Evminov's board: exercises for the spine, for intervertebral hernia

A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle negatively affects our health. People who move little, do not always sit in the correct position, do not exercise and do not take care of their body, sooner or later face serious problems with the spine. Pain in the spine and joints not only interferes with normal movement, sitting, lying and doing usual activities, but also significantly spoils the quality of life.

Trying to get rid of back pain, many people run to the pharmacy and buy expensive, but not always effective, medications that have only a symptomatic effect, but are not able to eliminate the very cause of unpleasant and painful sensations in the spine.

Official statistics state that in our country more than 75% of people of different ages suffer from diseases of the joints and spine. Representatives of official medicine claim that only radical measures in the form of surgery will help get rid of back pain. They persistently and systematically reject truly important information that there are many alternative ways to treat the spine. One of these methods is the Evminov board.

What back diseases can the Evminov board cure? Does this simulator have any contraindications? In this article we will discuss these and other important issues regarding the benefits and harms of boards for our health.

What it is?

The Evminov board (preventer) is a fairly simple but effective device for the treatment of certain back diseases, which combines the best qualities of traction and physical therapy. The principle of operation of the simulator is to gradually and gently stretch the human spine using its own weight.

Vyacheslav Evminov, who created this truly miraculous board, was engaged in rowing on a professional basis until he received a serious injury during the next competition. To cure this injury, the athlete had to undergo surgery, the outcome of which was assessed ambiguously by representatives of official medicine. Vyacheslav Vladimirovich refused the operation. He began to become interested in alternative healing methods and practice various exercises. Performing exercises in a supine position, so that the muscles did not squeeze the discs damaged as a result of injury, Evminov decided to use an inclined plane, thanks to which the back would be unloaded, and during the performance of a particular exercise, different angles of inclination could be used.

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, who today is an honored coach in rowing, managed to create a correct and effective scheme of starting positions, dosage of loads, alternations of movements and unloading, scope and amplitude.

The Evminov board is an effective method of kinesitherapy on an inclined surface, which helps cure certain diseases of the spine, activates metabolic processes in the body and strengthens the back muscles.

Nutrition of the intervertebral disc

Intervertebral discs are tissues that do not have a blood supply; their nutrition is diffuse, according to the laws of osmosis. The core has the ability to absorb liquid, which is greatly facilitated by human motor activity.

How does this happen? When compression forces prevail over suction forces, intradiscal pressure increases and the disc (mainly its nucleus pulposus) loses some amount of fluid. As soon as the compression forces decrease, the intradiscal pressure decreases, suction processes prevail, and the fluid again passes (diffuses) into the disc.

There is a direct relationship between the degree of mobility of the spinal motion segment and the volume of nutrients supplied to the spinal disc.

To confirm this, scientists conducted an experiment. The contrast agent introduced into the thickness of the disc disappeared from it, with the spine motionless, after 20 minutes. When performing active movements, and especially special exercises for the deep layer of back muscles, the contrast agent disappeared 5-10 times faster!

This experience clearly shows that regular use of special exercises for the spine will lead to active nutrition of the intervertebral disc, which in turn will contribute to its restoration.

The benefits of the Evminov board for the body

The Evminov board helps eliminate muscle asymmetry, relax and stretch spasmed muscles, normalize their tone and restore stability, perform articular reposition and straighten joints that have shifted due to scoliosis. The simulator allows you to unload the intervertebral joints, thanks to which you can relieve pinched nerve roots.

Experts say that exercises using Evminov’s preventative help to activate internal biomechanisms of self-healing, calm the nervous system and normalize the functioning of internal organs. The board relieves joint and muscle pain and strengthens the muscle corset. Thanks to the Evminov simulator, the distance between the vertebrae increases, the body becomes more flexible and resilient, and extra pounds melt away before our eyes.

The Evminov board can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of many back diseases. It will help avoid the occurrence and development of spinal problems for schoolchildren, students and those people who lead an inactive and sedentary lifestyle (office workers, teachers, accountants, truck drivers, etc.).

Exercises on the Evminov board will be useful for expectant mothers, as they will help prepare their backs for the serious stress that occurs during childbirth, and for those women who have recently given birth to a child and want to restore their posture and get rid of back pain.

Simulator configuration

Evminov's simulator is a wooden board with an emphasis. It comes with 4 adjustable handles, aluminum clamps and loops for stretching the vertebrae in the cervical region. The bars of the exercise machine are connected in such a way that a person can safely and easily perform exercises on it.

The Evminov board for the spine is attached to a vertical surface, most often to a wall, with the ability to change its angle. This is necessary in order to exercise on the simulator at a negative inclination angle. That is, hanging on the board holding the handle.

The simulator is made individually depending on the characteristics of the patient’s spine. This approach to therapy is the most effective.

Indications for use

Evminov's board is shown to those people who are diagnosed with:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • kyphosis,
  • ankylosing spondylitis,
  • various postural disorders,
  • spondyloarthrosis,
  • herniated intervertebral discs,
  • coxarthrosis,
  • flat feet,
  • certain scoliotic diseases,
  • lordosis,
  • lumbago,
  • pelvic distortion,
  • contractures of the joints of the lower and upper extremities,
  • radiculitis.

The exercise machine will also help with pain in the neck, lower back, and back.

For the purpose of recovery and rehabilitation, the Evminov board is used after spinal surgery and after an acute period of illness.

Classes at the Evminov dispensary will be useful for those men and women who want to maintain their youth, royal posture, and a beautiful, fit and slender figure for as long as possible.

Set of exercises

Exercises on the Evminov prophylactic are individual in nature. Therefore, only a specialist, taking into account the general health of the patient, his age and physical abilities, can correctly select the inclination of the board, load level and other parameters. Begin training only with the permission of a qualified professional.

Exercise only when your health allows it. If while performing an exercise your health worsens or you begin to experience discomfort, you should reduce the load or stop training.

The higher the angle of the board, the greater the load on the back. For beginners, the angle of the board should be no more than 20-30 degrees from the floor.

All movements must be performed smoothly. Under no circumstances should you make sudden jerks! Since the body is in a tense state while performing exercises on the Evminov board, do not forget to relax your hands for 5-10 seconds after each exercise to relieve tension not only from the back, but also from the entire body.

Always make sure to properly grip the bars with your hands, as your shoulders should be at the same level during training and not skewed. If you are doing pull-ups, use both your arms and legs at the beginning.

If the exercises are chosen correctly, the positive effect will be noticeable after 3-4 workouts. Many people note that after the first training, their condition worsened slightly. This is a normal phenomenon, but do not forget to tell a specialist about it, who will explain the reasons for its occurrence.

For hernia

№1. Lie down on the Evminov prophylactic and grab the handles with your hands. Place your feet on the board. Bend your legs at the knees. Twist your pelvis and begin to lower yourself down. Stretch your tailbone towards your heels. Pressing your ribs and lower back against the board, inhale and lift yourself up slightly.

This is a basic exercise with which you need to start performing any set of exercises on the board according to Evminov’s method, and should be repeated 10-12 times.

№2. Grasp the handles with your hands and place your feet on the preventer. Bend your knees. Press your lower back and ribs against the board. Start doing a bicycle first with your right and then with your left leg: while inhaling, lift your leg with your knee on you, and then stretch it as far as possible. As you exhale, return your leg to the starting position so that your foot slides along the board.

Repeat the exercise 10-12 times for each leg. After completing the exercise, lower both legs down and extend them as far as possible. Pull your toes towards you and push your heels down. Hold in this position for 2-5 seconds.

№3. Grasp the handles with your hands, bend your knees and place your feet on the board. Twist your pelvis, press your lower back to the board. Begin to lift both legs with your knees and feet connected towards you.

Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

№4. Grasp the handles of the Evminov board with your hands, place your feet on the board and bend them at the knees. Twist your pelvis, place your feet together and spread your knees to the sides. As you inhale, spread (open) your knees, as you exhale, bring (close) them. The board should spring slightly. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

№5. Grasp the handles of the Evminov prophylactic with your hands, place your feet on the board, bend them at the knees, place your feet together and spread your knees to the sides. Start raising your knees towards yourself. Repeat 10-12 times, and then stretch your legs as much as possible and stretch your heels away from you and your toes toward you.

For the spine

№1. Grasp the handles of the board with your hands, bend your legs at the knees, and place your feet on the board. Twist your pelvis and, as you exhale, begin to lift it up. Stretch your spine as much as possible, and at the top point push your knees forward. Don't forget that the ribs should be level with the pelvic bones. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

№2. Grasp the handles of the Evminov board with your hands, place your feet on the board, bend your legs at the knees. Twist your pelvis, lift it up so that your ribs are level with your pelvic bones. Hold this position and begin to lift your right knee towards you. Repeat 10-12 times, and then begin to lift your left knee.

№3. This exercise is performed on the stomach. Lie down on the Evminov board, grab the handles with your hands, stretch your legs down. Do not lower your head, but keep it parallel to the board. Stretch the top of your head towards your palms. As you exhale, begin to lift your right leg and head up. Try not to just raise or throw your head back, but pull it forward. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times, first for the right and then for the left leg.

№4. The exercise is performed on the stomach. Lie down on the Evminov board, grab the handles with your hands, stretch your legs down. Keep your head parallel to the board, with the top of your head reaching towards your palms. As you exhale, begin to lift both legs and your head up. Make sure your toes point back. Repeat 10-12 times.

Tips for beginners to train for balance with a balance board

The first time you need support. Whether it's a wall or a friend's hand doesn't really matter

  • As you stand on the balance board with your feet shoulder-width apart, focus on looking forward rather than down. This will help you maintain better balance. You need to keep your head and shoulders straight to have proper balance. It's all about your core when it comes to working with your balance. You need to find your center of balance and stay there. A neutral spine with your hips slightly tilted forward will give you a good center of balance
  • When you stand on the balance machine, bend your knees. It is necessary to bend your knees as much as possible in order to find a reliable center of balance on the balance board. Slowly lower yourself down and back a little. Moving up and down with healthy plank squats will help strengthen your leg muscles. The added intensity of a balance board will improve muscle tone throughout your entire body as smaller muscles work harder to keep your body balanced.
  • If you want to become a skateboarder, use balance board exercises with a good pair of shoes. If you plan to become a surfer, use the balancer barefoot. This will help you practice the right skills.
  • As you become more experienced and stronger with balance board exercises, increase the difficulty of the movements. Also notice the increase in intensity. If this is a roller balance board, then roll more intensely from edge to edge. This movement will connect all the muscles of the body. There are many balanced exercises for beginners that will help you improve muscle strength, coordination and balance.
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