What does an orthodontist treat: what diseases does this doctor treat?

Thyroid dysfunction is a well-known problem with which women most often turn to an endocrinologist. Meanwhile, this specialist is almost the main one of those responsible for fine-tuning the body, and it is necessary to visit the endocrinologist regularly.
The endocrine system is the control panel for all functions of the human body. It is she, in close relationship with the immune system, that is responsible for the clear and uninterrupted functioning of internal organs. With the help of the release of certain hormones synthesized by proactive glands into the blood and lymph, the internal balance of the body and its autonomous independent functioning in the environment are maintained.

What does an otolaryngologist treat?

The scope of activity of an otolaryngologist is the treatment of all diseases and pathological conditions associated with dysfunction of the nose, throat, ears: hearing impairment, difficulty in nasal breathing, throat diseases. In addition, an otorhinolaryngologist may have a narrow specialization, for example, an otoneurologist (a specialist in the pathology of connections between the inner ear and various parts of the brain), an audiologist (a specialist in hearing restoration), a phoniatrist (a doctor specializing in the treatment of the vocal cords).

The patient needs an otolaryngologist if he has complaints about deterioration in the functions of such organs as:

  • ear;
  • throat;
  • larynx;
  • vocal cords;
  • nose;
  • paranasal sinuses;
  • tonsils;
  • esophagus;
  • bronchi.

What problems does an endocrinologist solve?

Depending on which of the endocrine glands problems are identified, diseases can be divided into several categories.

  • The pineal gland and pituitary gland are responsible for the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, setting the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, and regulating blood pressure. Failure in its functioning leads to diabetes insipidus, hyperprolactenemia, hypertension, and insomnia.
  • The adrenal glands produce a whole range of hormones and steroids that regulate electrolysis and ion exchange, protein breakdown and carbohydrate synthesis in cells. This is a real factory for the production of adrenaline and male sex hormone. Excessive production of them can turn a girl into a boy. Other adrenal gland problems lead to chronic diseases and hormonal tumors.
  • The pancreas releases polypeptides into the lumen of the duodenum. Failure in its operation guarantees metabolic disorders and diabetes.
  • The thyroid gland produces iodine-containing hormones. A lack of iodine in the body leads to such unsympathetic phenomena as goiter and hypothyroidism.
  • Gonads are sex glands. Their area of ​​responsibility is gender identification, maturation and adjustment of the reproductive system. Disruption of the gonads leads to menstrual cycle disorders, low sperm activity and infertility.

When is it necessary to contact an ENT specialist?

It is necessary to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist if you experience pain, discomfort or any other unusual sensations in the throat, ears or nasal cavities:

  • long-lasting runny nose;
  • loss or decrease in the sensitivity of smell;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing in the absence of discharge from the nasal passages;
  • headaches with difficulty breathing;
  • discharge from the ear;
  • discomfort or pain in the upper jaw and temples;
  • development of swelling of the oral mucosa, nasal mucosa;
  • deterioration or loss of hearing;
  • inflammation, increase in size, soreness of the cervical lymph nodes.

A significant deterioration in health, increased body temperature, weakness, and headache do not necessarily arise due to dysfunction of the ENT organs, but if these symptoms are combined with one of the above, a visit to an otolaryngologist is indispensable.

In addition to inflammatory-degenerative and infectious diseases, an otolaryngologist deals with the elimination of the consequences of injuries to the ear, throat, nose, and pharynx. Removing foreign objects from the ear or nose is a fairly common reason for visiting an ENT doctor, especially when it comes to children. Another of the most common complaints when visiting an otolaryngologist in children is the proliferation of tissues of the palate and nasopharynx - tonsils and adenoids. The doctor prescribes the necessary medication and physiotherapeutic treatment. In particularly severe cases, surgery may be recommended to remove the pathologically overgrown tissue.

Sinusitis is one of the most common diseases of the ENT organs. With sinusitis, the inflammatory process occurs in the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses. The disease is characterized by increased body temperature, difficulty in nasal breathing, severe headaches, and purulent nasal discharge. It is very important to start therapy for sinusitis at an early stage, when the disease has not yet turned into a chronic purulent form, otherwise sinusitis can provoke other diseases. Self-medication will not bring the expected result: a qualified otolaryngologist should develop treatment tactics and conduct it.

In case of imbalance, gait instability, or the development of vertigo, you also cannot do without the help of an otorhinolaryngologist, because the cause of the pathology can “hide” in the inner ear - a complex functional organ that is responsible not only for hearing, but also for balance.

If your hearing worsens, be sure to consult an ENT specialist. Often the cause of hearing loss can be cerumen plug, which is formed due to the structure of the ear, improper hygiene, or infections. An ENT doctor will make a diagnosis through a visual examination and prescribe adequate treatment - removal of the plug by rinsing.

An otorhinolaryngologist conducts a preventive examination when a patient registers for work or study, and a routine examination of pregnant women.

Orthopedic surgeon

An orthopedic surgeon deals with all problems of the musculoskeletal system.

If your posture is poor, the lower jaw shifts and it “pulls” the bite along with it.

All muscles and ligaments in the body work harmoniously. If bite asymmetry occurs, compensation inevitably occurs in the cervical or shoulder region, hence muscle strain and poor circulation. Almost all orthodontic patients have some degree of scoliosis or stooping. Although it is almost impossible to completely correct this problem in adults, it can be compensated for, thereby supporting treatment. Often, treatment aimed at relieving muscle spasms helps progress in correcting the bite, in addition, an integrated approach reduces the risk of relapses in the future, after treatment is completed.

An orthopedic surgeon can prescribe treatment that will help relieve muscle tension and eliminate tension in the shoulder, thoracic, and lumbar spine. This could be massages, physical therapy or physiotherapy.

How is the inspection carried out?

Like a doctor of any other specialization, an otolaryngologist begins an appointment by collecting an anamnesis and finding out the cause of the patient’s complaints. As a rule, the doctor is interested in previous infectious diseases, allergies to pollen, pet hair, and medications. In addition, the otorhinolaryngologist must find out whether the patient has a genetic predisposition to diseases or congenital pathologies of the larynx, nose, and ears.

After a conversation with the patient, the doctor proceeds directly to external examination and palpation. During an external examination, the doctor can use medical instruments and devices:

  • frontal reflector - a special spherical mirror used to illuminate the examined ENT organs by reflecting light;
  • rhinoscope - an optical device for examining the nasal cavities;
  • otoscope - a tool for examining the ear canals;
  • laryngeal or nasopharyngeal mirror;
  • double-sided spatulas;
  • ear funnel to assess the functional state of the eardrum.

If the doctor has not received enough information to make a diagnosis, he can use laboratory diagnostic methods:

  • blood analysis;
  • swabs from the nose and throat for microflora content;
  • puncture.

In modern otorhinolaryngology, examination methods such as:

  • radiography;
  • diaphanoscopy
  • CT scan;
  • Ultrasound;
  • endoscopy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

The use of modern instrumental and hardware methods allows us to make diagnostics as informative as possible.

If you are about to visit an otolaryngologist, this entire list of tools and methods for diagnosing diseases of the ENT organs should not cause fear: if the patient is calm and relaxed, all studies performed by the doctor will not cause pain or discomfort. Upon receipt of test data and other types of examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes adequate medication and physiotherapeutic treatment, and, if necessary, surgery.

Maxillofacial surgeon

This specialist is needed for those whose bite pathology requires surgery. Usually this is a pronounced mesial bite or a combination of several disorders, especially with a pathological narrowing of the jaw. The operation itself is only one of the stages of treatment; in preparation for it and after it, you still need to wear braces to stabilize the occlusion (closing of the teeth) and improve the aesthetics of the smile.

Surgical correction of the bite: the jaws are given the correct shape, but the teeth still need alignment

Where is ENT accepted?

If you need a consultation with an otolaryngologist in St. Petersburg, we invite you to visit the medical one. Reception is carried out by experienced ENT doctors who will be able to provide qualified assistance in the most complex diagnostic cases and help patients with advanced forms of the disease.

Doctors at the Panacea Clinic have at their disposal modern hardware and instruments, powerful laboratory and diagnostic facilities, and high-quality consumables. In the treatment of diseases, the doctors of our clinic adhere to the highest international standards of medical care.


This doctor is needed by almost everyone who is preparing to correct their bite. The fact is that a mandatory requirement before treatment is the elimination of all foci of caries, even superficial ones, and they are often impossible to notice on their own. It is also necessary to treat the common fissure caries (those that form in the recesses of the chewing teeth). After treatment, you need to carry out ultrasonic cleaning to remove tartar and Air Flow cleaning to completely remove soft plaque and polish your teeth. After such preparation, maintaining hygiene with braces or aligners will be easier.

Lifestyle recommendations

As preventative measures for myalgia of various origins, it is important to avoid heavy physical activity and stress, not to get too cold, to fully treat infectious diseases and to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Aching muscle pain is a fairly common occurrence; sometimes it is harmless and goes away soon, but sometimes it is a consequence of serious diseases that require monitoring and treatment. Highly qualified specialists of the Kuntsevo Medical and Rehabilitation Center are ready to provide timely and high-quality assistance in resolving this issue.

Conclusions. Expert advice

After reading the material, you understand who an orthodontist-dentist is and why you need to visit him regularly. If we summarize what has been said, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • the sooner you see a doctor with a problem, the better;
  • It is not necessary to prepare for the visit, but if you tell your child in advance about which specialist you are going to, this will simplify the visit to the orthodontist and make it easier for the child;
  • Treatment almost always takes a lot of time, but it gives results.


On average, a diagnosis by an orthodontist takes 30 to 40 minutes, but can take several days. It all depends on the patient’s desire to take certain photographs. Standard procedures included in the diagnostic list:

  • visual inspection;
  • a panoramic photograph that allows you to see the full view of the jaws, including the roots of the teeth, wisdom teeth, and tooth buds;
  • teleroentgenogram (TRG). It allows you to determine the cause of the anomaly, see the relationship of the jaws, and draw a conclusion about what treatment methods will be required;
  • 3D scanning or taking impressions of the jaws, with the help of which the exact dimensions of the jaw are determined;
  • photographing. It allows you to assess changes in the patient’s appearance and the dynamics of treatment;
  • 3D analysis or computed tomography (CT). Required if the doctor suspects a non-standard tooth tilt or other complex problems;
  • video recording that allows you to record functional disorders in movement.
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