Sergey Bubnovsky - biography, photo, personal life, books, now

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is a doctor who, literally, put thousands of people suffering from ailments and injuries of the joints and spine back on their feet and saved them from pain. Among the merits of Professor Bubnovsky, Doctor of Medicine, are the successful treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, ridge fractures, and rehabilitation after replacement of hip joints with endoprostheses using unique training programs.

It is unlikely that Sergei Mikhailovich would have achieved such significant heights in medicine if in his young years he himself had not received a serious injury with serious consequences. The desire to restore health through physical education brought the future professor invaluable experience, which formed the basis of his effective methodology.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Bubnovsky was born on May 31, 1955 in Surgut. Anfuza’s mother taught her son to be treated without pills, although she herself was a pharmacist. Father Mikhail worked as a school director and taught Russian language and literature. As a result of the accident, he lost his arm, but continued to lead an active life. Sergei later admitted that his father’s example helped him recover from the accident.

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Sergei Bubnovsky in his youth
Three sons grew up in the family. The older brother, a doctor by training, died tragically. Sergei was a physically active child. He was involved in hockey, swimming, athletics, weightlifting, and after graduating from school he entered the physical education department of the Nadezhda Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute, but did not graduate immediately.

In his 4th year, Sergei fell in love with a girl. At first she responded to the feelings of the young guy and accepted his marriage proposal, but in front of the registry office doors she admitted that she loved someone else. To survive the separation, Bubnovsky, without finishing his studies, joined the army.

The turning point in the biography happened six months before the end of the service. At the age of 22, Sergei and a colleague were in a car accident. The car was folded in half. The guy experienced clinical death and spent two weeks in a coma in the Odintsovo hospital, but miraculously survived. The consequences were severe - constant pain and the prospect of ending up in a wheelchair.

In 1974, the family moved to Moscow. After the accident, Sergei worked as a physical education teacher, got married and became a father. At the age of 27, he decided to follow in his older brother’s footsteps and become a doctor. He chose the Evdokimov Moscow Medical and Dental University. While studying, the guy worked as a watchman, a mechanic at school and a cleaner. In 1987, Bubnovsky became a certified doctor.

In an interview, Sergei Mikhailovich says that since childhood he was fond of the works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and read literature on proper nutrition, fasting and a healthy lifestyle.

Personal life

While living in Surgut and studying at the Pedagogical Institute, Sergei began dating a girl. After some time, the young man made a marriage proposal to his beloved, to which she agreed. Standing in front of the doors of the registry office, the other half admitted to Bubnovsky that he loved another person.

After the tragic breakup, Sergei could not find love for a long time. Later he met his future wife Elena. The wife gave the doctor five children.

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For development, Sergei’s offspring chose various areas. Some of the children continued their father’s activities, connecting their lives with medicine. The middle daughter moved abroad, where she took up ballroom dancing.

On Instagram, the doctor regularly posts photos with his wife and children. There he shares the latest news and useful information. The man’s personal blog is followed by thousands of people.

Medicine and books

Until 1996, Sergei Bubnovsky worked at the Moscow Center for Endosurgery and Lithotripsy. Step by step, the doctor developed his own method of treating joints. He tried all the methods first on himself, and then on his friends who asked for advice.

The essence of the approach is “healing with movement”, without drugs or surgery. It took Sergei Mikhailovich 30 years to completely restore and create his own method of exercise.

In 1997, Bubnovsky opened the first center for the restoration of the musculoskeletal system and at the same time headed the department at the Moscow Institute of Open Education. In 2001, the doctor defended his candidate’s dissertation, and in 2007, his doctoral dissertation. Now he has the title of professor.

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Sergey Bubnovsky
Today, Dr. Bubnovsky’s centers are located in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Estonia, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. They work under a franchise, for which local doctors need to undergo training. Here patients can treat diseases of the spine and joints, undergo postoperative rehabilitation and prevent problems of the musculoskeletal system.

The doctor admitted that the idea to write books arose to help even those who do not have the opportunity to go to the center. The first textbook was published in 2010, and since then the author has published new manuals using his own methodology every year. Today the writer’s bibliography consists of several dozen books.

Clinical death

It all started on that fateful day when a car with soldiers returning from training skidded on a slippery road.
GAZ-66 was crushed into an accordion. Sergei Bubnovsky was unlucky and found himself in the very center of a pile of twisted metal. Doctors confirmed death and informed the unit’s leadership, who hastened to send a telegram to the parents. But Sergei did not die - it was clinical death, and then two weeks of deep coma.

The hospital doctors managed to put the guy back together literally piece by piece, despite his grave condition, compression fractures of the spine and both legs. Surgeons had to perform several operations to reconstruct the foot, leg and hip joints. In total, Sergei Bubnovsky spent more than six months in the hospital.

The doctors did everything they could, but after being discharged from the hospital, Sergei Bubnovsky could not move without crutches, he was tormented by severe daily pain. The doctors shrugged their shoulders; there were no methods for the rehabilitation of such patients in the country, and they suggested numbing the debilitating pain with medications. That's when Sergei decided that he had to save himself, and began to try alternative methods of treatment. He began to move actively and play sports.

Sergei Bubnovsky realized that he had made many mistakes due to lack of knowledge, so he decided to become a doctor. He entered the medical faculty of the 3rd Moscow Medical Institute and by the end of the second year he had developed the foundations of his future methodology.

Doctor Bubnovsky experienced everything that now helps save people from pain and restore health. He first went through all the rehabilitation techniques and exercises himself and only then offered them to patients.


  • 2010 – “My knees hurt. What to do?"
  • 2010 – “A herniated spine is not a death sentence!”
  • 2011 – “The nature of the intelligent body. All about the spine and joints"
  • 2012 - “Healthy blood vessels, or Why does a person need muscles?”
  • 2012 – “Life after injury, or the Health Code”
  • 2014 – “1000 answers to questions on how to regain health”
  • 2015 – “Active longevity, or How to restore youth to your body”
  • 2015 – “The whole truth about women’s health. How to avoid dangerous problems"
  • 2016 – “Home health lessons. Gymnastics without machines. 60 exercises"
  • 2017 – “The ABC of Health. All about the spine and joints from A to Z"
  • 2017 – “Shoulder pain, or How to restore mobility to your arms”
  • 2018 – “6 acres of health. Proper rest and recovery all year round"
  • 2018 – “First aid for acute pain. For all occasions"
  • 2019 – “Health through the feet”
  • 2019 – “Kinesitherapy for every day. 365 tips from Dr. Bubnovsky"


Shortly before demobilization, Bubnovsky became involved in a traffic accident together with a colleague. The car turned into a pile of metal. The soldier experienced clinical death. He spent about two weeks in a coma. Doctors from the Odintsovo hospital fought for Sergei’s life.

According to experts, the young man survived miraculously. Physiotherapists unanimously said that Bubnovsky would move in a wheelchair. However, the young man managed to recover and return to an active life.

Medical practice

After graduating from medical school in 1987, he began his medical career. Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky first worked in the psychiatric hospital named after. Kashchenko. Then he became the chief physician at a psychoneurological boarding school. Then he was a doctor for the Russian ski team. For several years, the medical mentor of the country's KamAZ-master team was Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. The biography of Sergei Reshetnikov and Andrei Mokeev was replenished with new bright victories, largely thanks to Bubnovsky.

His patients include not only famous people, Olympic champions and athletes, but also ordinary people. Today, more than 100 Dr. Bubnovsky centers work and help people in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and even Hong Kong.

The statistics are amazing: more than a million people a year come to treatment centers opened by Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. Biography and photos of his patients are numerous evidence of the effectiveness of his treatment.

Pain, pain and pain!

Do you get used to the fate of a disabled person, doomed to live excruciating days with terrible pain, or regain your health, no matter what efforts are required? Bubnovsky chose the second. The doctors were busy saving lives and did not pay much attention to the complete dislocation of the leg against this background. After leaving the hospital there was no rehabilitation. No one warned about possible complications after a hip dislocation. No one explained what should be done and what should absolutely not be done. As they say, live as you want. But Bubnovsky wanted to live, and live without pain.

Being a naturally physically active person, he took up sports. At the same time, Sergei Mikhailovich recalls that he behaved incorrectly in relation to his health and musculoskeletal system. A disabled person of group 2 began to exercise with weights, dumbbells and a barbell. I replaced the crutches that the doctors gave with a cane, and in vain, as Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky recalls. His biography could have been even more tragic. He was actively involved in sports, his spine received additional, incorrect load, he played football, basketball, and did karate. And all because only at these moments the pain went away and it became easier.

Working muscles relieved pain from inflammation, but the load on the spine only increased. Therefore, 20-30 minutes after the game, terrible pain hit the entire body with renewed vigor. S. M. Bubnovsky recalls that he knew all the points in the metro where he had to stop in order to be the first to get into the carriage and take a seat. He counted the steps, steps and meters from one place to another, because each step was difficult. He took every opportunity to train his body. But pain, pain and pain! From morning until evening. Relief did not come. After returning “from there,” S. M. Bubnovsky fell in love with life even more.

You have strength, don't need brains?

– They say that moving is good not only for the body, but also for the brain. Although the connection does not seem obvious. What do you think?

– Physical activity is necessary for the brain, and the connection here is direct. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body. This means that blood clots do not form. The brain, which weighs less than 1.5 kg, although it does not have blood vessels, consumes a quarter of all oxygen. More than the liver or kidneys! Therefore, any exercise that increases blood flow in the pulmonary circulation increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. And Alzheimer's disease, or dementia, occurs due to the atrophy of brain cells that do not receive enough nutrition. Therefore, movement is the best prevention of dementia, as well as ischemic heart disease, COPD, disorders of the pelvic floor organs (uterine fibroids in women and prostatitis in men) and many other diseases caused by problems with blood vessels. Therefore, doing physical exercise has a much more important purpose than protecting against osteochondrosis and back pain. Gymnastics is needed to protect against thrombosis! Namely, blood stagnation is the cause not only of cardiovascular diseases, but also of most other diseases, including, in my opinion, cancer.


The famous doctor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, his biography and family are of interest to the public. But little is known about the family. His wife Elena has been his life partner and faithful friend for many years; he dedicated his book to her. A multi-talented person, Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky.

Biography, children command respect. Although at one time he was predicted to live as a disabled person, Bubnovsky has five children, and he also has grandchildren.


A unique technique was developed by doctor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. His biography is interesting because in 30 years of experience he has not written out a single prescription. The essence of his technique is to force the correct muscles located along the bone to work. The movements and exercise equipment he specially developed put people on their feet and help avoid surgery.

About 10 thousand steps

– Is it possible to replace all this gymnastics by simply walking 10 thousand steps a day?

– Aerobic exercise is beneficial. But those who have sore leg joints or an unhealthy heart should forget about 10 thousand steps a day. And even more so about running. Everyone else - please. However, don’t think that just by doing a lot of shopping, you’re training your heart. This is not movement, but vanity. Only continuous walking at a speed of 6–6.5 km/h is useful. You can get by with fewer steps if you just walk at a very fast pace for 15–20 minutes every day. But aerobic exercise alone is not enough; strength training is also necessary - that is, those same squats, push-ups and abdominal exercises.

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When a subscription is not needed.
How to move more without dedicating time to sports - Many people love the plank exercise (you need to hold the weight, leaning only on your elbows and toes).
Fast, simple. How do you feel about the bar? - Extremely negative. The plank does not develop the body, but only demonstrates the ability to control it, therefore it is more suitable for athletes. When performing the plank, there is no dynamic load on the muscles, and when they are contracted, the blood flow sharply decreases. Therefore, if a person has a weak heart or poor blood vessels, hemodynamics are disrupted during this exercise, and this is a risk of vascular accidents.

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