Treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis with black radish

Cough accompanies almost all viral diseases and colds. It can be either dry or wet, but always requires treatment. If therapy is not started in a timely manner, the cough gradually becomes chronic and is a constant nuisance. If it is strong and paroxysmal, then the patient cannot sleep fully, as a result of which his general condition quickly deteriorates. He loses normal performance, becomes irritable and overly emotional. An excellent remedy for relieving a cough is a compress, which allows you to warm up the lungs and bronchi and relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is very good to use black radish for this purpose. It warms up no worse than mustard plasters, but at the same time has a gentler effect on the skin. This compress can be used for both adults and children. However, it is very important to remember that the procedure should be carried out strictly observing the time of application of the compress and not prolonging it. In addition, do not confuse compresses for adults and children, as they have significant differences.

What are the benefits of a compress for coughing?

The effectiveness of treating cough with black radish compresses is achieved thanks to the various therapeutic effects of this therapy. Using a compress allows you to get:

  • increased blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs;
  • elimination of spasm of the bronchi and lungs;
  • elimination of muscle spasms of the chest;
  • penetration of medicinal components from radish juice through the skin directly into the area of ​​inflammation.

Due to such an active effect on the body, a compress with radish quickly removes phlegm and relieves coughing attacks. After only 3 days of treatment, it is possible to significantly improve the patient’s condition, and after a week, even very severe bronchitis can be overcome.

How to use for joints?

Root vegetable with other ingredients

Freshly squeezed radish juice with the addition of honey can relieve joint pain. This healing remedy will also help with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and spurs. The recipe for folk medicine is simple. It is enough to mix 300 ml of juice with sea salt, rectified alcohol, bile and honey, taking 1 glass of each ingredient. Next, take a warm piece of cloth and put the mixture on it. Apply the resulting compress to the area of ​​the sore joint and leave it overnight, securing it with film on top. The next morning, the lotion must be removed and the skin wiped with alcohol or vodka. Repeat the procedure daily for 1.5-4 weeks.

Radish with garlic

An alternative medicine recipe will help relieve inflammation in the joints. To prepare it, you need to prepare 1 cup of radish pulp and several chopped cloves of garlic. Mix the ingredients and place the resulting mixture into the area of ​​the sore joint. You should be prepared for the fact that such treatment may cause discomfort. Therefore, the duration of the procedure depends on how long the compress can be tolerated. However, you should not hold it for long, otherwise you may cause a burn. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to rub olive oil into the skin and wrap the problem area well.

Radish alcohol compress for treating joints

An effective remedy for joint pain is a recipe, for the preparation of which you need:

  1. Mix 1 part vodka, 2 parts honey and 3 parts radish juice.
  2. Steam the joint thoroughly.
  3. Rub in the resulting mixture.

You can take this medicine for joint pathologies orally, but not more than 50 ml.

Contraindications for radish compress

You should refuse to use the treatment procedure when you have:

  • skin injuries at the compress site;
  • skin irritation at the compress site;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergic reaction to radish.

When used correctly, a radish cough compress can even replace drug treatment.

Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system require complex treatment. In addition to medications prescribed by a doctor, it is recommended to use various folk remedies, for example, honey, medicinal herbs or black radish.

Their expectorant and antiseptic properties help alleviate the patient's condition. Black radish is especially often used for bronchitis.

When used correctly, sputum discharge improves and recovery is accelerated.


Despite its high effectiveness, naturalness and safety for the human body, not everyone is allowed to use radish to combat joint diseases. The root vegetable should not be taken orally in case of intestinal ulcers, cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, colitis and impaired kidney function. Contraindications to the use of radish are allergic reactions, low blood pressure and gout. Pregnant and nursing mothers should also avoid treating joints with this vegetable. Another serious contraindication is a previous myocardial infarction.

Healing properties of radish

This root vegetable has long been valued in folk medicine due to its composition rich in nutrients and medicinal properties. It has been proven that products based on it can thin mucus and facilitate its removal from the bronchi.

Therefore, their use helps relieve dry, painful cough due to bronchitis. Various radish-based remedies help with acute and chronic forms of the disease.

This root vegetable has a diuretic effect, strengthens the immune system, and improves digestion. When consumed in any form, it helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, relieves spasms, and reduces inflammation.

The antiseptic properties of black radish allow it to be used to combat pathogens. It contains lysozyme and glycosides, which suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora.

The healing effect of this vegetable is explained by its high content of vitamins C, B, A, D, PP and other useful substances:

  • fiber;
  • dietary fiber;
  • phytoncides;
  • iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus;
  • sulfur essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • mineral salts.

How is it useful?

Black radish has a considerable number of advantages. The vegetable contains many elements necessary for the human body, namely:

Another substance that radish can boast of is a sulfur compound. This element ensures healthy joints and makes them more resistant to the negative effects of environmental factors. A significant advantage of black radish is its ability to cleanse the joints of skeletal bones from the accumulation of salts, as well as relieve pain in them. In addition to the fact that the root vegetable is useful for sore joints, it also exhibits healing properties in relation to the entire human body. Radish actively removes toxic substances, suppresses and provokes the death of pathogenic microorganisms, and also helps eliminate edema due to its diuretic effect, and takes an active part in normalizing high blood pressure.

Radish recipes have found application in the treatment of the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

Remedies based on this root vegetable help cope with the destruction of articular cartilage.

  • joint pain of various nature and etiology;
  • inflammatory disease of connective tissue;
  • salt deposits;
  • deformation and limitation of joint mobility;
  • heel bone growth;
  • dystrophic destruction in articular cartilage.

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Benefits of black radish for bronchitis

This root vegetable improves digestion, relieves swelling, and removes toxins. Products based on it are used in the treatment of many pathologies, but they are most effective in diseases of the respiratory tract.

Black radish is especially often used for bronchitis because it quickly thins mucus, relieving dry coughs.

By combining this vegetable with various other components, you can effectively treat colds, whooping cough, and chronic bronchitis. Such remedies facilitate expectoration, help get rid of dry cough, and relieve spasms.

The frequent use of radish for the treatment and prevention of bronchitis is also explained by its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Using it for colds or ARVI helps prevent complications such as inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.

Rules for collecting and storing vegetables

The later the harvest is harvested, the better it will ripen and be saturated with beneficial nutrients. Moreover, agronomists have proven that late harvest guarantees maximum shelf life. Harvest black radishes in late fall (it's important to do it before the first snow falls and temperatures begin to drop rapidly). Sort vegetables immediately after harvesting, without leaving the garden bed. Too small or, on the contrary, gigantic, rotten, infected, frozen fruits will have to be thrown away. Any dent or scratch on the radish reduces the shelf life of the vegetable, impairs the taste and nutritional composition.

If you plan to consume black radish 5-7 days in advance, then place them in any convenient container/craft/bag and put them in the refrigerator. The temperature of the refrigerator compartment should not exceed 0°C. For long-term storage, you will have to carry out a number of simple manipulations. Distribute the vegetables into suitable containers/bags/boxes and lightly sprinkle with soil. The shelf life of radish is 14 days.

Most often, the method is used when transporting whole crops to retail outlets.

The shelf life can be increased by changing conditions and microclimate. In dry rooms with a humidity of about 85% (basements), radishes can be stored for up to 9 months. The shelf life of black radish is much longer than that of other varieties, which adds an additional 30-60 days.

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If you don’t have a cellar, then don’t despair, just send bags/boxes of vegetables to the balcony. The main thing is that the container with radishes is hermetically sealed, and that the balcony does not blow through and does not allow moisture/ultraviolet to pass through. Find or install a nook where the temperature will be 0°C and enjoy your favorite black radishes for several seasons.

Commodity neighborhood

The aroma, taste, composition and shelf life of radish depend on the correct product proximity. “Place” black radish together with other vegetables that do not have a pronounced aroma. This way we will protect the radish from foreign odors and will not violate the shelf life. The vegetable gets along best with carrots and seasonal potatoes. Store vegetables in a separate compartment or dedicate them to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

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Traditional recipes with radish

Many different uses of this root vegetable have long been known. Moreover, the preparation of such products does not require special skill or expense.

Black radish is used for bronchitis, both separately and in mixture with other components. They complement and enhance its effect, helping to get rid of cough faster.

It is advisable to first consult with your doctor before choosing a prescription. It is necessary to take into account not only the cause of bronchitis and the severity of its course, but also the individual characteristics of the patient.

Treatment with traditional methods should be combined with traditional therapy. It should be long-term; it is usually recommended to take such remedies for 1-2 weeks.

With honey

The most effective folk medicine for bronchitis is radish with honey. If the patient does not have an individual intolerance to bee products, it is better to use this remedy for a dry, painful cough.

What you will need

Depending on the recipe and the purpose for which you plan to use the black radish compress, you may need:

  1. Grater.
  2. Juicer.
  3. Gauze (if you don't have a vegetable squeezer).
  4. A container for mixing recipe ingredients.
  5. Additionally:
  6. carrot;
  7. beet;
  8. lemon;
  9. honey;
  10. vodka.
  11. Sunflower oil.

You can change or add ingredients yourself, depending on what effect you want to get.


There are restrictions on the use of black radish. It is not recommended to use it to treat children under 3 years of age, as well as pregnant women.

It is believed that folk remedies are safer than medications. But using them incorrectly can also cause harm. Black radish contains substances that increase the tone of the uterus, which is dangerous during pregnancy.

A persistent cough or chronic bronchitis cannot be treated without medications prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to serious complications.

Additionally, large amounts of essential oils can irritate your throat if it is inflamed. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor before using radish.

Also, the patient's condition may worsen with bronchitis of an allergic nature. In such cases, it is especially dangerous to use black radish with honey. Therefore, when treating, the individual reaction of a person must be taken into account.

Additional uses of the ingredient

Industry and cosmetology

Industrial cultivation of black radish is advantageous in terms of ease of care and high yield. Industrial cultivation is practiced in areas with cool climates. This is where the radish takes root best, releasing the maximum amount of oil. Essential oil is the main product targeted by the food/medicinal and cosmetic industries.

Radish essential oil can be used as biofuel.


Black radish has been able to find its niche not only in medicine or cooking, but also in popular culture. On December 23, an annual festival called “Night of the Radish” takes place in Mexico (Oaxaca de Juarez). The festival takes place as part of a popular national holiday, so it covers a huge number of people (both local people and visitors or tourists).

On “Night of the Radish,” people carve various figures from the black fruit. The type of figurine depends solely on the author’s imagination.

Radishes are transformed into biblical heroes, cartoon characters, ordinary household objects or futuristic works of art. Worthy works are put on public display in the town square.

Treatment of cough with radish

People call it the queen of vegetables; it is a unique gift of nature. It contains more than 200 biologically active substances. The root vegetable contains vitamins and minerals, organic acids and amino acids, fiber and sodium salts, trace elements and phytoncides. It contains a lot of iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. The bitter taste is given to it by the high content of amino acids and glycosides.

The nutritional value of the vegetable is only 36 kcal per 100 g, while the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins is balanced. It has broad-spectrum antibiotic properties and is used as:

  1. mucolytic (expectorant);
  2. antibacterial;
  3. immunostimulating;
  4. painkiller;
  5. anti-inflammatory;
  6. wound healing;
  7. restorative.

Root enzymes dissolve bacterial cell membranes. The plant helps treat upper respiratory tract diseases in children. This list includes:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia (or pneumonia);
  • flu;
  • whooping cough.

Which radish to use for cough

A centuries-tested recipe - honey with radish for coughs for children. To prepare the drug, the juice of root vegetables of different varieties is used. In folk medicine, white, green, and black radishes are used. Their composition is different. This affects not only the taste, but also some medicinal properties:

  • Black radish is preferable for coughs for children. It helps to get rid of the symptom, relieves body aches during severe infections. The vegetable is good to use chilled - it accelerates blood circulation, warms, and mobilizes immune defense.
  • Green radish was brought from the Mediterranean, it is called Margelan radish. It does not contain mustard oils, so its dark green pulp has a pleasant and delicate taste. This type is more preferable for young children. The miracle vegetable has contraindications.
  • White radish has minimal contraindications, and its high content of ascorbic acid makes it indispensable in the cold season.

Root vegetables of all varieties have a medicinal effect. To make the right choice, it is worth considering some features of the biochemical composition of root vegetables of different varieties:

  1. Black. It has a pronounced bitter taste due to the content of a large amount of alyl mustard oil. It contains a high concentration of vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is involved in hematopoiesis and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Green. Has powerful bactericidal properties. Contains a large amount of iron. This element is vital for maintaining hemoglobin levels.
  3. White. Rich in vitamins A, B, C, H. Stimulates the immune system and is an excellent preventative against viral diseases.

To prepare cough medicine for children, large, undamaged root vegetables are used. It is advisable to buy raw materials strictly from trusted sellers who do not abuse fertilizers. In Japan, for example, the vegetable is grown on volcanic soil. Root vegetables harvested in this way have unsurpassed taste and beneficial properties.

From what age

Parents take into account at what age radishes can be given to children. The vegetable has a burning taste, this is taken into account so as not to harm a small child. Radish with cough honey for children is an effective remedy, but it is better to use it from the age of 5, especially for the black variety. Before preparing root vegetables, you need to make sure that your child is not allergic to honey. If its manifestations are noticed, radish with cough sugar is used for children.

Before using traditional recipes to treat cough, it is important to find out the cause of its occurrence. Treatment of cough with radish and honey in children is effective for whooping cough and bronchitis - provided that the disease has not reached its peak. In case of severe disease, it is better to use a folk remedy in combination with pharmaceuticals. Prescriptions must be made by the attending physician.


It is better to discuss the use of a folk remedy for cough with your pediatrician. The juice of the medicinal root vegetable irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive organs and increases the acidity of gastric juice. The folk remedy for cough has a number of contraindications, including:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • increased acidity;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • enterocolitis (simultaneous inflammation of the small and large intestines);
  • allergy;
  • intestinal colic;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • pyelonephritis (inflammation of the tissues of the kidney and renal pelvis);
  • glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney glomeruli);
  • previous heart attack;
  • problems with blood clotting.

It is a mistake to believe that radish can be used in unlimited quantities for medicinal purposes. It is important to follow a number of rules so that the vegetable brings maximum benefits:

  1. Eat root vegetables no more than 2 times a week.
  2. You can be treated with juice no more than 2 courses within six months.
  3. Children should be given healing juice for no more than a week.
  4. The medicinal juice is contraindicated for children under one year of age; it can cause a burn to the larynx.
  5. A cough medicine is given to the child in the first half of the day if it is used for the first time, in order to monitor the body’s reaction.
  6. It is better to drink freshly prepared juice.

Healthy recipes

The benefits of radish in the treatment and relief of diseases of the musculoskeletal system are based on its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is used for the following conditions and disorders:

  • joint pain;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • for pain caused by gout, heel spurs, spinal hernia;
  • arthritis, etc.

For external use

Among the many recipes for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the following are considered the most popular:

  1. Tincture for rubbing. To prepare it you will need to take 0.5 kg of radish. The root vegetable is grated and poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. The resulting mixture should infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. After infusion, it is filtered through cheesecloth or in another way. The resulting tincture is used for rubbing joints affected by the disease. After the procedure, the joints are wrapped in thick fabric to retain heat. It is recommended to rub into problem areas several times a day.
  2. Black radish compress. For this recipe you will need 1.5 glasses of freshly squeezed root juice, 1 glass of natural honey, 100 g of vodka and 1 tbsp. salt. All components are thoroughly mixed. Fabric napkins are soaked in the resulting mixture and applied to the sore joints, covered with plastic wrap and a towel on top. The compress is left on the body for half an hour. Before applying, you can rub the same composition. The procedure is performed until the pain in the affected joint disappears.
  3. Compresses for treatment and pain reduction in osteochondrosis, arthrosis, spurs. The recipe includes: fresh root juice, medical bile, alcohol, natural honey, sea salt. All ingredients are taken in the same quantity (1 glass). Mix everything thoroughly. A cloth napkin is pre-moistened in hot water, then soaked in the resulting composition. The compress is applied to the affected joint, sore spot at night.
  4. A simple compress to relieve back pain due to radiculitis. To prepare, you need to grind the peeled root vegetable on a grater. The resulting mass of grated radish is placed on a cloth napkin and applied to the problem area. The top of the napkin is covered with polyethylene and the lower back is wrapped in a warm cloth. The compress is left on the body for 2–3 hours. If a burning sensation occurs, the time is reduced.

How to cook radish with honey

There are several recipes for preparing cough radishes for children: standard, economical, quick. Any of the cooking options fully preserves its healing properties:

  1. Standard. From a medium-sized root vegetable you need to cut off the top and remove part of the pulp by making a depression. Place honey (or sugar) in it and let it brew.
  2. Economical. Peel the root vegetable, cut into slices, pour in honey (or add sugar), and let it brew.
  3. Fast. Peel the root vegetable, grate it, squeeze out the juice, mix it with honey or sugar. The cough syrup is ready.

Black radish

Traditional medicine recommends several recipes for preparing medicinal cough syrup, which differ in the amount of honey and the duration of infusion. The recipe with honey for children is prepared as follows:

  • Wash the root vegetable thoroughly with running water;
  • cut off the top;
  • make a depression to the middle of the vegetable;
  • pour 2 tablespoons of honey into the cavity;
  • leave for 4-6 hours;
  • To prevent the root vegetable from turning over, it can be placed in a glass or cup;
  • take 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals (the juice can be diluted by half with boiled water).


Green radish with honey will help a child or an adult with a cough: it helps to get rid of even an old form of the disease. To prepare the medicine you need:

  1. Wash several medium-sized root vegetables thoroughly;
  2. peel vegetables;
  3. grate on a fine grater into a deep bowl;
  4. squeeze out the juice using gauze;
  5. mix the juice with honey, at the rate of 2 tablespoons per glass;
  6. take honey infusion 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.


Diseases of the upper respiratory tract are well treated by white radish. Medicines prepared from it are effective for the treatment of old coughs and for the manifestation of the initial signs of bronchitis. Prepare the medicinal mixture as follows:

  1. Wash a medium-sized root vegetable;
  2. peel off the skin;
  3. grate the vegetable on a medium grater;
  4. add honey;
  5. take the healing pulp before meals 3 times a day;
  6. If desired, in addition to honey, you can add sea buckthorn, raspberries and milk.

With sugar

Medicinal syrup from the root vegetable is very effective for treating cough. Sweet juice with sugar is used if the child is allergic to honey. It’s easy to prepare:

  1. Wash and peel a medium-sized root vegetable;
  2. grate it on a coarse grater or cut into slices;
  3. add sugar;
  4. leave in a cool place for 5 hours;
  5. squeeze out the released juice;
  6. take a teaspoon 3 times a day.


The medicinal plant is used not only for preparing syrups and medicinal mixtures. It can also be used for external use. It is better to take black one - it contains a large amount of essential oils. To treat a barking, dry, or wet cough, you can use a radish compress. When used correctly, this procedure can replace drug therapy. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wash the root vegetable, peel it, grate it on a fine grater;
  2. Lubricate the patient’s back or chest with sunflower oil and cover with a cloth;
  3. Place the prepared gruel on it, level it into a flat cake, cover with a cloth;
  4. Cover the top of the compress with polyethylene and a towel;
  5. keep on the body for no more than 20 minutes;
  6. A slight burning sensation is acceptable, but if it is unbearable, the compress must be removed;
  7. The procedure is carried out once a day for a week, alternating compresses on the chest and back.

The use of compresses made from medicinal root vegetable pulp has contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed:

  • if there are skin injuries or irritations at the site where the compress should be;
  • with elevated temperature;
  • if there are allergic reactions to the plant.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint: treatment with folk remedies

How to relieve joint pain with burdock. You can successfully treat joints with burdock; it is especially convenient to treat arthrosis of the knee joint with this folk remedy. Wash 6-8 burdock leaves, wipe them, stack them with the fluffy side down. Place a pan of hot water on the stack. Lubricate the sore joint with vegetable oil, or even better, oil infused with cinquefoil, and apply this stack of burdock leaves with the fluffy side to the joint.

Another folk recipe for treating arthrosis with burdock: mash a burdock leaf so that the juice comes out, sprinkle with triple cologne, wrap the joint, put polyethylene and a scarf on top. Keep the compress all night. The next evening, make the same compress, but smear the burdock leaf with honey, and then sprinkle with cologne. On the third evening, lubricate the leaf with garlic gruel, and then with cologne, on the fourth - with Vishnevsky ointment. Alternate compresses every evening. The course of treatment for the joint is 1-2 months. (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2004 No. 18, p. 17)

This folk remedy is recommended for use for pain in the knee joint caused by arthrosis. Soak a linen cloth in celandine juice, wrap the knee joint and hold for 40-50 minutes, then lubricate the knee with vegetable oil. The course of treatment is 7 days, then a break of 10 days and a new course. It is necessary to carry out three courses of treatment for knee arthrosis.

Traditional method of treating knee joints with earthworms

The woman had severe pain in her knee joints and could hardly walk. A neighbor advised her to use a recipe containing worms to treat her knee joint: dig up earthworms, wash them, and put them in a warm place. Soon the worms will turn into a liquid paste, mix with alcohol 1:1 and rub into the sore joint. The woman found four worms and made herself an ointment.

Knee joint – treatment of arthrosis with a magnet – a proven remedy

The man had arthrosis of the knee joint; for many years he was tormented by salt deposits in the joints; treatment with tablets, burdock leaves and many other remedies did not help. A doctor he knew advised him to use a ferrite magnet (diameter up to 5 cm) to treat knee arthrosis. Such a magnet can be removed from the speaker of a radio or TV.

Knee joint - a traditional method of treating arthrosis with honey massage

The woman had arthrosis of the knee joint, her knees hurt and did not bend. Treatment in the hospital did not help, she decided to resort to folk remedies for treating knee arthrosis. First, I warmed my knees with a heating pad for 10 minutes, then spread honey on them and massaged my knees for 15 minutes. Then she placed burdock leaves with the bottom side to the skin, tied a warm cloth on top and went to bed. After 10 procedures, the pain went away and the stiffness in the knee joints disappeared. (HLS 2001 No. 16, p. 17)

Knee joint - folk remedy - treatment of arthrosis with snowdrops

The woman had severe pain in her knee joints, and she could not sleep normally because of the pain. She found a folk recipe for treating joints using snowdrops. To treat, you need to pass the flowers through a meat grinder and apply a compress with this paste for 15 minutes. The woman applied such a compress before going to bed and accidentally fell asleep.

Knee joint - a folk method for treating arthrosis with birch leaves

Within a week, the woman managed to heal her knee joints with compresses made from birch leaves. She spread a towel, sprinkled birch leaves on it and wrapped it around her knee joint before going to bed. In the morning I took off the bandage. After a week, the joint pain was completely gone. (HLS 2001 No. 19, p. 18, )

The woman had pain in her knee joints. She could not walk up stairs, had difficulty moving, and was in severe pain. The doctor advised treating knee joints by walking on your knees - you need to take 400 “steps” every day. At first, the woman could only take 4-5 steps, but over time she increased their number to 400. Since then, she has not remembered pain in her knees. (HLS 2002 No. 14, p. 18, )

This knee joint treatment helps with all types of joint diseases. Another woman who suffered from knee arthritis for 30 years was able to cure her arthritis by walking on her knees in a year. At first she could only “walk” 50 steps using her arms, with pain and tears. But every day I added a few steps. Now there is no pain in the joints. (HLS 2005 No. 10, pp. 30-31)

Dr. Bubnovsky, who at his center treats any diseases of the joints with cold and movement, recommends tying crushed ice to the knees for a faster effect. Ice will also anesthetize the pain and walking will be easier.

A traditional method of treating arthrosis of the knee joint with burdock.

After an injury (bruise), the woman developed arthrosis of the knee joint. A tumor the size of a fist formed under the knee. For 4 months she was treated with pills, ointments, physical procedures, and injections. But the condition did not improve. Then she read an article about burdock and decided to treat arthrosis of the knee joint with folk remedies.

Knee joint – treatment of arthrosis with fat.

After an unsuccessful fall, the man injured his knee joint; his knee hurt for a whole year. After 18 years, this injury recalled itself - pain in the knee joint arose. The doctor advised rubbing it with fat. The man rubbed pork fat into his sore knee. Did this for several months. 15 years passed and his knee joint no longer bothered him. (HLS 2003 No. 8, p. 18)

Knee joint - treatment of arthrosis with juices is an effective folk remedy.

Pain in the knee joint that was not amenable to medical treatment was cured by this simple and tasty recipe. Take 0.5 kg of cranberries, beets, black radish. Pass through a meat grinder, add 0.5 l. cognac, leave in a tightly closed jar for 10 days, strain. Take 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. l. The course of treatment is until the composition runs out.

Folk treatment of arthrosis with celery.

The woman was found to have a thorn in her knee joint and had severe pain when walking. The rheumatologist offered her a traditional treatment recipe, which helped her in 4 procedures. Wash the celery root along with the leaves and squeeze the juice out of it. Take 2 tbsp juice. l. 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. Make compresses from the cake on the joint, after lubricating the skin with vegetable oil. Keep the compress for 2 hours, or better all night. (HLS 2007 No. 9, p. 33)

And here is another recipe for joint pain with celery: rinse 1 kg of celery tubers, grate on a coarse grater and pour in 1 liter of vodka. Leave for 10 days, strain. Pour the cake with 1 liter of clean water and leave for 24 hours, strain. Mix alcohol tincture and aqueous solution. Keep refrigerated. Apply 2 tbsp. l.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with protein is a simple folk method.

A very simple and effective way to treat the knee joint. When you break and use an egg, the white remains on the walls. You need to scrape it out with your finger and rub it into the knee joint. The result is instant. Before using this recipe, the woman had difficulty walking, but now she is 87 years old and walks without a cane. (HLS 2008 No. 4, p. 30)

Treatment of joint arthrosis with horse gel is a folk method.

The man had severe pain in his knee joints. One day he met an acquaintance on the street who had not left the house for two years due to severe pain in his knee joints. This time the acquaintance walked cheerfully and quickly, as in his youth. The man was very surprised by this transformation and found out that he managed to cure his knee joints with the help of horse gel, which the doctor advised him. Before this, no “human” ointments helped him.

The full name of the gel is: “Double-action cooling-warming gel with camphor and menthol”; the composition also includes extracts of capsicum, propolis, essential oils of clove and eucalyptus. The gel is packaged in 500 g plastic bottles with a silver horse on the label. After applying this gel to his knee joints twice a day for three months, his pain disappeared and his knees are now as good as new.

A woman has a pain in her knee joint. She was diagnosed with “arthrosis in the early stages” and was prescribed ointment. While I was applying this ointment, my knee did not hurt, but after the course of treatment the pain returned. Then she decided to treat knee arthrosis with clay - she applied compresses with clay diluted with evaporated urine for 2 hours. She did only five procedures, and the pain in her knee joints did not return, although 10 years passed. (HLS 2008 No. 17, p. 9)

Treatment of the knee joint with nettle.

I came home from work in the evening, put two layers of gauze on my knee, put a layer of nettle leaves on top and secured it with a wide bandage. I worked with the bandage all evening in the garden, taking it off only in the morning. By morning the nettle was all dry. I did the compress every day for two weeks. The pain in the knee joint has gone away completely (HLS 2009 No. 4, pp. 8-9)


Ekaterina, 28 years old My son is 6 years old and gets sick often. Our grandmother recommended radish with honey to us. I didn’t take any risks and consulted with my local pediatrician. This tool is reliable and simple. As soon as a cough appears, I immediately prepare radish juice with honey. Everything goes away in a week. The child's sputum is cleared well and he recovers quickly.

Alina, 30 years old My seven-year-old daughter cannot be forced to drink radish juice with honey, but she tolerates compresses well and has no rash. The warming procedure quickly puts the child on his feet. When treating bronchitis, compresses were used as an additional remedy. We had to take medicine, we became seriously ill, but warming rare compresses at night speeded up recovery.

Inga, 34 years old Red juice with honey is a natural remedy, but it doesn’t always help. I tried to treat my son with a folk remedy. After a week of taking it, the cough only got worse. We had to see a doctor, we got it from him then. We neglected the disease and did not treat it. This drug helps well in the initial stages or as an addition to medications.

Svetlana, 35 years old I know from experience that radish juice for coughs for children is a good remedy. With the arrival of cold weather, I don’t expect the children to start getting sick. I make juice from this vegetable and let it drink for a week. Last year my daughters only got sick once. Syrup with honey is an excellent way to strengthen the immune system. Natural, safe, affordable. It is better to prevent the disease.

Preparing a tincture of honey and vodka

To prepare the tincture, it is better to use linden, flower or buckwheat honey. Both fresh and hard, candied will do. To preserve its beneficial properties, honey can be left unmelted (or melted, but at a low temperature). The color of the resulting drink is determined by the type of honey used.

As an alcohol base, you can take good quality vodka, inexpensive cognac or diluted ethyl alcohol (up to 40-45 degrees). It is acceptable to use moonshine (well purified and odorless), but the impurities and fusel oils it contains relegate it to the background when preparing medicinal infusions.

Why is honey added?

Adding honey helps prepare the medicine by quickly extracting the juice from the root vegetable. It is quite difficult to obtain it yourself, even with mechanical grinding.

In addition, honey itself is a storehouse of useful substances and microcomponents, including saturated fructose and glucose, as well as useful protein compounds.

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