Pain in the lumbosacral spine: what to do, how and with what to treat

The discomfort that brings pain in the lumbosacral spine can be temporary or permanent, weak and aggravated by any external factors, etc. Pain in the lower back is not an independent disease, but is a sign of some kind of disorder in the body. This disorder may be associated with the musculoskeletal system or problems with internal organs. If you ignore the signal that your body sends, in addition to discomfort, this can also lead to a deterioration in your health in general and impaired motor functions in particular.

Pathogenesis of pain in the sacral region

The lumbosacral spine bears the main load when walking. And if your back hurts specifically in the sacral spine, then this can be explained by any reason - from diseases of the spine itself and neurological disorders to the presence of neoplasms in the body. Discomfort can manifest itself as sudden sharp pain, intensify when bending over or doing any physical activity, or when staying in one position for a long time. Sometimes pain in the lumbosacral spine prevents you from even just straightening up, which affects your lifestyle and quality of life. If the sacrum begins to hurt even when sitting, this may indicate the severity of the disease and pose a threat to health. Don't delay your visit to the doctor! Sign up for a consultation at the first painful sensation.

Sedentary work in a natural position

As we have already said, problems from sedentary work arise due to the fact that sitting on a regular chair with a horizontal seat does not allow the body to assume its natural position. For more information about the biomechanics of the sitting process, watch our video.

The Smartchair company studies the geometry of natural human postures to create the right chairs. The full range of Smartchairs is here. Thanks to the inclined seat, the right chair does not prevent the spine from taking its natural position and the muscles easily keep the back straight during sedentary work.

There are only two categories of proper chairs - saddle chairs (simulating sitting on a horse) and knee chairs (an inclined seat with emphasis on the knees).

Both types of chairs provide an obtuse angle between the body and the hips, allowing the body to assume its natural position during sedentary work. Read detailed instructions on how to choose the right Smartchair here. Elimination of the key negative factor of sedentary work - a horizontal chair - leads to the disappearance of back pain, legs stop swelling, and beautiful posture is quietly formed. Due to the fact that the chest expands on such a chair, excess pressure in the abdominal cavity disappears, digestion improves and excess weight disappears. Thus, the harm from sedentary work is reduced by 80-90%! (4-5 times).

To personally feel the convenience and joy of sitting on a Smart Chair, come to our brand stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Causes of pain in the sacral area

Pain in the sacral region is a consequence and sign of an emerging, developing or worsening pathology in the human body. This discomfort may indicate a variety of problems - the initial stage of radiculitis, acquired or congenital anomalies, displacement of the lumbar vertebra, pathological processes in tissues and muscles, etc. If pain in the sacrum occurs in women (usually on the left), then this is often a symptom of a gynecological disease. Another cause of pain in the sacral spine may be problems with the genitourinary system. Age-related changes, various metabolic problems, etc. also lead to painful discomfort. Only a doctor (for example, a neurologist)

) after a thorough examination and diagnosis.


Pain in the sacrum does not just happen. There are always reasons for this. One of the most common are injuries that bring even greater discomfort when a person takes a certain position. Injury can be caused accidentally due to an accident, a car accident, a fall, or caused to a person intentionally. If you are injured, you should see a doctor immediately to begin treatment and minimize the risk of serious consequences. Very often, trauma leads to displacement of the sacral and pelvic bones, which causes problems with the functioning of nerves and blood vessels. There are two types of displacement, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • when the right pelvic bones are displaced, severe pain and disruption of the right leg are observed, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the person loses weight and often feels unwell;
  • when the left pelvic bones are displaced, a person has problems with the functioning of the left leg and additionally has symptoms such as frequent constipation, colds, impaired functioning of the lungs and heart, as well as excess weight.

If after an injury or bruise the pain does not go away, but only intensifies, contact a specialist immediately.


Osteochondrosis in the lumbosacral region, as one of the common diseases, occurs in many people due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, constant stress, as well as due to injuries and age-related changes. The disease can also develop due to inflammation of the joints of the spine, ankylosing spondylitis and arthritis. How to recognize osteochondrosis in the sacrum? The following symptoms may indicate this disease:

  • regular occurrence of pain in the lumbosacral spine, that is, the lower back constantly hurts for no apparent reason, even at rest. Sometimes the pain may radiate to the legs and buttocks;
  • in advanced cases, pain occurs even when a person coughs or sneezes and with the slightest physical activity;
  • the mobility of the lower back is impaired, and it becomes painful to even bend over a little;
  • to this is added general irritability, weakness, sleep disturbances, since it is difficult for a person to find a comfortable position.

Chronic prostatitis

If in women pain in the spine in the sacral region can be associated with gynecological diseases, then in men the discomfort is often caused by chronic prostatitis. In this case, the pain is often aching in nature, radiating to the leg or spreading either along the right or left side. Such signs already indicate that the disease is in an advanced stage. With chronic prostatitis, pain can appear not only in the sacral area, but also in the lower abdomen, in the rectum and anus, in the genitals and radiate to the legs.

Consequences of sedentary work

From all sides we are bombarded with information about how harmful physical inactivity is. And the body itself signals us about this: the back and neck hurt from sedentary work, the legs swell, and chronic fatigue syndrome develops. Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, protrusion and hernia of the spine - all these are faithful companions of a sedentary lifestyle. Stagnation in the pelvis from prolonged sitting leads to varicose veins; coxarthrosis of the hip joints often develops with age. During pregnancy, sitting on a chair causes especially many troubles - the lower back and tailbone ache.

Characteristics of pain in the sacrum

The nature of the pain is one of the signs that the doctor takes into account when searching for the root cause.

Pain in the sacrum combined with pain in the lower back

Pain in the sacrum may appear due to a violation of the bone structure of this part of the musculoskeletal system, or be caused by any disease. If the latter is established, then all diseases that lead to pain in the sacrum are combined with the word sacrodynia. In this case, the pain can often radiate to other parts of the spine and lower torso, and then the patient says that either the lower back, or the tailbone, or the sacrum hurts. If you have pain in the sacrum and lower back at the same time, the source of this pain can be any reason. One of the main causes of pain in both cases is osteochondrosis. But only a doctor can say exactly where this source is and for what reason it arose. This will require a careful and thoughtful diagnosis.

Pain in the sacrum on the right and left

Pain may appear on the right or left if the sacral vertebrae are displaced, for example, due to injuries or bruises. Soreness on both sides often occurs due to inflammation and infection in the area, and may be accompanied by limping or leg cramps. If pain in the lumbosacral spine appears on the right and left even while sitting, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for competent treatment.

Aching pain in the sacrum

Acute and aching pain in the lumbosacral spine often occurs due to the appearance and development of pathologies of internal organs - kidneys, prostate, intestines, appendages, etc. If the pain is aching in nature and does not subside even during a period of rest (for example, in a lying position), then perhaps we are talking about an oncological disease in which metastases have already penetrated into the sacrum. Also, aching pain is characteristic of lumbosacral radiculitis, with displacement of the sacroiliac joint. The pain may radiate to the knee or the back of the thigh.

Why is this happening?

A mandatory attribute of sedentary work is a chair or office chair. 99% of them have a horizontal seat , which prevents the pelvis and spine from taking their natural position and independently maintaining a straight back position. According to the biomechanics of our body, when sitting on a chair with a horizontal seat, a rotation moment arises in the pelvis, which tends to tip our pelvis back. As a result, the lower back, and behind it the entire spine, curls up and the back takes on the shape of a “banana”. This is the root of all the problems listed above that arise from sedentary work. It manifests itself simply: first, after sitting for a long time, when getting up from a chair, local pain is felt in the knee or back. But these are just flowers. Over time, it becomes impossible to sit in a chair - the lower back or even the back in general hurts.

Note that buying a “sophisticated”, supposedly anatomical, office chair does not help to minimize the harm from sedentary work.

Even if the back is kept straight thanks to the bolsters under the lower back and neck, but the seat of the chair remains horizontal (parallel to the floor), then the moment of rotation in the pelvis does not disappear and tension in the pelvic-lumbar region remains.

Maximum back support is a disservice. Yes, while you are sitting on such a chair, you may be comfortable and sedentary work will become a little more comfortable for a while. However, if you remain in such a relaxed, unnatural position for a long time, the deep back muscles lose the habit of maintaining balance. After sitting on such a “throne,” the muscles do not stabilize the spine well for the rest of the day. In such a “loose” state, any simple movements, be it walking, jogging, walking back from the store with bags in hand, washing floors, or even working out in the gym, gradually lead to protrusions and hernias. Therefore, even using such chairs, it’s only a matter of time before you get back pain (for example, in the lumbar region) both while sitting and after.

How to treat pain in the sacrum?

Any independent actions are excluded. In order to know how and with what to remove and treat the lumbosacral spine if it hurts, you need to know the cause of pain in it and have a medical education. Therefore, at the first signs, consult a doctor.

Pain relief (anesthesia)

Treatment is tailored to the cause and individual patient's situation. But most people are prescribed painkillers to relieve pain - these can be either tablets and ointments, or drugs for intramuscular and intravenous administration. If the pain is very severe, the patient may be prescribed a blockade (analgesic complex) of the painful area. The blockade is introduced into the spinal canal in the sacroiliac region or in those areas of the muscles where the main pain syndrome is concentrated.

Manual therapy, acupuncture, massage

If the lumbosacral spine hurts, how to treat it is known to an experienced specialist who, in addition to medications, can prescribe to the patient such methods of influencing the pain syndrome as acupuncture, manual therapy and massage. These methods are useful when it is necessary to correct existing bone misalignments in the pelvic area, relieve tension and swelling from the muscles, improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscles, joints and nearby organs, and also align the position of internal organs if they are misaligned.


Physiotherapeutic procedures for pain in the sacrum involve the use of UHF and SMT (impact on painful areas with sinusoidal currents). They help relieve swelling and inflammation in the sacrum and lower back and improve joint mobility.

Numb back: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention

Every person has encountered the problem of numbness in different parts of the back and wonders about the health of the spine

. The problem is how often and regularly this inconvenience occurs and what it can lead to. There can be many sources of such discomfort, ranging from scoliosis to diseases of the internal organ systems. It is extremely important to prevent any diseases associated with the back, diagnose problems in time and correct them correctly.

How does numbness in the back manifest?

Numbness can vary in strength and location. It can manifest itself both in the form of a complete loss of sensitivity in a certain area, and in a slight tingling sensation. Such symptoms indicate a circulatory disorder in the spinal region. If there is pain during numbness, then most likely nerve endings that have been pinched are involved.

An additional description of the symptomatic complex will help to understand in more detail the causes of discomfort. The main symptoms of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the tissues of the spine are:

  • Acute pain that radiates to other parts of the body;
  • Difficulty inhaling;
  • Difficulty concentrating, dizziness and headache;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Loss of sensation in the limbs, complete or partial;
  • Shooting pain is felt throughout the entire spine;

In addition to these symptoms, the patient may be bothered by a number of others. If the lower back in women becomes numb, the cycle is disrupted and atypical vaginal discharge is present, this may indicate gynecological problems. If a man experiences erectile dysfunction, increased body temperature, pain when the pelvic region is tense, and his back becomes numb, then he may have prostatitis. Stomach diseases are accompanied by numbness in the thoracic region of the back, nausea, heartburn, and indigestion.

Why does the back feel lost?

The problem of back numbness occurs due to poor circulation and pinched nerves. With poor blood supply, tissues lose their sensitivity; if a nerve is pinched, the signal transmission channel from the brain is blocked and an unpleasant feeling of numbness also occurs. Depending on the location, there are different causes of discomfort:

  • Thoracic region - here the main causes of numbness may be curvature of the spine
    , as a result of which some vertebrae are displaced and intervertebral discs and nerves are compressed. Any damage in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulders, inflammatory processes, tumors lead to numbness in this area;
  • Lumbar region – here the range of causes is somewhat wider. Numbness in this area can be affected by kidney disease, dysfunction of the reproductive system of men and women, pregnancy and, as a result, a shift in the center of gravity in the spine.

Thus, it is important to find the cause of discomfort, because it is one of the symptoms of more complex diseases.

Basic treatment methods

Depending on the cause of the discomfort, different treatments are prescribed. If numbness is caused by diseases of the internal organs, drug treatment of the system in which the disorder occurred is prescribed. In the case of structural disorders in the spine, it is suggested to use a whole range of treatment methods, some of them can be carried out at home, some in specialized clinics. At the same time, folk medicine is given a special place here. The methods that are used are useful for the general tone of the body and directly help get rid of back numbness:

  • Shower – a contrast shower helps keep the body in good shape and, in addition, improves blood circulation. During water procedures, first direct a stream of hot water to the problem area, and then cold. Do this manipulation several times, then smear your back with warming ointment and wrap it with a warm scarf;
  • Camphor ointment - this consistency, together with eucalyptus oil, has a warming effect. Apply it to the problem area for 3 days before going to bed;
  • Pepper tincture – a numb back can be rubbed with a mixture of red hot pepper pods and vodka, infused for a week in a dark place.

Laboratory procedures also help get rid of the symptoms of numbness in the back. Physiotherapy is most often used in modern medicine:

  • Electromyostimulation - to stimulate muscle activity and improve blood flow, microcurrent is applied to tissues;
  • Magnetic therapy – deep tissue massage is performed using two magnets. The level that magnets reach cannot be achieved by other means;
  • Phonophoresis – micromassage is carried out using acoustic waves. Tissues are massaged at a depth of up to 6 centimeters. As a result, it is possible to relieve pain and swelling, speed up the process of tissue restoration;
  • Paraffin therapy – liquid paraffin is used to warm tissues; this procedure improves blood circulation and improves tissue conductivity.

Massage procedures and exercise therapy

Massage and physical therapy are not only universal means for treating diseases associated with the back, but also an excellent way to prevent back numbness. Exercise therapy, when all simple exercises are performed correctly, naturally reduces the curvature of the spine and also tones the muscles.

Therapeutic massage courses perfectly increase muscle elasticity, improve blood circulation and help cope with almost all diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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