Osteomed Forte. Osteoprotector. (120 tablets of 500 mg). Parapharm

Calcium is an essential mineral for health and an essential element of beauty.

A white-toothed smile and radiant skin, strong shiny hair and strong well-groomed nails, correct posture and a confident gait are integral attributes of beauty. Do you know what binds this whole bouquet together, preventing it from withering?

The macroelement calcium is the basis of bone tissue, teeth and one of the most important components in hair and nails; it also protects epithelial cells, being part of the repetin protein. All this allows us to call calcium not only the most important mineral for health, but also an indispensable element of beauty. But with age, it increasingly leaves its main depots - bone matrix, dental tissue, hair and nails. Why?

Where does calcium go and how to get it back?

The reason for the removal of calcium from the body lies in hormonal changes. Hormones regulate metabolic processes, anabolism and catabolism - biosynthesis and tissue destruction. Testosterone is recognized as the main anabolic hormone ; it plays a leading role in the creation of all types of connective tissue. And teeth, skin, hair, nails, bones and articular cartilage are all types of connective tissue!

As we age, the production of sex hormones decreases. Moreover, in women this happens earlier and more sharply. After 40–45 years, not only the production of estrogen decreases, but also testosterone, which is initially 10–20 times less in the female body.

Menopause deals a severe blow not only to reproductive health, but also to a woman’s skeletal system. At the same time, teeth decay, hair and nails lose their shine, becoming fragile, as hormonal changes cause an imbalance of mineral substances, and first of all, a disturbance in phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

Preparations with calcium and vitamin D 3 , which forces the body to absorb calcium, would seem to solve the problem of a lack of this important macronutrient. Indeed, CaD3 ensures the flow of calcium into the blood, which in itself poses a threat of hypercalcemia, vascular calcification, kidney stone formation, etc. But, alas, this formula is not capable of driving the mineral into the above-mentioned depots due to the lack of young cells in them necessary for its absorption (mineralization). Thus, the bones, where 99% of calcium should be concentrated, do not accept it when, due to a drop in the level of the anabolic hormone testosterone, the production of young bone cells - osteoblasts - decreases.

The balance of calcium and other minerals can be leveled only by normalizing hormonal levels, and first of all, by increasing testosterone. How to do this safely, without resorting to dangerous hormone replacement therapy?

Osteomed-Forte Tablets, 120 pcs, 500 mg, for internal use

Pharmacological properties

HDBA organic complex (drone homogenate) is a source of natural prohormones: estradiol, prolactin, testosterone, progesterone - sex entomological hormones that have an anabolic effect on human connective tissue, which contribute to the production of their own endogenous hormones, stimulate the synthesis of new cells and tissue structures.
Helps stimulate the central mechanisms that regulate the rate of androgen formation, causing a gonadotropic effect, in which the central links that control testosterone synthesis occur, thereby participating in the remodeling of bone tissue, indirectly stimulating the activity of osteoblasts, increasing their number, and inhibiting the formation of osteoclast precursors. The amino acids that make up the drone homogenate are involved in the formation of collagen, which in turn forms the bone matrix. Calcium citrate is an organic calcium salt, which promotes more complete and safe absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it helps inhibit parathyroid hormone production and prevent hormonally mediated bone resorption, providing an effective and safe form of calcium needed to strengthen bones and increase bone mineral density.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). The mechanism of intermolecular interaction of vitamin D3 is associated with activation of the vitamin D receptor, induction of transcription factors and nuclear receptors. The final effect of vitamin D3 is the maintenance of calcium homeostasis due to its participation in the formation of bone tissue, incl. control of cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Promotes the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and is responsible for reducing the loss of these substances in the urine through the kidneys. Necessary for normal bone mineralization and growth. Vitamin D3 actively promotes skeletal growth, muscle strengthening and mineralization of bones and teeth.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) helps the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its transport into cells, the absorption of calcium and its penetration through cell membranes, preventing calcium metabolism disorders and helps retain Ca in newly formed osteocytes. Vitamin B6 prevents stone formation in the renal pelvis and takes part in the synthesis of female sex hormones.

The drug Osteomed is a supplier of natural prohormones and calcium

Today, an effective and appropriate way to human physiology has been found to direct calcium into bone tissue and retain it in it, simultaneously strengthening teeth, hair and nails. Russian scientists Professor V.I. Strukov and pharmacologist V.N. Trifonov developed a drug that has no analogues Osteomed . The combination of calcium citrate (the most digestible and safe form of the macronutrient) with the organic substance drone-brood homogenate one product allowed the drug to work in two directions at once.

  • The gonadotropic and anabolic effect of the drug is due to the presence of entomological prohormones in the drone-brood homogenate - testosteroids, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin. These precursors to human hormones serve as the building blocks for building your own hormones, including testosterone. An increase in testosterone levels affects the activation of osteogenesis - bone formation. The rich vitamin and amino acid composition of the homogenate also contributes to the improvement of anabolism and metabolism.
  • Calcium is directed to the bone tissue and retained in it, thanks to the appearance of young bone cells - osteoblasts, engaged in the process of matrix mineralization. Correct distribution of calcium and normalization of mineral metabolism protect against hypercalcemia and calcifications in blood vessels and soft tissues. Accordingly, the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, kidney stones and other complications resulting from taking high-dose calcium supplements is reduced.

A special feature of Osteomed is the small amount of calcium in its composition (200 mg of calcium citrate, that is, 40 mg of elemental calcium). However, taking into account its maximum absorption at the exact address, thanks to the improvement of osteogenesis, this is quite enough to restore and maintain the mineralization process. The best confirmation of this is the closure of cavities (voids) in the bone tissue, recorded during densitometry in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Another advantage of the drug is the presence of not synthetic, but natural vitamin D in the drone homogenate, which surpasses even fish oil in terms of the amount of this vitamin. Let us remember that it is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Organic vitamin D is optimal for absorption, and it also guarantees protection against the development of an extremely dangerous condition – hypervitaminosis D.

The safety and effectiveness of Osteomed make it an indispensable tool in the following cases:

  • strengthening bone tissue, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, as well as other diseases associated with calcium metabolism disorders (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • — acceleration of fracture healing (the study recorded faster formation of callus);
  • strengthening nail plates with brittle and brittle nails, improving hair structure and stimulating hair growth;
  • prevention and therapy of periodontitis, periodontal disease and other dental diseases associated with demineralization (as part of complex treatment).

Osteoprotector Osteomed can be called universal. It not only helps with osteoarticular diseases, but also allows them to be prevented without risk to health. It guards your beauty, carefully strengthening your teeth, nails and hair. By purchasing Osteomed, you are giving the best gift to your own health!

Osteomed forte tab 500mg N60 (Parapharm)

An innovative vitamin and mineral complex that promotes the restoration and strengthening of bone tissue. Drone-brood homogenate helps increase the level of androgens, which improves the remodeling of bone tissue, indirectly stimulates the activity of osteoblasts, and increases the number of osteocytes. The amino acids that make up the drone homogenate are involved in the formation of collagen, which forms the bone matrix. Calcium citrate. Calcium, which is part of Osteomed Forte, is contained in it in the form of calcium citrate, which contributes to its more complete and safe absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it helps inhibit parathyroid hormone production and prevent bone resorption, providing an effective and safe form of calcium needed to strengthen bones and increase bone mineral density. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). The mechanism of intermolecular interaction of vitamin D3 is associated with activation of the vitamin D receptor, induction of transcription factors and nuclear receptors. The ultimate effect of vitamin D3 is the maintenance of calcium homeostasis due to its participation in bone formation, including the control of cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Promotes the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and is responsible for reducing the loss of these substances in the urine through the kidneys. Necessary for normal bone mineralization and growth. Vitamin D3 actively promotes skeletal growth, muscle strengthening and mineralization of bones and teeth. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) helps the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its transport into cells, the absorption of calcium and its penetration through cell membranes, preventing calcium metabolism disorders and helps retain Ca in newly formed osteocytes. Vitamin B6 prevents stone formation in the renal pelvis, takes part in the synthesis of female sex hormones. Taking 4 tablets provides consumption of 1.8 - 2.2 mg of vitamin B6 (90-110*%), 15 mcg of vitamin D3 (300*%), 160 mg calcium (16%). * - does not exceed the upper permissible level of consumption. "Osteomed Forte" helps strengthen bone tissue, not only inhibiting the process of bone destruction, but also restoring it. Thanks to the well-chosen composition of the drug, the risk of developing hypercalcemia and calcification is minimal - deposition of excess calcium in blood vessels, organs and soft tissues, which reduces the likelihood of strokes, heart attacks and other complications, in contrast to common high-dose calcium preparations. The key component of Osteomed Forte is a drone-brood homogenate, which promotes the birth of new bone cells. It is the activation of osteogenesis that allows calcium to enter the bone, since the mineralization of the bone matrix requires young cells - osteoblasts

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