Gel "Traumel": indications and instructions for use, where to buy, price, reviews

"Traumel" is a medicinal product that is produced in the form of a gel and medicine. Contains extracts of more than 10 plants. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply to intact (no wounds) skin with a small strip up to 5-6 times a day.

"Traumel": description, composition

The medicine "Traumel" is produced in the form of a gel, as well as in other forms:

  • ointment;
  • drops;
  • injection;
  • pills.

The drug is a homeopathic remedy that contains extracts of various plants:

  • yarrow;
  • comfrey;
  • witch hazel;
  • belladonna;
  • aconite;
  • calendula;
  • arnica;
  • comfrey;
  • chamomile;
  • echinacea;
  • St. John's wort;
  • daisy.

Water and paraffin are present as auxiliary components. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the product has a complex effect on the body:

  • prevents pain;
  • promotes tissue restoration;
  • inhibits inflammatory processes;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves metabolism.

You can store the ointment and gel at room temperature up to 25-30 degrees. The place should be dark, without direct penetration of sunlight. Access for children is prohibited. The shelf life is 3 years. In this case, tablets, drops and solution can be used for 5 years from the date of production.

Description of the drug

Experts prescribe Traumeel to patients only as a symptomatic remedy. It does not affect the cause of the disease, so it is often combined with other drugs. The action of the ointment and gel is based on the principles of homeopathy. Microscopic doses of their active ingredients penetrate into damaged tissues:

  • phytoextracts;
  • chemicals in high dilution.

They provoke the development of mild symptoms of the underlying disease. This is how the body adapts to their appearance and develops a strong immunity to them. The use of Traumeel becomes a kind of vaccine against repeated exacerbations of joint pathologies.

Pharmacological action and group

Traumeel is included in the clinical and pharmacological group of drugs for external use. It exhibits pronounced anti-inflammatory activity by blocking the biosynthesis of prostaglandin mediators. The product quickly eliminates swelling by improving microcirculation and removing accumulated exudate. It also has a bactericidal effect, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. What is the difference between Traumeel gel and the ointment of the same name:

  • faster creation of maximum therapeutic concentration in areas of inflammation;
  • accelerated transdermal and transepidermal absorption.

After applying the ointment, a porous film is formed on the surface of the skin.

It prevents secondary infection of tissues and serves as an obstacle to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into them. Therefore, Traumeel can be included in the group of drugs that exhibit antiseptic properties.

Composition and release form

The German manufacturer produces Traumeel in the form of ointment and gel, packaged in aluminum tubes of 50.0 g. Secondary packaging of the drugs is a cardboard box with attached instructions for use. The manufacturer used arnica, marigold, witch hazel, yarrow, belladonna, and aconite as active ingredients. Traumeel also contains comfrey, chamomile, daisy, St. John's wort, and echinacea. The chemical composition is represented by dilutions of sulfur and mercury. When choosing what is best to prescribe to a patient - Traumeel gel or ointment, the doctor takes into account their auxiliary ingredients:

  • cetyl stearyl and ethyl alcohols, paraffin, and petroleum jelly were used to form the ointment base;
  • additional substances of the gel are carbopol, ethyl alcohol, distilled water and triethanolamine.

The best dosage form for the treatment of a sluggish inflammatory process is an ointment. And the gel is important to use for exacerbations of joint pathologies and injuries - ligament ruptures, dislocations, fractures .

Contraindications and side effects

The product has a completely natural composition, however, in some cases it cannot be used:

  • allergic reactions due to individual intolerance;
  • tuberculosis;
  • leukemia;
  • autoimmune diseases, including AIDS;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Side effects are not observed so often, however, they are not excluded:

  • itching in the area where the composition is applied;
  • slight swelling;
  • redness.

The described signs are clear symptoms of allergies. In these cases, ointment or gel should not be applied. They refuse the course and, if necessary, consult a doctor for consultation. The drug may need to be replaced.

Remedy for burns - we act quickly and correctly

The most important structural component of cells is proteins. Their “representatives” collagen and keratin provide physical protection to the body by forming a structural framework that maintains the shape of cells. At temperatures above 44 degrees, proteins lose their three-dimensional shape and are destroyed. This leads to damage to cells and tissues, which occurs with any, even the mildest burn.

Depending on the depth of the injury, there are several degrees of severity of the burn.

First degree burns

the most innocent ones. With them, only the upper, keratinized layer of the epidermis is damaged. Manifested by redness, pain and slight swelling. After a few days, not a trace remains of them.

Second degree burns

characterized by damage to the epidermis to the deeper, germinal layer. Lymph and, less commonly, blood from destroyed cells penetrate upward, forming blisters. These burns heal after 1–3 weeks.

For third degree burns

not only all layers of the epidermis are affected, but also the underlying dermis, in severe cases down to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The third degree is characterized by large blisters, which often open to reveal dense white or brown tissue.

Gel "Traumel": instructions for use

To use the ointment (cream), it is applied to the injured part of the body or to the area of ​​inflammation 2-3 times a day. If inflammatory processes or injury have worsened, it is recommended to rub in up to 6 times a day. This should be done with your fingertips, gently pressing on the integumentary tissue. Then a bandage is applied. Another option for administration is with phonophoresis.

The ointment is also used to treat skin with other minor injuries. The composition can be applied in all cases, with the exception of wounds with infections or suppuration. The course continues daily for 2, 3 or 4 weeks. Next there is a break. The decision to continue therapy must be agreed with your doctor.

The gel is applied to the affected area in the morning and evening. If necessary, the number of procedures is increased to 3-4 per day. A typical 1 cm long strip of gel is applied to an area of ​​about 10 cm2. The composition can only be used to treat intact skin - it is not used in the presence of open wounds. The total duration of therapy is 10 days.

Acute low back pain (LBP) is a common reason for seeking medical help, and in such a situation, the doctor’s task is to quickly, effectively and safely relieve pain in order to minimize the risk of chronic pain [1].

Currently, the generally accepted definition of LBP is pain localized between the 12th pair of ribs and the gluteal folds. It is important to note that even with the most modern testing, the majority of patients suffering from LBP cannot identify any specific cause of suffering [2].

Previously, it was believed that LBP develops more often in people aged 30–59 years, mainly in men engaged in heavy physical labor, however, epidemiological studies conducted in the second half of the twentieth century showed that pain of this localization is observed in people of different professions and age groups. groups, incl. in adolescents, both men and women.

LBP is a very common disease with negative consequences for both the patient and society as a whole. Up to 80% of the population experiences back pain at least once in their lives [3]. LBP accounts for about 2% of all physician visits, which is second only to the frequency of visits for hypertension and diabetes [4]. The cost of treating patients with LBP, for example, in Australia with a population of 21 million is about A$1 billion per year [5].

In most patients with acute LBP, disease regression occurs within a month, but its duration can vary from 7 to 58 days and the prognosis is often favorable [6]. However, the risk of chronic LBP is quite high and is associated with low curability of such patients and high economic costs. An epidemiological study was conducted in the United States among adult patients with chronic LBP (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009–2010). The study analyzed data from 5,103 patients aged 20–69 years. LBP was observed in these patients almost daily for at least 3 months. Chronic LBP was associated with older age (50–69 years), low education (high school or less), lack of regular employment, annual household income less than $20 thousand, having disability income, depression, sleep disorders, and frequent comorbid conditions. diseases. Patients with chronic LBP were significantly more likely to use government-sponsored health insurance programs and visit health care facilities 10 or more times per year (p < 0.0001) [7].

In most cases, LBP is caused by nonspecific degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system (spondylarthrosis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis).

The pain syndrome is based on a complex set of functional and dystrophic changes in the structures of the spine (facet joints, intervertebral discs, muscles, tendons, ligaments) with the involvement of pain receptors and nerve roots in the pathological process.

The leading cause of acute LBP is osteochondrosis. The source of pain impulses can be not only altered intervertebral discs, but also spinal ligaments, periosteal tissue of joints and periarticular tissues, spasmed muscles surrounding the affected spinal motion segment. With LBP, there are two main groups of syndromes – reflex and compression. The first are caused by irritation of receptors localized in the tissues of the spine, creating a powerful flow of afferent impulses, leading to the emergence of zones of hypertonicity and trophic changes in muscle tissue. The cause of compression syndromes is vertebrogenic compression of the roots (radiculopathy). There is a possibility of a combination of compression and reflex disorders [8].

It is important to take into account the psychological characteristics of patients with LBP, in particular the presence of kinesiophobia, a common condition for this cohort of patients that complicates their recovery. It has been shown that patients with LBP, regardless of pain intensity, develop more severe kinesophobia, which negatively affects quality of life, than those with neck pain [9].

When examining patients with acute LBP, it is of key importance to exclude specific back pain that can be caused by neoplasms (primary and metastatic tumors of the spine, myeloma), syringomyelia, destruction of the vertebrae and damage to the nerve roots due to infectious processes (osteomyelitis, epiduritis), metabolic disorders , spinal fractures and diseases of internal organs through the mechanism of referred pain [10]. To solve this problem, a thorough history taking and somatic examination (identifying symptoms of “danger” or “red flags”) are of key importance; if necessary, additional research methods are carried out (x-ray examination of the spine, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, general blood test, biochemical blood test, etc.). However, in the absence of suspicion of a serious pathology that could cause LBP, unjustified studies should be avoided, incl. neuroimaging.

Medical tactics for acute LBP are, on the one hand, to relieve pain, provide conditions for a full course of rehabilitation measures, and return the patient to an active lifestyle as quickly as possible, and on the other hand, to prevent repeated exacerbations and chronicity of the pain syndrome. It is advisable to inform the patient about the benign nature of the disease and the high probability of its rapid resolution, which creates a positive psychological attitude toward recovery. It is necessary to avoid overexertion and excessive stress on the spine and muscles (for example, prolonged sedentary work) [11]. It should be noted that over the last decade, the tactics of managing patients with acute vertebrogenic pain syndromes have changed significantly: instead of a long stay in bed, complete exclusion of physical activity, it is currently recommended to return to the usual level of activity as early as possible, and prevent the formation of chronic pain syndrome with the help of adequate physical therapy [ 12].

Analgesics (paracetamol), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants are used to relieve pain. If conservative therapy is ineffective, as well as with the development of movement disorders and pelvic disorders, surgical treatment methods are used.

If there are contraindications to treatment with NSAIDs or the patient is unwilling to take drugs from this group, alternative treatment can be offered using, incl. homeopathic remedies (Traumel S and Spascuprel).

The complex drug Traumeel C (Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, BadenBaden, Germany) is widely used for various injuries, as well as for degenerative and immunological disorders. It contains 12 plant and 2 mineral components in low concentrations. Traumeel S has analgesic, decongestant and anti-exudative effects; therapy with the drug promotes rapid relief of inflammation and pain, disappearance of hemorrhages and acceleration of recovery [13]. Unlike NSAIDs, the components included in Traumeel C do not directly affect the metabolism of arachidonic acid, but have a bioregulatory effect by inhibiting a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor-α , and modulating the action of regulatory T cells [14]. According to the results of a number of studies, Traumeel S is no less effective than NSAIDs, for example diclofenac [15, 16]. The results of these studies are supported by data from a multicenter monitoring study involving more than 3000 patients undergoing appropriate treatment [17]. “Good” and “excellent” effectiveness of Traumeel S was recorded in more than 80% of patients. An observational non-randomized study demonstrated excellent tolerability of Traumeel S injections compared with NSAID injections in 184 patients with epicondylitis [15]. Tolerability was rated as “excellent” for 87.7% of patients receiving Traumeel S, and only for 44.9% of patients receiving NSAIDs.

Hypersensitivity reactions were observed in isolated cases of use of the drug Traumeel S; when using its ointment, local allergic skin reactions were observed. Rarely, systemic drug therapy may be associated with increased salivation. The safety of all dosage forms of Traumeel C existing on the market was examined in a large-scale post-marketing study [18]. Adverse adverse reactions were observed in only 0.0035% of cases. Typically, these were mild skin reactions after applying the ointment and itching at the injection site of Traumeel S, both effects disappeared after stopping treatment. Traumeel S is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular and periarticular administration (2.2 ml ampoules), an ointment for external use (50 g each), and in lozenges (50 pieces per package).

Complex therapy for LBP can also include the drug Spascuprel, which is available in homeopathic sublingual tablets. It provides muscle relaxation and relief of spasms (smooth and striated muscles) both in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs.

The following regimen for prescribing Traumeel S and Spascuprel for LBP is proposed: Parenteral: Traumeel S.

At intervals of three days, 3 times (1st, 5th and 9th days of therapy) paravertebral to the area of ​​pain.

Orally: Traumeel S + Spascuprel.

1 tablet 3 times a day of each drug on the days between injections, then for three weeks after the last injection.

Locally: Traumeel S (ointment).

Apply to the lumbar area 2-3 times a day and gently rub into the affected area.

This therapy is prescribed for 4 weeks, after which its result is assessed: if the pain syndrome is relieved, the treatment is stopped, if it is ineffective, the symptoms, risk factors and diagnosis are re-evaluated, if necessary, additional studies are carried out, consultations with specialists are carried out and treatment tactics are revised.

In conclusion, it should be noted that pain syndromes are widespread in neurological practice, but in each specific case an individual and comprehensive approach to pain therapy is required, taking into account the needs and desires of the patient.

Special instructions and drug interactions

If these rules are followed, Traumeel gel and ointment are completely safe for health. They give allergic reactions only in rare cases of individual intolerance. If taken in excess, itching and redness may also occur.

Drug interactions between the drug and other medications have not been described. However, the mutual influence of certain drugs on each other cannot be ruled out. Therefore, if a patient regularly takes certain medications, it is recommended that he consult a doctor before starting the course.

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