Ears are clogged with cervical osteochondrosis, what should I do?


Treatment of noise in the auditory organ should begin when the diagnosis is accurately confirmed. Pathological processes should not be in the ears. Treatment methods include the following:

  • use of medications;
  • availability of therapeutic massage;
  • conducting physiotherapy;
  • use of acupuncture.

The task of a competent specialist is to eliminate the undesirable phenomenon in order to improve the general condition of the person.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis consists of restoring the mobility of the vertebrae, as well as strengthening the muscular system occupying the collar area.


For ear congestion, it is advisable to use physiotherapeutic procedures. Thanks to this method, the following positive signs appear:

  • increased blood flow;
  • inflammatory processes are reduced;
  • muscle contractile function is restored;
  • swelling disappears;
  • pinched nerve roots are released.

The following are considered the most effective and efficient sessions:

  1. Application of magnetic radiation.
  2. The use of electrophoresis together with the use of medications.
  3. Magnetic treatment.
  4. Application of reflex therapy.
  5. Use of electrical stimulation.
  6. Laser beam treatment.

Physiotherapy cannot be performed for pregnant women, or if skin diseases are detected, as well as if there are malignant neoplasms or mental disorders.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis to relieve ear congestion

Due to fluctuations in pressure that is created inside the vessels, ear congestion occurs. Massages, as well as exercises and gymnastics of the face and neck are necessary in order to prevent unpleasant phenomena.

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Every day you need to work on restoring the mobility of the vertebrae. If a person feels normal, he will rotate his head in different directions without feeling tightness or locking. A disease such as osteochondrosis stops movement, pain appears, and then discomfort in the muscles.

Exercise helps you feel better:

  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • pain symptoms disappear in the neck area, the headache stops hurting, there is no dizziness;
  • memory is restored, sleep is stabilized;
  • You need to work on your body, control your habits.

People who suffer from a sedentary lifestyle and are exposed to stressful situations develop a disease called osteochondrosis. The person’s condition must be under control, the accumulation of grievances must be prevented, and negative energy must be thrown out using the correct method. Going to the gym and doing physical activity, taking walks in the fresh air, this will help get rid of the appearance of an unpleasant disease.

How does your ear hurt?

Ear pain with cervical osteochondrosis is usually especially pronounced in the first half of the day. The patient suffers especially severely in the morning when he wakes up and gets up. After a night's rest, the muscles are relaxed and sensitive to the degenerative processes that have occurred in the neck area. Ear pain is usually accompanied by other symptoms. Noise or ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache in the temple area, hearing loss, flashing spots before the eyes - this is a fairly common set of symptoms that appear simultaneously with osteochondrosis. If the patient complains of such signs, then diagnosis does not cause any particular difficulties.

How to get rid

It is advisable to start treating tinnitus at the earliest stage of its occurrence. Correcting the problem in the later stages of the disease is much more difficult. and in some cases absolutely impossible. Only a visit to the doctor and timely complex therapy for cervical osteochondrosis will give a positive result. The goal of treatment is to restore normal blood flow through the vessels by eliminating factors that irritate the plexus of arteries.

Conservative treatment is carried out:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

When it is not possible to get rid of the problem using this technique, surgical intervention is used. The operation is performed in the area of ​​the cervicothoracic nerve ganglion or on the nerve endings of the ear cavity.

Drug therapy

Taking medications eliminates the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis and normalizes cerebral circulation. The greatest effect can be achieved with intravenous, drip administration of drugs with a gradual transition to oral administration. Drug therapy includes taking the following groups of medications:

  • Antiplatelet agents (Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin).
  • Diuretics (Furosemide)
  • Calcium channel blockers (Cinnarizine).
  • Venotonics (Detralex).
  • Neurotropic drugs (Piracetap, Vinpocetine).

In parallel, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of osteochondrosis:

  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesics.
  • Chondroprotectors.
  • Muscle relaxants.

Important : all of the listed medications have side effects, so they should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis.

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A complex of physical therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is aimed at eliminating compressed elements of the spine. Specific exercises are prescribed by the doctor after examining the x-ray. Gymnastics will help restore the correct position of the cervical vertebrae, as a result of which tinnitus will become weaker or disappear completely.

The most common set of exercises is:

  • Moving your head in a circle.
  • Head tilts forward, backward, to the side.
  • Turns the head right and left.
  • Drawing in the air with your mouth. It is effective to draw numbers from a watch dial every day with a pencil held in your teeth. This method allows you to use the largest number of muscles in the neck area and relieve spasm.
  • Swings and circular movements of the arms, kneading the shoulders.

Important : when performing exercise therapy exercises, you must be careful, since the cervical part of the spine is the most mobile and easily damaged. All movements are performed smoothly and accurately, without sudden jerks. If any exercise causes pain, it is recommended to temporarily stop doing it.


Physiotherapeutic procedures eliminate tension in the neck and shoulder girdle and relieve muscle spasms. Methods used:

  • Low frequency magnetic therapy.
  • Interstitial electrical stimulation.
  • Medicinal electrophoresis.
  • Acupuncture.


Therapeutic massage helps normalize blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, which can significantly reduce tinnitus. The massage involves stroking, kneading, rubbing, and vibration in the neck area. Depending on the forms and severity of the disease, a full course or individual procedures are prescribed.

Self-massage of the neck performed at home can have a positive effect. Stroking the area where the pain is localized and using circular massages can improve blood circulation and reduce the intensity of tinnitus.

Important : the greatest effect in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can be achieved by massage of the collar area. But the procedure must be performed by a specialist, since any incorrect movement can worsen the patient’s condition and lead to serious complications, including disability. The most dangerous thing is excessive exposure to the collar area during an exacerbation of the disease.

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional methods of treatment can serve as an addition to drug therapy:

  • The onion is stuffed with caraway seeds and baked. Then the juice is squeezed out of it and dripped into the ear twice a day.
  • Grate beets (100g), add honey (a tablespoon), add a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting mixture is applied to a gauze bandage and a compress is made on the ear.
  • Dandelion flowers (500 g) are mixed with a kilogram of sugar and crushed until the crystals dissolve. A spoonful of syrup is diluted in 4 tablespoons of water and taken three times a day.
  • Alcohol tincture of propolis is mixed with vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio, moistened with cotton wool and placed in the ears overnight.
  • Raw potatoes are cut into swabs, dipped in honey and placed in the ear canal. A warm wool compress enhances the effect.
  • The lemon is ground in a meat grinder with a head of garlic and poured with 100 grams of alcohol. Infuse for 10 days in a dark place, filter and drink 2 teaspoons per day to thin the blood, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

What to do if your ears are blocked

Surely everyone has had their ears blocked at least once in their life.

The situations that lead to this are quite diverse; they can be either completely physiological or signal problems in the functioning of our hearing organ.

In what cases should you be wary and listen more closely to your body, and when should you not worry? How to get rid of unpleasant feelings?

“Safe” causes of ear congestion

Pressure drop.

This usually happens when taking off and landing an airplane, riding an elevator, and traveling at high speeds. In this case, congestion in the ears is not a pathology.

Read also: Tinnitus

The appearance of the symptom is due to the fact that due to a sharp drop in pressure between the middle ear cavity and the environment does not have time to equalize, which leads to a decrease in the mobility of the eardrum and unpleasant sensations.

What to do?

In order to quickly get rid of the feeling of congestion, you can use a few simple techniques. During a pressure drop (or before):

  • drink water in small sips;
  • sucking a candy cane or chewing gum;
  • to yawn.

All these techniques are aimed at opening the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear and nasopharynx (the pressure in the nasopharynx is the same as in the environment). When the pipe opens, the pressure between the cavities is equalized, and the unpleasant feeling disappears.

Water getting into the ear.

In this case, water is a kind of obstacle to the sound, which causes congestion.

What to do?

In order to quickly remove water from the ear, you need to pull the auricle up and back and tilt your head towards the affected ear. If this does not help, you can drop a few drops of an alcohol solution into your ear to help the water dry out faster.

Both of these causes, as a rule, do not pose a threat to the body, are not accompanied by other symptoms and can be easily dealt with on your own.

“Dangerous” ear congestion

But there are more serious reasons for the appearance of the symptom. As a rule, these are diseases of the hearing organs, which, in addition to congestion, are accompanied by a number of other symptoms and require consultation with a doctor. These include the following conditions.

Sulfur plug.

Congestion, as with simple exposure to water, appears after bathing and is associated with a mechanical obstruction in the path of sound, but differs from the “water obstruction” by a longer feeling of congestion that does not go away on its own, a sharp decrease in hearing, a feeling of itching and pressure in the ear.
What will the doctor do?
The doctor will remove the wax plug by rinsing the outer ear canal.

Otitis and eustachitis.

Inflammatory diseases of the ear and eustachian tube can also cause ear congestion.
Due to inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane of the middle ear and the Eustachian tube, the function of the latter is disrupted, which leads to a disruption in the pressure equalization between the middle ear and the nasopharynx and the appearance of congestion. In addition to this symptom, pain in the ear area, decreased hearing, sometimes discharge of pus from the external auditory canal, as well as general reactions of the body to inflammation - increased body temperature, general weakness, fatigue. What will the doctor do?
The doctor will prescribe a course of antibacterial drugs according to the clinical picture of the disease.

Inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

The mechanism of ear congestion here is approximately the same as in the previous group of diseases.
The inflammatory process in the nasopharynx is usually accompanied by involvement of the Eustachian tube with all the ensuing consequences. As a rule, this group of diseases is accompanied by pain in the throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, and increased body temperature. What will the doctor do?
The doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics or antiviral drugs depending on the specifics of the disease.

Diseases of the inner ear.

These include Meniere's disease, damage to the auditory nerve, acoustic trauma, etc. The appearance of congestion is associated in this case with a disruption in the functioning of the auditory nerve and distortion of sound perception.
The diseases are accompanied by dizziness, hearing loss, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. What will the doctor do?
The doctor will conduct a series of special tests to determine the level of damage to the auditory nerve and, based on the data obtained, prescribe the necessary treatment.

The article lists the most common causes of ear congestion, but this symptom can accompany a variety of unexpected diseases. Therefore, if ear congestion appears regularly, you should consult a doctor for examination and to identify the causes of this condition.

Be healthy!

Olga Starodubtseva

Photo depositphotos.com

Related products: (salicylic alcohol), (boric acid)


Preventive actions:

  • Spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine: what is it and how to treat it?
  • sleep on an orthopedic pillow;
  • do therapeutic exercises daily, the program of which will be selected by a therapeutic instructor;
  • flex your muscles every day;
  • don't give up walking.

It is good for cartilage to drink a lot of water and establish a balanced diet. And most importantly, physical activity.

Necessary examinations

Before treatment, you need to make sure that the cause of the pain is osteochondrosis. The first thing you need to do is visit a specialist. During a conversation, the local therapist will determine the disease based on the symptoms described.

The examination of the body must be thorough. This must be done in order to detect other diseases. Using the following diagnostic methods, the disease can be detected:

  1. One of the procedures is MRI, CT of the cervical spine. The method reveals all abnormalities that exist in the inner ear, paranasal sinus and brain.
  2. Ultrasound examination of blood channels is necessary in order to detect how active the blood flow in the artery is. This procedure looks for arterial blockages, plaques, and blood clots.
  3. Thanks to x-rays of the cervical vertebrae, it is possible to determine where bruises, dislocations and fractures are located.
  4. After an audiological examination of the patient, auditory activity is checked.

Correct and effective treatment can be established after timely and complete diagnosis. An examination by a specialist is necessary if the first signs of the development of the disease - cervical osteochondrosis - appear.

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