Instructions for use OSTEOTAB

In the treatment of arthrosis, the drug Osteogenon has found widespread use. This medication has a unique composition that allows you to completely restore bone tissue and normalize the crystallization process. "Osteogenon" is a highly effective product, while being absolutely harmless to the human body. But, despite its safety, the medicine in question should be used in the fight against arthrosis as prescribed by a qualified doctor.


The core of one Osteogenon tablet contains 830 milligrams of the active ossein-hydroxyapatite compound , which, in turn, consists of collagens (216 mg), non-collagenous proteins and peptides (75 mg), calcium (178 mg), calcium hydrogen phosphate ( hydroxyapatite ) (approximately 444 mg), phosphorus (82 mg), inactive organic fractions (approximately 95 mg).
Among the auxiliary compounds included in the drug are colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, and magnesium stearate. The drug shell contains hypromellose , titanium dioxide, as well as yellow iron oxide, talc and macrogol.

Conditions of release and storage

To buy Osteogenon you will need a prescription prescribed by your doctor. The instructions for use note that it is important to preserve the medication in a room where the temperature will not rise more than 30 degrees. Such a place should be cool and dry, access to it should be closed to children and direct sunlight. The shelf life is no more than 4 years from the date of manufacture of the pharmaceutical product, the date of which is marked on the package.



Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Active medicinal compounds contained in Osteogenon function as regulators of phosphorus-calcium metabolism . This drug has found wide use in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis due to its dual effect on metabolism . On the one hand, the drug stimulates osteoblasts , and on the other, it has an inhibitory effect on osteoclasts .

Due to the content of calcium in the drug in proportion to phosphorus 1:2, the drug promotes the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby promoting the production of parathyroid hormone , which, in turn, reduces bone resorption .

The medicine helps slow down the process of calcium release from hydroxyapatite , which blocks the manifestations of hypercalcemia . In addition, phosphorus contained in the chemical composition of the drug is involved in the crystallization of the same hydroxyapatite, which helps slow down the excretion of calcium from the body by the kidneys.

ossein in the drug, bone tissue remodeling occurs. This process inhibits tissue resorption and stimulates bone formation . Osteocalcin contained in the medicinal compound binds calcium, thereby promoting accelerated crystallization of bone tissue, and collagen forms the bone matrix.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

"Osteogenon", which is considered the safest pharmaceutical drug, however, not everyone is allowed to use it to cure arthrosis. Persons with hypersensitivity to its components, as well as severe renal impairment, should avoid taking the medicine. "Osteogenon" is not suitable for the treatment of arthrosis in patients who have been diagnosed with increased calcium concentrations in plasma and urine. In medicine, there is no data on the safety and effectiveness of the drug in pediatrics, which means its use in children under 18 years of age is contraindicated. In addition, Osteogenon should be used with particular caution when stones are present in the organs of the urinary system.

The pharmaceutical drug in question is well tolerated and therefore the risk of adverse symptoms when using it is minimal. It is extremely rare for patients to experience allergic reactions and increased calcium levels in the blood and urine. There were no other negative symptoms from taking Osteogenon tablets.

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Indications for use

The drug is recommended for use if:

  • osteoporosis of any degree of complexity, including those caused by arthritis , hyperthyroidism , kidney and liver diseases, hyperparathyroidism, as well as immobilization , the use of heparin or corticosteroids;
  • osteopenia and imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the body, including during pregnancy , as well as during breastfeeding ;
  • bone fractures , as well as for their speedy healing.

Direct prescription of tablets

The drug is prescribed for bone fractures.
The manual for the use of Osteogenon states that the pharmaceutical is prescribed when the patient has the following conditions:

  • osteoporosis, including that which occurs against the background of arthritis, arthrosis, liver and kidney diseases;
  • osteopenia;
  • lack of phosphorus and calcium in the body, which can occur, for example, during pregnancy or lactation;
  • fractures.

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special instructions

People with impaired kidney function should avoid using this drug for a long time.

For patients with a predisposition to urolithiasis , it is vitally important to adhere to a special regimen and dosage of the drug.

Since Osteogenon contains a trace amount of sodium chloride in its chemical composition, the drug is approved for use in the treatment of patients who suffer from arterial hypertension .

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

How to use Osteogenon for arthrosis?

Before you begin treating arthrosis with Osteogenon, you must consult with a qualified specialist and determine your individual dosage.

The annotation for the drug describes general recommendations regarding dosage and duration of therapy. The doctor selects a therapeutic regimen individually for each patient, depending on the severity of the disease and its condition. According to the instructions for Osteogenon, you should take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. The dragees are swallowed without crushing and washed down with a sufficient amount of water. It is allowed to take the medicine at any time of the day, regardless of meals. The duration of the treatment course is usually 90 days. If you need to take Osteogenon for a longer period of time, it becomes necessary to control the level of calcium in the urine and blood.

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Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The drug can be used to treat pregnant women after consultation with the doctor.
Osteogenon is often prescribed for the treatment of arthrosis for women carrying a child and nursing mothers. The medication does not contain substances that can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the baby or aggravate the course of pregnancy. However, Osteogenon should be used in the fight against arthrosis strictly as prescribed by a doctor, when the expected benefits for the expectant mother outweigh the potential risks for the fetus.

  • Movalis: composition of the drug, release form and pharmacological action

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Osteogenon analogues

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At the moment, no analogues of Osteogenon can be found on the open market. This means that there are no drugs with a similar chemical composition, which, like this drug, will affect the course of mineralization of bone tissue and act as a regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body. However, the attending physician can always select a drug that is similar in action and which will contain other active compounds.

Terms of sale and storage

The medicine is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. In order for the medicine to retain all its therapeutic effects until the expiration date, it is important to store it correctly. To do this, the tablets are placed in a dry place, hidden from sunlight, where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. Storage period - 4 years.

The pharmaceutical product "Osteogenon" is intended to regulate metabolism in bone and cartilage tissue. In medical practice, the drug is widely used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Despite its effectiveness in treatment, the medicine has a number of unwanted reactions and contraindications, so before starting use it is important to consult a doctor about the possibility of use.

Reviews about Osteogenon

Most reviews of Osteogenon for fractures are positive. We can say that doctors most often prescribe this drug for bone tissue damage of varying severity. People who have taken the drug note that it does not cause side effects and helps in the prevention and treatment of various diseases associated with damage to bone tissue, including osteoporosis .

calcium deficiency , respond well to the drug . Reviews from doctors about Osteogenon can be called more than “cool”. Many doctors are truly skeptical about this drug and its ability to influence the regeneration of bone tissue, and therefore express rather contradictory opinions that diverge from the assurances of the drug’s manufacturers.

However, the number of doctors prescribing Osteogenon as a stimulator of bone tissue mineralization is also large, especially since the effectiveness of the drug in each specific case may vary. Therefore, if you have doubts about the strength of the drug's medicinal effect, it is advisable to study the condition of bone tissue using x-rays , as well as urine and blood tests to determine the calcium content in biological fluids.

S.S. Rodionova1, A.V. Krivova2

1FGU Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorova Rosmedtekhnologii 2Tver Medical Academy

Summary The effectiveness of the use of osteogenon as a drug that normalizes adaptation processes during the surgical treatment of isolated fractures in middle-aged people and children with fractures against the background of delayed formation of peak bone mass was studied. It is noted that taking osteogenon (2 tablets 3-4 times a day) ensures the intake of calcium into the body and activates the mechanisms of bone tissue remodeling. This is manifested by the normalization of the timing of fracture healing, an increase in the mass of not only cancellous, but also cortical bone tissue, which is especially important for ensuring strong osteosynthesis, and in children - the formation of age-appropriate bone mass, the deficiency of which caused fractures with minor trauma. When using osteogenon, the overall duration of rehabilitation after fractures was reduced, and in children a level of bone mass corresponding to age was achieved, which prevented the risk of new fractures due to minor trauma. The drug was well tolerated. The data obtained allow us to recommend osteogenon for widespread use in the practice of traumatologists and orthopedists in both adults and children.

Currently, the need for the use of pathogenetically based drug therapy in the complex treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system is completely obvious [2]. There is evidence of the need for pharmacological correction of bone tissue remodeling disorders to ensure the effectiveness of endoprosthetics [4] and osteosynthesis for femoral neck fractures due to osteoporosis [5, 6]. These data are of great interest, since there has been a clear tendency to increase the frequency of unsatisfactory outcomes of surgical treatment and conservative treatment of fractures in young people without any established pathology of bone tissue [1, 8]. This is due to the fact that in the population the number of people with point genetic defects and, as a consequence, strained bone tissue metabolism is increasing. The cause of impaired bone tissue remodeling may be the influence of exogenous factors (physical inactivity, alcoholism, drug use, long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and other drugs) and environmental influences (man-made disasters, urbanization). Against this background, trauma causes a disruption of the adaptation mechanisms necessary to restore the integrity of the bone at the site of its damage. Clinical manifestations of decompensation of adaptation mechanisms are the occurrence of fractures with minor or no trauma, slowing down the consolidation of bone fragments or maturation of the regenerate, refracture, the formation of false joints, and the development of aseptic instability of endoprostheses [4]. In this situation, the question naturally arises about the use of pharmacological drugs to normalize the mechanisms of bone tissue remodeling. There are reports of a positive effect of drugs containing non-collagenous bone proteins in their native form on the timing of the formation of distraction regenerates [8]. Particular importance is attached to drugs that affect the mass and quality of cortical bone tissue, which plays a leading role not only in ensuring the ability of the bone to withstand mechanical stress, but also in achieving stable osteosynthesis [5]. One of these drugs is osteogenone, which, according to histomorphometry data [15], significantly inhibits the loss of cortical bone. In an experiment on animals using the X-ray morphometric method, it was also proven that taking osteogenone increases the formation of bone tissue around implants embedded in the femur [14]. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of osteogenon in the treatment of traumatic fractures in young and middle-aged people and the conservative treatment of fractures in children caused by minor trauma.

Materials and methods An ossein-hydroxyapatite complex was used in the form of the drug Osteogenon, which includes non-collagen peptides, collagens, calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are contained in the drug in a physiological proportion of 2: 1 (in one tablet 178 mg Ca and 82 mg P), and calcium is present in the final bioavailable form. The organic components included in the drug (collagen and non-collagen peptides) contain insulin-like growth factors I and II, transforming growth factor I. The study included 15 adult (average age of patients 39.6 years) patients with isolated fractures of one of the skeletal bones (there were 8 people with isolated fractures of the tibia, 7 of the femur) and 10 children (age from 10 to 15 years), who had repeated Fractures of the metatarsal or metacarpal bones and vertebral bodies occurred with virtually no trauma. All adult patients underwent metal osteosynthesis using intramedullary pins or bone plates. From the 2nd day after surgery for 1 month. osteogenon was prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day (1068 mg calcium). Callus formation was monitored clinically and radiologically at 1, 3 and 5 months. after osteosynthesis surgery. Children with fractures were treated only conservatively (for fractures of the bones of the feet and hands - immobilization, for fractures of the vertebral bodies in the presence of pain, rest was prescribed for 2-3 days, and then static load was recommended). The advisability of wearing a corset for fractures of the vertebral bodies was determined by the severity of the deficiency of bone tissue mass relative to the age norm. All patients underwent X-ray densitometry (DXA) upon presentation, which assessed bone tissue mass (BMD) of the lumbar vertebral bodies and femoral neck based on its mineral saturation. X-ray densitometry, which has a low radiation dose, allows not only to accurately detect a deficiency of bone tissue mass relative to the norm for a given age (the Z-criterion of the regulatory database of the country of the device manufacturer is used), but also to perform multiple measurements during the growth of the child and during therapeutic or preventive measures. All children included in the study had a BMD deficiency relative to the age norm (from 10 to 20%), which gave reason to consider the identified fractures as occurring against the background of delayed formation of peak bone tissue mass. Peak bone mass is the greatest amount of bone tissue achieved by an individual at the end of growth in a given skeletal region. The effect of treatment on the formation of peak bone mass was monitored by repeated DCA after a year. From the moment of treatment, all children received osteogenon 2 tablets 3-4 times a day for the next year; the diet included dairy and other products containing calcium, so that its daily dose was 1000 mg. There is no need to be afraid of an overdose, since the amount of calcium “retained” in the body is always less than what was received. This occurs due to incomplete absorption of calcium in the intestines and reabsorption in the kidneys, due to the adaptation to its excess intake that has developed in the process of evolution.

Results of the study The results of the study were assessed clinically, radiologically, biochemical studies of blood and urine (in children) and repeated DCA. Analysis of radiographs showed that in all patients taking osteogenon, “cloud-shaped” (granular) foci of calcification, “smearing” and unevenness of the cortical layer [3] were observed 7-10 days earlier than usual. Restoration of limb function occurred after a fracture of the tibia after 3 months, and after a fracture of the femur - after 5 months. after osteosynthesis surgery. In all cases, fractures of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones in children healed within the usual time frame. As for the fracture of the vertebral bodies, control radiography a year later confirmed the absence of new wedge-shaped or other deformations of the bodies. In no case did we observe restoration of the shape of the deformed vertebral body. There are indications in the literature of the analgesic effect of osteogenone [5]. Our study revealed that in patients with vertebral fractures and pain syndrome, back pain disappeared completely after 2-3 days, which allowed them to stop taking painkillers and wearing a corset. During treatment with osteogenon, the calcium content in the blood of sick children increased, especially with initial hypocalcemia, and the activity of alkaline phosphatase normalized. During control densitometry after 12 months of treatment in children, it was noted that BMD in the femoral neck increased by 2-3%, in the lumbar spine - by 3-6%. Treatment was continued for another year. After 2 years, the achieved clinical effect was maintained, and according to the control DCA data, confirmation was obtained that the mass of bone tissue of the lumbar vertebrae and femoral necks corresponds to the age norm.

Discussion Regarding the effectiveness of osteogenon in the treatment of adult patients with traumatic fractures, it should be noted that with good fixation of fragments of the tibia and femur and the use of osteogenon, the formation of callus occurs 7-10 days earlier than usual. In all likelihood, this is due to the fact that, in addition to the growth factors of the organic component of the drug, calcium, presented in a bioavailable form, also has a positive effect on fracture consolidation. As you know, calcium is not only a necessary ingredient of bone tissue, but also a regulator and catalyst of the most important processes that support homeostasis and metabolism of various tissues. Low calcium intake is considered, for example, as a key factor in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis (OP) in older people [9]. Recently, the point of view on the role of calcium in the development of postmenopausal AP has been revised [11]. At least women in early menopause have a negative calcium balance. Prescribing calcium supplements in these cases at 1 g per day leads to a decrease in bone tissue resorption, confirmed by a decrease in the excretion of pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline in the urine [13]. Insufficient intake of calcium from food in children affects the growth of the bone skeleton and the formation of peak bone mass [11]. A significant correlation was found between dietary calcium intake and BMD in prepubertal children [10]. Adequate calcium intake is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis in adults [12]. In patients with traumatic fractures, additional calcium supplementation, as evidenced by the results of our study, has a beneficial effect on callus formation, normalizing the intensity of bone tissue remodeling mechanisms, including the intensity of resorption. The increase observed in the children we observed with fractures due to BMD deficiency during treatment with osteogenon confirms the opinion of A. Stellon et al. [15] about the ability of osteogenone to influence cortical bone mass. This allows us to recommend the use of this drug in all patients with fractures, including children. There is also data on the use of osteogenon for fractures in women receiving heparin during pregnancy. The increase in the number of patients with AP in young and middle age, which is registered everywhere, indicates an increasing risk of traumatic fractures in people with varying degrees of impaired bone metabolism. As our observations indicate, in a number of cases, especially in young people, these metabolic disorders do not appear before injury, but when fractures occur, they negatively affect the timing of their consolidation. The time for consolidation of traumatic fractures is significantly prolonged when exposed to unfavorable environmental factors [7]. One should also take into account the growing deficiency of dietary calcium due to the recent deterioration of the socio-economic situation. Under these conditions, the use of osteogenon not only ensures a sufficient supply of calcium to the body, but also activates, due to growth factors (ossein), the mechanisms of bone tissue remodeling, which has a positive effect on the period of consolidation of traumatic fractures in adults and normalizes the formation of peak bone mass in children. Our studies confirm the good tolerability of osteogenon and its effectiveness in a daily dose of at least 6 tablets. The drug can be used as a component of the combined treatment of fractures of any location in adults and children who have fractures against the background of delayed formation of peak bone mass or juvenile form of osteoporosis. Children with a pronounced BMD deficiency relative to the age norm are at risk of developing not only the juvenile form of osteoporosis. Entering adulthood with BMD deficiency, they have a high risk of subsequently developing idiopathic or postmenopausal forms of systemic osteoporosis and fractures against its background. In this regard, the timely formation of peak bone mass is considered as an important component in the prevention of osteoporosis not only in children, but also in adults.

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Osteogenon price, where to buy

The average price of Osteogenon (a package with a nominal volume of 800 milligrams containing 40 tablets) will vary between 550-600 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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  • Osteogenon (tablet p/o 830 mg No. 40)Pierre Fabre Medicament

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  • Osteogenon No. 40 tablets Pierre Fabre Medicine Production, France
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  • Osteogenon tablets Osteogenon tablets No. 40 France, Pierre Fabre Medicament Production

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How to take Osteogenon for arthrosis?

You need to take the tablets with enough water.
Osteogenon tablets are intended for oral use, and no connection to food intake is required. They do not need to be chewed and should be taken with a sufficient amount of liquid. For the treatment of osteoporosis, adult patients are prescribed about 4 tablets, which must be taken twice a day. For other diseases, for example, for arthrosis, 2 tablets are prescribed. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the disease and the severity of its course, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. If treatment for osteoporosis is carried out, it usually takes a year. If we are talking about various fractures, then Osteogenon is used within 3 months.

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  • Treatment and symptoms of arthrosis of the 1st degree of the knee joint
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