Vitafon device. What it treats, instructions for use, price

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Description and technical specifications

Design and principle of operation

The Vitafon device consists of an electronic unit and two paired transducers connected to it by a cord - vibraphones with membranes. The electronic unit has a built-in power plug. On the front panel of the electronic unit there are switches for modes of vibroacoustic influence; next to them on the label their positions for each mode are shown. The vibraphones of the device stimulate microvibration of body tissues by contact method; the frequency of microvibrations continuously changes automatically according to a given cyclic program within the sound range. The left switch controls the amplitude of microvibrations, the right switch turns on pulse frequency modulation. Switching modes can be done without disconnecting the device from the network.

Therapeutic effect

Vitafon contact method within a radius of 7-10 cm excites microvibration of tissues with a continuously changing sound frequency. The frequency change is chosen in such a way as to provide conditions for increased conductivity for all vessel diameters. As a result, the muscles relax and not only microcapillary blood flow increases, but also lymph flow. This effect cannot be achieved either with the help of massage, or with the help of drugs, or with the help of other known principles. It is noteworthy that the increase in blood flow and lymph flow is greater, the higher the pathology. During operation, vibraphones (Vitafon converters) emit a weak magnetic field and long-wave infrared radiation, which are also successfully used in physiotherapeutic equipment. The use of biophysical principles of therapeutic action and a successful design solution made the device not only extremely effective, but also accessible to every family. In most cases, Vitafon is used without drugs, because blood is the best medicine. When Vitafon is used in combination with medications, their concentration increases only in the painful area. As a result, more effective treatment can be achieved at lower doses and with fewer side effects.

What is Vitafon

Phonics is a method of physiotherapy in which a diseased area of ​​the body is exposed to acoustic vibrations to stimulate microcapillary blood flow and lymph flow. At the same time, tissue microvibration improves, the deficiency of which leads to the development of various pathologies due to the accumulation of damaged cells. In addition, with weak vibration, the supply of elements necessary for their development to the tissues is reduced, which leads to increased necrosis.

Increasing the speed of capillary blood flow, lymph flow, and stimulating microvibration using phonation is achieved by reducing the hydrodynamic resistance of blood vessels. This is possible under the influence of a certain frequency of the acoustic wave, the magnitude of which depends on the diameters of the capillaries. During the session, a wide range of changing frequencies is used, which allows you to stimulate the work of all capillaries, regardless of their size.

The sound waves emitted by the device are capable of penetrating ten centimeters deep into the body, so the procedure can affect the functioning of many organs and systems. Microvibration coming from outside is significantly different from vibration that can damage tissue. Difference in frequency and amplitude range (see table):

Variety frequency Hz Amplitude, mm
microvibration from 0.1 to 10,000 from 0.0001 to 0.05
vibration from 0.1 to 100000 from 0.1 to 10

The higher the frequency and amplitude with which the impact occurs, the greater the likelihood of cell death due to vibration. For this reason, the use of vibrating massagers has a limited time and many contraindications. An amplitude that is safe for the body is one that does not exceed the size of the cell, that is, below 0.05 mm. It can be used to accelerate the healing of wounds, fractures, reduce hematomas, and hernias. In addition, with the help of properly performed phonation, the following effects can be achieved:

  • compensate for weak microvibration in tissues and organs;
  • improve metabolism, supply of nutrients to tissues and cells;
  • stimulate the immune system, reduce the body’s susceptibility to diseases, quickly get rid of flu, colds and other respiratory diseases;
  • improve lymph flow;
  • stimulate tissue healing;
  • shorten the healing time of fractures, stimulate the restoration of joint mobility;
  • improve intracellular respiration;
  • relieve pain, inflammation, swelling;
  • get rid of hematoma;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • relieve muscle fatigue;
  • cleanse tissues of toxins, metabolic products, dead cells, and waste.

The first device for phonation was the vibroacoustic device Vitafon. The first version of the device appeared in 1992, was tested and two years later was recommended for use by the KNMT commission of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation. Since then, several devices of this type have appeared.

Vitafon is the easiest model to operate, produced since 1994. It consists of an electronic unit that has a built-in power plug. There are 2 buttons on the front panel with which you can specify one of four operating modes. Two soldered converters are connected to the electronic unit. These are vibraphones that are applied to the body. Once the device is turned on, they send constantly changing sound frequencies into the body, causing microvibrations. The device has the following technical characteristics:

  • electrical voltage: 220 V;
  • weight of the device without packaging: 0.5 kg;
  • power consumption: no more than 6 VA;
  • supply frequency: 50 Hz;
  • low / high frequencies 1 subrange: 40 Hz / 3 kHz;
  • low / high frequencies 2 subranges: 0.3 / 18 kHz;
  • frequency change time: 80….160 s;
  • microvibration amplitudes at the lowest frequency: in modes 1 and 3 fluctuates between 2.8 - 5.4 µm; in modes 2 and 4 between 6 - 12.3 µm.

Among the disadvantages of the first model is the lack of a timer to set the time of exposure to the diseased area. The power supply is combined with the control unit, so for ease of use you need a power extension cord. Otherwise, you will have to stand near an outlet during the procedure. The device has only 2 vibraphones, so one session at maximum mode takes 1-1.5 hours. In this case, treatment is required 2-3 times a day.

After some time, new models with greater capabilities appeared. Among them:

  • Vitafon-T. In addition to the basic configuration, there is a timer, an indicator, automatic shutdown, separate control and power units, and cuffs that are applied to the affected area and expand the treatment area. The session takes 1-1.5 hours and should be done 2-3 times a day.
  • Vitafon-IR. The model is almost a complete analogue of the first model, only instead of one vibraphone, it has an emitter installed, which has a very pronounced effect, the task of which is to relieve pain and relieve inflammation.
  • Vitafon-5. It is possible to connect more than 6 vibraphones, a built-in battery, with which the procedure can be carried out in any position of the body. The set includes an ORPO mattress, thanks to which you can do sessions aimed at general support of the body, incl. liver, kidneys, the entire spine area. The model includes a battery designed for 8 hours of continuous operation.
  • Vitafon-2. The device is designed for use in a hospital, but it can also be used at home. There are variants of the device with basic and extended configuration. The basic model includes 2 infrared emitters, 2 dual vibraphones, and an anti-bedsore mattress with 9 vibraphones. The device can be adjusted based on the patient's weight and height. The procedure on such a device will take 30-45 minutes.

Mechanism and principles of action

Vitafon is intended for the treatment of diseases through microvibration effects. In this case, the level of exposure of the device can be independently adjusted. This feature is available on all models regardless of cost.

Microvibration is necessary both for the maintenance and functioning of the immune system, and for the normal functioning of all internal organs.

Microvibration in the body occurs due to the contraction of muscle cell fibrils, which helps transport nutrients to all internal organs, increases blood flow and energizes the body.

The absence of microvibrations leads to a decrease in immunity, which, in turn, disrupts the body’s self-healing functions.

Systematic use of the device leads to the restoration of microvibrations in a particular area and internal organs.

The number of sessions, mode of operation and time of general application of vibration influence depend on the form of the disease and the age of the patient. Thus, in children under 10 years of age, it is recommended to use the device only in one mode of operation, since other use can lead to various negative reactions and only aggravate the course of the disease.

Type of violationSession durationNumber of sessions
Impotence, prostatitisUp to 20 min. No more than 2 times a day. 19 procedures
Wound surfaces, trophic ulcers, hematomas, postoperative suturesAt least 10 min.For sutures – 5 procedures
For wound surfaces – 9 sessions
FracturesFrom 20 to 40 min. per day 30 procedures
Consequences of dislocationsNo more than 50 min.14 sessions
Pathologies of the respiratory system15 minutes.
In chronic forms, the time can be increased to 25 minutes.
15 procedures
Gout30 min.5 procedures
Diseases of the articular system40 min. with alternating mode changes (every 20 minutes) 1 month
OtseochondrosisIndividuallyThe number of sessions is selected individually. Therapy is carried out in courses of 3 weeks with an interval of 14 days
Eye diseasesUp to 10 min.Individually
Pathologies of ENT organsFrom 3 to 10 min.Individually
Liver and gallbladder diseasesFrom 5 to 16 min.Individually
Diseases of the renal system10-40 min.Individually

Before starting treatment, you should consult with a specialist, since in some cases (older age, complications) it may be necessary to adjust the time of the session.

Rules for using Vitafon

Before you start using Vitafon, you must carefully read the instructions for use. The device cannot be used in the following situations:

  • connect to the network without checking the integrity of the housing, wires, sockets;
  • turn on the device if the cover of the electronic unit housing is removed;
  • use the device in showers and bathrooms;
  • cover the device during operation with pillows and other heat-insulating objects;
  • turn on the device for two hours after it was brought in from the cold.

Before turning on the Vitafon, you need to make sure that it is not damaged and that no water has entered the case. Moisten a cloth in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, wring it out well, then wipe the membranes that will be applied to the body. Next you need to proceed as follows:

  • Connect the device to the power supply. If the length is not enough, you can use network extension cords.
  • Click on the “Start” button and make sure that the data on the display is displayed normally.
  • Check that the sound frequency is continuously changing; frequency ranges are automatically switched. In this case, the frequency should be at the same level for the first half a minute.
  • Select the operating mode, place the vibraphones on the painful area, making sure that they fit snugly to the body. For hygienic reasons, place a thin layer of gauze between the transducer membranes and the body. Vibraphones can be held with your hands during the procedure, but it is better to secure them with an elastic bandage. Place the converters at an angle of 90° relative to each other: this will increase the power in the area where their axes intersect by 1.4 times. There is no need to place the transducers opposite each other, since in this position their actions cancel each other out.
  • After the procedure, disconnect the Vitafon from the network and disinfect the membranes.

Main technical characteristics

  • Supply voltage from AC mains, V … 220 ± 22
  • Supply frequency, Hz ... 50
  • Power consumption, VA, no more than ... 15
  • Supply voltage from external DC source, V … 12 ± 2
  • Time of continuous operation of the device, h, not less than ... 8
  • Average service life of the device, years, not less than ... 5
  • Weight of the device (set), net, kg, no more than ... 2.0
  • Overall dimensions, mm, no more than: control unit ... 121x70x24 power supply ... 80x50x90 vibroacoustic module (type A vibraphone) ... 51x41x15

Indications for use

The instructions for use indicate that Vitafon can be used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, and this list is constantly expanding. Indications for phonation are:

  • osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, joint diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, scoliosis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland, impotence, prostate adenoma (the tumor should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor and constant testing);
  • mastitis;
  • injuries, fractures, wounds, postoperative sutures;
  • swelling, hematomas, bruises, dislocations, sprains;
  • burns, frostbite, calluses;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis (runny nose), tonsillitis (sore throat), inflammation of the middle ear
  • bronchitis;
  • hypertension;
  • renal failure, pyelonephritis, gastritis;
  • cystitis, constipation, hemorrhoids.
  • dental periodontitis, stomatitis, glaucoma.

The device is used for insomnia and to relieve fatigue. The instructions for use indicate that the device is relevant in cosmetology: it can be used to treat acne, get rid of trophic ulcers, boils, and carbuncles. The device is used by speech therapists - it helps restore and develop the voice.

Treatment with Vitafon

Before using the device, it is necessary to undergo an examination that will confirm the appropriateness of using the device and identify contraindications. The duration of one procedure should not exceed one hour, even with simultaneous treatment of several diseases. The breaks between courses of therapy should be at least 5 days.

The instructions for the device indicate in detail where the Vitafon should be applied when treating a particular disease, what mode to set, the duration of the procedure and course of therapy. The treatment zone of influence is a radius of 7 cm, along large blood vessels the area increases by another 5-7 cm. For osteochondrosis, the instructions for use instruct you to act as follows:

  • The patient lies on his back, having previously spread a soft bedding. If cervical osteochondrosis is to be treated, place a pillow under the shoulders and neck.
  • The vibraphones are placed under the back and attached to the sore area, following the drawing in the instructions.
  • Keep sick areas of the body warm, there should be no drafts.
  • 1-2 sessions are required per day, the duration of which depends on the type of device and the doctor’s instructions. If weakness or dizziness occurs, reduce the session time.
  • If after the eighth procedure there is no effect in mode No. 1, continue to set mode No. 2. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor.

In case of hematoma, a vibraphone is attached to the diseased area and mode No. 4 is set. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. One or two sessions are needed per day. According to the instructions for use, the course of treatment lasts 5-10 days. If the hematoma lasts too long, the session time can be extended to 40 minutes, the course of therapy – up to 4 weeks. Slight swelling goes away after 1-2 sessions.

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The device has proven itself successfully for constipation. According to the instructions for use, the device should be used as follows:

  • a vibraphone is installed above the anal area;
  • the patient lies on his back, a pillow is placed under the pelvic area;
  • Mode No. 1, 2 or 4 is set.
  • The duration of the session is 15 minutes, the course of treatment is 1-3 days, 1-2 sessions need to be done per day.

In case of arthritis or joint disease, the transducers are placed on the diseased joint in the most even area at an angle of 90° to each other. Set mode No. 4 for 10-20 minutes, then mode No. 2 for 10-20 minutes. If the joint is inflamed, apply anti-inflammatory ointment to the skin after the procedure. According to the instructions for use, the course of treatment is one month.

Possible harm and side effects

To date, no side effects associated with the use of the device have been reported. The device is absolutely safe and does not cause negative reactions if the rules of use are followed.

Harm from vibroacoustic effects may occur when the device is used in patients with contraindications. During pregnancy, the device may cause harm to the fetus. If tumors are present, the device can provoke their further growth and development. In atherosclerosis, vibration can ultimately lead to rupture of blood vessels.

special instructions

During the procedure, warmth or slight vibration is felt. If the nerve center is in the affected area, pain may appear, which will go away after 2-3 sessions. If the pain does not subside on the third day, you should stop using the device and consult a doctor for advice. Therapy for chronic diseases often occurs against a background of severe pain that does not subside within 5-10 days. When using the device, they gradually disappear at the end of treatment, but a repeat course may be necessary.

Among the shortcomings of Vitafon, users highlight noise. For this reason, it is not advisable to perform procedures while someone is sleeping or engaged in activities that require silence. The downside of the first release model is that it has a short cord that requires a power extension cord. Otherwise, it is difficult to conduct sessions in a supine position.


Although Vitafon is effective in treating many diseases, in some cases it cannot be used. According to the instructions, the following conditions are contraindications for use of the device:

  • body temperature exceeding 37.5°C – microvibration stimulates hyperthermia;
  • pregnancy (during lactation the procedure is allowed because it stimulates the flow of milk, preventing the development of lactostasis);
  • malignant tumors, metastases;
  • severe atherosclerosis – vessels lose flexibility, elasticity, become brittle, and therefore can rupture under the influence of microvibration;
  • thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the internal walls of veins with subsequent formation of a blood clot);
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • in the area of ​​effect of implanted stimulators.

The Vitafon device is prohibited from being used in the area of ​​the heart or large vessels, as it can provoke arrhythmia and heart rhythm disturbances. The device cannot be installed in the liver area, since treatment methods have not been developed. In case of cholelithiasis or urolithiasis, the use of the device is possible only under the supervision of a physician.


Using the device leads to lasting results and positive changes only with regular use.


  • restoration and improvement of nerve fiber conductivity;
  • improving the outflow of lymph and venous blood;
  • elimination of stagnant processes and, as a result, removal of swelling and restoration of the functionality of internal organs;
  • removing toxins and harmful substances from the body;
  • prevention of autoimmune diseases;
  • restoration of immunity and protection of the body from colds, viral and infectious diseases - influenza, hepatitis, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections;
  • preventing the development of allergic reactions;
  • improving the filtration properties of the body;
  • protection of the skin from various negative factors;
  • restoration of the cardiovascular system;
  • improved blood flow;
  • ensuring normal cellular nutrition;
  • reducing the severity of pain caused by various disorders in the musculoskeletal system - injuries, degenerative changes in the joints or spine;
  • increasing endurance and performance;
  • rejuvenating effect due to slowing down the aging process.

Thanks to its wide spectrum of action, the device has a comprehensive preventive and therapeutic effect.

The first results can be noticed after just a few sessions. However, in moderate and severe forms of disorders, it may take several weeks or months for a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Vitafon price

The vibroacoustic device Vitafon in Moscow and the Moscow region can be bought in stores that sell medical equipment. The device can also be ordered on the manufacturer’s website. Average prices are as follows:

Model Price
Vitafon 5790 rub.
Vitafon-T 6790 rub.
Vitafon-IR 7590 rub.
Vitafon-5 13550 – 14750 rub.
Vitafon-5 with vibroacoustic mattress 22500 rub.
Vitafon-2 14800-16280 rub. (depending on the configuration)
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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