Hernia repair of inguinal hernia with Lichtenstein plastic surgery

Unfortunately, an inguinal hernia can only be completely cured surgically (hernioplasty); wearing a bandage only prevents the internal organs from protruding into the hernial sac.
An inguinal hernia
Latin “hernia”
) is a protrusion of an abdominal organ beyond the anterior abdominal wall through the inguinal canal. Fluid can get into the hernial sac, as well as parts of the internal organs - testicles, ovary, omentum fragment. As a result, the hernia increases in size even more, and complications appear.

Inguinal hernias occur 10 times more often in men than in women. This is a serious disease; there are no safe hernias. Any hernia increases in size over time, and ignoring it can cost a person his life. A strangulated inguinal hernia is a medical emergency and has been known to be fatal.

Surgery to remove inguinal hernia

is the only effective way to solve the problem and eliminate risks.
Modern endovideosurgical
techniques make it possible to remove an inguinal hernia without “open” incisions through small punctures, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm. Such operations (laparoscopic hernioplasty) are easily tolerated by patients, eliminate complex rehabilitation and do not leave scars on the body.


With hernias, the function of internal organs may be impaired. This manifests itself in intestinal obstruction and difficulty defecating, inflammatory processes and sexual dysfunction. Complications that can arise from hernias are deadly. A hernia can lead to strangulation of internal organs. Poor circulation in the strangulated organ leads to the development of severe conditions (peritonitis, necrosis), in which only emergency surgery can save the patient. In addition, there is a possibility of malignant changes. The slightest delay can lead to irreversible consequences.


7. Personal data - any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

8. Operator - a state body, municipal body, legal or natural person, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data.

9. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

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12. Blocking of personal data - temporary cessation of processing of personal data (except for cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data).

Symptoms of inguinal hernias

Diagnosis of the disease is possible only based on the results of an ultrasound of the groin area. Even before the examination, patients with an inguinal hernia often complain of:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating in the abdomen and groin area;
  • pain in the groin area during physical activity;
  • difficulty walking;
  • constipation and problems with defecation;
  • problems with urination.

If an inguinal hernia is suspected, the symptoms are not enough to draw conclusions. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the groin area, and if the fears are confirmed, consult a doctor. Our clinic has a promotion -
free thematic consultations with surgeons . During the consultation, you can always receive recommendations regarding further tactics for treating an inguinal hernia.


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Surgical Department of the Pirogov Clinic

is known in St. Petersburg and abroad, since the experience of minimally invasive endovideo surgery “one day” has been successfully introduced here.
Our surgeons prefer the method of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (TAPP)
. Most inguinal hernias can be operated on through minimal access, without incisions. Traditional laparotomy (Lichtenstein hernioplasty) surgery with an open incision may be necessary in exceptional cases when the size of the inguinal hernia is very large.

To access the hernial orifice, the surgeon makes 3 punctures with a diameter of 3 to 10 mm. All problem areas are covered with a special mesh (prosthetic hernioplasty), which virtually eliminates the possibility of a recurrence of the hernia in the future. The advantage of laparoscopic surgery is a good cosmetic effect (three barely noticeable marks remain on the skin).

Endovideosurgical treatment of a hernia is the most painless and least traumatic method. The surgeon does not work with magnifying optics, but in front of a high-resolution video monitor. Bleeding, as well as all operational risks of open operations, are practically eliminated. After just 1.5-2 hours, the patient can walk freely, he is discharged a day later, and full recovery after laparoscopic hernioplasty of an inguinal hernia is only 7-10 days.

How is laparoscopic hernioplasty performed?

A puncture is made in the navel area, through which a laparoscope equipped with a video camera and a light source is inserted into the abdominal cavity. The video camera transmits an image of the organs to the monitor, which allows the surgeon to see what he is doing. Through the other two holes, surgical instruments necessary for the operation are inserted. The mesh implant is applied to the hernial opening from the inside of the abdominal cavity, which ensures uniform distribution of pressure over a large area. The mesh is secured with staples or sutures.

Hernia removal

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. On average, the operation itself lasts 1 hour.

Recovery after inguinal hernia surgery

During the first month after surgery, the synthetic mesh grows with connective tissue fibers. Over time, full-fledged connective tissue is formed. Thanks to the mesh, it is not subject to stretching, but remains flexible.

Tension-free plastic surgery is considered the most progressive technique today. The patient's own tissues remain in place without experiencing tension. This method minimizes the likelihood of a hernia forming again.

Recovery after removal of an inguinal hernia using the laparoscopic method is relatively easy, with virtually no restrictions on the patient’s movement and daily activities. Still, for 7 days we recommend rest in a calm environment. At first, you should follow the diet recommended by your doctor (protein foods, plant fiber), and also be observed by a surgeon. The cost of our operations for inguinal hernias already includes dressings and suture removal. During the recovery period, the patient may be advised to wear a bandage as an aid. For 2 months after surgery, you should not lift anything weighing more than 5 kg. You should refrain from physical activity for the period recommended by your doctor.


The probability of a reoccurrence of a hernia when using mesh endoprostheses is less than 10%.

Secondary hernia may occur due to:

  • Incorrectly performed operation;
  • The size of the mesh endoprosthesis is incorrectly selected;
  • The mesh is incorrectly installed in the hernial orifice;
  • The patient did not comply with all the requirements and instructions of the doctor regarding behavior and lifestyle in the postoperative period;
  • Obesity;
  • Prolonged cough;
  • Constant constipation;
  • Getting injured;
  • Excessive physical activity.


  • The Department of General Surgery at the Pirogov Clinic has been operating since 1999 and is the oldest in the city among private clinics - we were one of the first to successfully introduce the principle of minimally invasive surgery “one day” into our practice. Our clinic has accumulated many years of experience in abdominal interventions.
  • Our team of surgeons consists of experienced doctors of the highest category. We regularly receive positive feedback about inguinal hernia removal from our grateful patients who have not regretted their choice.
  • Affordable prices and discounts for treatment;
  • Free thematic consultations with surgeons;
  • The operating rooms are equipped with modern equipment (including endovideosurgical equipment), which allows for minimally invasive operations;
  • Own laboratory: test results - quickly and with a guarantee of reliability;
  • Possibility to undergo all preoperative examinations in the clinic within one day;
  • Attentive and responsible medical staff: a team of anesthesiologists, resuscitators, assistants and nurses coordinately and quickly resolves any issues around the clock;
  • Use of the latest generation anesthesia, which does not cause any discomfort after the intervention;
  • High comfort and de luxe rooms;
  • Installment and credit for operations;
  • Organizational assistance from a curator for patients from other cities (Moscow, regions of Russia, other countries);
  • Online consultations with surgeons.

Don’t risk your health – consult your doctor in a timely manner!
Make an appointment


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