How to give an injection intramuscularly, to yourself, in the buttock, correctly, consequences





How to give an injection at home: detailed instructions

During the treatment process, patients are often faced with the need to schedule a course of injections. Of course, they immediately wonder how much an intramuscular injection at home costs, but only a specialist can give the exact price, focusing on the type of drug, injection and duration of the course.

What types of injections are there?

Depending on the purpose for which experts prescribe injections, there are also types of injections:

  • intradermal;
  • subcutaneous;
  • intramuscular;
  • intravenous;
  • intra-arterial;
  • intraosseous;
  • parabulbar.

It is impossible to answer clearly how much it costs to give an injection at home, because they all differ in the complexity of administration, as well as in the type of medicinal solutions.

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Subcutaneous injections are more effective than, for example, taking drugs by mouth, since they are easily absorbed through the loose tissue under the skin and also do not cause any harm. This is mainly the area of ​​the shoulders, under the shoulder blades, the lower area of ​​the armpit, hips, and also some areas of the abdominal cavity.

Intramuscular injections are a popular method of injection therapy. Muscles allow solutions to be distributed evenly and quickly throughout the body, since they are intertwined with a network of blood vessels, and the drug, entering the blood, maintains an equal concentration for several hours, which means it provides a fairly long-lasting effect. Due to the characteristics of the injection, places with a significant muscle layer are selected, as a rule, these are the gluteal areas, the anterior surface of the thigh or the deltoid muscle.

Intravenous injections are given so that the solution goes directly into the blood. Specialists often choose the ulnar veins, since they are located quite close to the surface, as well as the carpal and forearm veins, less often in the lower parts of the body. During these injections, it is especially important to follow antiseptic rules and sanitary standards.

Basic mistakes

  1. Incorrect injection angle - intramuscular injections are always carried out at an angle of 90 degrees. If the parameters change, the medicine will enter the subcutaneous fat and will not have the necessary effect.
  2. Slow, deliberate insertion of the needle causes excruciating pain and subsequent hysterical fear of injections.
  3. Removing the needle from a different angle - changing the direction risks a broken needle tip and a subsequent visit to the emergency room to remove it.
  4. Violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Poorly washed hands and insufficiently cleaned injection site will cause a local inflammatory reaction with the formation of pus, necrosis and the need for long-term treatment with antibiotics (also in the form of injections). The worst option is surgical excision of dead tissue of the buttocks, scars in their place (see abscess after an injection).
  5. An incorrectly performed procedure - a “successful” hit in the sciatic nerve will tell the victim how wheelchair users feel. The sensitivity of the affected limb can be restored from 4 to 48 hours. All this time the leg will not obey - it is impossible to stand on it, bend it.
  6. Constant injections into one point will cause spontaneous scarring, which will require long-term physiotherapeutic procedures for recovery. The worst outcome is surgical removal of the problem area.

The above mistakes are among the most common; in fact, the list is endless. Anyone who has given an intramuscular injection incorrectly quickly realizes that the injection instructions were not written by chance.

Can all types of injections be given independently?

Many patients, when faced with the need to set up a course of injections, believe that injections at home are an easy process, but this is not so. If, for example, intramuscular injections do not pose a serious danger, and it is quite easy to do them even for yourself, then intravenous injections should be entrusted only to specialists. First of all, because they require a professional approach: it is not always easy to find a vein and it is very easy to leave bruises, and intravenous injections carry a much greater danger in terms of the likelihood of infection and infection.

To protect yourself, it is better to entrust any injection to a medical professional; besides, it is not necessary to go to the hospital; you can use the service of paramedics to administer injections at home.

For preventive purposes, it would be a good idea to take a massage course from qualified specialists at our clinic. Not only can it help cope with the consequences of poor conditions (bruises, hematomas, etc.), but it will also improve overall well-being.

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Even a simple consultation or routine examination requires one thing - time. Patients have to set aside several hours and travel specifically to a clinic or city hospital, not to mention full-scale procedures that must be performed regularly.

A fast and affordable alternative is a doctor at home from Doctor Mos! Our specialists will arrive at a time that is convenient for you, and then carry out comprehensive work - from diagnostics to professional medical care.

Preparing for the injection

In order to give an injection at home, you should take everything you need in advance:

  • cotton balls or disks;
  • syringe;
  • a drug with a normal shelf life.

For intramuscular injections, experts recommend choosing long needles, because short options can cause inflammation, since the substance will not be injected into the muscles, but subcutaneously.

A number of requirements are put forward to the one who will give the injection. First of all, these are hygiene standards:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap and treat them with an antiseptic or special alcohol wipes, use gloves;
  • it is forbidden to reuse syringes and needles;
  • prepare the workplace: you should place all the tools nearby so that you can easily use them if necessary.

Then the next stage begins - working with the drug. As a rule, the ampoule should be shaken before use and it is advisable to wipe it with alcohol. To open this type of packaging, special nail files are used, and it is more convenient to break off the tip using a piece of cotton wool.

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Then you need to carefully draw up the required amount of medicine, turn the syringe over and lightly tap it, this helps to collect air at the top of the syringe. To completely get rid of it, you need to slowly and effortlessly press the plunger, releasing the bubbles through the needle. The air comes out when the first drop of the substance appears from the syringe.

Certain rules have also been formulated for the patient: he must take a comfortable position in which it will be convenient for both the medical worker or relative to give the injection, and the patient himself can spend a sufficient amount of time, because some injections do not involve sudden physical activity immediately after the injection. For convenience, it is better to alternate the buttocks or other areas in which the injection is given.

How to prepare the ampoule and syringe?

Medicines and preparations in ampoules are usually produced in the form of a liquid solution or dry powder. Let's look at preparing the ampoule in both cases.

The main rule when giving an injection is to thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands to eliminate the risk of introducing infection into the patient’s body. It is highly advisable to use sterile gloves, which should also be wiped with a disinfectant.

Preparation of the ampoule and syringe with the drug:

  • Take the ampoule and shake it gently by tapping it lightly with your fingers. All the drug should flow down from the tip of the ampoule.
  • Then wipe the ampoule with a disinfectant. Using a special file, which is in the package with the medicine, file the tip of the ampoule. Usually there is a special colored notch at the site of the cut. If there is no notch, focus on the place where the tip of the ampoule passes from the narrow part to the wide one. If you are afraid of accidentally getting hurt, it is better to wrap the tip of the ampoule with a paper napkin, and then carefully break it off.
  • Prepare your needle. Typically, needles of a certain length and diameter are used for such injections. If you are unsure about choosing the right needle, it is better to check with your doctor or pharmacist. Place the needle and cap tightly onto the syringe. Remove the cap from the needle and immerse the syringe in the ampoule with the drug. Fill the syringe with the required amount of medicine, focusing on the division scale.
  • Turn the syringe over with the needle facing up. Gently press the plunger of the syringe to release all the air. Make sure that there is no air in the syringe with the medicine so that the injection does not harm the patient.

Let's consider the procedure if the medicine in the ampoule is a dry powder. This powder is pre-diluted with a special solution, which is best purchased in advance at the pharmacy. Carefully read the instructions for the medicine and select the right solution for it, or ask a specialist for help.

Preparation of powder for injection:

  • Purchase water for injection from the pharmacy in advance. Draw the required amount of water with a syringe and needle.
  • Disinfect the ampoule with powder well. Carefully pierce the cap with a syringe and needle to fill the ampoule with water for injection.
  • Shake the ampoule so that the consistency of the drug becomes homogeneous. Then draw the required amount of medicine into the syringe. It is more convenient to do this by turning the ampoule upside down.

After this, be sure to replace the needle with a new one. For further injection, you should not use the needle that was previously used to pierce the rubber cap and draw the solution with the drug. The needle may become dull and create discomfort for the patient during the injection process.

How to give an injection

The cost of giving an injection in medical institutions depends on many factors, for example, the type of injection, the complexity of the injection and medications, etc. But some people prefer to complete the course on their own, especially in cases where the hospital is far from home.

How to give an intramuscular injection

Most often, patients resort to intramuscular injections; they are easier to administer at home, and no additional equipment is required.

It is most convenient to give injections in the gluteal muscle. For the correct injection, it is important to conditionally divide the buttocks into 4 parts, and select the upper right zone for the injection to avoid damage to the sciatic nerve. Next stage of production:

  • you need to take a few pieces of cotton wool and lubricate the injection site with alcohol;
  • then you should place the syringe in your right hand and stretch the skin at the injection site;
  • the hand with the syringe is retracted 90 degrees relative to the surface and the needle is quickly inserted three-quarters into the muscle;
  • then you should gently press the syringe plunger, slowly injecting the medicine (in some cases, outdated syringes have to be held with both hands);
  • After administering the drug, you need to press cotton wool soaked in alcohol to the injection site and remove the needle with a sharp movement, maintaining the same 90-degree angle (the attached ball helps prevent infection and infection).

After this, you can massage the muscle with light movements for some time; this will not only help to better distribute the medicine, but also avoid the formation of bruises and hematomas.

Sometimes situations arise when it is not possible to seek the help of specialists, and there are no relatives nearby who could administer the injection. In emergency cases, you have to give the injection yourself. There are also a number of rules for self-administration: injections are most often placed in the outer thigh. To do this, you need to sit on a chair and relax your leg. The injection is made in the middle third of the thigh from the outside.

The drug is administered in a similar way, but it is important to ensure that only the fat layer gets into the fold, and not muscle tissue. Don’t forget to treat your skin with alcohol before and after injection.

How to give an intravenous injection

Intravenous injections are much more difficult to administer at home. Of course, it is better to go to a medical center or call a specialist at home, but if this is not possible, then it is important to do everything carefully.

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Intravenous injections are administered in the direction of blood flow; a noticeable wide vein in the elbow area is selected for injection. As with any other procedure, careful preparation is needed: treatment of the skin area, a tourniquet bandage slightly higher from the injection site. Next, you need to feel the vessel, place the needle at an angle of 45° and carefully insert the needle. It is better to choose imported samples, they are sharper and thinner. The solution is injected slowly, after the injection the area is clamped with a cotton swab. To avoid the formation of hematomas, experts recommend bending your arm at the elbow and holding it for a while.

How to give a subcutaneous injection correctly

In some cases, injections must be given subcutaneously. Injections are allowed in different areas:

  • the upper part of the left or right buttock;
  • the back of the shoulder (another person gives the injection);
  • thigh (middle third of the outer or anterior surface);
  • stomach - any area, with the exception of a circle around the navel with a radius of 5 cm).

The preparation for the procedure and the execution of the injection are exactly the same. The injection is administered with a quick and confident movement, orienting the needle at a right angle to the surface of the skin. Moreover, when choosing a location, it is worth excluding those areas where there are redness, bruises, wounds, painful areas, stretch marks or scars.

As a rule, administering an injection intramuscularly or subcutaneously does not pose any danger to the patient. But sometimes complications may occur in the form of fever, swelling, redness, allergic reactions (itching, rashes) or other side effects. In this case, you should not hesitate - you need to immediately call emergency help.

Itching and pain at the injection site

Sometimes after an injection, patients may experience unpleasant consequences: itching, redness or pain. There are many reasons for this: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, incorrect placement of the injection and improper care of the injection site, skin regeneration. As a rule, these sensations disappear 3-5 days after administration of the drug, but if the symptoms do not disappear, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Of course, it is better to find out in advance at the medical center how much the injection costs, but if this is not possible, then before administering the injection at home, you need to study all the rules in detail.

Preparatory stage

Before the first injection, you should purchase all the necessary attributes:

  • syringes - specially designed for intramuscular injection, with a long needle and a volume of 2 to 5 cubes (cm3);
  • medicine prescribed by the doctor - in solution or powder (requiring additional dilution);
  • cotton pads, balls or sterile medical cotton wool;
  • antiseptic solution - "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine", special wipes or solutions for injections, in the worst case - vodka, alcohol cologne will do.

Rubbing alcohol is more difficult to obtain - it is sold in small bottles and requires a doctor's prescription.

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