Chinese ZB Pain Relief patch - miracle or deception

Most joint diseases in the spine provoke noticeable pain. In search of relief, people experiencing pain as a result of the formation of hernias, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other similar diseases are looking for remedies that can alleviate the pathological condition. Unfortunately, such moments become fertile ground for scammers to operate.

On the pharmacological market you can find many products that are not related to medications, have no effect and are not tested. One example of such products is ZB Pain Relief, a herbal patch of Chinese origin. The manufacturer promises relief from painful syndrome and complete cure of most diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Active ingredients and composition

The ZB Pain Relief patch consists of two sides. One is adhesive, necessary to secure the product to the desired area of ​​the back. The second side is impregnated with a mixture of medicinal herbs. The patch must be worn for 72 hours. Sellers and the manufacturer also assign nano properties to the impregnation. According to them, the active ingredients are crushed sufficiently to penetrate through the pores of the skin and directly affect the area of ​​the musculoskeletal system where the patch is placed.

The composition of the Chinese orthopedic patch ZB Pain Relief includes medicinal herbs, roots and tubers:

  • Ginura root;
  • Reticulate milletia;
  • Large-serrated angelica;
  • Drinaria;
  • Cybothium;
  • Bornean camphor;
  • Safflower;
  • Corydalis tubers;
  • Ginseng root.

Each of these plants has some medicinal properties.

In the absence of allergies, the patch will not cause harm and will provide some benefit (pain relief, improvement of skin condition), but the product will not have the declared effect.

On the official websites of ZB Pain Relief, which sell the patch in Russia, you can find medical recommendations for use. In fact, all recommendations are given fraudulently and are not true. The patch is not a medicine, as the manufacturer himself says.

Composition of the drug

The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • Bornean camphor is a component obtained from the camphor tree. It has a number of medicinal properties: accelerates the resorption of blood clots, restores and renews tissue, has the ability to relieve inflammatory processes, and has a calming effect. In ancient Chinese medicine it is a symbol of the life-giving force of Yang. It has medicinal properties in the fight against angina pectoris, renews blood, and promotes vasodilation.
  • Milletia reticularis is a plant belonging to the Legume family. It is the roots of the plant that have healing properties. Helps strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. It has an active effect in cases of partial numbness of the extremities, has a positive trend in normalizing blood pressure, relieves puffiness, swelling, and other inflammatory phenomena.
  • Drinaria is a plant belonging to the Polypodiaceae family, class Ferns. It exhibits a therapeutic effect due to the presence of carotene, mannitol, fructose and flavonoids. It also has positive dynamics in normalizing blood pressure and stimulates the production of blood cells. It has the properties of restoring cartilage tissue and relieving inflammatory processes.
  • Cistanche saline is a herbaceous perennial that parasitizes the roots of flowering plants. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, relieves aching limbs, swelling, and tones the skin.
  • Ginuraperistona drezna is a perennial. It has the properties of improving blood circulation, tissue nutrition, and promotes wound healing.
  • Angelica large serrata is a perennial plant. Relieves pain syndromes, swelling
  • Cibothium is a fern belonging to the Cibotiaceae family. It perfectly relieves muscle inflammation, has anti-inflammatory properties, and positive dynamics are noted in the treatment of damaged blood vessels.
  • Corydalis dubious is a perennial of the Dymyankov family. There are about twenty alkaloids in its chemical composition. Excellent sedative effect, pain relief.
  • Safflower is an annual plant of the Asteraceae family. Relieves pain, increases vascular elasticity, improves blood circulation
  • Ginseng is a perennial and belongs to the Araliaceae family. Included in many medications. It has a positive effect on the central nervous system.

About the transdermal method of treatment

Orthopedic patches ZB Pain Relief are claimed as a means for transdermal treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Transdermal is a term meaning the administration of a drug through human skin. Transdermal agents include topical medications, ointments, creams, etc.

According to the sellers of the patches, the transdermal method of treatment is in no way inferior to injections or oral medications. Various substances can indeed penetrate through the human epidermis.

However, complete treatment using such drugs, especially in the case of serious diseases, is impossible.

On the websites of sellers and patch manufacturers you can find reviews of ZB Pain Relief from doctors. It should be understood that the presence of reviews is a marketing technique and has nothing to do with the actual opinion of doctors regarding the patch.

Indications for use

Having come across positive reviews about the ZB Pain Relief patch, trusting buyers are seriously thinking about purchasing such a product. Another factor pushing the purchase is that the patches are sold in pharmacies. As mentioned above, the use of this product will not cause harm. You can use patches if you wish, but you should not hope for a noticeable result. Plasters are recommended for:

  • Damage to the integrity of bones (fractures, dislocations, etc.);
  • Foot diseases – corns, heel spurs, numbness;
  • Arthritis, periarthritis, sciatica;
  • Osteochondrosis, hernias;
  • Pain in muscles and joints;
  • Pain caused by meth addiction;
  • Etc.

As can be seen from the list, the patch is indicated for most physical diseases of bones, joints, muscles and even skin

The list of indications for use varies among different sellers.

Before deciding to buy such a patch, it is recommended to read real reviews about the ZB Pain Relief scam and the fact that this product does not even help relieve pain.

Medicinal properties

  • Relieves pain quickly.
  • Relieves swelling in tissues.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Increase blood circulation.
  • Returns elasticity to tissues.
  • They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • They supply essential microelements to bones, joints and cartilage tissue.
  • Prevents the development of complications and further progression of the disease.

About the manufacturer of the patches

Products are supplied to Russia from China, from the Xi'An China-Herbs Tech group of companies. The brand includes several pharmaceutical companies. Half of the staff are people with medical education. The group of companies has ISO9001:2000 and ISO13485 product quality certificates. Orthopedic patches are not the only development of the manufacturer.

The quality of the patches corresponds to the declared composition of ZB Pain Relief; the deception lies in the effect of the product on the human body. Natural herbs work excellently if the body needs some support, affecting the immune system and general condition. However, the achievements of modern pharmacology and chemistry make it possible to enhance the benefits of medicinal plants by extracting the necessary elements from them. Using medications, a person receives a dose of the necessary substance in sufficient quantity. Natural plants contain much less of such substances; the concentration is insufficient for a visible effect.

Pain Relief transdermal orthopedic patches have many advantages:

  • The active substance begins to act quickly;
  • Long-term entry of substances into the blood and their accumulation in tissues for long-lasting action;
  • There is no need to limit yourself in freedom of action and the course of daily active life;
  • No chemical effect on the body;
  • Comprehensive improvement of the condition of the digestive system, endocrine system, genitourinary system;
  • Improving metabolism, restoring metabolic levels;
  • Possibility of high concentration of active substances inside the site of the disease and in adjacent tissues.

Claimed features

If you do not pay attention to real reviews about ZB Pain Relief orthopedic patches, the promises of the sellers of this product are really captivating. The patches are supposed to have the following benefits:

  1. Naturalness of the product. Fear of chemicals is imposed on consumers through the media, which makes it easier to sell non-working products made from “natural” raw materials. The cost of such goods is usually unfairly inflated.
  2. A single remedy for the treatment of many diseases. Unfortunately, humanity has not invented cures for all diseases. A statement about the effectiveness of a product that is not a drug (this is stated by the manufacturer) should be alarming.
  3. Safety. Indeed, the use of the patch will be safe in most cases, because The product contains only herbs. However, there is no guarantee that a person is not allergic to any of the herbs. Also, using the patch without adequate medical treatment will cause a deterioration in the person’s condition and the progression of the disease. You can purchase a patch only in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor.
  4. No side effects. Both the manufacturer and sellers emphasize the minimum of side effects from use. In contrast, medications are used - injections and oral medications. It should be understood that the absence of side effects does not prove the effectiveness of the drug in treating diseases.
  5. Relieving symptoms and eliminating the cause of the disease. It is promised that the systematic use of the patch will not only relieve pain, but also improve the health of the body as a whole. This statement, like the previous ones, is not supported by either clinical trials or real cases of cure of patients who used the Chinese patch.

The price at the pharmacy for ZB Pain Relief patches is on average 100 – 110 rubles. for 1 piece

It is believed that a course of 30 patches is required for full treatment. Accordingly, the cost of the full course will be 3 thousand or more rubles. The indicated amount is small if the product really brought results. However, this money will simply disappear without any effect.

Contraindications for the use of Chinese orthopedic plaster ZB Pain Relief

  • Open wounds and skin damage (abrasions, scratches, inflammation)
  • It is not recommended to use the patch during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Not recommended for use in children under 6 years of age.
  • It is not recommended to use the patch for people suffering from varicose veins.
  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the patch.
  • If allergic reactions occur in the area where the patch is applied, you should stop using it.
  • It is not recommended to smoke, drink alcohol, fried or fatty foods during treatment.

Doctors' opinion

Websites selling Chinese orthopedic products often mention doctors who allegedly recommend the patches. In fact, medical reviews about the ZB Pain Relief orthopedic patch are fake. A rather striking example occurred with Dr. S. Bubnovsky. He is a well-known specialist in Russia on joint diseases. One of the sites offered an interview with him, in which the doctor left laudatory comments and recommendations for the use of an orthopedic patch. In this interview it was said that Dr. Bubnovsky discovered the Chinese patch as a more effective and simpler way to treat joints than exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Subsequently, a warning message appeared on the doctor’s official website. Bubnovsky warned his patients and potential buyers of the patch about the fraudulent actions of the administration of the seller’s website. The doctor did not give any such interview and did not recommend the patch. Sellers, trying to convince people with musculoskeletal diseases, do not hesitate to deceive. On their websites, scammers mention the names of famous medical professors and doctors, as well as government agencies in Russia and Ukraine.

Among the celebrities in the world of medicine, the following personalities managed to discredit the recommendation of the orthopedic patch:

  • Kashpirovsky A. M.;
  • Dikul V.I.;
  • Shubin D.N. (doctor);
  • Liao Chang (Professor at Beijing Medical University);
  • Professor of Medicine Goryachev S. M.

The headers of some sites are decorated with inscriptions about involvement in the sale and recommendations from the Ministries of Health of Russia and Ukraine. Some sellers attribute false information about the clinical testing of the patch by the Ministry of Health. With regard to all of the above actions, it can be clearly understood that the seller’s task is to sell as many patches as possible. The potential buyer is influenced by all available means of information pressure. Despite this, you can reveal the deception about ZB Pain Relief using reviews, forums and the real opinion of doctors.

What else do you need to know

Chinese medicine is popular in Russia. This is largely due to the insufficient level of medical care in the country. People, especially in regions remote from the capital, often do not have access to professional medical intervention. At the beginning of the article it was mentioned that joint diseases are associated with pain, as well as the inability to lead a full life. The mobility of joints in the pathological area decreases.

Many diseases cause the inability to walk without severe pain and cause paralysis.

It is not surprising that the Russian buyer in the current situation is becoming more trusting. With the help of fictitious reviews about the ZB Pain Relief orthopedic patch, unscrupulous sellers are literally profiting from the pain of others.

A person who is constantly under stress due to pain and dysfunction of the joints is ready to believe in a miracle, in the effect of patches and other drugs of dubious effect.

Whether or not to succumb to aggressive advertising is everyone’s choice.

There are a few more things to understand about the sensational patches:

  1. If you still want to try the patch, you can order it on the well-known Chinese goods website AliExpress. There, orthopedic patches are 2-3 times cheaper than at “official” Russian dealers. The latter claim that the products on the Chinese site are counterfeit. You can check this by comparing the impregnation compositions of the patches from Chinese and local sellers.
  2. The orthopedic patch is not at all as unique as they try to talk about it. There are ointments and creams with similar, clinically proven effects. Some of these topical medications are recommended by orthopedists. These are ointments such as Fastum gel, Finalgon, Arthropant, etc. The listed ointments have a warming and analgesic effect, but are not able to completely eliminate joint diseases, like a patch.
  3. Some sellers offer similar quality certificates for Chinese patches. If you carefully read such documentation, you will notice that these are papers confirming permission to import products into the CIS countries and permission to trade them. Such documents are not quality certificates and do not confirm the clinical effect of the patches.

On the Internet you can find hundreds of negative reviews of ZB Pain Relief orthopedic patches

In most cases, customer dissatisfaction is caused not only by the discrepancy between the effect of the patch and the declared one, but also by the decisive absence of any result. You cannot find such reviews on websites selling this orthopedic miracle. Any dissatisfied comments will likely be deleted. The patch will definitely not help cope with serious joint disease. For correct treatment, you need to consult an orthopedic specialist.

Product Description

The human spine is the most vulnerable place in the body, as well as the source of all diseases. Most of the load falls on him. And if bones and joints do not receive the necessary nutrients, they wear out and become fragile, shifting their function of support to the spinal column. The consequence of all this is arthrosis, intervertebral hernias and protrusions, arthritis, osteochondrosis and rheumatism. The Zb pain relief patch, a natural and effective remedy, will help you cope with them.

Eastern medicine has adopted this remedy for a long time. Tibetan monks, who thoroughly know the human body, successfully applied the principles of acupuncture in healing: influencing certain points with the help of massage, applying medicinal herbs and infusions to them led to recovery. This knowledge and skills later began to be actively used in China.

The principle of operation of the patch is similar: on its plate there is a unique composition of natural herbs, ground to a powder state. The patch is applied to the sore spot, it is heated from body temperature and has a direct effect on the affected area. Thus, it turns out to have an analgesic and therapeutic effect that lasts for a long time, stopping pathological processes in the body.

The treatment plate does not affect adjacent areas of the skin, acting only on the right place, and its natural composition is absolutely safe and has no contraindications.

The only small drawback may be a local reaction in the form of irritation to the interaction of the skin with the sticky layer of the patch.

Composition and properties

In appearance, this product is no different from other similar ones, but its composition is unique and kept secret. Only its main constituent elements are known, such as:

  • Milletia reticularis is a plant that can anesthetize and warm up. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Regenerates and restores affected joints, bone and cartilage matter, normalizes blood flow.

  • Camphor enhances the healing effect of herbs and promotes their faster penetration into body tissues.
  • Corydalis copes well with rheumatic pain and relieves inflammation.
  • Ginura improves blood flow and saturates the blood with oxygen.
  • Angelica is a special plant containing tannins, phytoestrogens and essential oils. It has a calming effect, reduces pain and relieves inflammation.

  • Cistanche helps strengthen tendons and muscles, relieves aching joints, and relieves inflammation.
  • Safflower heals blood vessels, normalizing blood circulation in general.
  • Cibotium stops pathological changes in joints and eliminates inflammatory processes.
  • Drinaria has a general strengthening effect for the body, promotes tissue regeneration and restoration.

Individually, these components have a strong healing effect on the body, and together they represent a powerful medicine that can cope with diseases of the joints and bone tissue in the shortest possible time.

This is how the clinically tested Chinese Zb pain relief patch affects the body.

Indications and contraindications for use

Research on this product was carried out by Swiss scientists. During the testing, high results were obtained regarding the effectiveness of the Pine Relief patch: 70% of the subjects got rid of joint pain, swelling and swelling in the affected areas disappeared. And a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and long-term therapeutic effect were also noted.

Indications for the use of therapeutic patches are diseases such as:

  • radiculitis of the lumbar and sacral regions;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • bruises and injuries;
  • spurs and corns;
  • sciatica;
  • various joint pains;
  • intervertebral disc prolapse.

The patch is relatively harmless, but still has some contraindications. You cannot use Chinese orthopedic plaster in the following cases:

  • if the child is under 6 years old;
  • there is individual intolerance to some elements of the composition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • varicose veins in history or diagnosis.

And also, in order to avoid allergies and irritation, it is strictly forbidden to apply the patch to open wounds and injured areas of the skin. When using the drug, it is necessary to exclude fried and salty foods from the diet, giving preference to protein-rich foods.

Terms of use

The instructions for using the patches are quite simple and anyone can do it at home. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to open the package with the patch before use and do not keep it open for a long time.
  2. The place where the patch will be glued must first be washed and wiped dry.
  3. Place the plate on the affected area with the adhesive side facing the skin and smooth it evenly.
  4. The adhesive plaster is worn for 3 days, then a break is taken for several hours and a new one is applied.

The amount of patches applied may vary depending on the existing disease. For example, for a vertebral hernia, 2 pieces are glued on the sides of the lesion.

In the case of radiculitis, one plate is placed on the lower back, the second on the foot. Therapy of vertebral ailments also requires the use of 2 patches: one on the shoulder blade, the second on the lumbar region.

One treatment plate is glued to the sore spot for three days, eliminating unpleasant symptoms, as well as having a therapeutic effect on the very cause of the disease.

Benefits and price

Orthopedic patches are a unique invention with the same special composition that effectively affects the human body. Compared to other means, this has no negative consequences.

Many buyers also note the easy use and comfortable wearing of the product: the flat plate does not cause discomfort, is not visible under clothing and does not affect a person’s usual lifestyle.

Reviews from real doctors and buyers about the properties and effectiveness of the product are mostly positive: people use it themselves and recommend it to others. Thus, with the help of scientific research and thanks to reviews from grateful people, it was proven that Zb pain relief orthopedic plaster patches are not a scam.

The pricing policy of the manufacturer and distributors for this product is more than loyal. You can buy patches on special Internet sites, and they are also sold in any of the pharmacy chains. One package costs on average from 1000 to 1500 rubles, depending on the place of sale: online purchases will be cheaper.


Lera, 32 years old, St. Petersburg “Due to a sedentary lifestyle, I began to suffer from pain in the lumbar region. The advertisement for the ZB Pain Relief patch looked very convincing; results were promised after just 3 applications. I bought 5 pieces and glued them according to the instructions. I did not notice any negative or positive effects. Then I realized that the patch cannot be a panacea; ultimately, it’s just a patch.”

Timur, 28 years old, Voronezh “My work involves intense physical activity. A small lump appeared on the neck, the doctor diagnosed osteochondrosis and prescribed treatment. In addition to the ointments, I bought the ZB Pain Relief patch at the pharmacy; the pharmacist highly recommended it. The result is that when I use the ointments prescribed by the doctor, everything is fine. When I apply this patch, my head hurts and my neck ache. It has no effect, and it turns out you can’t always trust pharmacists.”

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