Forms of release of products with urea for topical use

Composition and release form

The drug is intended for external use. Dosage form – balm for local application to the skin. Packaged in a round metal jar of 4 g. The pharmaceutical product is sold in cardboard packaging with attached instructions inside.

The base of the Star is completely natural. The composition includes the following components:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • camphor;
  • menthol;
  • clove oil;
  • beeswax;
  • mint oil;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • cinnamon oil

Thanks to its natural composition, the balm has a complex therapeutic effect and is effective against many diseases.

Dispensed without a medical prescription. The shelf life is no more than 3 years.

Aloe vera

The next most popular ointment is aloe vera extract. Most often it is sold in jars as in the photo, but it also comes in smaller tubes. Aloe is not a Vietnamese ointment; it is produced in South Korea.

Please note Aloe comes in 92% and 100% percentages. The price for a jar of 100% aloe is higher, ranging from 100 to 250 thousand dong. Sold in all pharmacies and shopping centers.

It is used to restore skin, it helps very well with sunburn, which is probably why it is sold so actively.

We bought aloe in both Vietnam and South Korea, the contents seem to be the same, but the packaging is different in appearance; nowhere in Vietnam did we find packaging with a hologram, like on Korean cans.

So most likely All aloe in Vietnam is either counterfeit or fake. But I repeat, the contents are the same, so take it, because the main thing is that it helps.

pharmachologic effect

Zvezdochka balm has pronounced therapeutic properties. Helps fight the causes and symptoms of diseases. Particularly effective against colds and viral pathologies. The medicine relieves signs of irritation, relieves itching, pain, and is effective for relieving inflammatory processes and treating ENT pathologies.

You can use Zvezdochka for insect bites; the product suppresses unpleasant symptoms, eliminates burning, swelling and local hyperemia. It also relieves nasal congestion, repels insects and reduces headaches.

Pharmacological activity is due to the natural composition of the drug:

  1. Peppermint oil – effectively copes with inflammatory phenomena, has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.
  2. Beeswax has a number of therapeutic properties. A substance of natural origin helps speed up regeneration, removes signs of inflammation and suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Eucalyptus oil is a strong antiseptic, relieves pain, and promotes expectoration when coughing. Used for skin diseases, including infectious ones. Effective for the treatment of burns and ulcerative processes.
  4. Clove oil is a universal ingredient that has analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effects. It is used to relieve signs of skin disease, musculoskeletal system, infections and ulcers. Helps strengthen the body's defenses, increases regeneration, and has a warming effect.
  5. Menthol - irritates nerve receptors, helps reduce pain, and has a slight antiseptic property. When applied to the surface of the skin it causes a cold, slight tingling sensation.
  6. Camphor – has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  7. Methyl salicylate – due to its chemical structure, it is quickly absorbed into the skin and tissues, relieving signs of pain, swelling and inflammation. Normalizes the body's circulation.

Vietnamese preparations: ointments, rubs, balms.

I offer: ointments, balms, warming rubs and other unique products from Vietnam based on cobra venom. As well as cold remedies, toothpastes, etc. An order can be made for an amount of at least 1000 rubles.


COBRATOXANE - 250 rub. — 1 piece. Used in combination with HONG LINH COT balm (HONG LIN KYOT), White Tiger, and also as an independent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent in the treatment of radiculitis, inflammatory or traumatic lesions of joints, tendons, ligaments or muscles (arthritis, periarthritis, arthrosynovitis , inflammation of the tendon, bursitis, bruises, etc.) Indispensable for athletes. Ingredients: - dry cobra venom 0.0005 g - menthol 0.5882 g - salicylic acid ester 2.8240 g.

joints, radiculitis, lumbago, rheumatism, sprains, post-traumatic syndrome, muscle and neuralgic pain. Prevents inflammation from insect bites and has a pleasant aromatic smell. Method of use of ointment massage balm 'White Tiger' and dose: Apply a dose of balm to the surface of the skin in a thin layer, rub in with a light massage for 5 minutes, repeat 3-4 times a day.

To achieve the best effect, use at special acupuncture points using the acupressure technique. Features of use: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use on open wounds and acute purulent inflammation of the skin. For children under 7 years of age, use in mixture with baby or other cream.

Balm-rubbing STONE OIL - RED FLOWER - 380 rub. - 1 piece. is a very popular and effective herbal remedy for the relief of many types of illnesses and pains, especially colds, arthritis, sciatica and chronic muscle pain. Indications: For heart and abdominal pain, quadriplegia, rheumatic pain, back pain , sprains and bruises, from injuries and falls, fractures, sprains and cuts, burns, inflammation, bleeding, mosquito and bee bites, deep-rooted ulcers. An effective medicine for the above symptoms. The best medicine of international medicine.

Therapeutic warming balm-oil THIEN THAO (CHUONG SEON) - 220 rub. — 1 piece, rub for external use Ingredients: menthol, mint oil, clove oil, camphor oil, aromatic natural additives. Indications: relief of muscle pain of various types, osteochondrosis, headache, runny nose, motion sickness, inflammation, mosquito bites, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle pain, etc.

Balm with a high content of snake venom HONG LINH COT (HONG LIN KYOT) - 400 rub. - 1 piece. Used for inflammation of the joints, arthritis, muscle pain, muscle fatigue, sprains, radiculitis, numbness, stiffness of the back, shoulders, neck. Can be used both in combination with Cobratoxan ointment and independently. Treats all diseases associated with the back, joints, muscles (radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other diseases)

Lingzhi spore powder, soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, natural pure water. Lingzhi has four main healing properties: 1. Has a strong antitumor effect.2. Positive effect of use for any pulmonary diseases.3. Widespread successful use of such drugs in cardiovascular diseases.4.

Indicated for allergic diseases. When studying the chemical composition of Lingzhi at the American Cancer Institute, an amazing discovery was made: a substance called 'lanostane' was found, which inhibits the formation of antibodies. Now patients with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are being cured of them with the help of Lingzhi

Anti-inflammatory syrup Ninjom Peipakoa (NIN JIOM PEI PA KOA) - for colds, coughs, etc. - 550 rub. - 1 piece.

Ingredients: Sichuan fritillaria bulb (chuanbeimu), loquat leaves (pibae), nanshashen (Radix Adenophora), fuling mushroom, huajuhong (pericarpium citri grandis), large-flowered bellflower (platycodon grandiflorus), fabanxia (Rhizoma Pinelliae), lemongrass (Wuweiji), wild pumpkin (gualyuzi), coltsfoot bud (kuandonghua), fine-leaf root (yuanzhi), bitter almond (kuxingren), ginger (shengjiang), licorice (gancao), almond water (xingrenshui), menthol essence (bohenao);

auxiliary elements: honey, maltose, sugar syrup. Indications: used for cold cough, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, dryness and sore throat, hoarseness. Effect of the drug: effective mucolytic effect (thin sputum), relieves cough and shortness of breath, protects the throat, has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates heart function, relieves fever.

PYTHON FAT (MO TRAN) A MAGICAL REMEDY! From all types of burns and frostbite. VIETNAM - 350 rub. — 1 piece.1. For a burn (sun, water, steam, or any other) Treat the affected area of ​​the skin with python fat, applying a layer of fat to the skin.2. To prevent frostbite, before going outside in the cold, apply and absorb python fat to exposed skin.

GEL SALONPAS GEL - Vietnamese pain relieving ointment-gel - 1 tube - 30 gr. Made in Vietnam. — 230 rub. - 1 piece.

Salonpas gel for the relief of various aches and pains associated with: muscle fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, back pain, bruises and sprains, strains of arthritis

Salonpas Gel relaxes tired muscles and promotes their regeneration. Contains high quality essential oils that are absorbed through the skin and thus have a stimulating and activating effect on the muscles. Suitable for children over 12 years old and adults.

15.00% Methyl salicylate, 7.00% L-menthol.

Apply 3-4 times a day to a clean and dry affected area

Important Note: For external use only. Do not apply to wounds or damaged skin. Not for use around the eyes, on mucous membranes, wounds or inflamed skin. If skin irritation occurs, discontinue use. It is prohibited to apply to people with allergic reactions (eg rash, redness, itching of the skin and examinations) to medications and cosmetics, as well as children under 12 years of age. Pregnant and nursing women should consult a physician before use.

Keep out of reach of children.

Eucalyptus oil (Dau Khuynh Diep) – 15 ml. Vietnam - 200 rub. - 1 piece.

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory oil. Effective in the treatment of flu, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma. It has antipyretic properties and a strong diuretic.

Anesthetizes, disinfects and regenerates skin after burns, wounds, frostbite. Helps with rheumatism, joint and muscle pain. Helps with cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis. Cleanses the skin from acne.

Ingredients: Eucalyptol (cineol) - 64.833 g, Camphor -18.750 g, Paraffin oils, green chlorophyll

Eucalyptus essential oil is effective in the treatment of colds and coughs, other respiratory diseases, and facilitates breathing with a runny nose and sinusitis. A solution of eucalyptus oil is used to gargle for sore throat - it relieves pain and inflammation. For fever, it is used as an antipyretic. Eucalyptus oil as an antibacterial agent helps with cystitis, prostatitis, and urethritis.

In gynecology, it is used for endometritis and adnexitis (inflammation of the uterus and appendages), and prevents the development of thrush. Eucalyptus oil increases the oxygen content in the blood, and therefore improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body. Many aromatherapists recommend eucalyptus oil as one of the potent blood sugar lowering agents.

Used during massage, eucalyptus oil is good for rheumatism, joint and muscle pain. The oil effectively anesthetizes and disinfects burned areas of the body and promotes rapid skin regeneration after burns, wounds, and frostbite.

In cosmetics - cleanses the skin of acne, enhances the regeneration of skin tissue.

Eucalyptus oil repels insects and softens the effects of their bites. Most air fresheners and insecticides contain eucalyptus oil.

Impact on human bioenergy: helps to quickly recover from stress, illness, improve concentration and increase intellectual capabilities. In case of conflicts or disputes, it is useful to spray it in the room - this will reduce the tense atmosphere. Increases the amount of energy responsible for longevity.

colds, bronchitis, cough, runny nose; flu; tuberculosis; infections of the throat and respiratory system.

viral diseases - hepatitis, herpes, respiratory viral infections, etc.; inflammatory diseases (including genitourinary tract); colds and infectious diseases; skin diseases.

3. Has an antipyretic effect.

promotes concentration and increases intellectual capabilities; helps to quickly recover from stress and illness, relieves tension; indicated for emotional overload.

acne; minor burns, abrasions, wounds, frostbite; places of insect bites; skin whitening; enhances skin tissue regeneration; deodorization of the skin.


Absolute contraindications for using the balm are as follows:

  1. Mental disorders accompanied by convulsive seizures.
  2. Attacks of suffocation.
  3. The period of bearing a child.
  4. Lactation.
  5. Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  6. Dermatological diseases.
  7. Children under 5 years old.
  8. Allergic reactions to the components included in the product.

What you need to know

Ointments and balms for joints, ligaments and muscles, which are produced in Vietnam, Thailand and South Korea, have an impeccable composition. The main ingredients are essential oils, extracts of medicinal plants, cobra and scorpion venoms, and bear bile. The composition may contain heating or cooling components.

Ointments and balms quickly improve well-being after sports training or hard physical work. All products are suitable for recovery from injuries (bruises, sprains, fractures), as well as for alleviating chronic diseases of the joints and spine (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, myositis, radiculitis, and so on).

Natural ointments and balms act locally: improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, tension and stiffness of joints, and reduce pain. In this case, the components are not absorbed into the blood and therefore do not overload the liver and other internal organs.

Mode of application

Asterisk is used externally for the treatment of viral, infectious and colds. Depending on the location of the pathological process and pain, the drug is applied to different parts of the body:

  1. For headaches, rub a small amount of the product into the area of ​​the crown, back of the head or temple.
  2. Insect bites are eliminated by applying the drug to the affected area.
  3. For rhinitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases - on the wings of the nose, avoiding contact with the mucous surface.
  4. When coughing, rub the medicine on the chest and back.
  5. For toothache, the balm is applied to the skin of the cheek, where the pain is localized. Also rubbed into earlobes.
  6. For colds - on the wings of the nose and nostrils. This helps relieve congestion, runny nose, and eliminate headaches. No more than 10 procedures per day.
  7. For angina, the drug is used 2 times a day, applied between the collarbones, on the area of ​​the thumb joint or the tip of the middle finger on the lower limb.

Cobratoxan ointment

We wrote about Cobratoxan in as much detail as possible in the article “Cobratoxan Ointment: instructions, indications, analogues.”
Now the most popular ointment among those coming to Vietnam is Cobratoxan, the name speaks for itself, it consists of two words cobra and tox - poison. The ointment contains cobra venom in the amount of 0.0005 grams. The king cobra is famous for being one of the three creatures on earth that never get sick, so God’s poor creature is used 100%: they eat meat, add blood to vodka, drink bile, dress their skin, and sell their teeth.

A tube of cobrotoxan is small - 20 grams, so they usually buy a package of 10 tubes. The cost of one tube is about 21,000 dong ($1).

Instructions in Russian are not included with cobrotoxan, only in Vietnamese and English. It is recommended to apply once a day, for acute pain - 2 times, but no more than 10 days in a row, to prevent an overdose.

Do not apply the ointment to wet skin - it will burn severely.

Cobratoxan ointment is a well-known remedy based on snake venom, made in Vietnam. This is a unique combination of ancient traditions of Eastern medicine with innovative pharmaceutical production technologies.

The opportunity to buy Cobratoxan in Russian online pharmacies appeared not so long ago, but in a short time it has gained recognition among the population. Reviews of Cobratoxan confirm the high quality and effectiveness of Vietnamese ointments and balms. The price fully corresponds to its medicinal properties, because the use of Cobratoxan provides the desired result in a fairly short time.

Composition of the drug

According to the instructions, Cobratoxan ointment consists of several components, the combination of which complements and enhances the healing effect of each of them.

  • Cobra venom (0.0005 g). The main component of the product with the most valuable properties. The venom of this snake is considered one of the most expensive in the pharmaceutical industry, because the cobra secretes it in minute quantities. The price of Cobratoxan ointment is determined by the content of this particular component. Microdoses of cobra venom can eliminate inflammation, relieve pain, and improve blood microcirculation.

  • Salicylic acid methyl ester (2.8 g). Methyl salicylate is one of the dosage forms of salicylic acid, which has properties similar to aspirin: analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It is obtained mainly artificially and is found in willow bark. Methyl salicylate is characterized by a sharp, specific odor and high toxicity (in its pure form).
  • Menthol (0.588 g). A travel essential oil of mint that has a strong, fresh aroma. Menthol is known for its sedative, analgesic, and mild antiseptic effect, which is why it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is also capable of constricting peripheral blood vessels, causing a slight sensation of coolness (“menthol freshness”) at the site of application.
  • Emulsion substances (20 g). They play a supporting role, facilitating the application and absorption of the drug.

The ointment has a transparent white color and a characteristic odor (due to the content of essential oils). The medicine is released in a tube with a dosage of 20 grams.

The Vietnamese drug has a number of therapeutic effects, having experienced which, buyers do not skimp on positive reviews about Cobratoxan. By reflexively acting on superficial skin receptors, it relieves pain. Penetrating deep into the tissues, the active substances reduce the activity of the inflammatory process.

The therapeutic result is based only on local effects; the percentage of absorption of Cobratoxan ointment does not exceed 10%. Absorbed substances are released into bile and excreted from the body through the intestines.

An ointment based on cobra venom has quite extensive indications for use. According to the manufacturer's instructions, you can buy Cobratoxan to treat the following diseases:

  • pathology of joints of traumatic, inflammatory, or degenerative origin (arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis, dislocations);
  • damage (ruptures) of the menisci;

  • osteochondrosis in the acute and chronic stages (sciatica of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine);
  • neuro-reflex syndromes (sciatica, cervicobrachialgia);
  • inflammatory processes in muscles (myositis);
  • damage to nerve endings (neuritis, neuralgia);
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system due to intense sports loads (strains);

  • pathological muscle spasms: torticollis (damage to the sternocleidomastoid muscle), cramps (painful cramps of the lower leg muscles).

Regardless of the nature of the pathological process, the medicine provides a worthy therapeutic result. This is confirmed by positive reviews about Cobratoxan on the websites of Vietnamese online stores, which have already tested the healing properties of its composition.

Cobratoxan ointment is used externally on clean and dry skin. A small amount of the drug (approximately the size of a match head in diameter) is applied to the surface of the dermis over the sore spot and rubbed in with light massaging movements until completely absorbed.

  1. • The optimal course of treatment is no more than 10 days.
  2. • Use the medicine twice a day after an equal amount of time.
  3. • Two to three grams of ointment should be applied per application.
  4. • One tube is enough for 3-4 days.

Since Cobratoxan contains microdoses of cobra venom (in its pure form it is a potent toxin), it can have a locally irritating effect. Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes and damaged skin surfaces. After applying the ointment, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap, or rubber gloves should be used. The use of Cobratoxan internally is unacceptable.

In order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, while avoiding possible side effects from Cobratoxan ointment, the instructions for use must be strictly followed.


In some cases, the use of Cobratoxan is not recommended:

  1. * Damage to the skin surface at the site of application (abrasions, scratches, burns, ulcers).
  2. * Inflammatory purulent skin diseases (furuncle, abscess).
  3. * Allergy (individual intolerance) to ointment components.
  4. * During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. * In children under 5 years of age.
  6. * Active tuberculosis process.
  7. * Marked exhaustion of the body.
  8. * Fever.

special instructions

An overdose of Cobratoxan may cause side effects: burning sensation, redness of the skin, or rashes in the form of vesicles and pustules. In this situation, the remaining product should be removed with a cotton swab soaked in Vaseline (it can be replaced with any greasy cream) and seek professional medical advice.

A unique drug from Vietnam can be purchased in our online store with delivery throughout the country. The price of Cobratoxan does not exceed the average cost of its Russian analogues.

In order to buy Cobratoxan with cobra venom, a doctor's prescription is not required.

special instructions

It is not recommended to use the asterisk if you are intolerant to the components, have a tendency to bleed, or have dermatological diseases at the site of application of the drug. Also should not be used for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Treatment of children with the drug is allowed from 5 years of age

It is strictly forbidden to rub the balm onto areas where there are birthmarks and various neoplasms.

It must be used carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous surface of the nasal cavity, eyes and inside. In the latter case, dyspepsia and other disorders of the digestive tract and nervous system are observed. Treatment in this case is symptomatic, medicinal.

White Tiger

White Tiger, despite its name, does not contain components extracted from tiger, only vegetable oils (menthol, mint, cinnamon, sandalwood, etc.)

This is not more of a healing ointment, but a balm. White Tiger relieves pain and improves blood circulation and joint mobility, has an anti-edematous effect, relieves inflammation and muscle fatigue, and promotes the restoration of cartilage and connective tissue.

It is used for pain of the musculoskeletal system: joints, radiculitis, lumbago, rheumatism, sprains, post-traumatic syndrome, muscle and neuralgic pain.

Directions for use: Apply a thin layer of balm to the skin and rub in with massage movements for five minutes.

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use on open wounds and acute purulent inflammation of the skin.

Price from 20,000 to 30,000 VDN.

The red tiger is stronger than the white one, it is a warming balm. Red Tiger can be used to warm up muscles before sports activities, improve blood circulation during injuries, and warm up during colds.

Najatox (Nayatoks)

Cobratoxan has an analogue, Najatox (Nayatoks) . Naja is Latin for Indian cobra. This ointment for joints is not so advertised, so often tourists don’t even know about it.

The indications and uses of Najatox are similar to cobratoxan; the ointment is used for arthritis, sprains, joint injuries, radiculitis, dislocations, back and neck pain, and the like. But the price per tube is lower, about 18,000 dong, while the tube contains 2 times more - 40 grams, and the content of cobra venom is higher than in cobratoxan.

Nayatox can be found in Russian pharmacies, also made in Vietnam, but slightly different, and the price is several times higher.

The second most popular is EXPLAQ.

We often come across the fact that some patients try to treat psoriasis with Zvezdochka ointments, but in no case should it be applied to damaged skin. Unlike EXPLAQ, which is designed specifically for skin problems.

The instructions describe that you can use the medication to combat:

  • Psoriasis and eczema;
  • Irritation and peeling of the skin;
  • Dermatitis that appears on the feet in adolescence;
  • Various types of lichen and other diseases of the dermis.

Such widespread use of Vietnamese ointment explains its composition, which successfully combines advanced developments in the treatment of psoriasis, as well as extracts of medicinal plants.

What can be concluded?

The Vietnamese market is very rich and on it you can find both natural ointments based on cobra venom (for example, Cobratoxan) or essential oils (White Tiger or Asterisk), as well as effective methods for treating joints, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, and nail fungus. You can find options for rapid wound healing (“Levigatus”).

We are sure that our article will help you navigate and buy in Moscow or any other city exactly the ointment that you need. The main thing to remember is that it is extremely important to read the descriptions and instructions for use, as well as check the composition and photos presented in the store.

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