Ortofen ointment for external use 2% 50g

Heel spurs are treated with nonsteroidal and steroidal creams and ointments. Ortho foot cream helps relieve pain in the lower extremities and minimizes discomfort while walking. The skin becomes soft, blood circulation in the leg is much better. The cream is a non-steroidal drug. When used, inflammatory processes are eliminated and pain goes away in a short time.

Composition and properties

Cream "Ortho" ("Tiger's Eye") includes the following components:

  • lemon essential oil;
  • juniper;
  • lilac;
  • burdock;
  • horseradish extract and deprived.

The cream softens the skin and relieves tired legs.

At an early stage of the disease, inflammatory processes are eliminated. The drug relieves pain, warms up the sore spot, eliminates discomfort while walking, and increases blood circulation in the heel and tissues. Together with it, orthopedic inserts or insoles are often used to enhance the effect. Essential oils, having antibacterial properties, help make the insoles comfortable to wear. The drug is effective for tired legs, treats cracks and corns. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


The pharmaceutical preparation “Tiger Eye ORTO - Heel Spur” contains the following components:

  • purified water is a solvent for active components;
  • glycerin - moisturizes the skin;
  • liquid silicone - gives the skin softness and silkiness, and also allows the cream to be well distributed over the surface of the epidermis;
  • fatty acid alcohols - improve the properties of raw materials;
  • glycerol monostearate - protects cell structure;
  • food additive E901 (beeswax) - has an anti-inflammatory, softening, nourishing effect.

This drug contains natural extracts of medicinal plants.
Contains “Tiger Eye ORTO Cream” and various extracts, namely:

  • Volodushki;
  • burdock;
  • lilac;
  • hazel;
  • horseradish.

The listed plant extracts together provide a pronounced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and softening effect. Horseradish improves blood circulation, hazel has a strong venotropic effect, softens and soothes sensitive and inflamed skin, and also strengthens capillary and venous walls. Contains cream for plantar fasciitis (the medical name for heel spurs) and oils (juniper, castor, burdock and lemon), which are used to soften the skin, making it smooth and silky.


The drug helps with heel pain that occurs when walking.
Ortho cream is prescribed to relieve pain and discomfort while walking. When moving, the heel bone takes on the maximum load. In areas where the tendons are connected to the heel bone, a pathology may develop - ossification (heel spur). At the beginning of the disease, inflammation of the connective tissue occurs in the area of ​​the heel tubercle, then calcium salts are deposited in this place. The result is heel pain. They can be either while walking or at rest. The pain symptom can be very strong, making it impossible to step on the heel. When used, Ortho cream softens the skin, relieves pain and discomfort.

How to use and dose ORTO cream for heel spurs?

Apply the cream with light massaging movements onto clean skin of the foot.
There are no difficulties in using Orthocrem - heel spur. To treat heel bone growths, the following manipulations will be required:

  1. Wash and dry your feet.
  2. Apply the medicine with light massaging movements.
  3. Wait until it is absorbed.

Doctors recommend taking salt baths before the procedure. You need to smear the problem area in the morning and before bed until it is completely cured. To speed up recovery, special orthopedic inserts and instep supports are placed in shoes. If treatment does not produce positive results for a long time, you should consult your doctor and choose another drug that will be more effective for plantar fasciitis.

What can replace the drug?

Main pharmacy analogues

You can replace the cream with Contractubex.

  • "Voltaren."
  • "Indovazin."
  • "Kontraktubeks".
  • "Dolobene."

Cream “Golden Mustache”

It has antiseptic properties, helps relieve inflammation, pain, and improves blood circulation. The drug is rubbed into the heel twice a day: morning and evening. After the procedure, the foot should be wrapped warmly. If a golden mustache grows at home, you can make the remedy yourself, since the pharmaceutical preparation has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications and side effects

“Tiger Eye ORTO - Heel Spur” should not be used by patients with individual intolerance to its components. Due to its completely natural composition, the medicine has no other restrictions on its use. Occasionally, cream therapy may lead to the development of an allergic reaction and irritation of the dermis immediately after application of the orthopedic product. Then the patient will need to thoroughly rinse his feet under running water, but if the rashes and redness do not go away, consult a doctor. It is important to take into account one more point - you cannot apply orthocream to the skin where there is an open wound or purulent infection.

Inexpensive similar pharmaceuticals

Orthocream “Tiger Eye” is in great demand because its cost does not exceed 100 rubles. However, the drug has analogs that are even cheaper. For example, foot balm “Croc Med heel spur for comfortable walking” with a price of about 80 rubles. When choosing an analogue of “Tiger's Eye” for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, you should give preference to pharmaceutical products containing active substances such as glycerol, extracts of medicinal plants, oils and dimethicone.

Ortofen ointment for external use 2% 50g


ointment for external use


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for external use. Diclofenac has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Indiscriminately inhibiting cyclooxygenase types 1 and 2 (COX-1 and COX-2), it disrupts the metabolism of arachidonic acid and the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are the main link in the development of inflammation.

Diclofenac is used to eliminate pain and reduce swelling associated with the inflammatory process.

Indications for use

With the recommended method of application of the drug, systemic absorption of diclofenac is no more than 6%. Bonding with plasma proteins is 99.7%. Excreted by the kidneys. Diclofenac is predominantly distributed and retained deep in tissues affected by inflammation. When applying the drug to the area of ​​the affected joint, the concentration of diclofenac in the synovial fluid is higher than in the blood plasma.


The drug is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, does not affect the progression of the disease.

— Post-traumatic inflammation of soft tissues and joints, for example, as a result of sprains and bruises,

- rheumatic diseases of soft tissues (tenosynovitis, bursitis, damage to periarticular tissues):

- pain and swelling associated with diseases of muscles and joints (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, lumbago, sciatica, muscle pain of rheumatic and non-rheumatic origin).

Directions for use and doses

Diclofenac may enhance the effect of drugs that cause photosensitivity. Clinically significant interactions with other drugs have not been described.

Storage conditions

Over the counter

Best before date

At a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Keep out of the reach of children.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.


100 g ointment contains:

active substance:

diclofenac sodium - 2.0 g,


: benzyl benzoate (medical benzyl benzoate) - 6.0 g, polysorbate-80 - 1.0 g, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (methylparaben, nipagin) - 0.08 g, propyl parahydroxybenzoate (propylparaben, nipazole) - 0.02 g, carbomer (carbomer 940) - 0.75 g, trolamine (thermostable triethanolamine) - 0.40 g, purified water - up to 100.0 g.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

30 g or 50 g in an aluminum tube. One tube along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Dosage form



A homogeneous ointment of white or white with a grayish or creamy tint with a weak specific odor.

Side effects

The use of the drug during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy is recommended only as prescribed by a doctor, weighing the benefits for the mother and the risk for the fetus. The drug is contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy due to the possibility of decreased uterine tone and/or premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus. Due to the lack of data on the penetration of diclofenac into breast milk, the drug is not recommended for use during breastfeeding.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

- Hypersensitivity to diclofenac or any of the components included in the drug,

- complete or incomplete combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses and intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (including a history),

— pregnancy (III trimester),

- breastfeeding period,

- age up to 12 years,

- violation of the integrity of the skin at the intended site of application.


Classification of the incidence of side effects according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO):

very often >.1/10

often from >, 1/100 to <, 1/10,

infrequently from >, 1/1000 to <, 1/100,

rarely from >, 1/10000 to <, 1/1000,

very rare < 1/10000, including isolated reports,

frequency unknown - based on available data, it is not possible to determine the frequency of occurrence.

From the immune system:

very rarely - generalized skin rash, allergic reactions (urticaria, hypersensitivity: angioedema).

From the respiratory system and organs of the chest and mediastinum:

very rarely - attacks of suffocation, bronchospastic reactions.

From the skin:

often - erythema, dermatitis, including contact dermatitis (symptoms: eczema, itching, swelling of the treated skin area, rash, papules, vesicles, peeling),

rarely - bullous dermatitis,

very rarely - photosensitivity reactions, pustular rashes.


The drug is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, does not affect the progression of the disease.

— Post-traumatic inflammation of soft tissues and joints, for example, as a result of sprains and bruises,

- rheumatic diseases of soft tissues (tenosynovitis, bursitis, damage to periarticular tissues):

- pain and swelling associated with diseases of muscles and joints (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, lumbago, sciatica, muscle pain of rheumatic and non-rheumatic origin).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

For external use only. For adults and children over 12 years of age, the drug is applied 2 times a day (every 12 hours, preferably morning and evening), lightly rubbing into the skin. The required amount of the drug depends on the size of the painful area. A single dose of the drug is 2-4 g (in volume comparable to the size of a cherry or hazelnut, respectively), which is enough to treat an area of ​​400-800 cm2. If the hands are not the area where pain is localized, then after applying the drug they must be washed. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 8 g.

The duration of treatment depends on the indications and the observed effect. The drug should not be changed for more than 14 days for post-traumatic inflammation and rheumatic diseases of soft tissues without a doctor’s recommendation. If after 7 days of use the therapeutic effect is not observed or the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

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