Vasodilators for cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a common dystrophic-degenerative disease of the spine that occurs due to a number of causative factors. Treatment of the disease requires an integrated approach, including therapeutic exercises, massage treatments and drug therapy. If at an early stage of development it is possible to cure the disease with the help of physiotherapy and diet, then at later stages it is necessary to use tablets for cervical osteochondrosis, since medications tend to act on the affected area from the inside.

Tablets for cervical osteochondrosis

Main purpose of drugs

Vasodilator drugs for osteochondrosis are necessary in the presence of acute cerebrovascular accident. Medicines in this category help to increase the lumen of blood vessels in the brain, thereby increasing the flow of blood and nutrients to it. They are used only in complex therapy, since they cannot cure the pathology on their own, regardless of the stage of the disease. Drugs of this group are prescribed for osteochondrosis, in the presence of the following symptoms of impaired cerebral blood flow:

  • Frequent dizziness or headache.
  • Problems with coordination.
  • Sudden deterioration in vision or hearing.
  • Periodic loss of consciousness.
  • Feeling of nausea or bouts of vomiting not associated with gastrointestinal problems or dietary errors.
  • Decreased facial skin sensitivity or numbness.

With osteochondrosis of the neck, the vertebrae and intervertebral discs can compress the arteries responsible for the blood supply to the brain. This causes a sharp deterioration in the condition and aggravates ischemia. Vasodilators are a universal group of drugs used in various pathological processes. They allow you to improve the nutrition of the brain and eliminate the manifestation of its oxygen starvation.

How to measure your B vitamin levels?

A deficiency of B vitamins can occur due to a number of reasons:

  • nutritional deficiencies due to a strict vegetarian diet;
  • problems with the absorption of vitamins in the intestines due to atrophy of the mucous membrane or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthiasis;
  • Smoking and alcohol also reduce the level of B vitamins in the body.

You can measure your vitamin B12 and vitamin D levels with a simple blood test. A referral for this test can be issued by a physician, or the patient can do it independently at any medical clinic in St. Petersburg that provides laboratory testing services.

Operating principle

Vasodilators for the brain are prescribed to improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion in the collar area. Thanks to them, the work of nerve impulses is restored faster and muscle fibers relax. The drugs thin the blood, stimulate microcirculation and tissue regeneration, and improve the tone of the walls of blood vessels.

Vasodilator drugs for osteochondrosis are used in two types: central and peripheral. The first type affects the vasomotor center located inside the brain. The second group weakens painful nerve tics by blocking impulses transmitted to muscle tissue. In addition, it increases the patency of blood vessels by restoring normal lumen. After restoring the natural course of nerve impulses, the drug is stopped.

List of vasodilators

Vascular drugs for cervical osteochondrosis are presented in a wide variety by the pharmaceutical industry. They all differ in the active substance in their composition, dosage regimens, release form and the presence of contraindications. Therefore, they should always be selected individually by a doctor. A list of drugs from this category is presented for your reference. Abuse of drugs in this group is fraught with damage to blood vessels, leaching of calcium from the body and a sharp deterioration in the condition of bones and cartilage tissue and the emergence of serious complications.


The drug belongs to the group of alpha-blockers, and promotes vasodilation by blocking the receptors located in them. This improves the patient's condition. The effect is predominantly on the brain and upper extremities, so it is used for transient ischemic attacks. The drug is available in several forms:

  • Tablets and dragees for oral use.
  • Powder for preparation of injections.
  • Powder in sachet for oral administration.
  • Injection.

The main effect of the medication is to increase blood flow, improve vascular permeability to glucose, and normalize metabolic processes. The appointment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The drug is also found in pharmacies under the trade name “Nilogin”.


Medicines for headaches with cervical osteochondrosis

A prominent representative of the drug with this active substance is “Eufillin”. It is produced in the form of tablets and injections, and is prescribed for use together with electrophoresis in the development of pathological processes in the spine. Its main task is to relax the muscle fiber, thereby eliminating spasm and improving blood circulation in the body. This minimizes the likelihood of blood clots forming in the body.

The drug is prescribed in several doses, the dose is increased gradually. The high probability of side effects requires specialist monitoring of the dynamics of treatment. The most common of them are convulsions, pain in the heart, dizziness, and increased blood pressure. The duration of the course is selected individually and is usually several months.


The list of drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis often includes a drug based on pentoxifylline. Prominent representatives of the group are “Agupurin”, “Pentomer”, “Vazonit”, “Arbiflex”. The active substance effectively relaxes the walls of blood vessels, thereby increasing their lumen and eliminating oxygen starvation. Gradual normalization of blood circulation improves the supply of oxygen to the blood, restores the functioning of the central nervous system and limbs. The drugs are available in several forms: powder, tablets, injections.

Representatives of the group of vasodilator drugs

A nicotinic acid

It is found on pharmacy shelves under the name “Niacin”. Available in the form of tablets, injection solutions, powders. The active ingredient is vitamin PP, which promotes carbohydrate metabolism, improves lipid balance and dilates vascular walls. Due to this, cerebral circulation improves and the general condition is alleviated. The drug is recommended for the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, and vascular atherosclerosis.

But independent use of the product is unacceptable, since there is a high probability of developing unwanted side effects. These include dizziness, redness of the face or flushing of the upper body, and a feeling of heat in the body. After stopping the drug, they all go away quickly.


Vinpocetine is a medicine used to restore normal blood circulation to the brain. On the shelves of pharmacies it is found under the name “Cavinton”. Its main advantage is its action in three directions at once: eliminating metabolic disorders, restoring normal blood flow and improving microcirculation. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the following results when taking:

  • Expansion of the lumen in the vessels of the brain.
  • Reduced blood viscosity.
  • Normalization of metabolism in brain tissue.
  • Improved nutrient absorption.
  • Antioxidant action.

The drug is often prescribed for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, as it reduces the likelihood of blood clots to a minimum and increases resistance to hypoxia. The drug is used both in the form of tablets and injections.


Piracetam is considered one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. It is found in pharmacies under its own name and as “Nootropil”, “Lucetam”. The active substance helps to activate blood flow in blood vessels, regenerates damaged tissue, and improves mental abilities. What effect does the drug have on the nervous system?

  • Improves the metabolic processes of nerve cells.
  • Stimulates blood flow in the brain.
  • Changes the speed of propagation of impulses in the brain.
  • Affects blood viscosity.
  • Improves communication between the hemispheres of the brain.

The main indications for the use of piracetam are acute cerebrovascular accident, treatment of cortical myoclonus or frequent dizziness. It is used in the form of tablets or injections. It is prescribed with caution to elderly people, as it may cause unwanted side effects. Dosage adjustment is required in the presence of renal failure.


A modern drug with an antihypoxic effect. The active substance cinnarizine restores blood circulation, increases the lumen in blood vessels and improves the supply of nutrients to the brain. Thanks to this, damaged blood vessels are restored and the symptoms of oxygen starvation are eliminated. Well-being improves by eliminating the cause of oxygen starvation. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Signs of brain malnutrition.
  • Acute intoxication of the body.
  • Pathological processes in the nervous system that provoke deterioration of memory or coordination.
  • Decreased mental abilities.
  • Constant migraines and headaches.
  • The appearance of noise in the head or other unpleasant sensations.

The drug can enhance the effectiveness of sedatives, so they are used with caution in combination with them. Take the drug in courses 2 times a day, regardless of meals.

The same drug is available in both tablet and injection forms.

Additional measures to improve cerebral circulation

Additional methods are used to improve the effects of prescribed drugs to stimulate blood circulation. You should check with your doctor about the possibility of their use, since the patient may have serious contraindications.

MethodologyPeculiarityPositive effect
Massage1. Carried out only by a specialist. 2. For a good effect, at least 10 procedures are required. 3. Repeated massage courses can be carried out at home, provided that the technique is followed. 4. To stabilize the patient, the cervical spine, head and entire collar area should be massaged 1. Lymph and blood accelerate. 2. Memory and performance improves. 3. The mobility of the vertebrae increases. 4. Headaches and tinnitus go away. 5. Improves physical and mental fitness
Physiotherapy1. The first sessions are carried out under the supervision of a rehabilitation specialist. 2. Exercises can be done daily. 3. The main load should go to the cervical spine 1. The strength of the muscle corset increases. 2. Blood and lymph accelerates. 3. Acute pain goes away. 4. Blood pressure is normalized
Acupuncture1. An individually selected course is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. 2. For a therapeutic effect, at least 5-10 treatment sessions are carried out 1. Lymph and blood accelerate. 2. Memory and performance improves. 3. The mobility of the vertebrae increases. 4. Headaches and tinnitus go away. 5. Physical and intellectual fitness improves. 6. Blood pressure is normalized
Wearing a Shants collar1. Selected from a traumatologist or neurologist 2. An individually selected course is worn for several hours a day1. Strengthens muscles. 2.Protects against further complications
Physiotherapy1. Can be carried out using electrical impulses or magnets1. Normalizes blood and lymph flow. 2. Strengthens the conductivity of nutrients. 3. Eliminates pain. 4. Improves tissue condition
Operation1. The specialist removes the destroyed intervertebral disc. 2. Used only in extreme cases due to the high risk of disability. 3. Prescribed for partial paralysis and severe brain hypoxia 1. With successful treatment, it completely restores blood flow to the brain. 2. Eliminates pain and discomfort due to cervical osteochondrosis

Injections to dilate blood vessels

Some patients need to urgently restore blood circulation to the brain. To do this, in a hospital setting they are prescribed injections of vasodilating drugs. In addition to restoring circulation and tissue nutrition, they quickly enter the bloodstream and prevent the development of complications. The following medications are commonly used:

  • Eufillin. The drug is available not only in the form of tablets, but also injections. Injections are prescribed to patients if there are contraindications to the use of another form, or in serious condition. The active substance helps eliminate muscle spasms, improves ventilation of the lung tissue, dilates the bronchi, increases blood flow, thereby improving the patient’s well-being.
  • Actovegin. The medication increases the percentage of glucose in the cell, thereby maintaining its energy supply, speeds up the process of feeding the brain and increases blood flow, and promotes healing. Therefore, injections are prescribed for acute brain disorders or vascular pathologies.
  • A nicotinic acid. The drug promotes the expansion of capillaries and blood vessels, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Used only as prescribed by a doctor; the pharmacy dispenses the medicine only with a prescription. The active ingredient is also contained in such products as “Nikoshpan”, “Enduracin”.
  • Vinca alkaloid derivatives. Injections are prescribed to eliminate spasm of blood vessels, to dilate them and restore normal metabolic processes in the body. The active substance prevents platelets from sticking together, which minimizes the risk of complications of osteochondrosis. The treatment regimen and dosage of the drug are selected individually by the attending physician.

The course of injections does not last long, unlike taking the tablet form of the drug. But it allows you to quickly stabilize the patient’s condition, improve his well-being, and eliminate the risk of developing dangerous pathological processes. They are prescribed in special cases or when treating a patient in a hospital setting.

Vitamin B17 and cancer treatment

Recently, scientists in search of a cure for cancer are increasingly paying close attention to vitamin B17 (amegdalin), which is found in flax seeds, millet and fruit seeds. Medical debate about the benefits and harms of this substance in the treatment of oncology does not subside. There are a number of studies that suggest that vitamin B17 helps in the fight against cancer. This opinion is shared by a number of medical specialists (American Dr. Krebs and Edward Griffin, Italian Dr. Guidetti), who consider cancer to be a disease caused by a lack of certain elements in the body. They claim that daily consumption of 7-10 apricot kernels prevents the development of cancer. And if cancer has already developed, then with dosed use of vitamin B17, tumor development decreases and the formation of metastases is stopped. But at the moment there are no generally accepted clinical studies confirming the therapeutic effect of vitamin B17 in the treatment of cancer. There are also a number of statements by the American oncologist Lester M Crawford that there is no scientific evidence that drugs with vitamin B17 (for example, laetrile) can cure cancer. Moreover, he believes that B17 is a dangerous compound that contains the deadly component cyanide. But, despite the skepticism of official medicine about the ability of vitamin B17 to help treat cancer, doctors do not give up attempts to study B vitamins as a promising group of substances in the treatment of cancer. Now active experiments are being conducted with vitamin B1.

Author: Telegina Natalya Dmitrievna

Therapist with 25 years of experience


Contraindications for use

Medications from the vasodilator category have a number of contraindications. Therefore, they are prescribed only by a doctor, after a detailed study of the patient’s anamnesis and medical history. It is prohibited to use them in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Disorders of the cardiac system.
  • Hypertension or frequent increases in blood pressure.
  • Kidney failure.

Drugs are not prescribed if there is an individual intolerance to certain components, or if there is a high probability of developing an allergic reaction. In other cases, specialist supervision is required in the dynamics of treatment and adjustment of the dosage and duration of administration if side effects occur.

Patient reviews

Cervical osteochondrosis negatively affects not only the condition of bone and connective tissue, but also provokes acute circulatory disorders in the brain. After being prescribed a large number of drugs, some patients doubt whether they should also take vascular drugs. Patient reviews will help you figure this out.

Anna T, 22 years old “Osteochondrosis in my neck was discovered after the appearance of severe headaches and deteriorating vision. The neurologist prescribed gymnastics, painkillers and vascular medications. At first I took Nootropil several times a day, the effect was immediate, but side effects appeared, so it was later replaced with Piracetam. The active substance is the same, but the second one had no symptoms. After completing the course, I continue to do gymnastics, it also restores blood circulation well. Here drugs alone are not enough.”

Irina M, 43 years old “After several fainting spells, I went to the doctor, and after a comprehensive examination, they diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis. They prescribed a whole list of medications, which included vascular medications. At first I doubted whether I should drink them, but after consulting with several specialists, I was convinced that I couldn’t do without them. “I take Omaron according to the regimen, but so far the results are not very noticeable, the symptoms are not so pronounced, and otherwise my health has not changed.”

Yuri N., 39 years old “At first I attributed the dizziness and nausea to poisoning, but then I realized that the cause was more serious. After the diagnosis of osteochondrosis was made, vasodilator drugs were immediately prescribed. I took Cavinton for almost 2 months, and the results appeared only a week and a half after taking it. But it is worth noting that almost all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease have passed, and my health has become much better.”

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine often provokes acute cerebrovascular accident. In this case, the doctor includes vasodilators and neuroprotectors in complex therapy. They are able to restore blood flow and enhance the chosen treatment tactics. The treatment plan is always selected individually by a specialist.

Diagnosis of brain problems in cervical osteochondrosis

To confirm the presence of insufficient blood supply to the organ, the doctor first confirms osteochondrosis in the cervical region.

  1. To do this, the doctor first interviews the patient, collects anamnesis, and palpates the sore spot for the degree of sensitivity and pain.
  2. Taking into account the data obtained, an x-ray examination is prescribed. It is carried out in several projections. Based on the images obtained, the neurologist makes a diagnosis and diagnoses the presence of cerebral circulatory insufficiency.
  3. The best method for identifying existing pathology is to prescribe magnetic resonance therapy. The procedure can clarify the severity of cervical osteochondrosis and the severity of the compression of blood vessels that has occurred.

Attention! If problems appear in the form of cerebral circulatory failure and increased blood pressure, it is additionally recommended to undergo ECG procedures, ultrasound of the heart and brain.

Using brain MRI data, the doctor will be able to immediately assess the severity of the disorder.

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