This type of hernia occurs in a natural weak spot in the abdominal wall, the so-called inguinal canal.

The inguinal canal is a triangular space in which the spermatic cord is located in men, and the round ligament of the uterus in women. In men, the testicles, which form along with the kidneys in the embryo, must then descend through the inguinal canal into the scrotum before birth. After the descent of the testicles, the inguinal canal closes, but if it does not close sufficiently (up to 1.0 - 1.5 cm), then a congenital inguinal hernia develops, which is often combined with other diseases (hydroxy testis, cryptorchidism, spermatic cord cyst ). If the canal does not “close” tightly, the hernia will appear at a later age.


Diagnosis of an inguinal hernia in typical cases does not cause difficulties. Patients develop a tumor-like protrusion in the groin area, which is small at first, then gradually increases and can reach large and even gigantic sizes. In addition to protrusion, patients are concerned about:

- pain

- discomfort

- burning in the groin area, especially during physical activity.

During the examination, the doctor examines the inguinal canal (size of the external inguinal ring, the presence or absence of a hernial sac in the inguinal canal, reducible or irreducible hernia and other features important for choosing the surgical method).


There is only one way to treat hernias - surgery. The hernia will not go away on its own.

In recent years, due to the introduction of new technologies, new plastic and suture materials, inguinal hernia surgery has undergone significant changes: the number of relapses and postoperative complications has decreased. Currently, according to foreign and domestic surgeons in specialized centers, mortality after elective operations for hernias is 0.01%, relapses occur in less than 1% of cases, and postoperative complications develop in only 0.5-1% of patients.

Modern operations have names - tension-free surgery:

– endoscopic method

— operation in Liechtenstein

With both methods, a mesh prosthesis is installed, which closes the enlarged inguinal canal - the defect in the abdominal wall through which the hernia “came out”. Within two weeks, this mesh grows with its own connective tissue, which prevents the hernia from re-emerging. In the endoscopic version of the operation, the mesh is installed in the abdominal cavity, from the inside. All manipulations are performed through three accesses - “punctures” of 5-10 mm.

Is it reliable?

The reliability of both operations is 98-99%, full physical activity is allowed 2-4 weeks after surgery. Such a short recovery period was simply impossible with old surgical techniques.

The endoscopic option is indicated for patients under 60 years of age; for older patients, the second method of operation is indicated, although the final decision is made by the surgeon together with the patient after examination. If endoscopic surgery is possible only under “anesthesia”, then Lichtenstein plastic surgery can be performed both under “anesthesia” and with local anesthesia, which is also agreed with the patient.

For both the first and second types of surgery, the hospital stay is 1-2 days, then observation for another 2-4 weeks takes place on an outpatient basis.

Since I have been performing surgeries for various types of hernias since 1983, I have experience and the ability to compare both “old” and new surgical techniques. Since 1998, I no longer perform “old” type operations; the difference between them and modern ones is simply incomparable, neither in reliability, nor in portability, nor in recovery time. Today, operating on a hernia without using prostheses is wrong; this is the day before yesterday.

Author - Surgeon, Evgeniy Lvovich Gafter

Don’t let the disease take its course, call right now (3822) 901-941 or sign up on our website by filling out the registration form.

Classification of umbilical hernias

In a general sense, umbilical hernias can be congenital or acquired. Congenital is a hernia of the umbilical cord, which forms at the embryonic stage, and acquired is a hernia that occurs during the life of a child or an adult.

In an adult, a hernia can be direct or oblique. They differ in the way they bulge. A direct hernia occurs when the muscles of the transverse fascia become thin. In this case, the intestine protrudes directly through the navel. In the case of an indirect hernia, a bulge forms above the umbilical ring, in the gap between the umbilical canal and the linea alba.

Finally, hernias are divided into reducible and irreducible. For example, a strangulated umbilical hernia is considered irreducible.

What types of hernias are there?

Depending on the anatomical location, external and internal hernias are distinguished. External ones include:

  • Umbilical hernia.
  • Inguinal hernia.
  • Hernia of the white line of the abdomen.
  • Postoperative hernia.
  • Paracolostomy hernia.
  • Lumbar hernia.
  • Perineal hernia.
  • Obturator hernia.
  • Hernia of the xiphoid process.
  • Sciatic hernia.

Hernias that form inside the abdominal cavity are considered separately. With such hernias, internal organs can be located in pockets of the peritoneum or penetrate into the chest cavity through the openings of the diaphragm.

Depending on the size of the hernia, they are divided into:

  • Small: hernial orifice less than 4 cm
  • Medium: hernial orifice from 4 to 10 cm
  • Large: hernial orifice larger than 10 cm

Hernias are also classified according to the degree of development:

  • initial - a small depression is identified in a weak spot of the abdominal wall - a triggering factor for the formation of a hernia;
  • canal - internal organs begin to sink into the hernial opening;
  • complete - the internal organs have passed through the hernial orifice and are located under the skin.

According to the clinical course, hernias are divided into:

  • reducible - the contents of the hernial sac move freely from the abdominal cavity to the hernial sac and back.
  • irredeemable.
  • strangulated - a condition in which the hernial orifice puts pressure on the structures of the released organ, which leads to disruption of its blood supply and can lead to necrosis. There are: elastic strangulation, fecal strangulation, parietal strangulation, retrograde strangulation, Meckel's diverticulum strangulation, Broca's hernia.

Traditional treatment of umbilical hernia in children

Practice shows that traditional treatment for umbilical hernia does not actually help adults. But for young patients at the initial stage of protrusion development, some methods can provide significant assistance. Let's look at them.

Butter and propolis ointment

Having melted the butter (50 g), add propolis tincture (1 tsp) to it and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the finished mixture to the area of ​​protrusion in the form of a compress, leaving it overnight, and in the morning, rinsing off the product and applying an iodine mesh.

Rhubarb root decoction

A glass of chopped herbs should be filled with water so that it covers the greens, put on the stove and simmer over low heat for 2 hours. After filtering the product, you need to take it 1/3 cup a day until the problem disappears. This product is not suitable for children under 6 years of age.

Cabbage brine and potatoes

After moistening the gauze in cabbage brine, apply it to the area of ​​the protrusion, and press it on top with a piece of fresh potato, then secure it with a band-aid. This compress should be kept for 6 hours daily.

Garlic compress

After crushing a clove of garlic to a paste, wrap it in a piece of gauze and apply it to the hernia, securing it with a bandage on top. You need to keep this compress for no more than 4 hours a day, making sure that the child does not get burned.

Applying a copper coin

This is the most popular method of treating umbilical hernia among people. Just apply a copper coin to the problem area and secure it with a band-aid, leaving this kind of compress on all night. This method has its own nuances: it is better to take a coin that was issued from the 30th to the 61st years of the last century, and even better, if before the revolution. It is believed that such coins contain more copper, which helps to quickly get rid of this trouble.

Most of the above methods use a medical adhesive tape. Gluing it to the skin will not be difficult. How can I unstick it? After all, this is a rather painful procedure for a child. But there is always a way out. A couple of hours before you are going to peel it off, you need to moisten the adhesive plaster with vegetable oil or liquid Vaseline. Don’t worry, it won’t come off until the specified time. After such manipulations, you will remove it without any problems.

Take care of yourself and your children!

Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults

For adult patients diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, surgical treatment is indicated in 100% of cases. Moreover, depending on the existing protrusion, this may be:

Tension hernioplasty

This is a traditional method of repairing an umbilical hernia, in which the defect is hidden by stretching the patient’s tissues and skin. This method is also used to eliminate hernia in children.

Tension-free hernioplasty

During this operation, the patient is fitted with a special mesh that closes the hernial opening. The patient's own tissues are not contracted.

Let us also add that hernioplasty can be performed in various ways. This can be a strip or laparoscopic operation. The second method is more preferable, as it allows the operation to be performed using 3 punctures on the skin, which minimizes postoperative complications.

By the way, if the operation is performed on a patient with obesity and a large apron of skin and fat, in parallel, abdominal surgery with navel transfer can be performed.

As for postoperative recovery, tension hernioplasty involves limiting physical activity for a period of up to 1 year. The likelihood of relapse after such an intervention is quite high. The installation of a mesh prosthesis in this regard is a more reliable operation, as it shortens the rehabilitation period to 1 month, and the number of relapses in this case does not exceed 1%.

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  • Leaky Gut Syndrome and Hormonal Imbalance

Stages of severity

There are three stages of abdominal hydrops depending on the amount of accumulated fluid:

  1. Initial stage - up to one and a half liters of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity;
  2. Moderate ascites - manifested by an increase in the size of the abdomen, edema of the lower extremities. The patient is concerned about severe shortness of breath, heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, constipation;
  3. Severe dropsy - from 5 to 20 liters of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. The skin on the abdomen tightens and becomes smooth. Patients experience heart failure and respiratory failure. When the fluid becomes infected, ascites-peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneal layers) develops.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in children

Children require hernia treatment in rare cases, since this anomaly tends to self-heal with age. Therefore, doctors, given the patient’s young age, choose a wait-and-see approach.

To help strengthen the anterior abdominal wall, it is useful to regularly place the baby on his tummy, give him massages, exercise therapy and swimming. As a conservative treatment, the pediatrician may prescribe wearing a bandage or sticking an adhesive plaster to prevent protrusion. Practice shows that with the diameter of the umbilical ring not exceeding 1.5 cm, the hernia heals on its own up to 7 years.

If the baby’s hernia has reached a large size and has not disappeared by the age of 7, if the child complains of nagging pain in the navel and there is a risk of strangulation, the young patient is scheduled for surgery.

This operation is called tension hernioplasty. With it, the surgeon returns the protruding area to the abdominal cavity, removes the hernial sac, suturing the small intestine and strengthening the walls of the peritoneum so that the patient does not experience a relapse. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and takes no more than 30 minutes. There are practically no traces of the surgical intervention, and the young patient himself will be able to go home within a few hours after the operation, accompanied by his parents.

When a child’s hernia is complicated by strangulation, specialists perform an urgent operation to remove the necrotic part of the small intestine and its subsequent restoration.

Hernia treatment

It is only possible to completely get rid of a hernia through surgery. There are also conservative methods to alleviate the condition of a hernia, but their use is possible only if there are contraindications to surgery.

Contraindications to elective surgical treatment include severe concomitant diseases, malignant processes in advanced stages, acute diseases and pregnancy. It is important to note that complicated hernias must be operated on urgently for health reasons.

The smaller the size of the hernia, the easier the operation for both the surgeon and the patient. In turn, the treatment of giant hernias represents a major surgical problem and requires the use of non-standard approaches to its elimination.

Hernioplasty (hernia repair) is the name of an operation to “liquidate” a hernia with plastic surgery of a defect in the anterior abdominal wall.

Symptoms of hernia in children

If we talk about congenital umbilical hernia, then this is one of the factors of severe fetal pathologies that are actually incompatible with life. In an embryo with such a defect, as a rule, ectopia of the bladder, ectopia of the heart and underdevelopment of the pubic symphysis are found. A child born with such defects, as a rule, dies on the 3rd day from pneumonia, peritonitis and sepsis. Cases of survival are rare and are the exception.

Doctors give a much more favorable prognosis in the case of an acquired hernia. In a child, this problem most often appears in the first year of life and is rather a cosmetic defect. The hernia does not cause discomfort, is not prone to strangulation, and does not provoke other serious health problems.

A small bulge, within 1–3 cm in diameter, appears when the baby strains, coughs forcefully or cries, and at rest it becomes almost invisible. In the area of ​​bulging, you can notice the presence of pigmentation. If this problem is not dealt with at a tender age, as the child grows older, he or she may face severe manifestations of a hernia.

However, over the years, a child rarely develops a strangulated hernia. But if this complication does develop, it can be noticed by a change in the color of the protrusion, bloating, nausea and vomiting, as well as severe pain in the navel area. This is a dangerous phenomenon that can threaten the baby with the development of intestinal obstruction, and then necrosis of part of the intestine.


To avoid having to remove the hernia through surgery in the future, you should pay attention to physical activity. It is thanks to them that it is possible to strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation.

The load is determined individually, but even for men it should be moderate. In addition, it is recommended not to start exercising on your own, but to visit a physiotherapy office and find out whether it is possible to cure a hernia using only exercise therapy.

The following exercises have a positive effect on the condition of patients with this disease.

Initial positionExecution technique
Lying on your back. Legs straightened. We bend our back as much as possible. Repeat 10 times.
Lying on your back. Legs are bent. Slowly raise the pelvis. Repeat 15 times.
Lying on your back. Legs are bent. Without raising our heads, we reach our hands towards our heels.
Emphasis on palms and knees.We do push-ups. Repeat no more than five times.
Lying on your back. Legs are straight. Slowly inhale through your nose, filling your belly. Exhalation is done through the mouth.

To obtain a pronounced effect, all possible methods should be used. Only a combination of traditional medicine with massage, gymnastics and wearing a bandage will give a pronounced and, most importantly, lasting result.

The umbilical hernia will be discussed in the video:


Causes of navel protrusion

An umbilical hernia can occur in both women and men. Quite often it occurs in infancy. Childhood pathology is associated with the fact that the child cries for a long time, and this leads to overstrain of the abdominal cavity.

It happens that a child is born with weakened organs. Protrusion can be provoked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages or antibiotics by a pregnant woman.

In the adult population, other reasons are noted:

  • pregnancy and difficult childbirth;
  • obesity and genetic predisposition;
  • hard physical labor;
  • sudden lifting of weights with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • chronic constipation;
  • scarring of tissue in the navel area that occurs after surgery.


At the initial stage, an umbilical hernia may be asymptomatic.
Only with a careful examination can a slight protrusion be detected. As the pathology progresses, the hernia increases in size, which becomes noticeable to the naked eye.

If the patient coughs violently or lifts an excessive weight, pain and nausea may occur. At this stage, the hernial sac can be pulled inward, so treatment is carried out non-surgically.

Further, the patient’s urination and bowel movements are disrupted, constipation and excessive pain appear. The person experiences frequent vomiting and rapid growth of the hernia.

In this case, it becomes impossible to push the pouch inside, which is why surgery is used.

Characteristics of the disease

Juvenile kyphosis is most often diagnosed in children aged 8 to 15 years, and the disease affects boys and girls equally. In almost a third of patients, thoracic kyphosis is combined with scoliosis, which has a much stronger effect on the condition of the spine and is accompanied by many complications. The pathology is characterized by a change in the shape of the vertebrae, a decrease in their height in the anterior part, as a result of which the curvature of the spine exceeds 45 degrees and a hump forms in the person.

Due to deformation of the vertebrae, the patient develops a hump

Deformation of the vertebrae leads to improper distribution of the load, and the intervertebral discs suffer the most from this. Under pressure from the vertebrae, the discs destroy the endplates, and part of the nucleus pulposus penetrates into the bone tissue - this is how a Schmorl’s hernia is formed. As a result of this impact, the ligaments that support the spine thicken and affect the growth of the vertebrae: they inhibit the development of the anterior part of the structure, while the posterior part grows excessively. Gradually, this leads to a change in the shape of not only the spine, but also the entire chest.

The disease is characterized by changes in the shape of the vertebrae and the presence of vertical hernias

The disease is classified according to the location of the vertebral lesions and the stage of development of the pathology. Based on localization, there are two types of disease:

  • thoracic - changes affect the middle and lower thoracic vertebrae (mainly from 6 to 10, most often the 7, 8 and 9 vertebrae are affected);
  • thoracolumbar - the lesion covers the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae. It usually occurs in a more severe form and is characterized by the presence of multiple vertical hernias in the lumbar region.

This pathology does not affect the cervical spine, and in general, cervical kyphosis is a very rare phenomenon. Both types of the disease have several stages of development, differing in the degree of clinical manifestations.

Table. Stages of Scheuermann-Mau disease

StageCharacteristic manifestations
LatentUsually diagnosed in children 8-14 years old. It does not have pronounced symptoms; complaints mainly concern a slight limitation of spinal mobility and the appearance of moderate back pain after active physical activity. External manifestations are more noticeable: in the lateral projection, the patient can clearly see an arched curvature in the upper back and increased lordosis in the lumbar region.
EarlyDiagnosed between the ages of 15 and 20 years. It manifests itself as severe pain, pinched nerve endings, and the formation of intervertebral hernias is possible. Characteristic external signs are observed: an arched back, increased forward bending in the lumbar area, severe stoop.
LateAn advanced stage of the disease, which is detected in adult patients. It has extensive symptoms with pronounced pain and severe limitation of mobility. Against the background of the main disease, secondary pathologies of a degenerative-dystrophic nature are observed: spondylarthrosis, osteochondrosis, numerous hernial protrusions.

Important! If detected late, the chances of a complete recovery are very low, and even surgical intervention is aimed mainly at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and improving the patient’s quality of life. That is why it is so important to identify the disease at an early stage, while the lesions are minimal and do not pose a health hazard.

Metal therapy in treatment

It is necessary to clean the surface of the copper as much as possible

Please note that the coin should be processed on both sides. It is also necessary to make several through holes, which will increase the effectiveness of treatment

All surfaces must be perfectly smooth so as not to injure the skin. Now the nickel can be used. To do this, it is applied to the hernia and fixed with a plaster. The coin is left on the skin for 24 hours.

After this time, you should remove it and wash your skin with soap and water. The presence of greenish spots indicates that the metal has reacted. You need to repeat the procedure after 2-3 days, but you are allowed to use the same coin.

The use of a copper coin can reduce the protrusion of a hernia

In addition to this method, you can use another one. For this you will need any copper items. They should be cleaned and filled with water. After it has been infused for three days, it can be used to treat the skin in the area of ​​protrusion.


Drug therapy for ascites is not carried out due to low effectiveness. Aldosterone antagonists and diuretics normalize water-salt metabolism and prevent excess secretion of peritoneal fluid. Oncologists at the Yusupov Hospital offer palliative surgery to patients with ascites in the late stages of cancer:

  • Omentohepatophrenopexy;
  • Deperitonization;
  • Installation of a peritoneovenous shunt.

Doctors at the Oncology Clinic carry out traditional or intracavitary chemotherapy for ascites - after removing the fluid, a chemotherapy drug is injected into the abdominal cavity. Laparocentesis is performed to remove fluid. The procedure is not performed if the following contraindications are present:

  • Adhesive process inside the abdominal cavity;
  • Severe flatulence;
  • Perforation of the intestinal walls;
  • Purulent infectious processes.

Laparocentesis is prescribed in cases where taking diuretics does not lead to a positive result. The procedure is also indicated for resistant ascites.

Laparocentesis is carried out in several stages using local anesthesia:

  • the patient is in a sitting position, the doctor treats the subsequent puncture site with an antiseptic and administers painkillers;
  • An incision is made in the abdominal wall along the linea alba at a distance of 2-3 centimeters below the navel;
  • The puncture itself is performed using a trocar using rotational movements. A special flexible tube is attached to the trocar, through which excess fluid is removed from the body. The fluid is pumped out quite slowly, and the doctor constantly monitors the patient’s condition. As the exudate is removed, the nurse tightens the patient's abdomen with a sheet to slowly reduce the pressure in the abdominal cavity;
  • After the fluid is pumped out, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound.

Using laparocentesis, up to 10 liters of fluid can be removed from the patient’s body. In this case, it may be necessary to administer albumin and other drugs to prevent the development of renal failure.

If necessary, temporary catheters can be installed in the abdominal cavity, through which excess fluid will gradually be removed. It should be noted that the use of catheters can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and the formation of adhesions.

There are also contraindications to laparocentesis. Among them:

  • pronounced flatulence;
  • adhesive disease of the abdominal organs;
  • stage of recovery after surgery on a ventral hernia.

Diuretics are prescribed to patients with developing ascites in cancer over a long course. Such drugs as Furosemide, Diacarb and Veroshpiron are effective.

When taking diuretics, medications containing potassium must also be prescribed. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing disturbances in water and electrolyte metabolism.

Dietary nutrition primarily involves reducing the amount of salt consumed, which retains fluid in the body. It is also important to limit the amount of fluid you drink. It is recommended to include more foods containing potassium in your diet.

After removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity, patients are provided with a balanced and high-calorie diet. This allows you to meet the body's needs for proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Fat consumption is reduced.

Causes of infant umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia is quite common in newborns and children under 5 years of age. This is due to the fact that the umbilical ring in some children can grow together very slowly, as a result of which a free cavity remains for some time under the healed navel, in which blood vessels were located before birth. When babies cry, intra-abdominal pressure increases, a loop of intestine falls into this cavity and the navel involuntarily protrudes. The greatest likelihood of an umbilical hernia occurring is in babies with a restless character, that is, those who like to scream.

Frequent constipation also contributes to the appearance of umbilical hernia in children, when the child has to frequently and for a long time strain the abdominal muscles to empty the intestines.

In old age, hernias are often not operated on, so you can use folk remedies to treat hernias.

Causes and symptoms

The cause of the disease is the divergence of the abdominal muscles in the umbilical region, which can be caused by several factors:

Excessive exercise can lead to an umbilical hernia.

  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Carrying a child;
  • Uncontrolled weight gain;
  • Rapidly developing tumors;
  • Difficulty defecating (constipation);
  • Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.

The size of the formation can range from 2-3 to 20 cm in diameter. A small umbilical hernia usually does not cause any discomfort to the patient, except for aesthetic reasons. It is easily and painlessly adjusted into the navel on its own and is practically invisible in the lying position.

If the disease progresses, the umbilical hernia increases in size and provokes the following symptoms:

  • Constipation;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the navel area even with minor physical exertion.

Painful sensations also appear when trying to push, laugh, cough, and simply in movement.

In case of acute pain, local fever, signs of intoxication, refuse treatment of an umbilical hernia with folk remedies and immediately call an ambulance.

Causes of hernia in children

Very often this problem appears in newborn babies. The fact is that after the umbilical cord falls off, the navel opening begins to close and become overgrown with connective tissue. Normally, this process is supported by the abdominal muscles. But if a newborn has a hereditary weakness of the abdominal muscles, there is a high probability that the baby will develop an abdominal hernia.

The occurrence of protrusion in a baby is facilitated by constant constipation, severe crying or increased gas production. This is especially true for premature babies.

Often, an umbilical hernia develops in a baby at the moment when he begins to walk, especially if the baby begins to stand on his feet early, and the abdominal muscles are still too weak. In addition, doctors include Down syndrome, Harler syndrome, congenital hypothyroidism, intestinal dysbiosis and lactase deficiency as risk factors for the development of umbilical hernia.

Unconventional methods of treatment

When it was possible to identify the disease in the early stages of development and the hernial sac has not yet formed, then you can resort to the methods offered by traditional medicine. Also, with the help of herbal infusions and lotions, it is permissible to alleviate the patient’s condition in situations where surgical intervention is impossible. These include:

Last trimester of pregnancy; Exacerbations of chronic diseases; Pulmonary and heart failure.

Folk remedies used by adherents of alternative medicine for umbilical hernia:

  • Lotions, compresses, rubbing;
  • Decoctions and infusions for oral administration;
  • Massages;
  • Diet.

Healers use prayers and spells to eliminate the problem described. The effectiveness of such treatment is not explained in any way by science, but it does not cause harm. If you sincerely believe in the effectiveness of prayers, then you will resort to this method, but only using other folk remedies for umbilical hernia in combination.

Why is a hernia dangerous?

Any hernia is dangerous for the development of complications. The most serious complication of a hernia is strangulation. It occurs when the blood supply to the contents of the hernial sac is disrupted and tissue necrosis occurs.

An equally serious complication is intestinal obstruction. As a result of the prolonged presence of intestinal loops inside the hernial sac, they are compressed, the movement of intestinal contents through them is disrupted, and intestinal obstruction forms.

It is very important to understand that the development of complications can occur suddenly, against the background of complete well-being: on vacation, at the dacha, while traveling - in situations where qualified medical care is difficult to access or not available at all. Treatment of hernia complications requires emergency intervention, and delay can lead to a sharp deterioration in a person’s condition and significantly worsen the prognosis of delayed treatment.

Therefore, it is better to get rid of the hernia before complications develop.

Early stage of the disease and the use of compresses

The hernia is located under a thin layer of skin. It is for this reason that quite often treatment with folk remedies involves the use of lotions and all kinds of compresses. The following tips will help reduce the umbilical defect:

The protrusion is wiped with a napkin, which is pre-moistened in water with the addition of vinegar. To obtain the effect, a teaspoon of 6% solution per glass of water is enough. After such a bath, you can apply gauze soaked in oak decoction. It is not the infusion that is especially effective, but the tincture of wine.

Vinegar compresses are used to treat an umbilical hernia.

  • Hernial has an excellent effect. The herb is evaporated in water and then applied to the sore spot. The duration of such a compress is no more than half an hour.
  • A fairly common method of treatment is to make compresses from a decoction on larch bark. To obtain the effect, you can do up to three procedures per day.
  • There are also more accessible methods, for example, a decoction of cherry branches. This method will not only increase muscle tone, but also relieve inflammation.
  • Salt lotions also have a positive effect on the condition of the hernia. To do this, salt is poured into a cloth bag and tied. After this, it should be moistened and immediately applied to the protrusion. This will help relieve pain and slightly reduce the size of the hernia.
  • Turpentine lotions do a good job. To avoid harming yourself, you should be especially careful about the dosage. For 50 milliliters of milk you can add no more than 6 drops of turpentine. This compress will not cause skin burns.

The use of honey shows good results in the treatment of hernia

  • Without surgery, you can cure a hernia with honey. To do this, one spoon of natural honey should be spread evenly over the skin over the hernia. Next, the composition is covered with paper on top. For warmth, you can use a regular towel, but you can fix it all with a scarf.
  • You can supplement honey compresses with an iodine mesh. To do this, every morning after taking a shower, apply a pattern to dry skin with a cotton swab dipped in an iodine solution.
  • If you have an umbilical hernia in adults, you can make your own ointment. To do this you will need butter, a teaspoon of propolis and a container for melting the butter. The ingredients are mixed. Used to lubricate the skin over the hernia before going to bed. In the morning, the skin is washed and dried.

Application of iodine mesh is used as an addition to honey compresses

At the early stage of the disease, folk remedies practice the widespread use of compresses, which can reduce a minor defect, promote keratinization and strengthen the thin layer of skin covering the protrusion. Hernia compresses are the most common, frequently used alternative therapy.

The arsenal of components used to make compresses is quite wide and varied. For compresses and lotions, vinegar and turpentine are used, salt, which is moistened and tied in a fabric bag to the hernia, honey, insulated and fixed on top with a warm bandage, a decoction of cherry branches or larch bark.

A particularly effective effect will be obtained from a herb called hernia, which is steamed in water and then applied to the sore spot for half an hour. A homemade ointment made from butter and propolis can stay on the hernia overnight, after which it is washed off with water and the affected area is wiped dry.

There is also a less inconvenient method of metal therapy, which consists of soaking any copper object in water for three days, after which the resulting infusion is used for compresses on the navel. The widespread practice of treatment is with compresses made from sauerkraut juice, in which the area of ​​the lotion is covered with a fresh potato cut.

Treatment with compresses and applications, according to adherents of such methods, can not only reduce the risks associated with pathology, but also contribute to its complete disappearance. The main goal of such therapy is to prevent microbial damage to the thin skin of the hernial formation, prevent (or treat) inflammatory processes, and strengthen the affected area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall. For the same purpose, the patient wears a special bandage or support bandage.

Such products can only be used if certain precautions are taken to avoid rupture of the hernia skin due to careless handling, damage caused by the use of low-quality products, and the occurrence of individual allergic reactions characteristic of herbal preparations

Who deals with surgical treatment of external abdominal hernias?

You can always contact the clinic of coloproctology and minimally invasive surgery for surgical treatment.

Qualified specialists regularly perform laparoscopic interventions for hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. In some cases, we also use traditional open surgery.

At KKMH, treatment of hernias is carried out both on a paid basis and under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Sign up for a consultation by phone +7 (499) 11-03-222.

Hernia reduction

Using a patch to reduce an umbilical hernia
A protrusion can be corrected at home, especially if it concerns a child. For adults, things are more complicated - you cannot do without the help of a health worker. A hernia can be repaired only after diagnosis using ultrasound and x-rays. If organs get into the hernial sac, you can worsen your health and provoke strangulation.

The doctor can correct the protrusion by visiting your home. To do this, he gently moves the hernial sac into place and applies a plaster. Patients are often advised to wear a bandage after the procedure. You need to be prepared for the fact that reduction in adults is not always an effective method.

Bandage and patch for hernia

To permanently remove an umbilical hernia at home, you need to resort to complex methods. Bandage and plaster – necessary procedures:

  • the support bandage is put on so that it secures the umbilical ring;
  • wear the accessory no more than 7-8 hours a day during physical activity;
  • It is best to use an elastic or universal bandage;
  • put it on a thin T-shirt or bare body.

Complications of umbilical hernia

If the prolapse of part of the esophagus does not force the patient to see a doctor and agree to surgery, there is a high probability of the following complications:


If the protruding part of the intestine becomes pinched in the opening of the navel, the patient will immediately feel it through acute pain. In addition to pain, a person suffers from nausea, vomiting and developing constipation. Blood does not flow to the strangulated area, and therefore literally after 2-3 hours necrotic processes begin in it. At the same time, the pain increases, and the patient’s well-being worsens. After about 8 hours, the wall of the small intestine finally dies and the patient begins to develop peritonitis. And this is a threat of death.

Intestinal obstruction

With this pathological condition, the part of the intestine caught in the hernia becomes clogged with feces, which causes caprostosis. This condition poses a serious danger, because if the patient is not helped within several hours, he may vomit (including fecal vomiting), and then severe intoxication of the body will develop, which will turn into peritonitis.

irreducible hernia

In this case, the hernial contents merge with the hernial sac in the area of ​​passage through the navel. This condition can occur without pronounced symptoms for quite a long time, but in the end it is still complicated by coprostasis and partial intestinal obstruction. In addition, irreducible hernias are often strangulated, which creates a danger to the patient’s life.

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