Treatment of joints in China: sanatoriums, healing agents

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Joint treatment has been practiced in China for many centuries.

Treatment of joint diseases in China has now become very popular. For some time, specialists from European countries spoke negatively about this therapy, but they also recognized it as effective. After all, this is logical, it was the Chinese who were able to combine modern methods of treatment and their traditional medicine.

Currently, there are a huge number of positive results after such therapy. Treatment of joints in China is a whole philosophy, it is passed down from generation to generation and it is simply not available to representatives of medicine in other countries.

  • Sanatoriums in China
  • Chinese healing remedies Chinese balms
  • Chinese drugs


  • Treatment of arthrosis at the TAO clinic
  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Types of arthrosis
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint
  • Arthrosis of the foot
  • Osteoarthritis of the hip joint
  • Arthrosis of the shoulder joint
  • Arthrosis of the ankle joint
  • Deforming arthrosis
  • Arthrosis of the cervical spine
  • Rheumatoid arthrosis
  • Post-traumatic arthrosis
  • Stages of arthrosis
  • What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis?

Where are joints treated in China?

There are many medical institutions specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system in all provinces of the country.

Where in China are joints and spine treated:

  • Dalian;
  • O. Hainan;
  • Hunchun;
  • Udalyanchi;
  • Urumqi;
  • Anshan;
  • Beidaihe;
  • Kunshan;
  • Beijing;
  • Suifenhe;
  • Taiyuan;
  • Tianjin;
  • Feidong;
  • Shanghai;
  • Shijiazhuang;
  • Harbin;
  • Heihe.

Each province has at least one institution specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in almost all clinics the medical staff speaks Russian.

China is famous for its resorts, sanatoriums, public hospitals, as well as methods of treating the spine, joints and other body systems. Clinics in Dalian, Hunchong, Hainan, Urumqi and sanatoriums in China are especially popular among patients.


The city is located in a resort area on the shores of the Yellow Sea, so many medical centers have been built here.

Clinics providing joint treatment in Dalian (updated information as of September 2021):

  • TCM clinic "VICTORIA" (former medical complex "Kerren"), on the territory of the hydropathic clinic there is a hot mineral spring;
  • Medical;
  • Sanatorium "Golden Stone";
  • TCM Clinic "KaEr" (former Sonata sanatorium complex);
  • MC "Bai Yuan".

In recent years, the following medical institutions have been closed or no longer accept foreign tourists:

  • Primorsky Military Hospital Dalian;
  • MC "Horizon";
  • Tai Shan TCM Center;
  • Dalian division of Tongrentan Corporation.

The healing climate, traditional medicine methods, and well-developed infrastructure contribute to recovery, wonderful relaxation, and also acquaintance with the culture of China.

Where to treat joints in Hunchun

The Xihe and Hua Ye hospitals are located here. These are multidisciplinary medical institutions that provide services at low cost. You can go to Hunchun by train from Ussuriysk or fly by plane from Vladivostok.

Treatment on Hainan Island

There are thermal springs on the Chinese island. They have a beneficial effect on joints. Clinics about. Hainan:

  • MC "Yukang";
  • He Sheng Tang healing complex.

Most government medical institutions are located in Sanya. They also have the right to treat tourists.

Medical facilities in Sanya:

  • Friendship (people's hospital);
  • NanmuNan (TCM center);
  • KNOA Hospital 301 (Hainan Branch).

Clinics on the island can also remove intervertebral hernias using minimally invasive methods.


The city is located on the northern side of the Tien Shan Mountains. In its vicinity there are geysers and ski resorts. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are treated at the Ha Li Xin Clinic. The methods of Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian traditional medicine are used here.

Sanatorium treatment in China

Two sanatoriums specialize in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The main general health methods are diet, massage, warming, qigong gymnastics, acupuncture. In addition, preparations are used for external and internal use. Where should you go?

Sanatoriums in China specializing in joint diseases:

  • Tangangzi (Anshan, there is a cold, thermal, mud hot spring);
  • Excellent worker, Qigong (Beidaihe, Hebei Province).

Here they treat flat feet, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, arthritis, and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The minimum course of therapy is 14 days. The price for the procedure depends on the complexity and medications used. Usually the cost varies from 10 to 700 yuan.

Treatment of arthrosis at the TAO clinic

Chinese (Oriental) medicine has long been famous for its serious approach to the treatment of many diseases.
Still would! Knowledge and skills here have been accumulated over centuries and multiplied almost every decade. The “program” for the treatment of arthrosis in our clinic is quite extensive. First, we carry out a comprehensive diagnosis. Based on the work of your pulse, we determine how damaged or “worn out” the joints are, the exact location, and the degree of pain. Control diagnostics are carried out at all stages of treatment.

The peculiarities of the treatment of arthrosis at the TAO clinic are that at any time we can change the treatment tactics: this is the main difference between Eastern medicine and Western medicine.

An excellent treatment for arthrosis is acupuncture. This ancient method allows you to quickly significantly reduce or completely eliminate pain, improve joint mobility, and “force” the body to produce more and more chondrocytes in large quantities.

The second no less important method of combating arthrosis is phytocompresses. The latter are a mixture of medicinal herbs heated to a certain temperature; a piece of fabric is dipped in them, which is then applied to biologically active points.

It is also possible to warm up with wormwood cigars.

Massage is mandatory for arthrosis; it allows you to restore joint mobility, relieve pain, in a word, it well and quickly “brings back to life” joints damaged by arthrosis.

In addition to the fact that by following all the recommendations of specialists, you get rid of an illness that has been tormenting you for a long time, the procedures described above increase immunity, stimulate metabolism, improve blood supply processes, nutrition of muscle fibers, and relieve fatigue. After treatment in our clinic, a person begins to feel renewed, rejuvenated, and begins to notice many previously unnoticed positive aspects of life. It’s as if previously invisible “chakras” are opening up.

Materials and methods

In the period from 01/01/2017 to 04/01/2018, I observed 36 patients with gonarthrosis of II–III degree and 29 patients with coxarthrosis of II–III degree (including 12 patients with aseptic necrosis of the femoral head) aged from 26 to 74 years, of these, 39 were women, 26 were men. The degree of osteoarthritis was confirmed by the results of MRI and radiography of the joints. The treatment was outpatient.

Assessment of functional disorders and pain syndrome before and after the treatment process was carried out for hip joints using the Harris scale, for knee joints using a visual analogue scale (VAS).

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint was carried out according to the scheme recommended by the specialists of the AOSIDI clinic: under aseptic conditions under local anesthesia (lidocaine 2% - 120 mg + vitamin B12 - 2 ml + saline - 12 ml), a pinpoint dissection of the fascia, muscles and joint capsule was made from 5 standard points in the supratrochanteric and trochanteric region of the thigh (Fig. 2, 3); The treatment phase consisted of 4 weekly sessions and 5 subsequent monthly sessions with a Harris Scale assessment at the end of the treatment phase.

Treatment of grade II-III gonarthrosis was also carried out according to the regimen recommended by the specialists of the AOSIDI clinic: under aseptic conditions under local anesthesia (lidocaine 2% - 120 mg + vitamin B12 - 2 ml + saline - 12 ml), a pinpoint dissection of the fascia, quadriceps tendon, of the patellar ligament and joint capsule from 5 standard points (Fig. 4) once or, if pain persists, repeat procedures weekly for no more than 3 weeks, assessing the results of treatment using VAS.

During the first 2 days, patients were not recommended to engage in physical activity in order to prevent inflammatory complications; in case of severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were prescribed.

Due to the emerging subjective feeling of “instability” in the joint, in some cases walking with the help of a cane or crutches was prescribed until the condition returned to normal. In 24 (66.6%) patients with gonarthrosis, as well as patients with high physical activity, after the needle procedure, kinesio tape was applied to the knee joint to stimulate local blood supply and reduce possible swelling. It should be noted that in no case was there any generalized hyperthermia, infectious or neurological complications.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of arthrosis is considered to be a violation of metabolic processes. Because of this, the tissue of the joints becomes thinner, a lack of cartilage tissue occurs, and the organ ceases to perform its function correctly. Inflammation and pain occur. Moreover, this process is avalanche-like, progressive, proceeds quite quickly, sometimes brings unbearable pain to its “owner”, and significantly reduces the quality of life. However, many are slow to get a diagnosis and proper treatment.

Excess weight, the onset of menopause, improper distribution of loads during physical training are also the main causes of arthrosis.

If we talk about Chinese diagnostics, then experts tend to see a violation of the energy balance of the renal meridian in the causes of arthrosis. In essence, this is a metabolic disorder, as well as problems with the lymphatic and endocrine systems, a violation of general and local immunity.

Popular Chinese remedies for joints

Today, it is easy to buy a medical drug or device for individual use through online stores. Most often, consumers order ointments and orthopedic products.

Experts recommend paying attention to the Shuboshi device. You can use it at home to relieve sore joints or muscles. With its electrical impulses it replaces acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage. This reduces the degree of pain of various etiologies. The cost of the device is from 5,000 rubles.

Joint ointments

External remedies relieve symptoms and accelerate tissue regeneration. Particularly popular are Chinese ointments for joints “White Tiger” and “Pianping” (or 999). They are created on the basis of natural ingredients, complement the main treatment well, and have positive consumer reviews. The ointments are similar in composition, so they have almost the same effect on the joints.

Symptoms of the disease

Arthrosis is quite easy to distinguish. Its onset will be indicated by fairly severe pain, stiffness of movement, and inability to perform physical activity. This disease is especially dangerous for professional athletes and coaches. For them, the appearance of arthrosis of any type of joint is a death sentence for career advancement.

A slight swelling, crunching, muscle tension, etc. may also occur. If nothing is done, the joint will become deformed, and then the treatment will be longer and more painful. Often the situation can only be saved by joint replacement and long-term rehabilitation.

Clinical example

A 32-year-old young man applied in April 2021 to be included in the register of those in need of hip replacement.

He was previously diagnosed with “Bilateral aseptic necrosis of the femoral heads, secondary coxarthrosis, stage II.” Combined contractures of the hip joints. Pain syndrome".

He considered himself ill for a year and complained of constant pain in the hip joints, limited movement in the hip joints, and changes in gait. Objectively: pronounced bilateral lameness and limitation of active and passive movements in the hip joints, palpation - pain in the inguinal folds, trochanteric region and increased tone of the gluteal muscles.

According to CT data from March 15, 2017: CT signs of aseptic necrosis of the head of the left femur, stage I-II; cysts of the head of the right femur; hydroarthrosis on the left. The patient was offered a course of acupuncture as an alternative to joint replacement at a young age, consent was obtained, and treatment began: 4 sessions weekly for the first month and 5 subsequent sessions monthly, simultaneously on both sides.

Upon completion of one course, according to the recommendations of the AOSIDI clinic specialists, a break was taken for 6 months. It should be noted that after the first course of treatment, the patient, on his own initiative, interrupted treatment for 10 months, since the pain syndrome no longer bothered him, but returned when I explained to him the need to continue treatment. On the control MRI dated April 4, 2019 (2 years after the CT scan dated March 15, 2017): more evidence for aseptic necrosis of the heads of both femoral bones of stage II–III.

Single subchondral cysts in the femoral heads. Moderate bilateral synovitis. Two years after treatment, pain in the hip joints is very rare, only after significant physical activity, the restriction of movement in both joints is insignificant, social function is active, there is currently no desire to operate the joints

Types of arthrosis

We can talk about primary or secondary types of arthrosis. In the first case, this diagnosis is made when the cause that led to this disease is unknown. In secondary arthrosis, the cause is usually well known. Among the main causes are injuries, impaired immune processes, arthritis, diseases of the endocrine system, and serious autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus.

A very serious type of arthrosis is polyarthrosis. In this case, several joints are affected at once, for example, the knee and hip.


In cases where painful episodes recur monthly or more often, it is first necessary to conduct x-rays in several projections. As a rule, radiography allows us to determine pathological changes in the facet joints. However, CT allows better visualization of not only the joints, but also other structures of the spine.

MRI is not as effective for diagnosing this spinal pathology, but is very useful when it is necessary to diagnose a herniated disc or problems in the abdominal cavity.

But the most informative in this regard is the injection of a small amount of contrast agent into the facet joints, followed by radiography.

What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis?

Osteoarthritis and arthritis are quite easy to distinguish. The first disease occurs as age-related changes, due to injuries, metabolic disorders, and so on.

Arthritis is inflammatory changes in the joints. They occur due to infection.

The symptoms of both arthritis and arthrosis are, in general, similar. This is swelling, crunching, pain. However, the same pain differs in a number of ways. With arthrosis, severe pain can occur exclusively in a state of movement and precisely in the location of the affected joint; at rest it is practically absent. With arthritis, pain occurs during physical activity, sometimes during sleep, or when staying in the same position for a long time. When changing body position, the pain disappears.

The nature of the pain also differs. So, with arthritis it is acute, periodic, “twitching” in nature, and with arthrosis it is aching, “dull.”


In all cases, there was a change in the nature of the pain - from habitual to pain at the incision sites during the first 2-3 days; habitual pain decreased significantly during the same period.

When assessing patients with diseases of the hip joints, the average score on the Harris scale is 41, after a course of treatment with the needle knife method, the average score is 75, the average improvement is 34 points, which is regarded as a significant improvement in the patient’s condition (the maximum number of points on the Harris scale is 100).

At the same time, in 5 patients (17.2%) with degree II coxarthrosis, a complete absence of pain was stated, even when walking long distances and playing sports.

The results of treatment with a needle knife in patients with gonarthrosis were assessed using a visual analogue scale (from 0 to 10), which included not only an assessment of the severity of pain, but also subjective improvement in the function of the knee joint. Before treatment, the average VAS score was 4.1, after the needling procedures the patient’s score was 8.3 (average improvement - 4.2 points), in 7 patients (19.4%) the pain syndrome was completely relieved.

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