What restrictions do you need to know about in case of intervertebral hernia?

Lumbar intervertebral hernia is a disease that manifests itself in the form of disc protrusion and rupture of the fibrous ring. As a rule, it occurs as a result of uneven load on the vertebrae.

The symptoms of the disease increase as the size of the hernia increases and serves as the main diagnostic criterion for the stage of the disease. The signs are varied and conditionally grouped into 3 large groups:

  1. Painful symptoms.
  2. Spinal syndrome.
  3. Radicular syndrome.

Each of them has its own dynamics, methods of determination and possible violations.


This is the first and main symptom. It can change location, intensity, character, manifests itself independently or in combination with other signs. In the early stages, when the size of the hernia is small, pain appears only at the site of projection of the damaged disc. They intensify with sudden movement, heavy lifting or prolonged sitting. This course of the disease (with exacerbations and remissions) can continue for several years. It is at this stage that the disease can be easily stopped by simply adjusting your lifestyle.

As the size of the hernia increases, compression of the membranes or roots of the spinal cord is observed. The pain intensifies when the head is raised or the legs are straightened, and their character may change from acute to aching or shooting.

Product parameters

One of the main parameters when choosing a model is its size. The width, as a rule, is standard for all products: 80 or 140 cm, for a single or double bed, respectively. The length is selected according to the person’s height. The generally accepted standard for calculating the length of a product is: human height plus 22 - 25 cm. When purchasing, you must also take into account the weight. Modern manufacturers indicate the maximum allowable for a particular product.

Don't forget to take accurate measurements of your bed before purchasing. These parameters must coincide with the dimensions of the mattress, otherwise deformation cannot be avoided, and the anatomical effect will not be fully revealed.

Spinal syndrome

The complication is caused by a constant spasmodic state of the muscles. Due to this, the motor functions of the lumbar region are limited, and full extension of the back becomes impossible. As a result, the patient develops a hunchback, stoop and a skew of the body in the healthy direction. Possible poor posture and loss of stability during movements.

In the vast majority of cases, lumbar hernia occurs in the lower sections. Damage and prolapse of the discs between L4 - L5 and L5 - S1 occurs, which leads to pain localized on the outer surface of the thighs, the anterior outer area of ​​the lower leg, the back of the foot and in the big toe area.

How to choose the right mattress

What is a herniated disc? This is the prolapse of intervertebral disc fragments into the spinal canal. The back becomes very tender; as soon as you lie down in bed, a sharp pain appears. Make your choice responsibly. Pay attention to a number of criteria: location of the hernia, your age, compare the desired level of rigidity with the doctor’s recommendation, and based on this, select fillers and design.


Medium hardness is optimal for spinal hernia. This model will provide support to the spine and at the same time will not put pressure on soft tissues and cause pain.

As long as the disease does not manifest itself, you can sleep on a moderately hard mattress. At the time of exacerbation, a soft surface is needed, since any movement and pressure on the spine causes pain.

You can buy a 2in1 mattress. There are independent springs in the center, one side is covered with coconut and polyurethane foam, and the other is covered with soft memory. In normal times, you sleep on the hard side with coconut, in times of exacerbation - on the soft side.

An example of such a mattress is Sontelle Sante Custom Memory

Prices for popular sizes Sontelle Sante Custom Memory: 19,320 RUR for 80×200, 31,276 RUR for 140×200

If you don't have the opportunity to change your mattress or sleep on the sofa, you can purchase a memory topper and place it on top of your bed. For example, DreamInc Etude 5 cm high will create a comfortable soft surface. Memory seems to flow around the sore back and does not put pressure on it. The topper is attached with 4 elastic bands to any bed - bed or sofa.

Prices for popular sizes Thin mattress DreamInc Etude: 5,754 ₽ for 80×200, 8,967 ₽ for 140×200


Not less than 15 cm. Thinner products do not have the desired anatomical effect. Intervertebral discs damaged by the disease will experience overload at night. Sleep will not be as sound, because the sleeping person will unconsciously try to find a comfortable position and toss and turn.

Fillings inside a quality mattress

  • Natural latex is made from Hevea juice. The elastic, durable material is perforated over the entire surface, is well ventilated, and does not accumulate dust inside. It has no odor of its own and does not absorb foreign substances.
  • Memory without back pressure takes the shape of the human body and does not compress the intervertebral discs - this is exactly what is needed in case of a hernia. It gives the impression of sleeping on a cloud, the body seems to weigh less, and the load is removed from the spine.
  • Soy foam is created on the basis of natural soybean oil. There can be different types - with a cooling effect, shape memory, with a soothing scent of neroli.
  • PPU is the most budget option, which, nevertheless, performs its functions and creates a comfortable sleeping place. Often polyurethane foam has not a flat, but a textured surface with a slight massage effect. It is good for blood circulation.
  • Coconut is a hard orthopedic filler that supports the spine in the correct position. We advise you to choose models in which another, softer filler is placed on top of the hard coconut, so as not to injure the spine.
  • Linen is a natural material with antibacterial properties. It is well ventilated, lasts a long time, and provides orthopedic support to the musculoskeletal system.


Inside the mattress there should be a hard orthopedic filler that will support your back. This can be a block of springs or a high layer of foam, coconut or holofiber. The top layers need to be soft, with a pronounced anatomical effect.

If you already have a high-quality mattress, and you are generally satisfied with it, then you can put a topper on top, for example, made of polyurethane foam - it will minimize the appearance of sudden pain at night.

Review from a woman with a skeletal system disease, whose back pain stopped hurting after purchasing the topper.


The older the person, the softer the sleeping place he needs. A herniated disc can affect people of all ages, from teenagers to retirees. Teens can choose moderate or medium firmness. For people over 50, a medium-hard surface is suitable.

Radicular syndrome

Compression of the spinal cord roots (and their subsequent death) impairs nutrition in the tissues and is characterized by several symptoms:

  • weakness of the muscles of the thigh, leg and foot, as well as a decrease in their tone;
  • noticeable muscle atrophy. Without performing its functions, the leg becomes thinner and weaker, asymmetry appears;
  • impaired skin sensitivity, tingling, numbness and chilliness of the fingers;
  • the appearance of dryness or increased sweating of the skin in the area of ​​​​the damaged root;
  • possible paralysis - movement becomes difficult, which can lead to complete disability.

With complications, other symptoms are also possible - for example, lumbodynia (lumbago in the lumbar region), dysfunction of the hip and knee joints.

The choice of diagnostic method depends on the cause of the pathology and is carried out only by a qualified doctor.

More information on the topic:

Modern and effective methods of treating lumbar disc herniation.

The EVVRO LPS clinic offers modern treatment for diseases of the joints and spine. We diagnose, prescribe effective therapy and procedures for lumbar hernia. Highly qualified specialists use complex techniques to eliminate pathological processes without surgical intervention.

Physical therapy for spinal hernia using Bubnovsky’s method

The main distinguishing feature of Bubnovsky’s exercises from conventional physical therapy is the load on the muscles through pain. In his opinion, it is necessary to fight pathology by overcoming the pain threshold, since it is this symptom that limits movement and causes muscle atrophy. Classes using the Bubnovsky system prevent the development of a hernia and reduce its size. This method is also called kinesitherapy.

The effectiveness of physical therapy according to the Bubnovsky system largely depends on the fulfillment of the following requirements. Necessary:

  • Maintain proper breathing.
  • Stretch your muscles and spine.
  • Complete absence of drug treatment.
  • Strengthen the muscle frame.

The impact should be on all muscles of the body, and especially on those that are subject to stress in everyday life.

The basic complex includes the following exercises:

  1. In yoga it is called “Cat”. Get on all fours, focusing on your palms and knees. Inhale and arch your back. Exhaling, bend in the opposite direction. Hold the pose for two to three seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10–20 times. Perform movements smoothly and slowly.
  2. Walking on your buttocks. Sit on the floor, keep your legs and back straight, arms at chest level. Walk forward using your butt muscles and come back. Perform 8–10 reps.
  3. "Bike". Starting position – lying on your back. Bend both legs at the knees and alternate your feet in a circle in the air (in other words, move as if you were riding a bicycle). Do the exercise for one minute.
  4. Side bends. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. As you inhale, bend to the right (do not bend your back), while exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement to the left. Perform the exercise ten times on each side.
  5. "Bridge". Lie on your back. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, bend, rising on your arms and legs to the maximum possible height. Hold the pose for three to five seconds. Do five reps.

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Causes of development of lumbar hernia

As a result of deformation of the L1–L5 intervertebral disc, accompanied by a displacement of the nucleus, rupture of the fibrous ring occurs. In this case, quite varied symptoms arise, which depend on which segment is affected.

The development of lumbar hernia is influenced by the following reasons:

  • spinal column injury (falls, blows);
  • osteochondrosis and hip dysplasia;
  • overweight and scoliosis;
  • incorrect back position when lifting weights;
  • smoking, which impairs the nutrition of intervertebral structures;
  • Frequently being in an uncomfortable position.

The appearance of a lumbar hernia is also influenced by a number of provoking factors, among which are the lack of physical activity and hereditary predisposition. Protrusion of the fibrous ring can occur in the presence of spinal pathologies such as spondylarthrosis and ankylosing spondylitis. According to statistics, men are more likely to suffer from lumbar hernia than women. The most susceptible to the development of this pathology are people whose professional activities involve sedentary work and monotonous movements. Infectious diseases can also trigger the development of a pathological process.

Choice of bed and pillows

An adjustable bed can be the optimal place to sleep. It is this that causes less pain when we begin to go to bed, due to the raised headboard. The upper part can be adjusted in height, choosing the optimal one for comfort. This elevated position reduces strain and pain.

The stores have a large assortment of orthopedic accessories, and the problem of choosing what to sleep on should not arise. You should choose a mattress of medium hardness. It is better to focus on your own weight. Double-sided mattresses are very comfortable, when one side is hard (suitable for exacerbation of the disease), the second is softer (used for the rehabilitation period).

When choosing a pillow, you should pay attention to an orthopedic one with neck support. This will help reduce stress throughout your back.

It is better to select all items from environmentally friendly materials, without allergens and foreign odors.

Classification of lumbar hernia

Symptoms of intervertebral disc deformation and rupture of the fibrous ring occur due to pinched nerve roots. The nature of the manifestation of a lumbar hernia depends on the area of ​​localization of the pathology.

Typological symptoms of protrusion in the lower spine depending on the damage to the segments:

  • L1–L2 - accompanied by pain radiating to the intestinal area, which is often mistaken for signs of appendicitis;
  • L2–L3 - characterized by discomfort in the knee area and impaired functioning of the genitourinary organs;
  • L3–L4 - lumbar hernia causes disturbances in urination processes, accompanied by pain, limitation of motor activity of the feet and knees;
  • L4–L5 - accompanied by pain and loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​the toes and feet. Often the pain radiates to the thigh or buttock, which interferes with normal motor activity.

Therapy is prescribed depending on the signs of the disease.

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