Osteomed Forte: buy, description, instructions for use, reviews

Osteomed Forte: everything you need to strengthen the skeletal system

Osteomed Forte is a vitamin and mineral complex for the skeletal system. It helps restore the structure of bone tissue and saturate it with calcium. The mission of the drug is to strengthen the skeleton and protect against fractures without side effects typical of calcium-containing products. Its beneficial effect on mineral metabolism and bone formation is the key to directing calcium to the exact address, and not into blood vessels and soft tissues. Osteomed Forte is a new generation osteoprotector, effective and safe at the same time.

Why strengthen the skeletal system?

You need to take care of strengthening your bones from childhood. However, most often they are faced with their fragility after 40–50 years. The progressive leaching of calcium from bone tissue with age leads to osteoporosis . This by no means harmless pathology is in 4th place among the causes of death after cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. The insidiousness of osteoporosis lies in its long asymptomatic course and the unexpected manifestation of fractures, which do not heal well in older people. A fracture of the femoral neck takes especially many lives - up to 40% of victims die within 1 year [1].

Osteoporosis is detected in every 3rd woman and every 5th man. The high-risk group includes women who have crossed the menopause line. They experience a sharp drop in the level of sex hormones - estrogens and androgens, which regulate bone tissue renewal. The rate of formation of new bone cells (osteoblasts) begins to lag behind the destruction of old ones. The influx of calcium to small osteoblasts is reduced, and its removal from the collapsing areas of the bone is enhanced. The bone becomes porous. The absence of measures to strengthen it leads to injuries, disability, and death.

Causes of osteoporosis. Why do bones become brittle and break?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones thin, become loose, brittle and easily break from any careless movement. According to the Russian Osteoporosis Association, this pathology is detected in every third woman and every fifth man who has crossed the 50-year mark. Bone disease is dangerous due to its consequences - fractures and long periods of immobility, leading to the development of congestion and death. Scientists today call age-related hormonal disorders in the body, leading to a failure in the processes of bone renewal, as the main cause of osteoporosis.

The bones only appear static in appearance. In fact, it is one of the most variable and active structures in the human body, characterized by high plasticity. Bone tissue can quickly remodel itself. Under the influence of various forces, its internal structure, shape, and dimensions change. The processes of bone self-renewal do not stop throughout our lives. And all this vigorous activity is carried out by two groups of bone cells - osteoclasts and osteoblasts. The former destroy old worn out and damaged areas of the bone, the latter erect new bone beams and plates in the vacated areas.

There is a signaling relationship between the dismantling and construction teams. The activity of bone cells is controlled by the sex hormone testosterone, which is conventionally considered male, but is also produced in the female body (albeit in smaller quantities). Androgen encourages osteoblasts to increase their numbers, work more actively, and prolongs the life of bone workers. With age, sexual functions gradually decline and the activity of the sex glands responsible for the production of testosterone weakens. At the same time, the recovery processes in the bones slow down.

All methods of treating osteoporosis existing in the world today are aimed at suppressing the activity of osteoclasts. However, according to the developers Osteomed Forte - professor, MD. Strukov V.I. and physiologist V.N. Trifonov - this approach is fundamentally wrong. Destroyer cells perform a very important function. They remove old areas of bone that weaken the skeleton. If this work is not done, osteoblasts will also stop functioning. The new drug for strengthening bones does not interfere with the activity of either bone builders or bone destroyers, but naturally improves their work. Let's figure out how.

What are the dangers of bone strengthening products?

There are various means to increase bone mineral density: high-dose calcium supplements, hormone replacement drugs, bisphosphonates and strontium ranelate . Unfortunately, all of them are not safe and are often ineffective.

Excess calcium, due to the inability of bone tissue depleted of osteoblasts to accept it, settles in blood vessels, kidneys and other organs, causing heart attacks, strokes, kidney stones and other complications. Thus, the risk of heart attacks when taking high-dose calcium tablets increases by 31%, according to a meta-analysis of 11 studies involving 12 thousand patients [2].

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) copes better with bone tissue renewal, but has a dangerous side effect: the development of oncology of the reproductive organs[3; 4], diseases of the heart and blood vessels (formation of blood clots) [5–7], liver, etc. In addition, hormone replacement completely nullifies one’s own hormone production.

Bisphosphonates and strontium ranelate work primarily not to renew bone tissue, but to inhibit the destruction of old cells. As a result, bone tissue density increases, which cannot be said about its strength. And this is the cause of atypical fractures, which are not treated at all [8; 9].

You need to strengthen bone tissue safely! To solve this difficult problem, Professor V.I. Strukov , based on the developments of pharmacologist V.N. Trifonov, created a new generation osteoprotector Osteomed Forte [10].


  • 1 Osteomed 1.1 Composition of osteomed
  • 2 Efficiency
      2.1 Supplement promotion
  • 2.2 Mechanism of action
  • 2.3 Research
  • 2.4 Research sponsored by Parapharm
  • 2.5 Conclusion
  • 3 XVIII All-Russian Conference and Osteomed
      3.1 1st place: Sarvilina Irina Vladislavovna
  • 3.2 2nd place: Ismailova Oksana Aleksandrovna
  • 3.3 3rd place: Kuptsova Tatyana Anatolyevna and others.
  • 4 Reviews
  • 5
  • Mechanism of action of Osteomed Forte: effectiveness plus safety

    Osteomed Forte acts in several directions at once, each of which is fundamentally important for strengthening bones and restoring their structure.

    1. Improving hormonal levels , stimulating your own production of hormones that control the restructuring and renewal of bone tissue. Natural hormonal substances present in the key component of the drug - HDBA organic complex - are responsible for this effect. They do not suppress, like HRT, but, on the contrary, naturally enhance the activity of the human endocrine glands, without side effects or addiction. The level of sex hormones increases, in particular the most significant anabolic hormone testosterone for bone formation.
    2. Strengthening anabolism and slowing down destructive processes in bone tissue . Anabolism means the birth of new cells and tissues. And HDBA organic complex, acting through hormonal regulation, promotes the appearance of new bone cells. In addition, the amino acids that this product is rich in are involved in the formation of collagen as the basis of the bone matrix. As a result, the balance between osteogenesis and bone resorption, that is, the creation and destruction of bone sections, is leveled.
    3. Normalization of mineral metabolism and distribution of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements in the body. Due to the renewal of bone structures, their need for mineralization increases. And bone mineral is used precisely to strengthen bones. And this is the best insurance against hypercalcemia, when the level of calcium in the blood goes off scale, depositing in the blood vessels, kidneys, muscles and other soft tissues.

    Smart formula of the drug Osteomed Forte

    The Osteomed Forte formula includes the most important components necessary to restore balanced bone remodeling, that is, the restructuring of bone tissue, and saturating it with minerals. Let's consider what role each of them plays in the overall complex.

    1.Calcium citrate: best quality and safe quantity

    Osteomed Forte contains calcium in its most bioavailable and safe form - citrate, and not in a high, but a moderate dosage. Thus, the digestibility of calcium gluconate is no more than 9%, and calcium carbonate is practically not absorbed with low acidity, which is observed in half of people after 50 years. Both gluconate and carbonate cause serious disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. Citrate is absorbed into the blood regardless of acidity and does not have the ability to lower it. On average, its ability to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract is 2.5 times higher than that of carbonate, and amounts to 44% !

    Calcium citrate, due to the ability of citrate acid to alkalize urine, prevents inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. And the absence of inflammation in them protects against stone formation . In addition, after calcium is absorbed, citrate is included in the Krebs energy cycle, serving to produce additional energy, while carbonate supplies the body with ballast CO2. We also note the absence in the artificially synthesized citrate form of harmful impurities that are possible in carbonate of natural origin.

    Now about the dosage. With the recommended dosage regimen (2 tablets in the morning + 2 tablets in the evening), a person receives only 1000 mg of calcium citrate, or 211 mg of pure calcium per day. It would seem that this is not enough considering the WHO recommendation to consume 1000–1500 mg of calcium per day. But the macroelement calcium is by no means deficient in ordinary food and even drinking water , and with proper nutrition our body is able to obtain it naturally.

    However, in most calcium-containing products, manufacturers do not skimp on adding doses of calcium that completely cover the daily requirement. But the benefit is doubtful! Frequent surges of calcium in the blood increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney stones, gall bladder stones and other complications. But the absorption of calcium by bone tissue remains low, since there are simply no young bone structures that need mineralization.

    That is why the creators of Osteomed Forte pursued the goal not to supply the body with a shock dose of the mineral, but to ensure its transportation to the skeletal system. And this mission was entrusted to the key component of the drug – HDBA organic complex.

    2.HDBA organic complex – a guarantee of calcium delivery exactly to the target

    HDBA is an acronym derived from the English. Homogenate Drone Brood Adsorbed, which means adsorbed homogenate of drone larvae. This component plays the role of a hormonal activator of bone anabolism. However, its fundamental difference from hormone replacement drugs is its stimulating, rather than suppressive, effect on its own hormone production .

    The secret of the rejuvenating effect of drone jelly, noted in ancient Chinese medicine, was revealed only in our days. Scientists - D.V. Mitrofanov, N.V. Budnikova, L.A. Burmistrova - discovered testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, as well as gonadotropins - hormones that trigger the process of production of sex hormones in humans [11]. For us, bee hormones act as prohormones - material for creating our own hormones in the proportions we need.

    The ability of drone homogenate to increase the activity of endocrine glands and raise the level of sex hormones, in particular testosterone, was proven in a study by L. A. Burmistrova [12]. This property of HDBA was later confirmed by a number of studies, which can be found here [13–16]. Particularly valuable is the ability to safely increase the level of endogenous (own) testosterone with the help of drone jelly. After all, it is testosterone that gives impetus to the formation of new bone cells.

    In addition, drone homogenate, rich in vitamins and amino acids [17–20], provides us with material for the formation of collagen . This fibrillar protein is the basis of all connective tissues, including bone and cartilage. This natural product also replenishes the reserves of minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, iodine, etc.) necessary for bone formation.

    However, most methods of preserving perishable drone jelly do not make it possible to preserve the hormonal activity of this product. The solution to this problem was the invention of a technology patented by Parapharm for the adsorption of homogenized brood of drone larvae on lactose and glucose, followed by vacuum drying without a temperature difference [21; 22].

    3.Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) – calcium conductor

    Vitamin D ensures the absorption of bone mineral from the intestines into the blood. When there is a deficiency, the bulk of calcium entering the body passes through transit. In principle, we obtain this vitamin from food and produce it in the skin under the influence of direct sunlight. However, its additional intake is justified by the low content of foods rich in it in the diet of many people and the low level of insolation in most of the territories of Russia [23–25].

    Of the two biologically active forms of vitamin D, it is preferable to take vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in supplement form. Unlike the D2 form, it is less toxic in overdose, more stable and easier to absorb by the body. In general, its efficiency is 30% higher than that of D2.

    4.Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride)

    This important participant in mineral metabolism promotes the absorption of magnesium in the intestines and its entry into cells. And magnesium is necessary for the proper distribution of calcium in the body, directing calcium to bone tissue and concentrating it in it, and not in the blood, blood vessels and soft tissues.

    With a lack of vitamin B6, the formation of collagen, the basis of the bone matrix, slows down, which means the restoration processes in the bones slow down.

    Osteomed Forte for osteoporosis and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders

    Osteomed Forte has proven its effectiveness and safety not only in medical practice over the last decade, but also in a number of clinical studies. It turned out to be effective not only for bone loss (osteopenia and osteoporosis), but also for other diseases associated with impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

    • From 2009 to 2013, a clinical trial of Osteomed Forte took place at the Penza Osteoporosis Center at the local Institute for Advanced Medical Studies. The researchers focused on 72 women diagnosed with postmenopausal osteoporosis and androgen deficiency . All of them had cavity formations (voids) in the trabecular, or spongy, bone tissue. Structural changes in bone tissue during the study were monitored using an Osteometer-DTX-100 densitometer.

    The patients were divided into two groups to compare the effectiveness of therapy with Osteomed Forte and a calcium supplement with the popular formula Ca + vitamin D3. In group 1 (38 people), three-time, three-month courses of Osteomed Forte per year led to a doubling of testosterone levels in the blood. 19 people the size of the cavities in the bones decreased, and in 9, these voids were filled with young areas of bone tissue . In group 2, who took calcium with vitamin D3, the hormonal status of the patients did not improve, and the cavities did not decrease in size. The results of this study are reflected in the article “The influence of Osteomed Forte on the hormonal status and course of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women with androgen deficiency ,” published in the journal “Doctor”, No. 3, 2015 [26].

    Scientific works are also devoted to studying the effectiveness of Osteomed Forte for osteoporosis and fractures:

    - A. A. Lubenets. Correction of reparative regeneration disorders in elderly and senile patients with injuries of the proximal femur using the combined drug “Osteomed Forte”, see the journal “Doctor”, No. 7, 2021 [27];

    — A. S. Esedova, M. A. Idrisova. Correction of bone and metabolic disorders in postmenopausal women against the background of thyroid pathology with the drug “Osteomed Forte” ( see the magazine “Doctor”, No. 9 for 2021) [28] and etc.

    • Osteomed Forte also turned out to be effective in the fight against osteoarthritis . Under the leadership of Professor V.I. Strukov, a clinical study was carried out with the participation of 70 people suffering from osteoarthritis of small joints of the extremities and osteoporosis. All patients complained of pain. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group was prescribed to take Osteomed Forte for 3 months three times a year. The second group received treatment with a similar complex of substances, but without drone homogenate. The best treatment results were recorded in the first group.

    Complex therapy of osteoarthritis with Osteomed Forte and the EHF irradiation method made it possible to quickly relieve pain and swelling in the joint area, increase its range of motion, and reduce or even eliminate growths in the joint area. All these changes went hand in hand with an increase in bone mineral density. The method of treating osteoarthritis using Osteomed Forte was patented under No. 2593018 [29] by Parapharm, a manufacturer of the Osteomed line of osteoprotectors.

    • In another study involving 60 patients, the effectiveness of Osteomed Forte in psoriatic arthropathy . Within 6 months, Doctor of Medical Sciences I. Sarvilina studied the molecular mechanisms of the drug’s effect on inflammatory processes in the joints. It was found that the inclusion of Osteomed Forte in the standard treatment regimen reduces inflammation and inhibits pathological changes. The results of the study were published in the journal “Vrach”, No. 5 for 2021 [30].
    • The use of Osteomed Forte in dental practice, namely in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis , is the subject of a study by O. A. Ismailova and co-authors. Based on the fact that periodontal pathology is closely related to osteoporosis of the jaw bones, scientists have introduced an osteoprotector into the complex therapy regimen for periodontitis. In comparison with patients receiving standard treatment, those taking Osteomed Forte at the end of the experiment had better indicators on the hygiene index, the prevalence of inflammation in the gum tissue and the mineral density of the jaw bone tissue. The scientific work was published in the journal “Doctor”, No. 10, 2015 [31].
    • The use of the drug "Osteomed Forte" in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy was studied by a pediatrician of the highest qualification category L. N. Vakhrusheva on the basis of a health center. The inclusion of Osteomed Forte in the rehabilitation program for children with cerebral palsy helps reduce pain, improve the condition of the skin, motor coordination, posture and gait, reduce the manifestations of paresthesia, tremor, increase the range of movements, and enhance speech and intellectual development. Bone formation receives an additional stimulus. The results were published in the journal “Vrach”, No. 8 for 2021 [32].

    Efficiency[edit | edit code]

    Center for Innovative Technologies Parapharm LLC (Kalinina St. 116a)
    Elistratov in an interview with PenzaNews reports:

    “This drug is 10 times better than Western analogues. Last year the regional government provided us with great help. It supported us financially. We used these funds to patent Osteomed in 35 countries with a total population of more than 4 billion people. Therefore, the potential is huge"


    Promotion of supplements[edit | edit code]

    The development and promotion scheme for supplements from Parapharm is always approximately the same.

    Mechanism of action[edit | edit code]

    According to Elistratov, drone brood is a donor of the hormones estradiol, prolactin, testosterone, progesterone and many other useful substances that make osteomed “a world discovery in the field of osteoporosis treatment.”

    Research[edit | edit code]

    Calcium salts have been used to treat osteoporosis for many years and these drugs are available at extremely low prices. The same is true for vitamin D3 and B6. It should be noted that an independent 2015 clinical study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that vitamin D supplements did not protect against fractures or have a protective effect on bones in postmenopausal women.[4]

    Calcium supplements are ineffective.

    Researchers from the University of Auckland decided to test the claim that calcium supplements strengthen bones. It turned out that this is a myth, but only for older people. For their findings, the scientists drew on data from two large studies that looked at older people. Using a data set of 45,000 respondents, it was found that taking calcium supplements had no effect on the incidence of fractures. Another study included 13,790 men and women over 50 years of age. According to him, taking calcium supplements increases bone strength by only 1-2%.

    The authors draw a logical conclusion: a normal healthy diet provides our bones with a sufficient amount of calcium, and taking additional medications with it will not provide anything additional.

    The estrogenic effect of drone milk is lower than that of soy. The androgenic effect is also low

    Drone brood.

    It is known that the content of hormone-like substances in drone brood, homogenate or royal jelly is extremely low.[5]

    Studies[6] have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of drone jelly and artificial estrogens in an experimental model of uterine evolution:

    • 17b-estradiol valerate (3.9 mg/kg) - increased uterine volume by 70%
    • Drone jelly (570 mg/kg) contributed to an increase of only 10%, although the dose was 146 times higher than the reference product. For a human, the equivalent dose would be 57 grams, or a few tablespoons.

    Research sponsored by Parapharm[edit | edit code]

    Relatively recently, medical universities and research centers announced a competition for the best research work on the clinical use of the drugs Osteomed, Osteo-Vit (D3, B6) and Osteomed forte.[7] It should be noted right away that these supplements do not yet have any right to be called drugs. Researchers, interns, clinical residents, graduate students, and practicing doctors in Russia and the CIS countries for whom the state cannot provide decent wages are invited to participate in the competition.

    The competition committee consists of 7 high-ranking people. Three awards are established in each category:

    • 1st prize – $10,000
    • 2nd prize – $3000
    • 3rd prize – $1000

    Works that do not win prizes, but are positively noted by members of the competition committee, are awarded incentive prizes - $500 (10 prizes in total). The deadline for submitting works for the competition is July 1, 2015.

    Conclusion[edit | edit code]

    Thus, since the fall of 2015, one can see how domestic science is discrediting itself for commercial purposes.

    The great philosopher Seneca also wrote: science ceases to be a good when its fruit is money.

    Indications for use and recommendations for taking Osteomed Forte

    To summarize, for which diseases and health disorders (as well as for their prevention) Osteomed Forte should be taken:

    • for osteopenia and osteoporosis and to prevent their development in order to improve the process of bone formation and mineralization of bone tissue without side effects;
    • for fractures and other bone injuries to speed up healing and prevent recurrent injuries;
    • for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, periodontitis and other diseases associated with impaired mineral metabolism and often accompanying osteoporosis;
    • for women during menopause to normalize hormonal balance, increase the level of sex hormones, on which the health of bone and cartilage tissue depends;
    • before dental prosthetics in case of detected osteoporosis of the bone tissue of the jaws to strengthen it;
    • persons experiencing a lack of calcium, vitamins D3 and B6 as their additional source.

    The standard regimen for using the drug involves taking 2 tablets 2 times a day - morning and evening during or immediately after meals. It is best to dissolve Osteomed Forte under the tongue - this is how the best absorption of the components is ensured.

    The duration of taking an osteoprotector for therapeutic purposes should be at least six months. Usually these are 6-month courses, between which 5-day breaks are required.

    Bioadditives developed by Parapharm specialists will help enhance the effect of Osteomed Forte

    • natural vitamin and mineral complex Apitonus P , which provides complete nutrition of all types of connective tissue, including bone and cartilage;
    • complex of antioxidants Dihydroquercetin Plus , which improves vascular health and blood microcirculation, and therefore the supply of nutrients necessary for the restoration of damaged tissues; suppresses inflammation;
    • chondroprotector Dandelion P , stimulating regenerative processes in joints;
    • natural drug Thyroid-Vit , which normalizes the functions of the thyroid gland, on the health of which mineral metabolism and bone remodeling depend.

    To clarify the treatment regimen in each specific case, you should consult your doctor. It should be understood that the fight against advanced forms of osteoporosis and related diseases is a long process. And the main goal of the remedies offered by Parapharm is not to relieve pain for a short time, but to influence the underlying mechanisms of the disease. In this case, the return to health occurs slowly but surely, and what is especially important is without dangerous side effects.

    Content of vitamins D3 and B6 in 4 tablets of “Osteomeda Forte”

    Component name Contents per 4 tablets Percentage of adequate intake per day
    Vitamin D3 15.0 mcg 300,0*
    Vitamin B6 1.8-2.2 mg 90,0-110,0
    Calcium 160 mg 16,0

    *does not exceed the upper permissible consumption level.

    Osteomed[edit | edit code]

    Osteomed forte

    is a dietary supplement for the treatment of osteoporosis, widely promoted commercially. It has nothing in common with the Osteomed clinic in Obninsk. It is not a medicinal product. The average price of Osteomed forte is 280 rubles.

    The Parapharm company is also known for massive spam aimed at advertising the sports supplement Leveton. After writing a revealing article about leveton, Elistratov secured the blocking of the sportswiki.ru website through a local Penza court, allegedly for the distribution and promotion of drugs, thus demonstrating the methods of dirty competition that the company uses. The judgment was made with a number of serious violations and errors.[1][2]

    Composition of osteomed[edit | edit code]

    Osteomed: composition and description
    The supplement is available in 500 mg tablets, which include:

    • Calcium citrate – 200 mg
    • Vitamin B6 - 0.3 mg
    • Drone homogenate (ground drone larvae) – 100 mg

    Osteomed forte

    supplemented with vitamin D3 (300 IU) - a truly revolutionary solution!

    Composition of drone brood (homogenate)

    in 1 tablet osteomed:

    • Testosterone - 0.003 nmol/g or 0.00000000009 g
    • Proteins - 0.01-0.02 g Amino acids - 0.01 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0.005 g
  • Fats - 0.005 g
  • Vitamins and minerals - 100-1000 times less than a person's daily requirement
  • Bibliography

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