Review of the best acupuncture mats: applicators Kuznetsova, Lyapko

The human body, feet, and palms have a significant number of points, by acting on which you can relieve muscle tension and trigger mechanisms for renewing the body’s internal reserves. Modern technological massage mats are based on this effect. The best massage mats are some kind of alternative to manual medical massage and their needle-shaped surfaces act on biologically active points and help improve blood circulation, relieve tension, reduce back pain, and relax the muscles of the arms and legs.

What is a massage mat

It is known that human feet have many points, which are centers of interaction of all human organs.
Therefore, with the right influence on them, you can start the process of healing the body. Mats with plates or needles have a massage effect on both the feet and other parts of the body, normalizing blood circulation in the body.

The base of the mat can be made of the following materials:

  • Rubber;
  • Textile;
  • Metal.

Typically, rugs have needles made of metal and plates of plastic. The product itself can have any shape and can work either on the entire back, or on small problem areas.

Mats with needles have an impact on human skin, irritating the nerve endings. This improves blood flow and relieves spasms. With regular use of such products, the inflammatory process is reduced and regeneration is accelerated.

When applied to the foot, such mats are capable of:

  • Correct your gait;
  • Helps shape feet;
  • Do not allow flat feet to develop.

Regular use of such mats can improve your well-being and also get rid of many problems. However, it is worth understanding that such a product should be used carefully.

Basic information

A back applicator (massage mat, acupressure mat) is a device with a reflexotherapeutic effect. It looks like a mat on which needles or other massage elements are placed. They are used for prevention, complex treatment of back pain, elimination of fat deposits, muscle relaxation, and improvement of general condition.

Applicators differ in shape, type of massage elements and base material.

Depending on the shape, there are large mats for applying to the entire back, mini-mats for affecting small areas (neck, shoulders), as well as massage rollers.

Depending on the base material, the mat can be fabric, printed, rubber, plastic, or metal.

Much attention should be paid to massage elements. A mat with needles made of medical eco-plastic is considered very effective in treatment and safe. There are Tibetan applicators on sale, on the basis of which there are spines with high, medium and low degrees of sharpness for different skin types. The massage elements of Kuznetsov’s popular applicators are made of plastic.

Carefully. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the spikes, as sometimes they are sharpened incorrectly, this is harmful to health, and the skin is damaged after using them.

When a painful area is massaged with a mat, small needles activate biologically active centers, nerve receptors of the skin, then blood circulation accelerates and lymph outflow is normalized. Blood enriched with oxygen together with lymph moves faster through the vessels, and nutrients saturate the cells. Also, during a massage, endorphins and oxytocins are produced, which relieve stress.

With regular use of a massage mat, the following positive effects appear:

  • acceleration of blood circulation, lymph outflow;
  • weakening of the inflammatory process;
  • acceleration of healing of damaged tissues (skin, mucous membranes);
  • eliminating muscle spasms, reducing pain;
  • normalization of metabolic processes at the site of exposure;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • elimination of nervous tension, relaxation;
  • accelerating the burning of fat cells;
  • improving the functionality of internal organs.

Acupressure mats are very popular because you do not need to have deep medical knowledge to use them, they are easy to use, and have few contraindications. However, as an independent means of therapy they are ineffective, so it is better to use them as part of a comprehensive treatment.

Indications for use

Such mats are useful for back problems, as well as for many diseases.

It is recommended to use the product when:

  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Problems in the nervous system;
  • Problems with lungs and possible bronchitis;
  • Cystitis and renal colic;
  • Problems in gynecology;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • If you don't move much.

There are no special contraindications for use, however, you should still consult a doctor.

You should refuse to use the mat in the following cases:

  • In case of disturbance in the functioning of organs;
  • For hemophilia;
  • For infectious diseases;
  • At elevated temperatures;
  • For skin pathologies or injuries.

During the procedure, carefully monitor your sensations, since using the mat should not be painful.

Do not overuse the applicator as this may cause harm to the skin.


Massage mats are used not only for the spine, but also for other parts of the body if there are such indications:

Cupping massage for spinal osteochondrosis

  • Diseases of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, with the appearance of protrusion, intervertebral disc herniation, arthrosis, etc.).
  • Pathologies of the nervous system (pinched peripheral nerves, depression, sleep disorders).
  • Respiratory diseases (acute respiratory infections with cough, bronchitis).
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (inflammation of the stomach, constipation, flatulence).
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, kidney stones).
  • Endocrine pathologies (obesity, diabetes).
  • Cardiovascular diseases (including post-stroke conditions).
  • Physical inactivity.

According to indications, massage mats are used to treat inflammation of the pelvic organs and infertility. Some gynecologists advise using products for normal fetal development. They are prescribed to men for complex treatment of infertility and prostatitis.

Thus, a massage mat not only solves back problems, but also keeps the body in good shape, strengthens the immune system, and reduces fat deposits (including cellulite). Also, an acupressure mat relieves tension, fatigue, and helps to recover after intense sports.

Kuznetsov applicator

Most often it is used for problems with the musculoskeletal system. The stores offer different standard sizes of the product, so choosing the right one for yourself will not be difficult. The base of such a product is made of fabric. Round or square plates made of plastic are used in the form of massage devices. Sometimes they can be made of polyurethane and have needle ends.

This product has the following characteristics:

  • Availability;
  • Reliability;
  • Easy to use;
  • Do not cause allergies;
  • Compactness;
  • Harmlessness.

Kuznetsov was a music teacher and suffered from chronic pain, which was caused by problems with blood circulation. Relief from pain came with the help of acupuncture. He made his first applicator from a piece of a car tire, on which he placed many pins.

Since 1979, his invention has steadily gained popularity.

Thanks to the wide range of colors, the mat can be used by people with various diseases and of any age group. You can choose an applicator that is suitable for a specific person, which will meet individual characteristics.

Depending on the color, the load of the rug is divided, for example:

  • Green – for people with sensitive skin;
  • Blue - has sharp spikes and is suitable for large surfaces;
  • Yellow – enhances the healing effect, has sharp spikes and magnetic plates;
  • Orange or red - has special needles that have increased length and sharp edges.


The use of applicators has no strict restrictions. But it is still necessary to consult a doctor.

It is prohibited to use a massage mat for prevention and treatment in the following cases:

  • Severe functional failure of the heart, respiratory organs, kidneys.
  • Hemophilia (blood clotting disorder).
  • Infections in the acute stage.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Acute surgical pathology.
  • Inflammation or damage to the skin at the affected area.
  • The presence of benign or malignant tumors.

Applicators are not recommended for use on children under 3 years of age. As a last resort, you can use a massager with not very sharp spikes.

Important. The impact of the massage mat should not cause pain. If everything is done correctly, you will feel a slight tingling sensation and relaxation.

It is not recommended to use acupressure mats for people with increased sensitivity thresholds. The procedure brings pain and irritation to them, so there will be no therapeutic effect. In this case, it is better to refuse such treatment.

Lyapko's device

In appearance it differs from other applicators. Mainly produced in 1 size 27.5x48 cm, this area has 2710 needles. Due to this, it has a large area of ​​influence on the body. Application can be made not only on the back, but also on the stomach and limbs.

See also: Telescopic lifts

Due to mechanical irritation of the skin, the muscles of the human body are affected. This allows you to remove pain syndromes, help muscles completely relax, as well as improve blood circulation and saturate the body with oxygen.

The mat itself is made of rubber, and the needles are made of metal. The metal alloy contains:

  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • Silver;
  • Gold;
  • Iron.

Due to this combination of metals, the effect on the body is stronger due to the beneficial properties of the minerals. Due to the effects of zinc, the immune system and endocrine system improve. Thanks to copper, the functioning of internal organs and blood circulation are regulated. The presence of silver in the composition allows it to influence tissue regeneration, and also has antibacterial and antitumor effects.

The very process of massage with the help of such a mat allows the production of an increased amount of endorphins, and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Before use, you should also consult a doctor and remember the contraindications for use.

How to choose what to pay attention to

Massage mats mostly consist of surfaces with specially selected elements with sharp edges. Acupuncture applicators are used both in medical institutions and at home for preventive and therapeutic purposes and based on methods of acupuncture, acupuncture and reflexology.

The degree of prickliness of the needles determines their effect on the skin in places of contact with the body and their effectiveness on the healing process.

The sharp endings can have a noticeable effect on the skin without piercing the cover.

The main differences between massage mats

Depending on the effect on the skin, when choosing a massage mat, pay attention to the distinctive characteristic parameters.


The products differ in appearance and scope of application:

  • – mats are useful for influencing the back area;
  • – rollers are convenient for massaging the neck;
  • – roller devices roll arms, feet and other parts of the body;
  • – belts are suitable for wearing at home under clothing.

Step between needles

The needles are located at different distances from each other. The degree of sensitivity to piercing influence depends on the step parameter.

  • – a small pitch of up to 3.5 mm is considered more gentle;
  • – steps up to 7 mm with stronger impact.


Depending on the type, applicators are produced in different sizes. Depending on the area of ​​specific application, a suitable option is selected, in which the area of ​​the mat ranges from small 3 x 8 cm for children and up to 50 x 75 cm for adults.

Number of needles

Applicators differ not only in size, but also in the number of needles in each product: 60 pcs., 100 pcs., 152 pcs. and 384 pcs.


It is important to note some warnings before purchasing this product. People with chronic joint diseases, cancer patients and pregnant women are advised to consult with their doctor.

Electric massage mats for the back: operating principle

The developers of electric mats equipped them with electronic control. The operating principle differs from the simple model with plastic needles. The impact on acupuncture points is carried out through electrodes sewn into the fabric.

Such devices are used for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Such sessions are especially effective for osteochondrosis

Important! Electronic mats should not be washed in water or used with detergents for cleaning. Do not step on such a device, and after use it must be unplugged from the outlet.

The contraindications for electronic massagers are the same as for conventional mechanical ones.

Electric mats

These are new generation devices that are equipped with built-in electrodes. They contain 2 or 3 times more massage elements than their outdated predecessors. And the speed of impact on the body can be adjusted.

Electric mat

An electric massage mat for the back normalizes blood supply to the affected area, accelerates metabolism, lymph outflow, and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. After the session, muscle spasm disappears, back pain weakens or disappears, mood improves, and overall well-being improves. The light galvanic current that occurs during contact of massage needles with the skin increases the therapeutic effect.

The disadvantage of electric mats is that they are expensive and need to be used with caution.

Important. Applicators with built-in electrodes should be protected from contact with water. The device cannot be cleaned with detergents; it must not be walked on. After each use, the electric mat should be unplugged from the outlet.

Back massage mats with needles: how to use

Needle mats are the most popular option available. The basis of the design is thick fabric, onto which plastic buttons with spiky edges, made of hard plastic, are sewn.

Important! After each massage session, the product should be washed with a brush and soapy water. Organic substances may remain on the tips of the needles, which will cause irritation at the slightest scratch.

The first use of a mat with spikes for the back must be short - no more than a quarter of an hour.

Subsequent sessions are gradually increased by three to five minutes each, bringing the massage time to half an hour.

Attention! Needle mats should not be used during pregnancy, cancer, infectious diseases or skin damage.

Functionality of conventional massage mats

Ordinary rugs have a healing effect due to their uneven surface imitating sea pebbles and grass of varying hardness. They are recommended for the prevention of flat feet and general strengthening of the body.

Let's present the most popular models.

Material of manufacture Description
Rubberized, siliconeThe back side is smooth, the front side has pimples and protrusions. Suitable for both children and adults.
Simulation of the seabedA massage mat with natural or artificial pebbles has a streamlined shape; the entire foot is involved during the massage, so the effect is maximum.
With imitation of living grassSoft rubberized grass evenly affects the entire surface of the feet.

The most important

It is important to understand that massage mats are not a panacea for back problems. But when used correctly, they speed up recovery. It is better to purchase large applicators that affect large areas. The most popular in terms of price-quality ratio are Kuznetsov and Lyapko needle applicators. Electric mats and Pranamateco are expensive, but provide positive results in a short time. Before purchasing a product, you should consult a doctor who will help you make the right choice and tell you about the nuances of its use.

Games and sports activities on puzzle mats

Before choosing children's foot massage mats, you must get the approval of a podiatrist. Manufacturers offer models with varying degrees of rigidity; they consist of elements that are attached to each other like puzzles. You can first buy a small set, and later, as the child grows, select additional parts from the same manufacturer.

Such models are universal and suitable for both babies and older children, and even adults. Doctors recommend doing exercises to prevent flat feet or treat it at the initial stage.

Ortho puzzle mats can be selected by color

What are hemispherical rugs

The foot mats are presented in the form of two hemispheres, the surface of which is covered with soft small spikes. Thanks to the curved shape, the effectiveness of training is enhanced. The main difference between the model and its analogues: coordination and balance improves - this is very useful for training the vestibular apparatus.

You can buy several sets of hemispheres and lay out a path from them

And now let’s be honest: do foot massage mats provide only benefits or are they also harmful?

Since each session actively stimulates all areas of the foot, the work of the internal organs is activated.

Hence the gradual improvement in health indicators in adults and children

Also, while working with the mat, flat feet are prevented, the ankle joints and leg muscles are strengthened both through movements and by improving blood circulation.

Advice! For a better effect, you can lower the rug into a bath of water and walk on the uneven bottom.

About possible harm: if the feet are affected by a fungus, then the massager can become an additional breeding ground for the disease. You should also not use such an item if your legs are injured or have unhealed cuts.

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The difference between children's orthopedic foot mats and adults' ones

If such products had no differences, then the name “children’s rug” would not exist. A foot massage mat for children often has a pronounced orthopedic purpose and is distinguished by a larger and softer surface texture.

If a child uses an adult massager, there is a possibility of injury, while adults on a children's carpet may not even feel anything

What type of massage mat is best to buy for children's feet?

When you need to buy a foot massage mat for a child, we obviously don’t consider the first product we come across. You need to remember the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed preventive treatment: in any case, the orthopedist knows best what is best for the baby’s health.

Manufacturers indicate the age range for use of their product

It is possible to buy a children's foot massage mat even for two-year-olds; the design will have soft elements.

When choosing, be sure to check the quality certificate. Ask the seller how the product is washed and dried.

For children, a suitable model can be called “Sledochki”. Product size is 28 cm

There is a funny object that imitates pebbles. The name of the model is quite prosaic - “Pebbles”

Fitness rollers

Devices in the form of a cylinder with a rubberized base placed on it and elements of the Kuznetsov applicator on the handle. This option is well suited for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. The roller relieves muscle tension, disperses lactic acid that accumulates after exercise, and removes toxins and excess fluid. The acupressure effects of needles increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, warming up before playing sports.

A separate type is footrests made in the form of convex surfaces.


  • high therapeutic effect;
  • availability;
  • simplicity;
  • the ability to independently combine various options;
  • durability;
  • compactness;
  • high-quality manufacturing;
  • low cost;
  • application at home is not limited;
  • Can be used for different skin types and all ages.

First time with "Pranamat"

The feeling of the thorny lotuses takes some getting used to. I write “needed” because if you decide to purchase a rug, it means you have already confirmed that it is necessary for yourself.

In advance, I imagined how the weight would be distributed over the surface of the lotuses and I would not feel anything unpleasant at all. But the first application turned out to be much more painful. It was as if I could clearly feel each sharp “petal”. With difficulty I persuaded myself to wait at least 1 minute.

And - lo and behold! — the pain began to give way to warmth. There was a uniform burning sensation in which individual needles could no longer be recognized. And after another five minutes I felt lightness spreading. At the end of the first 20-minute procedure, I stood up... refreshed. Honestly! I couldn’t imagine that just one session would so significantly relieve lower back pain. Even my mood seems to have improved!

But still, if it’s really hard to endure, it’s better to try lying in a thin T-shirt for the first few times. Even a very light fabric will noticeably dull the sensations; making friends with the massager will be much easier - both physically and mentally.

These are the marks that appear on the skin from thorny lotuses. The skin is not injured, there are no bruises or sores.

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With the PranaPillow I did not experience any discomfort at all. Maybe the fact is that the hair is very thick or the skin on the head is more resistant to external influences. But regarding the pillow, the impressions are only pleasant and positive from the first seconds - it’s comfortable and soft to lie on. I liked it even more than the regular one, so it’s a shame that you can’t sleep all night on the PranaPillow.


Most buyers are satisfied with the effect of massage mats, as they understand that they need to be used as part of complex therapy. The only people who were dissatisfied were those who hoped to cure serious pathologies with their help and violated the rules of use.

Irina, 55 years old: I bought a Kuznetsov applicator with blue needle plates on the advice of my doctor. I was worried about pain due to osteochondrosis, there was a protrusion in the lumbar region. I lay on it every day, at first there were unpleasant sensations, since the needles are quite prickly, but over time I learned to relax. After that, my sessions began to bring tangible benefits. The muscle spasm disappeared, the pain gradually weakened, and then disappeared. Additionally, I learned that this mat can be used to slim down your belly and thighs. Now I am actively fighting cellulite.

Artem, 42 years old I was bothered by back pain due to constant physical activity. Then I bought an electric massage mat. Yes, of course, the price is steep, but the effect is simply amazing. After just 10 minutes, tense muscles relax, pain disappears, and I feel like new!

Marina, 33 years old I saved myself from back pain with the help of the advertised Pranamateco mat. I was pleased with the quality of the device, but I did not expect that the thorns would put so much pressure on my back. To reduce discomfort, I lay down on the mat in a T-shirt. Since I have a slight curvature of the spine, I placed a cushion under the thoracic region so that the load would be even and the pain would be reduced. After that, my sessions stopped being so painful, and the painful sensations left me after 3 days.

Three “NOTs” about Pranamat ECO

Is it possible to be disappointed in “Pranamata”? I think it's almost impossible! But there are still three important facts with the prefix “not” about the Pranamat rug and pillow, which are better to know and understand before purchasing:

  1. Not an electric massager.
    An active massage - with some kind of body movements, movements on the surface of the skin - is not provided by a mat or pillow, because it does not contain mechanical or electrical mechanisms. The work of the applicator consists of acupressure effects - active, uniform pressure on certain points.
  2. Not suitable for everyone.
    Any product that has a therapeutic effect has contraindications. For lotus massage these are pregnancy, heart disease, epilepsy, serious injuries and skin diseases. A detailed list is available on the official website.
  3. Will not replace sports.
    The special feature of the applicator is its ability to increase skin tone and improve its condition. But in order to look more fit and athletic, forgive the tautology, you cannot do without sports.

For me, three other “nots” are more important: I don’t want, can’t and won’t argue with the fact that the miracle mat is truly a miracle! Without significant labor and time costs, and most importantly, without regular financial investments, you can receive a high-quality deep massage every day that meets your needs at a specific moment in time.

Recommendations for use

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator correctly? There are several ways to fix a yoga mat to the surface of the body:

  1. Own body weight. The most universal and effective method. The needles apply uniform pressure over the entire surface of the body. Use a fairly hard surface on which to place the needle massager. It is recommended to use a mat for the neck and lower back - in the form of a cushion. The advantage of this method is ease of use, convenience, and does not require human effort. But the peculiarity of this massage is the absence of a way to regulate the pressure of the needles. As a rule, light action mats are used.
  2. Foot massage using your own body weight. It is recommended to use an applicator in the form of a simple mat or a specialized one for the feet. The advantage of the method is the ability to control the intensity of the needle pressure by resting your hands on any surface.
  3. With your hands. Apply a small massage pad. Place it on the desired area of ​​the body and apply pressure with your hands. After every 20-30 seconds, this pad is moved. Used to massage the neck, joints and head. The advantages of the method are the ability to control the pressure of the needles. Cons – Physical activity app.
  4. Using an elastic bandage. How to use the applicator in this case? There is a special belt for the needle massager - neoprene. He can move freely along it. There are several problems with using elastic bandages. The first is the difficulty of creating optimal pressure on areas of the skin. The second is that when fixing the applicator, the needles act only on the same points, resulting in “addiction” to this area of ​​the skin. And the third reason is that when the body moves, the skin stretches. In the presence of an applicator, at the moment of movement, a scratching displacement of the needles occurs. This leads to pain.

Applicator Lyapko

This product differs from others in structure. It has a large impact area (27.5cm x 48cm, 2710 massage elements). Place the Lyapko applicator on the stomach, back, and limbs. When used regularly, it relaxes muscles, eliminates pain, normalizes metabolic processes in the damaged area, and triggers regeneration.

Applicators Lyapko

Such a mat consists of a rubber backing on which needles made of an alloy of iron, zinc, copper, nickel, gold, and silver are fixed. These minerals strengthen the immune system, improve the functions of the genital organs, endocrine glands, and normalize blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. They also have antibacterial and antitumor effects, accelerate tissue healing, and promote the production of endorphins.

Lyapko’s invention is used for the same indications as Kuznetsov’s applicator. It is also used in pediatrics for poor posture, urinary incontinence, and cerebral palsy. The contraindications are the same.

When using a Lyapko rug, follow these rules:

  • read the instructions for use carefully;
  • Before carrying out the procedure, ventilate the room;
  • empty your bladder and bowels;
  • wipe the base and massage elements with alcohol;
  • start the session 1.5 hours after a meal;
  • Plan your next meal 30 minutes after the massage;
  • place the mat on a flat, hard surface, act on the affected area for no longer than 30 minutes (the first procedures last 1 - 5 minutes, then gradually increase the time by 3 - 5 minutes);
  • lie quietly on the applicator, relax, do not fidget or pump;
  • After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for another half hour so that the muscles relax;
  • to achieve a lasting positive effect, carry out a course of procedures, which consists of 7 – 14 sessions;
  • massage daily;
  • after completing the course, take a break for 7–30 days (sometimes the recommended interval reaches 60 days).

Important. Before using the Lyapko applicator, consult your doctor. The specialist will draw up a treatment program and explain the nuances of the procedure.

Proper use of a massage mat

It is important to correctly distribute the weight of the body on the surface of the applicator, then the session will bring pleasant sensations. In this case, the contact of the massage elements with the skin should be tight. To do this, you need to place cushions under the mat on the neck and lower back.

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