Coxarthrosis: treatment at home using folk methods

Coxarthrosis is a serious disease that leads to serious circulatory disorders in the affected joint and deformation of cartilaginous structures. All this gradually worsens the patient’s gait and leads to complete destruction of the joint.

The picture shows coxarthrosis of the right hip joint.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint affects one or two joints at once. Women over the age of forty are most susceptible to pathology.

How to help yourself without drugs?

Origin of the disease

The disease is of two types:

Type of illness Peculiarities
Primary coxarthrosisPathology occurs as a result of individual disorders in a person
Secondary coxarthrosisThe disease develops against the background of previously suffered pathologies and is characterized as their direct complication. This type of coxarthrosis is diagnosed in older people who did not see a doctor in time

The main causes of coxarthrosis:

  1. Systematic overload of the joint. It occurs in people who are overweight, professional athletes or workers whose work involves regularly lifting and carrying heavy objects.
  2. Elderly age. The elasticity of cartilaginous structures is significantly reduced, which leads to rapid wear of the joint.
  3. The influence of severe chronic pathologies. In the first place is diabetes mellitus, which literally “hits” all systems of the body and leads to metabolic disorders. This category of diseases includes osteoporosis, the culprit of the disease.
  4. Serious hormonal imbalances in the body. More often in women, but it can also happen in men.
  5. Progressive arthritis. Serious inflammation develops in the joint, which becomes the cause of the initial form of coxarthrosis. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered the most “aggressive” in relation to the joint.
  6. Trauma to the joint, congenital dislocation of the hip joint.

The patient complains of pain radiating throughout the right side of the body.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint, which can be treated at home only after a doctor’s permission, can also develop due to the influence of chronic stress - this fact has been scientifically substantiated by researchers more than once.

Additional causes of coxarthrosis:

  • dysplasia;
  • scoliosis;
  • necrosis of the femoral head;
  • infectious lesions of the thigh.

This is necrosis of the femoral head. It should be smooth and shiny.

Causes and treatment of coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis is deforming arthrosis of the hip joint.

Among degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it occupies one of the leading places.

Coxarthrosis can be primary (coxarthrosis of unknown etiology) and secondary, occurring against the background of hip dysplasia or congenital hip dislocation, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, Perthes disease, trauma (bruise, fracture, dislocation, microtrauma), inflammatory process (coxitis). One or both hip joints may be affected. In primary cases, other joints (usually the knees) and the spine are often simultaneously affected. Most scientists believe that the trigger is a violation of blood circulation in the joint due to both deterioration of venous outflow and disruption of arterial inflow. One cannot but take into account the mechanical factors that cause overload of the joint, the incongruence of articular damage, leading to a redistribution of the load per unit area of ​​the articular surface of the cartilage, as well as biochemical changes in the cartilage itself.

The main complaint in patients with coxarthrosis is pain, the nature, intensity, duration and location of which depend on the severity of the dystrophic process, i.e. from the stage of the disease.

There are three stages of coxarthrosis.

In stage 1, periodically after physical activity (long walking, running), pain occurs in the hip joint, less often in the hip or knee joint. As a rule, the pain goes away after rest. The range of motion in the joint is not limited, muscle strength is not changed, and gait is not impaired. Radiographs show minor bone growths that do not extend beyond the labrum. They are usually located around the outer or inner edge of the articular surface of the acetabulum. The head and neck of the femur are practically unchanged. The joint gap is unevenly slightly narrowed.

In stage 2, the pain is more intense, radiates to the thigh, groin area, and occurs at rest. After a long walk, lameness appears. The function of the joint is impaired. First of all, internal rotation and abduction of the hip are limited, i.e. flexion and adduction contracture is formed. The strength of the muscles that abduct and extend the hip decreases, and their hypotonia and hypotrophy are determined. The radiograph shows significant bone growths along the outer and inner edges of the acetabulum, extending beyond the cartilaginous lip. Deformation of the femoral head, its enlargement and uneven contour are noted. Cysts can form in the most loaded part of the head and acetabulum. The neck of the femur is thickened and widened. The joint space is unevenly narrowed (up to 1/3-1/4 of the original height). There is a tendency towards upward displacement of the femoral head.

In stage 3, pain is constant and occurs even at night. When walking, patients are forced to use a cane. There is a sharp limitation of all movements in the joint (flexion-adduction contracture) and hypotrophy of the gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. A positive Trendelenburg sign may be detected. Flexion-adduction contracture causes an increase in pelvic tilt and an increase in lumbar lordosis. Pelvic tilt in the frontal plane, associated with weakness of the hip abductors, leads to functional shortening of the limb on the affected side. The patient is forced to step on his toes to reach the floor and tilt his torso to the affected side when walking to compensate for the tilt of the pelvis and shortening of the limb. This compensation mechanism leads to a shift in the center of gravity and overload of the joint. Radiographs reveal extensive bone growths on the side of the roof of the acetabulum and the head of the femur, and a sharp narrowing of the joint space. The neck of the femur is significantly expanded and shortened.

The diagnosis is based on clinical and radiological data. In addition to the stage of the disease, x-ray examination helps clarify the etiology of the process. In dysplastic coxarthrosis, flattening, bevelling of the acetabulum, changes in the size of the neck-diaphyseal angle, etc. are determined. In coxarthrosis, as a result of Perthes disease, or juvenile epiphysiolysis, the shape of the proximal end of the femur changes mainly. There is deformation of its head and neck (shortening, widening), a decrease in the neck-diaphyseal angle with the formation of the plow vara. The X-ray picture of post-traumatic coxarthrosis depends on the nature of the injury and the shape of the articular surfaces after fusion of the bones forming the hip joint. Differential diagnosis is carried out with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, coxitis and tumors of the pelvis and hip.

Treatment, due to the lack of a single pathogenetic mechanism for the development of the disease, is symptomatic in nature and is aimed at reducing pain and static-dynamic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, his general condition and the characteristics of clinical manifestations.

At stages 1 and 2 of coxarthrosis, treatment can be carried out in an outpatient setting. It is aimed at reducing pain, aseptic inflammation in periarticular tissues, improving tissue trophism and blood circulation in the limb, increasing joint stability and preventing other static disorders of the musculoskeletal system. During the period of exacerbation with severe pain, it is recommended to reduce the vertical load on the limb (avoid long periods of standing, carrying heavy objects, running). When walking for a long time, additional support on a cane is required. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used (analgin, reopirin, amidopyrine, brufen, indomethacin, ortofen). To improve redox processes in cartilage tissue, vitamins, aloe, vitreous, rumalon and other drugs are prescribed. At home, you can use compresses with dimexide (10-15 procedures). In a clinic setting, electrophoresis of a solution of novocaine, dimexide, etc. is used, as well as ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy, and laser therapy. After reducing the pain syndrome, manual massage of the lumbar region, hip joint, thigh and therapeutic exercises are performed, aimed at normalizing muscle tone, restoring mobility in the affected joint, followed by strengthening the surrounding muscles. Therapeutic gymnastics includes movements in the hip joint in positions of unloading of the joint (lying on the back, side, standing on the healthy leg, etc.). Use exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles that abduct and extend the hip. Standing on a healthy leg on a stand, holding onto a gymnastic wall, patients abduct and extend the thigh (freely, with a load, holding for 5-7 s, overcoming the resistance of a rubber bandage). It is better to perform hip extension while lying on your stomach with an amplitude of 10-20°; you can do this lying on the couch with your legs lowered to a horizontal level, or standing on all fours. Special exercises for the hip joint are carried out against the background of general developmental physical exercises, special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal wall in order to increase the stability of the lumbar spine. In a hospital setting, joint traction and hydrokinesitherapy are also prescribed. Joint traction is carried out on the patient's bed with a load of 5-7 kg for 3-5 hours a day, on a special traction table with a dosed load for 20-40 minutes, and also in water. During traction (10-15 procedures), patients are recommended to walk with crutches, unloading the leg. Joint traction is combined with manual massage of the thigh muscles, underwater jet massage with a water jet pressure of 0.5-1 atm for 5-8 minutes and physical exercises in water. These procedures are aimed at relaxing tense muscles, improving blood circulation in the limb and increasing diastasis between the articulating surfaces of the hip joint. In the future, the main attention is paid to therapeutic exercises aimed at increasing the stability of the hip joint by strengthening the periarticular muscles. Electrical stimulation of the gluteal muscles is performed (10-15 procedures). After treatment, patients are recommended to do therapeutic exercises at home, self-massage of the gluteal muscles and thighs, swimming, and skiing. Prolonged static loads on the legs, heavy physical labor, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, aerobics, wrestling, and weightlifting are contraindicated.

In stage III coxarthrosis, conservative treatment, in addition to the indicated measures, includes intra-articular administration of Kenalog or Arthroporon. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, which provides the necessary regime for unloading the joint. Traction of the joint and physical exercises to increase mobility in the joint are contraindicated, because persistent (arthrogenic) contracture of the hip joint does not allow increasing mobility, and this attempt only causes additional microtrauma and increases pain. The main therapeutic measures are aimed at reducing pain, unloading the joint, and training compensatory and adaptive mechanisms. An orthopedic regimen and exercise therapy are used. Constant additional support is required when walking with a cane, and during an exacerbation - with crutches. Hydrokinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises should help improve joint stability, strength and endurance of the hip abductor and extension muscles, relaxation and stretching of the hip flexor and adductor muscles. Use isometric and dynamic exercises with range of motion in the joint within the limits of preserved mobility (until pain is felt). Manual and underwater massage is used with a water jet pressure of 1-2 atm for 10-15 minutes, electrical stimulation of the gluteal muscles. A well-trained muscular system helps to develop compensatory mechanisms even with gross changes in the joint. The period of formation and improvement of compensatory mechanisms is long and requires systematic training. Therefore, therapeutic exercises should be continued at home; strict adherence to the orthopedic regime for unloading the joint is recommended. Surgical treatment includes operations that preserve mobility in the joint (osteotomy, arthroplasty, endoprosthetics) and close the joint (arthrodesis). When determining the indications for choosing a method of surgical intervention, the stage of the dystrophic process, the general condition, age and profession of the patient, the condition of the other hip joint and the lumbar spine are taken into account. For stage I-II coxarthrosis and slight limitation of the function of the hip joint, various types of femoral osteotomies are most widely used. For stable fixation of bone fragments, the Trotsenko-Nuzhdin plate is used. With this type of fixation, additional external immobilization is not required in the postoperative period. To restore joint function, therapeutic exercises (general developmental breathing exercises, isometric muscle tension) are prescribed from the first days. From the 3rd-4th day they begin to facilitate movements in the knee and hip joints of the operated leg. From the 14th to 16th day, walking with the help of crutches without support on the limb is allowed. Up to 4 weeks, the exercises are light; after the sutures are removed, exercises in water can be used. In the future, manual and underwater massage and exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the hip joint are prescribed. Partial load on the limb is allowed 4 weeks after surgery, full - after 6 months. In dysplastic coxarthrosis, to increase the coverage of the head of the femur with the articular surface of the acetabulum, improve its centering, and reduce the load on the articular cartilage, various types of pelvic osteotomy are performed, which improves the biomechanical conditions in the joint. The most widely used is the Chiari pelvic osteotomy.

At stage III of the disease, it is impossible to stop the degenerative process, therefore the listed operations are considered as polliative. In this case, the most promising is hip replacement, which is carried out in the presence of a bilateral process with ankylosis in one of the joints, severe coxarthrosis and significant changes in the lumbar spine, with coxarthrosis and ankylosis in the knee joint on the same side. After surgery, a derotation boot is placed on the foot and lower leg for 3-4 weeks. From the 2-3rd day, easier movements are allowed in the operated joint in the sagittal plane, after 10-12 days - in the frontal plane. After 4 weeks, patients begin to walk with the help of crutches without support on the operated leg. Partial loading is allowed after 3-4 months, full - from the 5-6th month, provided the endoprosthesis is stable. After the start of walking, therapeutic exercises are prescribed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the endoprosthesis (in a lying position on the back, side, stomach). Classes continue in outpatient clinics or at home. At the same time, a manual massage is performed. Arthrodesis of the hip joint is performed for unilateral coxarthrosis of stage III in young people engaged in physical labor. After the operation, a plaster cast is applied for 5-6 months. During the period of immobilization, therapeutic exercises are prescribed (general developmental, breathing exercises, isometric muscle tension under a plaster cast and free movements in non-immobilized joints). When using the Umyarov plate for arthrodesis, plaster immobilization is not performed. In this case, from the 3-4th day, light movements are performed in the knee joint. You are allowed to get up after 3 weeks, walk with the help of crutches with partial load on the operated leg - after 4 weeks, with full load - no earlier than 4-5 months. when radiological signs of fusion of the femoral head with the pelvic bones appear. Sanatorium-resort treatment after surgical treatment is indicated after 6-8 months. The prognosis for life is favorable, the progression of the disease of unknown etiology is slow. With aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, the course of coxarthrosis is the most unfavorable.

Prevention. Specific prevention methods have not been developed. Primary prevention measures can be considered early detection and treatment of congenital hip dislocation and hip dysplasia, as well as clinical observation of adolescents with hip pathology. Secondary prevention consists of timely diagnosis of stage I coxarthrosis, systematic conservative treatment at intervals of 1-2 times a year, regardless of the severity of the pain syndrome, compliance with the orthopedic regime for unloading the joint, orientation towards “sedentary” professions, rational physical education, and control of body weight.

Bibliography: Krisyuk A.P. Deforming coxarthrosis in children and adolescents, Kyiv, 1982; Therapeutic physical culture, ed. V.A. Epifanova, p. 424, M., 1987; Abalmasova E.A. and Luzina E.V. Development of the hip joint after treatment of congenital subluxation and dislocation of the hip in children, Tashkent, 1983; Guryev V.N. Coxarthrosis and its surgical treatment, Tallinn, 1984; Korzh A.A. and others. Dysplastic coxarthrosis, M., 1986.

Course of the pathology

In order for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with folk remedies to be successful, it is worth indicating the developmental features and main signs of the disease. The main symptom of coxarthrosis is pain in the affected joint. The pain can be sharp, stabbing or aching in nature, and manifests itself while walking. Less commonly, the pain is accompanied by spasms and develops even at night.

Coxarthrosis is always diagnosed by x-ray.

If a person notices a sharp increase in pain, this may indicate an exacerbation of coxarthrosis or its transition to a more severe form. A timely x-ray of the diseased joint can confirm or refute these fears.

Additional signs of coxarthrosis:

  1. Crunching sound when walking.
  2. Impaired joint mobility.
  3. Shortening of the limb.
  4. Characteristic change in gait, lameness.
  5. Atrophy of muscle fibers in the leg and buttock.

Developing coxarthrosis changes the composition of the joint fluid, causing it to become thicker and not provide sufficient lubrication of the cartilage. The cartilage becomes thinner and becomes covered with numerous cracks. This contributes to the destruction of cartilage and exposure of bones. This disrupts the functions of the entire joint.

Often the pain accompanies until the person is moving away - this is the so-called starting pain.

If you do not use folk remedies for coxarthrosis of the hip joint or traditional drug therapy, the pathology will cause complications:

  • development of spinal osteochondrosis;
  • serious postural disorders that arise due to shortening of the affected limb;
  • severe pain syndrome, inflammation of the hip joint;
  • the need to constantly move with the help of crutches.

Coxarthrosis can cause suppuration in the joint and the development of a severe infectious process. The only way to normalize a person’s condition is total replacement of the affected joint.

Diagnosis of coxarthrosis

Before starting treatment, the patient should consult a doctor. He will carry out the initial actions - examination and medical history.

Then the patient is sent for urine and blood tests and immunological tests.

If you need to see changes in the joint with your own eyes, the patient must undergo instrumental examinations:

  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • computed tomography (CT).

All this is done to clarify and make a final diagnosis.

Diagnosis of coxarthrosis is carried out by qualified doctors

As a rule, images from tomography or radiography help determine the extent of the disease based on direct and indirect signs. They show changes in the joint space (particular attention is paid to its width), as well as deformation of the cartilaginous tissue of the bones.

Radiographs in patients with coxarthrosis are also distinguished by the presence of changes that are associated with previous injuries.

Computed tomography provides complete data on changes in bone structures caused by pathology. Magnetic resonance imaging helps to assess the destructive factor of coxarthrosis, which affects soft tissues.

There are several characteristic signs of diseases by which their development can be determined.

The effectiveness of traditional treatment

Before describing how to treat the hip joint at home, you should indicate what results you can expect from such therapy. Traditional methods of treatment will give the following results:

  • relief from severe pain that constantly bothers a person;
  • reduction of swelling and general inflammatory process in the sore joint;
  • faster restoration of tissue and cartilage;
  • improving overall leg mobility;
  • strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to disease;
  • normalization of blood circulation and metabolism in the body.

Alternative treatment, if started on time, reduces the pain of symptoms.

How to treat

Treatment requires the patient to strictly adhere to the rules in various methods, from taking medications to courses of exercises. If conservative treatment cannot achieve the desired effect or is ineffective, then a decision is made to perform surgical intervention, which is designed to relieve the patient from the source of the problems.

Conservative treatment

The desire to be cured without undergoing complex surgical operations requires a lot of time and financial expenses. However, it is doable. Moreover, this can improve the patient’s condition to the point where surgery is not required at all.

The first thing a patient needs is medications that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other medications – muscle relaxants – help relax skeletal muscles. To improve blood circulation and restore cartilage, chondroprotectors and drugs whose action is aimed at dilating blood vessels are prescribed.

Medicines relieve pain and discomfort

In addition, a technique is proposed whose goal is to stimulate regenerative processes. It's called plasma lifting. This procedure involves the intravenous injection of treated blood particles into the area affected by coxarthrosis.

Rules of traditional therapy

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint responds best to alternative therapy in the initial forms, when the cartilage tissue is not yet severely affected.

On the right in the photo is the head of the hip joint, affected by the 3rd degree of coxarthrosis, when no treatment will help.

When practicing traditional treatment, consider the following:

  1. It is better to use traditional treatment recipes as an auxiliary rather than primary therapy. This especially applies to periods of exacerbation of the disease, when only potent medications can relieve pain.
  2. Use traditional recipes only for a certain period of time and be sure to take breaks.
  3. Do not combine several folk recipes at once.
  4. If side effects appear in the form of abdominal pain or nausea, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  5. Do not practice therapy if there are important contraindications.

Traditional treatment is good due to the absence of chemicals.

Coxarthrosis is most effectively eliminated using the following types of traditional medicine recipes:

  • oral tinctures and decoctions;
  • compresses;
  • ointments;
  • mixtures for massage;
  • healing baths.

Let's look at each method of traditional treatment in more detail.

What medications are suitable for home treatment for coxarthrosis of the hip joint?

What types of drugs should be used during an exacerbation:

  1. NSAIDs. Painkillers used in a short course will help quickly relieve discomfort in the joints. They should not be used for more than 5 days without medical supervision. For 2-3 days you can give intramuscular injections of drugs such as Diclofenac, Dikloberl, Movalis, Ketoprofen. After which you can switch to the tablet form of the medication for a few days. If symptomatic pain relief does not help, you need to make an appointment with a traumatologist.
  2. Vasodilators, venotonics. These remedies help improve blood circulation, which is useful when arthrosis occurs. It should be pointed out that poor blood circulation is involved in the pathogenesis of the disease, since the low speed of microcirculation does not provide normal nutrition to the joint. As a result, the cartilage weakens and becomes thinner. During an exacerbation, Trental, Pentoxifylline, Phlebodia and Detralex can be used in a short course. The last 2 drugs strengthen the vascular wall and also have a positive effect on blood circulation.
  3. Muscle relaxants. These drugs relieve muscle spasm and tension associated with rigidity. When joints become inflamed, soft tissues are affected. In response to the inflammatory process, the muscle tightens and begins to pull the joint towards itself, which intensifies the pain. Also, muscle relaxants enhance the effect of NSAIDs, which helps in the acute period of the disease. Examples of effective drugs are Sirdalud, Thiokolchicoside, Mydocalm. Without a doctor's recommendation, you should not take these medications for more than 2 weeks.
  4. Chondroprotectors. These medications are taken for a long time, regardless of the patient’s condition - a period of exacerbation or the onset of remission. Chondroprotectors can slow down cartilage degeneration, which can stop the development of pathology. After making a diagnosis, the doctor should prescribe chondroprotectors to slow down joint destruction. Examples of products are Dona, Alflutop, Teraflex.

Other medications (hormones, hyaluronic acid) can be prescribed only if there are strict indications.

One important point to mention is the surgical procedure. This manipulation should also not be abandoned if the doctor suggests sending the patient to the surgical department. In case of advanced arthrosis, endoprosthetics is performed. This is the replacement of worn-out cartilage tissue with a bioidentical prosthesis that will replace the old joint. Usually, after such manipulation, when the recovery period passes, the patient feels much better, and the discomfort does not return. Traditional methods of therapy in the final stages of arthrosis, when endoprosthetics are required, are no longer effective.

Medicinal decoctions

Healing oral tinctures and decoctions will help in the shortest possible time to reduce the inflammatory process, strengthen the human immune system, and relieve pain. The most effective means:

  1. Prepare a head of garlic, two celery roots, and the same number of lemons. These ingredients must be thoroughly washed and ground in a blender or meat grinder. Transfer the resulting mixture into a glass container with a lid and add hot water. Leave for 24 hours and take a teaspoon daily half an hour before meals. The course is at least a month.
  2. Take 1 kg of beef knees, add water, add a little salt and herbal seasonings. Cook for five hours, pour into small containers to harden. Eat 250 g of this jellied meat every day. The same decoctions can be prepared from fish.
  3. Prepare half a glass of lilac color. Add 100 g of vodka, place in a dark place and leave for a week. Strain, take a spoon twice a day. Take for at least two weeks.
  4. Take 1 tsp. the color of linden and birch buds. Pour 300 ml of boiling water. Take the warm tincture twice a day, like tea, without adding sugar.
  5. Prepare 1 tsp. crushed St. John's wort, chamomile and immortelle. Pour the herbal mixture with cold water (300 ml), boil for ten minutes. Take a third of a glass twice a day.

All ingredients are completely natural.

Lilac tincture

To prepare a miraculous pain reliever, you need the following ingredients: potatoes, black radish and a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley.
Mix everything, make a compress. For severe pain, use every 3-4 hours. You can also fill a two-liter jar with lilac flowers, add alcohol, and place in a cool, dark place for three weeks. It is recommended to rub the affected area every day, preferably before bed. Try this method: mix honey, iodine, glycerin and alcohol in equal proportions. Place the mixture in a dark place for 12 hours. Apply with light movements to the affected area from bottom to top, do not rub, and after the procedure, lie down for two hours. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. And as one of the options - bodyaga: mix 1 tablespoon of butter with this plant. Rub into the problem area before going to bed.

Valery DEMIDOV, Polotsk

[email protected]

Compress recipes

Treatment with compresses is carried out in courses, the duration of which should not exceed two weeks. It is best to apply these therapeutic compresses every day at night. After this, the affected joint should be wrapped in a woolen blanket or blanket.

Popular compress recipes:

  1. Mix chopped turnips with a small amount of fresh honey. Add three tablespoons of vodka. Use the prepared mixture for compresses at night.
  2. Take 300 ml of kefir and mix it with crushed chalk. Place the prepared mixture on gauze and apply to the joint.
  3. Boil mustard, honey and vegetable oil until thick. Keep the prepared mass on the sore spot for an hour.
  4. Prepare regular oatmeal in water and apply it warm to the inflamed area.
  5. Take iodine, honey and glycerin. Apply the composition to the joint. Apply cellophane film on top and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  6. Grind fresh cabbage leaf and mix it with honey. Apply to the inflamed joint at night.

For a greater therapeutic effect, it is recommended to alternate different compress recipes. Such products should not provoke pain, burning or redness of the skin - these signs indicate an allergic reaction.

Massage products

To perform massage, it is allowed to use the following traditional medicine compositions:

  1. Mix aloe juice, mint and eucalyptus. Use for warming massage.
  2. Grind the celandine and pour olive oil into it. Leave for a week and apply for rubbing.
  3. Take red pepper, oil and kerosene. Mix everything and leave for two weeks. Use the finished product for massage.
  4. Take hop cones and St. John's wort in different quantities. Grind the plants and mix with Vaseline. Use the prepared ointment for poor joint mobility.

Therapeutic baths

The most pleasant procedure in the treatment of coxarthrosis is healing baths. They relieve pain and inflammation, slow down the process of destruction of cartilage structures. You need to lie in the medicinal baths for at least twenty minutes. The water for them should not be too hot.

If a person suffers from hypertension or severe myocardial pathologies, it is not recommended to take such baths so as not to worsen the condition.

The following can be used as the main components to add to medicinal baths:

  1. Mint decoction.
  2. Mustard, pre-mixed with water.
  3. Jerusalem artichoke tincture with honey and sea salt.
  4. A decoction of medicinal herbs: thyme, currant leaves and burdock are suitable.

Diet food

Coxarthrosis of the hip joints requires following a diet. In this state, the diet should be rich in nutrients, calcium and minerals.

Foods rich in gelatin are beneficial for all joints by default.

The following foods should be completely excluded from the diet menu:

  1. Sweets (cakes, chocolate, pastries).
  2. Strong alcoholic drinks.
  3. Legumes.
  4. Salo.
  5. Fresh bread, pies and pancakes.
  6. Smoked products.
  7. Sausages.
  8. Coffee.
  9. Salty fish.

The basis of dietary nutrition when diagnosing such a disease in any degree of progression should be:

  • cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables (steamed);
  • fruits and juices from them;
  • honey;
  • dried fruits;
  • kefir;
  • gelatin-based dishes;
  • fish and meat broths;
  • jellies from cow cartilage;
  • meat (veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken).

Dietary nutrition will help saturate the body with useful substances, improve the condition of cartilage and help faster recovery. To achieve results, you need to follow the diet for at least three months in a row.

Cautions and contraindications

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint requires a serious approach to therapy. Home treatment should be done with caution and with the permission of a doctor in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy. In this condition, it is necessary to practice therapy with folk remedies very carefully: some recipes can negatively affect the overall course of pregnancy and fetal development. All recipes used must be previously agreed with a specialist.
  2. Lactation period. At the same time, the woman is still closely connected with the child, who receives all the substances consumed by the mother through breast milk. The use of folk recipes should be minimal or carefully selected.
  3. Exacerbated stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis).
  4. The period of acute respiratory diseases.
  5. Active allergic reactions.
  6. Serious problems with the kidneys or liver (including hepatitis).
  7. Severe forms of myocardial pathologies.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. The period after a recent major surgery.

The principle of home treatment for coxarthrosis is not to harm yourself.

Treatment of coxarthrosis with folk remedies at home should be carried out with increased caution in elderly people with a weakened immune system.

Traditional methods of recovery for coxarthrosis

If the pathology has the initial stages of development, the condition is not too advanced, then the patient is prescribed medications and methods of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation in a rehabilitation center or at home, if it is necessary to carry out simple physical training complexes. In severe situations, it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention, which consists of replacing the hip joint with a biodental implant.

It should be understood that conservative therapy can be supplemented or replaced with home therapy only with the permission of the attending physician. If there are no obvious radiological manifestations of deformation and severe thinning of the cartilage, then for mild pain, medicinal herbs are used in the form of ointments, compresses and lotions. It is advisable to coordinate each prescription with your doctor. If there is no improvement within several weeks of home therapy, and the situation continues to worsen, you should seek help from a leading specialist.

Preventive measures

In order not to treat arthrosis of the hip joint with folk remedies and to prevent its development, it is important to follow the following advice from your doctor:

  • avoid heavy loads on the hip and knee joints (especially do not lift heavy objects);
  • promptly identify and treat any diseases (even in the initial stages) that can somehow affect the development of coxarthrosis;
  • engage in strengthening sports: swimming, gymnastics, yoga and cycling are great;
  • maintain proper nutrition to stabilize normal metabolism in the body;
  • prevent stress and avoid any disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.


Coxarthrosis is a dangerous disease for the health of the lower extremities that occurs due to various factors. Its symptoms are pronounced, which indicates the need for immediate consultation with a doctor. Untimely treatment leads to serious complications, including paralysis.

It is quite possible to get rid of coxarthrosis – you just need to make an effort

The measures taken by the patient will allow them to recover from the disease or stop its development for many years. Compliance with preventive measures after treatment will allow you to live long and happily without memories of such an unpleasant illness as coxarthrosis.

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