Treatment of dorsal protrusion of intervertebral discs

Dorsal protrusion of the intervertebral disc is a protrusion of cartilage tissue towards the spinal canal, accompanied by pinching of nerve endings and the occurrence of severe pain in the spine. Often, pathology is not an independent disease, but occurs as a complication of osteochondrosis and serves as a harbinger of intervertebral hernia. Dorsal protrusion is considered a dangerous condition. The protrusion gradually increases in size, leading to the complete destruction of one or more vertebrae, damage to the spinal cord, and partial or complete paralysis. In the absence of timely treatment, a completely healthy person slowly but inevitably turns into a disabled person.

If you have back pain, do not delay and immediately contact the doctors at Elena Malysheva’s clinic. Experienced doctors will provide quick and timely assistance, determine in which vertebra the protrusion has occurred, and select an individual treatment regimen taking into account the degree of vertebral destruction and the tendency to progression of the pathology.

What is a dorsal hernia

A dorsal hernia is a protrusion of an intervertebral disc into the lumen of the spinal canal. Each vertebra consists of a body, an arch and several processes. The anterior wall of the vertebral foramen is the vertebral body, and the posterior and lateral walls are the vertebral arch. Located one on top of the other, the holes form the spinal canal. It contains the spinal cord and the initial parts of its roots, which then become the spinal nerves.

Intervertebral discs are located between the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae along the entire length of the spinal column from the cervical region to the coccygeal region. They consist of the nucleus pulposus and the fibrous ring around it. A dorsal hernia is formed when part of the disc breaks through the fibrous ring and rushes back towards the vertebral arch. Thus, the core ends up in the spinal canal, compressing its structures.

How does dorsal disc protrusion occur?

The spine consists of 32-34 vertebrae. The intervertebral discs between them act as hinges. Their main task is to evenly distribute the load across all parts of the spine. Thanks to the discs, the spine can change position, remain flexible and elastic at the same time. The nucleus pulposus inside the disc is surrounded by a dense fibrous ring.

Metabolic disorders and strong physical stress on certain parts of the spinal column lead to compression and deformation of the cartilage layer. The discs shrink and lose elasticity. The fibrous ring becomes brittle, and the internal contents of the disc begin to protrude through the gaps. A protrusion is formed.

The lumbar spine is most susceptible to pathology, since this area bears the greatest load.

Reasons for development

A dorsal hernia does not occur on its own. The exact reason why this particular type of pathology develops has not yet been found. There are a number of factors that contribute to its appearance. These include:

  • Genetic factor.
  • Impaired metabolism or nutrition of the disc.
  • Mechanical impact.

As for the genetic factor, a family predisposition of people to the occurrence of hernias has been proven. If one or both parents had this disease, there is a high chance that their children will also develop it as they grow older. This is due to individual characteristics of the structure of the spine, ligamentous apparatus and predisposition to degenerative processes in general. In some people, the body ages faster, in others - more slowly. This is a genetically determined process. As well as the occurrence of osteochondrosis and spinal hernias.

Metabolic disorders are one of the main factors. On average, obliteration of the vessels supplying the intervertebral disc ends at 27 years of age. After this, the disc is not supplied with blood, but receives nutrients from the surrounding tissues. Metabolism occurs during movement. The higher the physical activity, the less chance of metabolic disorders in the intervertebral discs. In people with low physical activity, hernial protrusions occur more often.

Mechanical impacts mean not only injuries, but also excess weight. Dorsal hernias most often occur when the injury does not occur on the spine itself, but lies in an axis parallel to it. For example, when jumping from a height or hitting the parietal part of the head. Excess weight is also a mechanical impact on the spine. Lifting heavy objects is also dangerous.

Why does protrusion develop?

Previously, it was believed that age was the main risk factor for the occurrence of protrusion, but it is now noted that the disease can also affect a young body.

The following main factors lead to the development of protrusion:

  • Incorrect posture;
  • Back injuries;
  • Obesity;
  • Heavy heredity;
  • Underdevelopment of body muscles;
  • Metabolism deficiencies;
  • Severe infectious diseases;
  • High loads on the back (sports can also have negative consequences);
  • Physical inactivity.

What is the danger

The danger of dorsal hernias is that they often compress the structures of the spinal canal. This protrusion forms a stenosis - a narrowing. The larger the size of the hernia, the greater the stenosis.

In the cervical spine, the discs are usually small. Here they compress the roots that form the brachial plexus, which affects the functions of the upper limbs. In rare cases, paresis is possible.

Hernias rarely form in the thoracic region. They can also compress the roots, causing impaired chest excursion and pain. In rare cases, protrusions in the cervical and thoracic regions compress the spinal cord. This causes disruption of innervation in the underlying parts of the body.

The most dangerous is a dorsal hernia of L5-S1 or L4-L5. There is no longer a spinal cord in the lumbar region; only the roots remain here. The spinal cord is surrounded by several membranes and can withstand pressure for a long time. The roots are more mobile and delicate structures. One hernia in the lumbosacral region can affect several roots at once. In this case, the innervation of the lower extremities, perineum and pelvic organs suffers.

Each type of intervertebral hernia has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easy it is to get rid of a hernia in 10 sessions

Localization of dorsal hernia

Dorsal hernias occur in different parts of the spine.

Dorsal cervical hernia

Dorsal cervical hernia most often occurs in the interval C5-C6, C6-C7. Less often - in the interval C4-C5. In a more proximal direction, this pathology practically does not occur. In the cervical region, protrusions are often post-traumatic in nature. For example, this happens in car accidents involving belted passengers.

The cervical region has small vertebrae and a narrow spinal canal. Small hernias of this section affect the roots, which affects the innervation of the arms and shoulder girdle. Medium-sized protrusions can compress the substance of the spinal cord, causing disruption of the innervation of the body, internal organs and even legs.

Find out more about the symptoms and treatment of cervical hernia, read our article.

With a dorsal hernia, protrusion of the intervertebral disc occurs into the lumen of the spinal canal

Dorsal hernia of the lumbar and sacral region

Dorsal lumbar disc herniations most often occur in the L4-L5 space, less often in the L3-L4 space, and almost never in the more proximal regions. The sacrum itself does not have vertebral discs - it is a solid bone structure. But between the last lumbar and first sacral vertebrae a lumbosacral hernia often occurs.

Dorsal hernias of the lumbar and sacrum occur most often during destructive processes in the vertebral bodies, in people with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Injuries to this section are rare; the vertebrae here are the most massive.

At this level there is no longer any spinal cord substance; what remains is the so-called “cauda equina” - a bundle of spinal roots. Hernias of the lower back and sacrum are dangerous because they can affect several nerve roots at once. In this case, the innervation of the lower extremities and pelvic organs suffers.

Read more about lumbar hernias in this article.

Dorsal thoracic hernia

Dorsal hernias of the thoracic spine are rare. They most often occur as a result of traumatic injury (a car accident or falling flat on your back). In this case, a hernia can appear between any two thoracic vertebrae.

Here, roots emerge from the spinal cord and innervate the chest and internal organs. If the protrusion affects one of them, pain and disruption of innervation occurs exactly along the affected root. The size of the hernial contents determines how deep the structures will be damaged. Large bulges can cause compression of the spinal cord. This leads to disruption of the innervation of the lower extremities and perineum.

More information about thoracic hernias here.

A dorsal hernia of the thoracic region can appear between any two vertebrae of this region

Therapy methods

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Dorsal protrusions require an integrated approach , which will ensure the effectiveness of treatment. First, measures are taken to relieve pain and improve the patient’s condition. The next stage of therapy is aimed at restoring the spine and normalizing blood circulation in the spinal column.

The following techniques are used to treat dorsal protrusions::

  • Massage.
  • Exercise therapy.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Vacuum therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

Drug therapy

As for drug therapy, it is used only to eliminate the pain that is characteristic of this pathology. Medicines also relieve inflammation and improve blood flow at the site of the lesion.

Basically, chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and vitamin complexes that strengthen cartilage tissue are prescribed.

Medicines are selected only by the attending physician , who takes into account the characteristics of each specific case. To eliminate pain and inflammation, warming ointments are used - Voltaren, Fastum gel and others. Such products are applied to the inflamed area.

If necessary, drugs with similar effects are administered intravenously. Blockades are often practiced, where medicine is injected into the affected nerve.


Only at the first stage of the disease can surgical intervention be avoided. If the disease is advanced, it is difficult to do without surgery. Indications for its implementation are the presence of a large protrusion and severe pinched nerves that are not amenable to traditional treatment, as well as the threat of paralysis.

The operation, of course, is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia (very rarely under local anesthesia). The surgeon removes the affected tissue and replaces this area of ​​the spinal column with prosthetics.

The following types of surgical intervention are used:

  • Endoscopy.
  • Discectomy is standard.
  • Microdiscectomy.

If the protrusions are too large, it is possible to perform surgical intervention - discectomy

Rehabilitation takes up to 6 months. During this period, the patient is under observation.

Exercise therapy and massage

If you have a problem with the spine, exercise is an effective and common method of physical therapy. Exercise therapy strengthens the muscle frame, normalizes blood flow in affected tissues, restores motor activity and relieves muscle spasms.

Recommendations for proper exercise performance:

  • During an exacerbation, gymnastics is prohibited.
  • Loads should be increased gradually.
  • Strength exercises should be avoided.
  • You need to train regularly.
  • If your health worsens, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

The set of exercises should be selected by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the patient and the clinical picture of the pathology. Breathing exercises have proven themselves to be excellent.

A good method is spinal traction . If it is performed correctly, then injuries and complications are completely excluded.

To stop the protrusion process, you must do a massage. A relaxing and warming massage is best. As a result of this procedure, destructive processes stop.

The effect of massage movements will be noticeable after 10 sessions. Please note that the massage must be performed by an experienced master. .

Video: “Where to start treating spinal disc protrusion and herniation”

Find out more about treating disc protrusions:

  • Symptoms and treatment of intervertebral protrusion in the thoracic region
  • More about exercise therapy classes for protrusion of neck discs on the page
  • You will find the technique for performing exercises for protrusions in the lower back here

Self-treatment with folk remedies

There are also folk methods for protrusion, but we should not forget that they should be used as a complement to traditional treatment.

The most effective recipes:

  • Turpentine bath.
  • Garlic compress.
  • Compress with Kalanchoe leaves.
  • Rub onion with honey.

Sometimes patients are contraindicated from taking pharmaceutical drugs containing chemical components. In this case, you have to prepare natural internal remedies yourself.

Herbal mixture of horsetail and nettle leaves . The components are mixed in equal proportions and poured with boiling water. The decoction is taken half a glass twice a day.

Regenerating elixir . Mix 20 grams of comfrey root, 50 ml of aloe juice and a glass of honey. Take a teaspoon in the morning.

Before using folk remedies, it is advisable to first consult a doctor.


Preventive measures play an important role in preventing the development of protrusions. To avoid this unpleasant disease, you need to follow certain rules and perform the necessary procedures.

To avoid degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, it is necessary to strengthen the muscle corset. What is needed:

  • Strengthen the muscle corset.
  • Avoid physical inactivity.
  • Perform the permitted exercises daily.
  • Normalize your weight.
  • Avoid heavy loads.
  • When working sedentarily, do a periodic warm-up.
  • It is advisable to visit the pool.
  • Forget about bad habits.

Yoga and kinesiotherapy, which is a modern form of exercise therapy that combines knowledge of physiology, anatomy and medicine, are very useful. By the way, therapeutic exercises must be performed throughout life to prevent relapse of the pathology.

Types of dorsal hernia

Dorsal hernias differ in types depending on their location in relation to the spinal canal. Thus, foraminal, median-paramedian, diffuse, median, left-sided and right-sided, as well as sequestering hernia are distinguished.


A foraminal hernia is a hernia that protrudes far into the lumen of the spinal canal (from the Latin foramen - hole). This is the most dangerous type. Such protrusions of the nucleus pulposus affect the radicular structures and the spinal cord. This type is quite common and always has many symptoms.

Median-paramedian, medial-paramedian

This type is characterized by displacement of the disc centrally and sideways. This protrusion causes damage to the nerve roots. As a rule, it is precisely such hernias that lead to the development of movement disorders.

Paramedian, paramedian

Paramedian hernia is a displacement of the intervertebral disc to the side (to the left or to the right). In this case, the nerve root is slightly affected. As a rule, this type leads to tension in the back muscles on the affected side and poor posture.


Dorsal diffuse disc herniation is characterized by destruction of the nucleus pulposus while the annulus fibrosus is preserved. In this case, the disc can bulge from any side. This type leads to stenosis of the spinal canal and the rapid development of radicular syndrome.


The dorsal median hernia will stand in the lumen of the spinal canal exactly in the middle. It does not affect the radicular structures, but can compress the spinal cord. This type occurs infrequently and is characterized by a discrepancy between the localization of symptoms and the location of the lesion.


Most often, the hernia is located only on one side or affects mostly one side. Right-sided ones are more common. All symptoms are located on the same side. Large and median hernias can cause disturbances on both sides at once.


A sequestrum is a necrotic area of ​​tissue lying among living, functioning tissues. A sequestered form of dorsal hernia is said to occur when part of the intervertebral disc is separated from its main mass. In this case, the sequester lies in the spinal canal.

Read about other types of spinal protrusions in the article “Types of hernias.”

Median disc bulge

Another common type of pathology is median disc bulging with displacement of the annulus fibrosus towards the spinal canal. This complication of osteochondrosis can be formed under the influence of the following negative risk factors:

  • improper organization of the sleeping and working space, as a result of which there is an uneven distribution of the load on the spinal column during a prolonged static position of the body;
  • heavy physical labor or sedentary work with prolonged tension of one muscle group;
  • violation of the rules for forming a daily diet (too many carbohydrates with a minimum amount of protein);
  • injuries (blows, bruises, sprains and tears, cracks and fractures, dislocations and subluxations of vertebral bodies).

Median disc bulge is often detected in young people who participate in active team sports (football, volleyball, basketball) and weightlifting. Displacement of the body of the intervertebral disc occurs when the elasticity of the associated apparatus is impaired. Therefore, this pathology is usually preceded by several episodes of traumatic effects on the tendon ligament apparatus of the spinal column. As a result of this, the ligaments become deformed, become covered with scars and lose their ability to firmly fix all the structures of the spinal column.

Symptoms of a dorsal hernia

There are a number of common manifestations that are characteristic of an intervertebral hernia of any part. These include:

  • Pain
    is the first and most common symptom;
  • Spasm of striated muscles
    is a painful muscle tension corresponding to the localization of the pathology;
  • Radicular syndrome
    is a disturbance of innervation due to damage to the roots of the spinal cord (loss of sensitivity, changes in reflexes, motor disorders, dysfunction of internal organs).

The specific features of the manifestation of each of these syndromes depend on the localization of the pathology.

What types of intervertebral hernias are most difficult to treat?

4 stages of treatment for intervertebral hernia

Symptoms of lumbar dorsal hernia

Manifestations of a dorsal hernia in the lumbar region range from low back pain to disorders of the pelvic organs and paresis of the lower extremities. Symptoms largely depend on the size of the hernia and the number of damaged roots. Pain from a spinal hernia can be localized in the lumbar region, buttocks, and along the back of the thigh. Particularly intense pain is observed when the sciatic nerve is pinched.

Sensory disturbances occur along the front surface of the lower leg and in the foot. There may also be a feeling of tingling, burning, or numbness. Movement disorders in the form of paresis and paralysis are observed in severe cases. They affect the toes and ankle joints, and rarely the knee joints.

Dorsal herniation of the L5-S1 intervertebral disc can lead to dysfunction of the pelvic organs. In this case, constipation or incontinence of feces and urine is observed. Erectile dysfunction and infections of the urogenital tract are possible.

Symptoms of thoracic dorsal hernia

The most common symptom of a hernia is aching pain.

This species is rare. The difficulty in diagnosing it is that the pathology occurs under the guise of other diseases. Pain along the nerve (clearly on the affected half of the chest between the ribs) can be mistaken for intercostal neuralgia, myalgia, or herpes zoster.

Disruption of innervation at this level affects internal organs more than superficial structures. Respiratory disturbances and cardiac arrhythmias may occur. Sensory impairment is very rare and often goes unnoticed.

Symptoms of cervical dorsal hernia

Cervical dorsal hernia most often manifests itself as a radicular syndrome in the innervation zones of the spinal nerves C6, C7 and C8. They are responsible for the motor and sensory function of the arms and shoulder girdle. In this case, numbness and tingling “crawling” are felt in one or more fingers or both hands. Such symptoms are called paresthesia - they are the main evidence of a violation of innervation. Pain occurs most often in the neck or along the nerve - from the shoulder girdle to the fingertips.

There may be impairment of motor function of the arm or both arms. Most often, the lesion is one-sided and movements are impaired in one or two fingers of the hand. With deeper injuries, paresis in the shoulder joint is possible.

Symptoms of cervical protrusion

When a person begins to feel frequent pain in the neck and back of the head, these are clear symptoms of cervical protrusion. The pain can often radiate under the shoulder blade or into the arm, numbness of the hands and a feeling of “pins and needles” appear. Other signs of the disease:

  • Sudden jumps in blood pressure, accompanied by tinnitus, frequent headaches
  • General fatigue and increased irritability
  • Feeling of tightness in the neck muscles
  • Possible periodic loss of consciousness due to severe pinched nerves

What is POSSIBLE for diseases of the spine

What NOT to do for spinal diseases


Diagnosis and treatment of dorsal hernia is carried out by doctors such as neurologists, vertebrologists, and neurosurgeons. First of all, you should contact a neurologist or vertebrologist. These specialists diagnose the condition of the spine, evaluate symptoms, and identify the location and depth of the lesion. It is impossible to establish a diagnosis without additional research methods. These include:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
    This is the gold standard for diagnosing intervertebral hernias. Tomography allows you to see both bone structures and soft tissues. In this way, it is possible to diagnose pathology, determine its type and location, and assess damage to spinal cord structures.
  • CT scan.
    This type of study is used when it is not possible to do an MRI. To a greater extent, it is aimed at assessing bone structures, and to a lesser extent – ​​soft tissues.
  • X-ray of the spinal column.
    This type of examination does not show soft tissue. The presence of a hernia is not visible on x-ray. But this type of study allows us to evaluate the bone structures, location and integrity of the vertebral bodies. Used with CT or MRI.
  • Lab tests.
    A general blood test and clinical urine test are performed. In some cases, a number of additional tests are performed at the discretion of the doctor.

Treatment of dorsal hernia without surgery

Drugs for the treatment of dorsal hernia


Treatment of dorsal hernia with conservative methods is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms. For this use:

  • Paravertebral blockades
    - the introduction of local anesthetics (Novocaine or Lidocaine) into the projection of the hernial protrusion, allows you to get rid of pain;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    (Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ketanov) - not only relieve inflammation, but also reduce pain, used in tablet or injection form;
  • Muscle relaxants
    (Sirdalud, Meloxicam) – relieve muscle tension, relieve spasm and associated pain;
  • B vitamins
    are prescribed if the patient has radicular syndrome.

Read about the most effective method of relieving pain from a hernia in the article “Spinal block”.

Folk remedies

Of all the folk remedies, ointments and ointment applications help the most. You should choose an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect (Voltaren, Fastum, Diclofenac). It is recommended to use them according to the instructions and in combination with traditional medicine methods. Applications can be carried out by applying the ointment to gauze and applying it to the sore area for half an hour to an hour.

Bubnovsky method

Treatment according to the Bubnovsky method is therapy using physical exercises. The equipment used is a multifunctional simulator developed by Bubnovsky. If it is not available, your own body weight is sufficient for exercise. Bubnovsky himself claims that this type of treatment can replace traditional therapy. But it is recommended to use physical exercises in conjunction with the main treatment.


The use of physiotherapeutic methods is also an additional method of treatment and rehabilitation. Most often used:

  • Magnetic therapy is the use of magnetic radiation to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Acupuncture is a traditional method of Chinese medicine, performed by trained professionals, aimed at reducing pain, treating paresis and organ dysfunction.
  • Electrophoresis is the directed movement of drug particles in an electric field, most often used with cariprazyme to reduce inflammation and with novocaine to reduce pain.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy should begin under the supervision of an instructor. The most commonly performed exercises are:

  • From a standing position, slowly turn and tilt your head.
  • From a standing position, swing your legs forward, backward, left, right.
  • From a supine position, raise your arms and stretch your torso along the floor.
  • From a supine position, lift and bend alternately the right and left legs at the knee joint.
  • From a lying position on your stomach, lift and bend your legs at the knee joints, try to touch your buttocks alternately with your right and left leg.

Massage and manual therapy

Massage and manual therapy are often used for back problems. They help reduce pain and muscle tension. Most often, soft, gentle techniques are used in combination with basic drug treatment. Massages are not recommended in cases where the hernia is complicated by paresis.

Treatment of protrusion

Protrusion is a dangerous disease; the treatment process should be carried out under the supervision of experienced specialists. It is necessary to carry out treatment to eliminate back pain, numbness of the limbs, headaches, to be able to actively work and rest.

Treatment is complex and consists of several procedures aimed at:

  • Pain relief;
  • Restoration of motor functions;
  • Getting rid of edema;
  • Normalization of sensitivity.

Typically, different drugs are used:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Muscle relaxants;
  • Analgesics.


  • Massages, if performed by an experienced specialist;
  • Physiotherapy (exposure to currents, ultrasound, electrophoresis).

In the absence of positive dynamics, radical methods are used - surgical ones.

Removal of dorsal hernia

Removal is not the primary treatment method. Surgical intervention is resorted to if there are indications.

Indications for surgical treatment:

  • Large size hernia (more than 10mm).
  • The presence of paresis or paralysis.
  • Lack of sensitivity due to compression of the nerve roots.
  • Disorder of the function of the pelvic organs.
  • Failure of conservative treatment for three months.

We use non-surgical hernia treatment techniques
Read more about our unique technique

Types of surgical interventions

  • Microdiscectomy
    is the removal of the disc along with the hernia through a paravertebral incision 2-3 cm long, used for relapse.
  • Laminectomy –
    resection of part of the intervertebral disc along with the hernia through a small incision, used for relatively large protrusions.
  • Endoscopic discectomy
    is the removal of a hernia or disc using special endoscopic instruments, performed through a puncture in the skin and minimal incisions.
  • Nucleoplasty
    is also a minimally invasive technique that allows you to destroy hernias by introducing various substances into the disc, and is used for small sizes.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Therapeutic exercises and swimming help to recover faster after removal of a dorsal hernia

During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to continue treatment. Preference should be given to the same physiotherapeutic interventions that were used before surgery. For example, in case of severe pain, electrophoresis with Novocaine is used.

Read more about electrophoresis here.

It is important to start physical therapy on time. Light gymnastic exercises under the supervision of an instructor are suitable for this. In the late rehabilitation period, when postoperative wounds have healed, it is recommended to go swimming in the pool.

Prevention and prognosis

There is no specific prevention of dorsal hernia, but there are a number of nonspecific ways to prevent the development of hernial protrusion. People with a genetic predisposition are prescribed chondroprotectors - drugs that improve the nutrition of intervertebral discs.

It is also important to adjust your lifestyle - give preference to moderate physical activity, walking, swimming, yoga. Lifting heavy objects should be avoided. In addition, it is important to adjust your diet to avoid gaining excess weight.

As for the prognosis, with early diagnosis and timely treatment it is favorable. The larger the hernia, the less favorable the prognosis.

Recovery prognosis

Without treatment, the prognosis is disappointing. If you leave things to chance, your health will worsen and the risk of complications will increase. Thus, the disease can lead to overload of the spine and the development of multiple protrusions , from which intervertebral hernias subsequently form . Early diagnosis minimizes the likelihood of complications and increases the chances of remission, even without surgical and drug treatment.

Approach to treating the disease in our clinic

The Paramita clinic has developed a unique approach to the treatment of dorsal hernias. This:

  • thorough preliminary examination of the patient using instrumental studies and oriental methods;
  • development of an individual treatment plan for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the disease;
  • using a treatment complex that includes advanced European techniques and traditional Eastern methods, which allows you to get rid of a hernia and improve the health of the body as a whole.

We eliminate pain during the first visits to the doctor.


Spinal protrusion can be successfully treated , but some doctors believe that the prognosis is disappointing if the disease is diagnosed after 50 years.

Protrusion, of course, is not a fatal disease, but it significantly reduces the quality of life. The duration of therapy and its success depend on the stage of the disease and the patience of the patient.

It can be argued that modern treatment methods in combination with exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy successfully fight the disease . But it is necessary that the patient wants to get well and takes treatment very seriously. Any pathology of the spine requires special attention.


How to relieve pain from a dorsal hernia?

The most effective method is paravertebral blockades, which are performed only in medical institutions. At home, you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Is there a chance to cure a dorsal hernia without surgery?

In some cases, it is possible to avoid surgery for a dorsal hernia. Timely initiation of conservative therapy can delay surgery or help avoid it. In advanced cases, if complications occur, surgical intervention is mandatory.

How long does the recovery period take after surgery?

The early postoperative period is one to two weeks. In favorable cases, complete recovery requires 4-6 weeks. With a less favorable outcome, rehabilitation may take up to six months.


Intervertebral hernia, Spine, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 11/12/2020 Date of update: 12/23/2020

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The complexity and duration of rehabilitation depend on the type of surgery performed. With hydroplasty or another method of puncture therapy, the patient can leave the clinic on his own legs on the same day. In the future, it is enough for him to give up increased physical activity and bending.

After other types of interventions the following are indicated:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy;
  • gentle regime of physical activity.

How long the body will take to recover depends on the extent of the operation performed and individual characteristics. Sometimes wearing a rigid or semi-rigid corset or Chance collar is indicated.

Thus, it is always easier to cope with a dorsal hernia in the initial stages of its development. Sometimes conservative methods are sufficient, in other cases surgery is indicated. But even in such situations there is no need to be afraid; modern neurosurgeons have high-tech equipment, which allows them to reduce intraoperative risks and the likelihood of complications to a minimum.

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