The most effective exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Coxarthrosis is a degenerative process in the hip joints, characterized by thinning of the cartilage and its deformation, proliferation of osteophytes and motor dysfunction of the joint. This pathology is treated comprehensively, and physical therapy plays an important role among therapeutic techniques. Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint are designed to restore movement in the joint, relieve pain in the joint and return the muscles to a physiological state.

Specifics of physical education for coxarthrosis

Let's look at some recommendations for doing exercises:

  1. Exercises for coxarthrosis are static and do not involve loading the articular axis. In general, heavy loads with sudden movements are contraindicated in patients with this disease in order to avoid aggravation of pathological manifestations. Exercises that cause sharp pain when performed should not be done.
  2. Before starting gymnastics, a light massage of the thigh muscles is recommended, as well as after finishing the exercise - this warms up the muscles, stimulates blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on recovery. Unpleasant sensations during gymnastics are also relieved by massage.
  3. A set of exercises for the joint with coxarthrosis is supplemented by swimming, if the patient’s general condition allows.
  4. It is advisable for the patient to select exercises with the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the manifestations and the stage of development of coxarthrosis.
  5. You need to do exercises regularly, preferably daily, at a comfortable, smooth pace.

Features of exercise therapy used to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint

It is almost impossible to cure coxarthrosis, even by 100% carefully following the recommendations of the attending physician. This process is very complex and lengthy, and only your efforts can ensure its effective completion.

The more correctly and carefully you begin to perform therapeutic gymnastics exercises, the faster our biological “hinge” will stop fusing together, and mobility will gradually be restored.

Next, we will consider a list of rules that must be followed when performing this therapeutic physical exercise if you want to overcome your illness.

Rule 1. Do not make sudden movements

Regular sports require a certain amount of energy, however, in the case of physical therapy for coxarthrosis, things are a little different. You cannot perform a set of therapeutic exercises excessively:

  • actively;
  • sharp;
  • for a long time.

Remember, we only want to develop the affected joint and strengthen the muscles, and in order not to harm the body, this must be done as smoothly and at a slow pace as possible.

Rule 2. Massage is a mandatory part of the class

It is necessary to massage the muscle tissue of the thigh area of ​​our body:

  • yes physical education;
  • after physical education.

Before you start training, get a massage and it will warm up your muscles, preventing sprains and other injuries.

After training, massage again to relax the muscle tissue and get the greatest effect from the exercise.

Please note: massage is also performed during exercise if you feel pain from doing it, and in everyday life if you are experiencing pain.

Rule 3. Refusal to load the hip joint

Refusing the load in this case does not mean that you need to stop stepping or even leaning on the sore limb. No, we are just talking about stopping for a while from doing exercises that seriously overstress our biological “hinge.” This is about:

  • sharp and deep squats;
  • excessively amplitude movements;
  • standing on a sore leg;
  • incorrect twisting, etc.

The exercises that are prescribed to you as physical therapy do not allow axial load on the affected area, which is why we recommend that you still do without amateur activities.

Rule 4. Include swimming in your sports diet

Being in the water, a person takes the load off his joints and bones, because, in fact, he is not holding on to anything.

It doesn't matter where you swim:

  • in a swimming pool;
  • sea;
  • ocean;
  • river.

The main thing is that you also move quite calmly and do not get into cold water.

By the way, a warm bath can be an alternative to an artificial or natural pond. It will not only relieve stress from the joint, but will also relax toned muscle tissue and help relieve pain in a harmless way.

In the bath you can also do light movements that stretch your muscles and develop your joints, which will also have a beneficial effect on your condition.

Rule 5. Do not force exercises

The most important rule, perhaps, which requires 100% compliance, is to voluntarily refuse exercises that cause you pain. It doesn’t matter how many specialists recommended doing this or that movement. If it brings pain, then the joint is trying to tell you in the language of sensations that it cannot withstand such torture. It turns out that in this case all your efforts will only cause harm.

Rule 6. Follow the doctor’s recommendations exactly

Each human body is individual. As a consequence, coxarthrosis in each case will also require an individual approach to treatment. That is why not the entire list of physical exercises indicated for the treatment of our illness is suitable for a particular patient.

You can perform therapeutic exercises only in the form and order in which your attending physician prescribes it.

A set of exercises for patients with the initial stage of coxarthrosis

A minor degree (first or second) of joint damage by coxarthrosis is corrected by exercises that stimulate mobility and relieve symptoms.

The movements need to be performed an average of 3-5 times, gradually increasing repetitions to 10. The final position is fixed for several seconds. Mild pain during exercise is normal. Breathing is not held during execution.

Lying on your back:

  1. Both arms are lowered and pressed to the body, legs are straightened. With inhalation, the arms rise, with exhalation, they lower. Repeat smoothly six to eight times.
  2. Both arms are lowered and pressed to the body, legs are straightened. The arms smoothly bend and extend at the elbow.
  3. Bend the knee of the affected leg, extend the leg and hold for a few seconds. The bent leg can be held with the opposite hand.
  4. Grab your leg under the knee with both hands and pull it close to your stomach. The other leg lies firmly on the floor at this time.
  5. Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet firmly on the floor. Tighten your buttock muscles and raise your pelvis as high as possible.
  6. Straighten your legs, turn them inward, then return them to their original state - do eight repetitions.
  7. Place your hands on your waist, 10-15 seconds. use your feet to imitate riding a bicycle, smoothly and slowly.

Lying on your side:

  1. Lean on the elbow and palm of the healthy side, stretch and lift the affected leg, the sole of the foot should be at a right angle to the shin.
  2. Lie on your healthy side, rest your head on your arm, bent at the elbow. Raise the leg with the sore joint, abduct it, carefully return it to its original position and relax. A total of 8 repetitions.

Lying on your stomach:

  1. Raise your leg bent at a right angle. Hold it for a while.
  2. Place your hands in front of you. Tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds, then relax.
  3. Place your hands on your hips and begin to lift your head and shoulders and hold them for a few seconds. Lower, after a pause of two seconds, repeat five more times.
  4. Place both hands in front of you. Raising your head and shoulders, perform three swings with both hands, similar to breaststroke swimming - 6 repetitions.

Sitting on a chair:

  1. Your feet should be pressed firmly to the floor. Connect your knees and feet with your heels turned outward.
  2. Squeeze a pillow or ball held in your knees.


  1. Stand on your healthy leg, resting your hand on a wall or the back of a chair. Make several leisurely swings with the affected leg, the amplitude of which is determined by the presence of pain.
  2. Standing in the same position, smoothly draw a circle in the air with your feet - 8 repetitions.
  3. Stand on both legs, supporting yourself with your hands on a chair. Perform a half squat and straighten up. Repeat the exercise slowly 10 times.
  4. Rise and fall from toes to heel - 10 repetitions.

In case of severe pain, the given complex is replaced with physical exercises for aggravated stages (third, fourth) of coxarthrosis.


Due to limited mobility and inflammation, muscle protein breakdown increases, which reduces immunity. Therefore, the diet should contain sufficient amounts of protein products.

Research also shows that destructive processes in the joint occur with elevated cholesterol levels - therefore it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods with a lot of fat (fatty fish, nuts, butter).

Low-fat fish, meat, dairy products, vegetables, herbs, and grains are very useful for coxarthrosis. To restore cartilage, you need to consume aspic, jellied meat, jellies, and jelly. Sources of carbohydrates are cereals, honey, dried fruits.

Do not eat:

  • products with preservatives and dyes;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated and strong alcoholic drinks, beer.

It is also important how the dish is prepared: it is better to consume fruits and vegetables raw, juices – freshly squeezed, foods should not be fried – it is healthier to boil, bake or steam them.

Exercises for severe coxarthrosis

In severe stages of the disease, it is also necessary to perform the following exercises:

  • lying on your stomach, arms are extended along the body or placed under the head. A low cushion is placed under the ankle. In the most relaxed state, do several rolls on your stomach, slightly swaying your hips to the sides. If pain occurs, reduce range of motion. The exercise must be repeated for 10 minutes, at least three times a day, before meals. Weakened patients are recommended to start with 3-5 minutes, no more than twice a day. After strengthening the condition, bring the implementation to the recommended volume;
  • place a cushion under your knees. Lying on your stomach, turn your outstretched legs outward and inward, in turn. The range of movements should not be more than 10 cm;

  • Place your foot in a fabric loop suspended at a height of 25 cm above the bed. The loop should intercept the middle of the shin. Bend your leg at the knee joint with a small amplitude, swing your relaxed leg to the sides. The exercise can be done by weakened patients who are unable to sit, get out of bed, or perform gymnastics on the floor;
  • sitting on a chair, spread your knees shoulder-width apart, place your feet firmly on the floor. The knees in a relaxed position begin to smoothly bring and spread, with a small range of movements;
  • stand with your healthy leg on a slight elevation. Dangle the leg affected by coxarthrosis down, swinging it back and forth and to the sides. The exercise is performed with hand support, up to 10 minutes, two to three times a day. Normally there should be no pain.


Complex treatment of grade 3 arthrosis of the hip joint includes physiotherapeutic treatment:

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Physiotherapy methodEffects of its use
Infrared laser therapy Reduces the excitability of nerve fibers, which leads to an analgesic effect. Improves blood circulation in the joint.
High Intensity High Frequency Magnetic Therapy Improves nutrition of cartilage, increases blood flow, stimulates cellular immunity, slows down degenerative processes.
Ultrasound Dissolves exudate in joints, reduces pain and stiffness, relieves muscle tension.
Hydrogen sulfide baths They improve trophic processes in the joint, activate the growth of synovial villi, and cause the accumulation of useful biologically active substances.
Radon baths They increase metabolism in cartilage, eliminate oxygen starvation of tissues, and strengthen the immune system.

Radon baths – therapeutic baths with radon mineral water

Treatment with gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Professor S. M. Bubnovsky has developed an effective method for treating coxarthrosis, which allows one to avoid surgery and restore quality of life. The technique is known under the term “kinesitherapy” and is based on the treatment of joints with movement.

The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Get into a knee-elbow position. As you inhale, slowly arch your back, while exhaling, bend your back. Exercise relaxes your back.
  2. Leaning on your palms and knees, stretch forward, without bending in the lumbar region. Return to previous position.
  3. Leaning on your elbows, exhale and lower yourself to the floor. Straighten your arms on the next exhalation, lowering your buttocks to your heels.
  4. Change position - roll over and lie on your back, as for pumping your abdominal muscles. Reach your elbows to your knees. In the same position, raise the pelvis as high as possible.

Bubnovsky exercises are performed for 10-30 repetitions, if possible, taking into account the general condition.

The benefits of working out in our gym

Our gym is equipped with the most modern equipment, which will allow you to work not only on the sore area, but also pay attention to the load on all muscle groups as a whole. The training program is developed individually by experienced rehabilitation doctors, and classes are conducted under the supervision of instructors and methodologists of the highest category.

In addition, patients of our rehabilitation center can monitor the results by undergoing ultrasound and MRI without leaving our walls. You can maintain and enhance the effect with the help of manual therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy.

A variety of programs and subscriptions for rehabilitation treatment are offered to patients.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Evdokimenko

Rheumatologist P. V. Evdokimenko offers a set of 11 exercises that are effective for the rehabilitation of the hip joint affected by second-degree coxarthrosis:

Lying on your back:

  1. Raise each leg in turn and keep it raised for 35 seconds. After the first execution, pause and relax, then perform another 10 repetitions.
  2. Raise your legs at an angle of 15 degrees, swing to the sides with both legs at the same time.
  3. Bend both legs and raise your pelvis as high as possible.

Lying on your stomach. Bend your legs one at a time at a right angle, keeping them suspended.

Lying on your side:

  1. Raise your leg at an angle of 45 degrees and hold for half a minute. Roll over to the other side and repeat.
  2. Perform the previous exercise, adding rotations of the feet to the outside and inside.

Sitting on the floor:

  1. Stretch your legs. Reach your big toe, remaining there for about two minutes. One execution is enough.
  2. Lean your back against the wall, spreading both legs as wide as possible, bending the affected leg at a right angle.
  3. Reach the foot with the affected joint and pull it towards you.

Sitting on a chair:

  1. Keep your raised leg suspended for half a minute.
  2. Finally, perform low-intensity massage rubbing, as well as stroking the legs with ointment, with a warming effect.

Contraindications for exercise therapy

There are no absolute contraindications for exercise therapy for coxarthrosis of the hip joint. However, most doctors recommend temporarily suspending exercise in the following situations:

  • acute period of heart attack or stroke;
  • acute period of infectious diseases with increased body temperature;
  • early postoperative period;
  • decompensated cardiac or respiratory failure is the last stage of pathology development, when the heart (lungs) cannot perform its function even at rest;
  • hypertensive crisis - a sudden increase in blood pressure above the usual figures (more than 140/90 mm Hg).


  • NSAIDs are used to relieve pain: piroxicam, diclofenac, indomethacin and others.
  • For very severe pain, hydrocortisone injections are indicated.
  • Chondroprotectors include aflutop, rumalon, glucosamine, dona, and chondroitin sulfate.

The use of ointments with snake venom is recommended: viprosal, vipratox - they have a local anesthetic effect, dilate blood vessels, and improve tissue nutrition. Ointments based on bee venom have the same effect: apizartron, virapin.

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