What causes intervertebral disc protrusion and why it is dangerous?

It is worth immediately noting that despite such a high-profile diagnosis, diagnosed protrusions of the intervertebral discs are not a contraindication for military service.

Thus, a conscript with this disease cannot be released from the army. The thing is that protrusions are not considered an independent diagnosis. This is only a certain process during which spinal deformations occur.

With this disease, the intervertebral disc protrudes into the spinal canal. As a rule, the main diagnosis during which intervertebral protrusions are diagnosed is osteochondrosis. Depending on the degree of this disease, specialists from the military medical commission can establish different categories of suitability for military service for a conscript.

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Are they allowed into the army with this diagnosis?

Recently, this diagnosis has become much younger, so the disease often develops in older schoolchildren. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a full examination as prescribed by the attending physician.

After receiving the results of the examination, the draft commission, based on the diagnosis, makes a decision on assigning categories of suitability for a man of military age. The procedure has a considerable number of nuances that require more detailed consideration.

Is it necessary to undergo military service with diagnoses such as osteochondrosis, kyphosis?

Osteochondrosis is a disease that often develops with a sedentary lifestyle and excessive stress on the spine.

The pathology does not have a direct effect on the general condition, but can lead to serious complications:

  • Extensive spondylosis affecting more than three vertebrae;
  • Serious intervertebral deformity;
  • Degenerative changes in the spine;
  • Severe pain in the vertebrae.

The above symptoms are grounds for obtaining exemption from military service. In this case, the conscript must submit all supporting medical certificates to the military registration and enlistment office.

The normal course of kyphosis does not imply the assignment of category “D”, but in accordance with Art. 65 exemption is indicated when the following cases occur:

  • Kyphosis or scoliosis of the 3rd degree with severe respiratory failure;
  • Fixed changes in the vertebrae with the manifestation of wedge-shaped kyphosis.

With such diagnoses, the conscript is exempt from military service and is given a white ticket. Making an appropriate decision depends on the draft commission, which assigns a suitability category based on the survey results obtained.

How to get exemption from the army if you have protrusion?

As the disease progresses, acute pain often develops, requiring a specific treatment regimen.

In order to receive a temporary deferment or exemption from military duty, you must submit a certain package of documents to the military registration and enlistment office:

  • Certificates that indicate multiple visits to a neurologist; records from the medical record about the progression of the disease;
  • Discharge from hospital if the conscript was treated in a hospital;
  • Pictures after radiography, MRI, as they confirm the diagnosis;
  • Certificates from the ambulance, if there were urgent requests for severe pain syndrome

Obtaining the appropriate category depends on the correct preparation for passing the medical commission (providing the necessary documents, undergoing additional examinations if such a need arises).

Disc deformation and emergency service

Protrusion represents a number of pathologies in which thinning of the cartilage tissue and loss of shock-absorbing properties of the disc are observed with increased physical activity (cycling, running, jumping).

During movement, the spinal disc slips out of the fibrous ring, which leads to the gradual development of severe deformation and the appearance of acute pain. The spine undergoes a static load, which affects the general condition of the body.

In theory, the presence of such a diagnosis does not allow military service for the following reasons:

  • Deformation of the vertebrae does not provide the necessary shock absorption during physical activity;
  • Cartilage tissue enters the space outside the spine and compresses the surrounding tissues;
  • Due to excessive mobility, moving vertebrae are displaced and compress nerve fibers, which causes severe pain.

Most often, protrusion develops in the lumbar and neck areas. If left untreated, the deformity can lead to the development of disability in a person.

Increased physical activity in the army (running, push-ups, horizontal bar) will put pressure on the cartilage tissue, which causes complications and further progression of the disease.

Stages, types of disc protrusion in the lower back

There is a classification of lumbar protrusions according to stages of development, which makes it possible to determine the severity of the clinical process.

  1. The first stage (mild) is characterized by the smallest, barely noticeable protrusion of the disc, which not every specialist can detect, even with MRI images. Dimensions – 0.1-1 mm.
  2. The second stage (moderate) - the bulge increases, making it easier to diagnose using special imaging tools. The size of protrusion in stage 2 is 1-3 mm.
  3. The third stage (severe) - at this stage the displacement is already quite large, clearly visualized behind the contours of the vertebrae. Instrumental examination shows a formation of 3-6 mm, but still no signs of rupture of the outer part of the fibrous ring.

The last stage (3rd stage) is borderline with extrusion. And from this it follows that at any moment, against the background of strong sagging of the pulpous mass, the fragile fibrous ring may not be able to withstand it and finally burst. Then part of the nucleus will crawl out through the formed hole, which means a hernia will appear, in the true sense of the word from a medical point of view. However, we will not go beyond the scope of the article; let’s return to lumbar protrusion. Let us briefly consider its varieties depending on the direction and position of the resulting bulge.

DorsalIt protrudes from the vertebrae posteriorly, in the direction opposite to the spinal canal. This form is rare and clinically the calmest.
LateralProtrudes from the right or left side of the vertebra, in the projection of the foraminal opening. Common type. Often comes into contact with the nerve processes emerging from the intervertebral foramen.
MedianProlapse “looks” strictly at the center of the spinal canal, where the nerve bundle of the spinal cord – the cauda equina – is concentrated. Worst location ever.
CircularUniform or uneven defect along the entire circumference of the disc. This is another dangerous form, and it is also the most common (80%).

Advice for conscripts

At a young age, many conscripts do not pay attention to back pain and attribute them to increased physical activity.

The gradual development of disc protrusion can lead to serious complications, so experts give some recommendations in this matter:

  • Timely consultation with a doctor, completion of prescribed examinations and receipt of an effective treatment regimen;
  • Providing the military registration and enlistment office with a complete list of medical certificates that accurately confirm the severity of the clinical symptoms of the disease;
  • Record the occurrence of pain with increased physical activity and visit a doctor.

Control and treatment of the resulting deformation during disc protrusion helps prevent the development of possible complications. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, it is best to receive a temporary deferment from military service and complete the full course of prescribed therapy.


Gymnastics are prescribed by the specialist involved in your treatment, based on the results of MRI and other studies of the patient’s body. Physical activity will help to “set” the disc and give the body the necessary physical activity. But you should understand that this method of treatment is not suitable for every person. There are a number of people for whom exercise therapy can only harm. For example, you should not exercise if the pain gets worse in the affected area. It is also prohibited to exercise in the following cases:

  • heart diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infections;
  • opened internal bleeding.

Other cases do not prohibit physical therapy. But it is important to take into account the age of the patient, the location of the protrusion and the severity of the pathology before drawing up the program.

Localization determines the list of exercises, since each affected department has its own exercises. However, their goal is the same - to remove displacement, stretch the vertebrae, improve blood flow and increase physical activity. All this can have a positive effect on the patient.

Before starting class, choose comfortable clothes. You should also not forget about sports shoes: without them, gymnastics can only harm an already sore spine. To choose the right shoes, make sure that the sole is textured, thick, elastic and cushioned.

You don’t need any special equipment for practicing, just a chair and a mat (in case you are sliding on the floor). The main thing to remember is that exercise should not cause discomfort. Otherwise, you are doing something wrong and may make your situation worse.

Warm up before you start. Without warming up, you can injure unprepared muscles; this is as important a part of the lesson as the exercises themselves.

  1. For people with protrusion not in the cervical region, you can tilt your head to the sides and back and forth five times;
  2. Next, carefully rotate your wrists, elbows, and shoulders five times;
  3. Stand on your toes and lower yourself several times in a row;
  4. Stand on your toes and lower yourself several times in a row;

To improve the quality of your workout, you can take a hot shower before starting the class, which will better warm up your muscles.

List of diseases that can develop with protrusion

After making an accurate diagnosis of the course of protrusion, exemption from the army can be obtained by diagnosing the following conditions:

  • Severe pain in the spine;
  • Multiple protrusion;
  • Deformation and curvature of the spine, posture, spinal canal;
  • Degenerative changes in the spine;
  • Progression of concomitant diseases (spondylosis, arthrosis, acute osteochondrosis, kyphosis).

To prevent complications, the patient must follow certain measures:

  • Monitoring your general health;
  • Providing moderate physical activity (gymnastics, swimming);
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Elimination of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes);
  • Timely examination by the attending physician.


After a course of treatment for protrusion, it is important to undergo rehabilitation. This will not only help you get yourself in order, but also prevent the protrusion from forming again in the future.

It is important to give more rest to the affected area of ​​the spine and not to disturb it again. Try to pay more attention to your posture, engage in therapeutic physical training, and eat right. It is important to gradually end the course of medication, otherwise the disc will quickly return to its original position before treatment.

In addition to the classic methods of withdrawing from treatment, there are others that are beginning to gain increasing popularity. Thus, among many others, one can note the effective treatment complex of Professor Kozyavkin. He uses a precise and effective technique for treating SINR, which, among other things, allows for rehabilitation after treatment of protrusion. The abbreviation stands for “Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System.”

The foundation of this popular treatment system is the idea of ​​​​using various methods of influencing the patient. The main component is correction of a biomechanical nature, which is skillfully combined with therapeutic and rhythmic gymnastics, massage, apitherapy, mechanotherapy and reflexology.


Reviews about the treatment of protrusion and the need to serve in the army generally have similar responses, since the presence of this pathology requires treatment at home. Excessive physical activity can complicate the course of the disease.

It so happened that I sat at the computer for a long time for work, and as a result, disc protrusion formed. It was so bad that I had to go to the hospital for treatment. Now the question has arisen about serving in the army, and I don’t know whether my illness will worsen. Let's see what verdict the military registration and enlistment office will give.

Dmitry, Magnitogorsk

I, as an experienced neurologist, would like to say that the presence of problems with the spine requires mandatory treatment. Many people ask questions about completing military service, but it all depends on the severity of the resulting deformation. In most cases, at least a temporary deferment is required.

Neuropathologist in St. Petersburg


Compliance with preventive measures is important both for people who have already identified protrusions, and for those who do not want to allow them to appear. Rules include:

  • compliance with the work and rest regime, avoiding physical overload;
  • regular exercise (without striving for records), walks in the fresh air;
  • exclusion of sports associated with jumping, vibration, lifting weights (equestrianism, weightlifting, etc.);
  • correct posture when sitting and walking;
  • nutritious nutrition with sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and collagen;
  • normalization of body weight if it is excess;
  • sleep on a high-quality orthopedic mattress and comfortable pillow;
  • regular examinations by a doctor, elimination of chronic diseases.
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