Diadens: who needs this device, what it treats, instructions, reviews

What are Denas and DiaDance?

DENAS therapy, or dynamic electrical neurostimulation, is a technique of applying pulsed currents to certain areas of the body for a therapeutic effect. The procedure is used for a variety of diseases for pain relief, strengthening, and obtaining an antispasmodic effect.

Devices of the DENAS line are divided into universal and specialized. Suitable for treating the following systems and organs:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • ENT organs, lungs;
  • digestive tract;
  • in gynecology;
  • in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • in pediatrics;
  • for rehabilitation and support of the body after a debilitating illness, after operations.

In Moscow, our online store offers to buy DENAS. We sell certified products from trusted manufacturers, provide a guarantee on products and documents.

Both DENAS and DiaDance are small devices with wide functionality. Depending on the features of use, they are divided into different types.

Treatment programs

"Denas" is a device for treating a wide spectrum of action, therefore some programs work on the principle of interaction and influence through a neuroimpulse:

  • The electrical signal method is carried out as a neuroimpulse, which is supplied in the form of a direct current.
  • Dynamic influence – used for general therapeutic programs.
  • The method of activating individual areas - a persistent analgesic effect is achieved, which dulls the pain syndrome.
  • A treatment program using changing pulse shapes - it is used to activate the work of nerve fibers of different diameters.
  • The program for influencing ectopic activity is used to treat diseases of the visual organs.

The effectiveness of programs also depends on the form of biofeedback and skin resistance.

Device comparison table

The DENAS and DiaDance devices are similar to each other, but at the same time there are differences.
Let's describe them. Comparison of devices

Variety of modelsThere are complexes on sale that have a broad effect on systems and organs, as well as devices that have a targeted effect.The line is represented by several devices, including a unique one for facial skin care.
ApplicationEliminate any type of pain, reduce swelling, inflammation, help restore body functions after surgery. They are used to eliminate insomnia, stress, and to prevent chronic fatigue. There is Screening to identify problems in the body that require control. Depending on the chosen mode of operation, they are used to relieve pain, eliminate chronic pain, high blood pressure, swelling, and have a tonic effect. The Screening program is aimed at identifying problem areas for prompt response.
Additional functionsDENAS complex has a clear, detailed menu. Can be used for both adults and children of the first year of life. It is possible to set a timer and impact power. There are three operating modes: Test, Screening and Therapy. A choice of therapeutic frequencies is possible. As auxiliary modes there are MED, WALL, BIOWALL, BIOREPER, MiniAS modes.

Additional functions DENAS complex has a clear, detailed menu. Can be used for both adults and children of the first year of life. It is possible to set a timer and impact power. There are three operating modes: Test, Screening and Therapy. A choice of therapeutic frequencies is possible. As auxiliary modes there are MED, WALL, BIOWALL, BIOREPER, MiniAS modes.

The choice of one or another set depends on the desires of the buyer and his budget. If you don’t know what to choose, contact our store consultants: they will help you decide.

Features of application

DENS also has specific uses for certain diseases. All of them are indicated in the instructions for the devices or in the “Practical Guide to DENS”. But often people are not inclined to read the instructions and act on instinct. Moreover, many have heard about the general principle of DENAS-influence: where it hurts, put it there. However, this principle does not always apply and it is worth knowing about it.

For example, in case of heart diseases, it is possible to influence only the area of ​​the posterior projection of the heart and the Su-Jok projection of the heart; the anterior direct projection of the heart is not processed. Also, the anterior direct projection of the liver and gallbladder is not treated in the presence of gallstones - in remission. During the procedures, the direct projection of the uterus is not taken during pregnancy (Otherwise, the methods during pregnancy are the same as usual. And, of course, DENS can and should be used for pain relief during childbirth.).

There are other nuances, all of them are described in the “Practical Guide”. If you do not have this manual, there is nowhere to consult and you doubt something, then calmly treat the segmental zones of the organ that hurts and its projection according to Su-Jok. The therapeutic effect will be even better!

In addition, you should be very smart about setting the power. Here, too, everything is individual, but the general principle is this: high power (and frequency) is taken for acute, strong, fresh pain. The less pronounced the complaint, the lower the power and frequency.

For most conditions and diseases, a frequency of 77 or 60 Hz and average is suitable, i.e. comfortable power (slight tingling under the electrodes). For the treatment of chronic diseases, low and infra-low frequencies (20, 10 and less than 10 Hz) and minimal or comfortable power are used. For effects on the head and face - the power is no more than 5 units; in rare cases, in case of acute pain, you can take it a little higher. (High power on the face is taken only when treating resuscitation points, if a person, for example, has lost consciousness.)

High power is not used in procedures for people prone to high blood pressure. For hypertensive patients, treat the cervical-collar area at minimum power, moving the device from top to bottom. Also, the minimum power (up to 5 units) is used when performing DENS procedures in preschool children, as well as in very elderly people with a large number of various chronic diseases.

How do the devices work?

The operation of DENAS devices is based on dynamic electrical stimulation technology. The devices affect problem areas with current pulses, the intensity of which is regulated. Device developers guarantee that the method is highly effective, safe, and accessible to people of any age category.

Energy information impulses are special stimuli that have a natural origin. They affect only the top layer of skin and do not penetrate into tissues and organs. Through nerve endings, impulses pass to the diseased organ, reducing pain, relaxing or, conversely, toning.

DENAS devices generate neuron-like impulses - the same ones are formed in the human body. For this reason, the effect of the device is perceived as familiar, and no rejection or reaction occurs. The impulse is characterized by constant changes, so excessive influence and addiction do not occur.

There is a fairly limited list of contraindications to the use of devices. They are useful for use at home, as well as in preventive and medical institutions. Therapy using DENAS devices is indicated for many functional disorders and does not require additional drug support.

People without special education will be able to learn how to set up devices. Manufacturers provide detailed instructions, and we, as a representative company of the brand, provide advice on issues of use.

Contraindications for DENS

Like any therapeutic technology, DENS therapy has contraindications. Their list is very short (shorter than many other physical therapy treatments). DENS therapy specialists divide these contraindications into two groups – absolute and relative.

There are two absolute contraindications.

  • Individual intolerance to electric current
  • Presence of an implanted pacemaker

In these cases, we tell people: “You can’t.”

It is worth noting that if you have various other implants or structures in your body, then you can absolutely safely pick up DENAS. There will be no harm to you or your implants.

Relative contraindications are those cases in which the use of DENS therapy should be agreed upon with the attending physician, i.e., approach the treatment more carefully. Let's consider each of them separately.

  • Status epilepticus

Many people confuse status epilepticus with epilepsy. Status epilepticus (epistatus) is a disease in which epileptic seizures follow one after another (usually more than 30 minutes), and in the intervals between seizures the patient does not regain consciousness. In this case, the person requires hospitalization. Epilepsy is one of the chronic neurological diseases, which manifests itself in the body’s predisposition to the sudden occurrence of convulsive attacks. And with this disease, DENS can be used to treat various complaints.

  • Neoplasms (tumors) of any etiology and localization

It is not recommended to use DENAS devices in the direct projection of neoplasms. But you can successfully carry out procedures for various other problems (except for the tumors themselves). The use of DENS technologies is reasonable at all stages of cancer treatment as an additional method (for example, postoperative pain relief). The decision to use this method in a particular cancer patient is made by the attending physician or a council of doctors. About the latest research on the use of DENS in oncology, see this interview.

  • Acute febrile conditions of unknown etiology

Fever is an increase in body temperature, accompanied by chills and other unpleasant symptoms. If you catch a cold and have a high temperature (above 38.5 degrees), then use the DENS method to reduce the temperature and alleviate the condition. But if the reason for the rise in temperature is unclear and has been going on for quite a long time, then naturally you need to see a doctor, undergo an examination, and identify the cause of the elevated temperature. This contraindication is associated with the need for medical consultation.

  • Vein thrombosis

Thrombosis is a pathological condition characterized by the formation of blood clots (blood clots). Thrombosis of the lower extremities occurs most often. And in this case (as in the presence of neoplasms), we only limit the area of ​​influence during the DENS procedure: we do not take a direct projection of the thrombosed veins, so as not to mechanically damage them with the body of the device. Otherwise, we use DENS therapy as usual. And we remember that dynamic electrical neurostimulation normalizes blood circulation and vascular tone.

  • State of acute mental, drug or alcohol agitation

We leave this contraindication without comment. It is unlikely that anyone who is high needs DENAS procedures...

Instructions for Denas and DiaDance devices

Hardware influence is used in a number of cases:

  • as the main method of treatment if pharmacological therapy is contraindicated or does not produce the expected effect;
  • component of complex therapeutic influence;
  • for single symptom treatment and support.

Each DENAS device presented in our store has an instruction manual, because the features of use for the devices are different. Let us highlight common points that are typical for all devices:

  • no special conditions are required for organizing the space: the user must sit or lie in a comfortable position, after the session it is advisable to remain calm for 10-15 minutes;
  • during the procedure, the electrodes should easily touch the skin, that is, be constantly in contact with the body;
  • after the session, the electrodes are treated with a disinfectant;
  • Having turned on the device, the user goes to the menu and selects the desired item, focusing on the needs;
  • Next, you need to select the frequency with which the device will act on the diseased organ; you can use the recommendations written in the instructions;
  • the procedure time is selected;
  • After the session is completed, the device will emit a voice signal.

During operation of the device, the user can pause it and adjust the specified parameters. Managing the “Settings” menu is as simplified as possible: there you can set the required values ​​for screen brightness, signal volume, activate auto-shutdown, etc.

Side effect

The authorization for the use of DENS medical technology (which was already mentioned at the beginning of this leaflet) indicates two side effects: skin irritation in the area where the electrodes are placed and an allergic reaction to the metal components of the electrodes. In this case, we recommend that you switch to working with external electrodes, for example, DENAS applicators, which, unlike the metal built-in electrodes of the device, are hypoallergenic, i.e. cannot cause allergic reactions. And if allergies have already appeared, then use the appropriate program from the NEURODENS-PCM device.

I would also like to warn novice users of the devices that other “side effects” of DENS therapy are possible. For example, after a course of DENAS-Vertebra, not only back pain may go away, but also a sore throat, which you may have become so accustomed to that you have given up on it and practically do not notice it. Or sexual function (both male and female) may normalize. So be prepared for pleasant surprises...

What effect does the Denas device have?

The use of DENAS brand devices activates the work of body systems and individual organs, and also normalizes their functioning. The devices have the following effect:

  • relieves inflammation, relieves pain, strengthens, removes swelling of tissues;
  • normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • strengthens blood vessels, heart muscle, improves blood flow;
  • help accelerate tissue regeneration, therefore indicated for use after injuries and surgery;
  • serve to organize maintenance therapy after strokes and help restore the function of affected limbs.

You should not use the devices if a person has an individual intolerance to electrical stimulation, indications that prohibit the use of such devices, or mental illness.

If it doesn't help you...

Call us at the Ekaterinburg DENAS Center - we’ll discuss and advise. Perhaps in your case a course of treatment is required. Do not forget that one course is 10-15 procedures of 30-40 minutes (for adults) at a minimum, and in some cases not one course is required, but several. Or you should change your treatment regimen and use other zones and frequencies. DENAS devices allow for an individual approach to the treatment of each person. This is their dignity.

In general, if you have performed five to seven full-fledged DENS procedures and have not noticed any changes in your condition, then this is a reason to change your treatment regimen. “Medical school” will help you learn how to choose it correctly. We hold these events quite regularly and in various forms; they are trained by medical doctors. You can find out about school schedules in the news on our website or by filling out the appropriate form “Training for DENAS device users.”

Types of Denas and DiaDance devices

Specialized DENAS devices are divided into universal and special. In our online store you can buy devices of various types:

  • DENAS-cardio – for training blood vessels and returning them to normal tone;
  • DENAS-osteo – for the treatment of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • DiaDENS-cosmo - used to combat age-related skin problems: nourish, get rid of wrinkles, restore the clarity of the oval of the face;
  • DENAS-Vertebra – back care;
  • Neuro-DENAS – for the treatment of prolonged chronic and severe pain;
  • DENAS and DiaDENS complexes are universal devices, have many programs and great possibilities for use.

Our professional Internet portal offers you to purchase original DENAS devices in Moscow at a reasonable price. We will help you choose the right option especially for you.

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