Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine: symptoms, causes, methods of treating the disease

Uncovertebral arthrosis is a chronic destruction of intervertebral cartilage in the cervical region, which leads to deformation of the vertebral discs and bones. The main danger posed by this disease is the compression of the spinal roots and plexuses, which impairs the conduction of nerve impulses. This leads to the development of dorsalgia (back pain), deterioration of tissue nutrition, sensitivity and reflexes in the innervation zone.

Uncovertebral arthrosis affects the frequency and intensity of the heart vessels, the processes of excitation and inhibition in muscles, the production of adrenaline (stress hormone), intestinal tone, blood clotting rate, enzyme function and blood glucose levels. As a result, the entire human body begins to undergo restructuring - we are talking not only about a decrease in motor activity, but also about a negative impact on all organs and systems. The restructuring occurs even at the cellular level due to changes in biochemical processes and affects the heart, kidneys, lungs, brain, stomach and intestines, and eyes.

In advanced cases, the nutrition of the brain is greatly deteriorated, causing the person to lose their ability to work. Even raising your arms above shoulder level becomes a difficult task due to acute weakness and severe pain. The disease affects memory, gait, hand motor skills and general well-being.

Without treatment, uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine has one result: disability.

The concept of uncovertebral arthrosis

Uncovertebral arthrosis

– this is a lesion of intervertebral tissues, leading to loss of functionality of the cervical spine, in the absence of proper treatment, causing loss of mobility and disability.

The key danger of this type of arthrosis is pinching of the spinal roots

, leading to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • deterioration in the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • insufficient tissue nutrition;
  • loss of sensation;
  • loss of a number of reflexes.

The presence of the disease has a direct impact on the intensity of vascular activity.

Contraindications to physical therapy

Complex exercise therapy for cervical arthrosis is not always permitted. Here are the main contraindications:

  • period of exacerbation of cervical arthrosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • if there is an aneurysm of the heart and aorta;
  • the presence of acute infectious diseases;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus;
  • threat of bleeding;
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • myopia.

Probable causes of the development of uncovertebral arthrosis

According to available data, among the most likely causes of uncovertebral arthrosis, it is customary to note the following:

  • developmental anomalies (presence of Oljenik's symptom/developmental disorders of the cervical spine/lower extremities);
  • poor posture;
  • professional characteristics;
  • inactivity, excess body weight;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • presence of problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • consequences of central nervous system diseases;
  • dystrophy of the muscular frame of the cervical spine.

It is worth noting that despite the level of development of modern medicine, there is idiopathic uncovertebral arthrosis

– a type of pathological process, in conditions of progression of which it is impossible to determine the most probable prerequisites for the pathology.

Symptoms of uncovertebral arthrosis

Studying the main subtleties and nuances of the development of the disease, it is worth highlighting the existence of a sufficiently large number of symptoms and signs of uncovertebral arthrosis, which make it possible to quickly diagnose the pathology.

Among the most striking symptoms of the pathological process, it is customary to highlight:

  • pain localized in the neck;
  • periodic numbness of the cervical region, back of the head or arms;
  • stiffness (mainly in the morning);
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased sleep quality;
  • atrophy, muscle dystrophy at the site of pathology.

Note that any manifestation of such a symptom of uncovertebral arthrosis as pain occurs mainly as a result of physical activity

, for example, after active turns of the head.

At later stages of pathology progression, a symptom or sign of uncovertebral arthrosis occurs, such as the formation of additional joints formed by overgrown bone tissue (osteophytes), which is formed to distribute the load in the cervical region.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

At the initial stage of development, uncovertebral arthrosis is asymptomatic. Moderate pain occurs only with excessively sharp turns of the head. The rest of the time, the pathology manifests itself as mild discomfort due to reflex tension of the neck muscles. Gradually the pain intensifies and becomes constant. They also occur at night, causing insomnia and deterioration of a person’s psycho-emotional state. In later stages of arthrosis, due to a decrease in the distance between adjacent vertebrae, compression of blood vessels and spinal roots is observed.

Specific symptoms of the disease appear:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • visual disturbances - temporary decrease in visual acuity, double vision of objects, flashing spots and circles before the eyes;
  • hearing disorders - tinnitus, feeling of fullness;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • soreness, feeling of a “lump” in the throat.

Due to compression of the vertebral artery by the displaced disc and osteophytes, insufficient oxygen reaches the brain. And infringement of the spinal roots leads to innervation disorder. Clinically, this can manifest itself as panic attacks, increased heart rate, sweating, and impaired coordination of movements.

Stages of uncovertebral arthrosis

Considering the features of degenerative-dystrophic processes localized in the cervical spine, we can distinguish four stages of pathology development:

Stage I

– average degree of tissue destruction of the intervertebral discs, loss of shock-absorbing effect, compensated by excessive tone of the muscle frame, accompanied by stiffness and pain.
Stage II
– loss of stability of the spinal column due to thinning of the cartilage tissue, which provokes subluxations and the formation of protrusions.
Stage III
- narrowing of the gap between the vertebrae leads to pinching of blood vessels, nerves and causes injury to adjacent muscle tissue.
The likelihood of developing serious, irreversible complications is increased. Stage IV
- the progress of the disease provokes the formation of a large amount of bone tissue, which causes not just limitation, but complete immobility of the cervical spine, accompanied by mild pain.

How to treat pathology

Therapy for uncovertebral arthrosis is aimed at eliminating pain, optimizing the load on the spine and preventing further progression of the disease. An integrated approach to treatment is practiced with the simultaneous use of all conservative methods that mutually enhance each other’s effects.

Drug treatment of arthrosis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most in demand in treatment. These drugs quickly eliminate pain and swelling, stop inflammation, which often develops after injury to soft tissues by osteophytes. NSAIDs are included in therapeutic regimens in various dosage forms. These are Fastum, Voltaren, Artrosilene gels, Celecoxib, Etoricoxib, Nise tablets, solutions for parenteral administration Movalis, Diclofenac, Xefocam. The patient may also be prescribed the following medications:

  • muscle relaxants Tolperisone, Tizanidine, enhanced by the anesthetic Mydocalm;
  • means for improving blood circulation Trental (Pentoxifylline), Nicotinic acid;
  • preparations with B vitamins - Milgamma, Combilipen, Neuromultivit;
  • ointments with a warming effect - Capsicam, Viprosal, Finalgon.

If NSAIDs are ineffective, uncovertebral joint blockades are performed with glucocorticosteroids and anesthetics. To partially restore damaged cartilage tissue and improve metabolism, chondroprotectors are used - Artra, Chondroxide, Teraflex, Dona. After 2-3 weeks of course use, their pronounced analgesic effect also appears.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

During relapses of arthrosis, patients are shown ultraphonophoresis with Hydrocortisone, ionogalvanization with Lidocaine or Novocaine, electrophoresis with analgesics, anesthetics. To increase the body's sensitivity to drug treatment, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, and modulated currents are used. Outside of an exacerbation, to improve the patient’s well-being and prevent relapses, the following physical procedures are performed:

  • amplipulse - therapeutic effect of alternating modulated current;
  • diadynamic currents - treatment with current in the form of a half-sine wave of constant strength up to 30 mA and low frequency 50-100 Hz;
  • Ultrasound - exposure to low-intensity, high-frequency sound vibrations.

Applications with paraffin and ozokerite, and hirudotherapy are also used. The impact of physical factors on the cervical spine helps to accelerate the blood supply to bone and cartilage structures with nutrients and prolong remission.

Orthopedic treatment

In the acute and subacute period, patients with uncovertebral arthrosis are recommended to wear Shants collars for up to 4 hours daily. Orthopedic devices are used to reduce the load on injured vertebral structures of the cervical spine. They prevent the displacement of discs and osteophytes, and prevent compression of blood vessels and nerve roots. For patients with pathology of 3-4 degrees of severity, wearing Shants collars is also indicated in remission.


Massage procedures for uncovertebral syndrome should be performed only by a specialist with a medical education who is familiar with the anatomy of the cervical spine. He works with his hands on the muscles, relaxing them through stroking, kneading, rubbing, and vibration. Neurologists recommend that patients visit a massage room 2-3 times a year to prevent relapses.


This is the most effective, affordable method of treating pathology. Exercises are selected by a physical therapy doctor individually for each patient, taking into account the severity of degenerative changes in joints, discs, and vertebrae. Usually they are recommended to rotate their head in a circular motion, tilt it and turn it to the sides. Movements should be low-amplitude, smooth, slow. After about a month of daily exercise, there is a decrease in pain and an increase in the range of motion in the cervical spine.


Indications for surgical treatment include compression of the spinal canal, persistent pain, and severe stiffness that cannot be eliminated by conservative methods. Surgeries are also performed in case of rapid progression of uncovertebral arthrosis. The most commonly used is decompression laminectomy followed by stabilization of the vertebral bodies.

Spa treatment

At the stage of remission, patients are recommended to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment in Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki. In specialized medical institutions, treatment methods are used aimed at strengthening the body's defenses, improving the functioning of not only the musculoskeletal system, but also internal organs. Sanatoriums use mud wraps, table mineral waters, radon, pearl, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide baths.


None of the folk remedies can slow down the destruction of uncovertebral joints. Ointments, compresses, and alcohol tinctures are also ineffective in eliminating pain, inflammatory swelling, and stiffness of movement. Therefore, neurologists allow them to be used by patients only after the main treatment to prevent relapses.

Diagnosis of uncovertebral arthrosis

Before starting treatment for uncovertebral arthrosis, it is important to correctly diagnose it and determine the stage of development of pathological processes


A thorough diagnosis of the pathological condition allows us to clarify the picture of the disease. The only most effective method for studying the problem is high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


There is simply no alternative to the diagnostic method. However, there are cases when computed tomography (CT)

with the use of a contrast agent in combination with a number of laboratory tests and observation of the patient in a hospital setting.


Traditional medicine such as ointments, compresses and rubbing will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease and improve the condition of cartilage tissue. However, these procedures do not replace drug treatment, but only increase its effectiveness.

  • Arthrosis of the cervical spine. Symptoms and treatment

Before using any product, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Propolis-based ointment

Propolis-based ointment can be prepared at home
. Necessary components:

  • crushed propolis – 1 part;
  • vegetable oil – 4 parts.

The products are combined and mixed thoroughly. The product is placed in a glass container. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. Apply to rub into the problem area 1-2 times a day.

Ointment based on geranium oil

Required ingredients:

  • geranium oil – 1 part;
  • sunflower oil – 1 part.

The products are mixed. The ointment is rubbed 2-3 times a day into problem areas. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis

The treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis is based on the following principles:

  • pain relief;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • blood flow stabilization;
  • improvement of metabolic processes occurring in brain tissue;
  • muscle stimulation.

To achieve the most effective results, taking into account the existing clinical picture, the use of various types of therapy is recommended. Let's look at some of them in more detail.


Treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine using medications

– the basis of therapeutic treatment related to conservative methods.

chondroprotectors are widely used

, as well as
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
, including
. In particularly advanced cases, it is recommended to combine them with steroids, which can reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

In addition, effective means of helping to relieve pain are drugs such as analgesics and antispasmodics, the selection of which is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the existing clinical picture.

In the process of treating uncovertebral arthrosis with drugs, drugs of various forms (tablets/capsules, gels or injections) can be used.

Physiotherapy and other techniques


is a separate area of ​​medicine that prefers exclusively natural or artificially created physical factors as treatment and prevention.

The use of physiotherapeutic techniques makes it possible to reduce the number of medications used and at the same time improve the effect of their use.

Existing physiotherapeutic methods used to treat uncovertebral arthrosis can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. Among the most effective methods of physiotherapeutic treatment, it is customary to highlight the following:

  • ultrasound/magnetic field therapy;
  • electrophoresis with the use of drugs;
  • mud therapy;
  • wraps using paraffin;
  • compresses using saline solution;
  • massages and a complex of manual therapy.

IMPORTANT! The use of physiotherapeutic treatment is possible only during the period of remission, in order to consolidate the effect of the use of medications.


The basis of treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis is complex therapy

. One of its components is dietary nutrition, which involves following a non-strict diet, the key limitation of which is reducing the amount of table salt consumed.

Throughout the entire treatment, as well as during the period of remission, the patient’s menu should be as varied as possible. It is important to enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it is important to get rid of bad habits and normalize the water balance in the body, which contributes to the effective restoration of cartilage tissue.

It is also worth noting that the clinical features of the disease do not allow patients to adhere to the basics of a vegetarian diet.

What is an orthopedic regimen for neck arthrosis?

Patients with arthrosis of any joint, including those using synovial fluid prosthetic preparations or other medications, are shown a special orthopedic regimen that will help avoid complications:

  • It is necessary to carefully control your posture, avoiding curvature.
  • During sedentary work, short breaks for physical activity are required.
  • Orthopedic collars from Shants help relieve stress from the cervical region - according to the doctor’s indications.
  • An orthopedic mattress and pillow will not be superfluous.

How to choose and wear a Shants collar?

Complex treatment of arthrosis of the cervical vertebrae also includes special gymnastics and professional massage. With the help of turns and rotations, bending and throwing back the head under the supervision of an instructor, it is possible to develop the motor capabilities of this part of the spine.

Intra-articular injections of the synovial fluid substitute “Noltrex” are not practiced for this type of arthrosis due to the specific localization. Instead, the patient may be offered professional massage or hardware methods for local and safe development of the deep and superficial back muscles. The main thing is to find a good specialist, trust him and not let the course of the disease run its course.

Possible complications and consequences

Like any other pathological process, uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical, in the absence of necessary therapeutic measures, can lead to complications and irreversible consequences that can arise as a result of illiterate diagnosis

lack of proper treatment

Among the most likely complications, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • decreased level of mobility;
  • pain of varying degrees of intensity;
  • visually noticeable deformation, the occurrence of hernia and protrusions;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • stroke;
  • periodic fainting;
  • instability of psycho-emotional state.

Causes of the disease

Deformation of the cervical joints is associated with the following reasons:

  1. Previous injuries and damage to the cervical spine. Injuries can vary, including sprains, falls and severe injuries.
  2. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the joints of the cervical vertebrae.
  3. The presence of age-related osteoporosis or degenerative cervical osteochondrosis.
  4. Less common causes are long-term deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals. Particularly detrimental to bones is a deficiency of calcium, cholecalciferol, magnesium and zinc.
  5. Endocrine disorders, malabsorption syndrome, and metabolic disorders have a negative impact on the health of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Presence of arthritis.

What factors in the development of the disease are provoking:

  1. Physical inactivity or excessive physical activity. An example is a sedentary lifestyle with little movement or professional sports.
  2. Constant sedentary work in an uncomfortable position.
  3. Age-related degenerative changes. After 40-50 years, natural aging of tissues is observed. The rate of development of degeneration is also related to the patient’s heredity and lifestyle.


The decisive factor in the prognosis for uncovertebral arthrosis is the early diagnosis of pathological processes.

The timely start of the fight against pathological processes allows us to talk about the success of the applied set of procedures. In 80% of the cases studied, a combination of drug and non-drug therapy helps to achieve positive results in the shortest possible time. In the remaining 20% ​​of cases, the problem of pathology development is solved with the help of the professionalism of neurosurgeons.


The best treatment for any disease is its prevention, preferably before the first symptoms appear.

The most effective methods of preventing uncovertebral arthrosis and a number of other diseases of similar etiology is maintaining a moderately active lifestyle.

Remember that human health is the most valuable wealth, the replenishment of which is not at all easy.

Avoid self-medication and, when the first signs of pathological processes develop, seek qualified medical help.


Pathogenesis of the disease

The blood supply to the intervertebral discs is disrupted and cartilage tissue is destroyed. As a result, surrounding tissues, nerves and blood vessels lose protection and are injured during movements. At this stage, damage to the cartilage tissue occurs, but bone deformation does not occur.

At the initial stage of the disease, symptoms are not expressed

If appropriate measures are not taken, over time the intervertebral tissue also begins to lose elasticity and other properties and the process of calcification begins, which entails the formation of bone growths. This causes immobilization of the joints and the appearance of stoop. Deformation of the vertebrae occurs, and nearby nerves and vessels are injured. There are pronounced symptoms.

In the initial stages, treatment is easy. As therapy develops, it becomes more and more difficult to carry out. For this reason, it is recommended to seek medical help after the first symptoms appear.

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