Tablets for dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis: list of medications

Cervical osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology that rapidly progresses in the absence of adequate therapy. The main goals of treatment are to relieve symptoms and prevent destruction of adjacent vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Unlike thoracic and lumbosacral osteochondrosis, a disease localized in the cervical region provokes frequent dizziness. This condition threatens a person’s health and life, as it can cause poor coordination and falls. Vertebrologists prescribe tablets for patients with dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis - cerebroprotectors, muscle relaxants, B vitamins. The drugs normalize blood circulation in the brain, eliminate muscle spasms, and regenerate damaged blood vessels.

X-ray of the cervical spine with deformed vertebrae (osteophytes).

What makes you dizzy

The main reason that the head is dizzy with osteochondrosis is, after all, the vascular component, so this pathology is usually referred to as vertebral artery syndrome. Extracranial cerebral arteries pass through special openings in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, which supply blood to the posterior lobes of the brain. Compression of blood vessels by the cervical vertebra leads to impaired vision, hearing, coordination and dizziness, including loss of consciousness. Blood circulation in the cerebral arteries worsens significantly when the neck is turned, while dizziness is paroxysmal in nature (body instability with swaying), darkening of the eyes or, conversely, bright flashes are noted.

The mechanism of circulatory disorders in the vertebral artery

These pathologies occur with osteochondrosis, when there is a sharp decrease in intervertebral discs, a reduction in the distance between the vertebrae, and their mechanical destruction from contact with each other. Under such conditions, the cerebral arteries experience pressure and strain. Treatment of dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis must begin as early as possible, since prolonged vascular disorders provoke the appearance of areas of ischemia in the brain and the development of organic disorders. After their appearance, hemodynamic disturbances in the brain become persistent: nausea, dizziness, vomiting, dysarthria, short attacks of loss of consciousness become permanent.

Dizziness can be caused by compression of the cervical nerve plexus

Another mechanism for the occurrence of dizziness is the appearance of pathological nerve impulses going to the vestibular apparatus and cerebellum when the cervical nerve plexus is pinched on the corresponding side.

Headache and dizziness due to cervical osteochondrosis most often occur in people who, due to their duty, are forced to sit for a long time, leaning forward, lead an inactive lifestyle, and eat insufficiently and monotonously. In addition, high-intensity physical activity, emotional stress, spinal injury, even incorrectly chosen pillow height and mattress hardness contribute to the development of cervical chondrosis.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, dizziness caused by cervical osteochondrosis is eliminated mainly through physiotherapy, massage, and daily physical therapy exercises. Pharmacological drugs are also used in therapy. Vertebrologists prefer ointments, gels, and balms. The ingredients of external agents almost do not penetrate into the bloodstream and do not have a teratogenic effect.

Associated syndromes

With cervical osteochondrosis, several syndromes associated with headaches occur:

Actovegin for cervical osteochondrosis

  • Posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome is a headache in the cervical-occipital region that occurs after sleep, when walking, or prolonged vertical exercise. The pain is pulsating in nature, radiates to the parietal, frontal and occipital regions, intensifies with turns of the neck and is accompanied by dizziness.
  • Vestibulo-cochlear syndrome – pain accompanied by “noise in the head”, dizziness, hearing impairment, which increases with neck movement.
  • Ophthalmic syndrome – scintillating scotoma (loss of visual fields), decreased vision, which is associated with a change in head position.
  • Vegetative syndrome from irritation of the cerebral arteries and spinal column - a feeling of heat, a feeling of coldness in the extremities, sweating, palpitations.
  • Transient ischemia – disturbance of motor and tactile activity, vision, diplopia, dizziness, nausea, swallowing reflex.

Often patients ignore headaches and don’t even ask the question, can they feel dizzy with cervical osteochondrosis? To recognize this variant of dizziness, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • headache or dizziness occurs after prolonged sitting (for example, while driving a car);
  • attacks occur when the neck is tilted to the side or after lying on the side on a soft pillow that does not support the neck in a straight position.
  • dizziness is accompanied by severe pain in the back of the head, there may be nausea or vomiting, which, however, does not bring relief.
  • When you press your fingers on the sides of the cervical vertebrae, the dizziness intensifies. The head becomes “cloudy” and the feeling of fullness inside the skull increases.

Associated symptoms

The course of cervical osteochondrosis may be accompanied by the development of syndromes that appear along with dizziness. They arise against the background of sensations of swaying on the waves, rising or falling of the body, instability of the surface underfoot, its movement, vibration.

A syndrome that often accompanies dizzinessCharacteristic symptoms
HypothalamicFatigue, psycho-emotional instability, decrease or increase in temperature, excessive sweating, increased urination, surges in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances
SyncopalFalling, fainting, loss of consciousness, tinnitus, reversible speech impairment, spots and spots flashing before the eyes
PharyngolaryngealProblems with swallowing food, water, soreness and “lump” in the throat, weakening of the voice
VisualFog before the eyes, decreased visual acuity, appearance of luminous moving points, spots, figures, lightning

Necessary research

Subjective symptoms of dizziness from osteochondrosis must be confirmed by the results of an objective study:

  • radiography;
  • CT scan;
  • MRI;
  • ultrasound doppler;
  • angiography using functional tests for flexion-extension and neck rotation.

Ultrasound and Doppler examination of the neck vessels help identify the cause and areas of their compression


The diagnosis is made on the basis of external and neurological examination and medical history. During the conversation at the first appointment, the doctor asks the patient to describe the nature of the dizziness. To confirm the diagnosis, a number of instrumental studies are carried out:

  • X-ray of the cervical spine in the direct and lateral surfaces to identify signs of osteochondrosis;

  • MRI or CT to assess the condition of discs, blood vessels, nerve trunks, soft tissues;
  • electroencephalography to exclude epileptic and paroxysmal activity in the temporal leads;
  • myelography if MRI is not possible;
  • vestibulometry, stabilography, rotational tests for the study of the vestibular analyzer.

Discography allows a targeted assessment of the condition of the affected disc. Electrophysiological studies - evoked potentials, electroneurography, electromyography - help determine the location and extent of damage to nerve pathways.

Degeneration of intervertebral discs of the cervical spine.

How to get rid of dizziness

Hemodynamic disorders that occur in the brain with cervical osteochondrosis can be treated using folk remedies, medications, and special exercises.

Drugs for dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis act in two directions. Some medications improve blood circulation in the cerebral arteries, while others act on the cause of spinal diseases that lead to vascular compression.

First, doctors prescribe medications to relieve pain, which can be in the form of injections or tablets. Anti-inflammatory injections, as a rule, are given no longer than 7 days, but the duration of treatment still depends on the patient’s individual criteria.

Tablets for dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Celecoxib, Indomethacin; drugs affecting vascular tone - Troxerutin, Diosmin, Ginko-biloba, Nimodipine and blood microcirculation - Pentoxifylline, Trental, Vinpocetine, Sermion.

Neuroprotective therapy is also used - drugs that relieve the effects of brain damage due to incoming episodes of ischemia. Improve energy processes in brain tissue - Cytocolin, Gliatilin, Mildronate, activate regeneration Actovegin, Thiotriazolin, Trimetazidine. Nootropic drugs - Picamilon, Aminalon, Cinnarizine, Phenibut - also help eliminate dizziness. To nourish cartilage tissue, drugs with chondroitin and glucosamine, collagen, as well as complex vitamins B, C, D - Milgamma, Neurobeks, Vitaxon are prescribed.

Non-drug treatment

In addition to regularly taking medications, patients with dizziness due to osteochondrosis must be prescribed a diet (avoiding smoked foods, pickles, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, fatty foods), physiotherapy, massage and a set of exercises.

Gymnastics for the neck helps reduce the load on its muscles, relieve spasms, as well as improve blood supply to the vertebrae and slow down degenerative processes.

For cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to perform a complex of exercise therapy during the day.

To improve well-being, therapeutic exercises are performed slowly, with great care to avoid pain:

  • Sitting on a chair, keep your back straight and look forward. Turn your head with gentle movements left and right, fixing the extreme position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 10–20 times;
  • Without changing your position, tilt your head left and right. Avoid cramps and pain by gradually stretching your joints and muscles. As in the first exercise, fix the extreme position;
  • press your chin as close as possible to your chest, feel the stretch in your cervical spine, and turn your head left and right in this position. This is a diagonal stretch of the back muscles of the neck.

During the period of exacerbation of chondrosis and increased frequency of attacks of dizziness, it is recommended to use a special support collar, which limits movement in the cervical region.

The effect of manual therapy for osteochondrosis

Traditional methods of treatment recommend using infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and also reduce swelling. Herbs help remove the unpleasant manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis, improve blood circulation, relieve spasms and normalize the autonomic nervous system. They must be taken regularly to achieve the desired effect.

For medicinal purposes they use:

  • infusion of celery root - a tablespoon three times a day;
  • tincture of barberry berries – 30 drops, 3 times a day;
  • propolis tincture mixed with aloe leaves and mustard powder in the form of a compress at night;
  • a compress made of canvas soaked in kerosene - for the night;
  • pain-relieving lotions made from grated potatoes or lemon and garlic;
  • cervical massage with honey.

There are also recommendations to help you understand what not to do if you are prone to dizziness.

  • Engage in sports that require lifting weights or the body experiences prolonged static vertical load
  • “Crunch” your neck. Such a warm-up provokes rapid destruction of the cervical vertebrae and pinching of blood vessels and nerves.
  • Sleep with a high pillow on a very soft bed. This contributes to deformation of all parts of the spine.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes that shifts the center of gravity and forces the head to move out from its normal axis, overstraining the neck muscles.
  • Abuse foods that retain water in the body - coffee, alcohol, salt, marinades.

Types of stress that provoke exacerbation of osteochondrosis and dizziness

Important! Self-medication of dizziness is unacceptable, since this symptom can occur not only with osteochondrosis. Dangerous sources of discomfort can be: disorders in the inner ear, its inflammation (labyrinitis), cardiovascular hypotension, neuronitis, damage to the brain stem, neurological diseases - migraine, epilepsy.

Preventing the condition with medications

In addition to the course of taking balanced complexes of vitamins and microelements, doctors prescribe systemic chondroprotectors to patients. These are Teraflex, Dona, Arthra, Structum, Chondroxide, Alflutop, Chondrogard. The use of chondroprotectors at the initial stage of development of osteochondrosis allows for partial restoration of damaged discs. And in case of a disease of 2 or 3 degrees of severity, drugs are used to prevent its spread to healthy tissue.


Elena I began to experience dizziness after I had a neck injury. After examination, it turned out that the intervertebral discs were damaged and osteochondrosis developed. Its consequences are manifested by mild dizziness, chills, and palpitations. Symptoms worsen when tilting the head. Therapy now consists of vascular drugs - Cavinton, magnesia, Lucetam, painkillers - injections of Movalis and Mydocalm, as well as electrophoresis for cervical calving.

Nikita I have a sedentary office job, so often even just climbing the stairs made me dizzy. It turned out that the reason was cervical osteochondrosis. Now, on the recommendation of a doctor, I regularly perform special neck exercises throughout the day, which unblock the blood vessels and tone the muscles. Thanks to them, the headaches are much less frequent and the unpleasant episodes when everything floats before your eyes have practically stopped.

Olga I was given a variety of diagnoses - both vegetative-vascular dystonia and migraine, but as a result it turned out that the cause of headaches and dizziness was osteochondrosis in the cervical hotel. Now I regularly undergo treatment with a chiropractor and do physical therapy exercises at home. My health has improved significantly, there is no staggering or terrible headaches, I can easily do without painkillers and not be afraid of sudden loss of consciousness.

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