Kuznetsov applicator – benefits and harms, how to use, contraindications for use

What does the Kuznetsov applicator (also called the Kuznetsov applicator) treat? This question arises for everyone who has heard about a massager, but is not familiar with its principle of operation. This device acts on individual tissues, promoting blood flow. The massager is recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart, blood vessels, etc.

What is the Kuznetsov applicator?

The Kuznetsov applicator is a massager that has an acupuncture effect on the body. Its action is designed for pinpoint stimulation of certain areas of the body, which can be compared to acupuncture and massage.

At the very beginning of its use, the patient experiences pain, which is soon replaced by pleasant sensations. If a muscle spasm occurs, just change your position a little and move around. At the end of therapy, a slight tingling sensation is felt and redness appears.

The applicator is sold in sizes from 3x8 to 41x60 cm. The price of the massager starts from 250 rubles, and the shelf life is almost unlimited. It is better to start therapy after making a diagnosis and making sure there are no contraindications.

What types of applicators exist: mat, belt, roller, magnetic

The classic applicator is square-shaped, made of plastic with needles or spiked discs. They are distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the mat; they can be plastic or metal, sharp or blunt. Sharp ones are intended for the prevention of muscle diseases, dull ones are suitable for people with hypersensitivity.

The massager is classified by color, characteristics and shape:

  • The lumbar cushion has the shape of a semicircle. The surface can be different, from blunt needles to sharp ones.
  • Classic is a rug or belt of different sizes, onto which plates with spikes are sewn.
  • Roller for cervical vertebrae - has the shape of a horseshoe, needles or spikes are sewn onto the part of the covering that comes into contact with the neck.
  • Tibetan rug - this device is notable for its magnetic inserts, which, according to the manufacturer, increase the efficiency of the device, but no studies have been conducted to confirm this.
  • A Velcro belt is two pillows that are attached to the lower back. One has sewn plates with sharp inserts, the other has more gentle elements.

To understand how to use the Kuznetsov applicator, you need to determine the diagnosis. Tibetan and needle mats are relevant for acute inflammation and pain, neurology, etc. For the lumbar region, models of sizes 5 - 6x18 cm are used. For foot massage, a 30x40 cm mat is suitable.

Color classification helps simplify the process of choosing a massager:

  • Green - a rug with short, blunt spikes. Indicated for people with a low pain threshold, it is also used to treat particularly sensitive areas of the skin. It will be ineffective when affecting the feet.
  • Yellow – characterized by the presence of very sharp spikes and magnets. This device must only be used under the supervision of qualified personnel.
  • Red – recommended for use by people who are weakly sensitive to pain. Equipped with magnetic inserts.
  • Blue - used when a strong impact on the muscles of the neck and back is required. Has sharp needles.

The Kuznetsov rug is also divided into four types according to the number of needles: 60, 100, 152 and 384.

Difference with the Lyapko device

The main function of these therapeutic instruments is to influence tissue receptors and accelerate blood flow. Both devices are effective, but have some differences.

The Lyapko applicator is a more advanced model, since this invention is more technologically advanced and convenient. The base is rubber, on which small needles made of different metals are attached: copper, silver, zinc, nickel, iron.

The device is available in the form of a mat, tapes, insoles, rollers, belts and other forms. The needles are positioned differently to ensure easy skin feel for those with a high pain threshold. The smallest distance is 3.5 mm, the largest is 7 mm. The first option is suitable for those with delicate and sensitive skin.

The models proposed by Lyapko have a painless effect on the skin of children and adults.

The original version of the massager is more rigid than the improved one . That is, the force of its impact is higher due to the large distance between the plastic plates. In the Lyapko device, the step between the needles is much smaller, so the skin tolerates its effects less problematically. This does not mean less efficiency.

Both devices work perfectly with the necessary areas of the body, speed up blood flow, relieve pain, and increase immunity. But the principle of their operation is different. Plastic needles provide acupressure. And metal ones, in addition, affect nerve points due to their composition (silver, zinc, nickel, copper).

The Lyapko applicator is more convenient to use due to the variety of release forms.

We invite you to watch a video about a comparison of the Kuznetsov applicator and the Lyapko applicator:

How does it affect the body and well-being?

The applicator stimulates increased blood circulation, having a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and tissue regeneration. The therapeutic effect is on the nervous system, which switches to the pain signal from contact of the needles with the skin. Using a massager allows you to achieve the following:

  • Improve sleep quality.
  • Stimulate blood flow.
  • Reduce pain from intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, muscle spasms.
  • Increase brain performance.
  • Increase skin tone.
  • Get rid of migraines and other headache symptoms.
  • Boost immunity.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator, most users note only a positive effect. Negative manifestations from the massager can only occur if the conditions of use are violated - exposure to affected skin, excessive pressing of needles.

Indications and contraindications for use

The use of the applicator is prohibited during pregnancy, skin ailments, severe fever and malignant neoplasms. The accumulation of warts and moles is also unacceptable in the areas where the massager is applied.

The applicator is indicated for use in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Accelerating the recovery of athletes.
  • Relief of pain – in the thoracic region, joints, lower back, cervical spine.
  • Pathology of the nervous system – insomnia, stress, overwork, weather dependence.
  • For the development of fine motor skills in children.
  • Urological pathologies - the mat is used for prostatitis, inflammation of the ovaries, menstrual irregularities and even infertility.
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Instructions for use

For the therapy to proceed safely, the following conditions must be met:

  • When affecting the lumbar or abdominal area, the procedure should be carried out at least an hour after eating.
  • You should not take a cool shower after the procedure, as exposure to the applicator causes blood flow.
  • After the massage you should rest for 15-20 minutes.
  • If you have allergic rashes, dermatosis or other skin damage, you should not use the applicator.
  • The therapy lasts an average of 20 minutes, but if the pain is too strong, the procedure must be stopped.

For the neck

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use a roller-shaped applicator. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, you need to fix the position for 60 seconds, then slightly change the position of the head, and so on until the end of the session. There should be no pain; if it does appear, stop therapy immediately. The course lasts 3 weeks, after which you should take a break for 2 weeks.

For the back

Back pain can be caused by diseases of internal organs, sprained ligaments and muscles, and compression of nerve endings. For the back, the most suitable applicator is in the form of a mat or a large belt.

When using the applicator on the back, the procedure should be performed for 30 minutes. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, after which a break is taken for 10 days. Using a back applicator will help relieve muscle tension and relieve pain.

For legs

The surface with needles is used with feet for arthritis of the toes or heel spurs. The procedure can be performed sitting or standing if pain allows. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. It is also useful to walk on the mat, transfer your body weight from one leg to the other, and turn your foot to the outer or inner side.

Trampling on needles will help overcome the problem of numbness in the limbs.

For face

The mat is applied to the previously cleaned face. This helps to tighten the oval of the face and eliminate inflammation. The procedure lasts 10 minutes and is performed every other day.

For various diseases

Kuznetsov’s applicator is not capable of curing diseases; it is rather a preventative agent that helps relieve pain in the following diseases:

  • Radiculitis – if the disease is acute, experts recommend three acupuncture sessions per day. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes, since the pain syndrome with radiculitis is extremely high.
  • Sciatica – when there is compression of a nerve, it is recommended to carry out the procedure every day, the duration of the session is 10 minutes, the sharpness of the needles is average. The applicator is applied to the lower back, buttocks and outer thighs.
  • Spinal hernia - the treatment regimen is identical, but the procedure lasts 30 minutes. After the end of the session, it is recommended to lubricate the problem area with camphor oil and wrap yourself in a warm blanket for an hour, or wear warm clothes.
  • Arthrosis – the applicator for arthrosis is used daily, preferably 2 times a day. The mat is applied to the affected joint, the pressure is medium. Afterwards it is recommended to wear something warm, this will help improve blood circulation.

Mechanism of action for SCH

This disease is associated with damage to the spinal discs.
The cartilage tissue affected by the disease gradually degenerates and transforms into something like bone, the hardened disc decreases in size and loses its natural shock absorber properties. Most often, patients suffer from lumbar osteochondrosis (more than 50% of cases) and cervical (more than 25%). Comprehensive treatment includes medications, exercise, manual procedures, spinal traction, reflexology and physical therapy, including needle massage. Sometimes surgical intervention is required, but it is better to use it in the most extreme, hopeless situations. Doctors cannot guarantee that the operation will be successful. Any gross interference in the body is perceived as stress .

The result of regular use of the mat is improved blood circulation and nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Classes are held daily for 1-2 months. It is forbidden to use the applicator in the presence of severe pain and in the acute stage. The needles are placed on the needles slowly and carefully, without tension.

Placed on the floor, table, or any other hard surface and laid on top. This procedure can be performed from half an hour to an hour. And on the feet, temples, neck and back of the head, the effect should be portioned. That is, there is pressure for several minutes, then a break is taken. The device contains 85 disks, on the surface of which blunt plastic needles are located.

The method of use is similar to the acupuncture procedure. The main goal is acupressure of problem areas. The procedure may cause discomfort , but the result may be more effective than with many medications.

How to choose a Kuznetsov applicator

Initially, the applicator was sold only with white needles made of plastic. There are many more options on the market today.

The needle mat has the widest range of applications; it is ideal for working on the hips, abdomen, legs and back. The shape of the roller is specially designed for the cervical region and lower back. The applicator also varies in the thickness of the backing; it can be 2 or 3 cm. It is recommended to choose a thick mat, as it is more effective and has a memory effect.

general description

The Kuznetsov applicator is a thick soft mat, roller or flat soft pillow, on the surface of which round plastic piercing elements measuring 2-3 cm are fixed.

Initially, plastic needle massagers were a set of round or square platforms with needles , which had to be sewn onto the fabric yourself. Then manufacturers began to produce “spines” already sewn to the material, but such an applicator could not be pressed evenly to the body; the fabric curled and moved. Some needles applied more pressure than others, which did not give the desired effect.

Now the piercing discs are tightly secured to a pillowcase, inside which foam rubber of a certain shape and elasticity is placed. Which gives uniform pressure on the skin.

How to store and care for a rug

The applicator should be used by one person, as massage may cause microdamage to the skin. For the same reason, the mat is treated with a soap solution before the start of the session.

It is important to consider the shelf life; for models made of inert polymer materials it is 7 years. After this, the plastic loses its flexibility and becomes brittle and brittle. The applicator should be stored at a temperature from +5 to +40 °C; shocks and other mechanical impacts are unacceptable.

Remember that the benefits of using alternative medicine, which includes the Kuznetsov applicator, have not been proven.

Precautionary measures

To avoid negative consequences, adhere to the following measures:

  1. The body is not cooled before the procedure. During the session, there is a powerful rush of blood, which causes the dermis to heat up. And this sharp drop has a negative impact on the health of the body.
  2. If severe discomfort occurs, stop the procedure immediately. There is no need to endure it, as there will be little benefit.
  3. You should not perform the procedure before going outside, as irritated skin is very sensitive to wind, sun, sweating, and so on.
  4. If you regularly experience fever or dizziness after sessions, you should avoid them.

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