Dazzling eyes and headaches: causes and how to treat

The appearance of blurred vision and dizziness are two symptoms that often occur simultaneously or one after another. Most people explain this by fatigue and lack of sleep. However, these signs may indicate some kind of disease. In what cases should you definitely see a doctor and not ignore these symptoms?

There are many reasons why a person becomes dizzy and gets dark vision. Conventionally, all factors that provoke these symptoms can be divided into two groups:

  • unrelated to diseases;
  • pathological.

Non-pathological causes

Factors that are not associated with pathologies can be called relatively harmless. This means that dizziness and fog before the eyes will go away if you immediately limit the impact of these factors on the body. Among these reasons:

  • Stress, strong emotional stress, fear - all this leads to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. The blood vessels narrow, and the brain receives insufficient oxygen.
  • Dehydration.
  • Side effects of medications.
  • Weak vestibular apparatus.
  • Heavy physical activity.
  • Pregnancy. Dizziness, as well as fog before the eyes, can occur during the period of hormonal changes in the body.
  • Diet.
  • Alcohol abuse.

These reasons do not always lead to the development of the disease. However, there is a risk that during dizziness and darkening of the eyes a person will fall and get injured.

Acute hypotension

The most common causes of a sharp deterioration in vision, complicated by weakness throughout the body and loss of consciousness, include acute or chronic hypotension - low blood pressure. An attack can be triggered by exposure to heat, heavy physical work, and even a sudden change in body position.

Low blood pressure causes an uneven supply of blood to the brain, which causes oxygen starvation. Due to the fact that the optic nerves connect directly to the main organ of the nervous system, the problems that arise primarily affect the eyes.

Pathological causes of blurred vision and dizziness

The above symptoms may indicate a serious illness. They are included in the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • anemia;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • vascular diseases;
  • migraine;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • intracranial tumors;
  • head injuries.

Foggy vision often occurs in people with glaucoma. This is an ophthalmopathology in which intraocular pressure increases. During an attack of glaucoma, dizziness may also occur.

Symptoms of presyncope

There are not many signs of pre-fainting. This is mainly dizziness and mild nausea. In this case, there is no loss of consciousness. Sometimes it is enough to change your position, close your eyes, drink cool water, and the unpleasant sensations disappear without a trace.

What other symptoms can be used to identify a pre-fainting state:

  • decreased muscle tone, weakness, muscle tremors;
  • visual effects - a veil or glow before the eyes;
  • feeling of loss of support;
  • forced control over every movement;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • noise in ears;
  • pale, yellowish or greenish skin tone.

A woman may experience a sudden fainting state during pregnancy. This is usually associated with low blood pressure or a sharp drop in blood pressure. An attack can be triggered by being in the sun, high ambient temperatures, or traveling in stuffy transport. If you take a safe position (sit down and lean on the back of the seat), the lightheadedness quickly passes. In this case, medical assistance is not required.

Teenage girls may experience similar phenomena during menstruation. A young child (6-8 years old) may feel dizzy as a result of vegetative-vascular disorders. Vegetative-vascular dystonia at any age is not considered as an independent disease, but develops against the background of neurological, cardiological, hormonal, and vascular disorders.

What to do if you feel dizzy and have dark vision?

If these symptoms occur regularly, you should get tested. There are a lot of diseases that are accompanied by darkening of the eyes and dizziness. To identify the true cause, the following may be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the cervical spine and cerebral vessels;
  • MRI;
  • CT scan;
  • measurement of intraocular and blood pressure;
  • fundus examination;
  • blood tests;
  • neurological tests.

A person who is systematically bothered by dizziness and blurred vision must be able to help himself so as not to get injured. When these signs appear, you need to stop, lean against a wall or sit down. If symptoms are caused by a lack of glucose, you should eat something sweet. If you have high blood pressure, you need to take a pill to lower it. The method of treatment directly depends on the underlying disease.

Dazzling eyes and headaches: causes and how to treat

Sometimes, abruptly getting up from the table, you can seem to lose control of your own vision: your head is spinning, and your vision is so blurry that you can’t see anything even at arm’s length. This is a fairly common phenomenon, also called noise and flicker.

Ripples before the eyes can either occur in an isolated case or bother a person on a regular basis. This is why it is so important to know why this can happen and what to do about it.

What are the causes of ripples, why do they sometimes appear in only one eye and how to get rid of them once and for all? Let's tell you in more detail.

Why does it dazzle your eyes?

If the problem does not arise for the first time, it is worth contacting a specialist who will help identify the cause - however, there are factors that affect vision most often, and you can familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of ripples in the eyes are the following:

  • cervical osteochondrosis - a disease in which the nerve endings of the upper spine are pinched;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • problems with the retina or vitreous humor;
  • compression of blood vessels due to pregnancy.

In addition, it also happens that it dazzles only in one eye - the right or left. In most cases, it is associated with ocular migraine, which can be concentrated in a specific area. However, there is a possibility that one eye is simply more vulnerable because it has been affected by some kind of ophthalmological disease - you definitely need to make an appointment with a doctor.

Why sometimes a headache is added to the ripples?

The ripples don't always appear on their own - you may find that you also have a very bad headache. Most often this is due to one of the following factors:

  • you work overtime at the computer and at the same time lead a sedentary lifestyle, rarely change your activity;
  • smoke and drink a lot;
  • often sit in a closed room that is almost not ventilated - most likely you simply do not have enough fresh air;
  • sudden change in weather.

In this case, getting rid of ripples is not so difficult - you just need to take some preventive measures.

What to do if your eyes are dazzled?

The first step, of course, is to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, but be prepared to completely change your lifestyle in the long term - this is what reliable prevention is all about.

Consider taking regular breaks. Of course, processing brings in more money, but in the long run it will have a negative impact on the body. If you learn to spend more time taking care of yourself, you will maintain your visual acuity and will definitely forget about the ripples in your eyes forever.

Eliminate alcohol and nicotine, adjust your diet - the healthier the food you eat, the better it will be. Take a closer look at foods rich in eye vitamins.

Change your activities more often and don't forget about physical activity.

Treatment for ripples in the eyes

When contacting a specialist, be prepared for the fact that the problem is not an ophthalmological disease - as mentioned just above, ripples can occur due to osteochondrosis or heart disease.

Therefore, prepare yourself in advance for several stages of treatment:

  • passing all necessary examinations;
  • course of drugs;
  • if necessary, physical therapy.

The sooner you use professional help, the better - a competent specialist will be able to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Take care of yourself!

Dizziness when standing up

A few words about orthostatic hypotension

He stood up abruptly and felt dizzy, “stars” appeared in his eyes, and for a split second there was a feeling of loss of balance. Why do such symptoms occur? Should I be concerned if I collapse when getting up or out of bed? Dizziness, stars in the eyes, loss of balance - why does one or more of these symptoms occur when getting up from your seat or getting out of bed? If such sensations are not regular, occur only during a sharp rise and pass instantly, then there is no need to worry.

Phillip Low, professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic (Minnesota, USA), says: “The heart is a pump, and when you suddenly stand up, the amount of blood entering the heart decreases. This can lead to a temporary drop in blood pressure and it takes a short period of time for the corrective mechanisms to correct the situation.” Doctors call this condition orthostatic hypotension (a decrease in blood pressure until it normalizes).

The cause of this condition, if you experience it occasionally, may be an easily correctable cause. For example, you are hungry or haven’t drunk enough water (skipping a meal at a regular and usual time for the body leads to a drop in blood sugar levels, further dehydration and slowing of blood circulation). Other reasons: intense and unusual workouts, heatstroke, pregnancy, lack of sleep and fatigue, alcohol consumption.

A cause for alarm and a reason to immediately consult a doctor is the situation if an attack of dizziness after standing up becomes a common daily practice, if the attack does not subside, but intensifies when you are already standing. All this indicates that blood pressure has already dropped and is not returning to normal, according to Dr. Christopher Gibbons, associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School (USA).

Orthostatic hypotension increases with age; according to statistics, it develops in 5-10% of the population aged 60+ years. Doctors warn that such conditions, according to research, are the cause of falls, fractures and injuries in middle-aged and older people.

A sudden feeling that the room around you is starting to spin and spin may be a consequence of inner ear problems. Vertigo (vestibular vertigo) can be caused by ear infections, head injuries and tumors and requires medical attention.

Another dangerous signal for you is loss of consciousness after getting up, even for a second. Even a one-time incident is already a reason to undergo an examination of the cardiovascular, endocrine or nervous system.

Particular attention should be paid to medications that you take on an ongoing basis as part of established diagnoses. In addition to drugs directly aimed at lowering blood pressure, many drugs have a similar effect in the form of side effects. If, while taking it, you experience problems after getting up from a sitting or lying position, you should consult with your doctor about changing the dosage of the medication or an alternative drug replacement. Never stop taking medications on your own, even if you experience discomfort, as this can cause serious complications.

By contacting the specialists of the EVO Medical Center, you can also solve the problem of orthostatic hypertension that worries you. Do not forget at the initial appointment not to hide from doctors all disturbing symptoms, even seemingly insignificant ones. An integrated approach to your body, involving doctors of different profiles (including osteopaths, neurologists, cardiologists, ENT specialists) allows you to choose the optimal treatment method and achieve not only healing, but also increasing the efficiency of the “whole body” as a single unit. Registration is carried out by phone

Based on materials from Time. You Asked: why do i get dizzy when i stand up?

What to do

If a pre-fainting state occurs one-time for objective reasons (stuffiness, heatstroke), it does not require medical intervention. It is enough to sit or lay the person down, move him to the shade, loosen the belt and collar, and give him a drink of cool water or sweet tea. When breathing is restored, the pulse returns to normal, the face acquires a normal color, and the danger of fainting disappears. In other cases, consultation with a neurologist is required. Based on the collected data, the specialist prescribes an examination and develops a treatment strategy, preventing the development of serious pathologies.

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