The most effective workouts in the gym for spinal hernia (video)






Many people think that if you have a herniated disc, you will have to forget about physical activity. But that's not true. We tell you how to train for a hernia, which loads and exercises will be beneficial and which will be harmful.

Many people think that if you have a herniated disc, you will have to forget about physical activity. But that's not true. We tell you how to train for a hernia, which loads and exercises will be beneficial and which will be harmful.

What is a herniated disc?

This diagnosis is associated with the condition of the intervertebral discs and joints of the spine. “A disc herniation occurs when part of the nucleus pulposus of the disc extends beyond the fibrous ring, that is, its membrane,” comments Alexander Kolesov, sports medicine doctor, physical therapy doctor, manual therapy doctor, head of the rehabilitation department of the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center on Krasnaya Presnya .
“There are several stages in the development of a disc herniation: protrusion (protrusion of the fibrous ring), the disc herniation itself, and sequestration, when a fragment of the herniation is torn off from the main part.” Hernias occur for various reasons: due to posture, as a result of injuries, etc. The main symptom of a hernia is acute pain. “These are, as a rule, sharp, stabbing pains that lead to a sharp limitation of mobility (“impossible to get out of bed”) and radiculopathy, when the pain spreads along the nerve due to its compression by a disc herniation,” explains Alexander Kolesov.

Sometimes the pain can “radiate” to the arm and shoulder girdle (if the hernia is located in the cervical spine) or to the legs (with a lumbar hernia).

“Low-intensity pain is more often associated with myofascial syndrome, which occurs from decreased physical activity and prolonged work at the computer,” adds Alexander Kolesov. “In such people, MRI of the spine also often reveals disc protrusions or even hernias, but this is rarely associated with compression of the spinal nerve directly.”

Physical exercise

In fact, a person with a herniated disc needs physical exercise. The spine needs strong and strong muscles that will become its support and support. The muscles must bear the entire load, but if they are not developed, then the entire load falls on the skeletal system.

Doctors categorically prohibit people suffering from herniated discs from working out in the gym. As an alternative, they offer physical therapy (PT). It includes exercises aimed at treating and rehabilitating people with various diseases and injuries. Exercise therapy is also used to prevent certain diseases.

Is training allowed for a hernia?

Yes but not all. “In case of spinal disc herniation, loads associated with lifting heavy weights, jumping, martial arts and outdoor games should be limited. This is especially important during the period of exacerbation of the disease,” says Alexander Kolesov.

But Pilates, gentle yoga, exercise therapy and some strength exercises for a hernia are not prohibited and, on the contrary, can have a therapeutic effect. “Most often, hernias are accompanied by a certain “distortion” in muscle tension: under the influence of gravity and to maintain mobility, some areas of the back remain in hypertonicity, others in hypotonicity,” says Tatyana Kurmasheva, personal trainer, group program trainer at the Fitness Territory - Aviamotornaya club. . — A properly constructed training program helps eliminate this imbalance and bring all back muscles to normal tone. To begin with, it is important to do test exercises to understand where things are tight and where things are relaxed. And, based on this, build a workout and choose exercises based on mechanics. To relieve muscle tension where it exists and increase the tone of relaxed areas.”

Therefore, if you are diagnosed with a hernia, you do not need to stop training - adjust your program and continue training. Active movement will improve the health of your spine and your well-being. “Strength training for a herniated spine is allowed and indicated,” adds Sergei Kotov , master trainer at the Escalada fitness club . “By strengthening the thoracolumbar fascia, we stabilize the spinal column and thereby reduce the load on the deep back muscles.”

Classification of diseases of the spinal column

Unfortunately, statistics show that the percentage of people with back problems is growing every year. Currently, 85% of the world's population suffers from some kind of disease related to the spine. If you think that, for example, lower back pain only occurs in old age, then our center will hasten to dispel this stereotype: half of the people included in these statistics are under 35 years old. Below is a list of the most common spinal diseases:

  • arthritis, or chronic inflammation of the joints;
  • spinal disc protrusion;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • scoliosis.

Of course, we should not forget about intervertebral hernias and various tumors, but the above diseases are the most common. Having identified the problem, the patient needs to begin treatment of the spine as soon as possible. As a rule, the doctor prescribes special medications suitable for your individual case, a course of therapeutic massage, attention to correct posture and physical exercise. The last point is very important to discuss in detail so as not to overdo it and cause harm. Maintaining a regimen is often the hardest for athletes, because the habit of constant heavy loads and literally continuous physical activity does not allow them to take care of themselves and their health.

Strength training for spinal hernia: what is the point?

You really have to forget about some types of strength exercises for a hernia. “Here are the main restrictions in exercises with a hernia: it is not recommended to twist the spinal column, hyperextend it or actively flex it. Also prohibited are axial loads —running, squats with a load on the shoulders, etc.,” explains Sergei Kotov. — Strength training for spinal hernia should be strengthening and toning. Particular attention should be paid to stabilizing the knee joint and lumbar area, mobilizing the thoracic and hip skeletons.”

What else will be useful for a hernia? “I would recommend focusing on exercises to improve rotation in the shoulders, thoracic spine and hip joints. Then you can move on to exercises to strengthen your back muscles, which I recommend doing in a block simulator,” says Tatyana Kurmasheva. “This is a good opportunity to add strength load, increase intensity, but at the same time we do not have an axial load on the spine and we work with weights in three-dimensional space. We have more opportunities to strengthen the deep stabilizer muscles and use mobility exercises.”

We asked Tatyana Kurmasheva to compose and show us a set of exercises that can be performed with a herniated disc. “It consists of two parts: the first is mat exercises, they are based on Pilates movements and can be used as a warm-up before any workout. The exercises in this block are aimed at improving rotation in the joints and thoracic spine. The second block is exercises with a block simulator that strengthen the back muscles,” explains Tatyana Kurmasheva.

General recommendations

Don't overload your back. Under no circumstances should you carry heavy bags over long distances, load cabinets, unload trucks with cement, etc. In this case, you cannot avoid back pain and aggravation of the problem situation.

Sit less. While sitting, the spine experiences enormous stress. If you have a sedentary job, get up from your chair from time to time to walk a little and do a light workout. This will relieve tension from the spine. In addition, warming up will help normalize blood circulation in the body.

If possible, eliminate running and jumping from your life. As you run, with each step, the weight of your body, multiplied by the acceleration of free fall, falls on your spine. When you jump, the load increases significantly.

How to build a lesson

  • Start your workout with a light warm-up . This will protect you from injury.
  • Use the exercises at your own discretion. The best option is to complete the entire complex. However, you can divide it into two parts. “Exercises on the mat are suitable for daily use, including at home. But it is enough to perform movements in the block simulator 3-4 times a week,” adds Tatyana Kurmasheva.
  • Perform exercises in 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions each.
  • Do this program 3-4 times a week (if you use the entire complex).
  • Finish your workout with stretching .

To perform the complex, you will need a mat, a block exercise machine, and a small weight barbell (up to 3 kg).

Roll Up

Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart. Place your arms along your body. Tilt your head forward, then smoothly lower your body forward and down (first rounding your back, then straightening it), reaching down with your arms. Then smoothly, lifting up vertebra by vertebra, straighten to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition.

Roll Up while lying down

Sit on the floor with your legs straight, arms extended up. Work your abdominal, back and leg muscles. Extend your arms forward and lower your stomach onto your thighs. From this position, smoothly straighten up, round your back and gradually lower your back to the mat. Hold your arms in front of you, then extend them back. Return to starting position and repeat.

Shoulder rotation

Get down on your knees, place your palms under your shoulders, knees under your pelvis. Maintain a natural arch in your lower back. Raise your right arm above the floor and describe it in a full circle (move clockwise), involving in the movement not only the shoulder joint, but also the thoracic spine and neck. This is one repetition. Do the required amount in each direction.

Thoracic rotation

Get down on your knees, place your palms under your shoulders, knees under your pelvis. Then extend your right leg to the side (lean on your foot). Raise your left arm up, opening your chest, then lower it down and move it to the right (under the body and above the floor). Return to the starting position. This is one repetition, perform the required number in each direction.

Tilt to the side

Kneel down, extend your right leg to the right (lean on your toes). Spread your arms to the sides, do not bend at the lower back. Gently lean to the left and touch the floor with your left palm, and stretch your right hand up. Then push your left palm off the floor and return to the starting position. This is one repetition, perform the required number in each direction.

Rotation with weights

Get down on your knees, place your palms under your shoulders, knees under your pelvis. Stretch your right leg to the side, take a dumbbell or a “pancake” from a barbell in your left hand. Leaning on your right hand, extend your left to the left and up, opening your chest. Then return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition, perform the required number in each direction.


Stand slightly diagonally relative to the block exercise machine, secure the handle to the upper block. Get down on your right knee and grab the handle of the machine with both palms. As you twist your chest to the left, pull the handle to the left (your elbows should be slightly bent). Work your abdominal, back and arm muscles. Return to the starting position for one repetition. Do the required amount in each direction.


Stand facing the pulley machine. Attach the handle to the lower block and grasp it with both palms. Keep your arms straight. Bend your knees and keep the cable taut, lower into a squat. Then smoothly straighten your knees and return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition, complete the required number of repetitions.


Stand facing the block machine. Attach the handle to the lower block and grasp it with your right palm. Stand straight, bend your right knee slightly, place your right foot slightly behind your body, resting on your toes. Place your left palm on your left thigh. Lean your body forward, moving your pelvis slightly back. Then, pulling the cable of the exercise machine harder, return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition, perform the required number in each direction.

Belt pull

10-pull to the belt

Stand facing the pulley machine. Attach the Σ-handle to the lower block. Place your feet hip-width apart and grab the handle with both palms with a reverse grip. Slightly lean your body forward, move your pelvis back. By bending your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together, pull the handle toward your waist. Work the muscles of your arms, back and abs. Smoothly return to the starting position, this will amount to one repetition, complete the required number.

Do this routine regularly to improve your spinal health.

Orthopedists recommend

Orthopedists recommend swimming as it helps relieve stress on the spine. In water, a person does not make sudden movements that can aggravate the disease. Oriental gymnastics, which strengthens the back muscles, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine.

The bench press can be performed with back diseases, but smoothly, avoiding sudden movements.

One of the famous ones is “boat”. It is performed on the stomach. During this you need to slowly raise your arms and legs upward. Do not strive to do more than your physical fitness and health allow. It is recommended to do it regularly. Special exercise therapy programs will also help cope with the disease.

Is it possible to cure a herniated disc without surgery?

Yes, but there are nuances here. “A spinal disc herniation can decrease and sometimes completely disappear with a well-chosen system of multicomponent rehabilitation, but this will take from a year to two to three years,” says Alexander Kolesov. “Treatment should be carried out under the regular supervision of a rehabilitation specialist using techniques such as physical therapy, physiotherapy (one of the new techniques is magnetic resonance therapy), gentle techniques of manual therapy and osteopathy, acupuncture, classes using the Neurak method and some others.”

In any case, treating a hernia is a rather lengthy process, so you should not expect instant results. However, with the right attitude and methodical training, you will most likely succeed.

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